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Hamara Lucknow The core of Lucknow City displays a combina on of unique cultural a rac ons that is s ll very much alive and retains its old world charm. Popularly known as the ‘City of Nawabs’, Lucknow is by far one of the most admired ci es of India and the capital of U ar Pradesh. The cultural heritage of Lucknow was pre y much influenced by the Mughal Era and you find Mughal touch in almost everything that relates to the culture of Lucknow. Be it the lip-smacking cuisine, the deligh ul music and dance forms or the conversa on language, everything has a touch of the royal splendor that Lucknow once flourished in. Charm and the fascina on of Lucknow are famous across the Globe. The city is famous for its Ganga- Jamuni Tehzeeb along with the Nazakat & Nafasat of lifestyle as well as the sophis ca on of the Zabaan-e Lucknow. Sincere efforts are needed to preserve and promote the Lucknawi heritage. The reminiscent of Mughal & Nawabi Era in this intricately carved city is amongst the most visited tourist des na ons of U ar Pradesh. Some of the famous heritage spots in Lucknow include Qaiserbagh Palace Complex, Rumi Darwaza, Chowk Bazar & Cha ar Manzil areas covering most of these places and giving an iden ty to the city.



MAKING IT POSSIBLE By inculca ng the idea on of crea ng a sustainable tomorrow with the right amalgama on of Government & Ci zen together, ar cula ng the Vision and Blueprint of the NEW EDITION LUCKNOW.

Smart City Mission The conceptualisa on of Smart City varies from city to city and country to country, depending on the level of development, willingness to change and reform, resources and aspira ons of the city residents. A smart city would have a different connota on in India than Europe. Even in India, there is no one way of defining a smart city.

Lucknow Municipal Corpora on Keeping in mind the benefits of popula on, development of the city and solving various infrastructure & social issues happening in the metropolis, Lucknow Municipal Corpora on has been formed as an essen al government body whose main mo ve is be erment of populace and municipal ac vi es of the city.

Lucknow Smart City Limited As per the Government of India’s guidelines, Lucknow Municipal Corpora on (LMC) has formed a Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) as Lucknow Smart City Limited for the implementa on of projects under the smart city mission for the city of Lucknow. This SPV shall carry end to end responsibility for vendor selec on, implementa on, and opera onaliza on of various smart city projects.


Lucknow Smart City ProďŹ le Lucknow has been selected as one of the Smart Ci es under Urban Ministry. The Smart City Mission was launched by Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri. Narendra Modi ji on June 21, 2015. The Municipal Corpora on has prepared the Smart City Proposal that will provide smart solu ons to the urban infrastructure issues. The approach towards making Lucknow a Smart City involves improving resource management by adding connec vity and intelligence within exis ng infrastructure. All of ours citywide solu ons are envisioned to develop clean, green & eďŹƒcient Lucknow as a ci zen centric city with modern economy & outlook anchored in its tradi onal heritage & culture with a great quality of life.


Qaiserbagh or Kaiser Bagh is an area in the city of Lucknow, located in the heart of Lucknow city. The site includes several buildings and gardens that was constructed under the order of Nawab Wajid Ali Shah, who envisioned the place as a paradise. Qaiserbagh is the chosen retroďŹ t area consis ng of 813 acres. it is the area that merge the old & new Lucknow making it a unique des na on of the City. The challenges of this area are plugging in the smartness, in an exis ng area. The idea is to provide the basic level of services along with the smartness of scalability and replaceability for the citywide area.


The strategic focus and blueprint for

Lucknow Smart City will comprise interven ons in four focal points namely:

Jeevant Lucknow (Liveable): The stress on physical and social infrastructure emerged as one of the threats & it gets strengthened even more. Now it has becomes necessary to provide the city with basic infrastructure to meet the demand and supply gap in a proac ve approach. A holis c transforma on across infrastructure delivery will be carried out in a phased manner to provide be er quality of life.


