Webinar Enterprise & Information Technology Architecture
Live Webinar on
Wireless Embedded System Date:
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
10:00 AM PST | 01:00 PM EST
Duration: 90 Minutes
Instructor: John Eldon
Who Will Benefit:
This will be a combined lecture and lab demo on the programming of a pair of Zedboard-based Xilinx Zynq chips to create a pair of transceivers with embedded processors (ARM9s on board the Zynq chips). The tool flow will harness Mathworks' HDL Coder and Xilinx' Embedded Development Kit, as well as IP generated by Toyon's
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application engineers.
The student will learn how to integrate a functioning system using a variety of tools and IP building blocks, in what is too often the stumbling block step in the development and debug of an engineering system.
Director - Information systems CIO's CTO's VP Wireless Solutions Hardware/Software Engineers Computer Engineers
Communications and Networking Engineers
Control systems engineers; and other technical professionals
Areas Covered in the Session: l
Simulink HDL Coder: For PHY layer - graphic-based auto generation of Verilog RTL code Xilinx SDK & EDK: Integrating software (C code) for ARM9 with PHY RTL RF modulator cards : Toyon Chilipepper in this case - does up and down conversion, RF generation Verification: Simulation of HDL code & of embedded system for efficient debug Communication basics: Simple QPSK transceiver architecture
About Speaker John Eldon Consultant, San Diego IEEE Consultants' Network John Eldon, an Individual contributor and hands-on technical manager in the semiconductor industry since 1980, specializing in System Verilog and VHDL design, simulation, and verification, product definition, and the reduction of digital signal processing algorithms to ...more
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