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Circulation and Parking Improvements
Crocker Mansion. Due to the existing oak trees and the proximity to the property line, this road cannot be widened. A 13’6” height clearance is maintained on this road. The bridge leading to the Crocker Mansion was raised as part of the 1996 Master Plan.
School-Initiated Programs
In an effort to decrease confusion and traffic congestion during peak traffic times, parents will be informed of any temporary or permanent changes to circulation patterns on campus. In addition the School will continue to encourage the use of carpools and bus services.
Strategies currently employed by the School to improve on-campus circulation include:
• Staggered pick-up times
• Community carpooling program
• Drop-off monitors to ensure queued cars move up promptly and that traffic flows continue smoothly
• Monitors along Rowan Tree Lane to discourage parents from parking or waiting there
• Lower School students with Middle School siblings escorted to the drop-off loop for one point of pickup for parents
The 2012 Master Plan Update provides for 208 parking spaces (compared to the 173 spaces provided in the 1996 Master Plan). The on-campus traffic study shows a current parking demand of 115 spaces on campus with a conser vative estimate of 28 spaces needed for growth. Thus, traffic consultants conservatively project mid-day parking demand to be 143 spaces and recommend a total provision of
157 on-campus parking spaces to serve anticipated mid-day parking demand while providing a 10% vacancy factor. The existing campus parking count is 178 parking spaces. Additionally a new lot is created for Housing in Phase IV. The 2012 Master Plan generously exceeds the the traffic study recommendation, proposing 208 parking spaces distributed as follows:
Parking Count
South Parking Lot: 96 parking spaces
Staff and Faculty Lot: 33 parking spaces
LS Short-Term Lot: 3 parking spaces
LS Lower Parking Lot: 14 parking spaces Housing Parking Lot 12 parking spaces Total: 158 parking spaces
Short-Term Parking Count
Drop-off Loop : 25 parking spaces Mansion Parking Lot: 25 parking spaces Total: 50 parking spaces
Parking spaces distributed along the lower and upper loop roads have been eliminated to consolidate parking on campus and improve campus pedestrian safety.
The South Parking Lot is planned for expansion to replace spaces displaced by development and provide the additional spaces required. This location is the only relatively flat area on the campus available to accommodate 88 cars. Because this location is severely impacted by traffic noise from Highway 280 and Skyline Boulevard it is ideal for parking, as the impact of the noise associated with the parking lots will be minimized. The Plan proposes paving and