EDAD Master's Handbook

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St. Cloud State University

Masters and Specialist Handbook: Meeting Procedures, Graduation Requirements, and Scoring Rubrics

Educational Leadership and Administration

Revised: May 12, 2011

Table of Contents Page Masters and Specialist Preliminary Meeting Checklist ......................................................................3 Masters and Specialist Final Meeting Checklist .................................................................................4 School of Graduate Studies Checklist ................................................................................................5 Checklist for All Graduate Students ...................................................................................................6 Additional Checklist for Plan A: Thesis and Field Study...................................................................6 Rubric for Portfolio Proposal .............................................................................................................7 Rubric for Completed Portfolio ..........................................................................................................8 Rubric for Thesis/Field Study (proposal) ...........................................................................................9 Rubric for Thesis/Field Study (completed) ........................................................................................12 Masters Competencies Assessment Rubric (Pre/Post) .......................................................................16


Masters and Specialist Preliminary Meeting Checklist: (thesis, field study, or portfolio) 

Applied for the EDAD program (and been accepted) and have a Program of Study (POS) form on file in the office of the School of Graduate Studies.

Requested three faculty members to serve on your POS. o Two from EDAD (one is your advisor) and one from outside of the department o Ask your advisor for a list of faculty (names and emails) from outside of the department if you are not familiar with other faculty outside of EDAD o You must have a proposal meeting the semester before you plan to graduate (i.e., defend your thesis or portfolio).

Have thesis/field study/portfolio proposal approved by Advisor before you go forward and schedule preliminary meeting.

Provided POS committee with a range of meeting dates and times from which to select.

Called EDAD and asked secretary to reserve a “smart classroom” for that time and date.

Called Graduate Studies and informed them of POS committee members (indicating your advisor). o Have Graduate Studies send the signature sheet to your advisor a week before meeting.

Reconfirmed – a week before the meeting – time, date and location of the meeting to all POS committee members.

Send thesis/field study proposal or electronic portfolio link to all committee members at least two weeks in advance.

Prepared a very brief agenda to handout along with proposal or portfolio plan (see portfolio components below). For thesis/field study, the agenda covers chapters 1-3. o Introduction o Career map o Three competencies with philosophy statements and two artifacts per competency o List of Master courses o Comment/suggestions

Received official POS committee approval or suggested modifications of proposal or portfolio.

Confirmed that advisor forwarded the POS committee signature form along with either portfolio proposal documents or thesis field study proposal


Final Meeting: 

Have Advisor approve final portfolio or thesis/field study before you go forward.

Provided POS committee with a range of dates and times from which to select.

Called EDAD and asked secretary to reserve a “smart classroom” for that time and date.

Called Graduate Studies and informed them of POS committee members (indicating your advisor). o Have Graduate Studies send the signature sheet to your advisor a week before meeting.

Send thesis/field study proposal or electronic portfolio link to all committee members at least two weeks in advance.

A week before the meeting - reconfirmed time, date and location of the meeting to all POS committee members.

Prepared a very brief agenda to handout along with completed thesis/field study or electronic portfolio. o Introduction o Career map o Professional development plan o Thirteen competencies with philosophy statements and two artifacts per competency o List of Master courses o Comment/suggestions

POS committee approved your final product or made suggested modifications.

After committee has approved final electronic portfolio, burn copies for advisor and committee members or see additional checklist on following pages for thesis and field study. o Revisions made on thesis and field study and approved by advisor o For thesis/field study need committee signatures on all approval sheets (bond paper)

Advisor forwarded the final signature form to graduate studies.

Applied for graduation to ensure degree is posted on transcript. The form is located at http//:www.stcloudstate.edu/graduatestudies/forms/current.asp o If you have questions on your degree completion status, please call 320.308.2114

Note: If you plan to go on for administrative licensure (6th year) submit the form “Change of Graduate Program” located at the web address listed above.


