Webinar Enterprise & Information Technology Architecture
Live Webinar on
Introducing the OData Protocol Date:
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT
Duration: 90 Minutes
Instructor: Christopher Woodruff
Who Will Benefit:
Moving data across the wire is a fundamental task in application development. There are a myriad of options and no silver bullet… or is there? Open Data Protocol (OData) is an exciting technology that allows for easy and standard HTTP REST endpoints that receive rich queries from the client and return just the right data in the requested format. OData is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data APIs. OData builds on core protocols like HTTP and commonly accepted methodologies like REST. The result is a uniform way to expose full-featured data APIs.
Areas Covered in the Session: l l l
REST and the principles of the Internet Open Data Protocol (OData) Mobile and Web applications that consume your valuable data
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CIO IT VP and Managers
Application Development Managers
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Application/Software Architects Application/Software Developers
and Engineers Database Developers
About Speaker Christopher Woodruff Director, Perficient Chris Woodruff has a degree in Computer Science from Michigan State University’s College of Engineering. Woody has been developing and architecting software solutions for ...more
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