Sugam Lucknow (Mobility): TraďŹƒc and transporta on has emerged as the major concern, hence resul ng as our main theme for city wide interven on. Smart solu ons will be implemented in the city in sync to Area Based Development & Pan City Development Programs. Smart Mobility Solu ons (smart bus shelters, smart parking solu ons etc.) related to the concerns iden ďŹ ed would focus on providing be er movement of traďŹƒc, encouraging walkability and cyclablity for commuters ease.

Swachh Lucknow (Clean): Sanita on emerged as another prime concern. Open Defeca on, Solid Waste Management, Poor Sanita on, Pollu on, Unorganized and inaccessible open spaces emerged as major concern in making Lucknow Smart City. As ini a ves are under progress to address these concerns by city Wide Administra ons, Smart Interven ons on these lies under Smart City in Area Based Development & Pan City Development would help facilitate sustainable Green Solu ons. The impact of proposed ini a ve would result in providing a Safe, Green and Vibrant city level recrea onal space.

Samruddh Lucknow (Prosperous): Harnessing on its strengths of Heritage, Culture, Handicra , Cuisine and connec vity to encourage tourism by strengthening the support system that eventually facilitate employment (direct and indirect). This would help conserve the city’s unique culture and showcase it to the world.


Smart City Knowledge Management Centre- Integrated Command & Control Centre Strengethning & Augmenta on of Water Supply Distribu on Network of Kaiserbagh Area alongwith Smart Metering and SCADA PNG Network System in Qaiserbagh Area Solar Roo op PV of Govt. Buildings in Qaiserbagh Area Waste Water Treatment & Reuse in Govt. Buildings of Qaiserbagh Area Beau ďŹ ca on of Parks & Greens & Establishing WiFi Hotspots Gom River front Development Building of Night Shelters Infrastructure works & facili es at slums Strengethning & Augmenta on of Drainage Network of Qaiserbagh Area

Control and Command Centre Project Descrip ons: The Integrated Command & Control Centre will serve as a shared space to host backend systems of various Pan City components of the smart city proposal. It will be a common facility from where various smart components shall be operated and monitored such as smart signals, smart vehicles, intelligent street lights, smart parking, city survillance, solid waste etc. project component includes : i. Environmental Sensors ii. Variable Message Signs iii. Integrated CCC for integra ng following services a) E –governance b) Solid Waste Management Services c) Smart Parking’s d) Energy Efficient Street Ligh ng e) ICT for city bus services f) City surveillance g) UP Dial 100 h) SCADA System i) GPS tracking Vehicles j) Unified Smart Mobility Card k) Biometric A endance System- LMC The core objec ve of establishing Command & Control Centre is to provide a common ICT facility for hos ng the backend systems of various proposed Pan City smart components and to act as a central monitoring and management pla orm for the same. It also includes analy cs of real me data enabling the authori es in decision making process related to infrastructure planning and safety and security measures across Lucknow. 10







Key objec ves : · Pla orm for monitoring and managing traffic flows on the roads in the city and various other systems related to traffic management. · Pla orm for monitoring opera onal and performance aspects related to public transport, parking, informa on dissemina on, ci zen service delivery, etc. · Aggrega on of various data feeds received from sensors/systems and further process informa on out of these data feeds to provide interface /dashboards for genera ng alerts and no fica ons in real me. · Equip city administra on to respond quickly and effec vely to any incidents/ crisis situa on in city. The Command & Control Centre for fies the coordina on among mul ple agencies in response to incidents/emergencies/crisis situa ons. · CCC will house various smart components, which shall use the data and intelligence gathered from opera ons of other elements so that civic services and emergency services are delivered lot more efficiently and in an informed fashion. Pollu on & environment sensors will gather data about pollu on, temperature, rains and other iden fied parameters.

