Kolong Tangga Museum (Space Under the Stairs)
Named for its location literally under the stairs in Taman Budaya, the purpose of this collection of hundreds of children’s games and toys is to preserve them, many of which have almost been forgotten, and to introduce culture and art to children. Fun for both kids and adults, exhibitions change every three months. Children can enjoy read story book on ‘Burung Biru Library‘.
Taman Budaya Yogyakarta (Yogyakarta Cultural Park), Jl. Sriwedani No. 1 (near Pasar Beringharjo). Open Tuesday – Friday 9:00 am – 1:00 pm; Saturday – Sunday 9:00 am – 4:00 pm.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
Deadline of Next Issue: June 27, 2013
Business Hours: Monday - Friday from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm (GMT+7) Closed on Public Holidays Jl. Wijaya Kusuma 310 B Tegalmindi, Jogjakarta 55284 INDONESIA Tel. & SMS (Texting): (0274) 936 59 52 - Fax. (+62-274) 62 59 52 - E-mail: info@jogjaad.com
Choosing To Be Happy By Tom Valeo
popular greeting card attributes this
by your genes. Psychology professor David T.
quote to Henry David Thoreau:
Lykken says that “trying to be happier is like
“Happiness is like a butterfly: the
trying to be taller.” We each have a “hap-
more you chase it, the more it will elude you, but
piness set point,” he argues, and move away
if you turn your attention to other things, it will
from it only slightly.
come and sit softly on your shoulder.”
Psychologists believe we can pursue hap-
Expose your business and be prepared for Lebaran Holiday Season! Advertise your resto & café,
But, according to a growing number of
piness. We can do this by thwarting negative
accommodation service,
psychologists. You can choose to be happy,
emotions such as pessimism, resentment, and
car rental, batik shop,
they say. You can chase down that elusive
anger. And we can foster positive emotions,
city tour, spa treatment
butterfly and get it to sit on your shoulder.
such as empathy, serenity, and especially
or ticketing service
How? In part, by simply making the effort to
monitor the workings of your mind.
at Jogja Ad and
Don’t Worry, Choose Happy
www.JogjaPages.com. Call us for Special Package
Research has shown that your talent for
The first step, however, is to make a con-
for minimum edition
happiness is, to a large degree, determined
scious choice to boost your happiness. Phi-
with more benefits.
losopher Bertrand Russell had this to say: “Happiness is not, except in very rare cases, something that drops into the mouth, like a ripe fruit. ... Happiness must be, for most men and women, an achievement rather than a gift of the gods, and in this achievement, effort, both inward and outward, must play a great part.” to be continued on page 8
Travel with kids: Should you take Eco-Friendly Home Made Disinfectants technology? at page 5
at page 6
Do you dream of a vacation away from it all? No email, smartphone, computer - nothing! Well, maybe just your smartphone... and your hubby want his iPad.
For you and the Earth, there are alternatives to harsh chemically-laden cleaning products. Best yet, you can easily make them yourself from natural, eco-friendly ingredients.
For further information and cost effectiveness for advertising with us, please call (0274) 936 59 52 or email info@jogjaad.com.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
Go local. Learn to cook, to sing a song. Stay a few days at www. homestaymasprio.com.
The First Modern City Hostel in Indonesia Accommodation Designed and Built for Individuals, Groups and Study Tours
3 | 010 - J | may’03
To advertise your private lodge at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 5952.
BELLY DANCE %+ Ŕ -*7& #"/% (".&4 Ŕ %00313*;&
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12 ja | da-p | jan 9 ‘13
Your Ally in Business
2 | 001 - J | june ‘13
4 ja | da-p | mar 20 ‘13
Kost standar hotel dgn hrg terjangkau, hanya di Hotel Puri Ganesha Jl.Mangkuyudan no.51 Jogja. Lokasi strategis & nyaman. Hrg Rp. 600rb–Rp.1,750jt/bln fas: AC/fan, breakfast, pool, resto, laundry, parkir. Hotel hrg Rp.130rb - Rp.150rb/ hr fas: TV, AC/fan, breakfast, pool, resto. Dapatkan kenyamanan anda, hub tel: 0274 - 414 906.
Your Ally in Business
More hotels will open in the following years and makes accommodation business more competitive. Advertising with us and win this competition. Call or texting us at (0274) 936 5952 or e-mail to info@jogjaad.com.
www.JogjaPages.com - Jogjakarta and Surounding Tourism Online Directory. Whether you want to sightsee, shop, dine, take in a show, relax or play (or all of the above), you will find some information to help you get started. For further information and cost effectiveness for advertise with us please call or SMS (0274) 936 59 52 or e-mail to info@jogjapages.com.
