The Sonobudoyo Museum
ong ago, the Dutch governors setup this place to collect cool stuff to help promote Indonesia’s indigenous culture. The Sonobudoyo Museum has an extensive & broad ranging collection that is considered the second most important museum in the country.
The reproduction of a Neolithic burial pit displayed in the museum floor is an interesting exhibit which gives us an insight into peoples of Stone Age origins which have previously been uncovered all over the region. This particular example suggests people thousands of years ago also used ceremonial rituals to bury their dead rather than just abandon the corpse to the wolves, all before organized religion made chanting, kneeling & giving religious people lots of money the normal thing to do. It demonstrates across time & space that we as humans share a high level of spiritualism & abstract thinking. There is also a reproduction of the skull fragment of Java Man, uncovered nearby in Solo in 1891, one of the oldest remains of Homo Erectus ever found, commonly thought of as the missing link between humans & our most common ape ancestor, dating back almost 2 million years. Many people don’t get puppets. The Indonesian puppets on display vary in characters from over-the-top caricatures’ to heroic warriors & demonic looking Dutch officials with big noses. Chinese people will continue to scratch their heads as all info is either in English or Bahasa, surprisingly, the information is of a high standard.
Bi-Weekly June 4 - June 17, 2013 Deadline of Next Issue: June 13, 2013
Business Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (GMT+7) Closed on Public Holidays Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 310 B Tegalmindi, Jogjakarta 55284 INDONESIA Tel. & SMS (Texting): (0274) 936 59 52 - Fax. (+62-274) 62 59 52 - E-mail:
Increasing Food and Beverage Revenues in Hotels By Kirby D. Payne
here are many reasons why hotel Food and Beverage profits are not what we would like them to be. Foremost among them is usually the fact that revenues are not as high as they might be. The lack of separate identity and entrances for outlets has a negative impact but for the most part hoteliers aren’t the street fighting promoters our free standing restaurant counterparts are. This is quite understandable, after all why should we focus so heavily on Food and Beverage when for the time and money spent it will never be as profitable as the Rooms Division!
Sonobudoyo Museum Unit I Jl. Trikora No. 6, Jogja. Open Tuesday – Thursday 8:30 am – 2:30 pm, Friday 8 – 11 am, Saturday – Sunday 8 am – 1 pm. Wayang kulit (leather shadow puppet) performance: Tuesday – Thursday 8:00 am – 1:30 pm, Friday 8 – 11 am, Saturday – Sunday 8 am – 12 noon. Entrance fee charged. Sonobudoyo Museum Unit II Jl. Wijilan PB I/2A, Jogja. P.: +62 (274) 373 617. Open Monday – Saturday 7:30 am – 2:00 pm
There are some subtle differences that make a lot of sense. Think about how you’d spend your finite promotional dollars if you had a choice between promoting the hotel in its entirety or just a profitable restaurant outlet. Clearly it makes more sense to advertise the hotel and its services or to have the sales staff either build commercial room demand or pursue group room bookings. These items have profit margins in excess of 75 - 80%. A hotel’s Food and Beverage department is an exception if profit exceeds 20%. In both cases as hoteliers must admit, administrative, marketing, maintenance and utilities expenses are not deductions from these margins. Unlike our restaurant counterparts who must bear all these expenses directly we shuffle them off as Unallocated Expenses. In the end it makes sense because most hotel Food and Beverage revenues are driven by the Rooms Department’s level of activity and our buildings and operational structures are not such that some expenses can be isolated cost effectively. to be continued on page 8
Advertise your cozy place at Jogja Ad and to guide tourists to stay at your hotel or enjoy your special cuisine or tempted in your spa.
For further information and cost effectiveness for advertising with us please call (0274) 936 59 52 or email us at
The Hotel Clerk at page 5
“Could you possibly give us a room here?” The clerk looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said.
The Difference between Living Life and Not at page 6
Not everyone has passion. Not everyone is moved emotionally by what they do. And, that’s extremely unfortunate. But fortunately, you are not like everyone else.
More hotels will open in the following years and makes accommodation business more competitive. Advertising with us and win this competition.
For further information and cost effectiveness for advertising with us, please call (0274) 936 59 52 or email
June 4 - June 17, 2013
The First Modern City Hostel in Indonesia Accommodation Designed and Built for Individuals, Groups and Study Tours
Including I time Friday barbeque dinner or El Patio buffet lunch or Foot massage at YHI Wellness for 2 persons This special weekend promotion valid for FIT booking and direct reservation Promo validity March 18th - December 29th 2013 Not valid during Lebaran period August 7th-17th 2013 *Terms and conditions applied For more information and reservation, please call 62-274-589521/23 or email to
Melia Purosani Hotel Yogyakarta, Jl. Suryotomo No. 31, Yogyakarta 55122, INDONESIA Ph: 62 274 589521/23, Fax: 62 274 588070/71 D4 ON MAP GJ
7 ja | da-p | feb 27 ‘13
Go local. Learn to cook, to sing a song. Stay a few days at www.
stay in Yogyakarta
To advertise your private lodge at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 5952.
2 | 010 - J | may’03
and need accommodation?
11 ja | da-p | jan 9 ‘13
Just FLASH me!
