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Target Audiences

Caring Dad ZHANG YUN


41 / Male / Chinese / Program Manager Richmond, CA

Zhang is a thoughtful dad who believes that everyone is responsible for conserving the environment for future generations.

Zhang encourages people to adopt green practices because he cares about the future of the next generation.

He spends weekends with his children because he wants to be a good dad.

He installed solar panels at his house because he cares about the environment and tries to use renewable energy.

He thinks his children can make mistakes because he believes that they would learn from their mistakes.

He drinks lots of water in a glass cup instead of drinking bottled water because it is good for his health and the environment.

He reads books and watches documentaries because he loves learning and share his knowledge.

He enjoys talking/meeting with his coworkers because he believes communication is an important team skill.


32 / Female / Italian / Interior Designer Los Aneles, CA

Mia is a new eco-mom who cares her baby and the environment. She is willing to participate in programs that can inform more about effective strategy for sustainable living.

Mia is interested in buying environmentally friendly products because she thinks it is safe for her newborn baby.

She checks on food labels because she wants to ensure safety and make better choices.

She wants to educate herself about sustainable living because she wants to enhance her life.

She asks to get old baby clothes from her friends because she thinks buying extra new clothes is a waste.

She enjoys organic tea because she believes it will increase her lifespan.

She uses a sketchbook made with recycled papers because she believes it would help to reduce the usage of wood.

She follows people who are experts in ethical living on social media because it is the way how she gets useful tips.

Good Listener AMITA MANGAL

22 / Female / Indian / Student Fremont, CA

Amita is an energetic and optimistic student who wants to empower teenagers and fulfill their needs. She also wants teenagers to learn about social and environmental responsibility.

Amita volunteers for the youth counseling center because she had a great mentor when she was young and now she also wants to become a good mentor for teenagers.

She brings a tumbler with her to school and volunteer place because she is aware of the waste of plastics.

She enjoys thrifting because she can save money while recycling clothes, and in turn, reducing waste.

She listens to true crime podcasts during her lunch breaks because she enjoys listening to stories.

She is part of the Bhangra club at school because she wants to stay close to her roots and refresh herself.

She enjoys reading books because it opens her eyes to new perspectives and ideas that allow her to be more open-minded.

She usually studies with her friends because it provides the opportunity to ask questions to each other.

Animal Lover MARK SMITH

59 / Male / Canadian / Retired Mechanical Engineer Seattle, WA

Mark is a warmhearted owner of three dogs. He thinks reducing waste is crucial for saving the environment.

Mark has three dogs and he often goes for walk with them because it is crucial for a healthy living.

He doesn’t wear clothes made with real animal fur because he read an article about fur industry and it is very cruel.

He listens to classical music because he wants to improve his quality of sleep.

He encourages his family to purchase fair trade certified products because he believes it is ethical.

He regularly donates money to animal shelters and environmental organizations because he wants to support them effectively.

He has grown his hobby of woodworking with found materials because he wants to save natural resources.

He held a garage sale with his wife because he wants to reduce waste in his home.

Online Feminist AMY LEE

28 / Female / Korean American / Vlogger San Francisco, CA

Amy is a friendly feminist who wants to become a person who positively impacts the world and enhacne her life.

As a social media influencer, Amy starts every morning catching up on the daily news because she wants to stay up to date with current events, the latest fashion trends, and hot topics.

She is planning to launch her own cruelty-free cosmetics brands because she wants to encourage people for ethical buying.

She tries different eco-friendly brands/products and provides honest reviews because her main focus is on sharing useful tips of sustainable living.

She enjoys going on night runs by the lake because it helps her de-stress and refocus after a long day.

She loves learning languages because it helps her to communicate better with her audiences/subscribers.

She attends a women’s book club every Saturday morning because she wants to stay connected to people offline on a consistent basis.

She and her boyfriend hope to live in different places around the world together because they want to be culturally aware through their own experiences.

Green Adventurer THOMAS BARAK

36 / Male / Turkish / Iocal Tour Guide Chicago, IL

Thomas is a green adventurer who is dedicated to minimizing a bad impact on nature. He thinks everyone should be treated with the same equality and respect.

Thomas wants to help to keep the environment healthy because he thinks tourism is susceptible to the impacts of climate change.

He prefers to buy personal care products that are not harmful to the environment because he wants to reduce the bad impacts.

He is interested in sustainable travel or green touring because he wants to find out what he can do for nature.

He treats all clients the same and provides the best service because he believes everyone is equal.

In his free time, he enjoys hiking/camping because he wants to strengthen his physical and mental health.

Instead of going out to eat, he usually invites his coworkers and friends to his home to have a potluck featuring global foods because they can feed their brain and their stomachs while saving money.

He loves talking with people from different cultures because he wants to get diverse insights from them.

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