November 2014

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November 2014 Published since 2003

The Voice of Rinc贸n, PR La Voz de Rinc贸n, PR

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In This Issue


Welcome.......................................................05 COVER ARTIST: Michelle Diaz.......................06 Friends of Tres palmas............................16 Rincón Art walk........................................28 summertime soccer tournament.......34 new puntas library...........................................42 index of our advertisers.......................54

En esta Edición Bienvenido..................................................05 Artista de la portada: Michelle Diaz.....................06 Amigos de tres palmas...........................16 By: Norm Daniels

Art walk de rincón.................................28 torneo de soccer....................................34 nuevo biblioteca en puntas....................42 indice de nuestros anunciantes........54

By: Michelle Diaz

El Coquí of Rincón

By: Valerie Evans

By: Suzana Caban

OPEN 11 TO 5 PM By : Nemo

By:John Severson


ON RD. 413 KM. 0.5 RINCON, PR. 787-823-4424 Page 4

Publisher and Editor: Andrea Greve Proofreader for English: Mishell Moore & Turbo Spanish Translations: Cristina Nieves ADVERTISING Deadline for completed artwork for December issue- November 20, 2014 Advertising help or to reserve space: Call 787-705-1023 or email to El Coquí of Rincón is a free, bilingual publication sponsored by the advertisers. 3000 copies are distributed only in Rincón and to our advertisers in Aguada, Añasco and Mayagüez. We welcome your comments and submissions! Write to the editor via email at or by mail to PO Box 146, Rincón, PR 00677 © El Coquí of Rincón. All rights Reserved

All articles or materials submitted for publishing to El Coquí of Rincón are subject to be edited, without having to notify the author. Published photographs are property of the photographer; use or reproduction without their written permission is prohibited.

Todo escrito o material presentado a El Coquí of Rincón para publicación está sujeto a ser editado, sin necesidad de notificar a su autor. Las fotos aquí publicadas son propiedad del fotógrafo; el uso y reproducción sin su autorización escrita está prohibido.

Welcome/Bienvenido Welcome to our November issue, a captivating summary of happening events that took place during these long warm months. Art Walk rocked the town plaza with live music and dozens of artisans, Amigos de Tres Palmas educated children about the Tres Palmas Marine Reserve, through community effort a new library was built for the children of Genoveva Pérez elementary school, and our local soccer team played (and won) against a visiting team from Key West Florida. We chose a bright cover for this issue to symbolize hope for a bright year. Michelle Diaz is an amazing artist who provided us with a classic summertime painting of a fully blossomed Flamboyan tree, something you only get to experience in the summertime months. I hope locals and visitors alike enjoy our November issue!

Bienvenidos a nuestra edición de noviembre, un resumen cautivante sobre los eventos que ocurrieron durante estos largos y cálidos meses. Los Art Walk hicieron de la plaza pública de Rincón un lugar vibrante con música en vivo y decenas de artesanos. Los Amigos de Tres Palmas educaron a los niños sobre la Reserva Marina de Tres Palmas y a través del esfuerzo comunitario una nueva biblioteca fue construida para los niños de la Escuela Elemental Genoveva Pérez. Además, nuestro equipo local de fútbol jugó (y ganó) contra el equipo visitante proveniente de Key West, Florida. Seleccionamos una cubierta vibrante para esta edición como simbolismo de esperanza por el radiante año que nos espera. Michelle Díaz, es una increíble artista la cual nos proveyó con una clásica pintura veraniega que muestra a un Flamboyán completamente florecido, algo que sólo se puede apreciar durante los meses de verano. ¡Espero que tanto nuestros ciudadanos locales como nuestros visitantes disfruten de nuestra edición de noviembre!

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Cover Artist/Michelle Diaz

Michelle Diaz, Rincón resident for over 21 years, has been an artist her entire life. According to Michelle she “can’t remember a time when she didn’t draw.” Born in New York and raised in Puerto Rico, she is inspired by the natural beauty of the island. She loves to paint nature, old architecture, interesting people, and anything that has a history. She also enjoys creating unique surf paintings; these reflect her love of surfing. She only uses acrylics because she is a fast painter and doesn’t have much patience for slower drying oil paints. Her work is available at Playa Oeste Gallery.

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Michelle Díaz, residente de Rincón por más de 21 años, ha sido una artista toda su vida. De acuerdo con Michelle, ella no puede recordar un tiempo de su vida en el que no dibujara. Nacida en Nueva York y criada en Puerto Rico, ella se inspira en la belleza natural de la Isla. Ella adora pintar imágenes de la naturaleza, de antiguas infraestructuras, de personas interesantes, y de todo aquello que tenga una historia. También, disfruta de crear pinturas únicas sobre el surfing, las cuales reflejan su amor hacia el deporte del surf. Solamente utiliza pinturas acrílicas porque es una pintora rápida y no tiene mucha paciencia para utilizar pinturas a base de aceite las cuales secan más lento. Su trabajo está disponible en la Galería Playa Oeste.

