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Circulation and Parking Improvements
Off-Campus Traffic
Over the past 15 years, Nueva has intiated measures to reduce the number of cars driving to and from campus. Currently 36% of the students use a privately contracted school bus system with stops in San Francisco and throughout the Peninsula. Ten percent of Nueva Families repor t carpooling to and from school.
Nueva’s car-student ratio is likely to further drop in the future. The 2012 Master Plan Update proposes expanded bus service to encourage ridership and innovative communication efforts to encourage carpooling. Furthermore, the School expects the greater number of bus passengers (resulting from expanded enrollment) would lower the cost of bus service and therefore encourage ridership.
The 2012 Master Plan Update includes a study of 4 nearby intersections to determine the school’s contribution to local traffic patterns.
Key findings from the traffic study include:
• Skyline Boulevard has a low overall traffic volume.
• The proposed enrollment increases would result in a modest increase in local traffic.
• Peak hour traffic volumes disperse quickly
• Nueva School traffic is not anticipated to significantly impact operations at any off-site intersection.
Campus Entry
In the 2012 Master Plan Update, an additional lane has been added to the campus entry road allowing for a dedicated lane for the lower loop road and a dedicated lane for the drop-off.A stop sign will be added to the lower loop road near the campus exit to allow for dedicated right- and left- turn lanes exiting campus from the drop-off loop.
TThe Upper Loop Road will be replaced with a new drop-off loop that reclaims the heart of the campus and provides a safer, more efficient vehicular dropoff and pick-up area for the Nueva community. The drop-off loop includes two wide lanes: one for the drop off and one lane that will remain open for traffic moving through. Twenty-six short-term parking spaces have been provided in the drop-off loop area for short-term parking outside of drop-off/pick-up hours. Signage will be installed that indicates “Student Dropoff and Pick-up Only 7-9 AM and 2-5 PM / Driver Must Remain with Vehicle.” Outside of drop-off hours, these spaces are designated for short-term parking and special event parking. The drop-off provides 500 feet of queuing length with an additional 300 feet in the dedicated drop-off entry lane, exceeding the current vehicle queuing length at peak demand as measured in the traffic study.
Lower Loop Road
The Lower Loop Road is maintained to provide direct vehicular access to enable parents to easily drop off close to, or escort their young children into, the