Antonis Tritsis Park as a Center of a Future Environmental and Landscape Network, in the Metropolitan Territory of Athens
Κonstantinos Moraitis, Associate Professor - School of Architecture N.T.U.A. Postal Address: 8a Hadjikosta Str., Athens-11521, Greece Email Address:
A cursory inspection of the map, presenting the metropolitan territory of Athens, will confirm that the non-built area of Antonis Tritsis Park occupies a central position amongst other important non-built areas of the city formation. However the importance of the park zone has not only to do with its identity as an extended urban void amidst a highly populated metropolis, but also with its natural bas-relief form. The zone of the park, being lower in comparison to the higher neighboring mountain territory which extends to the west and north-west, seems to offer an immediate receptacle for the natural water drainages.
1 Image: Tracing the Natural Limits of the Metropolitan Area of Athens.