Kost standar hotel dgn hrg terjangkau, hanya di Hotel Puri Ganesha Jl.Mangkuyudan no.51 Jogja. Lokasi strategis & nyaman. Hrg Rp. 600rb– Rp.1,750jt/bln fas: AC/fan, breakfast, pool, resto, laundry, parkir. Hotel hrg Rp.130rb - Rp.150rb/hr fas: TV, AC/fan, breakfast, pool, resto. Dapatkan kenyamanan anda, hub tel: 0274 - 414 906. 1 | 001 - J | june ‘13
List your accommodation services, fancy restaurants or cozy home stay or boutique hotels and spa or beauty center at Jogja Ad and Our media reach English speaking people locally and overseas. For information, please call or SMS to (0274) 936 59 52 or e-mail to
12 ja | da-p | dec 27 ‘12
JOGJA AD has two types of Classified Ads. Ads for personal use are free. For business purposes & property ad, the rate for Classified Ads is only Rp. 8.000/word line (33 characters per word line). To advertise SMS your ad to (0274) 936 59 52 or e-mail it to It’s affordable, targeted and effective. CAR RENTAL - JOGJA
Malsa Rent Car, IDR 275.000. Available new car: Avanza, APV, Innova, Picanto, Jazz, Elf, Travello, Chamry, Alphard Ph: (0274) 781 8737 or 0852 9328 2121. Available GPS for rent.
TROPICAL TRANSPORT: We serve for self drive or with driver for all type of cars. We ready to pick you up or delivery for you. Jl Laksda Adi Sucipto No. 4 Km 7,5 Yogyakarta. Phone: (0274) 486115, 9240524, 8305830, 0852 9202 3600 Fax: (0274) 489228. Email: tropical_
1 | 002 - J | june ‘13
Innova from IDR450.000/Day (+driver+fuel)Explore Jogja with U 08121550834 1 | 003 - J | june ‘13
1 | 004 - J | june ‘13
Yogyakarta News It’s a jungle out there at KKF Performance Space Kedai Kebun Forum is working together with Goethe Institut Jakarta held special German film screening. Nach Fünf Im Urwald or It’s a jungle out there, a film by HansChristian Schmid tell about just how difficult it is to grow up and describes the big-city dreams that are born in remote provincial confines and can never come true. The director his characters very much more carefully and never denounce them or degrade them to mere objects for amusement. The film’s heroine appears as the prototype of naive rural innocence. Story: After an argument with her father, seventeen yearold Anna spontaneously leaves her parents’ house in a provincial town in Bavaria and hitches to Munich to take part in a casting. While her parents drive to the city in search of their daughter, Anna has her first unpleasant encounters with members of the opposite sex. Both sides are wiser by the time Anna returns home the next morning. A sometimes extremely funny film on the difficulties of growing up, which is still highly actual although shot in the 1990’s. Screening on Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 7:00 pm Venue: Performance space (2nd floor) KKF. Jl. Tirtodipuran No. 3 Yogyakarta Open for public and FREE.
June 4 - June 17, 2013
18 ja | da-p | oct 4 ’12
Milas Farmers’ Market: Wednesday and Saturday from 10am-1pm in front of the Milas Resto at Prawirotaman IV, 127B: Organic fruits and vegetables, other healthy products: rice, sugar, coffee, tea, dried beans, flour, and noodles. Also available are fresh baked goods, dairy products, jamu and traditional snacks. 1 | 001 - JP | june ‘13
23 ja | da-p | jul 25 ’12
4 ja | da-p | apr 17 ‘13
To advertise your community activity at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 5952. A child’s dream is nation’s future. Will we realize it? Let’s care with motherless children. Pondok Yatim Daaru Aytam is a way to realize their dreams. We are waiting for your attention here. Tel: (0274) 715 9146. 1 | 002 - JP | june ‘13
COURSE - JOGJA Japanese Course: basic, office, business. SMS Tji 0858 7827 1086 1 | 003 - JP | june ‘13
FREE Raja Yoga Meditation Course contact Dana hp 0818365805 1 | 004 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your private course at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 595.
Native German teacher and translator available for private or small group German class. Call: Roswitha 081328773933 1 | 005 - JP | june ‘13
Native Indonesian experienced teaching Indonesian language for various purposes (daily conversation, studies, business, etc) in any level. Contact me for lessons via SMS: 0818949930 or email: 1 | 006 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your private service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or email to
Body Massage Man for man. Please call Randy 085200163909.
Local Paper advertisement: KR,Suara Merdeka,Solo Pos, Kompas,Radar, Merapi,Harjo. Call Agung 02749156179 1 | 009 - JP | june ‘13
1 | 005 - J | june ‘13
MOTORBIKE RENTAL - JOGJA Dinda Rental Motorbike, price Matic Rp 35.000 & Manual Rp 25.000 (Guest) and Matic Rp 25.000 & Manual Rp 20.000 (Student). Contact 02747117015 SMS: 0813 9266 5000 Jl. Prawirotaman 14 Yogyakarta. 1 | 006 - J | june ‘13
To advertise your car and motorbike rental service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952. It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline.
Japanese translator, guide or basic course in reasonable price. Contact Habibi at 085693960555.
1 | 010 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your car and motorbike rental service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952. It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline. Got problem in translating articles from Indonesian to English or vice versa? Worry not! Call 081328388387. Reasonable price applied. 1 | 011 - JP | june ‘13
PROPERTY FOR SALE Perumahan elit, nyaman, dan aman di tengah kota Jogja. Lokasi: Plemburan & belakang Ambarrukmo Plaza. Harga mulai 700juta. Hub: 085726503998. 1 | 007 - J | june ‘13
Only in 3/6/12 days able to speak Bahasa Indonesia for basic survival & traveling around! Cruising English - Gatot. 0818774461 or
Professional guide and experienced for city Jogja and around by walk or motorbike. Call/ sms +62818027 45294. Email ? Fb 1 | 012 - JP | june ‘13
SPA Casa Luna SPA and beauty centre, a place of beauty and relaxation, just 100mtr west of Alun-Alun Selatan. profesional therapist and polite. Jl. Patehan Lor 15. Ph: (0274) 372933.
