TCS to Automate Karnataka Treasury Department Karnataka government has signed an MoU with Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to roll out Khajane II, a project aimed at bringing greater transparency and efficiency in financial management of the Treasury Department. The project would be implemented on a pilot basis at 10 centres of the Treasury Department from April 2012 and would be extended to the entire state by 2013. “The project will benefit citizens in paying their taxes, fees for various services; monitor their contributions to pension funds, and insurance schemes of the state government,” Finance Department Principal Secretary, NV Nagarajan said. Khajane II will cover about 24,000 disbursing centres of the Treasury Department helping realtime clearance of about 40 lakh vouchers, 80 lakh challans, pension of lakhs of retired government employees and salaries of over six lakh state government employees. It will bring in tighter integration between various wings of government and also network external agencies like the Accountant General’s office, Reserve Bank of India, commercial banks and post offices. Treasuries and banks will be able to interact online through a secured network and share information.
social networking
Helping the common man file an RTI application in an easier way is soon to be reality, with the state government of Karnataka is planning to come up with BPO for filing the RTI applications. However, the project for the set up is still awaiting cabinet approval. CMC Limited, a Tata group company, had won the bid for setting up a BPO for the process and a letter of intent was also given. According to state government officials, the project is a Rs 7 crore project. Companies like CMC Ltd, Mindtree, Aditya Birla Minacs Worldwide Ltd and Wipro had participated in the bidding. Karnataka presently sees around 60,000 to 65,000 RTI filings every year. The new BPO centre will help a person file an RTI both in Kannada and English. Under the initiative, anybody can file an RTI application relating to all government departments and corporations in the state over phone.
SAP India announced the availability of ChariTra, an on-demand network created by SAP Labs in India that connects volunteers, non-profits and corporations to work together toward causes and make a difference in their communities. An abbreviation of “charity transformation,” ChariTra was designed and released by the SAP Labs team in India within 90 days. ChariTra enables nonprofits to post their resource needs to a large community of people who want to help make a difference and to mobilize volunteers and resources toward a specific activity. For individuals and corporations, ChariTra allows them to easily find causes that they want to support, connect with non-profits and other like-minded individuals, and share their experiences and outcomes with others. ChariTra recently enabled over 50 non-profits and thousands of volunteers throughout India’s Joy of Giving week, a nationwide event during which millions of people volunteered their time and resources to many causes. For example, HOPE child care center needed volunteers and had success using ChariTra to find resources to help. Initially debuted to the India market, ChariTra will soon be launched globally.
CMC to Build BPO for RTI Filing in Karnataka
SAP Unveils ChariTra, an On-Demand Network for NGOs
Smart ID and Cross Match Bag Approval for India’s UID Program Smart Identity Devices Pvt. Ltd. (Smart ID) has announced that it has been certified as one of the first suppliers of biometric devices for India’s unique identification (UID) program along with its technology partner, Cross Match Technologies. Smart ID received the Certificate of Approval for Cross Match’s rugged and dependable Guardian fingerprint capture device and the I SCAN dual iris capture device on October 7, 2011. Both systems utilise Cross Match’s patented Auto Capture feature, which quickly captures high-quality images with minimal
operator involvement. The Certificate of Approval, which is valid for three years, was issued after completion of all tests required to demonstrate compliance with the quality requirements of Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). The certification body consists of the Standardization, Testing and Quality Certification (STQC) Directorate of the Government of India’s Department of Information Technology (DIT) and the UIDAI. The tests performed by the STQC included the following criteria: Physical & Dimensional, Image
Quality, Environmental (Durability /Climatic), Safety, EMI/ EMC, Security, Functional, Performance, Interoperability, Ease of Use & Ergonomics. Smart ID along with Cross Match was also the first company to receive the Provisional Certificate
for use in the UID program in September, 2010. This certificate marked the first step of the certification process and was the prerequisite for the deployment of thousands of fingerprint and iris scanners currently used for the enrollment process of the UID program.
November 2011 / / egov