Seasons Spring 2022

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Find Us Online Seasons is brought to you by Elders /EldersLimited @EldersLimited @Elders_Limited @EldersRuralServices /EldersLimited page 21 Downy mildew concern in grapevines shines light on unique new fungicide 4 Quality sweet potatoes with new nematicide product 7 Added pests making Trojan® insecticide even more versatile 8 Local chemistry delivers world-first for farmers 11 Seed applied fungicides a key part of best practice blackleg management 16 Disease focus produces clean fruits of labour for Riverland grape grower 21 Optimal time to bait - Snails 40 All Clear DS: save your grower unwanted damage 44 CROP PROTECTION Passion for horticulture sprouted from graduate program 18 Elders announces world-first wool handling business 32 Supporting Sustainable Farming in Australia 43 Elders renews platinum partnership for AgriFutures evokeAG 2023 event 50 Australian cotton shines at the 2022 Cotton Conference 62 NEWS Measuring canola pod strength and its impact on yield 22 Improve fruit quality & yield 39 Mega-Kel-P – A Proven Performer 55 Tackling environmental stress for your best pollination and yield 56 CROP HEALTH Farming in the Kimberley 61 GENERAL 2

Spring is a critical time of year especially for broadacre cropping, moisture levels are largely favourable across growing regions which bodes well for yield potential, however, vigilance is extremely important this time of year when it comes to pests and diseases. This edition of Seasons covers some of the newest products and findings from some of our top suppliers as we head into Spring. As always, for more information on any of the products listed in the magazine we recommend you visit your local Elders branch.

one! 59

FENCING Unlock all the potential growth of your cattle this

spring 26

decisions 48

cattle 35

Regards,MarkAllison SPRING 2022 ForewordCEO page 56

A Waratah Fencing System Cyclone® N-Sure® – turning a good gate into a great

The annual Cotton Conference took place on the Gold Coast in August, celebrating Cotton Australia’s 50th anniversary, the event was well attended with over 2,200 delegates and 100 exhibitors. Elders and B&W Rural are committed to the cotton industry, investing in specialist agronomists and partnering with suppliers of new technology.


safe 52 ANIMAL HEALTH Pallaton first rate for performance and persistence in Elong Elong NSW 15 S&W Seed Company Chomper Forage Sorghum 36 SEED Set the price for your grain with CGX 19 FINANCIAL SERVICES Wireless weighing helps Aussie farmers rebuild business after drought 25 New electric fence monitoring system saves time and money 29 AG TECH Quality has its own rewards 30 FERTILISER 3

The impact of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) on young, pastured Marks-Min – trace mineral with vitamin B12 in a convenient single dose Best practice this spring starts with your treatment Emergency animal disease preparation to help keep businesses

Winter at Elders was characterised by the return of a number of in-person events across the country, which was a great chance for staff and clients to catch-up. In July, Sheepvention returned after a two-year hiatus, the Hamilton and Western Victoria team managed a busy schedule including sheep shows, ram sales, trade exhibitions and the presentation of the ‘Southern Clip of the Year’ awards.

makes sense! 12



“In regions of high pressure, where downy mildew persists year-in year-out, there is a need to look at new chemistry, adopting different modes of action to make sure all available tools are used to combat the disease and ensure crops are protected through to harvest.’’

“Additionally, Xivana Prime offers a longer lasting spray interval than some leading products, being 10-21 days depending on growth dilution and disease pressure, and it has a great safety profile for pollinators and beneficial insects when used as directed.’’

Darren Alexander, Bayer Horticulture Territory Business Manager in South Australia and the Sydney Basin, says in grape growing regions where there is high downy mildew pressure, there is a need to look at new chemistry and to use all available tools to help combat the disease and ensure crops are protected through to harvest.


for use in both wine and table grapes, Xivana Prime acts on all stages of the downy mildew lifecycle, providing a strong tool in a protective program.

Crop Protection

“By mixing up chemicals within programs and from season to season, growers can extend the effective life of different chemistries against downy mildew.’’