Including I time Friday barbeque dinner or El Patio buffet lunch or Foot massage at YHI Wellness for 2 persons This special weekend promotion valid for FIT booking and direct reservation Promo validity March 18th - December 29th 2013 Not valid during Lebaran period August 7th-17th 2013 *Terms and conditions applied For more information and reservation, please call 62-274-589521/23 or email to reservation@meliajogja.com
Melia Purosani Hotel Yogyakarta, Jl. Suryotomo No. 31, Yogyakarta 55122, INDONESIA Ph: 62 274 589521/23, Fax: 62 274 588070/71 reservation@meliajogja.com meliajogja.com meliahotels.com melia.com D4 ON MAP GJ
8 ja | da-p | feb 27 ‘13
Yogyakarta News Cellsbutton #07, To Break Through “Territory” House of Natural Fiber (HONF) will hold Yogyakarta International
Festival 2013, “Cellsbutton #07 -Territory”, on June 21 to 29, 2013. This year’s Cellsbutton will take place in three different areas and type of characteristic in Yogyakarta: the slopes of Merapi Mountain in Sleman, the coast of the south sea Gunung Kidul, and city of Yogyakarta. Themed “Territory”, Cellsbutton #07 will try to go through the spaces of localities, geopolitical and boundaries between economic, politic and character and see how the technology changes the behavior and territories that use lies in between. Cellsbutton #07 will include several art camps, workshops, talks, symposium on urban culture and ecology, meetings, and discussions conducted by artists, practitioners, activists, and scientists. Participants will engage with local communities to do experiments and creating new form of collaborations. Cellsbutton itself is an annual festival on new media art organized by HONF with the aim to build a bridge between global society and local communities interested in technology and new media art. The festival involves local communities, local and overseas artists, with international or local issues. The connection between art, technology and community is one of the main concerns. The goal of the project is to build a modern mind of a future on technology, based on human uses, needs and knowledge.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
CAR RENTAL - JOGJA Malsa Rent Car, IDR 275.000. Available new car: Avanza, APV, Innova, Picanto, Jazz, Elf, Travello, Chamry, Alphard Ph: (0274) 781 8737 or 0852 9328 2121. Available GPS for rent. 2 | 002 - J | june ‘13
TROPICAL TRANSPORT: We serve for self drive or with driver for all type of cars. We ready to pick you up or delivery for you. Jl Laksda Adi Sucipto No. 4 Km 7,5 Yogyakarta. Phone: (0274) 486115, 9240524, 8305830, 0852 9202 3600 Fax: (0274) 489228. Email: tropical_ transport@yahoo.com.
13 ja | da-p | dec 27 ‘12
2 | 004 - J | june ‘13
To advertise your car and motorbike rental service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952. It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline. 1 ja | da-p | may 17 ‘13
Innova from IDR450.000/Day (+driver+fuel) Explore Jogja with Us 08121550834
24 ja | da-p | jul 25 ’12
5 ja | da-p | apr 17 ‘13
1C | 003 - J | june ‘13
19 ja | da-p | oct 4 ’12
Milas Farmers’ Market: Wednesday and Saturday from 10am-1pm in front of the Milas Resto at Prawirotaman IV, 127B: Organic fruits and vegetables, other healthy products: rice, sugar, coffee, tea, dried beans, flour, and noodles. Also available are fresh baked goods, dairy products, jamu and traditional snacks. 2 | 001 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your community activity at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 5952.
COURSE - JOGJA Private learning Bahasa Indonesia or Javanese with professional native speaker. (IDR 100K per 90 minutes). Available in English and French. CP: Emy 08562903349 or mail to lestari.emy@outlook.com. 1 | 010 - J | june ‘13
Native German teacher and translator available for private or small group German class. Call: Roswitha 081328773933 2 | 005 - JP | june ‘13
Body Massage Man for man. Please call Randy 085200163909.
Professional guide and experienced for city Jogja and around by walk or motorbike. Call/ sms +62818027 45294. Email ? Fb tardisu@gmail.com
2 | 005 - J | june ‘13
Massage for male by male masseur, come to your home or hotel room. Please call Nico 081392811136. 2 | 005 - J | june ‘13
MOTORBIKE RENTAL - JOGJA Dinda Rental Motorbike, price Matic Rp 35.000 & Manual Rp 25.000 (Guest) and Matic Rp 25.000 & Manual Rp 20.000 (Student). Contact 02747117015 SMS: 0813 9266 5000 Jl. Prawirotaman 14 Yogyakarta. 2 | 006 - J | june ‘13
To advertise your private course at Jogja Ad, SMS your ad to (0274) 936 595.
To advertise your car and motorbike rental service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952. It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline.
Japanese Course: basic, office, business. SMS Tji 0858 7827 1086
2 | 003 - JP | june ‘13
FREE Raja Yoga Meditation Course contact Dana hp 0818365805 2 | 004 - JP | june ‘13
To advertise your private service, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or email to info@jogjaad.com. Only in 3/6/12 days able to speak Bahasa Indonesia for basic survival & traveling around! Cruising English - Gatot. 0818774461 or cruisingenglishcenter@gmail.com 2 | 007 - JP | june ‘13
FOR SALE - JOGJA Minyak Telon (combination of Cajuput oil, Cocos oil & Anisi oil) Tiga Anak brand is good for relaxation massage, stomachache and coining; produced by Berlico Mulia Farma, PT. Tel: (0274) 496 446. 24 | 001 - JC | jul’12
Perumahan elit, nyaman, dan aman di tengah kota Jogja. Lokasi: Plemburan & belakang Ambarrukmo Plaza. Harga mulai 700juta. Hub: 085726503998.
2 | 012 - JP | june ‘13
Got problem in translating articles from Indonesian to English or vice versa? Worry not! Call 081328388387. Reasonable price applied.
