Father Judge Course Catalog

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2012-2013 COURSE CATALOG Father Judge High School is accredited by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Instruction and the Middle States Association of College and Secondary Schools.

ADMINISTRATION (Rev.) Joseph Campellone, O.S.F.S., President (Rev.) James Dalton, O.S.F.S., Principal

ASSISTANT PRINCIPALS Mr. Jim Greene, Academic Affairs (Rev.) Jack Kolodziej, O.S.F.S., Student Affairs Mr. Edward Harrington, Student Services

DEPARTMENT CHAIRSPERSONS Business/Technology Education……………………………………………….Mr. Gene Carboni Construction Technology……………………………………………………….Mr. Frank Fedele English…………………………………………………………………………….Mr. Sean Kelly Fine Arts…………………………………………………………………….Mrs. Nicole Harrigan Guidance Services…………………………………………………………...Mrs. Michele Purcell Health/Physical Education…………………………………………………Mr. David Mulholland Library Resources…………………………………………………………..Mrs. Sandra Kolander Mathematics………………………………………………………Mrs. Maureen Keppard-Pedlow Science......................................................................................................................Mr. Art Gutzler Social Studies............................................................................................................Mr. Tim Ginter Theology.........................................................................................................Mrs. Maureen Dwyer World Language..............................................................................................Mrs. Jamie Kneafsey Brisson Center…………………………………………………………...…Mrs. Mariel McCarthy Technology Coordinator/Computer Resource Person………………………...….Mr. Mark Carew [1]


The minimum requirements for a diploma from Father Judge High School: Theology English Mathematics Science Social Studies Physical Ed/Health Electives

4.00 credits 4.00 credits 3.00 credits 3.00 credits 3.00 credits 1.00 credit 6.00 credits

REQUIRED COURSES: Freshmen Theology English Mathematics World History 1 Physical Science Language*

Sophomore Theology English Mathematics World History 2 Biology Phys. Ed./Health

Junior Theology English Mathematics Science Early Am. Hist.* Elective/s

Senior Theology English US Government Mathematics* Science * Elective/s

* Student is strongly encouraged to take these courses. A minimum class load of six credits is required of all students in each year.


The courses listed in this document are planned for your son's school year. The School Administration reserves the right to cancel any course or to merge a two track offering into one track. The Administration also reserves the right to implement any ancillary services which may become available during the school year. These services may necessitate a change of roster. ONCE ACCEPTED, A STUDENT CANNOT DROP AN (AP) ADVANCED PLACEMENT COURSE. Any students who apply for an advanced placement course must meet the prerequisites for the course and must sit for the test in May. A fee is charged for this test. Enrollment is limited. Once accepted and enrolled, this course may NOT be dropped. All of Father Judge's Advanced Placement courses are officially sanctioned by the College Board. [2]


Students must receive a final grade of 70% in all subjects to be promoted. Those with a failure at the final report must remove the failure by attending the Diocesan Summer School. A student with two failures, on the final report is automatically on academic probation for the next school year. If he has two failures on the final report the following year, he may be dismissed. If he has one failure on the final report the following year, he remains on probation. Seniors, who would be dismissed under the probation policy, will be permitted to attend Diocesan Summer School to remove the failures and to be able to receive a diploma after receiving a passing grade in summer school. Ninth grade students with five failures, at the end of the first semester may be dismissed. Tenth, eleventh and twelfth grade students with four failures at the end of the first semester may be dismissed. A student on academic probation who receives three failures at the end of the first semester may be dismissed. Any student who receives three or more failures at the end of the school year will be dropped from the rolls of Father Judge.


The Tracking system is designed to meet the particular needs of the individual student at the level of his intellectual ability. Therefore, state-required subjects, except health and physical education, are offered at three different levels of academic difficulty, ranging from advanced to college prep work. Electives are offered at different track levels, depending upon the intrinsic difficulty of the subject matter in relation to the other electives. The following can be used as a guide to understanding the track system.

Track A - College Level Track 1 - Honors Track 2 Track 3 Track 4-Knights Program

Advanced Placement classes (A). AP Exams required College prep courses for the exceptional student College prep courses for the students of above average ability College prep courses or general classes -students of average ability College preparatory (with special help and supervision)

*Students are tracked by their scores on Terra Nova Tests, Course Grades and Cumulative Class Rank.



A 4.0

B 3.0

C 2.0

D 1.0


Grade 100 99 98 97 96 95 94 93 92 91 90 89 88 87 86 85 84 83 82 81 80 79 78 77 76 75 74 73 72 71 70 69 68 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60

A/5 54 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14

Track 1 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 [4]

Track 2 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

Track 3 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Track 4 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 0 0 0


Honors signify that a student is being recognized for his academic achievement with respect to his overall course of studies. It recognizes that he has made a serious effort to maximize his abilities commensurate with his education level. REQUIREMENTS FOR HONORS DESIGNATIONS (Updated January 2011 for Implementation Fall 2011 for all students) The following are the honors designations used by the Archdiocese of Philadelphia Secondary School System. First Honors: Quarterly Average of 93; no single grade below 90 Second Honors: Quarterly Average of 88; no single grade below 85 HONORS CALCULATION Honors will be calculated on a quarterly basis and will not include semester assessments or the semester average.

RANK IN CLASS Rank in class, both current and cumulative, is determined by the adjusted quality point quotient. The quality point quotient is obtained by dividing the number of quality points earned by the number of credits. To compensate students taking more than five credits, a mathematical adjustment is made when computing this average. Adjustment tables are available in the Academic Office.



I. Course Selection Procedure: Each student will select courses for next year on GradeConnect. Students will be required to select subjects for the coming school year based on ability, career goals, and teachers' recommendations. 1. Student will be given the courses selected only if he meets the basic requirements of the courses in achievement and ability and receives the recommendation of his teachers. 2. Within each course the student will be placed at a track level which is commensurate with his achievements, ability and teacher recommendation. Conflicts which arise due to scheduling difficulties in tracks will be remedied by the Assistant Principal, keeping the students' abilities and the school’s resources as compatible as possible. 3. The Assistant Principal of Academics is the final arbiter in all decisions relevant to student placement in courses. In the event of a conflict in scheduling, the Assistant Principal of Academics will honor the alternate choices of the student to the greatest degree possible. An alternate selection should be listed on the Course selection sheet in GradeConnect. If there are no alternate choices, courses will be assigned at the discretion of the Assistant Principal.

