Connections Winter 2024

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Voices of Triumph Made Possible Through Philanthropy

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In Our Own Words Zayan: To My Son, Grant Erencen

In Our Own Words Leigh: Welcome to the OR

In Our Own Words Louis: You Saved My Life

The Sit Down Harvey Weber | Englewood Health Vice President of Facilities Management and Emergency Response Faces of Philanthropy Carol Geisenheimer Susan Dindial Know the Pros Peter Shin, MD | Englewood Health Chief of Medicine and Director of Hospital Medicine Happenings Everyone is Talking!

A Banner Year Record-breaking Support for 2023 Annual Events


Executive Vice President 201.894.3497

Sandra Sgambati

Director of Development and Communications 201.894.3386

Englewood Health has delivered the highest quality healthcare to the community for more than 130 years. Established in 1995 as a separate 501 (c) (3) tax-exempt organization, Englewood Health Foundation raises private funds to further Englewood Health’s vision to become the regional leader in providing state-of-the-art compassionate care to the community it serves.

I often walk the halls of the hospital and run into Englewood Health team members. Stopping for a quick chat, I can tell they have good news to share. Maybe it is an exciting development in clinical care or a newborn’s ‘graduation’ from the NICU or success with a breakthrough surgical technique. They are always eager to share these uplifting stories of hope – just as much as I am to hear them. In this issue of Connections, members of our community share their personal stories of health and triumph in their own words. At Englewood Health, your generosity is always at work so patients and clinicians can write new chapters in their stories. Broader access, innovative technology, continued clinical advancements and essential community programs make that possible. As this year draws to a close, we thank you for helping Englewood Health realize its bold vision of next-level healthcare. If you have not yet made a gift or wish to increase your support, there is still time to make an impact. There are so many more inspiring stories to tell.

Debra Albanese Executive Vice President Englewood Health Foundation

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Zayan and Devin Hagens with their son, Grant Erencen

02 Englewood Health Foundation

At 32 weeks, Dad and I had not even chosen a name for you. On Saturday, January 14, we rushed to Englewood Health because I felt so sick for the first time in my pregnancy. Until then, you were the easiest baby to carry. I never imagined you would be born on that day, two months early. You were sure persistent and came into the world with a bang! After arriving at the Emergency Department, I was diagnosed with HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Low Platelets) syndrome. This is a life-threatening pregnancy complication requiring an emergency C-section. We were in shock and completely unprepared. As the team quickly whisked you and me into the operating room, we put my life and yours in the hands of the incredible medical team at Englewood Health. At 4:54 pm, you were born at 2 lbs. and 13 oz. and instantly taken to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. Although you and I did not enjoy the golden hour I imagined, Dad was by your side. We met for the first time four days later after my release from the Intensive Care Unit. I fell in love. Just seeing you brought me back to life. Although at first, I had no idea how to hold you because you were so small with many tubes and wires. Your nurses were determined to build my confidence and they did. Over the next 37 days, Englewood Health NICU became our home and our family. We owe everything to the special nurses and doctors who cared for you like their own. Grant, you changed our lives for the better, amazing everyone with your resiliency and ability to fight against all odds. You are a miracle who will do incredible things. We are forever grateful to the award-winning team at The Gordon Family Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at Englewood Health.

The Karen and Gary Singer Family Family Birth Place at Englewood Health consistently earns high accolades for maternity care excellence. This includes ranking among the top 10% of hospitals for labor and delivery according to Healthgrades for six consecutive years. Throughout the last decade, over $2.5 million in donor giving continued to raise the bar on NICU care, including a leadership-level gift from Suzan Gordon which named The Gordon Family Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

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Hello new OR nurses. Get ready for the challenges – and rewards – of being an operating room nurse. You are joining an incredible team and will thrive in this exceptional work environment. As an Englewood Health nurse for three decades, I am passionate about our profession and ability to deliver the highest-quality care for our patients. I hope you take comfort knowing that I have been in your shoes! After years in the Intensive Care Unit and Wound Care, I decided to make a big change by taking the opportunity to learn something new. The Kaplen Institute for Nursing Excellence at Englewood Health announced its first cohort for Periop 101 certification. This is the same hands-on course with classroom lessons and simulation practice you recently completed. I am proud of us both for that achievement. Now, our team of experienced nurses will be pivotal in precepting you and other new nurses across the many specialties in the OR. Together, we will continue building your independence and confidence. This is the part of nursing you cannot learn in a book. We will ensure that you are ready to deliver outstanding patient outcomes. This is our highest priority. Never doubt that Englewood Health and our many supporters, who make continuing education programs possible, are invested in you. Here, we take care of each other and our patients. To view more of Leigh’s story, scan this QR code.