To ensure the longevity of the new mode of action for years to come, and to support the continued effectiveness of existing fungicides, Darren said Bayer Crop Science recommended Xivana Prime always be used in a mixture with another effective downy mildew product, as per resistance management guidelines.

“It has a wide application window for downy mildew within the growing season, from 10 cm shoots (E-L 12) through until 7 mm berries (E-L 31).

Xivana® Prime, a unique mode of action (Group 49) fungicide registered in grapes by Bayer Crop Science, containing the active ingredient fluoxapiprolin, showed no resistance to downy mildew isolates in any of the samples tested from across all Registeredregions.

“The new mode of action will add extra protection to the programs growers are using and help take the pressure off, and prolong the life of, existing fungicides.

“Xivana Prime is best applied in a program for protective activity. If it is applied following conditions that are conducive to downy mildew, it can provide effective protection, so long as it is applied before oil spots are seen in vineyards.

“Another major benefit with Xivana Prime is the residue profile, allowing it to be used quite late in the growing season, with no measurable transfer of fluoxapiprolin to wine when used as directed.

“A couple of products showed mid to high sensitivity loss and could have reduced effectiveness for disease control, indicating the current effective chemistry available to growers is likely to diminish in the near future.’’

Trials conducted with Xivana Prime have shown that for effective downy mildew control, it is essential to use an adjuvant, with Maxx®, Pulse® Penetrant, Hasten® or Agridex® all Trialsrecommended.havealso been conducted to demonstrate that Xivana Prime has excellent compatibility with other products that may be added for powdery mildew, botrytis bunch rot and light brown apple moth control. Excellent compatibility has also been shown with other products used in viticulture. Testing showed the downy mildew fungi had varying sensitivities to different fungicide products depending on the region.

Darren says growers not rotating or mixing up their fungicide programs risked resistance to those products in their vineyards.

Testing for downy mildew resistance to fungicides in grapevines has revealed some concerns and the need for new chemistry and careful management by growers. Widespread testing for downy mildew resistance to fungicides in grapevines has revealed varying levels of sensitivity in different regions, dialling up the pressure on existing disease management programs and the need for new fungicides. Downy mildew remains one of the top three diseases affecting grapevines, costing growers millions of dollars annually.

Bayer Crop Science recently carried out resistance testing of the fungicides commonly used for downy mildew control, as well as a new mode of action foliar fungicide it plans to introduce this Darrenyear.

Alexander, Bayer Horticulture Territory Business Manager in South Australia and the Sydney Basin, said downy mildew infection samples were collected from various field locations across Australia and analysed for sensitivity to fungicides, mainly at the South Australian Research and Development Institute in “TheAdelaide.results showed the downy mildew fungi had varying sensitivities to the products tested depending on the region. Throughout SA, there was not a lot of resistance to existing products, however in other regions such as Griffith and the Hunter Valley in New South Wales, down to the Yarra Valley in Victoria, there was different sensitivity to products like metalaxyl. This is one of the important active ingredients with curative effects that growers have long reached out to under high pressure conditions,’’ says Darren.

Some growers have a limited number of products for the applications they want to apply,’’ Darren said.

Secure your investment. • Class leading efficacy • Unique mode of action for resistance management • Low dose rate with no measurable transfer to wine** • Flexible application timing* Speak to your advisor or visit to find out more. Downy mildew is present in most vineyards even if you don’t see it. Ensure you have the best control in place this season. An application for registration of Xivana Prime 20 SC Fungicide has been made. At the time of printing Xivana Prime is not a registered product. * When used as directed. Apply up to pre-bunch closure (E-L 31 or 7 mm berries). ** Residues in wine below LOQ when used as directed. Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd, ABN 87 000 226 022, Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East, Victoria 3123. Technical Enquiries 1800 804 479. Xivana® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group. BHO0270

TM ® Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience, and its affiliated©2022companies.Corteva.

Visit us at

yourElevatesoil. yourElevateharvest.

Salibro® Reklemel® active helps grow your yield by working to protect your crop from damaging root knot nematodes. Salibro stands out for its excellent environmental profile and compatibility with beneficial organisms, promoting healthy, productive soils over time. Get the best of both worlds with Salibro. Start at the roots to protect the future of your farm.