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MAS Integrated School MASIS In the Beautiful Valley of Añasco! (787) 826-8822 Accredited by Advanc-ED Southern States Association of Colleges and Schools and

Consejo de Educación de Puerto Rico

WWW.MASISPR.ORG MASIS nurtures the 4 C’s : Creativity, Critical thinking, Communication and Collaboration.

Open Enrollment

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Thanks to MASIS! By Victoria Gutierrez– MASIS 12th Grade Student I would like to thank MASIS and all the teachers who helped me throughout my schooling to get to where I am today. You inspired a curiosity in me that turned into a love for medicine and allowed me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. The summer of 2014 was filled with new experiences for me when I was given the opportunity to pursue an education beyond high school. I attended two medical camps this summer. In June, I participated in Fundacion Garcia Rinaldi Programa de Verano (FGR), in Puerto Rico, and in July at the National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF), in North Carolina.

FGR consisted of five intense weeks. Each week, participants were allowed to partake in clinical rotations in different hospitals around the island. It was at this time that I had the occasion to observe surgical procedures, visit patients, and shadow doctors. From the very beginning, I recognized the influence that MASIS had had over me. One of the things that I appreciated most was how the teachers taught me how to be patient and to stand up for what I believed in. It was one Friday afternoon, as I recall, that I insisted on staying at a hospital hoping to be able to scrub in with Dr. Garcia Rinaldi. When Dr. Rinaldi appeared, he was in such a rush that he barely took notice of my presence in the hallway. I was determined to observe the surgical procedure, so I tapped him on the shoulder and said “Sir, I really want to learn. I’ve been waiting for 3 hours, would you please allow me to scrub with you and observe the surgery?” The wait paid off because I had the opportunity to not only stand side-by- side to Dr. Garcia Rinaldi, but I was the only student to lay a hand on a carotid artery! MASIS surely thrives for their students to be leaders and at NYLF camp, in North Carolina, I certainly felt like one from the very first day. This is in reference to one particular day when at 8:00 AM the group was assigned a debate without any further suggestions. We were not given the subject of debate or who we would be working with. It was not until 2:30 pm that the group was told the purpose of the debate. The group was to deliberate sex selection, but had to be prepared to defend both the Pros and Cons of sex selection. For 3 hours the members studied the materials from the book that were given, gathered notes, and practiced the speeches. As the group practiced, some of the members were agitated and unable to speak. They started to cry and even had panic attacks. At that time, I remember thanking Teacher Gaiefsky for making me practice speeches! During the debates, I stood tall, confident, and sure of myself. After carrying out so many debates in Teacher Verdugo’s class, it was difficult to imagine that I would not succeed in debating. My group won the debate and I was thankful for that. But the only thing going through my mind was to return to Puerto Rico and thank all the teachers in MASIS for giving me the skills to be a leader, to work well with other people, and have confidence in myself. Page 9

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Friends of Tres Palmas Amigos de Tres Palmas Writen by: Carlos J. Carrero Morales & Berliz Morales Muñoz/Translated by: Wilmarie Cruz Franceshi

The Tres Palmas Marine Reserve (TPMR) was identified as such by Law #17, on January 8, 2004. As years went by, the need to promote the conservation of the TPMR through education and research was recognized, and as a result, the Amigos de Tres Palmas non-profit organization was founded in 2010. Amigos de Tres Palmas promotes the responsible and sustainable use of the reserve. Since its inception, there have been multiple educational activities performed in schools not only in Rincón, but in neighboring municipalities as well. School groups of all levels have taken the opportunity of enjoying lectures, interpretative tours through the reserve, and workshops about various topics. These include marine and coastal ecosystems, aquatic security, recreational activities and tourism, among other topics of interest. All of these topics serve to emphasize the huge economic, touristic and recreational value of the TPMR, and thus, the importance of protecting and preserving it. Within the last few months, Amigos de Tres Palmas offered several interpretative tours in the reserve. One of the participant groups was the Salón Angelitos de Amor.

