India to Spend Rs 4,500 Crore on e-Panchayat
e-Governance Project for Panchayati Raj Institutions (e-Panchayat) will cost India Rs 4,500 crore over three years. This includes providing computing as well as connectivity facilities to all 236,000 panchayats in the country across 31 states and Union Territories. e-Panchayat has the potential to revolutionise panchayats by inducing mass ICT usage which will help in increasing efficiency at all levels. The project will focus on three activities— identification of information and services needs of all stakeholders, process reengineering and preparation of detailed project report (DPR) for Mission Mode Project (MMP). Identified as one of the mission mode projects under National e-governance Plan (NeGP), e-Panchayat proposes to provide a whole range of IT related services. It includes decentralised database and planning, budgeting and accounting, implementation and monitoring of central and state sector schemes, citizen-centric services, unique codes to Panchayats and Individuals and essential GIS based applications.
e-Ticketing Service Launched by MSRTC First e-Ticketing service for the bus travelers in the state of Maharashtra has been launched by Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC). The service will be offered in partnership with Trimax IT Infrastructure and Services Limited on build, operate and transfer (BOT) basis.
Bus travelers in Maharashtra will now be able to book their tickets through the MSRTC website within a matter of few minutes. This initiative will give a major boost to the growth of public road transport in the state of Maharashtra and increase the state governments’ revenues. This service will be available for buses associated with Maharashtra State Road Transport travelling across Maharashtra.
Bihar Service Commission to go Hi-Tech The Bihar government has decided to fully computerise the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC). C o n s e q u e n t l y, thousands of administrative job aspirants will be able to submit their applications without any problem. Bihar state’s Information Technology (IT) department has already started the process of computerising BPSC completely. Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) is responsible for conducting all administrative examinations for premier state government services in the state, such as Bihar Administrative Service, Bihar Police Service and Bihar Financial Service.
98.98% availability, making it operational almost 24 hours a day, seven days a week and 365 days a year.
Website for Missing Children to be Launched by MP Government The Government of Madhya Pradesh is set to launch a website for missing children in the state. The website being implemented under the state’s Women and Child Development (WCD) department is aimed at enabling authorities identify and track the missing kids. The Integrated Child Protection Scheme (ICPS) will entail integration of all the 18 different schemes for the protection of child rights and security, which would now be implemented by a single department. The collection of data about missing children and the implementation the various schemes under an integrated ICPS has already been started with the help of National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development (NIPCCD) and other child rights agencies. Madhya Pradesh is the sixth state to sign a memorandum of understanding with the central government for the implementation of ICPS.
Orissa for e-Registration
India’s First Level 3 Data Centre soon in Karnataka Karnataka will soon have the country’s first level 3 data centre. The data centre will be used to host government applications and related data, and will have a massive storage capacity of over 90 terabytes to meet the digital storage needs of Karnataka. The state government has already prepared a request for proposal for the project and is awaiting approval from the central government. A level 3 data centre typically has advanced storage capacity and has
of Land Records The state of Orissa has introduced hassle-free e-Registration of sale and purchase of land through a public private partnership. This move would ensure faster, simpler, accurate system of automation for all the 64 types of deeds in 177 sub-registrar offices as centers. Orissa Computer Application Centre and Industrial Development Corporation joined hands to form an e-Governance Services Ltd to carry out