2 | 011 - JP | june ‘13
Local Paper advertisement: KR,Suara Merdeka,Solo Pos, Kompas,Radar, Merapi,Harjo. Call Agung 02749156179 2 | 009 - JP | june ‘13
SPA Casa Luna SPA and beauty centre, a place of beauty and relaxation, just 100mtr west of Alun-Alun Selatan. profesional therapist and polite. Jl. Patehan Lor 15. Ph: (0274) 372933. 13 | 001 - JC | jan ‘13
To advertise your spa and beauty center, yoga studio or massage center, SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or email to info@jogjaad.com. It’s only Rp. 8.000 per wordline.
2 | 007 - J | june ‘13
SERVICE - JOGJA Female excellent driver for city tour or host to show around Jogja by her private car. Call/SMS 0813 81429423/0274-7468211. Email?Fb RidewithElly@gmail.com
2 | 008 - JP | june ‘13
Have something to get rid off ? Put your ad for FREE on Jogja Ad. Jogja Ad Private Classified Ad is free for 30 words ad. To advertise, SMS (texting) your ad to 936 59 52. Japanese translator, guide or basic course in reasonable price. Contact Habibi at 085693960555.
2 | 010 - JP | june ‘13
TOUR & TRAVEL Couple want trip to Solo, Sukuh, Bromo, Ijen, Bali from IDR. 2750K /2D, IDR. 3750K/3D. Send your request to: waptour@yahoo.com (www. waptourindo.com) – 0274-8303399
1 | 011 - J | june ‘13
To advertise your TOUR PACKAGE or TICKET SERVICES at Jogja Ad, SMS it to (0274) 936 59 52. Ultimate experience of rustic Jogjakarta viewing from VW Safari: City Tour/Prambanan/Borobudur/ Ramayana Ballet. See: www. vwsafaritour.com. Email: info@ vwsafaritour.com.
2 | 009 - J | june ‘13
June 18 - July 1, 2013
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Real Authentic Italian Food at an Affordable Local Price - Wooden fire pizza oven - Fresh ingredient
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4 ja | da-p | may 3 ’12
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10 ja | da-p | jan 30 ‘13
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3 ja | da-p | may 17 ‘13
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19 ja | da-p | oct 4 ’12
3 ja | da-p | may 17 ’13
dinner lunch meeting birthday party gathering outside catering cooking class garden lounge
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world kitchen | art exhibitions | friday jazz fair trade shop | yoga classes open daily from 7.30 am jalan prawirotaman 30, yogyakarta ph 0274 38 65 57 www.viaviajogja.com www.jogjapages.com/viavia C3 ON MAP GJ
2 ja | da-p | may 31 ’13
7 ja | da-p | mar 22 ’13
Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No. 52 A Yogyakarta Tel. (0274) 866-345 HP. 081 227 879 000 Pin BB: 2A9FF9F7 Email : gardenlounge.sasanti@gmail.com, sasantirestaurant@yahoo.com www.sasantirestaurant.com D1 ON MAP GJ
9 ja | da-p | feb 22 ‘13
Advertise your restaurant at Jogja Ad and JogjaPages.com
Just FLASH us at
to guide customers to enjoy your special menu or your finger licking cuisine.
For further information and cost effectiveness for advertising with us, please call (0274) 936 59 52 or email us at info@jogjapages.com.
For advertising with us, please call (0274) 936 59 52.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
4 1
6 7
2 11
Travel with kids: Should you take technology? By Kori Ellis
he benefits of unplugging.
to keep them occupied with a few
gadgets. A portable DVD player
vacation away from it all?
or a handheld gaming system can
No email, smartphone, computer
be just what is needed to stop the
-- nothing! Well, maybe just your
incessant cries of “Are we there
iPhone... and your hubby want his
yet?” coming from the backseat.
iPad, of course... and the kids need
Play it safe
their portable gaming system...
Of course, you shouldn’t travel
and so on. When you’re traveling
without your smartphone. If your
with your family, is it possible to be
car was to break down or you were
totally unplugged?
to get lost, it’s an absolute must
We all need a vacation every
for safety reasons. GPS units are
now and again to relax, unwind
great when you are in unfamiliar
and get away from the pressures
locations because they tell you
of day-to-day life. In this techie
exactly how to get from point A to
age, most of us are addicted to technology and think we
point B. Many cars are equipped with GPS these days, and
can’t live without it. So vacation seems like a great time
if yours isn’t, you most likely have GPS apps and Google
to unplug... or does it? Though it’s a good idea to get away
maps right on your phone.
from all your electronics and gadgets every once in a while, when you are traveling with your children, you probably won’t be able to completely break free from technology. Battling boredom
At your destination Once you reach your destination, it’s time to ditch the technology as much as possible. Even though most vacation spots -- no matter how remote -- offer Wi-Fi these days, you
on a nature hike and explore the great outdoors instead. Being tech-free offers a great opportunity to really talk and bond as a family. In many cases, parents are just as guilty about clinging to technology as kids. Believe it or not, it’s not essential that you upload your vacation photos to Facebook immediately after you take them or that you check your email every hour. However, technology is still helpful in small doses while you are at your destination. For example, you can read restaurant reviews online before deciding where to eat in a strange city. And of course, you do want to take photos on your trip -- so you’ll need your smartphone or a digital camera. But you should establish screen time limits for your vacation. Don’t give in If your kids are tech-junkies, there will undoubtedly be some nagging when you cut back or eliminate their electronics. However, after a few days without being constantly online or otherwise using technology, everyone will find themselves missing it less and less. And who knows -- when you return home, maybe you can all be a little less dependent on technology too.