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La Reserva Marina Tres Palmas (RMTP) fue designada por la ley #17 del 8 de enero de 2004. Con el pasar de los años y reconociendo la necesidad de promover la conservación de la RMTP por medio de la educación y la investigación, en el 2010 surge la organización sin fines de lucro Amigos de Tres Palmas. Amigos de Tres Palmas promueve el uso responsable y sostenible de la reserva. Desde su origen, han sido múltiples las actividades educativas que se han realizado tanto en escuelas de Rincón como municipios circundantes. Escuelas elementales, intermedias y superiores han tenido la oportunidad de recibir charlas, recorridos interpretativos en la reserva y talleres sobre diversos temas, tales como: ecosistemas marinos y costeros, seguridad acuática, actividades recreativas y turismo, entre otros. Todos estos temas han sido ofrecidos, enfatizando en el gran valor económico, turístico y recreativo de la RMTP y por ende en la importancia de protegerlo. En los últimos meses Amigos de Tres Palmas ofreció varios recorridos interpretativos en la reserva.

The youngsters in this group had the chance to go on a guided snorkeling trip; for many, it was their first time. During their visit, the participants learned about the many species of fish and corals found in the TPMR. This activity enriched not only the participants’ lives, but also fostered positive attitudes in Amigos de Tres Palmas as well as the staff from the Sea Grant Program, an agency which always collaborates in these kinds of activities. Along with the Salón Angelitos de Amor, Amigos de Tres Palmas has offered tours for students in the University of Puerto Rico at Aguadilla, students from United States’ universities, and several local families and religious groups. During these interpretative tours, Amigos de Tres Palmas takes the opportunity to explain to each visitor the social and community processes that culminated in the designation of the TPMR, emphasizing the importance of involving not only the communities but also those who pursue conservation, in the processes that end in the designation. Another recent achievement for the organization was the installation of signage indicating that fishing is prohibited in the reserve. This was the result of a coordinated collaboration with the Rincón township administration. . Amigos de Tres Palmas wants to thank the staff from Rincón’s city hall for their help in setting up the signs prepared by the Department of Natural and Environmental Resources.

Uno de los grupos participantes lo fue el Salón Angelitos de Amor. Los jóvenes que participaron tuvieron la oportunidad de realizar snorkeling en la reserva, en su mayoría por primera vez. Durante el recorrido, los participantes pudieron conocer sobre las diversas especies de peces y corales que se encuentran en la Reserva Marina Tres Palmas. Tanto para Amigos de Tres Palmas como el personal del Programa Sea Grant, que siempre colabora en este tipo de actividades, esta actividad fue de gran enriquecimiento. Además del Salón Angelitos de Amor, Amigos de Tres Palmas ha ofrecido recorridos a estudiantes de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Aguadilla, estudiantes de universidades de Estados Unidos, así también como familias y grupos religiosos. Durante los recorridos interpretativos, Amigos de Tres Palmas aprovecha la oportunidad para explicarle al visitante cuáles fueron los procesos sociales y comunitarios que contribuyeron a la designación de la RMTP, enfatizando en la importancia de involucrar a las comunidades no solamente en los procesos que conducen a la designación, sino también a aquellos que persiguen su conservación. Otro de los logros de la organización lo ha sido la instalación de rótulos que indican que la pesca está prohibida en la reserva. En un esfuerzo coordinado y con la colaboración del Municipio de Rincón se colocaron los letreros informando de que en la RMTP no se permite la pesca.

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They would also like to thank Mr. José Perea, from the Rincón Tourism Office, for coordinating with the Office of Municipal Public Works (OPM, by its Spanish acronym), particularly Víctor Ruiz and Hiram Muñiz, and collaborating with the Tres Palmas Marine Reserve. Amigos de Tres Palmas invites you to their website, where you’ll find more information about the organization, along with publications, photos, and videos. You can also look us up on Facebook, as Reserva Marina Tres Palmas, and ‘Like’ our page, so you can stay up-to-date with all TPMR-related events. We would also like to ask that if you see any improper use of the TPMR, please get in touch with the Natural Resources Watchmen Corps, at (787) 882-1605 or (787) 882-5827. You can also get in touch with us through our email: Please include a description of the situation and a photo documenting the event. Be a friend of Tres Palmas! Join Amigos de Tres Palmas and Collaborate with your Reserve!