The chemistry used has evolved over the years with some older products now unavailable to growers.

Nematodes have been a major pest in the Sweet Potato industry for many years with many strategies involving crop rotations and chemistries to try to alleviate the problem.

“One of the other things we’ve found with Salibro® is that it is easy to use and not as toxic as some of the other chemicals we’ve been using over the past 50 years.

“To summarise, with this small trial, the treated areas are showing that the quality of fruit is going to come out better than our untreated quality of Hefruit.”said the comparison at the eightweek mark was very encouraging so early in the crop’s life and in a season that had already received some big rain “Thisevents.year is a good indication on how Salibro® is going to hold up in the soil. It’s been a very testing year.”

“Then we’ll grow a forage sorghum cover crop. By the time we incorporate that and get the ground back into order again, it’s nearly two years.”

“A crop of sweet potatoes will normally take 12 months from the time you start preparing to finish,” Mr Akers said.

“It’s great to see Salibro® come along and give us another alternative and another option to use as far as control for nematodes.”

“The quality of fruit is very important because the better quality and more fruit we can get into the specs for our major supermarkets around the world, the more premium product we can produce out of an acre of sweet potatoes and the more dollars that will come to the grower,” he said.

“Two to three days after planting we’ll put Salibro® through the trickle after wetting it up, just before application. This makes sure we have moisture spreading out over the hill evenly. Every row and farm can be different, so we’ll judge the application time for the tank to get it right in the root zone.”

Sweet potatoes grown in soil treated with Salibro® nematicide (left) showing good uniformity and shape compared to sweet potatoes grown in untreated soil (right).

7 Crop Protection

“It’s very important for us to grow as much quantity as we can and then back it up with the quality of product as well.”

they pulled two plants from each section and there was quite a difference between the samples.

The Salibro® treated areas looked good all season, with an inspection in mid-January showing its early good Mrperformance.Akerssays

“You could see the difference in the potatoes. They were very shiny and the skin finish is a lot better; There wasn’t any signs of damage.”

“But where we did see a lot of difference was the damaging and the bronzing of the untreated fruit.”

“In more recent years, we’ve had newer nematicides to use and across that time we’ve been able to access metham sodium,” says Mr Akers . “We use metham sodium sparingly because it leaves the ground a little bit too salty, in my opinion, and we would rather not go down that road.”

Mr Akers was the first grower in the world to use Salibro® under commercial conditions and included an untreated trial section in a sweet potato paddock planted on November 15, 2021. The paddock endured a challenging season of very wet conditions and was harvested in late May 2022 with largescale samples of both areas taken through the Akers packing shed. “We had the same amount of production from both the untreated and the treated areas,” said Mr Akers.


“We were getting a lot of long, skinny fruit in the untreated. There are some unformed roots that haven’t turned into a tuber, and they are showing very bad signs of nematode problems already.”

He said they hadn’t used Salibro® on every block this year but the early indications mean it will be the major nematicide used going forward.

“There were early signs of nematode damage, and they were just not looking as good as they should be.” In comparison, the sweet potatoes in the Salibro patch were a higher quality and more marketable product.

Mr Akers says the two plants pulled from the Salibro® treated section were performing much better. “There is very good uniformity and shape in these plants,” he said. They are producing short, fatter sweet potatoes which is ideal for our marketplace.”

Mr Akers used a Tony Denton fertiliser application machine, set on a timer, to supply the Salibro® nematicide.

Dean Akers with sweet potatoes grown with the assistance of Salibro® nematicide at Bundaberg, Queensland.

A commercial trial on the property of Dean Akers at Bundaberg in Queensland, has demonstrated the superior quality achieved with Salibro® nematicide, from Corteva Agriscience.

A UNIQUE CAPSULE SUSPENSION FORMULATION As the most potent pyrethroid insecticide available in Australia, Trojan also has leading edge microencapsulated technology to assist growers with their application and pest Thecontrol.unique capsule suspension (CS) formulation provides an improved safety profile.