The nursing program at Englewood Health proudly received its fifth consecutive Magnet recognition from The American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Magnet Recognition Program. This is a distinction earned by only 30 of the nation’s hospitals. More than $13 million in donor support to The Kaplen Institute for Nursing Excellence, including a leadership gift from Maggie Kaplen and The Kaplen Foundation, is what makes achievements like this possible.

04 Englewood Health Foundation

Leigh Hartung, BSN, RN Winter 2024 05

Louis Gesualdi

Carmen Porch 06 Englewood Health Foundation

Thanksgiving was just a few days away, but the last thing on my mind was a big holiday feast. Over the last several weeks, my health worsened. Why did I feel so awful? I finally drove myself to Englewood Health’s Emergency Department where I met Dr. Meghan Kaumaya. She quickly ruled out COVID-19 to my relief. Continuing the exam, she then ordered a CT scan. I never imagined the diagnosis that followed. It was stage-1 liver cancer. My mind flew back to my best friend who died from cancer when we were in college. I then thought about two colleagues who we lost to cancer last year. Would it take my life now too? Frightened with many questions, I met with Dr. Steven Brower at The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center at Englewood Health. Aside from a tonsillectomy at four years old, this was my first hospital visit. I did not know what to expect or if I would even survive the surgery needed. Dr. Brower’s professionalism, expertise and kindness gave me hope. The anticipated three-hour surgery lasted twice as long. When I woke, comfort came in knowing the first leg of the journey was behind me. Twelve months of grueling treatment followed. I made it! Three years later and continuing under medical surveillance, I am on my way to becoming cancer free. As a sociologist and teacher, I appreciate when incredible knowledge and innovation impact life beyond measure. Thanks to Dr. Kaumaya and Dr. Brower, that is my truth. It is a pleasure to make a gift to the Foundation in gratitude of your remarkable life-saving care!

Englewood Health is nationally known for achieving the highest standards of excellence in cancer diagnosis and management. In the last decade, a shared commitment continues advancing next-level cancer care, with investments totaling over $60 million. This includes generous support of the Transforming the Future Campaign and a $5 million dollar gift from Ronald Lefcourt to name The Lefcourt Family Cancer Treatment and Wellness Center.

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Harvey Weber Vice President of Facilities Management and Emergency Response On March 7, 1969, Harvey Weber was born … at Englewood Health. While he may not quite recall that early introduction to the health system, he now is an integral part of its continued growth and transformation.

To view more of Harvey’s incredible survival story, scan this QR code.

08 Englewood Health Foundation

A lifelong emergency responder, Harvey served as an EMT and a firefighter for 25 years with the Ridgewood Fire Department. He accepted a position at Englewood Health after retiring and quietly wondered if he might lose that rush of adrenaline he enjoyed. Any initial doubt passed quickly. Fifteen years later, Harvey serves his community differently but with the same passion. That enthusiasm fueled his battle back to the job he loves after a hemorrhagic stroke in 2022 nearly cost him his life. Recently, we sat down on the eight floor of the Dean Pavilion where Harvey evaluated the progress of patient room renovations. Something is always underway at Englewood Health. What plans are on your desk now? Patient experience, well-being and safety remain top priorities. To that end, we are renovating patient care areas and building new private rooms here in the hospital. We will soon say goodbye to visitor paper badges to roll out a state-of-the-art electronic system. This strengthens our security and keeps patients, staff and visitors safe. Off campus, we are constructing the Englewood Health Asian Wellness Center in Englewood Cliffs. It will be a multidisciplinary facility with many different services under one roof. This model is successful as seen at the Englewood Health ZT Systems Outpatient Center in Jersey City which opened last year. Patient volume is through the roof and a clear signal that we are meeting a need and saving lives. Why are these facilities key to Englewood Health’s expansion plans? Getting high-quality care out into the community is a strategic priority. Convenient access is something families need. This is especially true in underserved communities where people might not otherwise be able to seek the best care. Fifteen years with the health system is a milestone. What makes you most proud? I knew it would be a long road to recovery after the stroke. My family at home – and at Englewood Health – kept me motivated. My first day back at work, colleagues from every part of the health

system lined the halls to welcome me home. I was floored, but not surprised. It’s how we roll, taking care of each other and our patients – just like family. That compassionate culture, team support and good work make me most proud. Your strong desire to get better was fueled by your team and the work you do together. How does philanthropy help you do your job? Donor generosity powers our work and growth. We continue bringing in the latest technology, building cutting-edge hybrid operating rooms, opening off-campus medical facilities and so much more because of their commitment. I am grateful to play a role in delivering value to the community for their investment.