Amigos de Tres Palmas agradece al personal del Municipio de Rincón por la ayuda brindada en la colocación de los letreros preparados por el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales. Además, desea agradecer al Sr. José Perea de la Oficina Turismo Rincón por la coordinación con la Oficina de Obras Públicas Municipales (OPM), a Víctor Ruiz y a Hiram Muñiz de OPM por la colaboración con la Reserva Marina Tres Palmas. Amigos de Tres Palmas le invita a visitar su página de internet donde encontrará más información sobre la organización, publicaciones, fotos y videos. También puede buscarlos en Facebook como Reserva Marina Tres Palmas y darnos “Me Gusta” para mantenerse al corriente de todo lo que esta sucediendo relacionado a la RMTP. Le exhortamos a que si observan alguna práctica incorrecta en la RMTP se comunique con el Cuerpo de Vigilantes de Recursos Naturales al (787) 882-1605 o (787) 882-5827. También pueden con nosotros a nuestro email:, incluya una descripción de la situación y una foto documentando la misma. ¡Hazte Amigo de Tres Palmas y colabora con tu Reserva!

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a l t a i r e .


Fine Dining

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Ocean Breezes

Opening November 2014

thanksgiving prix fixe dinner 787. 823. 3756

follow us

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Saltaire Restaurant

Tel. 787-236-5454 4 Calle Progreso Rinc贸n, PR (al costado de la iglesia catolica)

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rincÓn’s Premier Brew pub • 11 taps of draft craft beer • Puerto Rican microbrews • Belgian & specialty beer selection • Artisanal spirits & cocktails • Tasty food • Laidback atmosphere

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Lo que comenzó como un despliegue de varios artesanos para exhibir sus productos en las calles de Rincón ha logrado transformar la plaza pública en un lugar popular donde pasar la noche del jueves con decenas de artesanos, música en vivo, una multitud vibrante y un evento divertido para toda la familia. Aún en los meses de verano, famosos por ser de un ritmo lento y húmedos, hemos visto a la comunidad unirse y hacer de esta temporada del año una muy buena.

Translation:Cristina Nieves/Photos:Vanessa Rodriguez What started out as just a few artisans displaying their crafts on the side streets of Rincón has turned the central plaza into a Thursday night hot spot with dozens of artisans, live music, a vibrant crowd and fun for the entire family. Even in the summer months, famous for being slow-paced and humid, we have seen a community come together and make the most out of this time of year. It all started in 2012 when Anthony Smith Rodriguez from Taller Caribe started having gallery nights. Tony from The Uncharted Studio then brought in the live music aspect. Later more shops such as Sabai Tao, Cosmic Sole, and Dulcis Vita opened their doors. At this time the art walk was only a monthly activity, every 3rd Thursday of the month and only on Calle Sol and Calle Progresso. At the request of small business owners, Vanessa Rodriguez, co-owner of Cosmic Sole, began promoting the art walk with flyers, a facebook page and word of mouth. According to Vanessa “all the business owners were thrilled with the art walk and saw how it stimulated business and pedestrian traffic”. January of 2014 is when things really took off and the art walk became a weekly event. Director of tourism, Jose Perea, began meeting with Vanessa and together they were able to expand into the plaza, collaborate ideas, and make the art walk an even more successful year-round event. Vanessa also had tremendous community support from Heidi Cavero, co-owner of Cosmic Sole, Addie Canino, owner of Sabai Tao, Melvin Soto and Cristina Soto from Dulcis Vita, Moraima Sanchez from Pancho Villa, Kat De Mancinas and the entire crew from Rincon Beer Company, Blanca Isela from Das Alpen Café, Julia from Ocean State of Mind and more! Throughout the summer you could take a load off and watch live music such as Fernandito Ferrer at Pancho Villa, Los Hijos de Puntas in the Plaza, Hank and Yuri at the Rincón Beer Company