1 | 007 - JP | june ‘13
12 | 001 - JC | jan ‘13
FOR SALE - JOGJA To advertise your spa and beauty center, yoga studio or massage center, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or email to It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline.
Minyak Telon (combination of Cajuput oil, Cocos oil & Anisi oil) Tiga Anak brand is good for relaxation massage, stomachache and coining; produced by Berlico Mulia Farma, PT. Tel: (0274) 496 446.
23 | 001 - JC | jul’12
To advertise your commercial products at Jogja Ad Classified Ad SMS it to (0274) 936 59 52 or email to It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline. Jual Kopi Flores ASLI (bubuk) dan aneka kopi biji. Harga termasuk ongkos kirim Jogja Area. Hub: Menik 0815 7811 1281. Lihat: kopijoss. 1 | 004 - J | june ‘13
HEALTH - JOGJA Massage for male by male masseur, come to your home or hotel room. Please call Nico 081392811136. 1 | 005 - J | june ‘13
Rent Car/ Packages trip to Sukuh, Bromo, East Java, Ijen, Transfer to Bali from IDR 2750K/2D, IDR 3750K /3D send your request to: waptour@ ( 0274-8303399. 1 | 008 - J | june ‘13
SERVICE - JOGJA Female excellent driver for city tour or host to show around Jogja by her private car. Call/SMS 0813 81429423/0274-7468211. Email?Fb 1 | 008 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your TOUR PACKAGE or TICKET SERVICES at Jogja Ad, SMS it to (0274) 936 59 52. Ultimate experience of rustic Jogjakarta viewing from VW Safari: City Tour/Prambanan/Borobudur/ Ramayana Ballet. See: www. Email: info@ 1 | 009 - J | june ‘13
June 4 - June 17, 2013
3 2
Open daily from 12.00 - 11.00 pm Friday open 1.00 pm Last Order 10.00 pm Real Authentic Italian Food for an Affordable Local Price | Wooden fire pizza oven - Fresh ingredient
0274 - 556494
3 ja | da-p | may 3 ’12
23 ja | da-p | jul 31 ’12
1 ja | da-p | may 31 ’13
18 ja | da-p | oct 4 ‘12
25 ja | da-p | jun 28 ’12
dinner lunch meeting birthday party gathering outside catering cooking class garden lounge
2 ja | da-p | may 17 ‘13
café - resto travel - guesthouse
world kitchen | art exhibitions | friday jazz fair trade shop | yoga classes open daily from 7.30 am
Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No. 52 A Yogyakarta Tel. (0274) 866-345 HP. 081 227 879 000 Pin BB: 2A9FF9F7 Email :, D1 ON MAP GJ
8 ja | da-p | feb 22 ‘13
jalan prawirotaman 30, yogyakarta ph 0274 38 65 57 6 ja | da-p | mar 22 ’13
25 ja | da-p | jun 28 ‘12
Abhayagiri Restaurant and Banquet Service Prambanan Yogyakarta
Open daily from 12.00 - 21.00 Ph : (62 274) 44 69 277, Mob : (62) 82134535000 wedding|meeting package|outside banquet GPS Coordinate: -7° 46' 5.96", +110° 29' 49.88" 9 ja | da-p | jan 30 ‘13
Expose your business and be prepared for Holiday Season
2 ja | da-p | may 17 ’13
18 ja | da-p | oct 4 ’12
Advertise your resto & café, batik shop,
You only have to pay for Rp. 800.000 per year for putting your business information at ADVERTISER PROFILE PAGE in WWW.JOGJAPAGES.COM.
accommodation service, car rental,
This ADVERTISER PROFILE PAGE can publish your business information,
city tour, spa treatment and
products picture and detail, including prices and your contact detail that
ticketing service at Jogja Ad
send direct to you. If you want to link your web page with your contact details at WWW.JOGJAPAGES.COM, you only have to pay Rp. 300.000 per year and listed on ADVERTISER PROFILE LISTING page.
and Call us for Special Package for minimum edition with more benefits. For further info and cost effectiveness for advertising with us, please call (0274) 936 59 52 or email us at
For further information and cost effectiveness for advertising with us, please call or SMS texting to (0274) 936 59 52 or e-mail us at
June 4 - June 17, 2013
7 5
4 1 3
9 6
2 8
The Hotel Clerk By Stephen
ne stormy night many years ago, an elderly man and his wife entered the lobby of a small hotel
in Philadelphia, USA. Trying to get out of the
As he paid his bill the next
rain, the couple approached the front desk hoping to get
morning, the elderly man said to the
some shelter for the night.
clerk, “You are the kind of manager
turrets and watchtowers thrusting up to the sky. “That,” said the older man, “is
who should be the boss of the best “Could you possibly give us a room here?” – the husband asked.
the hotel I have just built for you to
hotel. Maybe someday I’ll build one
for you.”
