Elders Seasons Magazine - Summer 20/21

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Summer 2020











Peeling back the layers ON HERD PERFORMANCE

A Word from the CEO What a year 2020 has been. We have made it through floods, drought, bushfires and pandemic and have come through it with the lessons and scars, as we make our way to Christmas. No matter how cruel the season, farmers like Kevin Mathews, who owns and runs Jiskardale outside Walcha in the New England region, have always delivered. Read more about Kevin’s determination to make the best of every situation on page 30. Of course, nobody farms alone. And it’s often at the most dreadful times, like last summer, that we’re reminded what it means to be part of something bigger. Your communities are our communities and I am inexpressibly proud of how we all pulled together when it counted most. The stories of resilience and selflessness like those on page 10 will always be remembered. With rain falling in most corners of the country and a La Nina promising reasonable summer rainfall, we look forward to a memorable 2021 with a renewed sense of prosperity and purpose. This edition of Seasons is packed with useful information and practical tools to help you get the job done. But don’t leave it at that: pick up the phone and give your locals Elders team a call. We are always there, in your corner.

Mark Allison

Contents Evergol Energy Delivers Early Crop Establishment In Victoria La Nina And The Grain Market Heartbreak, Resilience And Humanity At Its Best Corteva Agriscience Launches New Organic Insecticide What’s Driving Agricultural Land Values Adama’s New Plemax® Will Give You A Good-Looking Head Applaud® Insecticide Now Registered For SLWF Summer Weed Management And Stored Moisture Valor® Herbicide For Long-Term Weed Control In Fallows Deep Soil Fix Brings Yield Gains Rancona Dimension Gives Easy Disease Protection ®

Productivity Increases After Waratah Exclusion Fencing Installed Getting Through Drought Together Check Your Local Sheep Drench Resistance Status Online More Yield, More Profit – Maximising Yield Potential Through Optimising Nutrition YaraTera CALCINIT - Guaranteed Quality For Better Results Another Hot Summer Is On Its Way. Be Ready With Surround. SST Australia’s Bi-Agra Band Multimin Evolution: The New Trace Mineral Injection For Modern Cattle Gallagher Ag Devices App Gives Farmers Confidence And Peace Of Mind With A Complete View Of Fence Performance

5 6 10 12 14 17 19

Quantum II Maxp® Proven Persistence Pasture Mix Turns Failed Cropping Into Productive Grazing Country Did You Know Elders Is One Of The Largest Providers Of Potato Varieties To The Australian Market? Why Happy Stock Are Healthier Stock Maximising Dry Feed And Stubble Using Optisync™; A New Player In Rumen Efficiency A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish


What Is The Driver Behind The Business Model?

23 23 24 26

Capture Market Opportunities And Manage Seasonal Volatility With The Right Financial Solutions

29 30 32 35

Cyclone N Sure Gates – An Impressive List Of Features! Lift Productivity By Diversifying Pastures With High-Performing Herbs Managing Plant Stress For Improved Production. Tree Crop Stress Management During Summer Poly Silos, Clearly A Better Solution Complete Stockyard Packages For Easier Livestock Handling


Peeling Back The Layers On Herd Performance


Why Distribution Agribusiness Is The Vehicle To Driving Agtech Adoption In Australian Agriculture

40 43 46

O-Rings That Stay Put

49 50 53 54 57 60 62 65 66 69 70 72 75 77 78 82 86

The seed treatment that ticks all the boxes.

There’s a lot to like about EverGol® Energy. It controls and suppresses cereal diseases in wheat, barley, oats and triticale, and can be applied with a range of on-seed and in-furrow methods to: • Control smut diseases (including loose smut) and bunt in wheat • Improve suppression of rhizoctonia • Manage other cereal diseases, including pythium and crown rot.

Contact your advisor or search EverGol Energy to learn more.

evergolenergy.com.au Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd, ABN 87 000 226 022. Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East VIC 3123. Technical Enquiries 1800 804 479 enquiries.australia@bayer.com EverGol® and Bayer SeedGrowth® are Registered Trademarks of the Bayer Group. © 2020 Bayer Group. BAY0596

Crop Protection

EVERGOL ENERGY DELIVERS EARLY CROP ESTABLISHMENT IN VICTORIA To get early establishment in his cropping program at Boort in northern Victoria, Giles Cunningham knew he needed to get on top of key cereal diseases like crown rot and rhizoctonia. Managing the Daybreak Cropping operation Catumnul Farms, Mr Cunningham turned to EverGol Energy from Bayer in 2019, when it was first registered as a seed treatment for use in the Australian market. Over the last two seasons, Daybreak Cropping has used the fungicidal seed treatment over the entire Catumnal Farms 3,500-hectare cereal program, to enable early crop establishment and develop crop competition. “We see issues with crown rot and rhizoctonia, as our main inhibiting factor here for early crop establishment and so we find it’s an easy insurance policy to have a robust seed treatment to mitigate risk at the start of the season,” Mr Cunningham said. “Having used PREDICTA B tests to identify, rhizoctonia and crown rot as risks in our cropping program, we could see EverGol Energy had a fit.” As Matt Westgarth, Bayer business development manager for broadacre in eastern Australia, explains, EverGol Energy delivers a number of novel tools for farmers. “It’s registered in wheat and barley as a seed treatment but also in-furrow, which is quite unique for a seed treatment,” Mr Westgarth said. “The team at Daybreak Cropping are very interested in collaborating with innovators and driving profitability through the use of new technologies and we’ve seen a really good fit for EverGol Energy in their cropping systems. “We’ve had a relationship with them for a couple of years now, since they got established in the broadacre cropping sector, and we’re excited to be a part of their journey, to drive profitability and productivity across their business.” EverGol Energy combines the disease control of penflufen with the systemic activity of prothioconazole and metalaxyl, delivering broad spectrum control of smuts and bunt, and suppression of rhizoctonia, pythium and crown rot. “We started using EverGol Energy for that wide of control of disease, and the three modes of action were quite attractive to us,” Mr Cunningham said. “We’ve seen a history here of crown rot so that was

a really good start for us to use EverGol Energy, and then there are its other broad spectrum uses with rhizoctonia and smuts and bunt.” Mr Cunningham said the seed treatment process was easy, with the product flowing on to the seed well, and no crop safety issues, as shown through a consistent emergence in the treated cereals. With in-crop rainfall at the Boort property below average in 2019, the addition of EverGol Energy to help with early seedling emergence meant the crop made the most of an early break in May and then handled the subsequent dry conditions well. “2019 ended up being a really good year for our cereals, resulting in good yield and quality,” Mr Westgarth said. “The other crops did seem to struggle a bit later in the year, but the cereals seemed to really hold on, and I think that was because they got a great start. “The cereals had really good early root development, so they were really able to access the moisture that was there, and make the most of that good start through our use of EverGol Energy. “We did have a drier end to the season and the cereals were really able to hold on, so we’ve seen some results at harvest time that were beyond our expectations.” The results from 2019 convinced the Daybreak Cropping team to keep using EverGol Energy in their cropping program, with the seed treatment being used across their whole wheat and barley program in 2020. 5


LA NINA AND THE GRAIN MARKET Andrew Whitelaw, Manager, Commodity Market Insights Thomas Elder Markets

The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) recently declared that the world is now in a state of La Nina or ‘the little girl’. This is good news for Australia’s grain production and bad news for other parts of the world. But what does it mean for grain prices? A La Nina event can make South Australia, Victoria, NSW, and Queensland wetter, whilst the west tends to be less gifted.

On average, the yield in a La Nina year has been down up (1.22 per cent); however, the range has been wide from -13pc fall to +12pc.

This is excellent news for Australia in general as ‘rain makes grain’. From 1980 to the present, there have been 16 La Nina events. In the eastern states, 11 corresponded with production above the 10-year average. The arrival of La Nina adds support to farmers who have struggled through successive droughts in the eastern half of the country.

IMPACT ON GRAIN PRICES The wheat price in Australia is not only influenced by overseas wheat prices but other allied commodities, such as corn. The use of biotechnology has seen corn yields in the US rise from an average of 4.5 metric tonnes a hectare in the 1960s to 10mt/ha during the past decade. The corn yields during La Nina years have been more impacted than wheat. Overall yields have declined by 3pc in the US against the decade average.

The story is not quite as favourable for farmers in the great state of WA. During the last 16 events, only eight seasons showed higher than average production. Conversely, there have been years when the west suffered during La Nina. During the La Nina year of 2010, for example, production fell 40 per cent compared to the decade average. Generally, the effect over the long term is that WA is hit or miss when it comes to La Nina, whilst the east coast is wet. However, the grain market does not operate in a domestic bubble. Our prices are typically more influenced by events overseas, from political interventions to weather events in the northern hemisphere. LA NINA NOT WETTER EVERYWHERE Whilst we understand the effect of La Nina on Australian grain production, what about the other major growing areas of the world? The United States is one of the world’s largest grain producers, growing large quantities of corn and wheat. When La Nina strikes, there is a tendency for large tracts of the US to experience drier-than-average conditions. The US wheat yield in La Nina years hasn’t been drastically impacted compared to the decade average.



The range has also been significant, from -24pc to +11.5pc against the decade average. This is important, as corn is the world’s most highly produced crop and the US grows just over 30pc of global production. The world has become reliant on a good US corn crop and the yields that it produces. If a major drop in yield is experienced, we will see a significant rise in Australian grain prices as a flow-on effect. All in all, rainfall in Australia is driven by a range of factors. History has shown that the east coast tends to get wetter and results in productivity gains. The west coast is more complicated and is equally likely to benefit as lose due to La Nina. There is a good chance that anything grown will be sold at a much higher price due to the impact of lower production in other parts of the world. The perfect scenario for Australian farmers is good local production and poor overseas crops. This would lead to the happy duo of volume and price. For more information contact Andrew Whitelaw 0480 226 712 or via email at Andrew.Whitelaw@thomaseldermarkets.com.au.

W h e at p rice & L a N in a ye ars




800 700


600 500


Corn decade avg price

La Nina Years

Source: CME, BOM


































La Nina Years

Source: CME, BOM















100 1979








500 400






C o rn p rice & La N ina years

Wheat decade avg price

W h e at p ro d u ctio n - % c h an g e fro m d e c ad e ave rag e (L a N in a)

E ast co ast w h e at p ro d u ctio n & L a N in a ye ars 25000


MT ('000)


60% 40%


20% 0%




-40% -60%


0 198

4 198

8 198

2 199

6 199

0 20 0

2 20 1

8 20 0

4 20 0

La Nina year

Source: BOM, NOAA, Abares

6 20 1

0 195 5 1970 195

Decade average

W h e at p ro d u ctio n - % c h an g e fro m d e c ad e ave rag e (L a N in a)

W h e at p ro d u ctio n - % c h an g e fro m d e c ad e ave rag e (L a N in a)




60% 40%










3 190


4 192

2 194

4 195



3 198

6 6 199 20 00 20 10 20 1 East Coast West Coat

8 198


3 190

2 194

4 195



3 198

8 198

6 199 20 00

0 20 1

6 20 1

3 2.5 MT ('000)

2 Yield (mt/ha)

4 192

East Coast


1.5 1 0.5 0


A u stralian w h e at p ro d u ctio n & L a N in a ye ars

W A W h e at yie ld & L a N in a ye ars

0 198

7 2 1974 1983 1985 1989 1996 1999 20 0 20 10 20 1 East Coast West Coat


2 1.5 1 0.5 0

4 198

8 198

Source: BOM, NOAA, Abares

2 199

6 199

0 20 0

4 20 0

8 20 0

La Nina

2 20 1

6 20 1

WA decade yield


1 192

2 193

Source: BOM, NOAA, Abares

3 194

4 195

5 196


7 198

La Nina year

8 199

9 20 0

Decade average

To sign up for premium market research and insights on industry trends from Thomas Elder Markets, please visit thomaseldermarkets.com.au

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The super concentrate. ADAMA Reward®

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(380 g/L mepiquat chloride)

Application rate (mL/ha) 250 500 1000 1500 2000

New ADAMA RX-380 is a highly concentrated formulation of the cotton growth regulator, mepiquat chloride.

25 50 100 150 200

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Scan here for more information



HEARTBREAK, RESILIENCE AND HUMANIT Y AT ITS BEST The Black Summer bushfires brought devastation to the land, the animals and the people we at Elders love. Elders area manager Colin Lane is responsible for Gippsland, Victoria, and witnessed the heartbreak and also the incredible resilience of his community. “You have an emotional connection with these people. You see them hurting and struggling and you want to help,” Colin says.

“We had support from Elders people who turned out from Wagga Wagga, Cootamundra, St Arnaud and even as far away as Hamilton and Ballarat.”

“It’s a very emotional and overwhelming time, but I’ve never seen so much generosity.”

Hannah was instrumental in the setup of a BlazeAid camp, which trained and fed up to 100 volunteers a night. Hannah also helped instigate a donation scheme with the Tumut Community Foundation in conjunction with the Bendigo Bank to benefit the Dunns Road bushfire victims.

Once the fires had eased throughout Gippsland, the team at Elders Bairnsdale moved to provide immediate fodder relief and started working with BlazeAid to supply, deliver, build and provide advice on fencing. They arranged the free loan and running of two new tractors and set up fencing training for helpers and volunteers. They also began raising over $25,000 of relief funds for distressed clients. The Elders Bairnsdale team spent countless days writing grant applications to minimise the burden of paperwork on clients already dealing with the trauma of fighting fires or caring for properties and stock. Over the NSW border, the Tumut, Gundagai and Adelong branches were tending to their own communities. “All the local Elders staff were out there, helping one way or another, delivering fodder, urgent supplies and opening the branch no matter when it was needed,” says Hannah Speers, an operations specialist from Elders’ Adelong branch. 10


Donations presented to Elders were redirected to this fund and gift vouchers handed out to members of the community affected by the bushfire to be used in local businesses. Used in the town, the vouchers stimulated local business while helping those affected. The Tumut community raised over $200,000 for the cause and staff from nearby branches pitched in to help. Although hard, Hannah says, these times prove the strength of rural communities. “The bushfires have shown us the true meaning and power of the rural network as a whole,” she says. “Everyone is in it together with no ulterior motives other than to help one another get through a difficult time and to fight together.”

“Everyone is in it together with no ulterior motives other than to help one another get through a difficult time and to fight together.”

image - Camel Lake and Stirling Range National Park.

One of Hannah’s Adelong colleagues, David Crooks, embodies this ethos, fighting fires for four weeks during the initial crisis, and then continuing to help, seven days a week for months, to assist clients rebuild. David describes the trauma of seeing his community in so much pain and watching friends and clients experience extensive losses. “We’ve been holding the hands of grown men crying after having to shoot their livestock,” David says. “We would have 130 farmers who have lost pretty much everything, needing to talk and needing some support. It became our job to show compassion at the most traumatic time.” But such pain forges strength. “There are still scars but it has really created an incredible bond with clients because other people can’t understand what you’ve been through together,” David says. “Our clients are our friends. Their emotional and mental wellbeing is our priority.” “This year has really cemented our shop, and the people in our shop, as being integral to the community.” This sentiment is echoed in north-east Victoria, where nearly half-a-million hectares of forestry, farmland and private estates were destroyed. Elders Albury Branch

Manager Tony Killalea says the sheer magnitude of the fires required a comprehensive community effort to get people back on their feet, but that everyone banded together. “In the end, this tragedy has enhanced friendships and relationships,” Tony says. “They (Elders staff ) are doing it for their friends, not just their clients.” In the country’s south, Kangaroo Island has been affected in a similar way, with more than a third of the island destroyed. Branch manager Marty Kay says it has been all-hands-on-deck to rebuild, welcoming Elders livestock agents from across South Australia to the island to assist with the ongoing job of fencing. “Our biggest focus has been to help people affected get back into production, mainly for their mental health, so they’ve got a job to focus on each day and a structure that can begin to restore some sense of normality to their lives,” Marty says. For Elders as a business, and our people on the ground, the focus now is dealing with the aftermath of such trauma with mental health support and counselling for post-traumatic stress. But the feeling is one of optimism – as it often is in rural communities – and a keenness to get on with the job of supporting one another to dust off and get back up.


