bytes from secure it event held on 4th march 2010 new Delhi Ashwini Kumar, Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI), Director spoke to egov on the the technological intervention in enhancing the state of public safety and security in our country. He noted the public is concerned about the whole cyber space and the IT security as they are insecure and feel their identity and the data is unsafe and might be lost. He emphasised there is a need to keep the police informed that the Internet and the cyber space are controlled by the government, further which is controlled by the agencies which are purely ethical and truthful and are working for the betterment of the public. He noted that the people who have a vested interest in interfering in the cyber space are very few. He further informed the government and the public that the Internet is in secure hands and the CBI will do everything possible to ensure that it remains secure.
B C Nayak, Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited (ONGC), Director in conversation with egov on the security scenario in the country highlighted a lot has changed after the Mumbai attacks, still the possibility of the attacks from across the border cant be ruled out. All the possible measures have to be taken into consideration to avoid any occurrence of such things in the future. He informed in the wake of 26/11, awareness has come in a big way and there has been a change in the attitude of the police and in the use of the security gadgets. He pointed that tremendous demand for security gadgets has increased all over as gadgets are far more reliable than human beings; but it is equally important to train men behind the machines. There has to be a judicious mix of men and machines to upgrade the security. Key issues which he talked of under cyber security are, the policy framework which has to be implemented all over, it is equally important to ensure that the public is well informed and aware of the policies. He further added that the training of the personnel who are to use the IT security policies is important to ensure the laws are implemented in a proper way.
Flip Side by Santulan Chaubey