The clerk, a friendly man with a winning smile, looked at the couple and explained that there were three conventions in town. “All of our rooms are taken,” the clerk said. “But
“You must be joking.” – the
The clerk looked at them and
young man said.
smiled. The three of them had a good laugh. As they drove away, the
“I can assure you I am not.”
o’clock in the morning. Would you perhaps be willing to
elderly couple agreed that the helpful
– said the older man, a sly smile
sleep in my room? It’s not exactly a suite, but it will be good
clerk was indeed exceptional, as
playing around his mouth.
enough to make you
finding people who are both friendly
folks comfortable for
and helpful isn’t easy.
I can’t send a nice couple like you out into the rain at one
the night.”
The older man’s name was William Waldorf-Aster, and that
George C. Boldt Two years passed. The clerk had
When the couple
almost forgotten the incident when he received a letter
declined, the young
original Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. The young clerk who
from the old man. It recalled that stormy night and enclosed
became its first manager was George C. Boldt. This young
a round-trip ticket to New York, asking the young man to
clerk never foresaw the turn of events that would lead
pay them a visit.
him to become the manager of one of the world’s most
“Don’t worry about me, I’ll make out just fine,” the clerk told them. So
The old man met him in New York, and led him to the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. He then pointed
to a great new building there, a pale reddish stone, with
glamorous hotels. So, don’t be afraid to reach and touch someone’s life, you never know who’s heart you may be touching.
June 4 - June 17, 2013
The Difference between Living Life and Not By Adam Singer
ot everyone has passion. Not
still another way, we spend 100 million
everyone is moved emotionally by
hours every weekend, just watching the
what they do. And, that’s extremely
ads. This is a pretty big surplus. People
unfortunate. But fortunately, you are not like
asking, “Where do they find the time?”
everyone else.
when they’re looking at things like Wikipedia don’t understand how tiny that
The winning organizations in every industry
entire project is, as a carve-out of this asset
are filled with passionate, vocal, active people
that’s finally being dragged into what Tim
(also, we have more fun doing what we do). To
calls an architecture of participation.
us, it isn’t even really ‘work’ in the sense that
The world is shifting, and where before intellectuals used to
it flows naturally and feels more like creative freedom. I think that truly passionate people are not understood by much of the world. I’ll give you one example: I don’t watch TV anymore. I tell people this, and it feels like many of them mentally file me in a category of being weird or socially deviant. Most people cannot fathom a world without television.
be isolated and work on projects in a vacuum, now new social tools are allowing them to work together on deep projects that benefit everyone. Imagine, a group of complete strangers working together to create something incredible, inspiring and useful – all for free, and all due to pure internal motivation and desire to help the world.
This is unfortunate, and altogether sad. We are at such an incredible turning point in society, and the world is changing for the better due to people with passion. Think about this: From Clay Shirky: If you take Wikipedia as a kind of unit, all of Wikipedia, the whole project–every page, every edit, every talk page, every
Are you a part of a global project like Wikipedia? Or, global conversations about what you do professionally or are interested in personally? If not, you should be – the tools exist to interact with fantastic minds in our world, learn from them, and get better results and get inspiration for whatever you are doing.
line of code, in every language that Wikipedia exists in–that represents something like the cumulation of 100 million hours of human thought. I worked this out with Martin Wattenberg at IBM; it’s a back-of-the-envelope calculation, but it’s the right order of magnitude, about 100 million hours of thought. And television watching? Two hundred billion hours every year. Put another way, now that we have a unit, that’s 2,000
Sorry if you’re a TV watcher, but if you watch even more than a tiny amount, it is a waste of life. I don’t mean to offend you, but really think about it: you are given a fleeting amount of time to physically exist on this planet and do something to change things for the better, and then you are gone. By watching TV for endless hours, you’re squandering life, the most previous gift there is.
What’s On Jogja? Yogyakarta International Congregation’s worship services are held every Sunday in the Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Jl. Gejayan, at 5 p.m. A Bible-focused Sunday School is provided during the worship service for children to learn creatively. For more information on this interdenominational service contact 081227440134 / Services are in English. Every Sunday Morning from 7.30 to 9.30am Dog Obedience Training with Animal Friends Jogja. Venue: In the forest near Joko Pekik house, Sembungan, Bantul. To join or information, email (subject: Dog Training) or contact 0818 0411 5214. May 31 – June 16, 2013 3 Solo Exhibition: “BERANAK PINAK” by Yuswantoro Adi, “MENAWAN HATI” by Bambang Herras, and “SETUNGGAL” by Basrizal Albara. Venue: Sangkring Art Space (SAS) at Nitiprayan Rt. 01 / Rw. 20 no. 88 Ngestiharjo, Kasihan, Bantul. For more information, see JUNE Ramayana Ballet at Open Air Theater, Prambanan Temple. Full Story: June 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, and 2. Episodic Story: May 21, 22, 23 and 24. Show starts at 7.30 pm. For reservations call (0274) 496 408. The “full story” is a compilation of the four episodes and lasts about 2 hours, with a 15-minute refreshments break. The “episodic story” consists of four parts performed on four consecutive nights. Each episode lasts about 1.5 hours. Both versions of the dance-drama have been modified for tourists by omitting lengthy Javanese dialog. June 1 – 10, 2013 Photo exhibition: “Re-mastered Edition” by Julian Sihombing. Venue: Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Suroto no 2 Kotabaru. June 1-9, 2013 Indonesia Book Expo: Jogja XTra Baca: book expo, talkshow, book review, workshop and performances. Venue: XT Square Yogyakarta. June 1 – 27, 2013 Solo Painting Exhibition: “‘DANCE OF FLOWER TREE” by Nur Milisani. Venue: Tirana at Suryodiningratan 55 Yogyakarta.
