1 minute read
Circulation and Parking Improvements
[The 1996 Nueva
School Master Plan Page 18-19]
On-campus and off-campus traffic studies were conducted to determine a baseline for existing traffic and circulation flows on The Nueva School campus and in the surrounding region. Informed by the oncampus traffic study, the 2012 Master Plan Update includes adjustments to the existing campus circulation that improve vehicular and pedestrian circulation and safety, and accommodate future growth.
An on-campus parking and traffic study was conducted over a par ticularly busy 7-day period in late April. The study included observations of daily parking supply and demand, pedestrian circulation within campus, bicycle circulation within campus, and school bus loading.
In addition, an off-campus traffic study was conducted to evaluate existing traffic and parking patterns and to evaluate the potential impacts of expanded enrollment. The traffic study was conservative in method and extensive in scope to be as sensitive as possible to the needs of the surrounding community. The study included four intersections at Skyline (at The Nueva School entrance, Trousdale Boulevard, Chateau Drive, and Hayne Road) as well as the additional intersection of the 1-280 Northbound Off-Ramp at Hayne Road.
The on-campus and off-campus traffic studies were particularly conservative in scope in the following ways:
• The off-campus traffic analysis studied 4 nearby intersections with both am and pm counts
• The counts were taken at a very busy week on the Nueva campus, with more on-campus activity than the average week
• Growth was analyzed on a per-student basis, not taking into account busses and carpooling.