Residente 2013 09

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El Residente Costa Rica’s English language newsle er

September/October 2013

¢1500 September - October 2013

Pu P ubl blis ished is s by ARC by CR Ad Admi miniist stra raci aci cion ion n S.A A. Ap pdo. 11 1 91 91-1 100 007 7 Ce Cent ntro ro C Collon n S n José Sa sé,, Co Cost staa Ri R caa 1 ( ww (w ww.a w.a .arc rcr. rc r ne r. net) t))

El Residente


Contents: President’s Message ................ 4 Club Corner .............................. 6 Le ers to the Editor ................. 7 In the Press .............................. 9 A City Rejuvinated ................. 10 - Richard Ternouth

My Costa Rican Experience .... 13 - Pat Lockwood

A Day in the Life ..................... 14 - Allen Dickinson

Wild Side of Costa Rica ........... 19

Editor’s Note The only constant is change. For many years Alan Weeks has brought a lot of common sense to us regarding our hard-earned dollars. Even though he le Costa Rica a few years back, he has con nued to provide us with ar cles, for which we are extremely grateful. It is my sad duty to inform the members that he will no longer be doing so for personal reasons, so we would like to offer him our hear elt thanks for his many insights, and also to inform the members that Mr. Weeks has been made an honorary member of the ARCR. We wish him well far into the future. On a more direct note, the CCSS has also con nued to change its policy, and Terry Wise brings you some of the details we need to share with you, to be followed by direct personal contact by the staff. El Residente will con nue to bring you ar cles of interest and informa on, and with that in mind, we welcome new ideas and con butors who are looking for a forum for their work. May you enjoy this edi on. Ryan Piercy

- Ryan Piercy

Costa Rica on the Globe ........ 20

Contact Informa on:

Learning the Language .......... 22

Published by: Email:

- Chris Howard

Legal Update ......................... 24

ARCR Administra on Ed tor in Chief: Ryan Piercy Adver sing, Publicity: Cindy Solano

- Allan Garro Office Hours:

Monday- Friday, 9 am to 5 pm CRC me GMT-6


#101 Casa Canada, Av 4 Calle 40 San José, Costa Rica Tel: 506-2233-8068 Fax: 506-2255-0061

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 1191-1007 Centro Colon San José, Costa Rica

Business Directory ................. 26

This magazine has been published every two months since 1995 as the official communica ons media of the ARCR. Our organiza on provides service to thousands of foreigners who have chosen Costa Rica to reside for short periods or for permanent residence. Since 1984 the ARCR has been offering reliable SERVICES, INFORMATION and ADVOCACY to Costa Rica’s foreign residents. We have the experience and ability to help you with your residency applica on, immigra on, business and financial management, real estate purchases and rentals, property management, insurance, pet importa on and much more. If you wish to place an ad in El Residente, please contact the ARCR main office. Goods & services offered are paid adver sements. Neither ARCR Administracion nor El Residente research the companies and take no responsibility for the quality of such goods and services.

September - October 2013


President’s Message

by Terry Wise

Saludos a Todos Things are changing rapidly with the Caja, so it is important to make all members aware of what is going on. These changes are going to affect almost everyone with a Cedula. Below is a copy of the email le er about those changes that went out to those all members who currently pay their Caja monthly dues through ARCR: Dear (member name) Member ARCR#: We wish to inform you that the CCSS, the Costa Rican Health Care System (Caja), has made changes that will affect all Caja offices and all the convenios (agreements) throughout the country, effective immediately. The monthly fees have suffered increases and we will be contacting you within the next month or so to provide detailed information. Please keep in mind that the association will always try to have the most favorable rates we can for our members. One of immigration’s requirements to maintain your residency status is to be affiliated to CCSS in an uninterrupted form. Failing to comply will now cause trouble renewing your cedula, entering Costa Rica, etc.

Okay, if you’re not confused enough yet, try this: Costa Rica Driver License requirements. If you do not have residency (a Cedula) you will not be able to renew your exis ng driver license or obtain a new one. If you already have a CR license but your visa has expired, the license is not valid. This goes for a foreign driver license also; expired visa = invalid driver license. In other words, to drive here legally with a foreign driver license, you must have a cedula or valid visa. Even if your residency is being processed and you have a file number, which means you do not have to leave when your visa expires, you cannot drive legally with your Costa Rican or foreign driver license if your visa has expired. In order to drive legally you will need to renew your visa. That means you will have to leave the country and come back in. When leaving the country try to make sure you do not have any traffic ckets (a Multa.) ARCR is ge ng reports from members that they are not being allowed entry back into Costa Rica because of an outstanding traffic viola on. Equally important for those of you who leave the country for extended periods, make sure you have arranged to have someone (like the ARCR Office) to pay your Caja for you. Here again, you may not be allowed to enter if you have missed any payments.

If your payment falls behind and you become excluded, you may affect your possibility of staying affiliated in our agreement and additional fines will be applied.

As of the date of this wri ng, there is no way to pay either the traffic viola on or late Caja payments at the airports or border crossings. Even though you may have your residency, which gives you rights tourist do not have, like the right to enter Costa Rica, immigra on s ll may deny you entry.

Benefits: -ARCR can charge your credit / debit card automatically every three months. -We will look after your payment to make sure you don’t fall behind. -We take care of monthly mailing your orden patronal to the address you provide us.

Now for something posi ve; remember that on the first Friday of each month we have an informal get together called the First Friday Lunch. We meet at KC Hotels and Resorts in Sabana Sur for lunch and friendly conversa on around 12 noon. Come join us. Direc ons are posted on the Costa Rica Living bulle n board a few days before, or call the office.

I recommend you wait to be contacted by the office before going out exploring or discussing any changes that may affect you with the Caja. Once you give them your informa on it is highly unlikely their decisions can be changed. Direct your ques ons to Saicy or Carla at

I hope you find this le er informa ve and helpful. Any sugges ons you may have, please let me know. Take Care!!! Terry Wise

Contest Update: My Costa Rican Experience This month’s ar cle, wri en by Pat Lockwood, is short, but gives a clear image of a typical Costa Rican morning in the mountains, an easy picture of the serene and relaxing se ng. Also check out the details for our next wri ng contest, win cash prizes, and see your story published next year. El Residente


