bugle volume 76 • issue 3
october 13, 2010
eureka high school 4525 highway 109 eureka, mo 63025 636.733.3100
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stephanie mueller
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Speak Up: Do you want the spoken announcements during 3rd hour back?
3 Tyler Schumacher (12), Chris Ercoli (11), Christian Horn (10) and Colton Phillips (12) win first for medley relay at the Summit Invite, Sept. 30. “We had the fastest time going in, so we felt confident.” Schumacher said.
Cat Chat: Victoria Muggleton
taylor hall
Breast Cancer Awareness
Turnabout correction
4-5 A Starbucks coffee ceiling tile hangs in Mrs. Jennifer Highfill’s room with two other painted tiles, Oct. 6. “She chose the subjects but I could paint them however I wanted,” Hannah Leonard (11) said.
melissa reed
More to come online, Oct. 25: • Boys soccer • Girls golf • Boys swimming • Cat Chat: Spencer Stein
6 Reagan Imergoot (9) makes a video for Freshman Seminar, Oct. 1. “We were making a commercial on time management,” Imergoot said. “We were trying to sell The Extreme Time Watcher.”