By watching TV you make the ultimate sacrifice – you could be reading, writing, making art, or actually interacting with your friends, family and other professionals in your industry. Would you rather look back at a life spent passively absorbing nonsense, or one spent changing the world for the better and creating what inspires you. The choice is obvious. I feel like most of you here don’t waste your life passively, so this post isn’t really for you. You’re already motivated and inspired. Forward this to a friend who isn’t. Here’s what too many in society do: ~ Get up in the morning ~ Work, thinking inside the lines the entire day ~ Come home ~ Watch TV ~ Sleep It is an altogether unremarkable existence. And, those people probably produce ultimately unremarkable results and lead average lives. If you wake up in the morning and aren’t inspired every day to throw yourself into your work and life with 100% passion, you’re not living it. I don’t understand how someone can live even one day like this. Perhaps they’re in the wrong field, or have lost that creative spark. But regardless, there is no other way for truly intelligent people to live other than taking an active, passionate role in life and pouring their soul into something that inspires them. The planet is billions of years old, and your lifespan is merely a cosmic blink. There’s not a day to waste.
Wikipedia projects a year spent watching television. Or put
Source: Jogjakarta Provincial Culture & Tourism Office Ph: (0274) 588 025, LIP Ph: (0274) 566 520, Cemeti Art House Ph: (0274) 371 015, PT. Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan & Ratu Boko Ph: (0274) 496 408 and others.
Healthy Life
What’s On Jogja? is free for all non profit activities, groups, etc. For your events to be listed here contact: JOGJA AD by fax it to (0274) 625 952 or SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or e-mail it to info@ Jogja latest and most up to date calendar of events can be seen also at www.JogjaPages. com. Please notify our office for any corrections or changes. Let’s keep this up to date!
June 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 starts at 7:30 pm “Sunday Evening Jazz”, a jazz concert by Everyday Band. Venue: Meatshop & Grocery and R&B Grill at jalan R.W. Monginsidi No.37 Yogyakarta, for more information call (0274) 563617. June 2 – 20, 2013 Visual Art Exhibition: “Satu Atap” by Ahmed Zafli, Andon Esty, Ashari, Joko Supriyono, M. Nurdihan, Nanang, Rinto, Sri Pramono, Suryo, Teguh Margono. Venue: Kersan Art Studio. June 3, 10, 17 and 24 starts at 9 pm Jazz Mben Senen, a jazz concert. Venue: Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Suroto 2, Kotabaru – Yogyakarta. June 5, 2013 starts at 7:30pm Concert: “Tiga Melukis Langit #3” with Giana Sudaryono, Toto Tewel and Anak Angin. Venue: Societet Building of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no. 1. June 5 – 20, 2013 Decorative Painting Exhibition: “OLEH-OLEH LIBURAN” by Mulyo Gunarso, Nur Milisani, Risqy Ramadhan a.k.a Vyo, Tina Wahyuningsih and Vina Puspita. Venue: Hotel Duta Wisata I at jalan Urip Sumoharjo Np 73 Yogyakarta June 6 – 19, 2013 International art exhibition about the environment and cultural landscape river in Southeast Asia: RIVERSCAPES IN FLUX. Venue: Langgeng Art Foundation at Suryodiningratan 37 Yogyakarta. Open Daily: 11 am – 6 pm (Monday – Saturday). For details, see June 7 – 11, 2013 Miniexpo: Borderless Creativity – exhibition, bazaar, artist talk and performances. Venue: HONFablab at jalan Tamansiswa no 59 Yogyakarta. Open daily, 1 pm – 8 pm. June 7, 2013 starts at 8pm Concert by THE KING KHAN & BBQ SHOW (Montreal), SOUTHERN BEACH TERROR (Yogyakarta/Lombok) and KIKI & THE KLAN (Yogyakarta). Venue: OXEN FREE at Sosrowijayan No. 2, Yogyakarta. Donation charged. More info, see June 8 – 30, 2013 Horor Comic book launching and exhibition: Cinta Sejati by Indiria Maharsi,
Enjah by Tomas Soejakto, The Cursed Face by Hide Hidayat and Aku Tak Percaya Hantu by Kharisma Jati. Discussion on June 15 at 2pm. Venue: Gallery Kedai Kebun Forum at Tirtodipuran No.3 Yogyakarta. Peh Cun Festival 2013 June 9, 2013 starts at 10 am Dragon Boat Festival at Bendung Tegal at jalan Parangtritis km 15 Bantul. June 12, 2013 starts at 11 am Cang Cake festival and Peh Cun ceremony, Barongsai festival and Chinese performances at Mancingan Baru Beach, Parangtritis Beach, Bantul. June 13, 2013 starts at 7pm Contemporary Circus in conjunction with Printemps Français 2013 with CHABATZ D’ENTRAR. Free and open for public. Venue: Concert Hall of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no 1. June 16, 2013 starts at 8 am Children Art Festival 2013: Making Batik and Gamelan Ensemble Contest. Venue: Krebet Tourism Village, Pajangan, Bantul. For information, call 85647380381. June 16, 2013 starts at 7am Festival Gerobak Sapi – Cow Wagon with more than 100 participants. Side events: cultural dialog with Sri Sultan HB X, dance performance by Miroto Studio and Kodim 0734 Yogya, Cow Painting by Bambang Heras, Khrisna Encik and Loe Budgete. Venue: Lapangan Utara, Maguwoharjo Stadium, Sleman. June 19 – 24, 2013 PASAR KANGEN JOGJA 2013: folk market, traditional food bazaar. Venue: Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no. 1. June 20, 2013 starts at 7pm Contemporary Music Concert in conjunction with Printemps Français 2013 with NAIVE NEW BEATERS ( David Boring – vocal, Martin Luther BB King – guitar and €urobelix – keyboard. Free and open for public. Venue: Concert Hall of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no 1. June 21 – 23, 2013 Parangkusumo DRAGON KITE FESTIVAL, a Guines Word Record breaking. Venue: Parangkusumo Beach, Parangtritis Area, Bantul.