September - October 2013


Alcoholics Anonymous Groups meet daily throughout the country; mes and places change frequently. Call for up-to-date informa on. San José 2222-1880 (Anchor club, also serves Narco cs Anonymous) Av 6 Calle 1, 2nd floor Maryland Building. Heredia (Laura) 2267-7466, Puerto Viejo Limon 2750-0080, Zancudo 2776-0012, Tamarindo 2653-0897, Flamingo (Don) 2654- 4902, Manuel Antonio (Jennifer) 2777-1548, Jacó (Nancy) 2637-8824, Zoo Group Escazu 2293-4322. Grecia (Jay) 2494-0578. Southern Zone, mee ngs in English & Spanish, 8634-9241. Puriscal, Fred 8866-0128. Al-Anon Mee ngs English language Al-anon mee ngs are open to anyone whose life has been/is affected by someone else’s problem with alcohol. Mee ngs are one hour long and held twice each week in Escazu centro, above the Buena Tierra Restaurant, 25 meters south of the San Miguel Catholic Church. Tuesdays at noon and Thursdays at 10: 30 a.m. Tel: 89 93 17 62 (Rosemary) and/or 22 28 10 49 (Barbara) email: Also in Grecia on Tuesdays at noon (English), contact Cheryl at 2444-1515. American Legion Post 10- Escazu The oldest and largest American Legion Post in Costa Rica meets at 12 noon on the first Wednesday of each month at Bello Horizonte Country Club in Escazu. For informa on and map, go to the website at, or call John Moran at 22321680. American Legion Post 12- Golfito Mee ngs are held 4 p.m. 1st Tuesday every month at Banana Bay Marina. The Golfito GOVETS have been helping Southern Costa Rica for over 20 years. Contact Pat O’Connell at or 8919-8947, or Mel Goldberg at 8870-6756. American Legion Auxiliary The Legion Auxiliary meets the Second Saturday of each month, at 1300 hours in Moravia. Contact Doris Murillo 2240-2947. Bird Watching Club The Birding Club of Costa Rica sponsors monthly trips to observe local and migrant birds in various areas of the country. For more informa on contact us at Canadian Club The Canadian Club of Costa Rica welcomes everyone to join us for our monthly luncheons, and at our special annual events, like our Canada Day Celebra on, no passport required. For informa on visit our website: Democrats Abroad Democrats Abroad meets on the last Saturday of every month at the Aurola Holiday Inn, San Jose. Contact Nelleke Bruyn, 22793553, e-mail Join Democrats Abroad at Register to vote absentee at! Li le Theatre Group LTG is the oldest con nuously running English-language theatre in Central or South America. The group currently puts on a minimum of four produc ons a year offering a choice of modern, classic, serious, and farcical plays. The group’s monthly social mee ngs are held in the theatre on the first Monday of the month from 7p.m. to 9 p.m. and everyone is welcome. Membership: Student C2,500, Adult: C5000, Family: C8000. Also, earn your Wings, become an LTG Angel. For more informa on Call the LTG Box Office 8858-1446

El Residente

or Marine Corps League Meets at 11 a.m. the 2nd Saturday of every month, at Tres Hermanas Rest. big bull statue in front. On service road opposite Hospital Mexico on the autopista. Call Bill Enell at 8812-0126. Newcomer’s Club Newcomers Club of Costa Rica (for women) meets the first Tuesday of every month, September through May. September mee ng will be an interest fair. Contact: 2416-1111 or h p:// PC Club of Costa Rica This computer Club meets on the third Saturday of each month at Pan American school, in Belen, 830 to 11:30 a.m. Two months Free Trial for newcomers. For informa on call Chuck Jennings. Phone 2266-0123 Republican’s Abroad Republicans Abroad meets the third Monday of the month at 11:00 a.m. at Beso’s Restaurant in Sabana Sur. Contact Dick Macauley at 2439-2897 or Radio control Sailing Club Meets at Sabana Park Lake. For informa on contact Walter Bibb. Wine Club of Costa Rica Please mark your calendars. The wine club usually meets at 1 p.m. on the last Sunday of each month. Join us to tantalize your taste buds and expand your educa on. For more informa on on upcoming events please contact us. Phone 2279-8927, 2257-2223 Women’s Club of Costa Rica The Women’s Club of Costa Rica is the oldest, con nuously opera ng, philanthropic organiza on for English-speaking women in Costa Rica. Founded in 1940, WCCR now includes over 250 members represen ng 25 countries worldwide, drawn together by the mo o: Friendship through Service. The Club a racts fascina ng women who are interested in serving community needs in Costa Rica, par cularly focused on children’s educa on while, at the same me, making deep, meaningful, personal rela onships. Along with its philanthropic fundraising ac vi es, WCCR also hosts regular lunches, teas and many special interest groups, including a Professional Women’s Group. Guests are welcome and further informa on and a calendar of planned events can be found at Women’s Interna onal League for Peace and Freedom Open to men too. English language group in Cariari de Belen, English-Spanish group in Heredia, Spanish language group in San Jose. We work on peace and human rights issues. Call Mitzi, 24337078 or write Veterans of Foreign Wars: Post 11207 No-host lunch at 12 noon in the Club Colonial Casino dining area, mee ng at 1:30 p.m. on the second floor. All members are welcome plus veterans who served overseas may join. Call Bob Sempell at 2588-1475. Young Expats of Costa Rica Some Expatriates under the age of 40, and currently living in Costa Rica, have formed a new social club to be coordinated through their website This club will help younger expatriates living in, or moving to, Costa Rica meet other expats in their age group for: friendship, romance, travel and ac vity partners, and professional networking.


Le ers to the Editor Dear Jack, Dear Ryan: I enjoyed your ar cle on Nelson Rockefeller and his ill fated trip to La n America. It brought back many fond memories. I graduated from college in Mexico City in June of 1969. Before engaging with the Selec ve Service to discuss my career plans for the next few years, I decided to travel through La n America by bus, largely of the 2nd class persuasion. I got as far as Bolivia. I watched the moon landing from a modest hotel lobby in Guatemala City. From there I had to fly over the El Salvador-Honduras soccer-game war to Nicaragua. I recall my first visit to Costa Rica and what a quiet li le city San Jose was; it was quaint, relaxed, and old-world in its charm. Mr. Rockefeller and I visited many of the same countries around the same dates. During the trip I met many ordinary people who were delighted to meet a real live Spanish-speaking Gringo. More than once the conversa on would go something like, “A Gringo! Gee, I was just out at the airport throwing stones at your ambassador. Please, come to my home and have dinner with my family”. I accepted these invita ons and treasure the memories to this day.