Crop Protection

CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE LAUNCHES NEW ORGANIC INSECTICIDE In a commitment to the sustainability of Australian farmers, Corteva Agriscience has launched a new organic insecticide. Entrust ® Organic is a naturally derived insecticide based on metabolites produced by the fermentation of naturally occurring soil organisms. Its favourable environmental and end user safety profile offers many benefits to growers wanting effective control of damaging pests. Corteva’s marketing manager for horticulture and insecticides, Nick Koch, said the product has long been anticipated by the Australian agricultural market, not only for its organic certification, but also for its favourable environmental profile and selectivity to key beneficial insects. “Entrust Organic is a biological solution that restores balance to your crop protection program, having minimal impact on key beneficial insects it is ideally suited to integrated pest management (IPM) programmes,” Mr Koch said. “With Entrust Organic, you can build sustainable productivity for this generation and secure the future of your farm for the next,” he said. “It’s a product that Corteva is proud to offer because we know that farmers will benefit. Its proven efficacy and organic certification offer farmers a sustainable alterative to help them thrive.” Entrust Organic offers selective control of various lepidopteran caterpillar pests, leaf miner, cherry and pear slug and thrips. Registered in over 80 different crops, Entrust Organic offers versatility for growers with mixed farming enterprises. Registrations include cucurbits, culinary herbs, vegetables (brassica, fruiting, leafy, root, tuber, stalk and stem), legumes, avocados, berries, citrus, grapes, pomefruit, stone fruit, and tropical fruit crops. Kim Martin, who manages Frais Farms, a leafy vegetable and brassica operation in East Gippsland, Victoria, said the introduction of Entrust Organic to Australia will be a game changer for the local horticultural sector.



“To date there haven’t been a lot of tools available to growers to combat insect pressures in an organic operation,” Mr Martin said. “We’re really thrilled that Corteva is bringing Entrust to the marketplace as it’s a good, clean product. With the certification from the organic industry it offers us the opportunity to further boost our brand as a credible supplier of a superior product that is insect and defect free,” he said. Mr Martin said the safety aspect of the product was also a huge bonus to industry. “It is a very soft product, which means not only does it not harm the environment, it also doesn’t harm the farmer applying it,” he said. “In an agricultural environment, chemicals can often be quite risky to handle or require a lot of protective wear, but a product like Entrust puts your mind at ease. I think farmers are going to love using this and also have peace of mind when asking their employees to handle it too.” Nick Koch said Corteva is committed to working with Australian growers like Kim Martin to enable them to maximise yield and profitability with quality new products. “Being able to offer new selective chemistries with improved environmental and safety profiles and to meet the demand for softer, more sustainable chemistry for Australian agriculture is something we’re really proud of,” Mr Koch said. “When farmers win, everyone wins, and investing in the products our customers want and need makes good sense to me personally and to Corteva. We are a company with clear sustainability objectives striving to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume.” To register your interest in Entrust Organic, visit entrust-organic. corteva.com.au or call Corteva Agriscience toll free on 1800 700 096. TOP IMAGE — Kim Martin, who manages Frais Farms, a leafy vegetable and brassica operation in East Gippsland, Victoria, said the introduction of Entrust® Organic to Australia will be a game changer for the local horticultural sector.

A sustainable farm for a sustainable future EntrustÂŽ Organic is the biological insecticide that restores balance to your crop protection program. It works alongside conventional technologies, delivering proven efficacy and real benefits for your business. With Entrust Organic, you can build sustainable productivity for this generation and secure the future of your farm for the next. To register your interest, contact your Territory Sales Manager or visit entrust-organic.corteva.com.au

No cross resistance

Derived from nature

Safe for beneficials

Highly active at low rates

Fast acting

Visit us at corteva.com.au ÂŽ,TM

Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer and their affiliated companies or respective owners. Š2020 Corteva Agriscience. All rights reserved. August 2020. FR8851



Mark Barber, Head of Agribusiness Investment Services, Elders

Last edition, Tom Russo discussed the supply and demand of Australian agricultural land, explaining that demand outstripping supply had underpinned strong property prices in most regions. This edition, we look at the key factors driving demand and how these are likely to support property prices. Demand for agricultural land is primarily driven by two factors: the value of agricultural products able to be produced by the land over time, and the cost of funding the acquisition of the asset. Local factors also influence prices, such as regional scarcity, short-term climate conditions, and competition between neighbours. But these local factors tend to be ad hoc and create variations around the primary drivers. The value of Australia’s agricultural output grew by 2.9 per cent per annum over the last decade compared to 1.7 per cent pa over the previous decade as producers respond to an increase in prices following the food price inflation spike during the global financial crisis. This rate of output growth fell sharply over the last two years due to the drought but is expected to respond quickly as seasonal conditions improve. The increase in agricultural output caused a steady rise in farm cash incomes and profit (see Chart 1, which have accelerated since 2007/08.

Chart 1: ABARES Farm Surveys Report All Australian Broadacre Industries 1990 - 2019 Source: ABARES Agsurf http://apps. agriculture.gov.au/agsurf/ accessed 19 Oct 2020

Those improvements have seen Farm Management Deposits (FMDs) increase 12.6pc per annum since their introduction (see Chart 1). Chart 2: Farm Management Deposits x State and Nationally June

1998 – June 2020 Source: ABARES Farm Management Deposit Statistics

At the same time, total farm debt has risen 3.7pc per annum since 1998, increasing liquidity in the sector. 14


Foreign investment in Australian agriculture also increases liquidity but has remained relatively stable over recent years at 13.8pc (an increase of 0.2pc from 2015/16) of total agricultural land in Australia*. Most of the recent growth in foreign investment occurred between 2007/08 and 2012/13 following the GFC. Even so, the way such funds are deployed is changing. Limited data is available but anecdotal evidence suggests new investors have a stronger interest in leasing and finding high-performing incumbent operators to jointly acquire and operate farms. Structures such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITS), which allow large numbers of wholesale and retail investors to gain exposure to agriculture, are also likely to become more common. Climbing farmgate output growth and the increase in liquidity that brings to the sector is occurring at a time of very low interest rates. Interest rates are unlikely to increase in the medium term as economies struggle to recover. Unlike most other sectors of the world economy, agriculture is supported by strong fundamentals because people still must clothe themselves and eat. This means agricultural returns are outperforming other long-duration, capital-secure assets generating cash returns. What is the immediate future for farm values? Consumption for most agricultural commodities is likely to remain strong, although there may be some medium-term softening of demand for higher-value niche products. Interest rates are also likely to remain low until economic growth starts to pick up after the pandemic, however it is likely that low interest rates are fully priced into agricultural land values, so continued low rates will remain supportive of current values. International and domestic funds will increasingly view agriculture as a secure, income-generating asset class and look for innovative ways to structure investments. Agriculture and agribusiness have been nominated by most Australian governments as key sectors in the economic recovery. This, combined with the widely-accepted NFF target of increasing the value of farm gate output from $62 billion to $100b by 2030, means there will be considerable government policy support and investment. However, the biggest factor likely to drive farmland value will be the performance of incumbent operators looking to expand their enterprises. Recovery from drought and increasing productivity growth will be the main drivers of enterprise performance in the medium term. How productivity drives land values will be the topic for the next Seasons article on farmland markets. * Hectares of Australian agricultural land, part or fully foreign owned.

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W244025 10.2020


For a good looking head.

Plemax insecticide maximises the efficacy and sustainability of chewing pest control programs in brassica and leafy vegetable crops.

Scan here for more information

• Introduces a new mode of action for resistance management • Knockdown and residual control of key chewing pests • Strong efficacy on Diamond back moth and Helicoverpa • Excellent compatibility for one-pass control • Developed by ADAMA to meet the needs of Australian producers

INSECTICIDE *Refer to registered label. ™Trademark of an ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Company.

Crop Protection

ADAMA’S NEW PLEMAX ® WILL GIVE YOU A GOOD-LOOKING HEAD Over the past six years, ADAMA has been undertaking trials for a new insecticide, Plemax®, which is proving to be a very powerful tool in managing resistant populations of various chewing pests. Plemax, which is now available for sale through accredited Elders agents, provides growers with robust knockdown and residual control of key chewing pests, such as diamondback moth and helicoverpa in brassica, leafy and fruiting vegetable crops. It is an early to mid-season rotation partner to the widelyused Group 28 insecticides under increasing resistance pressure due to a lack of alternative modes of action. The use of Plemax early in the season will also help reduce the selection pressure for insecticide resistance to both indoxacarb and novaluron, the two active ingredients in Plemax. In addition, Plemax has only a minimal and shortterm impact on beneficial insects and is highly compatible with a wide range of other products. In February this year, ADAMA conducted a trial walk of one of their Plemax trial sites in South-East Queensland with Elders agronomists to see the product in action. Elders Gatton horticultural agronomist Greg Teske was in attendance and was impressed with how Plemax was performing versus some industry standards. “Plemax is going to be excellent for the management of insecticide resistance given the introduction of a new

IMAGE — Untreated – 7 days after 4th application

mode of action in the Group 15 Novaluron,” Mr Teske said. “It will also aid in managing multiple pest stages with multiple modes of action in a single application with oviposition, ovicidal and larvae effects on diamondback moth. I’m looking forward to implementing Plemax into my Lockyer Valley diamondback moth (DBM) resistance strategy.” The trial was a spray program and sequencing demonstration for Plemax as part of a resistance management strategy for DBM. The aim was to compare consecutive sprays to industry spray programs to highlight the positioning of Plemax within that program. Plemax was also sprayed consecutively against industry standards with the aim of showing efficacy against multi-resistant populations of DBM to Group 28, 5 and 6 insecticides as confirmed by SARDI in 2018/19. The product performed very well but more importantly, performed better in rotation compared to other industry standards as part of a resistance management window approach. If you’re looking to give your crops a good looking head this season, get in touch with your local Elders store today and ask about ADAMA’s new Plemax Insecticide or visit adama.com for more details.

IMAGE — Plemax 300ML/HA – 7 days after 4th application

IMAGE — Group 28 Insecticide 100ML/HA – 7 days after 4th application 17

fo r


p co NO lau nt W d I ro R ns l o EG ec f S IS ti LW TE cid F RED e is in co tt on

What’s to Admire?


Give Silverleaf Whitefly the send-off it deserves.


Silverleaf whitefly is a major pest in cotton, it has the ability to contaminate and downgrade lint quality. Help protect the reputation of Australian cotton and rotate to Applaud® Insecticide to manage whitefly resistance.


• Unique Mode of Action for SLWF • No known resistance in cotton crops Scan the QR code to view a short video on Applaud

• Selective to key beneficial insects • Won’t flare secondary pests • Use early as part of a resistance management strategy

Visit us at corteva.com.au ®™ Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer and their affiliated companies or respective owners. Copyright © 2020 Corteva Agriscience.

Crop Protection

APPLAUD ® INSECTICIDE NOW REGISTERED FOR SLWF Applaud Insecticide from Corteva Agriscience™ is now registered for use in Australian cotton. The APVMA approved the new use on October 12, 2020, allowing the product to be used for control of Silverleaf White Fly and Solenopsis mealybug. Applaud insecticide is anticipated to be the resistance management solution that growers have been looking for, its makers say. Silverleaf whitefly (SLWF) is a major pest in cotton. It can contaminate cotton lint with honeydew, has a large host range, can rapidly reproduce and can develop resistance to many insecticides. Applaud, containing the active ingredient buprofezin, is an insect growth regulator belonging to IRAC Group 16. Corteva Agriscience marketing manager Nick Koch was pleased to have the registration approved. “Applaud has no known resistance in cotton crops, this makes it an ideal rotation option for growers experiencing resistance issues with pyriproxyfen,” Mr Koch said.

“It’s advisable for these growers to rotate to an alternate mode of action such as Applaud to help reduce the selection pressure.” Mr Koch said Applaud was best positioned early in the control program because of its low overall ranking for its impact on beneficial insects. “Because of its selectivity to beneficial insects, it won’t cause issues with secondary pests such as flaring mites,” he said. “It also means that it is ideally suited for use in Integrated pest management systems, helping to preserve beneficials and keeping SLWF populations below economic thresholds throughout the season.” The approved registration of Applaud insecticide is an example of Corteva’s commitment to developing IPM compatible, sustainable products for the Australian cotton industry. For more information, contact Corteva Agriscience on 1800 700 096


Crop Protection


Eliminating weeds from a paddock while they are small makes a big difference to moisture conservation, not to mention the valuable nutrients weeds can rob from the soil. We sometimes underestimate the impact big-name weeds like fleabane, heliotrope, sow thistle, melons and other summer weeds can have on final production. But it’s impossible to ignore in a paddock where the summer spray had a miss or that second spray wasn’t done. Hit weeds while they are small, don’t wait for the next rain! The forecast rain event may fizzle and those weeds might suddenly be too stressed to take up the product effectively. On the flip side, you might be left waiting for soils to dry out to become trafficable and then be faced with large, robust and expensive infestations. Apply herbicide as soon as the majority of weeds have germinated and will take a spray. This can be as early as 7 to 14 days after a rain event – every day delayed is dollars lost! A few things to consider when organising a spray plan: how much area do I have to cover? Which paddocks are priorities, or have the most advanced weeds? What is the forecast weather in the next seven days and how many hours of spraying can I fit into optimal conditions? Consider the Delta T in hot weather, no wind or too much wind, inversion risks and refill times. NOZZLE SELECTION Use a minimum of Very Coarse (VC) Spray quality to reduce the percentage of “driftable fines”. It is now mandatory to use at least a VC spray quality when



using ANY product containing 2-4,D but advisable to use eXtremely Coarse (XC) or Ultra Coarse (UC), as they further reduce driftable fines and are especially good in sub-optimal conditions. Driftable fines are a particular problem when inversions are present and can carry the product for a considerable distance. They are not limited to 2-4,D and can pose a big problem with any herbicide. Larger nozzle sizes usually mean higher bar pressures and water rates of around 80 litres a hectare. This is higher than the traditional 50-70L/ha rates but compliance helps avoid losing these valuable products. Get creative with water sources, access points, mobile nurse tanks and batching tanks to speed up the process. Importantly, some adjuvants can affect the amount of driftable fines produced from a nozzle, but this does not change the final spray quality classification, so choose adjuvants wisely and seek advice from your agronomist. Very few nozzles deliver these larger droplet sizes, so speak to your reseller and agronomist about the best nozzles for your situation – the aim is to have two main nozzles that do both summer and winter spraying. Finally, ask an agronomist to test your water regularly, especially when using water other than rain water, as this can have a big impact on the final result. For more information visit https://grdc.com.au/news-and-media/ news-and-media-releases/south/2016/01/summer-weed-controlmakes-economic-sense





TRICLOPYR AND PICLORAM, TRICLOPYR & METSULFURON Visit your local Elders branch for the complete woody weed control season with our exclusive Titan range.




