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Facility Use
[The 1996 Nueva School Master Plan Page 20-21]
The primary purpose of the proposed facility upgrades is to better support The Nueva School’s educational missions and programs. The 2012 Master Plan Update site plan bases its physical framework on School-related programmatic needs.
School Use
The School’s broad educational missions require intensive, year-round campus use. Current and projected educational uses include:
• Day use for the School, Summer School and Mission II operation.
• The Mansion is used occasionally (3-6 events per year) for non-school, private, invitational functions
• Weekend and evening uses for school-related and sponsored functions such as:
• Recitals, performances, plays, concerts, dances and fairs for students, families and staff;
• Meetings and events for parents, staff and trustees; and
• Lectures, courses, seminars and workshops for educators as part of Mission II.
Community Facility Use
Community use will remain restricted in order to prevent inter ference with School educational functions and impacts to the surrounding neighborhood. The School does not anticipate an increase in community use at this time.
Sports Field and Athletic Facilities
The School plans to continue to offer the Sports Field and Athletic Facilities to the Hillsborough community as a recreational resource. Local athletic organizations will continue to have limited access to the soccer field and baseball diamond on weekdays and weekends.
In addition, the Spor ts Field provides a benefit for the surrounding community as a qualified FAA-approved helicopter landing for emergency services.
Mansion Use
The Mansion is used occasionally (3-4 events per year) for non-school, private, invitational functions. The School will continue to enforce self-imposed measures to control the noise produced during these events.
See the Schedule of Uses for more detail.