8 Crop Protection

The most potent pyrethroid insecticide on the Australia market, Trojan from FMC, has had new pests added to its label to make it even more versatile. Trojan insecticide is available for use on a wide range of crop types including a range of vegetables, cotton, canola, cereals, pulses, soybeans, sorghum, sunflowers, lucerne, pastures, forage brassicas and citrus. Its broad-spectrum activity controls a wide range of sucking, chewing, and rasping pests, making it an excellent option for a wide range of circumstances. Recently Balaustium mite, Blue oat mite namely Penthaleus major and a range of Armyworm species (not including Fall armyworm ) have been added to the Trojan label, with all three pests capable of doing significant damage to various Balaustiumcrops.mite is often hosted in broadleaf weeds, from where it can attack canola, lupin, and cereal crops at the seedling stage. Blue oat mites cause damage in pastures, cereal and pulse crops at the seedling stage and often co-exist with Redlegged earth mite (which are also on the Trojan label). Armyworm can defoliate crops in autumn and winter and cause direct seed loss (particularly in barley and oats) during spring. The addition of these three key pests to the label provides growers with added flexibility to utilize Trojan for various crops and at different stages of the season, rather than using different products to control different pests. Trojan is already the leading option for many growers and the expansion of the label makes it an even more attractive option.

Trojan has a low solvent load in its formulation, providing excellent crop safety and has a short withholding period for many key crops including seven days for canola and a number of grain legumes. This is particularly important in the controls of pests such as native budworm that can cause significant damage in the period leading up to harvest.

Blue oat mite, Balaustium mite and Common armyworm (Common armyworn image courtesy of The Beatsheet, 2.8.2019)


PROVEN IN TRIALS Of particular note is the research FMC has conducted so this product can be utilized across multiple crops, at different stages of the season, to control a very wide range of pest species. Trojan is a particularly useful product at the critical establishment phase of Pestcrops.such as Redlegged earth mites, Balaustium mite, Blue oat mites, Pasture webworm and Aphids are significant pests at establishment and the ability of this insecticide to control them provides an excellent option for Latergrowers.inthe season Trojan can also be used against pests that cause damage at flowering, grain fill and nearer to Itharvest.isalso a particularly good tank mix partner with a wide range of herbicides, fungicides, trace elements and UAN, so can provide a one-pass option with other products for the benefit of the crop.

Trojan has a favourable scheduled poison rating (S5) compared to other products on the market due to its formulation significantly reducing the risk of parasthesia (face burn) that is often associated with this class of Thechemistry.formulation also offers a very low dose rate which is typically just ten per cent of the application rates required for some other single -isomer synthetic Multiplepyrethroids.20-litre containers can be replaced with a five-litre pack of Trojan insecticide. A single five-litre Trojan insecticide pack can treat up to 500 hectares of crop. This provides significant benefits for transport and storage, with the smaller packs also easier to handle for improved workplace health and safety.

The advanced microcapsule formulation allows the product to be rainfast in just 30 minutes after application. It releases the active ingredient over a controlled period to extend the residual activity and effectiveness of the product.

REGISTEREDNOW For control of Armyworm Blue oat mite, Balaustium mite

Get summer fallow sorted with the best 2,4-D, tried and trusted by Australian Growers for over a decade. Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 has a unique, high strength and robust amine formulation with dual salt technology, that offers superior compatibility while delivering excellent weed control in summer fallow. Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 –Australian made, for Australian weeds. For more information, contact your local Nufarm Business Development Manager


Once formulation improvements were made Nufarm’s R&D team carried out

Australian farmers can now benefit from a better, more stable formulation which controls broadleaf weeds in both incrop and fallow situations.


“It’s a big investment by Nufarm in local R&D and manufacturing to create this unique product for the Australian market,” says Ari.

After years of fielding product formulation enquiries at Nufarm, Ari has two pieces of advice for farmers and spray contractors.

glasshouse and field testing involving more than 80 field trials over another three “Farmersyears.and agronomists can be confident that any claims made on Nufarm product labels have been fully tested in the company’s laboratories, glasshouses and field trials, so we know they perform in Australian conditions,” says Ari..


