Pakistan gets its Largest Data Centre
Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited (PTCL) has launched the largest data centre in Pakistan, the first of which will be located in Karachi. The PTCL Data Centre is protected from intrusion and failure with multi-layered security, fail-safe redundancy, diversity measures, and rapid response recovery measures. It is designed and built to accommodate the comprehensive data in a secured managed and climatically controlled environment. This data centre is engineered using the same rigid specifications, consistent with international standards and data centre certification bodies and is enabled with technologies that proactively manages and enterprises missioncritical applications for predictable and continuous performance.
Internet Kiosks with Wireless Access in Rural Areas of Macedonia By June 2010 three private operators will install 680 Internet kiosks with wireless
Internet access for the citizens of the rural areas across Macedonia.
Bangladesh to Follow Singapore in ICT
The service the operators will need to provide includes the installation of the Internet kiosks that will be located in rural areas close to schools, through which the wireless system will transmit free Internet signal within a radius of 250 meters.
Bangladesh on to follow experiences and practices of Singapore in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to achieve its vision for a digital country by 2021.
Australian Government Integrates e-Health Systems Tasmania’s Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has released a request for tender for the implementation and support of a system to pull together data from various legacy systems into one electronic health record. The contract will be for five years, and will commence from July 2010 and last until the end of June 2015. Tasmania’s hospitals and health professionals have been running multiple systems for different requirements, such as iSoft’s iPatient Manager and Homer for patient administration, as well as iSoft’s EDIS system for the emergency departments. The idea was to have a single view of Tasmanian patients. Integration, ease of navigation and user interface were key for the tender. The finished product will serve as a foundation for the three areas of health services, statewide and mental health services, Tasmanian Ambulance Service and other business units within DHHS.
Singapore has been consistently ranked as one of the top countries in e-Governance and for ease of doing business. Today in Singapore, over 2,000 government services are available online. Drawing on the Singapore example, the Bangladesh government’s vision of Digital Bangladesh can be a catalyst to improve service delivery to citizens and business in Bangladesh.
Ministry of Labor at Saudi Arabia goes Electronic The Ministry of Labor will start providing services through its e-Government system from March 1, 2010. The ministry of Planning and Development will provide employment services and issue work permits via the website The official explained that the new electronic service will also include the issuance and renewal of work permits, where applicants can pay the fees and complete all other procedures through the website without the need to visit the labor offices. People seeking jobs can register through this link and be nominated for jobs tailored to their qualifications and experience in the private sector. 30