School of Graduate Studies Checklist: Applications for Graduation or Completion: Specialist, Master’s and Sixth Year Program: Filed an application for graduation accompanied by a $20 non-refundable processing fee at the beginning of the semester in which the work for the degree is anticipated to be completed. Graduate Certificate: File an application for completion with the Graduate Studies Office. Deadline dates are the same as those for application for graduation as listed in the academic calendar and in each semester’s class schedule. Specialist or Master’s Degree  Submitted an application for graduation accompanied by a $20 non-refundable processing fee was submitted at the beginning of the semester which the degree is to be granted  Completed and passed all courses required on the approved program. All changes must be substantiated by an approved petition.  Maintained a 3.0 (B) average or greater in the major, in the total program, and in all graduate courses at St. Cloud State University.  Completed and passed the required final examination(s); written, oral, or both.  Submitted three approved copies of their Thesis, Field Study, Creative Work, or Starred Paper(s) to the Graduate Studies Office for binding along with the required binding fee.  Submitted two additional abstracts by those completing a Thesis or Field Study. Conferring of Specialist or Master’s Degree 

Attended commencement exercises (optional, but encouraged to participate)

Attended commencement (optional, but encouraged to participate)

Note: Diplomas for Specialist and master’s degree programs will be mailed by the Office of Records and Registration to the address on the application for graduation approximately eight weeks after the close of the semester. A transcript with the degree posted upon it should be available through the Office of Records and Registration approximately three weeks after the end of the semester in which the student graduated.


Checklist for All Graduate Students  Completed all courses on the Approved Program Form within the seven-year time limit for completion of the program.  Requested a current transcript from the Office of Records and Registration.  Checked transcript to determine all course work is completed.  Completed and passed all courses on the Approved Program Form.  Made up and submitted incomplete grades to the instructor.  Achieved a 3.0 grade point average or greater in the major, the total program, and the overall graduate courses attempted (a 3.25 grade point average required for Specialist in Educational Administration).  Fulfilled the residence requirement.  Completed a Final Written Comprehensive Examination for Plans A, B, or C if required.  Submitted all final copies (except Professional Project/Portfolio) on 100% cotton paper for binding along with a $9.00 binding fee.

Additional Checklist for Plan A: Thesis and Field Study  Submitted four review copies of the field study or thesis to the School of Graduate Studies by the appropriate deadline.  Scheduled final oral exams during the last week of the semester.  Submitted, after final oral examination, a minimum of three final copies of your field study or thesis by the appropriate deadline. o Signatures of committee required on each approval page. o The thesis or field study is registered in the School of Graduate Studies for binding. o If a bound copy is desired, additional copy submitted to the School of Graduate Studies. o Two additional signed copies of the abstract required for further distribution by the School of Graduate Studies. o Abstract required for Field Study and Thesis.


Electronic Portfolio Proposal Rubric Criteria

1 Unacceptable

Presentation (professional look of Efolio; oral presentation; links work properly)

Presentation lacks evidence of preparation and is disorganized. Efolio is not clearly organized; contains many errors; not professional in appearance.

Philosophies (three) (values and beliefs about core competencies with APA citations)

Philosophies are not included or are extremely weak; no evidence of scholarly or reflective thought; appears to be hastily written. No references or citations. No career map submitted.

Career map (major events or experiences that shaped the professional development of the candidate) Core competencies (three) and Artifacts (two for each competency) (Selection of three competencies and a reflective statement linking each artifact with the competency) List of Courses (courses listed from the candidate’s program of study for the masters degree)

Name of Candidate: Name of Committee member: Comments:

Competencies have not been selected; artifacts are missing and no reflective statement.

No list of courses submitted.

2 Acceptable

3 Excellent

Presentation is organized. Efolio is organized and contains some errors but is otherwise reasonably professional in appearance. A few links do not work. Philosophies are present with good evidence of reflective thought and scholarship; contains some references and citations Career map is present and reasonably professional. Most events and experiences documented. Competencies have been selected; at least one quality artifact is present for each competency. One or more reflective statements missing.

Presentation is well organized and has depth. Efolio contains very few errors; is readable and very professional in appearance. All links work properly. Philosophies are present and very well written; have strong evidence of reflective and/or scholarly thought with references and citations. Career map is presented with major events and experiences documents in relation to professional development Competencies have been selected; two or more artifacts are present with reflective statements for each. Artifacts are of high quality.

List of courses submitted and presented in a reasonably professional manner.

List of courses submitted and presented in a very professional manner.


Completed Masters Electronic Portfolio Rubric Criteria Presentation (professional look of Efolio; oral presentation; links work properly)

Philosophies (all 13) (values and beliefs about core competencies with APA citations)

Career map and Résumé (major events or experiences that shaped the professional development of the candidate) Core competencies (all 13) and Artifacts (two for each competency) (Selection of thirteen competencies and a reflective statement linking each artifact with the competency) List of Courses (courses listed from the candidate’s program of study for the masters degree) Agenda, Efolio, Disk Copy, and link (Candidate has prepared an agenda and has provided a disk for committee and efolio link)

1 Unacceptable

2 Acceptable

3 Excellent

Presentation lacks evidence of preparation and is disorganized. Efolio is not clearly organized; contains many errors; not professional in appearance. Philosophies are not included or are extremely weak; no evidence of scholarly or reflective thought; appears to be hastily written. No references or citations. No career map or résumé submitted.