June 4 - June 17, 2013
Bookmark the Best of Yogyakarta Cafes & Restaurants Foodfezt: or Kedai Kebun: K Meal’s Coffee: Oey Jogja: Loving Hut: or Meatshop: Nanamia: Sangam House: Sasanti: ViaVia Cafe: or Hotels Edu Hostel Jogja: Kresna Hotel Wonosobo: Melia Purosani: Tentrem: Hotel association:
Pagelaran Uyon-uyon Beksan Performance of a fragment of the Gagrak ballet using the Yogyakarta style of dance accompanied by Javanese gamelan and song. Every Thursday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton. Javanese Poetry – Pagelaran Maospat Javanese poetry recital taken from the Kawedanan Hageng Punokawan Widya Budaya books and letters, which describe the history of the Mata-
KERATON (SULTAN PALACE) JOGJAKARTA Wayang Orang Ballet – Pagelaran Beksan Wayang Orang Performance of wayang ballet and the Keraton sacred dances (Bedhaya, Klana Gagah, or fragments of the Ramayana or Mahabharata epics.) Every Sunday 09:30 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
Directory Media:
Gamelan Orchestra – Pagelaran Kerawitan Performance of Javanese-Mataram style composition on the Slendro and
Furniture Kini Furniture: DDCulture&Living:
Pelog gamelan sets. Every Monday and Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
Leather Shadow Puppet Show – Pagelaran Wayang Kulit Every Saturday 09:30 am –1 pm at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
PAKUALAM PALACE Gamelan & dance training Every Monday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Gamelan & dance training Every Thursday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Gamelan orchestra Eve of Saturdays Paing (Friday night Legi): 9:30 pm-midnight
Wooden Puppets – Pagelaran Wayang Golek Menak
Rent a Car 99Tranjaya:
This wayang show was created by Ki Trunadipura from Surakarta (Solo).
The Menak story was inspired by a Persian Islamic epic but has been
Jl. Trikora No. 6 (North Square of Sultan Palace) Daily Leather Puppet Show: 8.00 – 10.00 P.M.
Spa Casa Luna:
converted to Javanese or Maduranese characters.
Tours & Travel: Indorama:
pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
Every Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti
Other: Berlico Mulia Farma: Emax: PT Sung Chang Indonesia: Epotech: Special Coffee:
Police 110 KAPOLDA-DIY (SMS) 7100110 Ambulance 113 Directory Inquiries 108 Fire Brigade 412118 IDD 001/008 Immigration Office 489165 Dr. Sarjito Hospital 587333 RSUD Jogjakarta 371195 RSUD Bantul 367381 RSU Wates 773169 Panti Rapih Hospital 514014 PKU Hospital 512653 Dr. Yap Hospital 562054 RS Patmasuri 372367 RSI Hidayatullah 389194
ram Kingdom. Every Friday 09:00 – 11:00 am at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
RS Puri Nirmala 515255 RS Bethesda 562246 SAR Jogjakarta 115 Red Cross 379212 Giwangan Bus Station 410015 Adisucipto Airport 484261 Tugu Train Station 589685 Garuda Airlines 551515 JAS Taxi 373737 ASA Taxi 545545 Centris Taxi 4362298 Setia Kawan Taxi 412000 Pamungkas 621055 Rajawali 487676 Vetri 563551 Jogja Ad 625952
For more information about latest and most up to date Jogja calendar of events, check at
Meatshop Indoguna provides Italian pasta, Switzerland cheese, French butter, Norwegian salmon, and other frozen supplies. Your culinary experiences start here. Jl. R.W. Monginsidi 37 Jogja tel. (0274) 563-617.
Sasanti Restaurant & Lounge serving “home-cooking”: authentic Indonesian food plus Western food prepared for Western tastes. Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No. 52A Jogja(Next door to Hyatt Regency). Ph: (0274) 650-9860.
ViaVia Travelers Cafe and Restaurant. We inspire you to travel, discover and broaden your horizons. Jl. Prawirotaman 30 Jogjakarta. Phone: 0274-386 557.
21 | 002 - JC | june ‘12
2 | 002 - JC | feb ‘13
Sangam House offer traditional Indian Cuisine, Boutique and Art space. Yoga Class everyday. Open everyday 12 noon-10pm. Delivery & reservation: (0274) 562 132. Jl. Pandega Siwi 14 (Jl. Kaliurang km 5,6.) Yogyakarta.
Nanamia Pizzeria serves real authentic Italian food, affordable local prize on cozy place. Jl. Moses Gatotkaca B.13 Gejayan, Jogja. Delivery & reservation, call (0274) 556 494.
Montong: Vegetarian Café & Resto, Guesthouse. Let’s start healthy lifestyle. Ruko Metro Square Jl. Mayjend Bambang Sugeng km.5, Mertoyudan - Magelang.