• 6-8 weeks residual weed control in fallow. • Reduced need for repeated knockdown sprays. • Short re-cropping intervals for a wide range of winter and summer crops. • Enhanced knockdown control when used with non-selective herbicides. • Strength against difficult to control weeds including feathertop Rhodes grass and fleabane. • Keep fallow clean leading up to planting all times of year.

Scan here to see more information about Valor 500WG Herbicide

www.sumitomo-chem.com.au Valor is the registered trademark of Sumitomo Chemical Company, Japan.

Crop Protection

VALOR Ž HERBICIDE FOR LONG-TERM WEED CONTROL IN FALLOWS Early control of weeds during fallow periods has become common practice for successful growers across the country. The science shows that early control of fallow weeds can lead to significant increases in the levels of stored plant available water and increased availability of nutrients (especially nitrogen), with corresponding increases in crop yield and grain quality. For this reason, more and more growers are turning to Valor Herbicide from Sumitomo. Applied immediately following the winter crop harvest, Valor delivers extended summer weed control in fallows without limiting winter cropping options the following autumn. Once applied, growers can have the peace of mind that weeds will be controlled for a long period without the need for multiple knockdown herbicide sprays. The ideal time to apply Valor is after the canola harvest to achieve weed control for two to three months in fallow and still provide the flexibility for planting a range of other crops and pastures, including wheat, barley, triticale, oats, faba beans, field peas, chickpeas, lupins and lentils. Canola is one of the only exceptions to Valor’s short plant-back periods, requiring a nine-month re-cropping interval when used at residual rates. This means applying Valor immediately following canola harvest is the ideal use situation as it is very unlikely canola will be sown in that field again the following autumn. As most cropping programs are carefully planned well in advance, Valor can also be used with confidence following other winter crops where canola is not planned to be grown the following season. Another reason that farmers are turning to Valor for fallow weed control is that, as well as controlling difficult to control species such as, Feathertop Rhodes grass, fleabane, barnyard grass, wild radish and milk thistle, Valor makes sound economic sense. Even one application of glyphosate can be expensive in terms of time and money when tank-mix partners such as 2,4D amine, 2,4-D ester or fluroxypyr are added. Whilst Valor plus glyphosate or paraquat is more expensive than a single knockdown or knockdown mix, the length

of control achieved can remove the need for a second or even a third knockdown application, saving growers valuable time and money. Reducing applications also removes the need to find multiple safe application windows, meeting buffer zone restrictions and the need to have extra labour on hand on multiple occasions. Valor is also non-volatile and can be used at all times of the year, even in herbicide control zones such as those present over summer in Victoria. While Valor ticks all the boxes with regards to efficacy, economics and resistance management, it is the flexible re-cropping intervals that most growers are talking about, according to its maker. As seen in the table below, several crops only require as little as one month and just 15 millimetres of rain prior to planting for crop safety. This means that when Valor is used early, ahead of predicted rainfall, it not only provides excellent control of summer weeds in fallow but also offers no plant-back periods that limit the sowing of winter crops the following season, including wheat, barley, triticale, oats, faba beans, field peas, chickpeas, lupins and lentils.

Crop Soybean, peanuts, faba beans Sorghum, maize, navy bean, chickpeas, field peas, pigeon peas Cotton, mungbeans, sunflower, wheat Barley, triticale, oats, lupins Lentils Lucerne, medic, sub clover Canola

Enhanced Residual rates knockdown 210-280 g/ha rates 30-45 g/ha None Required

None Required

1 Month

None Required

2 Months

None Required

3 Months

None Required

4 Months

None Required

6 Months

None Required

9 Months

5 Months

NOTE: The time period for all residual rate re-cropping intervals commences from the time of spraying. 15 mm of rainfall is required during this period and prior to sowing (soybean, peanuts and faba beans excluded).


Crop Protection

DEEP SOIL FIX BRINGS YIELD GAINS Neal Stevenson, Agricultural Cropping Consultant, Thomas Elder Consulting

Deep placement of potassium and phosphorous could boost yields for crops like sorghum by as much as 1 tonne a hectare. Traditionally, soil samples are taken from the top 10 centimetres, which means soil tests often fail to detect deficiencies 20cm beneath the surface. It’s becoming a big problem. This is more prevalent in continues cropping land with minimum tillage, phosphorus and potassium are often drawn up by the crops at depth well below the top layer of the soil especially later in the season. After continued cropping rotation and minimal soil disturbance, the soil can start to be mined of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) leaving the roots at depth hungry and less able to access P and K. Although more research needs to be done, trials show that even when more conventional tillage practices are incorporated in farming system and soil hard pans are broken mechanically, crops often still do better when phosphorus and potassium deficiencies at depth are addressed. The move to zero till means nutrients are deposited on the soil surface and aren’t incorporated into the soil profile, causing nutrient stratification.The solution starts with sampling both at 0-10cm and 10-30cm depths, and preferably, 30-90cm. The results need to be interpreted carefully, too, with an expert eye for ratios with other elements and soil conditions that might limit uptake as well as simple threshold values. Only about a quarter of the phosphorous and potassium applied by fertiliser will be available to the crop in the first year and, to minimise soil structure damage, aim to fertilise at depth only every four to five years. If the 10-30cm samples indicate phosphorus and potassium deficiencies, using a knife-point tined implement to place the fertiliser about 20cm deep will help. The ideal application time is during the fallow period after harvest but, if costs are prohibitive or the ground is too hard, it can be done at lower rates in a single pass during sowing. Chickpeas, which can tolerate being sown at greater depths, are the ideal crop for this application, while winter cereals struggle at depth with so much soil over the top. 24


And while trial results have shown yield improvements of 500-1000 kilograms a hectare per year after deep placement of potassium and phosphorus, it’s not a silver bullet. There’s no point trying to get the phosphorus and potassium right while ignoring nitrogen, sulphur and trace element levels. Consult an agronomist to create a practical program that takes your machinery resources into account as well as how the soil performs across the crop rotation. CASE STUDY: MAKING IT PRACTICAL A grower, who operates a livestock and cropping enterprise west of Roma, purchased a cropping block with a long history of low inputs and poor yields. We took samples at 0-10cm (comprehensive), 10-30cm (comprehensive) and 30-90cm (nitrogen). Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries trial data indicated a yield response when the Colwell P value was below 6 milligrams a kilogram in the 10-30cm zone.Test results from the 0-10cm and 10-30cm zones returned Colwell P values of 3mg/kg and 2mg/kg respectively. While there was good soil moisture at the time of sampling, it would be at least four months before the planting window opened for the winter crop. Because sowing conditions are rarely ideal, seed is usually sown deep into the profile. Out of necessity, the grower modified his tined planter so he could sow barley and wheat into moisture, while moving enough dirt away from the seed so there was only 5cm of soil above it. We calculated the highest amount of Mono Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) we could apply with the seed without causing damaging nitrogen burn. The result was seed and fertiliser placed up to 20cm into the soil profile in a single pass. For more information contact Neal Stevenson 0448 498 133 or via email at Neal.Stevenson@thomaselderconsulting.com.au


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Crop Protection

RANCONA ® DIMENSION GIVES EASY DISEASE PROTECTION Making the change to an easier to use seed treatment to combat rhizoctonia and reduce handling issues at seeding has paid off for Gerard and Mark Paganoni on their mixed farming operation at Broomehill in WA. Gerard Paganoni and his family have farmed in Broomehill for 28 years with a 60:40 ratio of cropping to sheep. The cropping program of approximately 2,600 hectares consists of 2,100 hectares of cereals with a balance of lupins and canola on the rest. A few years ago, the Paganonis started using Rancona Dimension on their wheat and barley seed to combat rhizoctonia disease. “We identified rhizoctonia as an issue through Predicta-B soil testing,” Gerard Paganoni said, “but we also need to protect against smut and bunt disease each year as well.” “Rhizoctonia becomes more prevalent in dry summer– autumn periods and, with earlier sowings, Rancona Dimension is a great tool for us to combat rhizoctonia.” The Paganonis apply Rancona Dimension to cereal seed at 3.2 litres a tonne, and one or two fungicidal sprays are generally applied later on in the season to manage foliar diseases. “We started using Rancona Dimension to replace a competitor product which was very sticky and caused handling issues at seeding,” Mr Paganoni said.

“I have a great appreciation for my seeding staff who regularly check equipment and, based on their feedback, I have every confidence in Rancona Dimension being an easier product to use. “Not only has Rancona Dimension solved our crop disease issue, but the treated seed flows much better and handles really well compared to other products we’ve used. “I’m very happy with the results and can recommend it for anyone looking for an easy-to-use seed treatment that works across a number of diseases. It’s an obvious choice.” Rancona Dimension seed treatment is based on two active fungicides – 25 grams a litre ipconazole and 20g/l metalaxyl. It provides smut and bunt control, pythium control and suppression of crown rot and rhizoctonia when applied to wheat and barley seed at the recommended rate. Its unique micro-emulsion formulation provides extremely low dust off at application and easy clean down of machinery compared to other products. For more information on Rancona Dimension visit www.upl-ltd.com/au

IMAGE — Mark Paganoni in his 2019 crop, Broomehill WA 26









Crown Rot Rhizoctonia 320

*Loose Smut Pythium



Smuts Bunt

The Seed Protection Specialists 1800 078 007 www.upl-ltd.com/au *Loose smut in Barley rate range is 80-200 mL/100 kg seed, higher rate is recommended for susceptible varieties. ® Rancona is a registered trademark of UPL Australia Pty Ltd









productivity “Since installing the 2.2km fence, we’ve increased our stocking rate by one-third, and the fencing has improved our pasture dramatically.”





PRODUCTIVIT Y INCREASES AFTER WARATAH EXCLUSION FENCING INSTALLED Feral animals rank high on the list of threats to farm biosecurity, animal health and grazing pressures but a well-built exclusion fence can help turn this around in a relatively short space of time. The strength of Waratah’s premium Australian-made exclusion fence has boosted the productivity of Victorian cattle producer Ken O’Brien’s property near Barham, preventing hundreds of kangaroos from destroying his 32 hectares of irrigated clover and rye grass. “It wasn’t unusual to see 300 to 400 kangaroos in a night, and they would strip my valuable irrigated pasture bare,” Mr O’Brien said. “Even if there was remaining pasture, the cattle still wouldn’t eat it as there would be kangaroo faeces and urine stains all through the grass.” Many farmers are finding that exclusion fences are providing increased productivity through improved weaning rates or increased production by reducing grazing pressure from kangaroos on pastures and or cropping country. “Since installing the 2.2-kilometre Waratah exclusion fence, I’ve only ever seen two kangaroos in the block, and they jumped over the cattle grid to get in,” Mr O’Brien said.

“We’ve now been able to increase our stocking rate by one-third, as the fencing has improved our pasture dramatically.” Lower labour costs and maintenance times are some of the other productivity benefits being realised once an effective exclusion fencing system is in place. “Using Waratah fencing products was an investment that will yield savings in the long term, due to its ease of installation,” Mr O’Brien said. “Initially, it might be more expensive but, in the end, the benefits far outweigh the costs. We had the fence rolled out and put up in under two days, which is three times quicker than it would take normally.” Waratah has an extensive range of exclusion fencing solutions and products to suit a wide range of feral animal issues. Contact your local Waratah fencing representative today and have a no obligation chat about how the team can help you find the right solution for your farming enterprise. www.waratahfencing.com.au or phone 13 10 80.



GETTING THROUGH DROUGHT TOGETHER Elders has been central to communities that depend on sustained agricultural success since 1839. In this time, the core purpose of our business has always remained the same – to work alongside our clients to drive profitability and growth. The value of this commitment, the strength of our people’s expertise and their willingness to go above and beyond for their clients is never more apparent than in times of crisis. North-east New South Wales endured one of these crises with a long and arduous drought that crippled producers, leading to widespread feed shortages and destocking throughout the region. Kevin Mathews, who owns and runs Jiskardale outside of Walcha in the New England region, describes drought as “a most horrible time to be a grazier,” saying that “the responsibility of feeding animals through an exceptional time of scarcity is a heavy burden to carry alone.” Kevin tells the story of how a chance meeting at a field day led to a long-term relationship with Elders Livestock Production Advisor, Adam Turnbull and Elders Walcha. He says he recognised immediately the value of the knowledge Adam had to help him get through trying seasons to come.

“Adam was a great source of information and advice. He helped by initially assessing my struggling pastures and determining the nutritional requirements of the ewes that I had to lamb down in the coming spring. “He provided the information and knowledge and together we formulated a plan with an increasing grain ration suitably buffered with the necessary supplements and minerals to provide them with a safe and effective ration. “Adam and the Elders merchandise team at Walcha were immensely helpful at assisting me to source all the required grain and supplements. It was a terribly busy and expensive time teaching my sheep how to eat grain, a process not normally required at Walcha. The sheep that learnt to eat, did quite well and produced good lambs considering the season. The shy feeders really struggled.”

“After a couple of difficult seasons already the drought was biting hard and it was obvious that feeding my sheep was going to be a huge challenge over the coming months,” says Mathew.

The severe drought continued through spring and summer and contributed to the savage bushfires in November which were burning all around Jiskardale. Weaning lambs early became a necessary step in negotiating this exceptional season. The next challenge was to set up feed yards to more efficiently feed the lambs directly.

“I knew feeding substantial amounts of grain was likely to be the best strategy. Despite forty-odd years of experience farming in the New England, I had never had to do this before on such a large scale and it was a steep learning curve on how to do it most effectively.”

“Adam again was an incredible resource with advice on the correct high protein ration and supplements for the lambs as well as basics like the type of troughing required, and drafting animals by size to prevent bullying,” says Mathew.



“The responsibility of feeding animals through an exceptional time of scarcity is a heavy burden to carry alone.”

“Again, he assisted in sourcing this feed and gave practical advice that made all the difference.” Fortunately, rain came at Christmas time and continued through the autumn. The feeding regime implemented meant that Mathews lambs were at an ideal store lamb weight of 35kg in Autumn; not a bad result all things considered. “The store market was extreme, so I took the money at that time, $190/head, which helped offset my feeding costs,” says Mathew. “Between rain events I managed to sow some country to a rye grass crop in March to help keep the good green feed going into the winter for my remaining stock - a luxury at Walcha. “You might think that’s where the advice stopped too, but no. I was sceptical after spending so much money to get through the dry that Adam wanted me to keep putting a dry lick in front of my ewe lambs now on the good feed. “His advice to this point had been good so I trusted him and bought the product. We changed to a starch and mineral balancing dry lick to supplement the green feed they were now getting from the grass. I have never seen growth rates like it in my lambs! They were easily growing at 300grams per day through the winter, gaining an average of 27kgs over this time.

“After such an extremely poor start to the season I have managed to get most of my ewe lambs up to joining weight by eight months of age and they have continued to grow rapidly right through joining.” Mathew says that he believes his ewes are some of the best lambs he has ever grown and the property fully restocked. He credits much of this success to the quality advice and commitment from Adam and the team at Walcha. “Farming these days is becoming an increasingly technical business with many different areas where you need to have good knowledge and a wide set of skills.” “I am looking forward to the future with new confidence that with the help of the Elders team I can achieve the full potential of my livestock and my land in good seasons or bad. The addition of good people providing such good advice on livestock nutrition as well as agronomy is why I continue to use Elders exclusively for my livestock marketing as well as for most of my rural merchandise needs. Elders provides the whole package.” Our thanks for this testimonial to Kevin Mathews, Lamb producer, “Jiskardale”, Walcha. August 2020.