Presentation is organized. Efolio is organized and contains some errors but is otherwise reasonably professional in appearance. A few links do not work.

Presentation is well organized and has depth. Efolio contains very few errors; is readable and very professional in appearance. All links work properly. Philosophies are present and very well written; have strong evidence of reflective and/or scholarly thought with references and citations.

Competencies have not been selected; artifacts are missing and no reflective statement.

Competencies have been selected; at least one quality artifact is present for each competency. One or more reflective statements missing.

No list of courses submitted.

List of courses submitted and presented in a reasonably professional manner.

List of courses submitted and presented in a very professional manner.

Agenda and disk copy/link not submitted.

Agenda and disk copy/link submitted and reasonably presented.

Agenda and disk copy/link submitted. Materials are presented in a very professional manner.

Philosophies are present with good evidence of reflective thought and scholarship; contains some references and citations Career map and résumé are present and reasonably professional. Most events and experiences documented.

Name of Candidate: Name of Committee member: Comments:



Career map and résumé are presented with major events and experiences documents in relation to professional development Competencies have been selected; two or more artifacts are present with reflective statements for each. Artifacts are of high quality.

Thesis/Field Study Proposal Rubric The rubric detailed below is modeled from Wilson & Morrow (2000). This rubric will be used by your MS committee to evaluate your thesis. Criteria under chapters one through three will be used to evaluate the thesis proposal for the preliminary meeting.

Topic Unsatisfactory 1 Insignificant to student and committee

Satisfactory 2 Significant to the student, thesis committee and program of study

Exemplary 3 Significant to the field of scholars in this area

Scope too narrow to warrant six semester hours

Scope sufficient to warrant six semester hours

Scope warrant more than six semester hours

Project is not feasible given resources and timeline

Project is feasible given resources and timeline

Project is extremely feasible given resources and timeline

Chapter One (Introduction) Unsatisfactory 1

Satisfactory 2

Exemplary 3

Mismatch between problem and research questions/hypotheses

Some relationship between problem and research questions/hypotheses

Clear relationship between problem and research question/hypotheses

Superficial treatment of problem

Adequate treatment of problem, no obvious admissions

Demonstrates clear understanding of problem through inclusion of multiple perspectives and placement of problem in context

Missing one or more of the following components: introduction, statement of the problem, purpose for the study, objectives, assumptions, delimitations, hypotheses, research questions, definition of terms, and human subjects approval

Most of the components were included

All components included and clearly described

Chapter Two (Review of Related Literature) Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than 15 sources

Satisfactory 2 15 to 25 sources

Includes only opinion and application articles

Includes primarily research and synthesis articles

No clear organization

Well organized

Variables not discussed

Independent and dependent variables discussed

Review of literature is not current All recently published relevant articles cited

Exemplary 3 More than 25 sources Includes a variety of high quality sources, including articles from peer-reviewed journals, with emphasis on research and synthesis Organizational pattern demonstrates understanding of prior research on the topic Independent and dependent variables thoroughly analyzed and discussed Up-to-the-minute journal, internet sources cited

Chapter Three (Methods) Unsatisfactory 1

Satisfactory 2

Mismatch between research methods and questions/hypotheses

Uses accepted standard research methodology

No discussion of instrumentation noted

Instrumentation discussed

Participation and sampling not discussed Threats to external validity not discussed Data collection procedures description sketchy

Participation and sampling discussed Threats to external validity discussed Data collection procedures fully described

Pilot test not discussed

Pilot test of some procedures conducted Statistical and analytical procedures discussed

Statistical and analytical procedures not discussed


Exemplary 3 Shows thorough understanding of research methodology used including assumptions of statistical tests Thoughtful explanation of instruments used for measurement and/or observation Participation and sampling thoroughly discussed Threats to external validity thoroughly discussed Data collection procedures described well enough to be easily replicated Pilot test of all procedures, including analysis conducted Statistical and analytical procedures discussed well enough to be easily replicated

