Eureka, MO 63025 ehs_hub@rockwood.k12.mo.us
Issue 5, Volume 78 March 1, 2013 Eureka High School 4525 Highway 109
Ideal integration
monika nayak featurewriter
Equity teams strive to create a community out of different individuals “I have no opinion about Black History Month,” Samantha Greaney (11) said. “It doesn’t really have anything to do with me since I’m white; we don’t recognize it at school.” Greaney is not alone. Whether students realize it or not, Black History Month ended yesterday. “Black History Month is a big thing that [The Department of Education Diversity and Equity] wants to do because of the historical nature of the month,” Mr. Terry Harris, Rockwood’s coordinator of equity and diversity, said in a phone interview conducted, Feb. 14. “The key is to incorporate black history in all months.” White America becomes a minority as 50.4 percent of children are born to other minorities, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s website. This reality is not reflected in RSD’s resident student population, especially in Eureka. So, the district expands its enrollment and its diversity through the Voluntary Interdistrict Choice Corporation. The VICC program allows students who live in St. Louis City to attend school in Rockwood. Currently, 1,700 city-living students are enrolled in the volunteer transfer program, and about 180 attend EHS, according to Rockwood’s website. The program facilitates bus transportation as well as taxi services while offering education counseling to students. The student accommodations are funded by the state of Missouri. While the VICC Program and state funding make diversity a reality in RSD, those factors don’t
automatically make the student body a cohesive community. “It’s pretty easy to walk down the hallway or in the lunch room and see students selfsegregating,” Dr. Johnathon White, 11th grade principal, said. “There’s always some tension. It’s always underlying.” To build a stronger community, Mrs. Jennifer Strauser, associate principal, worked with faculty and students and developed two committees. The Eureka Equity Committee, the student team, started meeting at the beginning of the school year and consists of 19 students—both black and white— who have been working on ideas for next year. “We do a lot of team bonding in order to show that a group of diverse people can get together and actually have a good time,” Tommy Leonard, E2 member, said. “There aren’t any problems with race or anything like that.” E2 members hope to build a bridge between students of all colors. “Most of the black kids here feel like the white kids are racist, so there’s a separation there, but I hang out with everyone,” Cambryce Berry, E2 member, said. “I try to get my friends to talk to more white kids.” E2 hopes to spread a message that extends past the month of February. The group sponsored an essay contest asking students to reflect on the benefits of attending school with students who live in both the city and the county. A $250 cash prize was awarded to one county-resident and one cityresident student.
monika nayak
Kayleen Burns (10), Alex Insalaco, Victoria Sommerville and Kate Rinkenberger (11) chat during lunch, Feb. 26. In a normally segregated EHS’ efforts toward diversity awareness don’t stop there. The staff team focuses on improving the ability of teachers to educate students from all walks of life. The school is making strides in addressing an achievement gap that plagues the nation where black and Hispanic students perform two grades lower than their white peers on national reading assessments, according to Education Week’s website. “If you joined the VICC program in 6th or 7th grade and you attended the St. Louis public schools, the course work isn’t as rigorous there, so there’s a gap in your learning,” Mrs. Strauser said. “If you didn’t have the benefit of going to a preschool, depending on your life situation, there’s a gap in your learning. There’s definitely a gap when
Correction: In the February issue of The Bugle in the story “Benefit or buzzkill,” “Students need to take into account their own ability, the rigor of the course and the number of
lunch room, the equity team strives to establish a community where people are more willing to interact with peers who are different from themselves.
you’re moving from a less rigorous to a more rigorous school. It has nothing to do with ability or your intelligence.” The gap led to lower minority enrollment in higher-level classes. “We found out through some data that African American students are poorly represented in higher-level classes in the district,” Mrs. Strauser said. “People think it is solely because of ability, but sometimes it is due to a gap in their learning. If we can close that gap then their intelligence will allow them to be successful in those classes.” Faculty have developed strategies to increase minority enrollment in higher-level classes and support student achievement in those classes. The community continues to address integration on all fronts. “I see divides,” Olivia Perez,
E2 member, said. “A lot of it is the racial division because a lot of our school is either black or white, and while there are people in between, that’s the biggest divide.” E2 members envision a different future. “I’d like for everybody to feel equal in our school,” Vaughn Davis, E2 member, said. “I’ve always felt that if everybody’s included there’ll be fewer cases like the Sandy Hook shooting. If everyone’s united, high school will be a better place for everyone to be, and everyone will enjoy their time in high school.” E2 members see their efforts rewarded already. “There is a sense of pride in our African American students that perhaps wasn’t there before, and they value the school because it’s theirs,” Mrs. Strauser said.
activites they are in when selecting courses” was incorrectly attributed to Mrs. Molly Smith, guidance department chair instead of Mrs. Debbie Grimshaw, guidance counselor.
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