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Todo comenzó en el 2012 cuando Anthony Smith Rodríguez de Taller Caribe empezó a tener noches de galería. Tony de Uncharted Studios, aporto luego el aspecto de introducir también música en vivo durante estas noches. Posteriormente, más tiendas y comercios tales como Sabai Tao, Cosmic Sole, y Dulcis Vita abrieron sus puertas durante las noches de galería. En este momento el art walk era una actividad realizada una vez al mes, la cual se llevaba a cabo el tercer jueves de cada mes y solamente en la Calle Sol y la Calle Progreso. Ante la petición de los propietarios de otros pequeños negocios, Vanessa Rodríguez, co-propietaria de Cosmic Sole, comenzó a promover el art walk con volantes, una página en la red social de Facebook y comentándolo de boca en boca. De acuerdo con Vanessa “todos los propietarios de negocios estaban muy felices con el art walk y observaban como el evento estimulaba a los negocios y el tráfico de personas hacia los mismos”. En enero de 2014 fue la fecha en que las cosas realmente despegaron y el art walk se convirtió en un evento semanal. El Director de Turismo, José Perea, empezó a reunirse con Vanessa y juntos lograron expandir el evento hacia la plaza, colaboraron con ideas, e hicieron del art walk un evento aún más exitoso y el cual se realizara a través de todo el año. ¡Vanessa también tuvo un tremendo apoyo por parte de la comunidad, en especial el apoyo de Heidi Cavero, co-propietaria de Cosmic Sole, Addie Canino, dueña de Sabai Tao, Melvin Sánchez y Cristina Soto de Dulcis Vita, Moraima Sánchez de Pancho Villa, Kat De Mancinas y todo el equipo del Rincón Beer Company, Blanca Isela Muñiz del Restaurante Das Alpen Café, Julia de Ocean State of Mind y muchos más! A través del verano podías relajarte y disfrutar de música en vivo con artistas como Fernandito Ferrer en Pancho Villa, Los Hijos de Puntas en la Plaza, Hank and Yuri en el Rincón Beer Company o inclusive, podías tomar un instrumento y unírtele a la Bomba en Dulcis Vita. “Happy hours” y especiales en comidas y bebidas también estaban disponibles para los clientes más hambrientos y sedientos. Artesanos de todos los rincones de la Isla tomaron vuelo y se beneficiaron del Art Walk de Rincón muchos de ellos provenientes de pueblos como San Juan, Mayagüez, San German, San Sebastián y Aguada. El Art Walk se ha convertido verdaderamente en un importante evento para la comunidad de Rincón. Los artesanos ahora tienen la oportunidad de mostrar sus talentos únicos a una audiencia mucho más amplia y la cual procede tanto de los ciudadanos locales como de turistas. De acuerdo con Vanessa “Es un servicio importante el cual ayuda a nuestra comunidad local y el cual provee un tiempo divertido y orientado al disfrute de toda la familia”.

or grab and instrument and join in the Bomba at Dulcis Vita. Happy hours and food and drink specials were also available for hungry and thirsty patrons. Artisans from all over the island caught wind of the Rincón Art Walk and came from as far as San Juan, Mayagüez, San Sebastian, San German, and Aguada. Art walk has truly begun to be an important staple event in the Rincón community. Artisans now have the opportunity to display their unique talents to a wide audience both local and touristic. According to Vanessa “Its an important service that helps out our local community and provides a good family oriented time.”

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Rinc贸n Brilla Headquarters

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Summertime Soccer Tournament Written by: Sandra Ríos/Translated by: Cristina Nieves

The motto of the Rincón Surfer’s Soccer Club is “Surf all Day. Play Soccer all night.” So when the Key West Women’s Varsity Team visited Rincón for a series of friendly matches, the Rincón Surf School sponsored the event. In this case a surf school and a soccer school worked together to give over 100 young women a chance to compete in a series of highspeed highly-skilled soccer matches reminiscent of what you see in World Cup soccer. Like Puerto Rico, Key West, Florida is an island with limited opportunities to play different teams. Located south of Miami, it takes Key West four hours just to get to the nearest competitive teams in Miami. On the other hand, while there are a number of quality women’s teams in Puerto Rico, they tend to play each other over and over again. To be able to play new blood from outside the island is a rare honor. Between July 23rd to July 26th, Key West, played four games one after the other in Rincón. Of the four games, Key West won one and lost three. Coach Scott Paul from Key West was very upbeat about the loses. “How can I know how to improve my team if I don’t see them play and see their strengths and weaknesses?” That’s right Coach Paul. In order to win, sometimes you have to lose first. We wish you the best of luck in the upcoming high school varsity season in south Florida. Thank you for coming to Puerto Rico with your great team. Many thanks to Travis Moore, owner of the Rincón Surf School, for his generous donation. His reasons for sponsoring this event were a desire to give back something to the community of Rincón where he lives and works. Page 34

El lema del Club Rincoeño de fútbol Surfer’s Soccer es “Surfear todo el día. Jugar fútbol toda la noche.” Así que cuando el equipo escolar femenino de Key West visito Rincón para una serie de juegos amistosos, Rincón Surf School decidió patrocinar el evento. En esta ocasión, una escuela de surfing y una escuela de fútbol trabajaron juntas para proveerle a más de 100 jovencitas la oportunidad de competir en una serie de partidos de fútbol altamente calificados y de alta velocidad parecidos a los que se observan durante la Copa Mundial de fútbol. Key West, Florida es una isla como Puerto Rico, por lo que las oportunidades para poder jugar con otros equipos son limitadas. Localizado al sur de Miami, les toma a los jugadores de Key West, alrededor de cuatro horas poder llegar hasta donde se encuentran los equipos más competitivos en Miami. Sin embargo, a pesar de que en Puerto Rico existen varios equipos femeninos de alta calidad, estos tienden a jugar entre ellos constantemente. Esto hace que el poder jugar con nuevos contrincantes que no son de la isla sea un peculiar honor. Entre el 23 de julio y el 26 de julio, las chicas de Key West jugaron cuatro partidos uno tras otro en Rincón. De los cuatro partidos, Key West ganó uno y perdió tres. El entrenador Scott Paul de Key West estaba muy alegre por los partidos perdidos. “¿Cómo puedo saber las medidas que debo tomar para mejorar mi equipo, si no los veo jugar y evalúo sus fortalezas y debilidades? Está en lo cierto entrenador Paul. Para poder ganar, en ocasiones tienes que perder primero. Les deseamos la mayor de las suertes en la próxima temporada de