II. Course Change and Course Drop Policy: (Next School Year) Since course selection should be done only after careful and thoughtful consultation with parents and teachers, the following procedures are established for a change or a drop in a course. 1. Ordinarily, changes in course selection must be made no later the Scheduled Course Approval Day. 2. Changes after the Course Approval Day will NOT be considered if submitted for the following reasons: - Teacher preference - Reduction of load because of outside employment - Displeasure with schedule 3. Rosters are available in August. Errors and limited changes are made at this time. 4. Ordinarily, once the school year begins, no courses or tracks are changed. 5. All changes are dictated by student abilities; past grades, cumulative rank, times offered, and class size.


THEOLOGY DEPARTMENT Theology Progression Year









Track 1 (Honors)

Theology I

Theology II

Theology III

Theology IV

Track 2

Theology I

Theology II

Theology III

Theology IV

Track 3

Theology I

Theology II

Theology III

Theology IV


Theology I




AP (Adv. Placement)

Theology Curriculum

Course # 95__ Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Christian Service is required of each student. A minimum of fifteen hours of Christian Service is to be completed by both juniors and seniors during the first semester; a minimum of ten hours of Christian Service is to be completed by both freshmen and sophomores during the second semester. This is a Pass-Fail course.

Course # 011, 012, 013, 014 1 Credit Tracks 1-4 Grade 9 1st semester: THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST IN SCRIPTURE This course helps students understand the Sacred Scriptures. The Bible is the word of God where they encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. Students learn about the Bible, its development and content, and how God is its author. Students focus on the Gospels, where they grow to know and love Jesus more personally. 2nd semester: WHO IS JESUS CHRIST? This course helps students understand the person and message of Jesus Christ. He is the living Word of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity. He is the ultimate Revelation about God, from God. Students penetrate the mystery of the person of Jesus and who he calls them to be.


Course # 021, 022, 023 1 Credit Tracks 1-3 Grade 10 st 1 semester: THE MISSION OF JESUS CHRIST (THE PASCHAL MYSTERY) This course helps students understand all that God has done for humanity through his Son, Jesus Christ. God has planned, from all eternity, for human beings to share everlasting happiness with him. This is accomplished only through redemption in Christ. Students inquire about the meaning of being a disciple of Christ. 2nd semester: JESUS CHRIST’S MISSION CONTINUES IN THE CHURCH This course helps students understand that they encounter the living Jesus Christ in and through the Church. The Church was founded by Christ through the Apostles. It is sustained by him through the Holy Spirit. The Church is the living Body of Christ. Students explore the Church as a mystery which has both human and divine elements.

Course # 031, 032, 033 1 Credit Tracks 1-3 Grade 11 1st semester: SACRAMENTS AS PRIVILEGED ENCOUNTERS WITH JESUS CHRIST This course helps students understand that they can meet Christ today in and through the sacraments. Each sacrament, particularly the Eucharist, is a means to a full and real encounter with Christ. Students examine each sacrament in detail so as to learn how they may encounter Christ throughout life. 2nd semester: LIFE IN JESUS CHRIST This course helps students understand the moral life. Only in Christ can human beings discover the fullness of life. Disciples of Christ are guided by moral concepts and precepts of Christ and his Church. Students probe these moral teachings and reflect upon their implications.

Course # 041, 042, 043 1 Credit Tracks 1-3 Grade 12 st 1 semester: HISTORY OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH The purpose of this course is to supply the students with a general knowledge of the Church’s history from apostolic times to the present. They will be introduced to the fact that the Church was founded by Christ through the Apostles and is sustained by him throughout history through the Holy Spirit. The students will come to know that the Church is the living body of Christ today and, as such, has both divine and human elements. In this course the students will learn about the Church’s 2000 years of history and about how the Church is led and governed by the successors of the Apostles. 2nd semester: RESPONDING TO THE CALL OF JESUS CHRIST The purpose of this course is to help students understand the vocations of life: how Christ calls us to live. In this course, students should learn how all vocations are similar and how they differ. The course should be structured around married life, single life, priestly life, and consecrated life. Students should learn what it means to live life for the benefit of others and the value in considering a vocation in service to the Christian community.


ENGLISH DEPARTMENT English Progression Year





AP (Adv. Placement)

Junior 135, AP Lang and Composition

Senior 145, AP Eng Lit

Track 1 (Honors)

111, ELA 1 (Fund. of Lit & Comp)

121, ELA 2 (American Lit & Comp)

141, ELA 4 131, ELA 3 (British (World Lit & Lit & Comp) Comp)

Track 2

112, ELA 1

122, ELA 2

132, ELA 3

142, ELA 4

Track 3

113, ELA 1

123, ELA 2

133, ELA 3

143, ELA 4


114, ELA 1(Fund Lit 123, ELA 2 Types, & Comp)

133, ELA 3

143, ELA 4

English Curriculum ELA to implement 2011-2012 Grade 9 Critical Reading, Writing, and Speaking supported through Genre Studies Grade 10 Critical Reading, Writing, and Speaking supported through World and British Studies Grade 11 Critical Reading, Writing, and Speaking supported through American Studies Grade 12 Critical Reading, Writing, and Speaking supported through Contemporary American Studies Course # 135 1 Credit Track A Grade 11 Advanced Placement Language and Composition This course conforms to the College Board recommendation for the Advanced Placement Language and Composition syllabus and examination. The course will train students to become skilled readers of prose written in various periods and rhetorical contexts and skilled writers of expository writing. While focusing on the connection between reading and writing, students will gain practice in composing writing samples in a variety of purposes with emphasis on expository, analytical, and argumentative essays. Each student is required to take the AP Test in May. Successful completion of the course and at least a score of 3 (out of 5) on the College Board exam may receive college credit from the applicant's eventual college. Students will be expected to take AP Literature and Composition in their senior year Prerequisite: class ranking, with recommendation by the sophomore English teacher, review by the English Chair, and final approval by the Studies Office. Students should be prepared to submit their writing portfolio from freshman and sophomore years.


