Mood Board & Story Ideas…
Opening Title Sequence Plot #1 Name: ‘SLR’ / ‘SNAP’ Genre: Thriller about teen girls being stalked by an anonymous photographer. Concept: James is shocked upon a discovery of different photos uploaded anonymously of his girlfriend and her friends on a popular social media website. He wants to know who are
Anonymous Photographer
taking these pictures of these teens and why?
Post photos of a group of girls… they are unknowing of these photos existence. James finds these photos of his girl friend and her friends and desperately tried to track down the person behind the camera. Opening TitleSequence Plot #2 Name: ‘Transcendence’ ‘SALTAS’ (?) Genre: Thriller / Sci-Fi Concept: 'Social Media discloses Harlow Reeve's teleportation abilities. Her secrete is caught on camera starting a Media Frenzy as the world becomes aware of her divergence. The Orphaned teenager is on the hunt for the truth regarding her missing parents past; but this becomes complicated by the ongoing investigation by secrete service agent James Ryan.’
Teen discovers her unusual teleportation abilities. Her negligence to maintaining her secret means her secrete is discovered when someone see her jumping in public attracting the attention of the secret service.