General Unsatisfactory 1

Satisfactory 2

Contains many spelling and grammatical errors

Contains few spelling and grammatical errors

Does not follow APA style

Follows APA style

Does not follow SCSU thesis guidelines Includes sketchy descriptions

Follows SCSU thesis guidelines

Organizational plan inconsistent

Good organizational plan

Does not maintain focus on research problem

Maintains focus on research problem

Includes adequate descriptions

Exemplary 3 Contains no spelling or grammatical errors, demonstrates creative use of language Conscientiously follows APA style Conscientiously follows SCSU thesis guidelines Uses rich descriptive technique where appropriate Organizational plan enhances project and promotes reading comprehension Enhances focus of research problem

Minimum score = 48 points (no score less than a 2 in each criteria) Total score out of a maximum of 72 points:___________________


Completed Thesis/Field Study Rubric Topic Unsatisfactory 1 Insignificant to student and committee

Satisfactory 2 Significant to the student, thesis committee and program of study

Exemplary 3 Significant to the field of scholars in this area

Scope too narrow to warrant six semester hours

Scope sufficient to warrant six semester hours

Scope warrant more than six semester hours

Project is not feasible given resources and timeline

Project is feasible given resources and timeline

Project is extremely feasible given resources and timeline

Unsatisfactory 1 No abstract provided

Satisfactory 2 Abstract (100-200 words) provided

Exemplary 3 Abstract (300-400 words) provided

No table of contents provided

Table of contents provided

Table of contents complete with all subheadings provided

No list of tables provided

List of tables provided

List of tables with complete titles and page numbers provided

No list of figures provided

List of figures provided

List of figures with complete titles and page numbers provided

Prefatory Material


Chapter One (Introduction) Unsatisfactory 1 Mismatch between problem and research questions/hypotheses

Satisfactory 2 Some relationship between problem and research questions/hypotheses

Exemplary 3 Clear relationship between problem and research question/hypotheses

Superficial treatment of problem

Adequate treatment of problem, no obvious admissions

Demonstrates clear understanding of problem through inclusion of multiple perspectives and placement of problem in context

Missing one or more of the following components: introduction, statement of the problem, purpose for the study, objectives, assumptions, delimitations, hypotheses, research questions, definition of terms, and human subjects approval

Most of the components were included

All components included and clearly described

Chapter Two (Review of Related Literature) Unsatisfactory 1 Fewer than 15 sources Includes only opinion and application articles

No clear organization

Variables not discussed

Review of literature is not current

Satisfactory 2 15 to 25 sources Includes primarily research and synthesis articles

Exemplary 3 More than 25 sources Includes a variety of high quality sources, including articles from peer-reviewed journals, with emphasis on research and synthesis Well organized Organizational pattern demonstrates understanding of prior research on the topic Independent and dependent Independent and dependent variables discussed variables thoroughly analyzed and discussed All recently published relevant Up-to-the-minute journal, articles cited internet sources cited


Chapter Three (Methods) Unsatisfactory 1 Mismatch between research methods and questions/hypotheses

Satisfactory 2 Uses accepted standard research methodology

No discussion of instrumentation noted

Instrumentation discussed

Participation and sampling not discussed Threats to external validity not discussed Data collection procedures description sketchy

Participation and sampling discussed Threats to external validity discussed Data collection procedures fully described

Pilot test not discussed

Pilot test of some procedures conducted Statistical and analytical procedures discussed

Statistical and analytical procedures not discussed

Exemplary 3 Shows thorough understanding of research methodology used including assumptions of statistical tests Thoughtful explanation of instruments used for measurement and/or observation Participation and sampling thoroughly discussed Threats to external validity thoroughly discussed Data collection procedures described well enough to be easily replicated Pilot test of all procedures, including analysis conducted Statistical and analytical procedures discussed well enough to be easily replicated

Chapter Four (Results) Unsatisfactory 1 Inaccurate or incomplete analysis

Satisfactory 2 Adequate analysis

Exemplary 3 Insightful analysis and interpretation of data

Lacks adequate narrative description of findings

Includes adequate narrative description of findings

Clear and complete narrative description of findings

Lacks appropriate charts and/or tables

Tables and charts adequately support narrative

Tables and charts substantially enhance narrative


Chapter Five (Summary, Conclusions, Discussion, Limitations, and Recommendations) Unsatisfactory 1 Lacks summary Lacks conclusion or conclusion not supported by data Discussion is not included or lacks relevance Limitations not addressed Results not tied to review of related literature Lacks recommendations for further research and practice or recommendation are consistent with findings