Course #145 1 Credit Track A Grade 12 Advanced Placement English Literature The English Advanced Placement Course follows the recommended curriculum of the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program. The purpose of the program is to give superior students the opportunity to do college level work in high school and to earn college credit for the work. I f a student earns the required grade on an AP exam; he can receive the equivalent of 6-8 semester hours or 10-12 hours of college credit. Students who have successfully completed the AP Language & Composition course in junior English are expected to apply for enrollment in the Advanced Placement English course for the senior year. Other college-bound students, with the recommendation of their instructors, may also apply for the course. Insofar as the English Advanced Placement strongly suggests enhancing the cultural background of the students, periodic visits to literary events are encouraged as an integral part of the program. Students enrolled in course 145 are required to take the AP Test for successful completion of the course. Students need to apply and be approved by the English Department to participate in this course. A fee is charged. Student selection includes past performance, cumulative rank, and teacher and Department Chairperson recommendations.

SOCIAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT Social Studies Progression Year AP (Adv. Placement)







235, AP European History

245, AP US Government

Track 1 (Honors)

211, World History 1

221, 231 Early World History 2 American History

241, 20th Century History

Track 2

212, World History 1

222, 232, Early World History 2 American History

242, 20th Century History

Track 3

213, World History 1

223, 233, Early World History 2 American History

243, 20th Century History


214, World History 1

223, 233, Early World History 2 American History

243, 20th Century History


Social Studies Curriculum

Course #211 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 9 World History 1 This is a study of man's development from his beginnings on earth to the Renaissance. There is a brief look at man's development from a nomadic hunter to a creator of the great ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. The main emphasis in the first semester is a historical and cultural study of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome and their impact on western civilizations. The second semester is a study of the foundations of Medieval Europe to the Emergence of Modern Europe. The students will study the forces that led to the rise and fall of national states. Did western man learn from the experiences of the past, or did he seem to repeat earlier mistakes? This is a demanding, accelerated course for the superior student with a penchant for history. The emphasis in the course is on individual study and student achievement with minimal formal instruction. The student will be required to do extensive outside reading and critical evaluation of various articles and books pertinent to the course of study. He will be required to participate in discussions, classroom presentations and debates.

Course #212, 213, 214 1 Credit Track 2 - 4 Grade 9 World History 1 This is a study of man's development from his beginnings on earth to the Renaissance. There is a brief look at man's development from a nomadic hunter to a creator of the great ancient civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. The main emphasis in the first semester is a historical and cultural study of the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome and their impact on western civilizations. The second semester is a study of the foundations of Medieval Europe to the Emergence of Modern Europe. The students will study the forces that led to the rise and fall of national states. Did western man learn from the experiences of the past, or did he seem to repeat earlier mistakes?

Course # 221 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grades 10, 11 World History 2 The course is designed for the superior student with a flare for asking hard questions of history. A basic textbook provides the broad overview of Europe from 1750 to present. Paperbacks from the Problems in European Civilization series will offer the student in-depth study of six selected topics. The World Wars of the twentieth century, Nazism, Communism, and the Cold War are among them. The course will stress independent study, wide reading, and analysis. It will challenge the serious student to develop his mind, expand his horizons, and reward him with a new awareness of the world in which he lives. It qualifies as a non-American culture.


Course # 222, 223 1 Credit Tracks 2-3 Grades 10, 11 World History 2 The course begins with the long English Revolution of the seventeenth century. It surveys the political, social, and economic developments leading to the present realities of modern Europe. The student traces the movement of powerful forces such as nationalism and liberty. He studies the monarchies, republics, and totalitarian states of recent times. The course includes World War I and II, Nazism, Communism, and the Cold War. It qualifies as a non-American culture. Course # 231 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grades 11, 12 Early American History The course will cover the same material as #232 but at an accelerated rate. Students taking this honors class will be required to actively participate in class discussions and will have several required reading assignments that will reinforce these class discussions. Grades in this class will be based on both objective and essay tests. Also, this course will require several reports that will require research on the part of the student. For this honors class, the student will have access to the Internet to assist them. The primary intent of this course is to offer a serious intellectual challenge to a small group of superior students. This class will give the student a better understanding of the development of their country. Course # 232,233 1 Credit Tracks 2-3 Grades 11, 12 Early American History This course covers the growth of the United States from the pre-Columbian period to the postCivil War Era. It begins with a close look at Native American Cultures before the arrival of Christopher Columbus and concludes with a look at how our nation was becoming a modern, industrial country after the Civil War. Particular aspects of Early American History will be thoroughly examined. These include Ancient Native Cultures and Civilizations, the English colonization of North America, the American Revolution, the US Constitution, the Civil War, the westward expansion of the US, and the growth of big cities.

Course # 235 1 Credit Track A Grade 11 AP European History This course gives advanced placement students the opportunity to take a college level course in high school and earn college credit for the work. ALL STUDENTS ENROLLED IN THIS COURSE ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE THE AP EXAM IN MAY. The exam consists of three parts: a multiple-choice section; a document-based question (DBQ); and two thematic essays. The course is designed to prepare students for the exam. Students will gain a basic knowledge of the chronology and major events and trends in European history from 1450 to the present. They will examine the intellectual, cultural, political, diplomatic, economic, and social history of the times in order to arrive at a comprehensive understanding of our European roots. Students will also develop an ability to analyze historical evidence to draw reasoned conclusions and to express that analysis in writing. Enrollment is limited. Candidates will be selected based on their grades, class rank, and standardized test scores and teacher recommendations. [12]

Course # 241, 242, 243 1 Credit Tracks 1-4 Grade 12 Twentieth Century American History This course covers the far-reaching changes that have affected the United States in this century. It begins with the repercussions of the Spanish-American War. It extends through the periods of World War I and II, the Great Depression, the Cold War, and our post Indo-China involvement. The particular impacts of American presidents from McKinley through Clinton are examined in the light of foreign policy and their handling of domestic issues and economic problems. Students will examine American democratic processes, American political structures and American political theories.

Course # 245 1 Credit Track A Grade 12 AP American Government and Politics This course follows the recommended curriculum of the Advanced Placement Program. The purpose of this course is to give interested and highly motivated students the opportunity to do college level work in high school while earning college credit for their work. If the student earns the required grade on the AP exam, he can earn the equivalent credit of 3-6 semester hours of college credit. ** Outside readings, library assignments, and Internet research assignments will be an integral part of the curriculum. All students must take the AP Exam in May. A fee is charged. Selection is based upon cumulative rank, grades in other history courses and teacher recommendations.