Many thanks for your le er, and the details of your parallel journey. It pleases me greatly that someone not only enjoyed the ar cle, but had a personal connec on. I want to say that when this series occurred to me, I thought it would be something different of some interest, but I really had no idea how much I would enjoy working on it. The research has been somewhat complicated, but I have been very pleased at the informa on I have been able to uncover, and also quite pleased with the results. It really has been quite pleasurable to work on them. That being said, I hope that this edi on is interes ng for the members, as well as Novembers’ which I have been saving especially for the Christmas Holidays to close the year. On top of that, I plan to con nue this series into next year, but from an en rely different angle, which I hope the readers will enjoy as well. See you on the pages of El Residente. Ryan Piercy

Apart from the s gma of his robber baron heritage, Mr. Rockefeller had close es to the Nicaraguan dictator, Anastasio Somoza. He was reputed to have welcomed Rockefeller to Nicaragua with the words, “Welcome to my finca”. Nixon could not have chosen a more egregious symbol of Yankee imperialism for this mission. Some of the lessons of Rockefeller’s disastrous trip remain germane. I some mes meet Costa Ricans who tell me I am the first Gringo with whom they have had a real conversa on, even people engaged in the hospitality industry. We should be willing and able to talk to La n Americans as equals, and with respect and courtesy. Sincerely, Jack Donnelly San Pablo de Heredia September - October 2013


El Residente


In The Press Something Remarkable Happened In Atenas It seems like many expats in Costa Rica are frustrated writers who indulge in their desires a er they move here. Maybe it’s because they have more me to do something they always wanted to do, or maybe it’s an ar s c temperament that is integral to the personality of those adventurers who relocate to another country, or perhaps it is the wonderful Costa Rican climate that unleashes the repressed scribe in people. Whatever the reason, there are numerous blogs posted, stories devised, poems realized, and books wri en by expats here in Costa Rica. Sadly, many never see the light of day. Too bad, as there is a lot of talented wri ng going on. Some do get published; there are those who go the vanity press route, otherwise known as self-publishing, to achieve their dream. A vanity press is where an individual contracts with a company and pays them to publish a limited number of edi ons of their work. The problems with that approach are three-fold: 1) Self-publishing is expensive. 2) The final products are o en printed without the benefit of professional edi ng – in most cases the spelling isn’t even checked; the printer just takes what is submi ed and duplicates it. 3) Any publicity and distribu on is le in the hands of the author, which means trying to get it into on-line sales outlets -- and that family and friends get books for Christmas. This route serves the author’s ego well enough, but the result is that the work that the writer poured their soul into never gets wide exposure nor achieves any commercial success. That has recently changed for some lucky writers in the Central Valley; one of the people who went the vanity press route got discovered. A small, established prin ng house stumbled across L. Michael Rusin’s self-published book, Avalon: The Retreat, and found it so good they picked it up for commercial release. They have now done a professional job of edi ng the work and smoothing off the rough edges, and are prin ng hard cover, so cover, and electronic versions that can be downloaded in various formats via the Internet. They also mounted a professional publicity campaign and the book has been selling quite well – it went to the commercial market place on November 21, 2012, and Mr. Rusin September - October 2013

has already received several royalty checks. It is doing so well, in fact, that the publisher contracted with Mr. Rusin for two addi onal books; the second, California’s Child, will be distributed later this year. The third, a sequel to the first, Beyond The Retreat, is currently undergoing edi ng and is nearing comple on. One might say Mr. Rusin is one lucky guy, and he will readily confirm that; it’s not frequent that a publisher will reach out to an unknown author and contract to buy their work. But Mr. Rusin, who lives near Atenas, is not one to keep all the good fortune to himself. In August of 2009 he formed a group that was open to all writers who wanted to develop their cra . Called the Atenas Writers Group, the members meet once a month to talk about wri ng, review each other’s work, and pass on ps and encouragement. Recently, the publisher casually asked Mr. Rusin if he knew anyone else whose work might be worthy of their a en on and he turned to the group. As of this wri ng, two other previously unpublished writers have been accepted and their work will get the full, professional treatment. And the end is not in sight; the publisher is looking at others. Something remarkable has happened. Some say there is magic to living in Costa Rica and there are certainly some writers who won’t argue with that; they are achieving a long-standing dream of becoming published authors. For more informa on about Mr. Rusin’s book, a tale of survival in a world-wide economic and social collapse, go to: h p:// It can also be found on h t t p : / / w w w. a m a z o n . c o m / d p / 1 6 2 4 8 7 0 1 1 2 / ?tag=kamel-20 To learn more about the Atenas Writers Group, contact Mr. Rusin at: 9

A City Rejuvinated

by Richard Ternouth

Rejuvena on of San Jose - Let’s take another walk This is the 5th in a series of ar cles focusing on the dynamic transforma on taking place in areas of greater San Jose. In our first three ar cles we discussed many of those changes, and in our last issue we described a virtual walking tour which would allow you to experience the changes first hand. The first walk covered the area between, and around, La Sabana Park and Paseo Colon. In this ar cle we are going to con nue our tour in central San Jose. So gather up your free ARCR map, put on some good walking shoes, and since this is rainy season, don’t forget your umbrella! San Jose – A li le history Founded in 1738 by order of Cabildo de León, the construc on of a chapel was ordered near the area known as La Boca del Monte. Its objec ve was to bring together the 4,869 (earliest census) sca ered inhabitants of the Aserrí Valley (Aserri means Stone Sloth). In 1821 Costa Rica gained independence from Spain. A power struggle about which should be the capital developed between the four main ci es of the Central Valley: San José, Alajuela, Heredia, and Cartago. The disagreements resulted in two armed confronta ons, the Ochomongo War of 1823 and the La Liga War of 1835. Eventually it was determined that San José would be the capital of the republic. Early San Jose had water problems and the popula on grew slowly. The surrounding tobacco farms needed water to help the fer lity of the fields, and ditches were created to provide it. Those ditches, along with the installa on of the Tobacco Factory of Costa Rica, assured the water supply. The tobacco planta ons were eventually taken over by coffee planta ons, and then urban development, which finds Greater San Jose with a popula on of close to 2 million today. Note of Interest: In 2012, through a combined effort of the two na onal banks, downtown San Jose was finally given street signs. Previously, unless you were a taxi driver or local resident, ge ng lost in downtown San Jose was quite common. Now, however, it is easy to recognize where we are rela ve to the street numbers. Avenida Central and Calle Centro intersect El Residente

in a cross in central San Jose. Calles run North / South, so from Calle Central the streets to the East are even numbers, and Calles to the West are odd numbers. The Avenidas are on and East / West axis and use the same numbering system: star ng with Avenida Central they are numbered with even numbers to the North and odd numbers to the South. Drivers should note that most streets in downtown are one-way.

