eGov-May-2011-[6-7]-We Will Be World Leaders-Kapil Sibal

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keynote keynote

Kapil Sibal Union Minister for Communications and Information Technology

“We Will Be World Leaders�


ith the advent and proliferation of information and communication technologies, the world will be interconnected through a cyber system, in the coming years. The world will know no boundaries and there will be information flow from one part to another. The cyber infrastructure will let the world communicate with each other. When the cyber infrastructure is put in place, the way we interact with each other and the way we build our development processes will


egov / / May 2011

be far easier than it is now and the citizens will be truly empowered. That of course is the objective of the ICT revolution. It ultimately leads to the empowerment of the citizen, who has no information and thus cannot exercise his constitutional rights. I have, therefore, always believed that the right to information (RTI) should be a part of right to free speech. Unless RTI is made part of right to freedom of speech and expression, information will be a commodity and will not be available as freely as it should be. A farmer, who is tilling his land or harvesting his crop,

must know when he should go to the market. He must also have weather information from the weather department through GIS technology. He must know what will be the quantum of rain that his field is going to get. Similarly, fisherman must know when he should go out and fish. He should know which part of the ocean has chlorophyll and which does not. The general public must have information on when a Tsunami is going to hit. One of the reasons why the Japanese were able to protect themselves was because of their technological advancement. They have made the

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