Course # 250 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 12 Psychology Psychology studies the behavior of organisms as a scientific and human enterprise. Content is developed by laboratory investigations, lecture sessions, cooperative learning activities, and student presentations. All students must complete a Behavioral Science Research Project. Topics include the Psychology Experiment, Personality, Human Development, Learning, Intelligence, Abnormality, Normality and Environment vs. Heredity. Enrollment is limited and based upon cumulative class rank.


MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT Mathematics Progression Year




AP (Adv. Placement)

Senior 345 AP Calculus

341 PreCalculus 350 Adv. 348 Programming Programming in Java in Java 351 PreCalculus

Track 1(Honors)

311 Algebra I

321 Algebra II 331 Geometry

Track 2

312 Algebra I

322 Algebra II

332 Geometry

342 PreCalculus

Track 3

313 Algebra I

323 Algebra II

333 Geometry

343 Trigonometry


314 Algebra I, 324 Algebra II, Track 4 Track 4

Knights move to 333 Geometry Track 3

343 Trigonometry Track 3

Mathematics Curriculum   

Our Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry courses are aligned to the PA Common Core Standards for Mathematics Content and Mathematical Practice. The Mathematics Content Standards define what students should understand and be able to do. Mathematical Practice Standards describe the habits of mind required to reach a level of Mathematical proficiency.

Course # 311 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 9 Algebra I The students enrolled in Honors Algebra I will examine structure in equations, and will create equations that describe numbers or relationships. Students will reason with equations and inequalities abstractly and quantitatively, will solve systems of equations and will represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically. Students will construct viable arguments for their reasoning and critique the reasoning of others.


Course # 312, 313 1 Credit Tracks 2-3 Grade 9 Algebra I The students enrolled in Algebra I will examine structure in equations, and will create equations that describe numbers or relationships. Students will reason with equations and inequalities abstractly and quantitatively, will solve systems of equations and will represent and solve equations and inequalities graphically. Students will construct viable arguments for their reasoning and critique the reasoning of others.

Course # 314 1 Credit Knights Grade 9 Algebra I In this course emphasis is placed on a gradual, thorough approach to first year algebra without placing unnecessary stress on structure. Basic Algebraic concepts are introduced as well as review and practice of topics such as integers, fractional numbers, factors and multiples. Students who successfully complete this course will continue on to a follow-up course as sophomores.

Course # 321, 322 1 Credit Tracks 1(H)-2 Grade 10 Algebra 2 Areas of study include the real number system; factoring algebraic fractions; solutions of first and second degree equations in 1 and 2 variables, inequalities, functions, imaginary and complex numbers, graphs, quadratic equations, exponential and logarithmic functions.

Course #323 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 10 Algebra 2 This course is similar to 322 but the concepts & mathematics are taught at a slower pace.

Course # 324 1 Credit Knights Grade 10 Algebra 2 This course will concentrate on applying basic algebraic concepts to solving equations and inequalities in one or two variables, working with polynomials, factoring, functions and their graphs and systems of open sentences. Emphasis is placed on applications of Algebra through group work and cooperative instruction.

Course # 331 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 10 Geometry This course will use integrated learning techniques to develop the ideas of both plane and solid geometry. Topics covered will include tools of geometry, investigating geometric figures, transformations: shapes in motion, triangle relationships, measuring in the plane and space, reasoning and parallel lines, proving triangles congruent, quadrilaterals, similarity, right triangle trigonometry, and chords, secants and tangents. Prerequisite: Algebra I teacher recommendation.


Course #332 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 11 Geometry This course is a study of linear and planar concepts; plane and solid figures and their relationship to each other. It includes Definitions, Postulates, Theorems, Algebra, Proof and Spatial Concepts. The above items are approached with a critical and logical attitude. There are many practical applications for those who will study a trade or skill. The concepts and approach should be beneficial in many careers and everyday situations.

Course # 333 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 11 Geometry This course encompasses the study of linear and planar concepts; plane and solid figures and their relationship to each other. This course emphasizes a practical, hands-on approach.

Course # 341 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 11 Course # 351-#342 1 Credit Tracks1 (H)-2 Grade 12 Pre-Calculus These courses are geared to bring the more advanced students from high school mathematics into a college-level course. It begins by reviewing functions and their graphs. It relies on the use of technology - graphing calculators and computers. The trig functions, their graphs, inverses and applications are explored. Such topics as Sequences and Series, Polynomial Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions and limits lead nicely into the Calculus. A research paper is required on the Honors and Track 2 level.

Course # 343 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 12 Trigonometry This is a full-year course with an emphasis on a comprehensive, visual introduction to the Basic Trigonometric Functions and their real-world applications.

Course # 345 1 Credit Track A Grade 12 Advanced Placement Calculus This is a College Board approved course for the accelerated mathematics student. The thrust of the work will be to prepare the student to take the advanced placement examination in May of the school year. This course contains material in function theory, analytical geometry, derivatives and integrals including applications and methods. This course includes extensive use of the graphing calculator. All students take the AP Exam in May. A fee is charged.


Course # 348 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 11 Programming in JAVA This course serves as an introduction to computer programming using the high-level language JAVA. It will concentrate on problem solving techniques, developing algorithms, debugging of programs, and writing programs. The student will learn about object-oriented programming (OOP), be taught the process of specification, design, coding, and testing. The student will also be shown how to read and understand a problem description, purpose, and goals. The students will be taught methods of input and output, control structures, looping techniques, and implementing classes. The student will learn the proper use of arrays & collections. Prerequisite: Honors Physics, excellent math grades and high cumulative class rank. Students not in Honors Physics but with high math grades and high cumulative class rank may also apply. Course # 350 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 12 Advanced Programming in JAVA This course will continue the introductory JAVA course, concentrating on apply data abstraction and encapsulation, reading and understand class specifications and relationships among the classes, understanding and implementing a given class hierarchy, using classes and class libraries, extending a given class using inheritance, understand and evaluate recursive methods, and a more extensive use of the Java library classes Students will also learn more advanced techniques in testing and debugging, such as how to categorize errors: compile-time, run-time, logic, and identify and correcting errors. Prerequisite: Programming in JAVA & instructor recommendation. If enrollment is limited, selection will be based on final grade in Programming in JAVA and cumulative class rank.


SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Science Progression Year








AP Bio AP Phys E & M




Track 2

Phys Science


Chemistry or Environ Science

Physics or Earth Science

Track 3

Phys Science


Chemistry or Environ Science

Physics or Earth Science


Phys Science


Chemistry or Environ Science

Physics or Earth Science

AP (Adv. Placement) Track 1 (Honors)

Science Curriculum Space travel, laser communication, genetic research and undersea exploration are but a few examples of the exciting activities in which scientists are engaged. The world around you is interesting and exciting place. Why has our present generation been able to make such spectacular advances in science and technology? In part because, as a fundamental part of his make-up, man is curious. Think how many times you have asked your parents, relatives or friends a question to satisfy your curiosity about "what" or "how" or "why". A scientist is a person who has made curiosity his profession; but you do not have to want to be a scientist to study science, just curious about the world around you. You may ask, "Why study science?" Well, if you ever asked a question, or if you ever wondered why and felt curious--study science, find out what makes you and the world tick! Course # 411 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 9 Biology As the queen of sciences, Biology is the vital force that helps students to recognize the critical importance of scientific developments in today's world as well as the world of tomorrow. This course provides students with the basic knowledge of biology as it relates to them and their own range of experiences. Biology emphasizes the importance of understanding the basic scientific concepts that provide the framework for studying the living world around us. Students are provided with insight into the thinking processes of scientists and the ways in which science and technology often merge to provide answers to scientific problems. Students will have an opportunity to experience learning and processing skills that lead to the abilities of problem solving and critical thinking. [18]

Course # 412 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 9 Physical Science This course provides the students with the basic knowledge of physical science as it relates to themselves and to their own range of experiences. The objective is to develop an appreciation and understanding of the forms of matter and energy that make up the physical universe. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of the scientific method, measurements, properties and changes of matter and the various forms of energy.

Course # 413, 414 1 Credit Tracks 3 - 4 Grade 9 Physical Science Physical Science is an investigative science course that makes use of problem solving, experimentation and student-related activities that allow the student to experience the scientific process. Students are encouraged to explore the relationship between scientific discoveries and the development of new technologies that such discoveries bring. The student is introduced to the classification of matter, introductory chemistry concepts to include type of chemical reactions, the process of radioactivity, and the basic concepts of forces, fluids, work, power, heat, electricity, and magnetism.

Course # 421 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 10 Chemistry 7PPC Growing out of the idea that science is a search for understanding, this course takes a close look at the behavior of matter and how it is affected by energy and other types of matter. Students learn that changes in matter can be observed, classified, measured, and even predicted, once the laws which govern the behavior of substances are understood. Students also learn to use mathematical models, or formulae, to calculate predicted outcomes of various physical and chemical changes. They learn that many "magical" changes (like flash powder, changes from base metal to "gold," changes in color, creation of artificial light, etc.) can be easily explained, once the nature of atoms and chemical reactions is understood. This course is an excellent preparation for students who are college bound, especially if they intend to seek a career in a science-related field.

Course # 422 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 10 Biology: The Living Science As new discoveries in science and technology occur at an incredible pace, the choices that educated citizens will make will require an understanding of science. Our quality of life as a society will depend on how wisely we make those choices. In Biology - The Living Science students are invited to explore the fascinating world of biology and recognize that we are all part of the great web of life that covers the globe. Students are encouraged to appreciate the discoveries of science that have greatly improved our quality of life over that of preceding generations, and to recognize that biology offers the opportunity to make still many new discoveries that can make our world a better place for themselves and their children. Topics addressed include the characteristics of living things, cell biology, genetics, evolution and natural selection, biodiversity and ecology as well as an overview of all phyla from bacteria to humans. [19]

Course # 423 Biology: Everyday Experience

1 Credit

Track 3

Grade 10

Course # 431 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grade 11 Physics 7PPC Physics, the most fundamental physical science, is concerned with the basic principles of the universe. At this level, the course is directed toward the students who have demonstrated proficiency in math and science. Generally, those taking this course are college bound and will major in science or engineering. There will be a significant emphasis on using the computer as a laboratory tool for data acquisition and analysis. Those intending to major in a non-science field, but demonstrate a science proficiency are encouraged to continue in the program to complete this course of study. The beauty of physics lies in the simplicity of the fundamental physical theories and in the manner in which a small number of fundamental concepts, equations, and assumptions can explain a myriad of physical phenomena in our world. The projected syllabus includes mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetism, relativity and quantum mechanics. Emphasis is placed on mathematical analysis. Laboratories are an integral aspect of the course. Students will have the opportunity to utilize computer technology to aid in their acquisition of chemical concepts and process skills. Prerequisites: Honors Chemistry, Algebra I and II. If enrollment is limited, selection will be based on cumulative class rank.

Course # 432 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Chemistry Using the Scientific Method as a starting point, this course tries to teach the student a deeper understanding of matter and all its properties. The student learns that the behavior of matter is governed by a variety of physical laws. With an understanding of these laws, and the mathematical formulae that describe the relationships involved, the student learns to apply concepts and calculate the outcomes of various interactions of matter and energy. A good understanding of basic mathematics and some knowledge of introductory algebra is helpful in this course. With its focus on application of basic concepts, problem solving-skills, and analysis and evaluation of information, this course is an excellent preparation for the college bound student. It provides a good foundation for students who expect to pursue a technical field in college and it also develops analytical and problem-solving skills for students who wish to major in a non-technical field in college. Chemistry students will have the opportunity to utilize computer technology to aid in their acquisition of chemical concepts and process skills. Course # 433 1 Credit Track 3 Grades 11, 12 Basic Concepts - Chemistry Using basic mathematics, (i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division), this course is designed to develop one's ability to understand basic concepts in Chemistry. Based on the assumption that modern society exists, in large measure, because of advances in modern Chemistry, this course explains the principles upon which modern chemists build the world of tomorrow. The experiments performed are directly related to the daily world of the students and are meant to integrate theory and reality, stressing the tremendous dependency our society has on the world of science. [20]

Course # 436 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 11 Environmental Science The Environmental Science curriculum is designed to introduce students to major ecological concepts and the environmental problems which affect the world in which they live. Recognizing the urgent need for environmental education at all levels, Environmental Science will allow students to become more aware of the interactions of people and their environment. Students will learn about technological solutions to these problems. This course provides a full year of study examining the physical and chemical processes which make the world function. Issues concerning Science Technology and Society are presented throughout the course. Environmental Science will help students make more informed choices about issues which affect our environment - the construction of dams and developments, the disposal of toxic wastes, deforestation, and the consumption of fossil fuels. Additionally, students will develop strategies to deal with the practical problems associated with daily living such as sewage treatment, maintaining safe drinking water supplies, food production and the use of chemical nutrients and pesticides, regulations for automobile emissions, and the implications and effects of exposure to radiation. Curriculum follows Project Globe on the Internet.