Coca Cola Avenida One between Calles 16 and 18 We will start this tour in the western end of San Jose in an area called Coca Cola or Zona Roja, the old Red Light District of San Jose. Coca Cola is a landmark area named a er the old Coca Cola bo ling plant, which is no longer there, and today it more commonly serves as the city’s main bus terminal. It lies just west of the Hotel Musoc, where one can find buses depar ng for places in and around the central valley such as Naranja, or the southern municipali es like Montezuma. The barrio actually covers an area of about four blocks in radius and, in addi on to an infinite number of buses coming and going in every direc on, it is a hodgepodge of shops. This is a great area to shop for food as there are many butchers, bakeries, vegetable and fruit vendors, both street front, street corner, and in interior market loca ons, along Avenidas One and Three. The Central Market Calle Six between Avenidas Central and One From the bus terminal in Coca Cola, it is a direct five block walk east up Avenida One to the Central Market. The market is housed in a non-descript one story, orange building covering a square block. It was originally named the “New Plaza” a er the Main Plaza was transformed into Central Park. The structure has undergone many transforma ons over the years and is now a showcase for tradi onal and modern Costa 10

Rican cultural products. One can get lost in the maze of isles where vendors offer things such as souvenirs, food, clothing and accessories, shoes, various eateries (sodas), herb sellers, and much, much more. It is easy to spend an hour or more simply “window shopping” in the Central Market. When it’s me to leave, find the Northeast exit and con nue east on Avenida One.

The Costa Rican Post Office and Stamp Museum Calle Two between Avenidas One and Three To this day most foreign residents who live in Costa Rica s ll marvel at how mail can actually be delivered to a physical address where no number or street name exists, but somehow the Ticos seem to get it done. One of the key reasons may be because everybody knows everybody else and where they live. Also, many Ticos have mail boxes at the Post Offices around the city. The Post Office and Stamp Museum building, originally named The Mail and Telegraph building, was built between 1914 and 1917 by the architect Luis Llach. It has a definite French influence; a monumental and elegant structure with beau ful spires and a main entrance with narrow cupolas. With the release of historical items from the Post Office, The Stamp Museum inside was created to illustrate the progress of various forms of communica on, as well as displaying the na onal and interna onal stamp history. Tours: Interac ve shows are given on such things as stamp exchanges, samples, stamp displays, and there are courses and ps on stamp collec ng available. Juan Rafael Mora Porras Monument In front of the Post Office This monument is dedicated to the coffee grower who was the President of the Republic from 1849-1859, during which me Costa Rica’s independence was recognized by Spain. In 1858 he established the border with Nicaragua. September - October 2013

Herdocia Building Avenida Three, Calle Two Luis Llach, who had built the Post Office thirty years previously, constructed the Herdocia building in 1945. Its construc on is a style that that denotes the shi from neoclassic to modernism. One unique feature of the design can be seen in the concrete pergolas and the central tower. It was declared an Historical and Architectural landmark on February 23, 2000. Luis Ollé Commercial Building – BCR Bank Avenida Three, Calle Central This building was built at the beginning of the 20th century and once featured a cement dome. The cement dome, however, collapsed by accident and was later replaced by one made of metal. Over the years it has served as the Espriella and Company Hardware store and the BIESABank. In 1988 the structure was acquired by the Banco de Costa Rica, which now houses a branch there. Central Park Bordered by Avenidas Two and Four and Calles Central and One It’s me for a short rest before we con nue our walking tour of 11

San Jose, and what be er place than Central Park, established about 150 years ago. The park is the heart of the city, where the country’s highways come together, and today is the place thousands of pedestrians use as their star ng point en route to their daily ac vi es. Once we have rested we can explore the various buildings and statues that are a short distance from the intersec on of Avenida Central Calle Central. Space does not allow us to discuss them all in depth here, so we will make a brief men on of the following points of interest: La Casona – Historic House Melico Salazar Popular Theater The Street Sweeper - Statue The Metropolitan Cathedral Steinvorth Building Knöhr Building Lehmann Bookstore The Arcades

Na onal Theatre-Teatro Nacional Avenida Two between Calles Three and Five Probably the single most photographed building in Costa Rica, and certainly in San Jose, it is one of the first images shown if one Googles general informa on for Costa Rica and San Jose. Constructed with public funds between 1890 and 1897, its roof has a dis nc ve green pa na. The building is part of any day tour of San Jose, but it is best viewed at night when the ligh ng enhances the building’s beau ful and intricate architectural details.

El Residente

Plaza de la Cultura and Banco Central Museum Between Avenidas Central and Two, Calle Two and Three The Plaza de la Cultura is located adjacent to the Na onal Theatre. The project’s objec ve was to create an ample center for ar s c, literary, and scien fic ac vi es. Underneath the street level plaza is a complex containing three underground levels going down some forty feet. The structure was inaugurated on February 26, 1982, and the main areas are currently occupied by the Pre-Colombian Gold Museum, the Central Bank Coin Collec on Museum, a library, an auditorium, and open areas for temporary exhibi ons and other events. The exhibits are open to the public and well worth the price of admission.

Gran Hotel Costa Rica Avenida Two, Calle Three The grand hotel was constructed between 1928 and 1930 in neoclassic style that has a dis nct European ambience. It is situated directly across from The Na onal Theatre and faces Avenida Two. S ll one of the most dis nguished hotels in San José, it boasts a wonderful piano bar in the foyer. A visitor can imagine many famous foreigners enjoying pleasant hours there, res ng from their travels in Costa Rica. This is a good me to call it a day and perhaps relax and have drink, coffee, or cup of tea and enjoy the ambience of the Gran Hotel. There is a pa o outside where one can observe passers-by, or if it is raining, sit inside. We will complete our tour of the downtown area in our next edi on when we go East, then North, to experience Barrio Amon and a bit of the Bohemian culture.


My Costa Rican Experience

by Pat Lockwood

Another Day in Paradise has Begun The dawn precedes the appearance of the sun. The valley below s ll gli ers with a thousand lights that illuminate the always busy streets. No one sleeps in Costa Rica. The day begins as the sun sets fire to the mountain tops. The trees filter its burning rays, which slowly warm the cool air that lingers from the darkness. I breathe deep. The perfume of the flora floats into my nose and throat. I cough. In a synchronized instant, several species of birds announce the forthcoming, relentless search for nourishment. Mine awaits me in the kitchen. I know this because I smell the heavy aroma of bacon and coffee. I grab a couple slices and a steaming mug, and proceed to the veranda. It is here that I spend every morning with the bustling inhabitants of the village below the mountain I sit upon. Ticos are going to work and school. Farmers laboring in the coffee and sugarcane fields call to one another, “Buenas Dias!” Another day in Paradise has begun. WANTED!


ARCR (the Association of Residents of Costa Rica) bi-monthly newsletter El Residente, is conducting its Second Annual writing contest! Open to all, we are looking for stories of people’s experiences here in Costa Rica. Aspiring writer? Have a Blog? Written letters to folks back home? Got a short , unpublished piece you wrote that you didn’t know what to do with? Send it in! Humorous, tragic, or just stories about daily experiences are all acceptable. Length should be 750 to 1500 words. You don’t need to be an excellent writer. Just tell us your tale and if it wins we’ll make sure it’s well told. (All submissions published will be subject to editing for length and content to meet space requirements.) There is no limit on the number of submissions, so if you have more than one story to tell, send them all in (separately, please.)