Animal Health

CHECK YOUR LOCAL SHEEP DRENCH RESISTANCE STATUS ONLINE Dr Matthew Playford from Dawbuts, Australia’s leading veterinary parasitology laboratory in Camden, NSW, has been involved in developing the ground-breaking website, SheepTRAX (sheeptrax.com.au) in conjunction with Zoetis. As well as conducting research for industry bodies and pharmaceutical companies, the Dawbuts laboratory conducts monitoring and drench resistance studies for over 2000 livestock farmers across Australia. “Being able to present the results of hundreds of drench tests in a publicly-accessible database gives us a great sense of achievement,” Dr Playford said. “We have received strong signals from groups such as livestock veterinarians, WormBoss users and rural retail stores that this resource is badly needed. Now it is finally being delivered.” Using an effective sheep drench to control worms is key to a productive sheep flock. However, research shows that most sheep properties in Australia have resistant worms to one or more sheep drenches- 96 per cent to white (BZ) drenches, 96pc to clear (LEV) drenches and 87pc to Ivermectin (ML) drenches1. This means that resistance to many of the active ingredients in sheep drenches in Australia is very common. Resistance is classified as efficacy less than a 95pc reduction in worms. Drench resistance is a genetic trait of the worms themselves and is either created on your own farm or introduced when purchasing ewes, weaner lambs or rams. Even stray sheep may be the source of drench resistant worms. When choosing a drench to use on your farm, WormBoss recommends three principles 2: > Use the most effective drench for your property > Use an effective combination of two or more drench groups > Use short-acting treatments and restrict the use of persistent products for specific purposes and high worm-risk times of year



WHAT IS SHEEPTRAX? SheepTRAX is designed to assist Australian sheep producers by showing the prevalence and geographical distribution of drench resistance. The data within SheepTRAX has been gathered from hundreds of on-farm drench resistance tests, also known as faecal egg count resistance tests (FECRT), across all sheep producing areas in Australia. Sheep producers can use this data and website to: > Improve knowledge of drench resistance > Assist in making an informed decision of what drenches to use > Assist in understanding the likelihood of resistance worms in purchased sheep. SheepTRAX aims to help put evidence behind your drench selection, and therefore help maximise your return from your drench investment. SheepTRAX shows the efficacy (from FECRTs) of over 25 drenches in easy to view comparative graphs, with up to five drenches selected at any one time. The graphs show the ‘overall’ efficacy for the drenches selected as well as the results for the key gastrointestinal worm species: > Barber’s pole worm (Haemonchus contortus) > Black scour worm (Trichostrongylus spp.) > Brown stomach worm (Teladorsagia circumcincta) > All other species

can be calculated. Dung samples should be submitted to a ParaBoss FEC QA-accredited parasitology lab, or analysed by a FECPAKG2 machine, which is in use in many stores and veterinary clinics across Australia.

The farmer or rural stores are able to view the FECRT data at a national, state or regional level. FECRT data sets with a higher number of samples (100, for example, have a higher reliability than much smaller numbers, like five). Resistance status of farms varies, even between neighbouring properties. SheepTRAX does not predict the drench resistance found on your property or within a specific mob of sheep. It is designed to provide awareness of the severity of sheep drench-resistance in every sheep region across Australia. It is recommended that every farm undertakes their own FECRT every two to five years to monitor the drench resistance status, or at least perform regular Drench Checks. This can be achieved easily by taking samples (direct from the sheep, or fresh samples off the ground) 14 days after a drench has been given. When this is then compared with the worm egg count on the day of drenching, vital information about how well the drench has worked


All new sheep new to a property should be given a quarantine drench to avoid bringing in resistant worms. A quarantine drench contains four actives, with one of the actives being from a new drench class, which is given before or upon arrival on-farm, for example, Startect followed immediately by a Levamisole and BZ combination3. After drenching, keep all animals in a confined area with good access to feed (hay) and water for 24 hours prior to entering the paddock. It is recommended that the confinement area be fully tilled or spelled for at least six months before reuse. To check out the new SheepTRAX website and review the local drench resistance in your area, visit sheeptrax.com.au on the Livestock Solutions website. 1. 2. 3.

Wormboss (2020) SheepCRC, Armidale. http://www.wormboss.com. au/sheep-goats/news/articles/drench-resistance/national-drenchresistance-should-you-be-concerned.php Wormboss (2020) SheepCRC, Armidale. http://www.wormboss.com. au/sheep-goats/tests-tools/management-tools/drenches/drenchrotation-versus-combinations-to-combat-drench-resistance.php Wormboss (2020) SheepCRC, Armidale. http://www.wormboss.com. au/sheep-goats/news/articles/drenches/quarantine-drenchinggetting-it-right.php


Check the Local Drench Resistance status

Be INFORMED and know the drench resistance in your area SheepTRAX provides the largest drench resistance database and flexibility to compare over 25 drenches by region across Australia. Check out SheepTRAX.com.au



Over 280 Australia-wide FECRT field trials1


1. Overall efficacy - GM, Data on file, Zoetis.

Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 94 156 476 425. Level 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW 2138. Š 2020 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved ZL1222 07/20

Information in your hands



Stoller is a global company celebrating 50 years throughout the world and 25 years in Australia. Our products are based on an in depth knowledge of Plant Physiology and nutrient interaction for a variety of broadacre, horticulture, tree and vine crops. Our Australian team undertake trials and demonstrations throughout the country to deeply understand the way our products impact plant potential in a variety of conditions. Stoller employ skilled representatives that work nationwide with growers, agronomists and distributors. Our products are made in Australia and manufactured throughout the country.


• Protect crops during stress. • Assist nutrient uptake. • Restore healthy growth.

Refer to our website for Bio-Forge & Stoller Solutions. Stoller will help your crops reach their full potential. Ask us how today. Contact Stoller on FREECALL 1800 337 845 or info@stoller.com.au

Crop Nutrition

MORE YIELD, MORE PROFIT – MAXIMISING YIELD POTENTIAL THROUGH OPTIMISING NUTRITION Once a seed is planted, environmental factors can start to reduce its full potential by up to 70 per cent. These environmental stresses can include nutritional deficiencies, water stress, high or low temperatures, pests, weeds, and diseases. This reduction in yield impacts the grower’s bottom line and can cause financial losses. A quality liquid fertiliser can increase the productivity of your crop when used in conjunction with other essential elements. Liquid fertilisers can help a plant function at its optimum so that it can produce higher yields. A balanced liquid nutrient program can enable the best crop yield outcome. Stoller liquid fertilisers and nutrients deliver proven results within broadacre, field and greenhouse, and tree and vine crops in various Australian climates and stress conditions. Stoller’s liquid fertilisers can be applied: > As a seed coat > Banded in furrow > Fertigated through irrigation systems > As a foliar spray to the plant above ground. HOW CAN SUMMER CROPPING FOLIAR APPLICATIONS IMPROVE PROFIT? Stoller liquid fertilisers promote healthy root growth, fast and healthy top growth and uniformity in crops. Application as a foliar spray allows for top ups throughout the season as needed. The nutrients go straight onto crops, which means the nutrients aren’t tied up in soil, delivering an immediate response. Seed treatment in preparation for winter cropping can improve harvest. Getting cereals, oilseeds and legumes off to a good start is critical to achieving optimum yield potential. Stoller’s seed treatment products for winter crops include Bio-Forge – a unique combination of key nutrients that can help crops emerge quicker and improve early plant growth, root development, nutrient uptake and stress tolerance. Bio-Forge is part of Stoller’s Integrated Solutions, which are programs designed to maximise yield potential in a large variety of crops and covers all application types: seed treatment, in furrow, fertigated, and foliar. Stoller

Australia’s southern regional sales manager, Dr Steven Coventry, has conducted numerous trials on Bio-Forge, which works to maintain the genetic potential of plants, improve growth, and increase yield in a variety of crops. With favourable results across broadacre, field and greenhouse, and tree and vine, Bio-Forge is proving to reduce the effects of stress on a large range of crops, resulting in increased yield and profit. “Stress events can be detrimental to a grower’s bottom line, however, Bio-Forge has been shown to consistently reduce losses in yield and quality across a variety of crops,” Dr Coventry said. “It is an essential tool in crop protection and insurance.” A summary of bio-forge foliar application and seed treatment trial results on cotton* > Bio-Forge ** applications resulted in 3.94 more bales per hectare. > The harvested yield was 2131 kilograms per hectare more than the untreated. A summary of bio-forge foliar application and seed treatment trial results on Wheat* > A foliar application increased yield by 17pc on Mace wheat compared to untreated wheat. > It improved returns by $177.37/ha on Mace, which is a return on investment of $20 for every $1 spent. > This trial also improved returns on Grenade wheat by $79/ha. For more information on Bio-Forge: https://stoller.com.au/products/ bio-forge/ For more information on Stoller products, contact your local Elders dealer or visit our website https://stoller.com.au/. *For more information on Stoller’s Bio-Forge trials and rates of application, please contact Stoller Australia, info@stoller.com.au or FREECALL 1800 337 845. **In conjunction with Stoller’s ClearStart22KZ.


Crop Nutrition

YARATERA CALCINIT - GUARANTEED QUALIT Y FOR BETTER RESULTS Leading global fertiliser manufacturer Yara Crop Nutrition has rebranded its water-soluble calcium nitrate YaraLiva CALCINIT into the YaraTera range of quality products. Yara Crop Nutrition Commercial Manager, Paul Eitzen, said ‘Tera’ was derived from the Old Norse word ‘Taera’, which means ‘feeding’. Adding CALCINIT to YaraTera completes the Yara range of fully water-soluble fertilisers for fertigation including NPKs, straights, chelates and liquid fertilisers. Specifically manufactured for fertigation, YaraTera CALCINIT provides all the benefits of fast-acting highly available nitrogen, with the improved harvest quality characteristics of calcium. “When combined with an efficient irrigation system both nutrients and water can be managed to obtain maximum yield and quality,” Mr Eitzen said.“The balance of calcium and nitrate nitrogen in YaraTera CALCINIT ensures that growth is maximised and that produce quality is not compromised. “It is widely used on high value crops to ensure stressfree growth and high yielding, highly marketable, topgrade produce.” YaraTera CALCINIT can be mixed with other water-soluble fertilisers, except concentrated stock solutions containing phosphate or sulphate. It is quick to dissolve in water without any residues and can be used in all fertigation systems, including drip, sprinklers and centre pivot irrigators. “Yara has more than 100 years’ experience in producing calcium nitrate and more than 50 years’ experience in producing watersoluble forms,” Mr Eitzen said. “We are continuously improving our manufacturing processes in response to customer demands, YaraTera CALCINIT formulations are almost 100 times purer than the first calcium nitrate produced by Yara 100 years ago. “Likewise, we’ve managed to reduce the level of insolubles from an average of 2000 to 50 parts per million over the past 20 years.” Unlike some calcium nitrates, it’s not classified as an oxidising agent and is therefore not subject to restrictions in storage, handling and transportation. Alternatively, producers can opt to use Yara Liquids N-Cal 15+18 Ca, which is a true liquid calcium nitrate formulation manufactured by Yara in Australia using high quality calcium nitrate manufactured by Yara in Norway. Yara continuously monitors the quality of calcium nitrates available throughout the world. 36


A recent analysis of 25 ‘greenhouse grade’ calcium nitrate products sold in Europe, Latin America and Asia found significant deviations in nutritional specification, impurities and product quality. Conducted using industry standard methodologies, this analysis found 40 per cent of the tested samples had calcium and/or nitrogen concentrations less than 97pc of label specification; 24pc contained lead, mercury or cadmium above minimum detection levels; and 56pc showed inferior product quality, such as dust, caking or black particles. “These inconsistencies can directly affect the product’s quality, storage, handling and solubility characteristics – and most importantly, its performance,” Mr Eitzen said. “Inconsistent or sub-optimal nutrient delivery has a direct impact on crop yield and quality, poor product quality can block fertigation systems, while impurities can shut down market access. “YaraTera CALCINIT and Yara Liquids N-Cal 15+18 Ca – and indeed, all Yara products – have guaranteed specification, so you can be completely confident that what it says on the label is what you’re actually receiving. “Furthermore, you know exactly where it comes from. “Many calcium nitrate products are manufactured and sold as commodities, making it very difficult to trace the true origin of the manufacturer.” Yara is one of the world’s leading fertiliser manufacturers. It markets a comprehensive range of fertilisers, including YaraMila (NPKs), YaraLiva (calcium nitrates), YaraTera (soluble fertilisers), YaraRega (soluble NPKs), Yara Liquids and YaraVita (foliar micronutrients). These products are supported by Yara’s team of sales agronomists, customer service representatives and technical support staff throughout Australia. “Our goal is to deliver integrated crop nutrition solutions that genuinely increase the productivity and profitability of our customers,” Mr Eitzen said. For more information contact Ms Bing Lee Marketing & Communications Manager Yara Crop Nutrition
1800 684 266 | bing-chin.lee@yara.com

Because quality counts YaraTera CALCINIT (15.5% N + 19% Ca) is a high quality, 100% water-soluble calcium nitrate fertiliser that is ideal for application through fertigation systems, drip systems, low throw sprinklers, centre pivots and spray units. Made to exacting standards by Yara in Norway, it delivers a rich source of fast-acting, plant-available nitrogen and strength-building calcium for fresher, tastier and long-lasting fruit and vegetables. Contact Yara and find out how our integrated crop nutrition programs can grow your business.

YaraTera™ Š 2020 Yara YAR20391

1800 684 266




Surround your crop with


sun protection Too much sun can reduce crop yields. Only Surround contains calcined kaolin to: • increase photosynthesis & reduce canopy temperatures in hot weather • reduce yield-robbing sun damage

Innovation. Quality. Solutions.