Course # 445 1 Credit Track A Grade 12 AP Physics 7PPC AP Physics C is a rigorous course which covers Mechanics in the 1st semester, and Electricity and Magnetism in the 2nd semester. Students selecting this course should have a strong background in Mathematics. This course will follow a rigid schedule of assignments. A syllabus will be provided. This course is strongly recommended for anyone planning on majoring in Engineering, Mathematics, Computer Science or any other Technology related field. Enrollment in the course will be limited. Candidates will be selected based on their performance in Physics I, mathematics grades, and class rank. Taking this course concurrently with AP Calculus is strongly recommended. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO TAKE THE AP TEST

Course # 455 1 Credit Track A Grade 12 AP Biology 7PPC AP Biology is equivalent to a full year (two semesters) freshman Biology course taught at any major University. The framework of the course is built around relating the individual chapters (topics) around the following themes: Science as a Process, Evolution, Energy Transfer, Continuity and Change, Relationship of Structure to Functions, Regulation, Interdependence in Nature, and Science, Technology and Society. Prerequisite: High school biology, chemistry, teacher recommendation, and cumulative class rank. All students must take the AP Biology exam at the end of the course. A fee is charged. Advanced credit may be awarded at the college level. Enrollment is limited. Students must apply.


Course # 442 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 12 Physics Physics is the most basic of sciences. It studies nature and the underlying principles that govern the behavior of the world around us. A common illusion is that physics is too abstract and impractical. The opposite is true. Any abstraction merely reflects the complexity of nature. This is an introductory non-calculus physics course. Students will be provided with a broad background in the principles and concepts of physics. This course is intended for the college bound, as a final course completing a sound secondary science education. Students are expected to have reasonable math skills. There will be a significant emphasis on using the computer as a laboratory tool for data acquisition and analysis of physical situations, attempting to explain cause and effect. The projected syllabus includes mechanics, thermodynamics, optics, electromagnetism, relativity and quantum mechanics. Prerequisites: Chemistry 432, Algebra I and II This course should be taken concurrently with PreCalculus or Trigonometry. If enrollment is limited, selection will be based on cumulative class rank.

Course #443 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 12 Physics Physics is presented, at this level, as a means of understanding the workings of our surrounding universe. This course is intended for the student who enjoys science but is not particularly mathematically talented. Emphasis is placed on analyzing physical situations and phenomena (theoretically, with mathematical analysis kept as basic as possible). Consequently, this course covers only basic and general principles. The objective is to develop an appreciation for science and the physical phenomena encountered in day to day life. Students will also be introduced to the computer as a tool to be used in the laboratory. Algebraic competency is expected. Prerequisites: Chemistry 432, Algebra I and II. This course should be taken concurrently with Trigonometry. If enrollment is limited, selection will be based on cumulative class rank.

Course # 462 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 12 Earth Science This course is a study of the planet Earth and the forces that produce changes on the planet. The beginning concepts include the current thinking on the origin of the universe resulting in the formation of matter and the Earth-Moon system. While the primary focus is on geology, the course includes a study of oceanography, meteorology, cosmology and astronomy. The course includes laboratory studies of minerals and rocks, simulated geologic processes and the use of data on earthquakes and volcanoes. The primary emphasis of this course will be on developing an understanding of the many natural processes which affect and change the earth and the many ways in which the earth has changed over time as a result of these processes. Prerequisite: While there is no specific prerequisite, Chemistry is strongly recommended and because of limited class size, enrollment will be based on a student’s overall academic record in science.



Construction Technology Curriculum Course # 465 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 12 Construction Technology This program is designed to assist future homeowners through a hands-on approach. The main goal is to show the student how to prepare for and complete various home repair projects and to acquaint them with the materials and tools needed. Students participate in simulated projects in the shop, and in real repair and building projects around the school. Some of the skill areas covered include; masonry, carpentry, drywall and basic electricity. Note: This course does not fulfill one of the three (3) credit science requirement.

WORLD LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT World Language Progression Year AP (Adv. Placement) Track 1 (Honors) Track 2 Track 3 Knights





NA NA NA NA French 1 French 2 Latin 2 Spanish 3French 2 Spanish 4 French 2 Latin 1 Span 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 1 Spanish 2

World Language Curriculum Course # 501 French 1 Course # 511 Spanish 1 Course # 512 Spanish 1 Course # 513 Spanish 1

1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit

Track 1 (H) Track 1 (H) Track 2 Track 3

Grades 9, 10, 11 Grades 9, 10, 11 Grades 9, 10, 11 Grade 11

Level I During Level I, students will learn to interact and survive linguistically in the target language in the classroom, primarily using memorized materials and functions that recur on a daily basis (e.g., greetings, describing the weather, telling how they are). The students use the language in a manner that is comprehensible to a native speaker who is patient and accustomed to dealing with non-native speakers. Phonological and grammatical errors are frequent. These errors are expected and even accepted as long as they do not interrupt the comprehensibility of the interchange.


Students will usually give single sentence answers - or even partial sentences - in response to cues involving visuals, tightly structured questions (yes/no, either/or); or a situation (e.g., greetings when they enter the classroom). They rarely ask questions on their own, but can repeat questions from the teacher's model. It is hoped that students will be learning to ask more questions by the end of this level, and also to give more than just one sentence answers to a question.

Course # 525 French 2 Course # 521 Spanish 2 Course # 522 Spanish 2 Course # 523 Spanish 2

1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit 1 Credit

Track 1 (H) Track 1 (H) Track 2 Track 3

Grades 10, 11, 12 Grades 10, 11, 12 Grades 10, 11, 12 Grade 12

Level II By the end of this level, students will possess the listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to be able to handle simple everyday survival tasks in the target culture (e.g., handling routine travel needs or taking care of their physical needs). Grammar errors still appear in morphology and syntax pattern (especially in those dissimilar to English patterns) but subject/verb agreements are made with commonly used verbs, as are number agreements on nouns/articles. Phonological and grammatical errors are fewer than in Level I, but still occur frequently enough to mark the student distinctly as a foreigner. Student's speech will be understandable to natives accustomed to dealing with non-native speakers.