Family road trips can be a whole lot of fun. However,
don’t want your family glued to their phones, laptops and
kids get bored and they need something to keep them
other electronics. You want them to unplug and interact.
Technology adds so much to our lives, but sometimes
occupied. You can play the license plate game, but how
If your kids say they’re bored on a camping trip, don’t be
the best thing to do with technology is to simply leave it
long will that last? While they are in the car, it’s a good idea
tempted to allow them to break out the video games. Go
behind. For a little while, anyhow.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
Eco-Friendly Home Made Disinfectants By Sarah Wassner Flynn
Love to keep things spic-and-span? While your house may be spotless, you may be harming your health as well as the environment. Fortunately, for you and
EASY ALL-PURPOSE CLEANER For a solution that will wipe up messy spots, mix two cups of white vinegar with equal parts water (plus a
the Earth, there are alternatives to harsh chemically-laden cleaning products. Best yet, you can easily make them yourself from natural, eco-friendly ingredients.
little essential oil, like tea tree, rosemary or lavender, to add a fragrance, if you want one). To boost its cleaning power, warm it in the microwave in a glass container.
Did you know that the chemicals in some detergents and cleaning products may trigger ailments like asthma and eczema, while others may cause decreased fertility, miscarriages, premature births and cancers of the reproductive organs? These toxins are not only harmful to your health, they are equally damaging to the eco-system. However, if you are feeling crafty, you can whip up some of these create-your-own, eco-friendly cleaners from Women’s Voices for the Earth, an environmental group based in Missoula, Montana. All ingredients can be found online, at your supermarket, or at a natural food store.
CREAMY SOFT SCRUB Do your bathroom or kitchen tiles need a good scrubbing? Mix two cups baking soda, 1/2-cup liquid castile soap, four teaspoons vegetable glycerin, and five drops of an antibacterial essential oil, such as cinnamon bark, lemongrass and thyme oils, for fragrance. Then, tackle those tiles! And once you are done, you can store the scrub in a glass jar for two years. FURNITURE POLISH Shine up your favorite furniture by wiping it down
with a mix of 1/4-cup olive oil with four tablespoons white distilled vinegar and 20 to 30 drops of lemon essential oil. Don’t have the latter? Swap it for two teaspoons of lemon juice and store the polish in the fridge after you have cleaned, to keep it fresh. LAUNDRY DETERGENT This detergent gets your clothes clean without the extra chemicals. First, make soap flakes by grating a pure vegetable soap bar with a cheese grater. Then, mix one cup of the flakes with 1/2-cup of washing soda (found in the laundry aisle) and 1/2-cup of borax, a powder or crystalline salt water softener and disinfectant. Use one to two tablespoons of the detergent per load of laundry. DRAIN OPENER Who knew vinegar works wonders on clogged drains, too? Pour 1/2-cup of baking soda into the drain, and then follow that with a cup of vinegar. After about 30 minutes, flush the train with boiling water.
What’s On Jogja? is free for all non profit activities, groups, etc. For your events to be listed here contact: JOGJA AD by fax it to (0274) 625 952 or SMS it to (0274) 9365 952 or e-mail it to info@ jogjaad.com. Jogja latest and most up to date calendar of events can be seen also at www.JogjaPages. com. Please notify our office for any corrections or changes. Let’s keep this up to date! Yogyakarta International Congregation’s worship services are held every Sunday in the Jogjakarta Plaza Hotel, Jl. Gejayan, at 5 p.m. A Bible-focused Sunday School is provided during the worship service for children to learn creatively. For more information on this interdenominational service contact 081227440134 / cartalyn@ugm.ac.id. Services are in English. Every Sunday Morning from 7.30 to 9.30am Dog Obedience Training with Animal Friends Jogja. Venue: In the forest near Joko Pekik house, Sembungan, Bantul. To join or information, email animalfriendsjogja@gmail.com (subject: Dog Training) or contact 0818 0411 5214. JUNE Ramayana Ballet at Open Air Theater, Prambanan Temple. Full Story: June 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 27. Episodic Story: June 21, 22, 23 and 24. Show starts at 7.30 pm. For reservations call (0274) 496 408. June 1 – 27, 2013 Solo Painting Exhibition: “DANCE OF FLOWER TREE” by Nur Milisani. Venue: Tirana at Suryodiningratan 55 Yogyakarta. June 2 – 20, 2013 Visual Art Exhibition: “Satu Atap” by Ahmed Zafli, Andon Esty, Ashari, Joko Supriyono, M. Nurdihan, Nanang, Rinto, Sri Pramono, Suryo, Teguh Margono. Venue: Kersan Art Studio. June 5 – 20, 2013 Decorative Painting Exhibition: “OLEH-OLEH LIBURAN” by Mulyo Gunarso, Nur Milisani, Risqy Ramadhan a.k.a Vyo, Tina Wahyuningsih and Vina Puspita. Venue: Hotel Duta Wisata I at jalan Urip Sumoharjo Np 73 Yogyakarta June 6 – 19, 2013 International art exhibition about the environment and cultural landscape river in Southeast Asia: RIVERSCAPES IN FLUX. Venue: Langgeng Art Foundation at Suryodiningratan 37 Yogyakarta. Open Daily: 11 am – 6 pm (Monday – Saturday). For details, see www.jogjapages.com. June 8 – 30, 2013 Horor Comic book launching and exhibition: Cinta Sejati by Indiria Maharsi, Enjah by Tomas Soejakto, The Cursed Face by Hide Hidayat and Aku Tak Percaya Hantu by Kharisma Jati. Discussion on June 15 at 2pm. Venue: Gallery Kedai Kebun Forum at Tirtodipuran No.3 Yogyakarta. June 14 – 20, 2013 Visual Art Exhibition: “EKSPRESI RUPA LINTAS GENERASI”. Artists: Nyoman Gunarsa, GM Sudarta, Nasirun, Soenarto PR, Djakaria, Su Ardi, Suwaji, Valen, Harsono, Ledek Sukadi and Sumadi. Venue: Posnya Seni Godod at Suryodiningratan MJ II / 641, Yogyakarta. June 14 – 20, 2013 Visual Art Exhibition: “Tafsir Mimpi” by Kelompok Batu Asah art community. Venue: Bentara Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Suroto 2 Kotabaru.
