eGov-Oct-2010-[6-7]-Getting Ready For G2C Play

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Getting ready for G2C play Households, the primary citizen groupings, are beginning to lead consumption of PCs—the devices that will access e-Gov services By Pratap Vikram Singh


ith the Indian economy recuperating from the slowdown and expected to grow at 8.5 percent, organisations would be hiring on a big scale and the purchase of desktop and notebook would be on the swing. According to Manufacturers’ Association for Information Technology (MAIT), notebook sales, which had suffered badly in the previous year, made a phenomenal comeback during the fiscal 2009-10 with a remarkable growth of 65 percent year-on-year. This growth was primarily driven by the household segment, which accounted for about 56 percent of the total notebook sales and registered a growth of 87 percent during 2009-10 over the previous year. In a market analysis, MAIT notes that notebooks are no more restricted to the high-income segment, which used to be the traditional buyer of these devices. Notebooks have started making rapid inroads into the lower income groups as well. Netbook sales were largely driven by the household segment which accounted for almost three-fourth of total netbook sales during 2009-10.

Uptrend in PCs is back The MAIT study did the market segmentation of businesses versus households. It reported


egov / / October 2010

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