Course # 531 Spanish 3 Course # 541 Spanish 4

1 Credit 1 Credit

Track 1 (H) Grades 11, 12 Track 1 (H) Grade 12

Level III and Level IV By the end of Levels III and IV, students will carry out all the functions of Level II but have greatly increased the content areas they can discuss. Going beyond the linguistic focus of primarily personal welfare and survival of level two, students at these levels are beginning to discuss other people, places, and external events by describing and narrating in past, present, and future time. In conversations, the students are no longer primarily reactors. They participate in casual conversations and ask question as part of the give-and-take of the interaction. They would be able not only to survive in the target culture but also live and function in it, albeit in a limited manner. They are able to face situations that involve minor problems or unexpected developments and begin to resolve the differences. From the grammatical point of view, students can handle the basic elementary constructions quite accurately and can use constructions to refer to the past and future in listening, speaking, reading, and writing activities. Errors still occur in grammatical forms and usage. The pronunciation is often faulty but intelligible. While they sometimes miscommunicate and must hesitate or use paraphrasing and fillers, they are likely to be comprehensible to natives not accustomed to dealing with foreigners.


Course # 562 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grades 9, 10, 11 Latin 1 This course will present basic Latin vocabulary, word forms, and grammar in an orderly, cumulative fashion so that the student can achieve a fundamental reading knowledge of the language. A National Latin Exam for award recognition will be administered. Course # 563 1 Credit Track 1 (H) Grades 10, 11, 12 Latin 2 In this course there will be a review and further development of vocabulary, word forms and grammar. A National Latin Exam for award recognition will be administered. BUSINESS/TECHNOLOGY EDUCATION Business Progression Year AP (Adv. Placement) Track 1 (Honors)

Track 2









Acct 1 Tech Comm Bus Law A+ Mang Pc Support Microsoft Users

N/A N/A Acct 1 Acct 1 dual HF Univ Tech Comm Bus Law A+ Mang PC Support Micro Acct 1 Tech Comm Intro to Bus Bus Law N/A


Track 3






Acct 1 Tech Comm Intro to Bus Bus Law N/A

Business Curriculum Course # 635 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Accounting 1 This course is designed to teach students basic accounting principles. The student is introduced in stages to a simple accounting cycle. Training is provided for analyzing transactions and for the single proprietorship business for which the student records transactions. After the students receive a thorough introduction to the Principles of Accounting they will gain experience using the computer to complete their assignments using an Automated Accounting program either in the lab or on the wireless network. It is recommended not only to Business students but also to those students who wish to major in Accounting or Business Administration in College. [25]

Course # 636 1 Credit Track 3 Grades 11, 12 Accounting 1 This course is designed to teach students basic accounting principles. The student is introduced in stages to a simple accounting cycle. Training is provided for analyzing transactions and for the single proprietorship business for which the student records transactions. After the students receive a thorough introduction to the Principles of Accounting they will gain experience using the computer to complete their assignments using an Automated Accounting program either in the lab or on the wireless network. It is recommended not only to Business students but also to those students who wish to major in Accounting or Business Administration in College.

Course # 637 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 12 Accounting 2 This course is a continuation of Accounting 1 which is a prerequisite. The focus will be on Accounting for Merchandising Businesses organized as a Corporation. Topics include Accounting for Uncollectible Accounts Receivable, Accounting for Plant Assets and Depreciation, Inventory Control and Accruals. Partnership formation will also be discussed. Students will use an Automated Accounting program as a supplement to the text and workbook.

Course # 639 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Course # 640 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Technological Communications In this course, students will use advanced technologies to demonstrate understanding of the basic computer protocols of the school along with effective communications skills. Students will use tools of the twenty-first century student to develop, publish, and collaborate on complex business, and research-based online documents and will develop in-depth presentations using online formats. Students will demonstrate understanding of MLA and APA formatting for research papers. Students will solve problems using technological communications and will refine their research using appropriate Web technologies. Understanding “Digital Citizenship� through applied processes will be the focus of class work and discussions.

Course # 643 1 Credit Track 3 Grades 11, 12 Introduction to Business Principles This course is designed to help introduce the student to various aspects of business that all people face in life. Particular attention will be given to the operation and management of a business. The course gives students an appreciation of the importance of business in our economy. Certain topics discussed will be: Business & its Environment, Business Ownership, Marketing, Finance, Communication, Human Resources, and Management Function.


Course # 647 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 12 Business Law & the Criminal Justice System This course is an introduction to laws which govern society and business. Our legal system, the federal court system and the state court system will be covered. Crimes, civil law suits and the makeup of a criminal trial will also be covered. The rules for a contract will be explained thoroughly; as will the following topics: bailments, real estate and insurance. Laws for employment, laws regarding the use of checks and notes, and laws covering an agent will be included, but to a lesser degree.

Course # 648 1 Credit Track 3 Grade 12 Business Law & the Criminal Justice System This course is an introduction to laws which govern society and business. Our legal system, the federal court system and the state court system will be covered. Crimes, civil law suits and the makeup of a criminal trial will also be covered. The rules for a contract will be explained thoroughly; as will the following topics: bailments, real estate and insurance. Laws for employment, laws regarding the use of checks and notes, and laws covering an agent will be included, but to a lesser degree.

Course # 650 1 Credit Track 2 Grade 11, 12 A+ Managing and Maintaining PC Hardware In this course students will learn the processes and procedures needed to troubleshoot, repair, and maintain PCs. This course also places emphasis on supporting various PC operating systems. Students will be introduced to disaster recovery methods. Students will have the opportunity to apply and enhance their skills through hands-on projects that simulate real-life scenarios. This course aids in preparation for the CompTIA 2009 certification exams.

Course # 651 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft Windows Operating System This course will be taught using lectures, discussions, scenarios, demonstrations, chapter review questions, textbook exercises, and classroom labs—the skills and knowledge necessary to support end users who run Microsoft Windows Operating Systems in a corporate, small business, or home environment. This course was developed for students entering the information technology (IT) profession. The course teaches the fundamentals of installing, administering, and troubleshooting Windows Operating Systems. It will help train students who plan to support computers and end-users who run the most recent Microsoft operating systems and the Microsoft suite of productivity applications. It is designed to prepare students to take the 70-680 exam; Windows 7, Configuring and 70-685 exam: Pro: Windows 7, Enterprise Desktop Support Technician.