Thanks are also in order to the following soccer teams: the Aguilas de Añasco, the Atleticas de Añasco, the Inter American University, and the U15 Puerto Rican National team for showing up in full soccer regalia ready to play and win in some of the most professional and cleanest soccer matches I’ve ever seen. Finally, if you are a young woman between the ages of 13-17 and would like to play soccer, please don’t hesitate to go down to the Polideportivo de Rincon on Mondays and Wednesdays between 6:308:00pm after you have gone surfing of course.

fútbol de escuela superior en el sur de Florida. Gracias por haber venido a Puerto Rico con su grandioso equipo. Muchísimas gracias a Travis Moore, propietario de Rincón Surf School, por sus generosas donaciones. Sus razones para patrocinar este evento, fueron un deseo de poder devolverle algo a la comunidad de Rincón donde reside y trabaja. También, deseamos agradecerles a los siguientes equipos de fútbol: las Águilas de Añasco, las Atléticas de Añasco, la Universidad Interamericana, y el equipo nacional de Puerto Rico U15 por presentarse con todas las regalías de fútbol, listas para jugar y ganar en algunos de los partidos de fútbol más profesionales y limpios que he visto. Para concluir, si eres una jovencita entre las edades de 13 a 17 años y deseas jugar fútbol, por favor no dudes en ir al Polideportivo de Rincón los lunes y los miércoles entre las 6:308:00 pm, esto luego de que hayas ido a surfear por supuesto.

Sunday Lunch


Enjoy a Caribbean buffet among family and friends, every Sunday at Brasas per person Restaurant. From 12:30pm - 4:30pm.


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Malibu 1/2 page

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photo packages yoga lodging options Page 39

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New Hope for Genoveva Perez Elelementary School Una Nuva Oportinidad para esculea elemental Genoveva Perez

It should be a given that every school have a library. For the case of Genoveva Perez Elementary School in Puntas, this was a crucial missing element for their students. Principal Norma Valle had the vision and Puntas resident Lawrence White created a plan to make this a reality.Starting with just four corners and a roof, a plan designed by Nelson Bonet was dusted off to start the project. Local contractors Danny Valentin and Mark Andrews donated ideas and labor to get it started. Four walls were constructed using the help of volunteers and city workers, and doors and then windows reconditioned by Hector Luis Rosado were installed. Parent, Yoly Bonet began to line up suppliers. Tile was purchased by Mr. White and installed by Ruben Matias. Next came electrical wiring by Edward Lorenzo and William Lorenzo, air conditioning, and a vaulted ceiling. Outside, Enid Miranda led a team of volunteers to create a beautiful tile mosaic from supplies donated by Cynthia Aldridge. Now it was time to finish the inside. Emily Andronici came up with a color scheme and Mr. Rafael Moreno spent countless hours painting it. Then, local artist, Pete Lortz created a beautiful mural inside. Wooden tables and chairs were constructed by Paz Ben-sira to furnish the inside. Other work was provided by Miguel Crespo, Henry Lojo, William Ruiz and Nilda Alicea. Next came the books. Using a facebook campaign, Mr. White was able to secure over 2000 books from friends, family and friends

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Debería ser algo determinante e importantísimo para cada escuela el tener una biblioteca. Sin embargo, en el caso de la Escuela Elemental Genoveva Pérez ubicada en el barrio Puntas, este era un componente crucial del cual carecían sus estudiantes. La directora Norma Valle tenía la visión y el residente de Puntas, Lawrence White creo un plan para convertir esa visión en una realidad. Comenzando con cuatro esquinas y un techo, un plan diseñado por Nelson Bonet fue desempolvado para así dar comienzo al proyecto. Los contratistas locales Danny Valentín y Mark Andrews aportaron ideas y mano de obra para darle inicio y comenzar con la construcción de la nueva biblioteca. Cuatro paredes fueron construidas utilizando la ayuda de voluntarios y de empleados municipales. Luego, puertas y ventanas fueron reacondicionadas por Héctor Luis Rosado y las mismas fueron instaladas. Yoly Bonet, una madre activa, comenzó a organizar una lista de suplidores. Las losetas fueron compradas por el Sr. White y fueron instaladas por Rubén Matías. Luego, el cableado eléctrico fue instalado por Edward Lorenzo y William Lorenzo, además del aire acondicionado y el techo abovedado. Afuera de la biblioteca, Enid Miranda dirigió a un grupo de voluntarios quienes crearon un hermoso mosaico de losetas utilizando materiales que fueron donados por Cynthia Aldridge. Ahora, era el momento de terminar el interior. Emily Andronici, sugirió una combinación de colores y el Sr. Rafael Moreno pasó numerosas horas pintando. Posteriormente, el artista local Pete