23 | 002 - JC | may ‘12
19 | 001 - JC | jul’12
26 | 001 - JC | mar’12
If it’s within the need of advertising and your budget.
Anything is POSSIBLE. Jogja Ad have innovative and affordable
23 | 001 - JC | may ‘12
advertising package
Abhayagiri Restaurant and Banquet Service offers romantic dining sensation on the top of Yogyakarta. For reservation: Ph : (62 274) 44 69 277, or 082134535000.
K Meal’s provides special French Food, wood oven pizza & art gallery on local prices. We sell only fresh products. Open daily. Jl. Tirtodipuran no. 67. Tel: (0274) 829 0097.
LOVING HUT provide delicious & healthy plant-based dishes. Be Veg and go green to save the planet! Jl. Moses Gatotkaca A 18 & Jl Kemetiran Kidul No.1.
3 | 001 - JC | feb ‘13
17 | 002 - JC | july’12
19 | 001 - JC | jul’12
that fulfill your need. For more information contact (0274) 936 59 52 or email us at
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Jogja Admedia Gumilang, PT Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 310 B Tegalmindi SIA, Sleman - Jogjakarta Nothing in JOGJA AD can be reproduced in whole or in part, either in print media or in internet based media, without the written permission of the publisher. JOGJA AD is not responsible for the content of any advertisement. Opinions expressed in any article are that of the writer and not the opinions of JOGJA AD. Copyright©2001 - 2012. All Right Reserved.
Cafés & Restaurants
Hotels - Resort - Spa
Myoozik - Ministry of Coffee - Nanamia - Pesta Perak - RastaBarmu
Abadi - Adya Nalendra - Andrea - Asia Afrika - Bandara Asri
Re! Cafe - Royal Garden - Sangam - Sasanti - Superman Resto
Batik Palace Cottage - Bedhot - Boomerang - Cristalit - Cakra Kembang
Tante Lies - Tulips - ViaVia Cafe - Wendy’s - Zango
d’Omah - Dewi Homestay - Dussun Village Inn - EduHostel
Indogrosir North
Family Home Stay - Grage - Grand Rosela - Griya Desa - Ibis - Indraloka
Public Interest
Indah Palace - Istana Batik Ratna - Jayakarta - Jogjakarta Plaza
Affandi Museum - Barumun Abadi - Boomerang Bookstore - Cemeti
Kombakarno - Kristina - Kusuma - LPP - Malioboro Inn - Matahari
Dagadu - Galeria Mall - Malioboro Mall - FK UGM - Indra Kelana
Mataram - Mawar Asri - Melia Purosani - Mulia Kencana - Mutiara
Kopma UGM - Jogja Gallery - Karta Pustaka - LIP Jogjakarta
nDalem Padma Asri - nDalem Bantul - Novotel - Nuri - Oasis
Parry Gallery - Pendopo Cafe Net - Posnya Seni Godod
Perwita Sari - Peti Mas - Prambanan - Puri Artha - Puri Ganesha - Phoenix
Rumah Budaya Tembi - TIC - Yogya Int’l School - Wisma Bahasa
Cipaganti Harapan Plastic Factory
310 B Klinik Sinduadi
Quality - Ramayana - Red Palm - River Castle - Ruba Graha Rumah Mertua - Rumah Palagan - Sahid Garden - Santika - Saphir
Sejahtera Family - Sheraton Mustika - Tentrem - Tiffa - Trim I & II
Lor In Hotel - Loving Hut (Solo Quare) de Solo Boutique Hotel
Semesta Heritage - Pandanaran New Metro - Quest
UNY Hotel - Winotosastro - Wisma Agung - Wisma Gajah
Cafés & Restaurants
MesaStela - Manohara Pondok Tingal - Sriti
Grand Wahid - Laras Asri
Hani’s Bakery - K Meal’s - Kedai Kebun - Kopi Luwak - Laba-Laba
Karthi Hotel (Tuban)
Langgeng - Made Cafe - Meatshop - Mercury Coffee Shop - Milas
Kresna Hotel
Aglioo - Atap - Banana - Bedhot - Bintang - Bladog Cafe - Dixie Easy Goin’ - Excelso Cafe - Batik Resto - FoodFezt - Gajah Wong
June 4 - June 17, 2013
Increasing Food and Beverage Revenues in Hotels - continue from page 1 Can you imagine the time required allocating the credit card commission expenses for Food and Beverage charged to the guest rooms from those having to do with the Telephone Department and room sales? So what do I think the answer is to Food and Beverage profitability in a hotel environment? Increase hotel guest usage, increase hotel guest average checks, and increase outside patronage from the community. You say those things are obvious but do you have a mini-business plan for each of your Food and Beverage outlets? Does it address those items? Is it funded, are all the departments’ employees involved and excited about it? Are the key players motivated with incentives to make the plans succeed? Mini-business plan? Revenue and expense goals in detail, staffing plan, capital budget, menu plan and outlet market plan. These are not all new things, everything but the menu plan and outlet market plan should be in your hotel’s annual business plan, so preparing a mini-plan for each Food
On Tuesday June 18, 2013 Deadline For All Advertising 4:30 PM Thursday June 13, 2013
JOGJA AD is an advertising paper specializing in advertisements aimed at the English speaking people. JOGJA AD features both Display ads and Classified Ads in a paper printed every two weeks (14 days). JOGJA AD is available for FREE every two weeks at local businesses and public space in many areas. JOGJA AD RATES All advertisements black and white. Rp. 30,000,- per centimeter column. Minimum size for Regular Display Ads: 5 cm by 2 columns. Rates are included 10 % value added tax (PPN). All ads must be approved by
June 4 - June 17, 2013
