How did you attract/address your audience?
INTRO We would have to say that having a specific audience for a film/opening sequence is vital for success in the film industry. We say vital, as we feel both attracting and addressing audience play a key role in the success of the film or opening title sequence especially for a big budget film as a lot of money is on the line.Â
I feel that to any movie it is crucial for the opening sequence to be successful. To expand on this I mean to fully engage the audience making them want to watch the rest of the film. To do so we believe the genre has to be made apparent, as well as the key cast members, revelation of the narrative but not too much and finally a sense of enigma and mystery.Â
FEEDBACK ON OTS Feedback of log line on loglineit.com
Advice from Pete Fraser from the BFI trip and industry experts.
Advice from media students and non media students
Q&A Sessions
Social Media
OBTAINING FEEDBACK IN THE EARLY DAYS Even before our OTS was even shot, our group was actively seeking advice and feedback on our work and ideas. For example when we were developing the log-line of our film, we posted our longline onto a feedback website devoted to log-lines. In order to improve our log line for the basis of our Opening Title Sequence we wanted to receive some unbiased feedback therefore we decided to post the longline of the website 'http://logline.it' in order to gain feedback and improve our log line.
DEXTER FLETCHER (ACTOR / DIRECTOR) PETE FRASER (MEDIA MAGAZINE BLOGGER) HANNAH ROTHMAN (FILM TRAILERS) The first way that we learnt about attracting audience was when we heard from Industry Experts at the BFI trip.
Dexter Fletcher talked about his filmmaking as a director and what he tried to do for his own opening title sequences. For example when talking about his film ‘Wild Bill’ he said that in the opening he wanted the main characters face to be the first face that the audience sees. He said how this wasn’t originally planned to be like this but he changed his mind as he though that this was more engaging. Dexter Fletcher also answered the audiences questions about filmmaking, opening titles in particular and he offered his own advice to us students as well.
We also heard from Pete Fraser who is a Media Magazine Blogger. He offered his advice about what examiners look, what we should try and avoid, coursework advice as well as showing examples and answering questions.
AUDIENCE ATTRACTION The way the opening sequence was planned and films are huge elements that contributed to attraction for certain audiences.Â
For example myself and my group decided to make our genre a sub genre, and introduce element such as Sci-fi and action, whilst mainly acting as a thriller. We decided to do this as we thought it would attract audiences even more so to what just a thriller alone would. Our group also favoured sub-genres ourselves therefore we felt through research and are own knowledge we could produce something that would be interested in from our target audience. Speaking of target audience, we also decided to make a sub-genre as we were trying to target families therefore by introducing other genres it give everyone something, therefore everyone would like to see it and would enjoy it.Â
With this in mind we wanted to ensure the dierent genres would be made apparent in the opening titles in order to attract and entice the audience making them want to watch further.
ADVICE AND FEEDBACK FROM MEDIA AND NON MEDIA STUDENTS In order to expand on feedback I decided to contact teens that specifically fitted the specific target demographic and asked them about their opinion on our media product. More interesting feedback continues on the next slide.
QUESTIONNAIRES In addition to our own knowledge, as a group we agreed that we would give out questionnaires to families and friends in order to seek feedback on our ideas and our opening titles. The answers varied from the showing of our rough cut, however we felt that the feedback given was very insightful and gave us clear indicators for areas of improvement. I think this is one of the best ways to seek good feedback as its 100% that they have watched the opening sequence. Additionally even though our main age demographic is teens, we wanted to hand out to parents and families as this gives us an idea if parents would be interested in taking their families to our film.
The questionnaire had around 20 responses therefore we saw the results as credible results.
This is what part of the questionnaire looked like
QUESTIONNAIRE FEEDBACK Would the two min OTS make you want to watch the rest of the film?
How old are you? 10%
10% 10%
20% 5% 10% 13-16 26-35
30% 17-20 36-45
80% 21-25 46-55
Not bothered
We created charts like these to see the results of different questionnaires. We created thee charts on Mac Keynote and Microsoft Exel.
By using these techniques it helped us to perfect our opening title sequence and gave us more of an insight into what outsiders thought of our work. I feel as if we didn’t ask various age groups the some people may be put off from watching as we wouldn’t have catered for different interests, that I now think we have done after asking and addressing our audience. Its very beneficial to target multiple audiences as it increases chances of turning over a higher capital.