Monday (October 20) will be “RELAXED SHOE DAY.” Students must wear the regular school uniform but they are able to wear any type of comfortable shoe: sneakers, sandals, sliders or slippers. However, students must wear socks. There is no charge for this privilege. This is also “FACULTY APPRECIATION DAY.” Tuesday (October 21) will be STAFF APPRECIATION DAY. This is the time to thank the ladies in the offices who make the school run so smoothly! Wednesday (October 22) is “CRUSADERS CONQUER CANCER COLOR DAY.” Each grade has been designated a color to match a charitable cause. Students in that grade can wear jeans, sweats or other appropriate pants as long as they wear a shirt in the color chosen for their class. This can be a t-shirt or other appropriate shirt (no ripped shirts, half-shirts, etc.). No shorts are permitted. Students may wear sneaks, sandals or slides as long as they wear socks. Students who dress down are asked to donate a dollar at homeroom. The money raised will go to the matching charity. Students who do not participate or who do not pay must be in regular uniform. The color scheme is as follows: SENIORS: Pink or Red (proceeds go to breast cancer research) JUNIORS: Green (proceeds go to leukemia research) SOPHOMORES: Gold or Yellow (proceeds go to testicular cancer research) FRESHMEN: White (proceeds go to lung cancer research) Thursday (October 23) is another “MIRACLE MINUTE” to raise money during homeroom for a chosen charity. All proceeds for this “Minute” will go to support “Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation” to fight childhood cancer. Friday (October 24) is “STUDENT APPRECIATION DAY” and we will hold a Pep Rally. On this day all students may wear Red or Blue colors or pre-printed “Father Judge” attire. Those who participate in Fall sports may wear a jersey if this is permitted by the coach/ equipment manager. Jeans, sweats and sneaks are permitted – no shorts are allowed. Sliders are permitted as long as socks are worn. There is no charge for this privilege. Students not in red or blue (or Judge-wear) must be in regular uniform. Classes are 35 minutes. The pep rally ends the day and students will be dismissed at 2:15 PM. ** The week ends with the football game against LaSalle on Saturday night (October 25). If you have any questions about these events or the parameters of proper dress and/or behavior, please contact Fr. Jack at jkolodziej@fatherjudge.com . Thank you in advance for your cooperation.