eGov-Jan-2010-[20-25]-Expert Speak

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implementation challenges in e-Governance

expert speak

The key challenges are: e-Infrastructure, which is inadequate and uneven. Then there is a need for better awareness and e-Literacy. Capacity is another area of concern, both within and outside of the government, and for long-term sustainability there is an urgent need to address these at the national level. Complex governance structure, size and complexity of the need on the ground, makes implementation models very complex and difficult to achieve. Last but not the least, evolving Public Private Partnership (PPP) models, harnessing and engagement of private sector resources is still an issue, which needs to be addressed.

Shankar Aggarwal Joint Secretary, Department of IT, Government of India and CEO, National Institute of Smart Government

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M.N.Vidyashankar Principal Secretary, e-Governance Department, Government of Karnataka

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Anniversary Special


Taking a holistic view and arriving at an integrated solution Enhancing technology penetration to the last mile in e-Governance Timely completion of e-Governance projects Capacity building to make e-Governance solutions sustainable in the medium and long term Hiring the right mix of personnel for sustaining the project

Lack of high level (cabinet) sponsorship for e-Governance programmes. Lack of interest and understanding of the senior management of the government in overall e-Governance principals. Long delays in implementing e-Governance projects due to technical issues or lack or government agency support. Lack of access to Internet , especially for rural population to reap the benefits of e-Governance. Lack of ICT HR development and sustainable plan in government

Prof P.W. Epasinghe Chairman, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka

egov 5th Anniversary Special issue

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eGov-Jan-2010-[20-25]-Expert Speak by eGov Magazine - Elets Technomedia Pvt Ltd - Issuu