Strengthening and Augmenta on of Water Supply Distribu on Network, Smart Metering and SCADA System The overall objec ve of the project is to ensure to have adequate water supply (24x7) in ABD area; Water Supply System for the City was planned dividing the city into five water supply service districts namely A, B, C, D, & E. ABD area falls in districts A comprises of 7 Nagar Nigam wards which are as following. 1. Peer jalil ward 2. Wazeer Ganj ward 3. Rani Laxmi Bai 4. J.C. bose 5. Hazratganj 6. Yadunathsanyal 7. Nazar Bagh Project Components: Works proposed under water supply are: a) 600, 450, 400, 250 Dia DI K-9 Rising main of 9.38 Km with Road reinstatement From Aishbagh to Lalbagh Zonal via Aminabad zonal. b) 1000 KL CWR at proposed zonal pumping sta on Aminabad, 1500 KL OHT Aminabad, 1300 KL OHT at Lalbagh. c) Augmenta on & strengthening of CWR at Lalbagh including pumping machinery. d) Augmenta on of Distribu on system e) Strengthening of 'ABD' area of smart city within Nagar Nigam area of Lucknow city. f) Segrega on of zones within 'ABD' area g) Installa on of bulk water metering at source & distribu on sta on. h) Installa on of AMR metering at individual consumer end. i) SCADA system for “ABD” area. j) Leak detec on system


PNG Network System in Qaiserbagh Area This feature will help facilitate the households in the area with Piped Natural Gas network connec vity as an addi on with other u lity based interven ons. Green Gas Ltd. has been awarded the work of implementa on.

Solar Roo op PV (Smart Grid- Ins tu onal Buildings ) Roof top area of ABD (Ins tu onal Buildings) will be u lized to install solar panels [part of smart grid] for se ng up 1281kw of plant. Output: Genera on of 2150799kwh (annual) of renewable energy (current:0 kwh). ₹ 1.5 Crs. of value of electricity would be generated from installa on of solar panels in smart grid (45% of ₹ 3.2 Cr i.e. current value of electricity consumed by conven onal sources) Installa on of Roof top Photo Voltaic solar panel at Avan Bai Hospital on RESCO MODEL. RESCO model - Long term PPA for 25 years between building owner and authorized vendor(s) at a tariff discovered through open compe ve bidding process and/or on a mutually agreed terms


Installa on of Waste Water Treatment Plant & Reuse with 10 Years O & M During the Smart City Proposal, Lucknow Municipal Corpora on had done Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Government building for Wastewater treatment and reuse facility. The Project envisage installa on of Package Type Modular Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of different capaci es at two loca ons for treatment & reuse of waste water generated. The treated waste water will be use in planta on & greenery. Project Components: - Wastewater Treatment Facility, Equaliza on Tank, Treated Water Storage with all Civil and Electro mechanical works. it also includes 10 years opera on and maintenance works.

Beau fica on of Park The Globe park has been planned to be designed in such a way to make it universally accessible backed with latest building technology, amalgamated with significant aspects of architecture and engineering.

Salient / Unique Features : Maximum protec on of environment. Special provision of si ng area through out the Jogging Track for elderly persons. LED display board for way finding and general signage. All weather & non slippery walkways.

Three emergency exits Musical fountains around the Globe to ensure tension free environment & help the visitor for medita on. Modern public ameni es - Barrier free toilets. Celebra on area / amphitheater. Unique 300m Long jogging track and Provision of public telephone facility & Wheel Chair Latches for keeping and providing wheel chairs of the differently abled people. Library Facility for senior ci zen.


Gom River Front Development Project envisage development of 5.74 lacs sqmt area across the bank of river Gom . It also includes maintenance of 12.82 lacs sqmt area on both the banks of Gom . The project will add value to the rich heritage of Lucknow city. As the features of the project includes development of parks, ligh ng and hor culture and will become lively in night hence bundled with Rich heritage of Qaisarbagh will act as a catalyst for growth of tourism in ABD area.



Strengethning & Augmenta on of Drainage Network of Qaiserbagh Area Drainage project is an important component among other infrastructure project iden ďŹ ed in ABD.Major emphasis is on improving and strengthening the exis ng storm water drainage system in ABD area. It also includes covering of exis ng Nallahs.

Building of Night Shelters Infrastructure works & facili es at slums Night shelter will help facilitate the urban poor with a safe relief in the night. Further facility will be coupled with new community toilets and public toilets. These features will help facilitate ci zens with be er sanita on and hygiene environment. CCTV cameras at iden ďŹ ed strategic loca ons and other features like emergency call points, modern police kiosks will help facilitate the administra on with data for a be er incident response system.