June 15 – 22, 2013 Visual Art Exhibition: “Water Color Party #1” by 23 artists. Venue: Kedai Belakang at jalan Taman Siswa, Yogyakarta. June 19 – 24, 2013 PASAR KANGEN JOGJA 2013: folk market, traditional food bazaar. Venue: Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no. 1. June 20, 2013 starts at 7pm Contemporary Music Concert in conjunction with Printemps Français 2013 with NAIVE NEW BEATERS ( David Boring – vocal, Martin Luther BB King – guitar and €urobelix – keyboard. Free and open for public. Venue: Concert Hall of Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no 1.
at Nagan Lor 25, west of South Square of Sultan Palace, Yogyakarta. June 25 – July 5, 2013 Festival Kesenian Yogyakarta (FKY) 2013: art & craft bazaar, art parade, performances, live cooking fest, Jogja heritage soundscape and children traditional folk game. Venue: Ngasem Market at jalan Polowijan, Patehan, Kraton. For schedule and info, see www.infofky.com June 27 – 30, 2013 Solo art exhibition: “URBANTERESTRIAL” by DINAKUMIS LESTARI. Venue: I AM at Nagan Lor 25, west of South Square of Sultan Palace.
June 21 – 23, 2013 Parangkusumo DRAGON KITE FESTIVAL, a Guines Word Record breaking. Venue: Parangkusumo Beach, Parangtritis Area, Bantul.
June 28, 2013 starts at 8 pm Wayang Kulit – leather puppet show: “Semar mbarang Jantur” with puppet master Ki Dalang Kiswan Dwi Nawaeka. Venue: Pendapa (Hall) of Dinas Kebudayaan Propinsi DIY at jalan Cendana no. 11 Yogyakarta. Free and Open for public. For information, call +62 85 6288 9057.
June 21 – 23, 2013 Folk Fiesta: “Festival Malioboro 2013”: concert, dance performance, bazaar. Venue: SO1 Maret at Central Post Office Junction, Yogyakarta.
June 28, starts at 2pm Rock Concert: “Rock Siang Bolong”. Ticket charged. Venue: Jogja National Museum at jalan Amri Yahya no. 1 Wirobrajan, Yogyakarta.
June 21 – 29, 2013 Yogyakarta International Media Art Festival 2013: “CELLSBUTTON # 07 -Territory”. For rundown event and venue information, see www.jogjapages.com and for information see www.natural-fiber.com.
June 29 – 30, 2013 Jogja Toys Festival: Gundam Competition. Venue: Balai Utari of Gedung Wanitatama at jalan Laksda Adisucipto, Yogyakarta. For information, call Wira at 08179493759.
June 22, 2013 starts at 8pm Main event of commemoration of 201 years of Pakualaman Palace. Venue: Pakualaman Palace, Yogyakarta.
June 30, 2013 starts at 3:30pm Cultural Parade at Outer Ring of Pakualaman Palace Yogyakarta: Pakualam Troops Parade, folk traditional ceremony.
June 22 – 23, 2013 starts at 8am Jemparingan – Yogyakartan/Mataraman archery traditional competition. Free and Open for public. Venue: Kestalan Yard of Pakualaman Palace, Yogyakarta.
JULY Ramayana Ballet at Open Air Theater, Prambanan Temple. Full Story: July 2, 4, 6, 9, 11, 13, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, 27, and 30. Episodic Story: July 19, 20, 21 and 22. Show starts at 7.30 pm. For reservations call (0274) 496 408. The “full story” is a compilation of the four episodes and lasts about 2 hours, with a 15-minute refreshments break. The “episodic story” consists of four parts performed on four consecutive nights. Each episode lasts about 1.5 hours. Both versions of the dance-drama have been modified for tourists by omitting lengthy Javanese dialog.