Nufarm is a global crop protection and seeds company headquartered right here in Australia. While Australian farmers and spray contractors keep a close watch on this season’s crops Nufarm’s behind-the-scenes local experts like Ari Panayi, a specialist chemist, are working hard from Nufarm’s Centre of Excellence Laboratory in Victoria, to ensure our products deliver on every use.

“The higher loading – 700 g/L of active ingredient instead of 625 g/L – means less packaging and less storage space in the store and the shed, so Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 is also more environmentally friendly. It also means farmers can obtain fallow and in-crop weed control with one formulation which can be mixed with a wide range of other Nufarm products.”

“It’s the journey of discovery, from concept to development, that I find so rewarding about chemistry.”

With a focus on the right solutions for Australian conditions Ari was responsible for developing Nufarm Amicide® Advance 700 in a threeyear project involving thousands of experiments and lots of patience. His perseverance has helped create a world first – a fully patented, 700 g/L 2,4-D formulation which performs under the most extreme conditions.

Furthermore, Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 is compatible with a wide range of Nufarm product formulations, bringing peace of mind and valuable time savings to growers when they are tankmixing products. Ari explained that farmers have trust in 2,4-D, having been using the formulation for decades and it still ranking as one of the most widely used herbicides for controlling broadleaf weeds in cereals, pastures, fallows, sugar cane and bananas. While Nufarm have been a leading supplier of 2,4-D brands such as Amine 625 and Cobber® 475 for years, the development of this latest Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 formulation has required three years in the laboratory and another three years of glasshouse and field trials.

With Nufarm on the label, know that you can trust years of local innovation and onshore support.

When Ari was first approached to explore ways of improving the 625 g/L formulation several years ago as a result of customer feedback, the wish list included a stable product that could withstand temperatures as low as 0°C without crystallising and breaking began three years of laboratory investigations to identify a unique formulation which met all the specified requirements of Australian growers.

“We always advise growers to put 70% of the water volume in the spray tank before adding any products and then follow any mixing order instructions, like those on the Nufarm Amicide Advance 700 label. Many people assume all products are the same when it comes to adding them to the spray tank, especially when they’re under pressure, but it pays to take extra care for the best results.”

Panayi 11 Crop Protection

Jason Burton, a fencing contractor from WA, knows the Waratah Fencing System is the smartest choice; “The Waratah Fencing System is the only way to achieve the best fence at the best price. For the client its first because it lasts. For me it’s first because it works.” Save yourself the hassle by choosing the Waratah Fencing System today –it makes sense. With the largest and most experience sales support team it’s all too easy to get started using the Waratah Fencing System. Contact your local Waratah representative or call 13 10 80 to order now!

Gone are the days of picking the cheapest fencing products you can buy and just slapping them together. In the medium term, your fence will most likely fail or be costly to repair & maintain up to the standard required by most farming enterprises. Waratah have worked with thousands of farmers over their 135 year history and have encountered almost every possible fencing application known to man. It’s this expertise and product confidence that farming businesses rely on. Instead of choosing your posts from supplier A and wire from supplier B, you can get a systems solution by sticking with Waratah. The Waratah Fencing System of posts, wire and accessories has been designed to take the guess work out of choosing what products are best for your needs. Whether you need


The Waratah national research & development team is committed to creating innovative solutions across all stages of its’ vertically integrated processes, with patented products to protect you from inferior imported imitations. Consistency and quality checks ensure the products that make up a Waratah Fencing System, work – from patented products like Jio hot dipped galvanised steel posts, Longlife Blue colour fence wire & time saving tools & accessories, a Waratah fence performs Combiningbetter.premium and cheap fencing products can cause serious problems in a very short period of time - inferior parts can quickly corrode and degrade the integrity of premium fencing products. It only takes one inferior product to compromise and weaken an entire fence line.

exclusion fencing, sheep, beef horse or almost any other application known, Waratah can help you with a solution that meets your needs.

