eGov-July-2010-[24-26]-Bang! A Traffic Lore

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case study


Project Name B-TRAC 2010 or Bangalore Traffic Improvement Project The organisation Bangalore City Traffic Police Key People Praveen Sood, IGP and Additional Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Sudhir R, Sub Inspector and officerin-charge, TMC

Praveen Sood IGP and Additional CP Traffic)

Problem and Challenges n Rapidly growing vehicular population n Heavy traffic congestion in peak hours n Inadequate infrastructure n Trust and discipline deficit among citizens regarding traffic rules and the traffic department

By Pratap Vikram Singh Photo Sujith Sujan

Bang! A traffic lore? A previously clogged traffic system now stays afloat as fatalities have come down and RoI is in sight too 24

egov / / July 2010

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