Satisfactory 2 Summary adequately covers all components of the project Conclusions supported by data Discussion is present and is moderately relevant to the field of study or practitioners Superficial treatment of limitations Results tied to review of related literature Recommendations for further research and practice are consistent the findings

Exemplary 3 Clear, concise, and thorough summary, publication quality Insightful conclusions, well supported by data Discussion is insightful and wellthought out; tied to current practice and issues Insightful treatment of limitations Results compared and contrasted with findings of prior researchers and thoroughly discussed Thorough exploration of ideas for further research and practice

General Unsatisfactory 1

Satisfactory 2

Contains many spelling and grammatical errors

Contains few spelling and grammatical errors

Does not follow APA style

Follows APA style

Does not follow SCSU thesis guidelines Includes sketchy descriptions

Follows SCSU thesis guidelines

Organizational plan inconsistent

Good organizational plan

Does not maintain focus on research problem

Maintains focus on research problem

Includes adequate descriptions

Exemplary 3 Contains no spelling or grammatical errors, demonstrates creative use of language Conscientiously follows APA style Conscientiously follows SCSU thesis guidelines Uses rich descriptive technique where appropriate Organizational plan enhances project and promotes reading comprehension Enhances focus of research problem

Minimum score = 72 points (no score less than a 2 in each criteria) Total score out of a maximum of 108 points:___________________


Revised: November 25, 2009

Educational Administration Masters Core Competencies: Pre and Post Self-Assessment

Name: Candidate Signature:

(print name)

Pre Assessment Score:


Post Assessment Score:


Minnesota State Core Competencies:

Pre Assessment

A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I.

Leadership Organizational Management Diversity Leadership Policy and Law Political Influence and Governance Communication Community Relations Curriculum Planning and Development Instructional Management

= = = = = = = = =


Human Resource Management


K. Values and Ethics of Leadership L. Judgment and Problem Analysis M. Safety and Security Total Points: 78

= = = =

Post Assessment


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



A. Leadership: 1. demonstrate leadership by collaboratively assessing and improving culture, and climate; 2. demonstrate leadership by providing purpose and direction for individuals and groups; 3. model shared leadership and decisionmaking strategies; 4. demonstrate an understanding of issues affecting education; 5. through a visioning process, formulate strategic plans and goals with staff and community; 6. set priorities in the context of stakeholder needs; 7. serve as a spokesperson for the welfare of all learners in a multicultural context; 8. understand how education is impacted by local, state, national, and international events; 9. demonstrate the ability to facilitate and motivate others; 10. demonstrate the ability to implement change or educational reform.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



B. Organizational Management 1. demonstrate an understanding of organizational systems; 2. define and use processes for gathering, analyzing, managing and using data to plan and make decisions for program evaluation; 3. plan and schedule personal and organizational work, establish procedures to regulate activities and projects, and delegate and empower others at appropriate levels; 4. demonstrate the ability to analyze need and allocate personnel and material resources; 5. develop and manage budgets and maintain accurate fiscal records; 6. demonstrate and understanding of facilities development, planning and management; 7. understand and use technology as a management tool.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



C. Diversity Leadership

1. demonstrate an understanding and recognition of the significance of diversity, and respond to the needs of diverse learners; 2. create and monitor a positive learning environment for all students; 3. create and monitor a positive working environment for all staff; 4. promote sensitivity of diversity throughout the school community; 5. demonstrate the ability to adapt educational programming to the needs of diverse constituencies;


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



D. Policy and Law

1. develop, adjust, and implement policy to meet local, state, and federal requirements and constitutional provisions, standards, and regulatory applications; 2. recognize and apply standards of care involving civil and criminal liability for negligence, harassment, and intentional torts; 3. demonstrate an understanding of state, federal, and case law governing general education, special education, and community education. E. Political Influence and Governance

1. exhibit an understanding of school districts as a political system, including governance models; 2. demonstrate the ability to involve stakeholders in the development of educational policy; 3. understand the role and coordination of social agencies and human services; 4. demonstrate the ability to align constituencies in support of priorities and build coalitions for programmatic and financial support.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



F. Communication

1. formulate and carry out plans for internal and external communications; 2. demonstrate facilitation skills; 3. recognize and apply an understanding of individual and group behavior in normal and stressful situations; 4. facilitate teamwork; 5. demonstrate an understanding of conflict resolution and problem solving strategies; 6. make presentations that are clear and easy to understand 7. respond, review, and summarize information for groups 8. communicate appropriately (speaking, listening, and writing) for different audiences— students, teachers, parents, community, and other stakeholders; 9. understand and utilize appropriate communication technology.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