Harvey’s Way – Rapid-Fire Questions BREAKFAST OF CHAMPIONS A large bowl of Kashi cereal with skim milk



BEST WEEKEND GETAWAY I like to escape to Englewood Health, even on the weekends!

Winter 2024 09

Lifelong Bergen County resident Carol Geisenheimer is a mother and grandmother who relishes time with family. As a talented realtor, she makes it her goal to bring that joy to other families in the community by finding them their dream home. “There is nothing more rewarding than a comfortable and happy home where you can make memories with those you love. I want that for everyone,” she says. That satisfying pursuit reaches far beyond Carol’s profession and began many years ago. As a young mother, Carol became active in global initiatives dedicated to empowering people through increased access to high-quality education and resources. The mission hit home for Carol and her personal commitment grew over the years. She eventually started the Frank and Esther G. Stein and Carol S. Geisenheimer Charitable Foundation to support a greater level of giving to organizations invested in building stronger communities – like the Englewood Health Foundation.

Carol Geisenheimer 10 Englewood Health Foundation

“The Englewood Health Foundation prioritizes the well-being of families by pushing valuable resources, programs and education into the community. It is forward thinking. In my opinion, access and convenience to preventative healthcare teach people how to live healthier. That keeps families together,” says Carol. She believes wellness must also include strong mental health and chooses to designate her philanthropic support to The Gregory P. Shadek Behavioral Care Center at Englewood Health. Established in 2018, the Shadek Center continues to grow in volume as the crisis deepens. “Mental health and addiction challenges will affect families in unimaginable ways. Resources within reach and without stigma are lifesaving for those who suffer,” explains Carol. “I consider it a privilege to give back to families in my community this way.”

Susan Dindial is a consistent fundraiser for the Englewood Health Foundation’s annual Walk for Awareness. Since 2015, her passionate appeal to family and friends when asking for their support remains: “Help me to help others. Together, we can make a difference!” Each year, Susan’s generous network grows wider and stronger – even reaching more than 2,000 miles to her native Trinidad. Raising funds to ensure breast cancer patients can access life-saving services at The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center at Englewood Health is a mission close to Susan’s heart. Her mother-in-law passed away in 2012 after being diagnosed in the late stages of the disease. Since then, several more of Susan Dindial Susan’s loved ones faced their own breast cancer battles. “Excellent healthcare and screening that are close to home bring an incredible peace of mind,” says Susan. “Walk for Awareness provides a lifeline to patients in our community, especially those less fortunate who otherwise would not be able to receive care.” Susan believes in the power of service. In addition to serving as administrative assistant to the director of special services for the Tenafly Board of Education, she is also a deacon in the Leonia Presbyterian Church. Growing up in a large family with little means, Susan says her mother set the example. “We did not have a lot and we went through very difficult times. Yet, my mother always demonstrated compassion and empathy for others. I learned so much from her and she is a big reason why I am so passionate about Walk for Awareness. If I can help one person, it is worth it,” she says. Susan is extremely grateful to her donors for their commitment and kindness. It is only because of their generosity that she can help make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

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Living in occupied South Korea in the 1930s, Samuel Shahoon Shin was deprived the freedom to pursue his desired career as a physician. Today, Englewood Health Chief of Medicine and Director of Hospital Medicine Peter Shin, MD, is highly mindful that he is living a dream his grandfather could not achieve and considers it a privilege to improve lives through medicine. Dr. Shin joined Englewood Health in 2008 as a hospitalist, a physician who cares for patients admitted to the hospital with acute conditions. Following a two-year hiatus out of state while his wife pursued her graduate degree, Dr. Shin returned to the health system to lead Hospital Medicine. He calls modern medicine a team sport and finds joy working alongside smart, attentive and exceptionally skilled colleagues.

As a hospitalist, it is satisfying to work in such a uniquely collaborative environment with a team of docs who trust in one another’s expertise and judgment. It makes caring for patients even more rewarding.