® Registered trademark of Tessenderlo Kerley, Inc. 201022

Crop Protection

ANOTHER HOT SUMMER IS ON ITS WAY. BE READY WITH SURROUND. With record temperatures and high ultraviolet radiation last summer causing damage and losses in valuable horticultural crops, it’s time to start preparing for the coming onslaught of hot weather. The Bureau of Meteorology is predicting another hot one, with the start of summer very likely to be warmer than average for most of Australia. So now is the time to prepare your strategy and plan to use Surround Crop Protectant. A combination of high temperatures and high levels of infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) light can culminate in sunburn damage and heat stress to plants. But timely application of Surround reduces sunburn and heat stress damage, when used according the product label. Surround forms a white barrier coating on crops, which is specially designed to allow usable light through while blocking harmful IR and UV light. This decreases harmful light and lowers temperatures and UV levels at the fruit surface, reducing damage without inhibiting essential photosynthetic processes.

form a highly reflective, three-dimensional structure. This kaolin formulation, unique to Surround, reflects radiation more effectively than hydrous kaolin and calcium carbonate. The upshot is a premium formulation giving superior crop protection against damaging sunburn and heat stress. But timing is everything as Surround must be applied before the heat event. Applications after extreme heat or even after spikes in temperature will not provide crops with adequate protection. So, be prepared this summer. Apply Surround early for maximum sun protection. Protection you can see. Performance you can trust. For more information contact AgNova Technologies on 03 9899 8100 or www.agnova.com.au

Natural kaolin clay that has been specially engineered using advanced particle film technology is the secret to the success of Surround. During production, heating the clay to form calcined kaolin modifies the crystals to

IMAGE — Picture of an apple, half coated with Surround. 39

Crop Protection

SST AUSTRALIA’S BI-AGRA BAND Bi-Agra Band soil treatment is an agricultural plant establishment aid that improves germination and boosts broadacre crop yields SST Australia’s Bi-Agra Band is a new generation soil treatment technology designed for no-till and minimum till use in all broadacre crops, including canola, that retains nutrients as well as moisture. This helps to further improve grain yields on water repellent, non-wetting and poor producing soils. BiAgra Bands unique bi-active formulation provides outstanding wetting ensuring uniformity of seed germination, maximizing moisture availability and ensuring good early vigour. With large areas of broadacre soils considered water repellent, non-wetting or poor performing, this new generation technology offers growers the opportunity for higher crop yields and returns. Bi-Agra Band retains moisture and nutrients around seed and in the plant root zone, whilst improved moisture and nutrient efficiencies result in stronger plant growth and crop yields. Water repellence develops when there is an accumulation of hydrophobic organic substances in a susceptible soil. Hydrophobic compounds are derived from plant and microbial sources. Sands are more susceptible to developing water repellence than clays as they have a smaller soil surface area that are readily coated by hydrophobic substances. Water repellence results in poor water infiltration, variable soil wetting, increased erosion risk and reduced and delayed crop, pasture and weed establishment. Broadly the main techniques for diagnosing soil water repellence includes: > Poor crop establishment over a number of seasons > Persistent dry soil patches after rain > Poor infiltration of water into dry topsoils. Bi-Agra Band is highly beneficial in soils with poor water holding capacity, water repellent hydrophobic soils, sandy soils and sandy gravels. In contrast to the water penetration provided by previous generation and standard soil wetters, which assist the passage of water through soils, SST Australia’s Bi-Agra Band aids increased moisture and nutrient retention, particularly of highly mobile nutrients including nitrogen, potassium and sulphur around seed and plant root zones. This 40


improves seed germination, crop establishment and growth, resulting in increased grain yields. Bi-Agra Band comprises a special blend of polymers, surfactants and humectants that bind to soil particles and hold available water and nutrients where they are needed in plant root zones. Trial measurements have shown it can increase soil moisture levels by up to five times the normal capacity. Unlike traditional soil wetting agents, Bi-Agra Band will rehydrate non-wetting soils after an extended dry period, giving growers the confidence to sow early or dry. On 25cm row spacing, Bi-Agra Band is recommended to be applied at 1 to 1.2 litres a hectare with 60l/ha of spray volume, whilst for 30cm row spacings it should be applied at 0.85-1l/ha with 60l/ha of spray volume (refer label for full application rate details). Trials of Bi-Agra Band, liquid nitrogen and flutriafol applied via a single injection system showed significantly improved seed germination, growth and vigour compared with the conventional application of injecting liquid nitrogen and fungicide in the furrow and a soil wetter behind the press wheel. WETS - REHYDRATES - RETAINS > Assists moisture penetration in non-wetting hydrophobic soils. > Rehydrates soil after extended dry periods. > Retains moisture and mobile nutrients in the plant root zone. > 1 litre per hectare application rate (refer label for full details) > Suitable with liquid UAN, quality fungicides and Verno nutrients > Very economical $/ha > Suitable for all broadacre crops including Canola > Increased germination rate and consistency in germination, ideal for early post-emergent spraying > Increased yields > Banded with the seed or placed ‘top of furrow’ > Available in 20 litre, 110 litre & 1000 litre pack sizes > No pre-mixing required and mixes easily with water


Cattle produce more today than 14 years ago. That’s why new Multimin® Evolution delivers 29% more trace minerals to meet the demands of modern cattle. Get your herd performance ready with an optimised formula to top up antioxidant levels, before high-demand periods, which enhances health and fertility.1-3

GET YOUR CATTLE PERFORMANCE READY WITH MULTIMIN EVOLUTION For a free info pack about Multimin® Evolution contact 1800 242 100 au.virbac.com/evolution 1. Vedovatto et al (2020), Trop Anim Health Prod, 52(2), 881-886 2. Bittar et al (2020), Vet Immunol Immunopathol, 110055 3. Mundell et al (2012), PAS, 28:82-88 ®Multimin is a registered trademark of Virbac.

Animal Health

MULTIMIN EVOLUTION: THE NEW TRACE MINERAL INJECTION FOR MODERN CATTLE Did you know that the average daily gain (ADG) for Australian beef cattle increased 84 per cent from 1981 to 2001? The average dairy cow produced 27pc more milk in 2019 compared to 2002. With such amazing production trends, we cannot assume that the technology of yesterday is adequate for modern and future animals. Fourteen years ago, Virbac launched the Multimin Injection for Cattle. At the time, this product was the first of its kind to deliver four key trace minerals to cattle at strategic production periods to optimise cattle fertility and immunity.  Multimin Evolution Injection for Cattle is the latest innovation for cutting-edge performance. Taking into consideration the latest developments in trace mineral science, Virbac has upgraded Multimin’s formulation to include 29pc more total trace minera ls per dose, compared to the market leader, Multimin Injection for Cattle. One of the most significant enhancements in Multimin Evolution is the additional zinc content. Zinc is one of the most abundant trace minerals in the body and has hundreds of different critical functions, ranging from optimising immune function, reproductive performance, and even hoof health. Research has also demonstrated that much higher levels of zinc is required relative to other trace minerals, especially during periods such as growth, weaning, gestation, and lactation3,4. To improve product quality, Virbac have improved the raw materials used in the manufacturing of Multimin Evolution. This

was a necessary step as Multimin Evolution is now also registered and sold in Europe, a continent known for stringent quality standards. Already with dozens of peer reviewed publications from some of the world’s most recognised veterinary universities, and over 90 million doses trialled on real farms, Multimin Evolution is comprehensively proven. Multimin Evolution retains the market leading qualities producers are already familiar with from the Multimin brand, such as low volume dose rate, extremely high product safety standards, and nil withholds and ESI. Multimin Evolution will be available at Elders Farm Supplies stores in December 2020. For more information, contact your local Elders branch or visit au.virbac.com/evolution for a free information pack. References 1. Wiedemann et al, 2015 Agricultural Systems Volume 133, February 2015, Pages 109-118 2. Dairy Australia, 2019, Yield – Milk production, www.dairyaustralia. com.au/industry-statistics/milk-processing-overview/milk/yield 3. NRC, 2016, Trace Mineral Requirements, Beef cattle 4. NRC, 2001, Trace Mineral Requirements, Dairy Cattle








Genomics at Beef21 Make better herd production and breeding decisions. BIRTH WEIGHT


An exciting step in the future of beef production, producers can have commercial cattle genomically tested with kits available at their local Elders branch and info on hand at the Elders Pavillion at Beef Australia 2021.







The Cattle Genomics Service provided by Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC) in partnership with Neogen enables producers to use DNA testing to make informed management decisions. Genomics measures the genetic variation in commercial cattle, with individuals then ranked for merit across one or multiple traits. TEC consultants will interpret the results and provide recommendations tailored to the objectives set by the producer, enabling greater control over genetic improvement and sustainable management.

For more information contact your local Elders DOCILITY



branch or visit: thomaselderconsulting.com.au/genomics


GALLAGHER AG DEVICES APP GIVES FARMERS CONFIDENCE AND PEACE OF MIND WITH A COMPLETE VIEW OF FENCE PERFORMANCE The arrival of the new Gallagher Ag Devices App provides delivers farmers real-time information and alerts about fence performance directly to a compatible smartphone, as well as the added benefit of being able to turn the fence on and off from the palms of their hands. Vast improvements have been made on the previous Dashboard Fence App, with ease of use and reliability at the forefront of the redesign. Farmer feedback was sought to produce a new user-interface and the 100 per cent Gallagher-developed cloud infrastructure ensures farmers now receive reliable, real-time fence performance information. Simple to set up, the Gallagher WiFi Gateway enables connectivity to the Gallagher Cloud. The Gateway is connected directly to any i Series Energizer and is then synced with the Gallagher Ag Devices App. A WiFi network is required to connect the Gateway to the Gallagher Cloud and for those producers without a WiFi connection at the Energizer, a WiFi hotspot or smartphone hotspot will easily enable connectivity.

utilised technology such as video calls and remote system access, which has never been more important than in recent months. “We are committed to ensuring our customers are getting the most out of their Gallagher systems so while each customer has slightly different needs, we are well practised at finding a solution that will meet their expectations,” Mr Hecker said. Making use of another brilliant piece of technology from Gallagher – the i Series Fence Monitor – farmers can now set up and monitor up to six separate zones on their fence, dividing their farm into zones. This aids in the swift location of faults on the fence, saving producers valuable time and money. “In the unlikely event of a drop in fence performance, there are two distinct advantages to using the Gallagher Ag Devices App,” Mr Hecker. said

As soon as the App is synced to the WiFi Gateway, fence output data would become available to the user, Gallagher customer support manager Noel Hecker said. “The absolute beauty of the new Gallagher Ag Devices App is that it allows farmers to receive real-time fence data straight to their phones, no matter where they are located,” he said.

“Firstly, an alert will be sent to the Ag Devices App as soon as there a drop below a defined level of voltage on the fence. Rather than discovering a fence has been down for hours and stock have wandered off in all directions, farmers can now act on any issues immediately. “Secondly, and just as importantly, by using i Series Fence Monitors to set up zones along the fenceline, the farmer can then pinpoint the fault to a zone and head straight there, rather than spending hours searching for the source of the fault.”

“We have a variety of customers already happily set up using the App, from those who are located on their property full-time and are looking to save time on fence maintenance, to those who work away during the week and want that peace of mind that their fence is performing as it should be while they are gone.” The Gallagher customer support team is a dedicated, five-person group committed to providing aftersales support to customers from afar. The team has always



As always, Gallagher remains committed to providing solutions that help farmers find efficiency and productivity gains. For more information on how Gallagher i Series Energizers can save you time and money on-farm, or to get started with the Ag Devices App and a WiFi Gateway for your existing i Series Energizer, head into your local Elders store or get in touch with Gallagher on 1800 425 524.

A better view of your fence.

Ag Devices App Knowing the status of your fence is critical to the success of your business. The Gallagher Ag Devices App provides you with real-time information about your fence performance, notifies you if it changes and allows you turn your fence on and off – simply connect to your i Series Energizer to get a better view of your fence. Head into your local Elders store or visit www.gallagher.com for more information.

1800 425 524 www.gallagher.com

Grasses TALL FESCUE Uses Sowing rate 8-25 kg/ha

Ready to Graze 70-110 days

Rainfall /Irrigation Minimum 600mm p/a

Quantum II MaxP ® Proves Its Performance in Armidale NSW. Quantum II coupled with MaxP® endophyte changes the landscape in the continental tall fescue market. Recent trials conducted in Armidale NSW against Tower, Demeter and SF Finesse-Q have Quantum II Max P® proving its superior performance. A widely recognised market leader Quantum II MaxP® has fantastic production and proven persistence.







Ground cover was 5X higher over Tower after 3 tough seasons

Average annual yield had a 10% increase over Tower

Average winter yield had a 45% increase over Demeter







THE IMPORTANCE OF QUALITY CONTROL WHEN PURCHASING SEED WITH AN ENDOPHYTE. When it comes to tall fescue or any grass inoculated with an endophyte such as MaxP® and other strains, it is important to ensure your endophytic seed has been rigorously tested and correctly stored. At PGG Wrightson Seeds we not only store Quantum II MaxP® in cool storage, but complete endophyte testing every 6 months to ensure our cultivars arrive at your local store with high levels of viable endophyte to maximise pasture performance.

Next time you are buying seed with an endophyte, ask: Has the seed been stored in cool storage?

Is there an endophyte test available?

Make it homegrown feed For further information on how Quantum II MaxP® can help improve your stocking rates, contact your local PGG Wrightson Seeds Sales Agronomist by visiting pggwrightsonseeds.com.au/get-in-touch or by calling us on 1800 619 910.


QUANTUM II MAXP ® PROVEN PERSISTENCE Quantum II MaxP® tall fescue has proven over many years that it can survive challenging conditions. After three difficult seasons in Armidale, Quantum II MaxP kept the most ground cover in a replicated trial against commercial varieties Demeter, SF Finesse-Q and Tower (as shown in Figure 1).

Figure 1: Ground cover percentage in third year after sowing at Armidale, NSW, Trial was sown in 2015

total cost of pasture renovation (excluding seed cost) is constant whether sowing poor-performing or highperforming varieties. The increased yield also meant cheaper home-grown feed that allowed producers to carry more livestock, increase body condition or lower supplementary feed bills.

Figure 2: Average winter yield (kgDM/ha) over three years at Armidale in a 2015 sown trial

Quantum II MaxP’s proven persistence maintains high production in later years due to higher plant numbers, which means more ground cover and less open ground where weeds normally thrive. Being able to delay re-sowing is cost effective and avoids missed production while paddocks establish. Quantum II MaxP has excellent dry matter yields with softer leaves than traditional varieties. In trials and on farm, PGG Wrightson sees Quantum II MaxP out-yielding other commercial varieties. The seed company shows an 8-10 per cent yield advantage in Figure 3 compared to Demeter, SF Finesse-Q and Tower. The most notable additional performance is seen in winter as shown in Figure 2, where Quantum II MaxP produced an approximately 45pc higher winter yield than Demeter, according to PGG Wrightson. PGG Wrightson says Quantum II MaxP helps pay off the investment of pasture renovation earlier because the

Figure 3: Average annual yield over three years at Armidale in a 2015 sown trial For further information on how Quantum II MaxP can help improve your stocking rates, contact your local PGG Wrightson Seeds Sales Agronomist by visiting pggwrightsonseeds.com.au/get-in-touch or call 1800 619 910.