FINE ARTS DEPARTMENT Fine Arts Progression Year Track 2



Junior Art 1

Senior Art 1, Art 2

Fine Arts Curriculum

Course # 671 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Art 1: Painting, Drawing, and Sculpture Students will focus on the production of paintings, drawings and sculpture. They will learn the principles of art in a hands-on laboratory atmosphere. Students will work in paint, oil, acrylic tempera, watercolor, graphite, charcoal, pastel, ink, and metal. Projects will be designed to meet the student's individual needs and interests. General art principles of texture, design, composition, proportion, light and dark, line, color, etc. will be studied. Enrollment is dependent upon teacher assessment of skills. A lab fee is charged.

Course #672 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 11, 12 Art 2: Craft, Illustration, and Cartooning Students will focus on the production of prints and illustration of various craft items. They will learn the principles of art in a hands on, laboratory atmosphere. Students will work in linocut, illustration, design, collage, hangings and cartooning. General art principles of texture, design, composition, proportion, light and dark, line, color, etc. will be studied in detail. Enrollment is dependent upon teacher assessment of skills. A lab fee is charged.

Course # 731 1 Credit Track 2 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Symphonic Band This course is designed for students who wish to further develop their ability in the performance medium. This course of study for the first semester will be marching band. All band students are required to be in the marching band and concert band. The student will also receive work in music theory, ear training, and music history. Activities available for band students are jazz band, percussion ensemble, show band, and chamber groups. The policy concerning student’s participation in activities will apply to the music program. This course meets before school during "0" period.


Course # 732 .10 Credit Track 0 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Bass/Guitar Ensemble This course is designed for students who wish to develop their instrumental skills, ability and the interest to pursue more advanced music techniques on the guitar or bass guitar. The Guitar Ensemble will meet after school every Monday at 2:15 P.M. for rehearsal, these rehearsals are mandatory. The students will also receive work in music theory and ear training. Private instructions is required and offered by Father Judge High School Music Faculty. The policy concerning student’s participation in activities will apply to the music program. Course # 733 .10 Credit Track 0 Grades 9, 10, 11, 12 Jazz Band This course is designed for students who wish to further develop their skills in the jazz performance medium. The Jazz Band will meet after school every Tuesday at 2:15 P.M. for rehearsal, these rehearsals are mandatory. Private instructions is required and offered by Father Judge High School Music Faculty. The students will also receive work in jazz theory and ear training. Selection to the Jazz Band will be by invitation or audition and the group will be selected by the music faculty. The policy concerning student’s participation in activities will apply to the music program. Proposed New Courses: Final decision will depend on enrollment demands and staffing requirements: PHYSICAL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Health Progression Year Track 2





Health - 1 sem. PE - 1 sem.

Health Curriculum Course # 721 .50 Credit Track 2 Grade 10 Physical Education The Physical Education program will be directed toward purposeful activities that will involve the total body, its movement, its care, and its proper uses. The course's primary goal will be the development of the physical, social and mental well-being of all participants. Course # 722 .50 Credit Track 2 Grade 10 Health During the semester, a greater portion of the sophomore class will be schooled in the formation of a positive HEALTH maintenance program. Establishing good habits at a young age will be a top priority in an attempt to increase individual wellness. In order to realize maximum efficiency of the body systems, the course will deal with a variety of topical issues: Environmental Safety, Substance Abuse, First Aid, and Emotional Stability in a Violent Society, Communicable and Non-Communicable Diseases, Careers in Health Related Fields. [29]

Father Judge Course Progression Freshmen Theology English

Soc Stud


Science Language


Add’l Notes Christian Svc, all tracks

Track 1 (Honors)



W Hist 1

Alg 1

Biology Span/French Latin 1

Track 2

Theo 1


W Hist 1

Alg 1


Track 3

Theo 1


W Hist 1

Alg 1


Theo 1


W Hist 1

Alg 1

Phys Sci Phys Sci Phys Sci

Crit Think

Resource Room

Sophomores Track 1 (Honors)

Theo 2



Alg 2


Span/French Latin 2/PE

Christian. Svc, all tracks

Track 2 Track 3

Theo 2 Theo 2


W Hist 2 W Hist 2

Alg 2 Alg 2

Biology Span/French Health/PE Biology Span/French Health/PE Resource Room


All Tracks Health/PE Electives *

Juniors Track 1 (H)/AP

Theo 3

Track 2

Theo 3

ELA 3/ AP Lang ELA 3

AP Euro or W Hist 2 E –Am Hist E –Am Hist

Track 3

Theo 3


Seniors Track 1 (H)

Theo 4

Track 2

Theo 4

Track 3

Theo 4

ELA AP U.S. 4/AP Lit Gov or 20th Cent Hist ELA 4 20th Cent H ELA 4 20th Cent H



Span 3



Span 3



Span 3

AP Calc or PreCal

AP Bio or Phy

Span 4

Trig/ PreCal Trig/ PreCal


Span 4


Span 4


*Listed Below Christian Svc, all tracks

Christian Service, all tracks

Junior and Senior Electives Junior Electives 135 235 348 635 & 636 436 639 & 640 643 650 & 651 671 951

Dept English Social Studies Math Business Science Business Business Business ART Band Ensemble

Track AP AP 1 2-3 2 2-3 3 2 2 2

Course English Language European History JAVA Programming Accounting 1 Environmental Science Computer Applications w/ MOUS Certification Business Principals PC Certification PC Support – 4 semester courses Art 1 Gr. 9, 10, 11, 12 (partial credit)

Senior Electives 145 245 350 455 445 460 462 639 & 640 465 647 & 648 650 & 651 674 930

Dept English Social Studies Math Science Science Science Science Business Constr. Tech. Business Business ART Band Intro to Music

Track AP AP AP AP AP 3 2-3 2-3 2 2-3 2 2 2

Course English Literature U.S. Government Calculus Biology Physics Home Science Earth Science Computer Applications w/ MOUS Certification Construction Technology Business Law PC Certification PC Support – 4 semester courses Art 2 Gr. 9, 10, 11, 12 (full year, full credit)


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