June 23, 2013 starts at 8:30am Yogyakarta Tradition Ceremony Festival by 10 participants from Yogyakarta. Free and Open for public. Venue: North Square of Sultan Palace. June 23, 2013 starts at 2pm – 5 pm Tradition Performances. Free and Open for public. Venue: Sewandanan Square of Pakualaman Palace, Yogyakarta. June 23 – 25, 2013 GERMAN CINEMA FILM FESTIVAL 2013. Free with ticket. For reservation, contact Pusman UGM at Kompleks Bulaksumur F11 UGM, or call (0274) 8390905. Last reservation on June 21 at 9pm. Venue: Auditorium of FIB, UGM (Fakultas Ilmu Budaya). For complete schedule, see www. jogjapages.com. June 24 – 29 starts at 3 pm everyday Art & Culture Week. Free and Open for public. Venue: Pakualaman Palace, Yogyakarta. June 24 – 26, 2013 Solo art exhibition: “VISUAL FRAGMENTS” by AGRA LOCITA. Venue: I AM
July 3 – 19, 2013 Group art exhibition: NAFAS RESIDENCY CYCLE #3. Venue: I AM at Nagan Lor 25, west of South Square of Sultan Palace, Yogyakarta. July 6 – 7, 2013 2013 Yogyakarta Gamelan Festival. Venue: Ngasem Market at jalan Polowijan, Patehan, Kraton – Yogyakarta. July 6 – 20, 2013 ART|JOG 2013 – “MARITIME CULTURE”: contemporary art exhibition, art discussion and studio visit. Exhibition on Taman Budaya Yogyakarta at jalan Sriwedani no 1 (opposite of Fort Vredeburg). Open and free for public. Gallery opens daily from 9 am – 9 pm. For schedule and information, see www.jogjapages.com.
June 18 - July 1, 2013
Bookmark the Best of Yogyakarta
Cafes & Restaurants Foodfezt: www.foodfezt.com or www.jogjapages.com/foodfezt Kedai Kebun: www.jogjapages.com/kedaikebun K Meal’s Coffee: www.jogjapages.com/k-meals Oey Jogja: www.jogja.kopitiamoey.com Loving Hut: www.jogjapages.com/lovinghut or www.lovinghut.com Meatshop: www.jogjapages.com/meatshop Montong Guesthouse & Vegan Cafe: www.jogjapages.com/montong Nanamia: www.jogjapages.com/nanamia Sangam House: www.jogjapages.com/sangam Sasanti: www.sasantirestaurant.com ViaVia Cafe: www.viaviajogja.com or www.jogjapages.com/viavia
Pagelaran Uyon-uyon Beksan Performance of a fragment of the Gagrak ballet using the Yogyakarta style of dance accompanied by Javanese gamelan and song. Every Thursday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
Hotels Edu Hostel Jogja: www.eduhostels.com Kresna Hotel Wonosobo: www.kresnahotel.com Melia Purosani: www.jogjapages.com/melia-purosani Tentrem: www.hoteltentrem.com Hotel association: www.JCJHA.com
Wayang Orang Ballet – Pagelaran Beksan Wayang Orang Performance of wayang ballet and the Keraton sacred dances (Bedhaya, Klana Gagah, or fragments of the Ramayana or Mahabharata epics.) Every Sunday 09:30 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
Directory Media: www.JogjaPages.com www.JogjaKorean.com
Gamelan Orchestra – Pagelaran Kerawitan Performance of Javanese-Mataram style composition on the Slendro and
Furniture Kini Furniture: www.kinifurniture.com DDCulture&Living: www.ddcultureandliving.com
Pelog gamelan sets. Every Monday and Tuesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon
Rent a Car 99Tranjaya: www.jogjapages.com/99tranjaya
This wayang show was created by Ki Trunadipura from Surakarta (Solo).
at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton. Wooden Puppets – Pagelaran Wayang Golek Menak The Menak story was inspired by a Persian Islamic epic but has been
Spa Casa Luna: www.jogjapages.com/casaluna
converted to Javanese or Maduranese characters. Every Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon at the Bangsal Sri Manganti
Tours & Travel: Indorama: www.indorama.be Other: Berlico Mulia Farma: www.jogjapages.com/berlico-mulia-farma Emax: www.emax.co.id PT Sung Chang Indonesia: www.sungchangindonesia.com Epotech: www.epotechindonesia.com Special Coffee: kopijoss.jogjapages.com
Police 110 KAPOLDA-DIY (SMS) 7100110 Ambulance 113 Directory Inquiries 108 Fire Brigade 412118 IDD 001/008 Immigration Office 489165 Dr. Sarjito Hospital 587333 RSUD Jogjakarta 371195 RSUD Bantul 367381 RSU Wates 773169 Panti Rapih Hospital 514014 PKU Hospital 512653 Dr. Yap Hospital 562054 RS Patmasuri 372367 RSI Hidayatullah 389194
RS Puri Nirmala 515255 RS Bethesda 562246 SAR Jogjakarta 115 Red Cross 379212 Giwangan Bus Station 410015 Adisucipto Airport 484261 Tugu Train Station 589685 Garuda Airlines 551515 JAS Taxi 373737 ASA Taxi 545545 Centris Taxi 4362298 Setia Kawan Taxi 412000 Pamungkas 621055 Rajawali 487676 Vetri 563551 Jogja Ad 625952
Javanese Poetry – Pagelaran Maospat Javanese poetry recital taken from the Kawedanan Hageng Punokawan Widya Budaya books and letters, which describe the history of the Mataram Kingdom. Every Friday 09:00 – 11:00 am at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton. Leather Shadow Puppet Show – Pagelaran Wayang Kulit Every Saturday 09:30 am –1 pm at the Bangsal Sri Manganti pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
PAKUALAM PALACE Gamelan & dance training Every Monday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Gamelan & dance training Every Thursday: 5:00 - 7:00 pm Gamelan orchestra Eve of Saturdays Paing (Friday night Legi): 9:30 pm-midnight
Jl. Trikora No. 6 (North Square of Sultan Palace) Daily Leather Puppet Show: 8.00 – 10.00 P.M.
pendopo (meeting hall) at the Keraton.
