project showcase
XGN-Xtended Green Node Web enabled software for smooth conduction of day to day operations at any State Pollution Control Board in India About the Project XGN, developed by NIC (National Informatics Center) for the Gujarat Pollution Board, facilitates day to day operations at field office and industries in the state. XGN helps the board in implementation of Pollution & Environment Acts (air, water and hazardous waste). End users are the 300 technical and scientific staff at 13 field offices in Gujarat and 100 personnel at GPCB (Gujarat Pollution Control Board). Other stakeholders are the industries, hospitals/clinics, bio medical waste handlers, common effluent treatment plants. Any expansion of the industry, changes in finished products, modification in air pollution control measures, change in treatment process of the effluent released by industries, increase in hazardous waste-is always preceded by online application on XGN for an consent to operate to be issued by the board. Any application is followed by an inspection in which air, water, hazard related samples are drawn and tested for the critical parameters in PCB laboratories. All the functionalities are carried out through XGN. XGN enables legal actions like showcause notices, closure directions and revocation orders after bank guarantees by the industries / hospitals.
Innovation Factor The core of XGN lies in the e-Movement and online processing of e-files leading to stoppage of physical files. Average daily users are approximately 75 technical staff, 70 scientist, and 652 industries. 85 percent of the online application for NOC/consent is cleared “in principle” before it actually physically lands at the field office. All Transactions, location of e-file details or even status of various returns are preserved in e-Box. e-Communication Module i.e. SMS, e-Talk, e-Message Box and timely alerts is the core of XGN. Also, there is effective usage of e-TALK between various stake holders. Queries are in form of SMS and immediate reflection of replies results into speedier disposals.
Need for the Project • Very high pendency of NOC, consent applications due to rapid growth of industrialisation in Gujarat. • Maintenance and updating of manual records/files, information retrieval was quite tedious and time consuming. • Monitoring Teams’ bulk time consumed by monotonous and repetitive work flows, leading to not-enough-time for inspections, samplings, legal actions and other daily chores. • Manual tracking of consent defaulters, payment defaulters was a lengthy process and un-accurate. • Identification of industries in particular sensitive category was not possible due to
non- availability of accurate, precise, bulk, decision making data available at one-go. • Physical file movement and manual compliances of queries at various stages took its toll on speedier disposal of files. • Apart from final decisions, the delivery and communication of final decisions may lead to corruption and manipulations. • Staff too much bogged down with the monotonous and tedious report writing. No quality time for actual monitoring of pollution control measures by industries.
Scalability It had been developed for Gujarat Pollution Control Board. In the last year replicated for
Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal and Goa. The Goa project is already underway, in addition requests from three more states have been received. 18 regional offices in Gujarat, 10 in Himachal Pradesh, two in Uttaranchal and Goa have been using XGN in totality. All head offices of the states are a part of XGN. A total of 34,000 industries and 36,000 hospitals / clinics and 320 PCB staff take the advantage of XGN spread all over these three states. On an average, daily, the project is used by approximately 75 technical staff, 70 scientist, and 652 industries Various NGOs have been given authorisation login IDs to retrieve XGN data and use it for their research purposes. December 2011 / / egov