and Beverage outlet should not be a monumental task. I refer to these plans as mini-plans because they can be three small lists: standard hotel procedures, one time promotions and advertising. Standard hotel procedures are simple things like having the reception staff mention the outlets to registering guests and having the bell staff mention that night’s restaurant specials while the guest is a captive audience. These cards are handed out by the receptionist registering the guest. Other standard items are elevator displays, in room promotions, and promotional cards given with restaurant and bar checks. Why not room service sales messages adjacent to the emergency telephones at the swimming pool? Nobody misses seeing it and reading it! Standard hotel procedures must include services, attitudes and amenities that are very appealing to the hotel’s guests. JOGJA AD for correct English before printing. Display ads available from 1-26 issues. Surcharges for special positions (available as space permits): Front Cover A plus 300%, Front Cover B plus 200% and Back Cover plus 100%. Various other surcharges for special positions. DISPLAY AD 12-25 consecutive issues 15% discount. 26 consecutive issues 30% discount (divided into 12 monthly payments). BOOKMARK ONLINE SITE Publish your website address on Bookmark the Best Of Jogjakarta Online Site. Only Rp. 390.000,- per year. INSERTS Inserts are available for brochures,
ad sheets, catalogs, etc. Rp. 700/ pc, 2000pcs minimum. Maximum of one insert allowed in a particular issue. Reservation only by full payment. Printing cost will be charged on client. ADVERTORIAL Size: 19 centimeter by 3 column on page 6. Rp. 2.000.000/edition (VAT/ PPN included). Discount Rate refers to Display Ad. Reservation only by full payment. Deadline for prior to 2 weeks before published.
Services are kind of obvious but attitudes
was one I created to name a remodeled ho-
are a little tougher. Rather than exclu-
tel restaurant! One of the keys to Anita’s
sively hiring experienced servers look for
success is a source book she keeps so that
people with a positive, cheerful outgoing
she always knows sources for products and
attitude that either have experience or
ideas, good and bad.
are trainable. A cheerful good attitude
Advertising for food and beverage out-
will over-come a lot of service and even
lets ranges from the basics like the Yellow
quality problems, assuming they are short
Pages and entertainment directories to
term! Your servers must enjoy their pa-
such media as radio and television. Any
trons, thank them for coming, ask them if
media that can be obtained for free is good
they will be in tomorrow, how their room
as long as one has some control over it.
is, etc. In short they must care. It will help
Trade outs are always a good idea. The best
the food and Beverage outlets and the ho-
trade a Food and Beverage manager can
tel in general.
arrange is rooms for advertising! Next to that, beverage for advertising is good if it
Amenities are a more exciting and creative issue. Sure there should be an assortment of newspapers
can be obtained on some multiple like four advertising dollars
at breakfast and with room service. But what about a heated
for one beverage dollar. Doing joint promotions with media
pot of coffee so that the patrons don’t have to wait to be
outlets is especially effective if one can obtain extra advertis-
bothered by, “...more coffee?” every few minutes. Can you
ing unrelated to the promotion at a later time in order to stay
promote your restaurant or coffee shop as the area’s power
in the audience’s mind.
breakfast meeting place? Offer cut fruit with every order for the health conscious and thick slab bacon or what ever is locally popular for the heavy eaters. Why not free shoe shines as patrons leave and for people waiting for a table or for joiners? Dare to be different and work hard to find out what your hotel guests and surrounding community want. Who eats at Perkins and Bakers Square and why? What is so good and unique about them that can’t be copied? One time promotions are tried and true methods of attracting more business. Most people repeat the same ones year after year. Mothers’ Day, Fathers’ Day and the list goes on. Why not start some new traditions for your restaurant or bar that are annual if not monthly? This morning’s paper mentioned monthly and weekly poetry readings at several Twin Cities bars and restaurants. It seemed like most of them were at slow times on slow days. Imagine free unique entertainment where the patrons entertain themselves and spend a little money! Are poets big drinkers? Anita Blatz at the Chart
Business Classified Ad and Property Ad is Rp. 8.000/word line (33 characters per word line). It’s affordable, targeted and effective.
House in Lakeville is an expert at creating and executing pro-
For more information, contact (0274) 936 59 52 or e-mail to
booths and space from her. She is a hotelier that the restau-
motions. She puts together big promotions around holidays or creates them out of thin air then goes out and gets others to either donate goods or services for the exposure or to buy rateurs stole from us. The only promotion she ever failed at
Never forget the power of good press releases. These should be done for all conventions, banquets, menu changes, new entertainment, etc. Invite the press in to try new menus and to witness promotions. Charities are good tie ins. There are obviously direct benefits if the charity is selected wisely. Let me be candid, other charities need money, too, but they aren’t next door to our hotel! As a final point let me emphasize the value of employee involvement. They should be involved in brainstorming sessions to create ideas in every area affecting revenues and expense control. They know more about the customers and the operations than management and owners do. More importantly when they have bought into the promotional ideas they will be good at delivering the product and service to the patrons but also at going out and promoting it. Significant long-term increases in Food and Beverage revenues can only be achieved with the staff’s enthusiastic understanding and support. And that’s not limited to Food and Beverage Division employees; Rooms Division employees may be the only employees to have any contact with your in-house guests during their stay if you don’t get them into the outlets.