Englewood Health hospitalists are personalized care plan managers for complex inpatient cases. They ensure that the clinical team caring for patients knows the whole of each individual’s illness, recommendations and treatment. Dr. Shin believes a team speaking in one voice drives greater patient confidence and outcomes. “The health system’s state-of-the-art electronic medical record system, Epic, makes this possible by holding all a patient’s records, tests, physicians’ notes and treatment in one place. It is a robust communication tool between doctors, extending beyond the hospital stay and into the outpatient setting. It brings incredible value to the patient relationship,” explains Dr. Shin. 12 Englewood Health Foundation

As chief of medicine, Dr. Shin regularly engages with Englewood Health leadership, department heads and section chiefs. He appreciates their vision and ability to advance next-level healthcare. As the traditional care model shifts to a more comprehensive and seamless continuum, Dr. Shin points to philanthropy for keeping Englewood Health at the forefront. It is why he chooses to support the Englewood Health Foundation as a Physician Partner. This generous group of physicians pledge annual support to shape the future of the health system and ensure the well-being of its many patients. “This is my home as a clinical provider and also where my family and I receive our healthcare. It is important to me that Englewood Health thrive.” To learn more about the Englewood Health Foundation Physician Partners, please scan this QR code.

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Everyone is talking! Our voices are loud and strong to match the bold action advancing the next era of healthcare, here at home.

SPRING BREAKFAST CLUB Rise and shine for the Breakfast Club! More than 150 supporters joined us at Montammy Golf Club on March 9 for a morning discussion with Khuraira Musa, author and beauty industry pioneer. Funds raised benefited the 2023 Walk for Awareness, which provides uninsured and underinsured patients with access to world-class care at The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center at Englewood Health.

Breakfast Club Committee

HEEL THE SOUL Thank you to Presenting Sponsors Michelle and Scott Tesser, event sponsors, the event committee and our many supporters. Held on March 30 at Montammy Golf Club, the 2023 Heel the Soul event raised nearly $185,000 to provide hope and support to Englewood Health patients battling serious illness.

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Heel the Soul Founder and 2023 Event Co-Chair Joanne Ehrlich with 2023 Event Co-Chair Josh Albom


Jingjing Sherman, MD; Ana Burga, MD; Troy Callahan, MD; Celinés Morales-Ribeiro, MD

On May 10, the Englewood Health Foundation celebrated the leadership and commitment of our Physician Partners at Montammy Golf Club. Physician Partners play a critical role in helping Englewood Health deliver on its mission. Thank you for making an impact for patients, our community and one another. Physicians interested in joining this generous group of supporters, please contact the Foundation at 201.894.3725.

GOLF CLASSIC It was a picture-perfect day on June 12 for Englewood Health Foundation’s 20th Annual Golf Classic at the Ridgewood Country Club. The generosity of friends, sponsors and many others raised over $350,000 to benefit Englewood Health and the patients it serves. Ugo Ude; Foundation Trustee Neil Piekny; Jason Baynes, MD; Brett Dearing

ANDIAMO MOTORCYCLE CHARITY RUN Hundreds of bikers braved the weather for the 22nd Annual Andiamo Motorcycle Run on September 10. This special community fundraiser is hosted by Foundation Trustee and Andiamo Restaurant owner Don Dickstein, the Dickstein Family and the Andiamo Run Committee. Funds benefit Englewood Health and other regional charities. Bikers brave the weather for a good cause. Winter 2024 15

Bold Steps in the Fight Against Breast Cancer Thank you to our presenting sponsors, as well as our many other sponsors and supporters. A great big shout out also goes to the 45 teams who helped bring the spirit to the Walk for Awareness on Sunday, October, 22, including this year’s top fundraising team, Euro American Brands/Team Ritter Pink! Together, we raised more than $325,000 to provide uninsured and underinsured patients access to life-saving services at The Leslie Simon Breast Care and Cytodiagnosis Center at Englewood Health. To view the event photos and video, scan this QR code.

2023 #1 Fundraising Team, Euro American Brands | Team Ritter Pink Team Breast Impressions

Team Joanne’s Joyful J-Walkers

Bogota Jr./Sr. High School Cheerleading Team 16 Englewood Health Foundation

Team Millie

Hundreds gathered at The Glasshouse on Saturday, September 9, to celebrate Honorees Warren Geller and Gregg Lobel, MD. More than $2.1 million was raised – a new record for this special signature fundraising event. Thank you to our many partners in philanthropy who helped us make this a night to remember! To view the highlights and honoree videos from the evening, scan this QR code.

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350 Engle Street Englewood, NJ 07631

THE 2024 SPECIAL EVENTS CALENDAR is quickly taking shape.

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