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Facility Improvements
Middle School Classroom Building
The Middle School Classroom Building is located at the southwestern edge of the Hillside Learning Complex Courtyard, unifying the Middle School community. This two-story building will include Middle School classrooms and support space. Tucked into the hillside, near the soccer field, this building will block the prevailing wind from the West sheltering the adjacent HLC Courtyard.
Environmental Center and Labs
The Environmental Center is located along the edge of the lower loop road at the base of the proposed garden below the cafe. This building will provide a flexible classroom space for the investigation of natural ecologies of the Nueva Campus and beyond. Located at the trailhead to the Crocker Road hiking trails, this building is a threshold for the investigation of the natural environment and will be a vital piece of the environmental sciences curriculum.
Covered Sports Court
The covered sports court is located across from the GCC at the location of the existing sports cour ts. This structure will accomodate a Middle School basketball court for a much-needed practice space for the Nueva athletic programs, especially during inclement weather. The building is concieved as an indoor/outdoor space that will provide wind and rain protection on stormy days and can be opened up on nice days. Located next to the drop-off, this building also provides a place for students to wait to be picked up. The building will be built into the hillside next to the soccer field to minimize its percieved height.
Multi-Purpose Building
The Multi-Purpose Building provides flexible space next to the Crocker Mansion to alleviate overscheduling of the GCC. Locating this building next to the Lower School alleviates the need to move groups of young children across campus for recreational classes. This building is located 300’ from the closest adjacent proper ty line and will work with existing grade to fit into the existing hillside.
Faculty and Administrative Space
A interdisciplinary faculty workspace will be located on the southwest end of the existing library. This location is central to the rest of campus and provides a space for welcoming visitors to campus that is adjacent to the new drop-off.
Cafe Expansion
The existing cafe will be expanded to accomodate growth in the student population.
Proposed siting leverages site topography to minimize the proposed theater’s height and mass.
Nestled into the hillside in the location of the existing Middle School, the proposed siting of the theater will take advantage of the site’s topography to minimize the building’s perceived height. As performing arts are a key component of the Nueva curriculum, the theater will be located in the center of campus. This location places the building 150’ away from the nearest property line.
The theater included in the 2012 Update is smaller in size than the previously entitled theater of the 1996 Master Plan.
The approved 1996 Master Plan includes a theater of 20,000sf. The 2012 Update proposes a theater that is 20% smaller in area at 16,000sf. Approximately one- third of the proposed seats will be accommodated in a mezzanine, allowing for a more intimate interior space and limiting the mass of the building.
A limited number of performances and valet parking on the sports field
The expected number of performances is not anticipated to increase as a result of the proposed theater. See the Schedule of Uses for more detail.
Parking for large events is currently accommodated by valet parking. This system has worked very efficiently in the past and will continue to be utilized in the future. The proposed theater will accommodate performances that currently occur in the GCC, moving this activity farther away from the adjacent neighbors.
The proposed housing, continued from the 1996 Master Plan, consists of 6 dwelling units located along Skyline Boulevard. This site is away from primary educational activities, with direct access to Skyline Boulevard, and a separate small parking lot and entrance. To the north of the site is a private tennis court behind a six foot high wooden fence facing Nueva property and a ten foot high sound wall facing Skyline Boulevard. Trees surrounding the housing units will provide privacy and screen the new building. The housing is compatible in mass, scale, and character to the many houses along Skyline, and would be designed to be compatible with the Town of Hillsborough Guildelines.