For more information about latest and most up to date Jogja calendar of events, check at www.JogjaPages.com.
Montong: Vegetarian Café & Resto, Guesthouse. Let’s start healthy lifestyle. Ruko Metro Square Jl. Mayjend Bambang Sugeng km.5, Mertoyudan - Magelang.
Abhayagiri Restaurant and Banquet Service offers romantic dining sensation on the top of Yogyakarta. For reservation: Ph : (62 274) 44 69 277, or 082134535000.
Nanamia Pizzeria serves real authentic Italian food, affordable local prize on cozy place. Jl. Moses Gatotkaca B.13 Gejayan, Jogja. Delivery & reservation, call (0274) 556 494.
19 | 001 - JC | jul’12
3 | 001 - JC | feb ‘13
23 | 002 - JC | may ‘12
Sasanti Restaurant & Lounge serving “home-cooking”: authentic Indonesian food plus Western food prepared for Western tastes. Jl. Palagan Tentara Pelajar No. 52A Jogja(Next door to Hyatt Regency). Ph: (0274) 650-9860.
Sangam House offer traditional Indian Cuisine, Boutique and Art space. Yoga Class everyday. Open everyday 12 noon-10pm. Delivery & reservation: (0274) 562 132. Jl. Pandega Siwi 14 (Jl. Kaliurang km 5,6.) Yogyakarta.
K Meal’s provides special French Food, wood oven pizza & art gallery on local prices. We sell only fresh products. Open daily. Jl. Tirtodipuran no. 67. Tel: (0274) 829 0097.
2 | 002 - JC | feb ‘13
23 | 001 - JC | may ‘12
LOVING HUT provide delicious & healthy plant-based dishes. Be Veg and go green to save the planet! Jl. Moses Gatotkaca A 18 & Jl Kemetiran Kidul No.1.
ViaVia Travelers Cafe and Restaurant. We inspire you to travel, discover and broaden your horizons. Jl. Prawirotaman 30 Jogjakarta. Phone: 0274-386 557.
Meatshop Indoguna provides Italian pasta, Switzerland cheese, French butter, Norwegian salmon, and other frozen supplies. Your culinary experiences start here. Jl. R.W. Monginsidi 37 Jogja tel. (0274) 563-617.
19 | 001 - JC | jul’12
26 | 001 - JC | mar’12
21 | 002 - JC | june ‘12
Advertise your cozy restaurant at Jogja Ad and www.JogjaPages.com yo guide tourist to enjoy your special menu.
17 | 002 - JC | july’12
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Cafés & Restaurants
Hotels - Resort - Spa
Myoozik - Ministry of Coffee - Nanamia - Pesta Perak - RastaBarmu
Abadi - Adya Nalendra - Andrea - Asia Afrika - Bandara Asri
Re! Cafe - Royal Garden - Sangam - Sasanti - Superman Resto
Batik Palace Cottage - Bedhot - Boomerang - Cristalit - Cakra Kembang
Tante Lies - Tulips - ViaVia Cafe - Wendy’s - Zango
d’Omah - Dewi Homestay - Dussun Village Inn - EduHostel
Indogrosir North Cipaganti Harapan Plastic Factory
310 B Klinik Sinduadi
Family Home Stay - Grage - Grand Rosela - Griya Desa - Ibis - Indraloka
Public Interest
Indah Palace - Istana Batik Ratna - Jayakarta - Jogjakarta Plaza
Affandi Museum - Barumun Abadi - Boomerang Bookstore - Cemeti
Kombakarno - Kristina - Kusuma - LPP - Malioboro Inn - Matahari
Dagadu - Galeria Mall - Malioboro Mall - FK UGM - Indra Kelana
Mataram - Mawar Asri - Melia Purosani - Mulia Kencana - Mutiara
Kopma UGM - Jogja Gallery - Karta Pustaka - LIP Jogjakarta
nDalem Padma Asri - nDalem Bantul - Novotel - Nuri - Oasis
Parry Gallery - Pendopo Cafe Net - Posnya Seni Godod
Perwita Sari - Peti Mas - Prambanan - Puri Artha - Puri Ganesha - Phoenix
Rumah Budaya Tembi - TIC - Yogya Int’l School - Wisma Bahasa
Quality - Ramayana - Red Palm - River Castle - Ruba Graha Rumah Mertua - Rumah Palagan - Sahid Garden - Santika - Saphir
Sejahtera Family - Sheraton Mustika - Tentrem - Tiffa - Trim I & II
Lor In Hotel - Loving Hut (Solo Quare) de Solo Boutique Hotel
Semesta Heritage - Pandanaran New Metro - Quest
UNY Hotel - Winotosastro - Wisma Agung - Wisma Gajah
Cafés & Restaurants
MesaStela - Manohara Pondok Tingal - Sriti
Grand Wahid - Laras Asri
Hani’s Bakery - K Meal’s - Kedai Kebun - Kopi Luwak - Laba-Laba
Karthi Hotel (Tuban)
Langgeng - Made Cafe - Meatshop - Mercury Coffee Shop - Milas
Kresna Hotel
Aglioo - Atap - Banana - Bedhot - Bintang - Bladog Cafe - Dixie Easy Goin’ - Excelso Cafe - Batik Resto - FoodFezt - Gajah Wong
June 18 - July 1, 2013
Choosing To Be Happy - continue from page 1 The intention to be happy is the active desire and commitment to be happ.y It’s the decision to consciously choose attitudes and behaviors that lead to happiness over unhappiness.