Public bike Sharing System Integrated Traffic Management System (ITMS) Smart City Surveillance System with augmen ng of exis ng Control Centre Smart Solu ons for Exis ng Parking Smart Bus Shelters Unified Smart Mobility Card- One City One Card Energy Efficient Street Ligh ng (LED) Mobility Nodes for last mile connec vity New Mul level Car Parking at Qaiserbagh Crossing Smart Road & Junc ons Improvement with Pedestrian Infra & Street Furniture ICT For City Bus Services Safety & Security: Emergency Call Points, Modern Police Kiosks

Public bike Sharing System Encouragement to non-motorised transport Memorandum of understanding (MoU) with M/s Zoom Car India Pvt. Ltd. for implemen ng the PEDL Bicycle Sharing project has been executed. Ini ally the project is implemented on pilot basis in Gom Nagar area and shall be subsequently in pan Lucknow. Ÿ Currents route of the project is Singapore Mall to Janeshwar Mishra Park via Husariya Chauraha, Patrakar Puram, Manoj Pandey and Gawari Chauraha. Ÿ Operator is providing bicycle on rent basis to the users. This project is an endeavor to encourage non-motorised transport which will reduce the air and noise pollu on and also ease the traffic load on the street of Lucknow.

Integrated Traffic Management System (ITMS) Project Descrip on: As a part of Intelligent Traffic Management, traffic signals shall be made 'intelligent' in order to make the traffic flow smooth and efficient and to help police to take proac ve measures and ensure safe & smooth environment on roads. The Intelligent Traffic Management will include Adap ve Traffic Signalling, Automa c Number Plate Recogni on System (ANPRS), Red Light Viola on Detec on Systems (RLVD), Face Recogni on System (FRS), Speed Viola on System (SVS), Variable Message Signs (VMS), CCTV Surveillance Cameras and other traffic Viola on such as without Helmet Detec on and Triple Riding Viola on. This system will also have e-challan system, Public Address system at road intersec ons, public places, market places or other cri cal loca ons. Digital Signboards/ VMS will enable Command & Control Centre to communicate effec vely with ci zens and also improve response while dealing with exigency situa ons.


Smart City Surveillance System This project is an endeavor to make Lucknow a safe and secure city by using technology Ÿ Project involves installing of 280 IP CCTVs, Automa c Number Plate Recogni on System (ANPR), Face Recogni on System (FRS)Video Analy cs, Mobile Surveillance System, Command Control Centre and Data Centre. Ÿ It covers 70 junc ons in Lucknow, with a special focus on entry and exit points in the city, VVIP areas, and all cri cal and sensi ve loca ons. Ÿ Automa c Number Plate Recogni on cameras were also installed under the project in which provision of e-challan has been made. Ÿ Project is in Opera on under Department of Home, GoUP. Ÿ Emergency Call points to be placed in the city loca on (85 Nos). Ÿ Modern Police Kiosks (14 Nos): Online FIR, Card/Cash Payment of Fines Charged by the Traffic Police/LMC

Smart Solu ons for Exis ng Parking Project Objec ve: Smart parking solu on will provide real me view to ci zens about loca ons of parking lots and availability of parking spaces in the lots. Smart parking solu on will use video camera based analy cs, parking occupancy sensors or other sensor based solu ons to determine number of vehicles entering and exi ng parking lots and the occupancy/vacancy status of individual parking lots. Availability of parking slots will be made available through web and mobile app media. Project Features: CCTV and sensor equipped parking slots, On Board Display about available parking slot, Mobile App, Real me update of entry & exit of vehicle improve occupancy, Ci zen App or Smart Web portal applica on, e- cking with provision of payment for more than one mode, etc. Exis ng Parking loca ons to be developed as Smart Parking – Jhande Park, Jhandi Park, Aminabad Park, Bhoothnath Market, Gol Market, Sarojani Naidu Park, Alambagh Chander, Jyo bha Phule Park, Hazarat Ganj with total Parking capacity of 3000 ECS.