PASTURE MIX TURNS FAILED CROPPING INTO PRODUCTIVE GRAZING COUNTRY From bare dirt to waist-high feed, it’s fair to say Bengalla Station manager Adrian McInnerney is very happy with the results of his pasture establishment program. Mr McInnerney manages the 2,500-hectare southern Queensland border property for Coulton Farming, 40 kilometres east of Goondiwindi, which over the years has seen a range of cropping systems, including cotton and grains. However, Mr McInnerney believes the lighter soils on the property aren’t well suited to cropping, resulting in a program to return the whole property back to improved pasture. The main challenge has been to manage the lighter soils, which get little to no water infiltration, by establishing ground cover to get crucial rain to soak in rather than run off. “We started in 2018 by doing some research on what varieties were suited to these soils and our climate, and looking at the varieties used here by previous owners,” Mr McInnerney said. “We particularly looked at what varieties were recommended and which ones had overcome dry years and overgrazing.” After doing research, Mr McInnerney settled on a Barenbrug pasture blend of 50 per cent Megamax 059, which is a new Gatton panic grass (Panicum maximum), 30pc Katambora Rhodes grass and 20pc Premier Digit grass, a highly productive, robust tufted perennial. “We’re treating it like a cropping situation where we clean the paddocks up by growing oats first, so we can control native grasses and broadleaf weeds,” Mr McInnerney said. “The oats also give us additional winter forage while creating that ground cover for when we plant the grass in spring.” A no-till approach has been used to seed the pasture mix at Bengalla Station, using a twin-disc planter to place the seed just underneath the surface of the soil. “When you plant grass seed in these lighter soils, they can dry out too quickly because you only need to chip it just under the soil,” Mr McInnerney said. “So, you need either three or four wet days or a bit of ground cover to germinate that seed. “You can’t be doing it in the middle of summer, so we’ve found that either spring or late summer into early autumn is the ideal time to plant, when the conditions are just a little bit softer. “Establishment has been absolutely tremendous, and once the pasture is a suitable stage, I graze at a higher stock density to get that grass knocked down.” Mr 50


McInnerney aims to knock around 30pct of the pasture down to create good ground cover and protect the light soils, before locking the paddock up and letting it go to seed. They run big mobs of cattle at Bengalla Station and rotate them quickly, however with a holistic approach to grazing, the actual rotation plan depends on paddock and mob size. The key challenge, Mr McInnerney said, was keeping stock on top of the high growth rate of the established pasture, particularly the Megamax. “It’s very rewarding when you get it right, and this blend has demonstrated quick growth, it wants to grow all year round,” Mr McInnerney said. “Frost does knock the pasture around, but even now in early winter with shorter days and cooler soil temperature, this blend is still green and wants to grow, so it’s allowing us to significantly increase our stocking capacity.” While the challenges of low soil fertility, weeds, and below-average rainfall are significant, the results on Bengalla Station have surprised Mr McInnerney. The key to success has been the strong establishment and productivity of the Megamax®059, Katambora Rhodes and Premier Digit blend. “It’s pretty incredible to see the transformation of this country where it’s just been bare dirt and blowing dust, and seeing it now where there’s full ground cover and feed up to your waist,” he said. “We’ve had, more or less, the same amount of rain this year as we’ve had for the previous two years combined, and we’ve still been able to establish about 350 hectares in belowaverage rain and in lighter soils. So, it’s far exceeded our expectations, it’s been phenomenal.” The team at Bengalla Station has now controlled the broadleaf weeds in established pastures, with another 500 hectares to be planted over the next two years. “Moving forward we’ll be working closely with Chris Collyer from Barenbrug to undersow some medics into the pastures for feed value and soil nutrition,” Mr McInnerney said. “It has been a success, Barenbrug has been terrific to deal with and we are seeing great results, it’s very rewarding.”

Providing more than just quality pasture seed

The tropical pasture experts. Our Territory Managers are ready to provide you with the right advice on maximising your home-grown feed base. With our experience, combined with extensive tropical solutions, backed by research and development programs and ongoing trials, we will help you make the right sowing decisions with your tropical pastures.





For the full range go to:


To learn more about our full range of tropical pasture varieties and custom mixes contact your local reseller, Barenbrug Territory Manager or visit the website.

Freecall 1800 007 333 #insistontheyellowbag

A commitment to innovation. Pacific Seeds is dedicated to innovation and seeing growers’ full farming potential realised. As part of our unwavering commitment to this, we have established an exciting farming hub on the Darling Downs in Southern Queensland. Foundation Farm provides an environment of innovative collaboration between like-minded organisations, researchers and growers to develop integrated systems that drive efficiency, sustainability and, ultimately, profit for Australia’s agricultural industry.

Talk to the Pacific Seeds team today about how you can get involved.



DID YOU KNOW ELDERS IS ONE OF THE LARGEST PROVIDERS OF POTATO VARIETIES TO THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET? Richard Haynes, Key Account Manager, Elders Varieties need to make growing easier and more cost effective for the grower, while delivering benefits to the processor, packing shed, supermarket and ultimately the consumer. Elders does not have any varieties that are genetically modified. All are conventionally bred and there‘s likely to have been 10 to 15 years’ worth of trialling before you get a chance to taste-test one through McDonalds or Woolworths. At any one time, Elders is trialling up to 10 varieties across Australia, aiming to unearth one or two varieties that create a real point of difference each year. Elders brought Nadine, the first PBR potato variety, to the Australian market over 20 years ago and , more recently, varieties such as Kestrel (the one with the purple eye) and Daisy (the home chipper). Allora, La Strada and Kingsman are among the new varieties undergoing Elders testing. With a bright skin finish and light creamy-coloured flesh, we consider Allora to be the new Nicola tasting potato. La Strada, which will be available next year, will be the fastest growing variety in Australia with the lowest number of carbohydrates per 100 grams available. This is a game changer uses less water and less fertiliser, bringing a new level of environmental and health benefits before it hits the supermarket shelf. Kingsman is a good-looking multi-purpose potato, suitable for making chips at home, while also great as a roast or hasselback potato. This also is proving to have over 5000 milligrams a kilogram of potassium, which is extremely high given that average daily requirements are 3500-4700mg/kg. For more information please contact Richard Haynes 0417849119 or Sharon Elphinstone 0439861181

“At any one time, Elders is trialling up to 10 varieties across Australia, aiming to unearth one or two varieties that create a real point of difference each year.” 53


WHY HAPPY STOCK ARE HEALTHIER STOCK In Australia, there is growing interest in maintaining the quality and availability of stock water. A simple, yet effective, idea is to fit shade over water troughs. It provides stock with some relief from the sun and should also lower the water temperature, which in turn may reduce the amount of algal growth and water loss due to evaporation. Ideally, float valves should be matched to meet the water demand of the stock. Rather than considering the maximum flow of the valve, selection should be based on the pressure the float valve operates at the trough. Quite often this may only be around 100 kPa (15 psi).

with debris. Once the valve is disassembled, it’s easy to check for wear in the seal, and that the valve is clean. Fitting a new seal to a Philmac 200 Series float valve is as easy. Simply prise it from the flapper. In most cases, you can turn the seal over and reuse it.

Dealing with a variety of water pressure on the one property is a common problem. Farmers are faced with having a range of different float valves on hand to enable them to deal with the high and low water pressures they encounter. The Philmac 200 Series High Flow Float Valve solves this problem as it comes with a high-pressure adaptor. This float valve delivers very high flow at both high and low pressure, meaning you only need to carry the on-float valve with you and, no matter what the pressure is at the trough, you’ll have it covered.

When replacing a Philmac 120 Series float valve seal, it is recommended that the O-ring on the plunger be regreased with rubber grease. More detailed information on installing Philmac float valves and their maintenance is available in the installation section on the Philmac website. At Philmac, we recommend regular maintenance of float valves and provide a full range of spares to ensure years of trouble-free operation.

Many farmers are now installing additional troughs to ensure stock do not have to walk as far for water, but also to optimise feed utilisation within a paddock. More troughs means more float valves. But as long as a regular maintenance program is followed, most valves will provide years of trouble-free service. A properly operating valve means no loss of precious water. “In dry seasons, you don’t want things going wrong with fittings and valves, so we use Philmac products because they’re reliable, cost-effective and easy to use,” said Brendon Finger, “Telarah”, Clermont, Queensland. Your trough valve maintenance program should start with checking that the lever arm moves freely up and down. If there’s any “stickiness” it could be due to debris, a bent pivot pin or, in the case of a sleeve valve, a dry O-ring.If the valve weeps, it is likely the seal is worn or clogged 54



For more information and advice on the right Philmac float valve for your application contact your local AIRR branch PHI0836-10/20

Reduce the energy waste with


A consistent supply of non-protein nitrogen that effectively meets the needs of rumen microbes, leading to an increase in microbial protein and reduced nitrogen excretion. With Optisync, you can increase the liveweight gain and enhance the feed efficiency of beef cattle.

What could your stock do with some extra energy? Learn more today, call 1800 649 231 to be put through to your local Alltech Lienert production expert. alltechlienert.com.au | AlltechLienert

Animal Health

MAXIMISING DRY FEED AND STUBBLE USING OPTISYNC ™; A NEW PLAYER IN RUMEN EFFICIENCY Unlike with previous years, the 2020/2021 summer season is looking to provide ample opportunities to graze a bulk of dry feed and pasture. As a plant matures, the crude protein, energy and digestibility levels of the plant decline and the fibre component increases (Figure 1). With this in mind, a ruminant animal is dependent on the microbial population of its rumen to unlock the energy potential of dry feed. Simply put, Optisync gives you more for less. Optisync can provide space in the ration, enabling producers to increase energy sources without having to compete with the protein inclusion. Figure 2 below shows the Ammonia (NH3) deficit created when using Urea as an NPN source. By feeding Optisync, NH3 is kept at more stable and safe levels within the rumen, which keep the microbial population growing and therefore digesting fibre.

Figure 1: Crude protein, energy and digestibility levels of the plant decline as it matures.

When rumen degradable protein levels are low in the rumen, the microbes are less efficient at digesting fibre. This leads to lower feed intake and lower growth and production. Trials have shown that by providing a rumen degradable protein source, dry matter intakes are increased and production results are improved (Salami et al. Animals 2020, 10, 657). An effective method of aiding rumen digestibility of dry paddock feed and stubble is supplementation with a palatable source of both rumen degradable protein and some bypass protein, such as cottonseed meal. To complement the protein in cottonseed or as a protein source on its own, Optisync™ can be used. Optisync™ is Alltech’s safe and traceable nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) source with controlled release technology. Optisync provides a safe and constant level of ammonia to the rumen environment, which means rumen bacteria have continued access to this excellent rumen degradable protein source. As a result, studies show that diets containing Optisync have improved microbial protein production as well as increasing Organic Dry Matter digestibility (Harrison et al, 2006).

Figure 2: Rumen ammonia release from urea after feeding

Recent published research (Salami et al. Animals 2020, 10, 657) summarising all the trials conducted with Optisync in beef cattle, indicate that: > Dietary inclusion of Optisync increased the overall liveweight gain (LWG, +92g/day/head) of growing and finishing cattle. > Diets supplemented with Optisync enhanced the overall feed efficiency (FE, +12 gLWG/kg DMI/head) of growing and finishing cattle. > Inclusion of corn silage as a forage source in diets enhanced the positive effects of Optisync on LWG and FE.


Figure 3: Improvements in daily weight gain can be seen when including Optisync in the diet.

A Carbon Trust validated solution: The Carbon Trust has validated that the replacement of high-carbon ingredients (such as soya) with Optisync significantly reduces the risk of a high carbon footprint. HOW SHOULD I USE OPTISYNC™? Optisync can be mixed with forages, like good quality silages and/or dry feeds (cereals, hays) in a mixer wagon or on a feed pad. It can also be added to concentrated meals and can be pelleted. ON-TOP: Optisync can be used over the top, of existing diets if the rumen degradable protein levels are low, to increase overall protein levels. Which is particularly relevant if there is a shortage of protein due to poor pasture quality or high NDF (fibre) levels. REFORMULATED: Optisync can be used to reformulate balanced diets where there is a need to create space for the inclusion of more energy (for production) or roughage (to prevent acidosis). It is also reformulated in diets where a lot of expensive vegetable protein is being used.



FINISHED PRODUCT: Optisync is also included in some of our salt-based licks such as Blueprint Utilize which are fed ad-lib in the paddock. The addition of vitamins and minerals can help with the utilisation of dry feed, by minimising the risk of deficiencies and should be considered with any supplementation program. BLUEPRINT® UTILIZE CATTLE & SHEEP (27.5% CP) – WEATHER PROOF Blueprint Utilize is a granulated weatherproof loose mineral lick for cattle and sheep containing elevated levels of protein and a balance of essential vitamins and minerals. The advanced blend of essential organic minerals, trace elements, vitamins and protein provide animals with the daily levels they require for optimal growth, performance, reproduction and maintenance when consumed at the recommended rate. Antibiotic free. For more information visit www.alltechlienert.com.au/protein-management/optisync/ or contact your local Alltech Lienert sales representative or call 1800 649 231.



While most growers are currently focused on harvesting the results of their efforts in the 2020 season, it’s safe to say that their agronomists will already be working on the 2021 season. Being able to start the next season knowing exactly what must be done where and when is a major advantage in transparency for everyone and, to avoid costly delays and other mistakes, it’s critical that your agronomist, merchandise manager and other stakeholders in your supply chain are on the same page as you. Your Elders agronomist is among the 85 per cent of Australian agronomists who use Agworld to create their growers’ plans for 2021, which creates significant advantages for you. Agworld is built on the foundational principle that agriculture service delivery should be collaborative, and that the capacity to share data and work together is key for growers and agronomists to succeed. What this means is that your agronomist doesn’t only create the plan for themself, but that it is designed to be shared with you in a number of different forms - printed and preferably digital. Did you know that you can log into Agworld for free to view your approved plan in detail on an interactive ‘maps page’ and that you’re also able to run planning reports and see the costs associated with the plans for the coming season? The Agworld service desk can help to activate your account, so you can retrospectively view all the data your agronomist has entered into Agworld in the past or view the plans for 2021. While it is good for your agronomist to always have your plan available so they can answer your questions and ensure the local Elders branch has all your product needs taken care of, there are significant advantages



for growers who have the same access. At Agworld, it is our philosophy that 1+1=3 when it comes to digital agriculture; when partners collaborate on a platform like Agworld, their combined results are better than if they all were to do the same thing separately and individually. If you decide to become an Agworld ‘basic’ user for example, which only costs $1495 per year, you can view data and add to it yourself as well, among many other features. Being able to view and interact with your field data helps to become more accurate; those of us that have ever made a mistake with managing a crop will know that these tend to cost a lot more than $1495! With Agworld ‘basic’, you are also able to view your agronomist’s plans and recommendations in-app and convert the recommendations to ‘actuals’ with a tap of a button, creating instant, compliant spray records and field data. This creates the necessary farm records and allows your agronomist to see what has happened in each field, and when. So, a goal without a plan is just a wish, and it is important for everyone to know the plan at all times to ensure that your goal doesn’t turn into a wish at some point during the season. If you haven’t used Agworld yet, you’ll find that having your Elders agronomist by your side when you start your Agworld journey will make everything a lot easier, and you’ll see immediate value through the data they are already entering for you. If you want to know more about getting started and accessing your plans in Agworld, and how this helps you achieve your goals, give us a call on 08 6230 2290.

A Goal without a Plan is just a Wish “Some of my grower clients use Agworld

themselves and others don’t, but I create plans for all of them in Agworld.”

Darren Pech Agronomist, Elders Jamestown, SA.