G. Community Relations

1. articulate organizational purpose and priorities to the community and media; 2. request and respond to community feedback; 3. demonstrate the ability to build community consensus; 4. relate political initiatives to stakeholders, including parental involvement programs; 5. identify and interact with internal and external publics; 6. understand and respond to the news media; 7. promote a positive image of schools and the school district; 8. monitor and address perceptions about school-community issues; 9. demonstrate the ability to identify and articulate critical community issues which may impact local education.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



H. Curriculum Planning and Development

1. demonstrate the ability to enhance teaching and learning through curriculum assessment and strategic planning for all learners, including pre-K, elementary, middle, junior high school, high school, special education and adult levels; 2. demonstrate the ability to provide planning and methods to anticipate trends and educational implications; 3. demonstrate the ability to develop, implement, and monitor procedures to align, sequence, and articulate curriculum and validate curricular procedures; 4. demonstrate the ability to identify instructional objectives and use valid and reliable performance indicators and evaluative procedures to measure performance outcomes; 5. appropriately use learning technologies; 6. demonstrate an understanding of alternative instructional designs, curriculum, behavior management, and assessment accommodations and modifications; 7. demonstrate an understanding of the urgency of global competitiveness.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



I. Instructional Management

1. demonstrate an understanding of research of learning and instructional strategies; 2. describe and apply research and best practices on integrating curriculum and resources to help all learners achieve at high levels; 3. demonstrate the ability to utilize data for instructional decision making; 4. demonstrate the ability to design appropriate assessment strategies for measuring learner outcomes; 5. demonstrate the ability to implement alternative instructional designs, curriculum, behavior management, and assessment accommodations and modifications; 6. demonstrate the ability to be responsive to the needs, interests and abilities of gifted and talented students; 7. demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate school structures and resources for gifted and talented students; 8. demonstrate the ability to appropriately use technology to support instruction.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



J. Human Resource Management 1. demonstrate knowledge of effective personnel recruitment, selection, and retention; 2. demonstrate an understanding of staff development to improve the performance of all staff members; 3. demonstrate the ability to select and apply appropriate models for supervision and evaluation; 4. describe and demonstrate the ability to apply the legal requirements for personnel selection, development, retention, and dismissal; 5. demonstrate understanding of management responsibilities to act in accordance with federal and state constitutional provisions, statutory and case law, regulatory applications toward education, local rules, procedures and directives governing human resource management; 6. demonstrate understanding of labor relations and collective bargaining; 7. demonstrate understanding of the administration of employee contracts, benefits, and financial accounts.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident

Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging






Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



K. Values and Ethics of Leadership 1. demonstrate understanding of the role of education in a democratic society; 2. demonstrate understanding of and model democratic value systems, ethics, and moral leadership; 3. demonstrate the ability to balance complex community demands in the best interest of learners; and 4. help learners grow and develop as caring, informed citizens; 5. demonstrate understanding and application of the Minnesota Board of School Administrators Code of Ethics for Administrators.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



L. Judgment and Problem Analysis 1. identify the elements of a problem situation by analyzing relevant information, framing issues, identifying possible causes, and reframing possible solutions; 2. demonstrate adaptability and conceptual flexibility; 3. assist others in forming opinions about problems and issues, 4. reach logical conclusions by making quality, timely decisions based on available information; 5. identify and give priority to significant issues; 6. demonstrate understanding of and utilize appropriate technology in problem analysis; 7. demonstrate understanding of different leadership and decision-making strategies, including but not limited to collaborative models, and model appropriately their implementation.


Rating Scale Criteria and Descriptors



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are negligible; not evident




Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are developing or emerging



Candidate’s Knowledge, skills, and dispositions are commendable or excellent



H. Safety and Security 1. demonstrate the ability to develop and implement policies and procedures for safe and secure educational environments; 2. demonstrate the ability to formulate safety and security plans to implement security procedures including an articulated emergency chain of command, safety procedures required by law, law enforcement assistance, communication with the public, and evacuation procedures; 3. demonstrate the ability to identify areas of vulnerability associated with school buses, buildings, and grounds and formulate a plan to take corrective action; 4. demonstrate understanding of procedural predictabilities and plan variations where possible; 5. demonstrate the ability to develop plans that connect every student with a school adult, eliminate bullying and profiling and implement recommended threat assessment procedures.


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