Smart Bus Shelters Ÿ 200 smart bus shelters to be built across Lucknow. Ÿ Provisions for CCTV cameras, e- cke ng machine, Display board & Passenger Informa on System (PIS). Based on the

availability of land, Bus shelter will also include water ATM, bank ATM and Public toilets. Ÿ Integrated with ICT bus service and Control and Command System will equip the passengers and ci zens with real me

informa on of the buses for planned and safe commu ng.

Prototype constructed near Income Tax Bhawan

Unified Smart Mobility Card- One City One Card •


This card could be read at the Automa c Fare Collec on Gate at LMRC and in the buses. We could have sta onary fixed readers at the gates of the buses or Handheld readers with conductor of the bus. The card can be topped up with the amount while purchasing and gets ini alized while it is used for the first me at any of the card reader either at the Metro or the Bus. The same concept can be extended to the Parking lots. Distribu on of the fare pro rata based on the journey performed by the passenger can be done through the Central Clearing House Scheme and the fare earned by each transporta on/non transporta on agency can be transferred to their account of concerned agency. LMRC is implemen ng the Unified Metro Card with a provision of integra ng 32 services.

Informa on Kiosks & Portal/Helpline Project Descrip on: Informa on Kiosks will be placed at strategic loca ons and shall act as an extended arm of city administra on departments to help in connec ng with ci zens while promo ng “any me services” complemen ng the website and mobile pla orm based service delivery. City Portal and Helpline pla orm will be used for delivering informa on and services through various channels like web/mobile, crowd sourcing ideas, concepts, sugges ons and feedback for improvising the governance models/schemes, etc. The system shall also provision for delivering iden fied ci zen services including grievance Redressal.

Mobility Nodes for Last Mile Connec vity Project Descrip on: This project will provide last mile connec vity to the ci zen of Lucknow. Project envisage to develop 80 UMB including Intermediate Public Transport (IPT) Mode Terminal, Non Motorized Transport (NMT) Mode Terminal, Informa on Center, Free WiFi, E –Suvidha Kendra, Public Toilets, Solar based ba ery charging points for E-rickshaws, Bicycle Hiring Point.

Energy efficient street ligh ng (LED) Smart Ligh ng is a ligh ng technology designed for energy efficiency. This may include high efficiency fixtures and automated controls that make adjustments based on condi ons such as occupancy or daylight availability. Ligh ng is the deliberate applica on of light to achieve some aesthe c or prac cal effect. It includes task ligh ng, accent ligh ng and general ligh ng. Smart ligh ng is the good way which enables to minimize and save light by allowing the householder to control remotely cooling and hea ng, ligh ng, and the control of appliances. This ability saves energy and provides a level of comfort and convenience. From outside the tradi onal ligh ng industry, the future success of ligh ng will require involvement of a number of stakeholders and stakeholder communi es. The concept of smart ligh ng also involves u lizing natural light from the sun to reduce the use of man-made ligh ng, and the simple concept of people turning off ligh ng when they leave a room. The project is ge ng implemented on ESCO model through EESL


New Mul level Car Parking at Vegetable Market & Fish Market at Qaiserbag Crossing Project Descrip on: Ÿ Project envisages development of new mul level car parking at

vegetable market and fish market at Latus road at Qaiserbagh. Ÿ The project also includes redevelopment of exis ng market to

improve the condi on of venders and to provide addi onal parking facili es to cater parking demand of nearby area.

Smart Road & junc ons Improvement with Pedestrian Infra & Street Furniture Road & Junc on Improvements Ÿ Project envisage road and junc on improvement in

ABD area for 50 km road stretch Ÿ In first stage following roads are selected for improvement Ÿ Daliganj intersec on, Ÿ Rani Laxmibai Marg,


B N road, Ashok Road, Rana Pratap Marg to Lohia path, Can road, Charak Chauraha, Rana Pratap Marg to Na on College tri junc on path, Hussainabad road from Nibu park to Hardoi Road

The road improvement plan will be incorpora ng Pedestrian Infra & Street Furniture, designated Parking space and vending zones and u li es to provide smooth traffic flow by reducing point of conflict. The design will adhere the road safety standards.