Bruce Creek, Agriculture Business Management Thomas Elder Consulting Agriculture is in a positive cycle, a big part of Australia has had good winter rains and the season in the north is looking promising. Commodity prices are either at a good sustainable level or there’s reason to expect production levels will abate the lower prices. Now is the time to understand where we are positioned in the supply chain and where we are striving to be. I believe we need to have a goal! Although sometimes it is unachievable, we must strive to reach our potential. KEEP AN EYE ON THE HORIZON Environmental factors have a large impact and each person has their own view on where we are heading. But there are many other factors that affect the outcome, such as knowledge or skill level, business scale, labour availability, financial standing, enterprise balance, and so on. The drivers are different on every property. While profit drivers always seem to be brought back to the dollar sign by people outside agriculture, this is not the thinking of people in the industry (although monetary profit is very nice and necessary)! Environmental sustainability goes hand in hand with agriculture, as we depend on it to keep our business models in good shape for the future. MEASURE EVERYTHING BUT THE BIG PICTURE MATTERS As the majority of businesses have multiple enterprises, we need to evaluate our enterprises as individual pieces, whether that’s a cow and calf operation, selfreplacing merino flock, prime lamb production or beef backgrounding. Even though we asses them separately, they should then be overlayed with each other. Do they have common timelines, inputs, cashflow and so on? Is that good or bad? The questions that we need to ask are: Why do we do this? Is this the most efficient use of labour/skill resources? 62


Does this have the cashflow we require? Does it suit our environmental and climate conditions? Within our enterprises, it is good to have flexibility! If you are breeding crossbred lambs and finishing them as prime lamb, for example, have you done the maths to see how the bottom line would change if you ran extra ewes and marketed more lambs earlier? Don’t forget the earlier sale of the lambs as store lambs would leave higher levels of dry matter in the paddock for the breeding ewe. The flow-on positives could be a higher quantity sold that could equate to higher total dollar values, less supplementary feed, higher body condition scores and better ground cover. Don’t underestimate the positive and negative effects on your mind of relying on the rain, too. Most enterprises have flexibility but sometimes we do not see it from our side of the fence. Steer or heifer backgrounding gives great flexibility. This offers flexibility with most relevant inputs, labour, seasonal conditions, market requirements and cashflow. The level of intensity can be varied into all the above inputs, which invariably affect the bottom line. It is important to realise we each have an individual view on what we are aiming for and there are many ways to achieve our goals. There are ways we can minimise risk and improve our bottom line. We should never stop asking questions! For more information contact Bruce Creek 0409 424088 Bruce.Creek@thomaselderconsulting.com.au

AGRICON produces a range of molasses based blocks and loose mix with phosphorus & trace minerals distributed nationally through the Elders network. In order to decide which Elders licks are best suited to the area you need to know what the cows require and then determine what they are getting from the pasture or browse. The shortfall in nutrients can be delivered in a lick or block which may also improve fibre digestion and feed conversion efficiency. WHAT DO BREEDERS REQUIRE ? A beef breeder must be able to consume sufficient grass to meet its protein & energy requirements for maintenance, pregnancy, growth if young & lactation in order to rear a calf. Table 1. Protein & Energy & mineral requirements for a 500 kg Breeder. Stage of Growth

Dry mid Pregnancy Late Pregnancy Lactating (Not Preg) Lactating Early

Energy Total MJ ME/day

65 75 110.00 112.00

Crude Protein % required

7.0% 7.9% 11.9% 12.4%

Protein (Gm/day)

Calcium (Ca) gm

Phosphorus (P) gm

580 650 1214 1290

17 gm 25 gm 28 gm 29 gm

13 gm 15 gm 22 gm 24 gm

Zinc (Zn) mg

360 380 408 416

Copper (Cu) mg

90 95 102 104

Manganese (Mn) mg

360 380 408 416

Cobalt (Co) mg

5.0 5.2 5.6 6.0

The energy requirements for a lactating breeder assume 5 litres of milk per day rearing a 4-month-old calf.

HOW MUCH PASTURE CAN BREEDERS CONSUME? Pasture quality varies throughout the year & this quality determines the intake of digestible nutrients from pasture. The amount of grass or forage that can be consumed is determined by the Neutral Detergent Fibre % (NDF%) of the forage or grass. A ruminant can consume 1.1 % of its body weight in NDF per day so a 500 kg breeder can eat 5.5 kg NDF per day which is 8kg DM of 68% NDF pasture or 11kg DM of 50% NDF pasture. Pasture intake determines protein, energy & mineral intake.

As the pasture matures in the dry season in all regions, protein and energy in the pasture drops off dramatically once it goes reproductive. In the late stages of growth, the pasture fibre level and digestibility, limits the intake of all nutrients and may not meet the requirements of a beef breeder in late pregnancy or lactation. Calving during a wet period or when pasture is growing will help meet the protein and energy requirements but minerals such as phosphorus will still be required. If a 500kg cow calves late in the dry season on dry tropical pasture with protein of 4% and an energy of 7 Mj/kg and an NDF% of 68% and digestibility of only 50% , Then the cow is likely to eat 8kg DM per day and get 320 gm of total protein and 56Mj of energy. The protein shortfall is 260 gm for a dry pregnant cow can be met by a loose lick with urea & protein meal, but it is not possible to meet the 590gm rumen degradable protein deficit of a lactating cow with a loose lick. What minerals are commonly deficient and need to be supplemented? Phosphorus. The majority of northern Australia is phosphorus deficient and this where many beef breeder enterprises are located. The cattle that need phosphorus supplementation are: Breeders in deficient country; • Symptoms seen include bone chewing, low calving rates, peg legs. • Phosphorus levels in pasture are often seen as low 0.1% P which would deliver 8gm of P in dry pasture or 11 – 12 gm of P in early vegetative pasture and not all of the P in the pasture is available. Lactating cows require 1gm P for each litre of milk they produce above their maintenance requirements. Young growing cattle require an extra 1.2gm P for each 1 kg of live weight gain above maintenance.


Financial Services

CAPTURE MARKET OPPORTUNITIES AND MANAGE SEASONAL VOLATILIT Y WITH THE RIGHT FINANCIAL SOLUTIONS Elders offers quick and easy access to invoice funding and cash advances to free up existing working capital bank reserves. With no establishment costs, growers can set up facilities ahead of time at no cost and be prepared to take advantage of livestock trading opportunities. Facilities can be repaid at any time at no penalty, offering flexible top-up funding.

LIVESTOCK PURCHASE TRADE CREDIT FACILITY Elders customers can fund commercial livestock purchases of up to $100,000, with 12-month terms, perfect for graziers trade livestock or feedlotting, without tying up your primary source of working capital. The grower receives a trading margin when stock are sold or repay early, with no penalty. STOCKCO* For livestock lending of $100,000 or more, StockCo funds livestock invoices for sheep and cattle in full. StockCo owns the livestock and the grower has control. Repayment is made through sale proceeds when the stock is sold and the grower receives the trading margin. StockCo also offers customers the flexibility to access a cash advance on stock already purchased. WOOLPLUS Whilst fluctuations in the wool market have impacted many growers’ selling schedules, Elders enable customers to unlock the equity in their wool today. Growers can access up to 50 per cent of the expected proceeds of their wool clip in cash, six months prior to sale. The advanced amount plus charges is automatically deducted from future wool sale proceeds.

All facility types are subject to assessment criteria and credit approval. For full terms and conditions please contact your local Elders branch. *Subject to approval in accordance with StockCo’s eligibility criteria. Finance charges are capitalised monthly. Terms, conditions, fees, charges and credit assessment criteria apply. You should seek advice on the appropriateness of products in relation to your particular circumstances. Products are distributed by Elders Rural Services Australia Limited ACN 004 045 121 and issued by StockCo AgriCapital Pty Limited ACN 604 825 747.

STUDPLUS Elders offers funding of up to $100,000 to purchase stud stock. This includes stud and commercial sires, genetics and stud dams. Repay through future commercial livestock proceeds, with up to nine-month terms.



CYCLONE N SURE GATES – AN IMPRESSIVE LIST OF FEATURES! The N-Sure gate range is no newcomer to the Cyclone range and its popularity as an all-round gate for most farm applications continues to rise. The 25NB hot-dipped galvanised pipe, inside and outs, delivers class-leading gate-frame corrosion protection. The graduated mesh spacing is close from the ground up and increases to a maximum of 100 millimetres at the top of the gate, delivering security where it’s needed and material cost savings with fewer vertical pickets. Because gate sag can be a problem for other gate suppliers, Cyclone has added steel gussets to the top and bottom which adds greater vertical load carrying capacity at the free-swinging end of the gate.



The N-Sure also has the widest range of widths & heights to suit almost any application – from 8 foot (2.37m) to 20’ (6.07m) wide & 1.17m, 1.5m or 1.8m heights. “From large-scale properties to lifestyle blocks, the N-Sure gate is designed for the needs of all farmers.”, Andrew Thoms, Cyclone national sales manager. For more information on Cyclone N-sure gates, gate fittings or any other gate products in the range, visit www.cycloneproducts.com.au or call Cyclone customer service 1800 199 450.



www.cycloneproducts.com.au Cyclone Customer Service 1800 199 450

Choice chicory, the perfect Choice Demonstrating 3-4 year persistence, perennial Choice chicory provides high forage quality and warm-season pasture growth, with a deep taproot resulting in a consistent growth rate, even during dry spells. For market leading feed and persistent growth, plant Choice chicory today.

• Excellent animal performance • Increased water use efficiency • Persistent perennial growth

Take your livestock to new heights with Ecotain® Mineral rich perennial grazing herb, Ecotain® environmental plantain is fast establishing and can respond quickly after summer dry conditions. Ecotain® offers great animal performance potential for sheep, beef and dairy farmers. Plant Ecotain® today to achieve year round animal liveweight gains and increased milk production.

• Fast autumn recovery • Highly digestible forage • Reduces nitrogen leaching

Available at your local Elders store today or contact AusWest Seeds / Stephen Pasture Seeds



LIFT PRODUCTIVIT Y BY DIVERSIF YING PASTURES WITH HIGH-PERFORMING HERBS Achieve better results from your next new pasture investment by including Choice chicory and Ecotain® environmental plantain in your seed mix. There are three key benefits to growing Choice chicory and Ecotain environmental plantain, according to Hamish Best, national product development manager for AusWest Seeds, Stephen Pasture Seeds and Agricom. “First, these high-performing perennial herbs allow farmers to extend their growing season, because they kick off earlier in autumn and continue to produce feed through late spring and early summer,” he said. “Secondly, they produce a high quality, highly digestible forage, which gives improved livestock health, faster liveweight gains and more milk in the vat.

several years. “In my area, many dairy farmers and beef producers are looking for alternatives to annual pastures that are more sustainable and regenerative,” he said. “Although the establishment costs are higher than for annual ryegrass, the difference is they stay in the ground for four to five years and that’s better for soil health.” Mr Magee said growing Choice and Ecotain in the pasture mix improved the quality of feed on offer. “Chicory and plantain give a high protein, better quality feed – much higher than grasses,” he said.

“They are also strong perennial varieties which persist well in the paddock to give farmers a longer lasting pasture.” He described Choice chicory as a benchmark feed for summer weight gains. Choice was developed to persist in perennial pastures and has also been proven to increase milk production when offered as part of a summer diet. It has a deep tap root and wide leaves. “Both Choice and Ecotain encourage higher animal performance because they are digested twice as quickly as ryegrass,” Mr Best said. “This means animals can spend more time eating and will gain energy and protein more easily from the pasture, delivering more milk in the vat and faster weight gains.” Ecotain environmental plantain has broad leaves for maximum intake per bite, improved palatability, high digestibility and elevated levels of minerals compared with grasses. As a winter-active herb, Mr Best said Ecotain could be particularly valuable for providing a high-quality forage for lambing ewes and increasing lamb weaning weights. Ecotain is best grown where the annual rainfall is at least 600 millimetres and is bred to persist well through hot summers and wet winters. Elders Beaudesert agronomist Brendan Magee regularly recommends Choice and Ecotain in pasture mixes with Atom prairie grass and has seen good results over

“They can be ugly paddocks to look at, but the cattle are fat and the milk numbers are great and that’s what matters!” He said the deep tap root of Choice chicory helped bring up moisture from lower in the profile, which was particularly important through the hot, dry conditions last year. One other advantage Mr Magee noted was their ‘sensational’ post-grazing regrowth. He noted that while weed control options were limited, some new chemical registrations were emerging. Mr Magee is supported by local AusWest Seeds business manager, Peter Tame and orders his blends from the company’s Brisbane facility. “AusWest Seeds is a trusted supplier and easy to work with when you’re looking for a pasture mix with a lot of diversity and excellent performance,” he said. Choice chicory and Ecotain environmental plantain are available from your nearest Elders store. Contact your local representative for detailed information on pasture mixes and seeding recommendations.

IMAGE — (Top) Brendan Magee from Elders Beaudesert with Peter Tame from AusWest Seeds in a two-year-old pasture, loaded with Choice chicory, Ecotain environmental plantain, Titan 5 lucerne and Atom prairie grass. (Bottom) Choice chicory works well with Atom prairie grass and Titan 5 lucerne to provide a sustainable perennial pasture. 69

Crop Nutrition

MANAGING PLANT STRESS FOR IMPROVED PRODUCTION. Australia can be a tough place to grow crops. The environment can be volatile and often hostile, which can impact horticultural production. Providing crops with water and fertilizer only goes someway in preparing plants for environmental stress. Australian growers fight a constant battle against extremes of temperatures, excessive solar radiation, waterlogging and moisture stress. Most plants encounter some form of stress several times every day. This means they need to divert energy to respond to these stresses or repair damage to cells rather than directing that energy to production. A deep passion for soil and plant health drove Omnia to develop a product specifically aimed at boosting a plant’s resilience to environmental stress, improving nutrient uptake and maximising yield potential. “MegaKel-P is widely recognised as the foliar product to use in horticulture prior to high carbohydrate demand periods like flowering,” Omnia sales and marketing manager Darren Thomas said.

“During summer, heat and irrigation deficits can trigger stress which can severely reduce fruit set or development, Mega-Kel-P may reduce the impact of this stress.”

Chart 1. Average head size increase in broccoli with 1 application of Mega-Kel-P compared to commercial fertiliser program. East Gippsland 2020.

“It features phosphorus, trace elements, fulvic acid and kelp. It stimulates the plant to produce root growth and certain amino acids which aid in energy production and stress resilience. Growers report healthier plants, more vigorous and finer white root growth, better yields and improved tolerance to stresses caused by disease or the environment.” But Mr Thomas said the product was not a silver bullet. “We see improvements because of increased root development and an improvement of the biological activity in the soil leveraging the uptake of water and nutrients,” he said. “You still need to supply your crop with the required NPK and trace elements, either through soil application or fertigation and balance the pH of your soil.” Mr Thomas said that, in untreated crops, calcium uptake at critical times did not keep up with the crop’s requirements and that Mega-Kel-P could help because calcium in the soil could only be taken up through a growing root tip. “The greater concentration of growing root tips, the greater the potential for calcium uptake,” Mr Thomas said.



Chart 2. Average kernel yield increase in almond with 3 application of Mega-Kel-P compared to commercial fertiliser program. Robinvale 2018/19.

Trial results on commercial farms show the net result of using Mega-Kel-P as part of the grower’s normal nutrition program. In the almond trial (Chart 2) the improvement in net return to the grower after deducting product cost was an extra $784 /ha. For more information go to www.omnia.com.au or contact your nearest Elders Agronomist.