September - October 2013

El Residente will award the winner a cash prize. All submissions become the property of ARCR which may publish them at their discretion. Announcement of the Winner will be made in the Jan / Feb 2014 issue of El Residente. The Winner will be notified via email. Achieve fame, fortune, and possible immortality! Send in your piece NOW while you are thinking of it! All entries should be submitted in MS Word format, via email, to Ryan Piercy at: <> Please use “CONTEST” as the subject line. Deadline for submission is December 15, 2013. RULES: We don’t need no stinkin’ rules! Well, maybe one: Entries should be 7501500 words, related to living in or visiting Costa Rica, does not include profanity, and is received by El Residente via email in MS Word format before December 15th 2013. See, easy! Only 1 one rule. 13

A Day in the Life

by Allen Dickinson

Things That are Different, Part 2 A few months ago I compiled a list of some of the differences expats may encounter upon visi ng or living in Costa Rica. Of course the list barely scratched the surface, so I have been compelled to create Part II. Used toilet paper is not normally flushed, rather it is deposited in trash containers next to the commode. The green light of a traffic signal will blink several mes before switching to yellow. When using a broom to sweep a floor, Costa Ricans tend to “push” the debris (broom head in front of the handle) whereas Gringos tend to “pull” the broom and debris (handle ahead of the broom head.) Both methods seem to work equally well. Driveway entrances to businesses, homes, or parking lots are some mes not graduated so a vehicle can enter easily. More commonly, entrances have curbs that are near full height. This causes vehicles to slow greatly as they depart from the roadway and thereby obstruct the following traffic. Brown eggs are the most common type found in stores. White eggs are available but are more expensive. (Both taste the same to me.) There are no big, plas c household garbage cans. Instead, permanently mounted, free-standing metal containers are used to hold trash bags un l collec on day. These bins are o en communal, serving more than one residence, and mounted roughly three feet above ground (to deter animals.)

The use of asphalt shingles on a roof is a rare sight in Costa Rica. The preferred roofing material is either corrugated sheet metal, some mes topped by Spanish le (real and faux.)

Costa Ricans frequently do not greet you by saying “Buenos Dias” (Good Morning) but will simply say “Buenos” instead. The le -hand lane of a freeway is not the fast lane – all lanes are used without regard to rela ve speed. Try walking around your home town with a sharp machete hanging from your belt! This is, however, a common sight in small towns or rural areas of Costa Rica. El Residente


Costa Rican law observes some religious holidays with a prohibi on on selling alcohol on certain days. For instance, all sales of alcohol are forbidden the Thursday and Friday before Easter. However, sales ARE allowed on the Saturday before, and on, Easter Sunday. (Go figure!) Painted roadway lines (traffic lane center lines, lane direc on arrows, etc.) are o en non-existent. Repain ng takes place periodically but the poor quality of the paint used allows traffic to wear it away fairly rapidly. This can make speed bumps especially difficult to detect at night. Graveyards are primarily populated by above-ground crypts. Some of these crypts are rentals and are emp ed a er one year to be rented for a new occupant. When there is a vehicle accident it is required to leave the vehicles involved EXACTLY where the accident occurred, no ma er how much they may be blocking other traffic, un l the inves ga on Transito Officer (and possibly an insurance adjuster) has viewed the situa on and authorizes movement. To a Tico, “whisky” means “Scotch whisky.” The concept of bourbon whisky or blended whisky almost doesn’t exist and those types of liquor are some mes difficult to obtain in a bar.

Ticos do not have the same sense of personal space expats do. Consequently, houses are built touching each other, cars and buses drive within inches of each other, and when talking, people stand much closer than expats are used to. Along the same lines, there are virtually no structure setback requirements in Costa Rica. Therefore, many homes and businesses are built very close to the roadways – which can make sight lines for pulling a vehicle onto a cross street problema c. North American style games, like baseball, football, and basketball, are virtually non-existent in Costa Rica. Though occasional instances of these sports being played can be found, Costa Ricans focus is almost exclusively on soccer. What at first glance may appear to be roadside traffic signs, o en are not – though some may have a por on of the sign dedicated to poin ng to the next community, they frequently are just a commercial sign, erected by a business, direc ng the way / distance to their loca on.

You don’t need to pump your own gas at a gas sta on in Costa Rica – sta ons are “full service” with a endants who will do that for you (though you frequently will have to ask for anything more than a simple fill-up.) Prices in pulparias (AKA chino stores) which are locally owned convenience type stores, are frequently comparable, some mes even be er than, the big box stores. September - October 2013

Rather than ins tute a new area code to meet the needs of an expanded customer base, the Costa Rican phone regula on authori es chose to extend all telephone numbers to eight digits by adding another number to the front of the exis ng number. (2 = a land line, other first numbers = cell phone carriers.) Ticos o en write telephone numbers with one more dash than Gringos, as in 2345-67-89. When visi ng a bank (and some other businesses) the guards will make patrons turn their cell phone off if it 15

rings; no cell phone conversa ons are allowed while the customer is inside. One more telephone related difference: When a “land line” telephone is used to call a cell phone, the land line is charged for the me.

gradua on, etc.), besides there not being any English language cards available, each card sold is separately enclosed in a cellophane type plas c sleeve. (Remember cellophane?) Customer service is frequently a misnomer in Costa Rica. Returning or exchanging an item to the store from which it was purchased o en generates an amazing amount of paperwork and confusion. Apparently, from personal observa on, ladies high-heel dress shoes with a height of less than three-inches are not sold in Costa Rica. Local (municipality) police forces have no jurisdic on over vehicular traffic or parking. Only the na onal police (Transitos) have that power. A “lawn mower” is o en a skilled man with nothing more than a machete.

Most Ticas are not offended if a man admires their physical a ributes. Some are offended if they are NOT admired. The most popular color to paint a house, gate, fence, office building, etc. is . . . orange. Alongside some older, familiar stateside brands (Rinso detergent, Viceroy cigare es, for example) there are some grocery store product brand names found in Costa Rica that can seem strange to Gringo eyes: Fud (luncheon meat), Terror (disinfectant for street-wise bacteria), Poe (disinfectant for the more emo onally vulnerable microbes), Splash (cheap canned tuna), Chicky (cookies), Rumba (corn chips for dancing), Bravos (Doritos for a er dancing to “Staying Alive”), Doral (cooking oil - made from old cigare es?), Penguinos (Hostess style chocolate, cream-filled cupcakes), Mu! (milk, good with Penguinos), and Legal (instant coffee) are but a few. Quads (four-wheel off-road vehicles) are licensed and driven on streets like any other vehicle. (And many are ridden as if Lucifer himself is pursuing the rider.) If you want to buy a gree ng card (birthday, anniversary, El Residente

