Contents September 2010
second grid grid name issue 06 n volume 09
Case StudyCitizencentric! How Sanjog Helpline is helping Orissa manage its PDS better
opinion Needed, a unified clearinghouse! An IT platform for all centre-state transaction is a must for GST
analysis Extending Moore’s law With McAfee in its fold, Intel is looking at packing security on the chip
opinion A curve to the ‘B’ storm? India needs to find a non-intrusive way of handling the Blackberry issue
PATHTAKERS ashis sanyal
14 | cover story
Nurturing an idea is more crucial than making strategies
Food for All While technology is not a panacea, it can still be a powerful tool in improving the effectiveness of PDS in India. It can help bring in the much needed transparency in the system and drive consistent efforts to streamline efficiencies at administrative and monitoring levels
gov talk ashank desai Use dashboard-based approach to monitor and manage PDS
interview neeraj gill On how IP-based communications can help governments
egov / / September 2010
technology The process accelerator e-Procurement can help speed up government project roll out
further reading Editorial 03 News 08 industry News 10 eindia 2010 report 36 last page 50