of friends. Donated books poured in from around Puerto Rico thanks to Mily Soto and as far away as Texas, Kansas and Ohio. After nine months of work the library was finished. An inauguration was held at the school on September 12, 2014. In attendance were volunteers, students, teachers, parents and friends as well as special dignitaries, Senator Mari Tere Gonzalez and Mayor Carlos Lopez Bonilla. Awards were given to volunteers and thanks was given to Mr. White, who got to cut the red ribbon. After the ribbon was cut the children were able to finally enter the finished library and take a look at their new area for reading and learning.

Lortz creó un hermoso mural dentro de la biblioteca. Mesas y sillas de madera fueron construidas por Paz Ben-sira para amueblar el establecimiento. Otros trabajos fueron realizados por Miguel Crespo, Henry Lojo, William Ruiz y Nilda Alicea. Lo próximo, eran los libros. Utilizando una campana a través de la red social Facebook, el Sr. White fue capaz de asegurar cerca de 2000 libros provenientes de amigos, familiares y amigos de sus amigos. Las donaciones de libros provinieron de todas partes de Puerto Rico gracias a Mily Soto. Además, los libros también llegaron de lugares tan distantes como Texas, Kansas y Ohio. Luego de nueve meses de arduo trabajo, la biblioteca estaba terminada. La apertura de la biblioteca se llevó a cabo en la escuela el 12 de septiembre de 2014. Entre los que asistieron a la actividad se encontraban voluntarios, estudiantes, maestros, padres y amigos. Además, dignatarios especiales participaron de la inauguración entre ellos la senadora Mari Tere González y el alcalde de Rincón, Carlos López Bonilla. Varios premios fueron otorgados a los voluntarios y el Sr. White recibió un cálido agradecimiento por su ayuda, inclusive fue quien corto la cinta roja durante la inauguración. Luego de que la cinta fue cortada, los niños pudieron finalmente entrar a la biblioteca terminada y observar su nueva área de estudio y de lectura.

Tomás Kosmol

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Business & Services



Angelos car rental .......................................... 53 Gomera Esperanza (tires).............................. 53 Transportation (Taxis) ..................................... 53

Animals DAR Animal Rescue.........................................52 Villa Michelle....................................................53

Beauty Salons & Services

Anthoinette Beauty Salon............................... 41 Sunset Spa......................................................... 41



Calypso Caribbean Boutique......................18 Desecheo Surf Shop..........................................8 Lazy Parrot Gift Shop.....................................25 Malibu Surf Shop..............................................39 Mango Beach Shop.........................................38 Mar Azul Surf Shop..........................................9 Natty Boutique & Gallery............................39 Oceano Sea Glass..........................................39 Pepon Souvenirs...............................................37 Playa Oeste Gift Shop & Art Gallery........ 4 Sabaitao............................................................39 Tambootique.....................................................26 The Red Door Boutique & Gifts...................38 Tiki Market @ Casa Verde.........................25


Barefoot Yoga.................................................8 La Paz Yoga....................................................11 Samatahiti Yoga............................................11

Computer / Printing Services BackUp Computer Store..........................14

Massage Services Annette Weimmer.............................................41 Patria Massage................................................ 14


Hotels & Vacation Rentals Page 8th & Ocean......................................................12 Beside the Pointe...............................................26 Casa Bianca.......................................................10 Desecheo Inn......................................................8 Island West Properties ...................................55 Lazy Parrot Inn...................................................25 Maria’s at Maria’s Beach................................11 Rincón of the Seas............................................32 The Horned Dorset Primavera Hotel...........12 The Pineapple Inn..............................................16 Tres Palmas Inn..................................................15 Villa Antonio.......................................................13 Villa Cofresi......................................................17 Villa Pasquale..................................................17