ICT for City Bus Services Project Descrip on: ICT Bus Service shall enable real me tracking of buses plying in the Lucknow city. This system shall also provide data to Passenger Informa on System on Es mated Time of Arrival (ETA) at next bus stops in real- me. The electronic displays at Smart bus-shelters shall display the ETA of the next bus, route informa on etc. The passenger informa on will also be available through a common website and a mobile app. Project Components: On-Board Display Panels, Automated Fare collec on systems, GPS device for tracking of Bus, CCTV On-Board, and Bus opera on command centre. Ÿ It is an ini a ve for implemen ng IT solu ons in City Bus Services. Ÿ The components of the ICT for city bus services includes Electronic

Ticke ng Machine, GPS tracking of Bus, Fleet Management System, Passenger Informa on System, web based system for dispatch and arrival of the bus. Control Centre for monitoring City bus opera ons and planning the route at city level, to improve the efficiency of the bus services. Surveillance Camera, and Enforcement Camera and emergency bu ons in buses will added as a safety measure for passenger . Ÿ Fast, Comfortable, Safe, Reliable, Affordable and Eco-friendly Bus

Transport System.


Sewer line along nallahs (intercepts) & Strengthning & Augmenta on of Swerage network of Kaiserbagh Area Solid Waste Management: Door to Door Collec on (using GPS & ICT for User Charge Coec on), Smart Road Bins (Sensor based), Smart Community Bins (Sensor based) Sanita on: Building of New and upgrada on of Exis ng Public & Community Toilets

Sewer line along nallahs (intercepts) & Strengthning & Augmenta on of Swerage network of Kaiserbagh Area Project Descrip on: - Project envisages laying sewerage line in ABD area and ensuring connec on of every household to the sewer network. The overall sewerage scheme will consist of 4 separate Sewerage Districts each with its own treatment plant. Districts are divided into Zones each with its own pumping sta on / trunk sewer. Area Based Development of Smart City fall under District-IV ZONE-1 Part 2 comprising of old areas of Lucknow i.e. Qaiserbagh, Lalbagh, Aminabad, Old Ganesh Ganj, Qaiserbagh, Wazeerganj, Hazrat Ganj etc. Project Components: 1) Sewerage System & Appurtenant work 200 mm to 1400 mm dia 1, 32,352 m. and construc on of man holes. 9,201 no.'s manholes and Rising Main 700 mm dia DI pipes 700 mm dia = 500 m 2) Smart Sensor Monitoring -266 sensors 3) House Connec on 38,649 House Holds 4) Realigning of exis ng Wazirganj Sewer 5) Sewage Pumping Sta on 6) Miscellaneous works Rehabilita on of Machli Mohal Pumping Sta on , Rehabilita on of old Cis Gom Trunk Sewer

U lity Duct Project Descrip on: A U lity Duct is proposed across ABD area, the project envisages that in ABD area all u lity line except water supply and sewerage should be in one duct, this would ease the opera on and m a i nte n a n c e , re d u c e co s t a n d m e fo r departments. This would also help in reduc on of pilferage.


Enabled Solid Waste Management System Project Component : Door to Door Collec on Ÿ

Introduced covered e-rickshaws for collec on of waste for Collec on & Transporta on in covered bins Efficient waste collec on opera on Enables online monitoring & control through IT Tools.

GIS / GPS Mapping

Tradi onal


Ÿ Door to Door waste collec on with GPS enabled

(Vehicle Tracking System )vehicles Ÿ Underground Bins with Sensors indica ng their

filling status Ÿ Sensor enabled Transfer Sta ons Ÿ Payment (User Charges) Tracking System Ÿ Customer Grievance Redressal System Ÿ Central control room for supervision Ÿ GIS Mapping of all Waste generators

( Households, Commercial Shops, Offices, Colleges, Markets etc.) Ÿ Smart phones equipped workers

for tracking loca ons


Secondary Collec on of Waste

Traditional –Open Transfer Stations

Ÿ Introduced mechanised secondary

collec on points, Portable Compact Transfer Sta on, Waste directly collected in enclosed bins and compacted , No waste li ering on ground, All old system of dhalaos fully eliminated, Enabled online monitoring & control through IT gadgets.

