e-Governance issues in 2010
expert speak
As we enter the consolidation phase of the e-Governance initiatives undertaken so far in India, the focus during 2010 is likely to be on the integration and interoperability of the various systems and applications developed independently. Another focus area would be the evolution of more robust implementation models – how much to outsource and how much to hold within? Data management and security and ownership and control issues, including sharing across programmes, will remain important issues to deal with. The next year may have a closer appraisal of the topdown versus bottoms-up approach. This will also reflect on the Centre-State relations’ paradigm.
Shankar Aggarwal Joint Secretary, Department of IT, Government of India and CEO, National Institute of Smart Government
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M.N.Vidyashankar Principal Secretary, e-Governance Department, Government of Karnataka
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Anniversary Special
Taking Common Service Centres to every gram panchayat (village level) and building a robust revenue model around them Rolling out e-Governance module on the Public Private Partnership (PPP) platform Placing State Service Delivery Gateway in position Providing bandwidth to every gram panchayat in the state/ country Making technology address the issues on ‘inclusive governance’
High level government (cabinet level) involvement for eGovernance programmes. Setting and implementing the governance models for crossagency projects such as Lanka Government Network and Lanka Gate. Securing the top level government support for finalising the Lanka Interoperability Framework. Building the support and buying–in for implementation of cross agency e-Services such as e-Procurement, e-Human Resource Management and e-Financial Management system. Finalising the Software Development Governance.
Prof P.W. Epasinghe Chairman, Information and Communication Technology Agency (ICTA) of Sri Lanka
egov 5th Anniversary Special Issue