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Implementation and Phasing Plan
Development Phasing
Implementation of the Master Plan is proposed in four development phases. Phases I,II,II and IV will be built at the School’s discretion and are subject to securing adequate funding and other school circumstances. All proposed buildings and site development are explicitly independent of, and not contingent on, the build-out of any other phase of the master plan.
During development sustainable construction and waste diversion practices will be utilized. Construction equipment consisting of the best available technologies in regards to noise reduction and emissions will be used to the greatest extent possible.
Phase I - Middle School ,EC, Covered Sports Court Net 17,725sf (anticipated in 2013-2017)
Middle School Classrooms 11,000sf
Middle School Administration/ Faculty Workspace 1,800sf Covered Sports Court 7,000sf Environmental Center Classroom 1,400sf 21,200sf
Remove Building Office Portable -1,175sf
Remove Admissions Portable -1,100sf
Remove Environmental Classroom Portable -1,200sf -3,475sf
A new two-story Middle School building, providing five additional classrooms for growth, will face the Hillside Learning Complex courtyard creating a unified Middle School Quad. This new classroom building will replace the existing C, D, E and F buildings which are approaching the end of their useful lives. A new Environmental Center classroom will support the growing Environmental Sciences curriculum and replace the existing portable currently used for this purpose. A covered sports court will provide crucial recreational space to alleviate overcrowding and scheduling conflicts in the heavily used Gymnasium Community Center.
Phase II - Lower School and Multi-Purpose Building
Net 9,700 sf (anticipated in 2018-2022)
Multi-Purpose Space 6,000sf Environmental Center Labs 1,400sf Expand Existing Cafe 2,300sf 9,700sf
In the second phase of development, a new multi-purpose building, easily accessible to the Lower School, will provide for all-weather recreation, performances, and art classes and exhibitions. An expansion of the existing café will allow the café to accommodate a larger number of middle school students.
Phase III – Theater and Amphitheater
Net 13,000sf (anticipated in 2023-2027)
Theater 16,000sf Administrative Space 3,600sf 19,600sf
Remove C,D,E,F Buildings -6,600sf
In the last phase of development, a theater will provide a muchneeded venue and space for Nueva’s growing performing arts program. The theater is included in the 1996 Master Plan; however, this Update reduces the size of the theater and relocates the building, taking advantage of the natural topography of the site to tuck the building into the hillside. Phase 3 also includes expansion of administrative space.
Phase IV - Housing
Net 3,600sf (anticipated after 2022)
Mission II Housing 3,600sf
In the fourth phase of development, an affordable housing complex comprised of six units will be constructed. This housing will be built at the School’s discretion and subject to securing adequate funding and other school circumstances.
Projected Student Enrollment
2012 414 Students 2013 + 25 - + 32 Students 2014 + 25 - + 32 Students 2015 +25 - + 32 Students 2016-2028 +7 - + 27 Students
Projected Staff Increases
2012 97 (Full and Par t-time Staff/Faculty) 2013 + 2 - 3 2014 + 2 - 3 2015 + 2 - 3 2016 - 2028 + 2 - 3
Projected Parking Increases By Phase
2012 178 Spaces Phase 1 196 Spaces Phase II No Change Phase III No Change Phase IV 208 Spaces