Modern–Open Transfer Stations


500 KW Gasification Unit for RDF

125 KVA Gas Generator Set

Modifications in Existing MSW Processing Plant Byproducts RDF being supplied to ACC cement plant Manure (Fer lizer) being sold to the nearby farmers Investment of Rs. 350 crs envisaged for se ng up 15 MW power plant for Waste to Energy genera on . Gasifier based power genera on – 0.5 MW for every 500 Kg of calorific waste is opera onal. PPA has been signed with ERC for 15 MW


Restora on of Cha ar Manzil Restora on of Sibtainabad Imambara Façade Ligh ng & Restora on of Lal Baradari Restora on of Roshan Ud Dolah Kothi Restora on of Darshan Vilas Kothi Restora on of Kothi Gulestaan e eram Cultural Club at Rafe- e-aam club Awadh Point Central recrea onal space - Begum Hajarat Mahal Park Restora on of Maurice Market near Qaiserbagh Crossing Beau ďŹ ca on of Quaiserbagh Chauraha

City Branding Ini a ves: Lucknow 311 App

Renova on, Restora on & Redevelopment of Heritage Buildings at Lucknow. The project envisaged conserva on/Restora on works along with Tourism development works and it's Adap ve re-use of the below men oned eight monuments/sites in Lucknow, U ar Pradesh, under the Heritage Conserva on fragment as a part of the Lucknow Smart City Project : 1. Cha ar Manzil 5. Lal Baradari 2. Roshan-ud-daula Kothi 6. Imambara, Sibtainabad 3. Darshan Vilas Kothi 7. Moris Market precinct near Quaiserbagh crossing 4. Kothi Guleastaan-e-eram 8. Qaiserbagh chowk Indian Na onal Trust for Art & Cultural Heritage (INTACH) has been appointed for preparing concept plan, Detailed Project Report (DPR) for Architectural documenta on and restora on work of these heritage buildings.

Restora on of Cha ar Manzil



A er


Conserva on, restora on and ligh ng of Darshan Vilas Kothi


Work of conserva on, restora on and ligh ng of Lal Baradari Completed

Darshan Vilas Kothi

Kothi Gulistan-e-eram

Cha ar Manzil

Roshan-ud-Daula Kothi 35

City Branding Ini a ves: Lucknow 311 App The objec ve is to have a one-stop solu on to manage, supervise and regularize city governance ac vi es, using smart phones (Android and iPhone). LMC employees can u lize such technology to run their day-to-day government-informa on tasks efficiently. The mobile applica on pla orm reduces the cost of services, make governance ci zen friendly, reduce the physical interface with the staff and official and it is an ideal pla orm for obtaining feedback and for online monitoring of program, ac vi es and the delivery of services. This pla orm is also ideal for G-to-C and C-to-G interface. The app shall be available in the two modules, one module will be used by the Officials of Lucknow Nagar Nigam and the other modules will be used by the ci zens which will be freely available from the play store or i-tunes.

Officer App: The officer app module will be used by Officials of Lucknow Smart City for monitoring and repor ng of the work done by the officers/staff of the LMC at higher level.


Some of the modules under Ci zen Module are U li es Payment, What’s Near by, e-hospital e-complaint, Animal Care, PGRS-IGRS, City Helpline, PTU Dashboard , E-vehicle ,Parking and Traffic status

By reimagining the dra of a modern city we are not only addressing current challenges, but we are crea ng countless smart & sustainable solu ons for the future. In order to truly create the Smart & Sustainable city, we have to bring an en re system together by integra ng innova ve technologies at all levels making everything around us smarter & more eďŹƒcient. The Smart City concept refers to a new paradigm for urban planning and management, based on the intensive use of smart solu ons aimed at achieving be er ci es from a holis c perspec ve that encompasses social, economic and environmental aspects.

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