In short, we may be born with a happiness “set point,” but we are not stuck there. Happiness also depends on how we
For example, reprogram your beliefs and values. Learn
manage our emotions and our relationships with others.
good self-management skills, good interpersonal skills, and
We may choose to be more forgiving or more grateful. We
good career-related skills. Choose to be in environments and
learn to identify negative thoughts so we can challenge them.
For example, when someone crosses you, in your mind you
build a case against that person, but that’s very damaging to
relationships. So they may learn to shut up their inner lawyer
ity of happiness. The
and stop building these cases against people. Cultivate Gratitude
the happiest and
Gratitude exercise involves listing a few things that make
grow the most
them grateful. This shifts people away from bitterness and de-
are those who
spair, he says, and promotes happiness.
also make truth and their own personal growth primary values.
Foster Forgiveness Holding a grudge and nursing grievances can affect physical as well as mental health, according to a rapidly growing body of research. One way to curtail these kinds of feelings is to foster forgiveness. This reduces the power of bad events to
On Tuesday July 2, 2013
Deadline For All Advertising 4:30 PM Wednesday June 27, 2013
JOGJA AD is an advertising paper specializing in advertisements aimed at the English speaking people. JOGJA AD features both Display ads and Classified Ads in a paper printed every two weeks (14 days). JOGJA AD is available for FREE every two weeks at local businesses and public space in many areas. JOGJA AD RATES All advertisements black and white. Rp. 30,000,- per centimeter column. Minimum size for Regular Display Ads: 5 cm by 2 columns. Rates are included 10 % value added tax (PPN). All ads must be approved by
JOGJA AD for correct English before printing. Display ads available from 1-26 issues. Surcharges for special positions (available as space permits): Front Cover A plus 300%, Front Cover B plus 200% and Back Cover plus 100%. Various other surcharges for special positions. DISPLAY AD 12-25 consecutive issues 15% discount. 26 consecutive issues 30% discount (divided into 12 monthly payments). BOOKMARK ONLINE SITE Publish your website address on Bookmark the Best Of Jogjakarta Online Site. Only Rp. 390.000,- per year. INSERTS Inserts are available for brochures,
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June 18 - July 1, 2013
create bitterness and resentment. In his book, Five Steps to Forgiveness, clinical psychologist Everett Worthington Jr. offers a 5-step process he calls REACH. First, recall the hurt. Then empathize and try to understand the act from the perpetrator’s point of view. Be altruistic by recalling a time in your life when you were forgiven. Commit to putting your forgiveness into words. You can do this either in a letter to the person you’re forgiving or in your journal. Finally, try to hold on to the forgiveness. Don’t dwell on your anger, hurt, and desire for vengeance. The alternative to forgiveness is mulling over a transgres-
Money Can’t Buy Happiness Research shows that once income climbs above the poverty level, more money brings very little extra happiness. Yet, we keep assuming that because things aren’t bringing us happiness, they’re the wrong things, rather than recognizing that the pursuit itself is futile. Regardless of what we achieve in the pursuit of stuff, it’s never going to bring about an enduring state of happiness. Foster Friendship There are few better antidotes to unhappiness than close friendships with people who care about you. One Australian
sion. This is a form of chronic
study found that people over 70
stress, says Worthington.
who had the strongest network of friends lived much longer.
“Rumination is the mental health bad boy,” said Wor-
Sadly, our increasingly indi-
thington. “It’s associated with
vidualistic society suffers from
almost everything bad in the
impoverished social connections,
mental health field -- obses-
which some psychologists believe
sive-compulsive disorder, de-
is a cause of today’s epidemic lev-
pression, anxiety -- probably
els of depression. The social ties
hives, too.”
that bind also provide support in difficult times.
Counteract Negative Thoughts and Feelings
Engage in Meaningful Activities
Improve your mental hygiene. The mind to a man riding an
People are seldom happier than when they’re in the
elephant. The elephant represents the powerful thoughts and feel-
“flow.” This is a state in which your mind becomes thorough-
ings -- mostly unconscious -- that drive your behavior. The man,
ly absorbed in a meaningful task that challenges your abilities.
although much weaker, can exert control over the elephant, just
Yet, he has found that the most common leisure time activity
as you can exert control over negative thoughts and feelings.
-- watching TV -- produces some of the lowest levels of hap-
The key is a commitment to doing the things necessary to retrain the elephant and the evidence suggests there’s a lot you can do. It just takes work. For example, you can practice meditation, rhythmic breathing, yoga, or relaxation techniques to quell anxiety and
piness. To get more out of life, we need to put more into it. Active leisure that helps a person grow does not come easily. Each of the flow-producing activities requires an initial investment of attention before it begins to be enjoyable.
promote serenity. You can learn to recognize and challenge
So it turns out that happiness can be a matter of choice.
thoughts you have about being inadequate and helpless. If you
Some people are lucky enough to possess genes that foster
learn techniques for identifying negative thoughts, then it’s
happiness. However, certain thought patterns and interper-
easier to challenge them.
sonal skills definitely help people become an “epicure of experience.”