The Ultimate in Enhanced Kelps ®





TREE CROP STRESS MANAGEMENT DURING SUMMER Roop Sandhu, Business Management - Horticulture Thomas Elder Consulting

Every 1 per cent reduction in plant stress can significantly improve farm profitability. Most of a horticulture consultant’s time is spent trying to minimize these plant stresses so we can help plants achieve as much of their genetic potential as possible. HEALTHY SOIL AND ACTIVE BIOLOGY Soil nutrient analysis is always a good start, along with visual observations of soil structure, while microbial analyses can assist in fingerprinting the population and diversity of microbes. The role of soil microbiology in alleviating plant stress has been well researched but there are still significant knowledge gaps among growers about best practice implementation. Diverse and active soil microbes can provide an improved nitrogen use efficiency, increased phosphorus availability and uptake by plants due to solubilization of tied up P, decomposition of organic matter to humus, and significant other benefits resulting in improved root growth and systemic stress resistance. The Trichoderma spp. produce auxins, which can enhance plant growth and reduce plant stress. Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) also reduce plant stress by mobilizing soil nutrients and secretion of signal molecules. The biological dimension of soil ecosystem needs to be better understood, promoted and implemented as part of best practices to achieve a more resilient and productive farming system. TARGETED NUTRITION PROGRAM A common expression of stress in plants is the excessive production of Reactive Oxidative Species (ROS), which can lead to oxidative damage. It can be caused by stresses such as heatwaves, which can also affect the plant’s uptake of mineral nutrients. A year-round balanced soil nutrition (not just crop nutrition!) program is required. Several nutrients can positively impact stressed plants and reduce the resulting damage. We are not suggesting a more generous application of these nutrients to ameliorate the stress, however, A balanced nutrition program is necessary to ensure all nutrients are well supplied to make plant more resilient. Potassium has an essential role in stomatal regulation, water balance and source-sink transport of sugars. Potassiumsufficient plants are more able to reduce their stress, particularly water stress.



Macronutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus also play an essential role but it’s important to consider micronutrients, too. Zinc plays a role in tissue formation and reduces the water loss, particularly under stress conditions by improving the membrane stability. It improves antioxidant enzyme activity, which can counter ROS. Chlorine is found in the soil as chloride (Cl-) and there is generally a concern about salt injury to roots from chloridebased fertilizers such as muriate of potash in horticultural crops. These concerns are valid to some extent, but some are misplaced. Our growers have achieved great success in terms of improved yields and fruit quality with controlled use of this vital nutrient. It’s needed to split water molecules during the photosynthesis and control stomata in leaves. Another nutrient well known for its role in flowering and fruit set, Boron, plays an essential role in carbohydrate metabolism and improvement of photosynthesis rate, which in turn reduces the ROS damage. Similarly, magnesium helps to improve the photosynthetic rate as it’s a part of the chlorophyll molecule. Magnesium enhances the production of sugars and their translocation through plants, reducing ROS production and lowering stress. Other nutrients such as silicon, manganese and iron, also play a critical part. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGY Agtech can help us detect stress before it causes a significant loss of productivity. A change in leaf colour is an early sign of plant stress but, by the time it can be detected visually, plants have already been under stress for an extended period. Satellite technologies such as Elders’ AgIntel platform can pick up subtle changes in plant health and allow us to address the issues quickly. The cost of these technologies is negligible when it comes to the benefits it can deliver in terms of preventing a loss of yield or quality. The key stress mitigation strategy is to take an all-encompassing approach to plant management. The approach of optimisation of photosynthesis is critical to achieving a consistently high yield and crop quality. For more information contact Roop Sandhu, 0439 952 945 Roop.Sandhu@thomaselderconsulting.com.au


UV stabilised polyethylene silo | Gal steel frame Cooler Storage Temperatures | No rust | Gal steel frame Stainless steel outlet | Remote opening lid Fully weather sealed 45 & 60 degree high flow cone 1.75m³ - 60m³ capacity available | Polycarbonate sight glasses Suitable for feed, liquid or fertiliser storage Suitable for water clarification operations Australian made from Australian products AGRI PRODUCTS | LAWN PRODUCTS | AQUA PRODUCTS CONTACT US P 1800 502 267 E sales@enmach.com.au



POLY SILOS, CLEARLY A BETTER SOLUTION Australian manufacturer Enmach offers silos with extraordinary durability and a 20-year-plus lifespan. Because the harsh Australian climate can have a devastating impact on equipment, the Bundaberg-based company reinvented and redesigned traditional products, manufacturing them from materials such as polyethylene and stainless-steel to extend lifespan and durability. Enmach clays claim to the largest range of poly silos in the world and being the only roto-moulder in Australia dedicated to manufacturing and installation of independently F.E.A. engineered poly silos that are cyclonic wind-rated and load tested. Enmach poly products are lighter than the steel products they replace, have one of the world’s best ultra-violet protection ratings, resist rust and have compounded colour that will not fade or scratch off. The 30-year-old company offers a range of silos in capacities from 1-50 tonnes or 1.75 cubic metres to 60m3. The silos are suitable for bulk storage of a variety of products and can be used in any industry, from mining to farming, water clarification to breweries, fertiliser to coffee bean storage. The range starts with the Stakka Bins, the biggest in their class at 1.75m3, which will store around 1.3 tonnes of wheat and fertiliser. They have a fully-galvanised steel frame with extendable legs, an integrated ladder as standard and a stainless-steel knife gate that will not buckle when the bin is full. There are two heavy duty forklift pockets at the base of the unit complete with a safety chain and a fully removable lid. The largest silo in the range is the massive 60m3 silo that will contain 46 tonnes of wheat or fertiliser. Some of Enmach’s poly silo range are unique in the fact that they can be added to at a later date simply by adding further rings to the silo thus increasing the capacity. Another great feature of the Poly Silos is the ability to configure the silos to store liquid. The flagship of the liquid storage range is the 35000 litre Liquid Storage silo. This silo will hold up to 50 ton of liquid, great for storing molasses or liquid supplement for feeding cattle in the dry times. The liquid silos can also be configured for service in water clarification and separation. The range of Patented 60-degree cone silos which encompasses storage sizes

from 27m3 to 57m3 are ideally suited to the storage of feed pellets and slow flowing products. This design has a unique reverse angle top section for increased flow. Polyethylene has proved to be a winner in the manufacture of silos. Sweating is greatly reduced or removed as the insulation properties of polyethylene keeps your feed cooler resulting in reduced incidence of sweating. All silos heat up during the day and then on nightfall the outer steel skin of a steel silo cools rapidly. Poly silos are thicker than steel, 10 to 30 millimetres thick to be exact, and this thickness helps to keep your feed cooler during the day and then on nightfall, the temperature change is more gradual resulting in a slower dissipation of stored heat and less or no incidence of sweating. Having a silo made with polyethylene also gives you peace of mind by removing the threat of degeneration through rusting. The poly silo bin is encapsulated in a galvanized steel frame with a stainless-steel knife gate at the base of the silo and the silo is delivered fully assembled. Any bolts through the silo wall are all stainless steel to further enhance our no corrosion claim. To stand behind this, Enmach offers a 10-year warranty on their Poly Silos, “Where else do you get a warranty like that on a silo?” Enmach will deliver and install its range of poly silos Australia wide with crane-equipped trucks and trained drivers who can erect and bolt down a silo within hours. They also offer a full custom manufacturing service for polyethylene molded and steel fabricated products. Enmach combines innovation and durability with a highly equipped, in-house research and development department and a focus on service. Call the team at Enmach today on 1800502267 or explore further at www.enmach.com.au



Browse our range of Complete Stockyard Packages

GET YOUR COPY TODAY: visit: arrowquip.com.au/syb or call: 1800 814 107

Livestock Handling


For the past three decades, Arrowquip’s primary goal has been to make livestock handling easier. Its continuously-improved wide product range includes everything from cattle crushes to loading ramps and single panels to permanent yard systems. Arrowquip’s mission is one of improving the business of livestock management and protecting people and animals from harm. For the past two years, Arrowquip says, the sum of its experience has been showcased in the Stockyard Package range. This range was a curated collection of proven stockyard designs built to cater to a variety of needs and embodies its goal to make easy livestock handling the norm, and not the exception.

livestock handling as easy and as efficient as possible. This design mindset applies to the overall design of the yard, making sure the yard flows well as a whole, and it also applies to the individual components of the yard. These components include innovative crowding yards designed to work with animal behaviour principles, and cattle crushes focused on ease-of-use and safety for the animal and the operator.

Arrowquip’s goal of easier livestock handling begins with making it simpler to choose a system that will suit your situation. The Stockyard Package range was our solution to making this process as easy as possible. The Arrowquip team has years of experience designing custom stockyards, and has dedicated abundant resources towards understanding and applying the science of livestock handling. With that knowledge and expertise, Arrowquip could readily identify and create a set of proven yard designs that work in any given situation.

Going further than just design, Arrowquip’s research and development department continually strives to improve current products and develop new products that are easy to use and increase safety and efficiency. Top-quality manufacturing starts with top-quality materials, which is why Arrowquip begins with hightensile strength Australian steel that has 200 grams of galvanised content per square metre. Higher-strength steel means more durable equipment with less weight. And high gal content extends the life of equipment by preventing rust.

The range of designs catered to a range of sizes for the cattle operation and the sheep operation, and the designs were built to be complete solutions. Each one included every piece of equipment needed to get started, from the crush to the crowding tub. With a range of tried and tested designs, Arrowquip made it easier to identify and choose a system that was right for you. In the years since, it has updated and expanded that range, including next generation crushes, specialised crowding tubs, and loading ramps that meet the new safety guidelines for loading livestock.

These quality materials are used to manufacture strong, efficient, and durable livestock handling equipment in Arrowquip’s NSW factory. With a large team of trained workers, procedures and processes, it can manufacture products that measure up against the highest standards of quality. Every stockyard package is stamped with a 10-year manufacturer’s guarantee against defects, and has been designed to work well, right from the start.

The team behind Arrowquip’s stockyard designs has had many years of experience in the animal industry, and team members have participated in many hours of practical training in animal science and behavioural psychology. This combination of real-life experience and expert training gives designs a performance edge. Every single Arrowquip yard has been designed to make

Arrowquip’s complete range of stockyard packages is outlined in its stockyard package booklet. The booklet is available from arrowquip.com.au/SYB. It presents its most popular and proven designs and provides more information about the layout and individual yard components. Each yard is offered in multiple grades of quality and strength so that you can not only find a yard design that meets your needs, but find an option that’s also within your means.



PEELING BACK THE LAYERS ON HERD PERFORMANCE Michael Wilkes, Head of Thomas Elder Institute

Picture a crossbred heifer at weaning, tag #1839. She weighs 310 kilograms, 20kg above the average weight of her peers. She is as long as the Orient Express, with a coat as sleek as a greyhound, wide hips, and a perfect foot on each corner. She tracks fluidly and is whisper quiet to move through the yards. She conceives early, calves and rebreeds easily, and her progeny have explosive growth and prime carcass quality. If only we could have pens full of #1839. What we are seeing in the flesh is the result of 22,000 different genes interacting with the environment they have been exposed to during #1839’s life. The forms of each of her genes (called alleles) come from both her parents in equal share. However, the exact form of the gene she received from each parent and, thus how it is expressed, is random. This is why not every animal from the same mating is identical, and the same principle by which we differ from our siblings.

Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC), an independent consulting group has partnered with genetics testing provider Neogen to offer genomic testing services for commercial cattle. The test kits will be available to purchase through your local Elders branch. A TEC consultant will work with clients and the Elders branch contact to develop plans to test and select commercial replacement females for genetic prowess across 16 production traits.

Imagine we could take these commercial crossbred heifers, peel back the layers and see which alleles are being expressed in a given animal, compare them to their siblings, and determine genetic potential for a range of important production traits. Well, with the advent of genomics, this is now possible.

You can then use the results alongside physical appearance to pick superior individuals for replacement. Identifying the elite individuals within a group will highlight traits requiring improvement, and inform bull buying decisions. This technology will assist you to select the highest-performing individuals at a younger age, increasing the rate of genetic improvement within your herd.

Genomics refers to the study and measurement of an animal’s genetic code, in other words, the 22,000 genes that make up #1839. Considerable research has been undertaken over the years to identify genes controlling important production traits for cattle, such that we are now able to “map” a given individual and identify their potential to express superiority. Up until recently, this technology has been limited to the seedstock industry, with many leading bull buyers using the technology alongside pedigree and phenotypic (physical) measures to measure genetic prowess more accurately. As such, genomic testing has only been able to be conducted in pure bred animals in highly performance recorded herds.



The number of animals to be tested should be discussed with your TEC consultant prior to sampling. Testing is conducted by taking a small ear punch of tissue into an Allflex Tissue Sampling Unit (TSU). You will receive a report outlining the relative ranking of animals for the traits of interest, custom selection indexes and, over time, where they sit relative to your herd’s historic performance. Testing can also be paired with parentage verification for multi-sire matings and/or BVDV/ Pestivirus testing. Let us help you build a herd full of #1839s. To find out more, talk to your local Elders branch, Thomas Elder Consultant, or email genomics@ thomaselderconsulting.com.au.




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Over the past five years, it has become extremely clear that human capital is the best vehicle to support producers adopting the latest research, innovation and technology. Some would say the trusted adviser is the key stakeholder in any decision making within a farming enterprise. We all agree the farmer’s needs must be well thought out. If the design thinking doesn’t start with solving a real problem, we are simply trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Any product or service that doesn’t save time, improve quality and/or increase yield will descend to disappointment and ultimate failure. We need to show financial and environmental sustainability in a way that supports farming lifestyles and best management practice, while showing the social good of the farmer and agricultural industry. When it comes to practice change and adoption, there has been significant consolidation across the agricultural value chain in the last 10 years. There are fewer producers, the average farm size is increasing, governments have significantly reduced the number of publicly-funded extension officers, multinational suppliers are amalgamating, distribution agribusinesses are vertically integrating, and everyone is trying to do more with less. Add to this the complexity of global financial crisis, drought, floods, fires, climate change and global pandemic, and you almost have the perfect storm. Given all those challenges, it’s critical that investment in research continues and the industry collaborates to bring a significant increase in the adoption of the latest research, which will drive a sustainable future for the whole supply chain. We must also consider the key stakeholder (trusted adviser) farmers turn to for advice.



THE TRUSTED ADVISER The farmer’s trusted adviser is rarely one individual, institution or business. There are several influences when seeking advice, but with various levels of trust within the decision-making process. Research suggests the most trusted advice comes from those closest to the business. This tends to be family and friends, consultant, adviser, agronomist, other farmers, neighbours and local trials. The level of trust decreases the further you move away from the farm. For example, overseas data is seen as less reliable and trustworthy than local trials, public sector advisers and RDCs are considered less dependable than the local farm adviser, neighbours and other family members. We must consider what will drive true practice change and adoption, the vehicle to help make this happen, and whether we have capability and ability to deliver. In conclusion, when it comes to driving adoption of the latest research, innovation and technology distribution, agribusiness plays a significant role. It delivers the scalability, capability and capacity to develop, extend innovation and technology to producers. It’s not a matter of just putting technology in the hands of producers, we must be there to support them in understanding how it works, the data it produces and what that means when helping deliver efficiency gains, improving quality, meeting the demands of buyers and consumers, and finally, increasing yield in a more financially and environmentally-sustainable manner. For more information please contact your local Elders branch or visit: http://www.eldersrural.com.au

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Insure with local people you can rely on Your local Elders Insurance agent can look after all your insurance needs and is totally worthy of your trust. Because unlike other insurance providers they actually live and work in your community and take the time to come to you and understand your situation. They can even approve some claims on the spot.

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The captive O-ring on a Plasson fitting is not susceptible to falling out, its makers say. A seal is created when the pipe or insert is pushed past the O-ring, eliminating the need for excessive tightening. On fittings up to 32 millimetres, simply hand-tighten the Plasson nut for a completely leak-free system. On fittings 40mm and above, hand tighten plus 1/2 half-turn with wrenches. Designed for tough conditions, Plasson saddles have robust polypropylene bodies and are available with zinc plated or stainlesssteel bolts for enhanced corrosion resistance. Suitable for rural (up to 2 inch) and metric pipes (up to 180mm), Plasson says its range of rural and metric tapping saddles is the largest in Australia.



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