Francis Davis Rincón Images..........................14


Architect Manuel de Lemos.............................14 Architect Osvaldo Colón..................................15 Brenda Pérez-Agente de Seguros.................2 JAD Maintenance Services.............................14 Juan B. Cotte Seguros.......................................41 Lincoln Financial Securities.................................2 Mim’s Express Service......................................15 National Link ATM...............................................3 Peace of Mind...................................................12 Rincón Beach Essentials....................................8 Surf, Play & Stay.............................................40



Vacation Services

Rincón Vacations.................................................13

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Things to do in Rincón Page Barefoot yoga & bodega..............................8 Coconut Watersports.......................................8 Desecheo Surf Shop & Surf Lessons............8 Green Room Surfboard Co. of Rincon.......11 Katarina Sail Charters....................................9 La Paz Yoga......................................................11 Mar Azul Surfboard Rental...........................9 Rincón Diving & Snorkeling............................9 Rincón Ride........................................................15 Rincón Sailing School .....................................15 Rincón Surf School...........................................10 Rincón Vacations (vacation planning).........13 Taino Divers......................................................56 Samatahiti Yoga.............................................11 Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat...........................45


Doctors, Dentists, Services........................44-45 The Optical Shop.............................................. 44 Western Clinical Lab........................................44


Rincón Beach Resort (Brasas Restaurant).........35 Rincón Beer Company......................................17 Royal Palm Cafe........................................17,21 Sandwich D’light...............................................19 Shipwreck Bar & Grill.....................................56 Tamboo Seaside Bar & Grill.........................26 The English Rose (La Rosa Inglesa )..............27 Villa Cofresi(Restaurant La Ana de Cofresi).......17

Restaurants & Bars


Calypso Café.................................................... 18 Cowboys Restaurant........................................33 Das Alpen Café................................................ 27 Deco Restaurant................................................25 Do Galego.........................................................24 Domes Restaurant..............................................36 Dulcis Vita...........................................................24 EC Bakery........................................................... 18 El Ancla Restaurant...........................................16 Harbor Restaurant.............................................24 Horned Dorset Primavera.............................. 12 Joes Bar @ Club Nautico...............................16 Kahuna Frappe..................................................24 Kasa Vieja..........................................................32 Konito’s Pizza.....................................................25 La Copa Llena...................................................19 La Sombra de Ito..............................................33 Little Caesar Pizza............................................20 Mahi Mahi Restaurant......................................27 Mi Familias Pizza...............................................21 Pancho Villa Restaurant.....................................26 Pool Bar Sushi.....................................................19 Red Flamboyan Restaurant............................21

Island West Properties............................55 J&M Realty................................................50 Lino Feliciano Real Estate.......................41 Tropical Coast Properties.......................51 Home related services Aloha Painting....................................................10 Costa Brava Construction............................... 14 Mundo Granito..................................................37 Pro Kitchen.........................................................36

Food & Gifts Edwards Food Mart........................................32 Tiki Market @ Casa Verde..........................25

Transportation & Taxis Car Rental - Tire Service / page 53

Serving the Rincon Community Since 1993... Carr. 413, Km. 0.7, Bo. Ensenada, Rincon, PR 00677 Lic. 63


An Exceptional Ocean Front Property

Live the tropical life in this exclusive 2BR/2Bath ocean front home located close the famous Horned Dorset Primavera. Many unique touches such as a Spanish tiled roof, vaulted ceilings, expansive terraces, beautiful marble tiles baths, Jacuzzi, solid cedar and glass door/windows. A total of 1,979 s/f of construction including 1,217 s/f of interior space and 762 s/f of terraces and porches, all situated on a fantastic 631 sq. meter oceanfront lot, with lush tropical landscaping offering lots of privacy. Also included in the sale are collectoritem paintings and an exquisite mixture of antiques and new furniture. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a truly distinctive Caribbean Property.

Offered at $900,000.

Corcega Acres—easy walk to beach! 4BR/3Bath, 2,558 s/f, on 760 s/m lot Very nice neighborhood. $425,000.

Urb. Hacienda Libertad—Añasco Beautiful 4BR/2.5 Bath home on 912 s/m, fantastic pool area. $295,000.

Lots of Space—3BR/2.5 Baths, off Rd. 115, 2,293 s/f plus 1,163 s/f garage/patio area. 1160 s/m $299,000

Aguada—3BR/1Bath, 1,000 s/f, close to town and public beach.Lot 387 s/m Needs TLC Asking $112,500.

Aguada Oceanfront Acreage— three and a quarter acres oceanfront, owner motivated! Asking $900,000.

Aguada—Bo. Espinar—Walk to beach, 3BR/2Bath, 1700 s/f on 538 s/m lot, furnished Asking $189,000

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