A nasty looking, li le dirt road between two shacks, barely wide enough for a compact car to pass, may lead to a “million dollar” estate complete with huge wrought-iron gates, guard houses with armed guards, and beau ful manicured grounds. “Volume discount” is not a concept most Ticos understand. Nor is sarcasm. Ticos do not generally have a sense of se ng priori es. What can be “urgent” now can quickly be replaced when a need for something significantly more mundane arises. There’s much more that could be added, but space prohibits. Part III is already being compiled and will be published some me in the future. In the mean me, if you have some favorite “difference” you would like to share, please send it to me. Allen Dickinson is a member of ARCR. A er serving 23 years in the US Navy he se led in Pensacola, Florida, where he resided for 24 years. In 2006 he re red from opera ng his own licensed mortgage brokerage business and relocated to Costa Rica. He holds a Bachelors Degree from the University of New York and a Masters Degree from the University of West Florida. He can be reached via email at: 16

September - October 2013


El Residente


Wild Side LXXV

by Ryan Piercy

Rose-Colored Glasses On a recent journey to the west coast we had the unexpected privilege of encountering a group of flying, pink waterfowl. At first glimpse, through my amateur eyes, I assumed they were flamingos. As they approached over the river I could see my first impression was incorrect as their necks were short and their bills looked odd. A bit of research later revealed that there are no flamingos in Costa Rica; that what we had encountered was the Roseate Spoonbill, s ll a respectable sight. Platalea ajaja or Ajaia ajaja, as they are known scien fically, are one of six in the family of spoonbills, and the only one to be found in Costa Rica. Spoonbills are a long-legged wading bird with long spatulateshaped bills. They prefer fresh waters, but they can also be found in salt-water environments, and have a constant need for feeding. These are special in that they are the only pink variety, with the rest of the spoonbill varia ons being primarily white. The diet of the spoonbill consists mainly of crustaceans and insects in the water, as well as ny fish. Their peculiar method of feeding is to walk in the water, swinging their bills from side to side as they si through the water, and when the bill makes contact with prey it quickly snaps shut and the vic m is swallowed. They are gregarious creatures and will o en be feeding in groups, roaming about in their funny fashion. It some mes appears that their erra c maneuvers will result in collision, but somehow it never happens.

long dark legs, and their neck leads up to a white head. Their long bill is of a dark hue. The pink color in their plumage is due to their diet which is high in Carotenoids, natural pigments that occur in algae, crustaceans and other organisms, and can cause coloriza on effects like this in different species such as the American Flamingo. (At least I found some similarity!) A typical spoonbill nest is made up of s cks and greenery which is located up a mangrove or other tree. The birds nest in colonies, usually in the dry season, and are monogamous each season. Offspring come from 2-4 eggs, have white-feathered heads, and are a lighter shade of pink with yellowish bills. In Costa Rica the major known breeding area is found on Isla Pájaros in the Tempisque River, but they can be seen abundantly in water areas in Río Frío and the Golfo de Nicoya, as well as along the Pacific coast. The Roseate Spoonbill is the only large pink bird to be found in our area, so once sighted it makes it quite easy to iden fy . . . once you are aware of that fact anyhow.

The Roseate Spoonbill is a large bird, reaching up to 32 inches in height and a weight of 1.8 kg. Their wingspan can be as great as 52 inches and they fly with their necks outstretched. They have a plump pink body that rests on September - October 2013


Costa Rica on the Globe by Ryan Piercy All The World’s A Stage... And Costa Rica appears to be no excep on. Over the years its beauty and beaches have a racted many famous people and actors. Just this year stars like Ma Damon, Christopher Hemsworth, and Miley Cyrus have graced the shores, which have also hosted the likes of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pi , Madonna, and George Clooney, just to name a few. Like the rest of us they are a racted to the beau ful beaches, wildlife, and great climate. Some even go a step further and venture into property ownership, business, or even living here.

One such actor was Texas-born Woody Harrelson who has been visi ng Costa Rica with his family for two decades and who has owned different proper es here. One house was located in Playa Guiones. Later, being a family very close to nature, they purchased a piece of rain forest. In fact, Woody and his wife Laura were informally married here in 1998, and in order to take a break from the celebrity lifestyle, even lived here with their three daughters for a s nt in 2004. However it was Australian Mel Gibson who has made the biggest splash when the county caught his eye. In April 2007 headlines went worldwide following his 25 million dollar purchase of a ca le ranch in Guanacaste. Gibson had already been making visits here for a few years, and the purchase cemented the specula on that he had been looking for reloca on or investment opportuni es. The property was a sprawling 163 hectares, over 400 acres, encompassing a fantas c natural forest, wonderful beaches, and several homes. At that me it was said that he was even considering a possible permanent move to the country, probably to escape Hollywood as Harrelson had done.

was invited to the home of then president Oscar Arias. All reports indicated that his visit to the president’s Rohrmoser home was very posi ve and the various topics discussed had all the indica ons of just how serious Mel’s mo va ons to come here were. Apart from the purchase of his property, Mr. Gibson discussed his inten ons for future film produc ons here and the benefits that they could bring to Costa Rica. Addi onally, he showed interest in local public health and educa on, as well as specific men on of financial assistance for the Indigenous of Costa Rica. Once Gibson started to make regular visits the headlines con nued, though now probably much to his chagrin, as he discovered that the beaches he “purchased” fell under different criteria here in Costa Rica. The privacy he probably sought was not to be, as all beaches in the country are public, and the paparazzi caught up to him several mes as he went for a swim with the likes of Britney Spears and Oksana Pochepa. It would be interes ng to know which firms led, or rather misled, him into his now famous purchase as it is evident that the local laws were never men oned to him. This fact, however, would be just the beginning of his nightmares.

Then, in July, came even bigger headlines when Mel El Residente


In early 2011 Gibson was informed that several buildings and the pool on his property had been built without proper permits, that they would likely be subject to large fines and even the possibility of demoli on. This was no doubt the “icing on his cake” and I really feel sorry for him in this dilemma as it is a situa on that we have seen frequently in this country. And frankly, it is a very bad move on the part of the government as it inhibits the a rac on of investment. Another problem

Mr. Gibson was unfortunately led into by trus ng the wrong fac ons. This may have been a factor leading to his loss of control and gaining world headlines again, this me for going berserk on his script writer, with a tape of the outburst later broadcast over the internet In any event, the Guanacaste mansion and estate was relisted for sale in the end of 2010, at a whopping 35 million dollars, possibly due to a need for cash in his 2009 divorce from Robyn Moore, ending their 26 year marriage. Full details on the property can be found on Chris es Interna onal site, with the current asking price set at nearly 30 million dollars. In all, what once looked like a great boon for Costa Rica back in 2007 now appears to be a big mistake, not only for Mel Gibson, but also for the li le country of Costa Rica, due to bad press. Mel had stated to Oscar Arias that he had a warm feeling of being “almost Tico” when he bought his piece of Costa Rica. I would imagine that “warm feeling” has become a lot ho er since then, even steaming.

