Cian Services Guide

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Specialists in business process reviews

Cian Connect

Services Guide


Cian Connect specialises in business process reviews that aim to have a direct and immediate impact on business performance. We aim to deliver results not glossy reports.

Inside 3....... Project Management Reviews 4....... Risk Management Frameworks 5....... Internal Audit Governance and Reviews 6....... Business Planning and Budgeting 7....... Performance Management Processes 8....... Start up’s and Fund Raising 9....... Broader Business Services 9....... Contact

Cian Connect Services Guide

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Project Management Reviews

Are your projects or project teams failing to meet expectations? Cian Connect offers a range of services that include a high level health check with recommendations focussed around practical and quickly implemented improvements. In our experience organisations suffer not so much from poor management processes or managers but instead lack a “rapid response” performance management process. Cian focuses on project “ownership” and on traffic light reports that promptly identify deviations and drive rapid action.

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Risk Management Frameworks

Cian consultants have established risk management frameworks in a number of public companies and understand the key drivers that make a risk framework effective. Reviews and recommendations focus not on glossily reports but on embedding a risk culture that is owned by the organisation. The roles of the board, executive team, line managers, staff and stakeholders are clarified with responsibilities appropriately allocated. In a best practice framework risk is owned by every stakeholder and not just a Risk Manager with a software package.

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Internal Audit Governance and reviews

Cian understands how to establish governance frameworks that focus not simply on control and compliance but on adding commercial value. Internal Audit must be managed to deliver compliance with legislation and accounting standards but can act as an internal consulting function. The most effective audit functions are fully integrated with a risk management framework and broader commercial imperatives. Learn how to mix and match the skills and objectives of your

internal audit team (internal or contracted) with the changing needs of your organisation. We can help determine the optimal mix between internal and external resources and how to balance control and compliance objectives against organisational improvement.

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Business planning and Budgeting

Cian focuses on integrating planning and budgeting processes with organisational strategy. Budgeting and planning need not be bureaucratic or complex processes. Short and sharp exercises that ask the critical questions and allocate resources to match are achievable. Results can generally be delivered without radically overhauling existing processes and software packages. Stakeholders can be engaged and staff aligned to outcomes if the flow from strategy to planning and budgeting is clearly and consistently articulated.

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Performance Management Processes

Effective performance management is most effective when integrated with planning and forecasting processes. Cian works with your managers to identify organisational and personal KPI’s that drive behaviour and deliver the results the organisation needs. Cian will help address common issues with KPI’s that are: ∆ reported too late ∆ are too complex or numerous to manage ∆ are in conflict with the needs of other functions ∆ are rendered irrelevant by the lack of follow up ∆ that prompt no immediate reaction to a performance deviation

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Start up’s and Fund Raising

Cian offers a complete end to end service that takes you from a good idea to a fully funded start up. Cian can help in areas such as strategy development, business and financial plans, identifying funding sources, investor pitch’s, sourcing government funding and determining equity splits with co-founders, investors and employees. Fees can potentially be structured to match the lifestyle of the entity.

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Broader Business Services

Cian Connect will not necessarily have the in house resources to meet all your business requirements. In such circumstances we will not hesitate to suggest that you engage consultants that better match your needs. Listed in the Cian Connections section of our website are organisations that we worked with in the past and our experience has been that they either fully met or exceeded client expectations.

Contact Cian Connect

Please contact James Barry to discuss how Cian Connect can assist your business. Telephone:

0458 220 420




7 Wallace Parade, Lindfield

Sydney, NSW 2070, Australia

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