12 Fencing



WATCH THE WARATAH FENCING SYSTEM BEING PUT TO THE TEST. 1.7Effective from: January 2020 | Cancels all previous iterations | Applicable for: Distributor NZ


Waratah Fencing System Jio® post with Longlife Blue wire and Jio clips. The complete Waratah Fencing System shows no sign of red rust from the salt exposure, creating a fence that performs better. CCA Timber and wire CCA treated timber with Longlife Blue wire and standard gal staple. The chemicals in the treated timber seep out, rusting the staple and then the wire. Imported post with wire Black imported post with Longlife Blue® wire and standard gal wire ties. Longlife Blue wire develops spot corrosion from contact with the rusted black imported post. tests were completed at the same time, for the same duration and in the same environment. *All tests were completed at the same time, for the same duration and in the same environment.

For more information please visit our website Effective from: January 2020 | Cancels all previous iterations | Applicable for: Distributor NZ For more information please visit our website Effective from: January 2020 | Cancels all previous iterations | Applicable for: Distributor NZ

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It makes sense to choose the Waratah Fencing System™. Waratah’s posts, wire and accessories work together effectively to create a fence that lasts longer, performs better and costs less in the long run. You may think combining premium and cheap fencing products won’t cause problems, but inferior parts can quickly corrode and weaken your entire fence. After all, you’re only as strong as your weakest link. Compare the results of salt spray exposure below.*

QUALITY, HIGH PERFOMANCE Contact DLF Seeds for more information. 1800 619 910 | PALLATON RAPHNO ® (RAPHANOBRASSICA) Take your lamb finishing, brassica operation to the next level. • Persistent under multiple grazings (up to 5+) • 32% increase in aphid tolerance relative to forage rape • 38% increase in water use efficiency relative to Goliath® forage rape • Highly palatable • Increased liveweight production per hectare PGG Wrightson Seeds, AusWest & Stephen Pasture Seeds are now DLF Seeds MAINSTAR FORAGE RAPE The versatile and highly palatable forage rape. • Early maturing 10-12 weeks • Dry matter potential of 4-10tDM/ha • Highly palatable with excellent regrowth • High leaf percentage with superior animal preference • Aphid tolerant With 14 proprietary brassica cultivars available, DLF Seeds has you covered through Spring and BRASSICASummer. VARIETIES

The promise of exceptional liveweight gains is just one reason why Nigel Roberts keeps giving Pallaton a regular run in his mixed farming operation at Elong Elong, east of Dubbo, New South Wales. Over the past two years, the premium raphanobrassica grazing crop has shown its worth across every measure – growth, quality, persistence, palatability and insect tolerance.

His most recent crop of Pallaton was sown in August 2021, direct drilled into an old lucerne stand after two fallow sprays. The 18-hectare paddock was sown with 110 kg/ha of DAP. Eight weeks later it was ready for grazing with leaves up to knee height and an estimated 3,500 to 4,000 kg/ha of dry matter. It was stocked with Merino lambs at 55 to 65 DSE/ha for 25 days.

Nigel is an experienced brassica grower who understands grazing management and soil fertility required for high performance brassica crops,” says “Nigel’sIsaac. exceptional results demonstrate the true potential and how well Pallaton can perform in excellent conditions with good management.”

“The weight gains aren’t as high as I’d

Isaac Berry, DLF Seeds Product Development Manager says Nigel’s results have been exception.

15 Seed

Nigel was approached to trial a fivehectare block of Pallaton in 2020. Since then, he’s grown several crops, including two 10-hectare paddocks last February and an 18 hectare paddock last August (2021). Nigel’s mixed farming business is based around Merino sheep and winter cereals. He joins around 4,000 ewes a year and finishes the lambs on-farm to trade weights of 24 to 26 kg, as well as marketing up to 150 rams each year. Pallaton is used to fill winter feed gaps and to add to spring finishing options.

Nigel applies 100 kg/ha of urea after the first grazing and then 80-100 kg/ha three or four times over the year.

Nigel finds it slots in well with the farm’s cropping rotations and improved pastures. He tracked the gross margins over the first couple of years of growing Pallaton and found the establishment costs including seed and fertiliser were usually covered after the first graze, just through liveweight gains.

“It does take a lot of feeding because you’re removing a large quantity of nutrients with every grazing. That said, most of my Pallaton crops have kept producing for a minimum of 12 months and they would have been grazed 10 plus times, so that’s a big benefit” he Nigelsays.added that Pallaton seems to handle the heat better than other brassica type crops.