September - October 2013


Learning the Language

by Chris Howard

Medical Assistance While on vaca on in Sea le, Washington I visited a local Barnes & Noble bookstore. The first thing I always do is check out the sec on that has the Spanish books. While browsing through the tles I discovered a useful pocket-sized dic onary on medical Spanish. The guide is especially handy for re rees who have medical issues and do not speak fluent Spanish. The dic onary is called “Vox Super-Mini MEDICAL Spanish and English” and is published by McGraw Hill. It can help you find the Spanish words and phrases you need when communica on is cri cal. This guide gives you easy access to essen al words that are used in most medical situa ons. It contains over 12,000 entries , 10, 000 subentries and more than 150 phrases. Many doctors and paramedics speak English in Costa Rica but you cannot assume that everyone is bilingual. So a dic onary like this one is a very import tool to have if you live here. Communica on can be the difference between life and death in some situa ons. I also have a couple of Spanish-English/English-Spanish legal dic onaries in my library. They have come in handy on many occasions to help decipher the country’s convoluted legal jargon. I recommend that re rees and others have at least one legal dic onary if they plan to live in Costa Rica or any other Spanish speaking country. Tiquismos related to health: Bisagras – lieterally means hinges but used to refer to a person’s “joints” El hospi – abbrevia on of hospital Estar con una pata en la tumba – to have one foot in the grave Estar hecho leña – to fell like crap. Two very vulgar versions of the same expression are : estar hecho picha or estar hecho mierda (I feel like crap) Estar más allá que acá – to be living on borrowed me Ranchar or llamar a Hugo– two ways to say to vomit in Costa Rican slang Robar oxígeno – to be very old ¿Se siente tan mal como se ve? – Do you feel as bad as you look? Ser un dolor de culo – when someone is a pain in the bu (vulgar) Tener cagadera – to have diarrhea (vulgar) Verla cerca – to have a close call or scrape with death. The complete expression is “Ver la muerte de cerca.”En el accidente José la vio cerca. José had a close call in the accident. Verse más jalado que un mecate campanario – to look haggared. Literally to look more frayed than the rope that is used to ring a church bell. Verse demacrado/a means the same thing Vivir con permiso del panteonero – to be living on borrowed me Vivir horas extras – also to be living on borrowed me

Tiquismos (Costa Rican expressions) of the week: De médico, poeta y loco todos tenemos un poco – There a li le bit of a doctor, a poet and a crazy in each of us.

El Residente


September - October 2013


Legal Update

by Allan Garro N. Spanish.

Purchase Op ons are Helpful on Real Estate Transac ons. Although the real estate market is at a low level due to the effects of the global economic crisis affec ng us since 2009, the fact is that land remains, in my opinion, the most valuable asset available. Viewed another way, right now there are excellent investment opportuni es in the real estate market due to lower prices. In addi on, many vendors now offer the ability to finance up to 50% of the property for an average term of five years at a compe ve interest rate. Once a buyer has come to a sa sfactory agreement with the seller of a property, there are several points that need to be verified by the par es. Some examples that can be a good idea are: review the structure with an engineer or architect, verify the boundaries with a topographer, research the tle in the Na onal Register and confirm approvals given by various public ins tu ons. Meanwhile, it is me to sign a purchase agreement, also called Reciprocal Promise to Buy and Sell and/or Purchase Op on. In the edi on of Nov-Dec 2011, the ar cle was about the Priority Reserve, a figure that allows par es to file a document against a property in which the inten on to award a contract for sale or mortgage is specified, giving it priority over any other document. However, as was men oned in the ar cle, the document is good for a maximum period of 30 days, while many nego a ons require a longer term. This is why a Purchase Op on is a more flexible tool. The basic regula ons on Purchase Op ons can be found in ar cles 1007, 1022, and 1053 through 1058 of Costa Rica’s Civil Code. The op on contract establishes the terms and obliga ons of the par es during the op on period, as well as s pula ng the selling price, the payment method, and the terms for the day of closing. Op ons are useful for selling other assets, but usually pertain to real estate transac ons. There are different ways to have a Purchase Op on, giving the par es a choice. The most common way to make a Purchase Op on is a contract awarded by a private document, which has the advantage of maintaining a certain degree of confiden ality among the par es and may be wri en in any language and s ll valid. However, it is also possible to award the contract on a public deed before a notary public for the purpose of ge ng the document annotated over the property in the Na onal Registry, in which case the contract requires to be wri en in El Residente

It is also legal to do what is called a Purchase Op on between Absent Par es in accordance with Ar cles 1008, 1009, 1012 and 1013 of the Civil Code, which outline the criteria to enter into contracts, including op ons between par es. The terms can be wri en into a document signed by a party in one country and then faxed or scanned and emailed to the other party who also signs it and fax / scans it back. Of course it is subject to prove that both par es signed, so using a digital signature could be safer. The most common prac ce is to set the selling price in colons or US dollars, although the price may be fixed in any currency. It is very important to establish who pays the registra on fees and transfer tax. In most cases they are paid by the buyer. If not specified, the law says that each side pays half the costs. Each party has to pay its own lawyer, except if the seller provides financing, in which case the seller can choose the lawyer to prepare the closing documents. Buyer obliga ons usually include pu ng up a good faith deposit or earnest money. Such money can be delivered straight to the Seller or be placed in escrow with a third party. The standard penalty if the Buyer renege on the deal is losing the earnest money as damages caused to the Seller, and if the Seller backs out the standard penalty is that the Buyer receives his deposit back, plus an equal amount for damages. Op on contracts can specify heavier or lighter penal es at the op on of the par es. Buyers and Sellers should agree on a course of ac on in case the property does not check out as promised or is more than promised. The la er happens, as more land some mes is found than nego ated in the sale. If there is no specific agreement in the contract, the law grants the right to decrease or increase the price according to the difference established by a survey of the property performed by a qualified expert. In most cases it is advisable for the seller to keep possession of the land un l the buyer pays the full price. This is based on the principle that possession is nine tenths of the law. Surrendering possession before the total price is paid may be risky in case of default of the final payment. An excep on to this is when the seller carries financing and a mortgage has been signed in favor of the seller. In that case the seller is guaranteed the right to foreclose in case of Buyer’s default. It is important to specify a conflict resolu on method. If not s pulated, a dispute must be resolved in court and 24

that takes years. The par es may include media on and arbitra on clauses where they choose the Arbitra on Center and the number of arbitrators: usually one or three. In the event of recourse to arbitra on, besides a orneys’ fees par es must pay the cost of using facili es as well as the fees of the arbitrator(s). In Court par es only need to cover their own a orney’s fees. Another choice is to use a trust contract named Guaranty Trust. It is similar but the assets are held in trust by a Trustee who must follow the terms of the agreement established by the par es. However, tax exemp on on assets transferred into a trust was basically eliminated last year. This kind of contract is also valid when seller provides financing and the par es do not want to register a mortgage for the balance. The benefit of a Purchase Op on is the flexibility in providing protec on and giving freedom of nego a on to all par es. ALLAN GARRO NAVARRO A orney at Law

September - October 2013

COMMONWEALTH COMM CO MMON MMON ONW WEAL WEA WE ALTH REMEMBRANCE ALTH R REM EEM EMEM MEM EMBR BR RAN ANCE CE DAY DAY Y/ U.S.A. VETERANS VET E ERAN NS DAY DAY CEREMONY CER CE REMONY Th This his year yyea earr th thee Co Comm Commonwealth mmonweal alth th Rem Remembrance emem em mbr bran ance an c D ce Day ay / U U.S.A. .S.A .S .A.. Veterans Day Ve ay Ceremony Cerem C mon ny will will be be held heeld on on Sunday, Sund Su nday ay,, November No ovemb mber er 1 th. It will 10 wi bee a part paart of of the th 5 PM EEnglish nglish language ng langu g agee services of o the the Escazu EEsscaz azu Ch Chris an hri ris s an an FFellowship e lowship he el held eld aatt th the In Inte Interna onal tern na onal Bap st Bap p st st C Church in G Guachipelin. uach uac ua chip chip ipel elin lin in.. The Th he purposee of of thi this h s day day is to o ho hono honor no or al aalll liliving iviing veterans vet eteran a s and an nd the th he memory mem mory of of those thos th ose who os who died while whi hiile serving ser ervi viing their ving the heir ir country. cou unt ntry. The Thee services Pastor Stacey Steck, servic ices es will will illl be conducted con o du d ct cted d by by Pa Past stor or Sta ace ceyy Stec ck, and d w willl begin Phillip Jarman. b gin be n and an nd end e d with en with h a bugle bug b ugle lee call ccal alll performed al peerf r orme orme or m d byy P hilllip Jarm hi man. n n. Kevin his bagpipes. Keviin Ludeke Lud Lu deke will deke wililll also w al o perform perfo errform fo orm m on on hi h iss b ba agp gpip ipes es. Dignitaries embassies off th U.S.A., Di Dignitar riees fr ffrom om the he emb bas assi ssi s ess o thee U. U .S. S A. A , Great Great Britain, Britaiin, and and n several Commonwealth will part services seve vera r l Co C omm mon onwe weal a th ccountries ount ou ntriies w illl take take p a t in tthe ar he sse ervices erv er alongside allon ongsid idee the t e Chaplin th Chap Ch aplilin n off the thee Marine Marin arin ar ine ne Corps Co ps League Corp L ag Le ague ue Costa Cos o ta t Rica, Pastor Jerry Pa orr JJer errry r Tomas. TTomas as.. In In a endance a end en nda dan e will be danc be members memb memb me ber e s of of C Costa Rica’s Rica’s American Am meri riccan Legion Legi Le g on n Posts Pos osts ts 10, 10, 12, 12, and and 16, 16, 6, the Marine Marrin i e Corps C rp Co ps League Costa Rica, and Costa Rica’s Veterans Foreign Leeag ague uee o off Co Cost staa Ri Rica ca,, an nd Co C staa Ri st Rica ca’s ’ss V Ve eteran eter anss of FFor orei eiign Wars War as Post 11207. P st 1 Po 112 1207 07 7. Everyone Everyonee is invited, especially esp speccia iallly veterans vete teerans n and and their the h ir families, fam amililies, children ch hildren of veterans, and a d widows an wido wi dows ws of of veterans. vete ve t rans ns. Refreshments Refr fres esshm men e ts will willl be b served a er a er the t e ceremonies. cerem mon onie ies. s. For more Melvin Goldberg, CDR, USN, (Ret.) mo ore informa on, inffor orma o o on, n, call Me Melv vin G oldber dbe g, C CDR R, US U N, (Re et.) at 887 8870-6756 700-67 6 56 6


Exchange rate of the Costa Rican ¢ to the US Dollar February March April May June July

506.84 504.65 504.46 504.20 504.53 504.44 Basic Interest Rate

February March April May June July

7.35 % 6.95 % 6.75 % 6.65 % 6.60 % 6.55 %

Exchange rate of other currencies to the US Dollar

" # " #$ %" $ $" ( ! " # " " # " "! "$ # #%) $ " " # " ' $ "# & '# ! " # % %# ## &

Giro Canadian Dollar Euro Swiss Franc Nicaraguan Cordoba Danish Krone Norwegian Kroner Swedish Krona Honduran Lempira Bri sh Pound Argen ne Peso Columbian Peso Mexican Peso Dominican Peso Brazilian Real Guatemalan Quetzal Korean Won Japanese Yen Venezuelan BolĂ­var Hong Kong Dollar Taiwan Dollar Bolivian Peso Chilean Peso Russian Rouble Peruvian Sol Polish Zloty Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan

1.51326 1.02990 1.32510 0.93150 24.75650 5.62600 5.93360 6.56640 20.39500 1.51550 5.50300 1,896.15000 12.85870 41.89500 2.28790 7.84550 1,123.28000 98.20000 6.30010 7.75480 29.98600 6.90950 517.30000 33.00710 2.79250 3.20510 0.89720 6.12890

Libor Rate 1 month 3 month 6 month 12 month Prime Rate

El Residente

0.18673 % 0.26560 % 0.39650 % 0.67319 % 3.25 %


Holidays of Costa Rica Sunday, September 15th Independance of Costa Rica - Na onal holiday, ARCR Closed (Monday 16th) Saturday, October 12th Columbus Day - Na onal holiday, ARCR Closed (Monday 14th) A Touch of Wisdom

'&+%#- 3511-8 31'%+#-+343 +/ 034# +%# 3+/%'

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AtlĂĄntica “Have conďŹ dence in yourself and Medical you can lick anything.â€? Supply - unknown Company “Hurry no man’s ca le; you may come to own a donkey yourself.â€? (some mes said to an impa ent person.) - Sco 1822 “Li le friends may prove great friends..â€? - Aesop (620-560 BC) Funniest One Liners...

Stop repeat oenders. Don’t re-elect them! I intend to live forever. So far so good. Who is “General Failureâ€? and why is he reading my hard disk? What happens if you get scared half to death twice? I used to have an open mind but my brains kept falling out. Energizer Bunny arrested; charged with ba ery. I didn’t use to ďŹ nish sentences, but now I I’ve had amnesia for as long as I can remember.

3 8 !


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September - October 2013

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El Residente


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