“Before Pallaton, it wasn’t profitable to grow brassicas through the summer months here because of heat stress and insect pressure. It just gives so much flexibility in terms of grazing. When you put a mob of lambs on to Pallaton, they hoof straight into it. It doesn’t take them three or four days to start having a nibble at it. In fact, you could put Pallaton in your own salads and you wouldn’t know the difference – it does have a bit of a sweetness to it.”


I know a lot of people will probably baulk at the initial seed cost, but it’s a big output crop and the numbers do add up,” he said.

probably like this year, they’d be sitting at around 280 to 300 grams a day, but that’s mainly been driven by the very wet season we’re having.” He said high stocking rates were essential to graze Pallaton effectively and maximise returns. “For the first three grazes, its recovery time is usually similar to the grazing time, so if you graze for three weeks, it’s ready again with a threeweek break, especially in spring.”

“Nigel’s results have blown me away as traditionally when spring sown, growers can expect 5+ grazing’s with a strong return on investment.

“The lambs were punching along in excess of 300 grams per day,” says Nigel. “Not only does it [Pallaton] grow a big bulk of feed in a short period of time, but its persistence to grazing over 12 months is phenomenal. That’s the thing that’s impressed me the most, it can be grazed 10 plus times and still keeps coming back.

“The added benefit of MAXIM® XL creates an increased root mass through protection of lateral roots and fine root hairs from pythium and rhizoctonia damage - enhancing access to soil nutrients and moisture, resulting in healthy, vigorous crops.” The development of the unique SDHI technology within SALTRO® Duo, variously known as Adepidyn® and pydiflumetofen, earned Syngenta the prestigious Agrow Crop Science Award for Best Crop Protection Product or Trait in 2020. The awards are contested by a who’s who of global agriculture science your local Elders advisor or store about securing canola seed complete with SALTRO® Duo fungicide, for the season ahead. ®Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. While secondary infection can occur through the season it is this early infection that can often lead to stem cankers and yield losses of up to 50 per cent.


“SALTRO® Duo helps crops reach their full potential by optimising seedling emergence, root development, early leaf protection and crop vigour,”

“It is providing a level of protection previously unseen, against early blackleg infection.

Katie Slade said.

Establishment diseases can cause significant setbacks for canola growers, if adequate precautions aren’t implemented between the choice of appropriate varieties, paddock rotation and often-overlooked seed coatings. Where pythium and rhizoctonia continue to impact establishment in many parts, the rise of seedling blackleg has required growers and their advisors to consider new seed applied fungicide Blacklegoptions. is caused by the fungus Leptosphaeria maculans, which survives on crop residue over summer, releasing spores in humid conditions at planting that can travel large distances to land on seedlings. While secondary infection can occur through the season it is this early infection that can often lead to stem cankers and yield losses of up to 50 per cent. A best-practice management strategy should include crop rotations, selection of resistant varieties and use of a targeted seed treatment.


Growers who have previously used MAXIM® XL have achieved excellent control of rhizoctonia and Pythium. By packaging it with the new SDHI chemistry to control blackleg, Syngenta created SALTRO® Duo. After extensive trials, in-house and alongside industry partners, Syngenta brought SALTRO® Duo to market in 2020.

Syngenta Seedcare™ Portfolio Lead Katie Slade.

Syngenta Seedcare™ Portfolio Lead

16 Crop Protection

SALTRO® Duo, which includes the unique SDHI chemistry pydiflumefen, is what allows the crop to develop at a more rapid rate, growing through that early period where canola is susceptible to blackleg infection. This is reducing seedling death and, in turn, reducing stem cankers later in the season.

ofControlpythiumControl rhizoctoniaof advantageSuperioryieldcropUltimatesafety ofControlseedlingblackleg SALTRO® DUO is a powerful combination of two leading seed treatments, specifically designed for Australian canola growers. Containing the new, unique SDHI fungicide SALTRO and the recognised high performer MAXIM® XL, this ultimate combination provides the complete control of seedling blackleg, rhizoctonia and pythium. For further information talk to your local Syngenta representative or visit Comprehensive Control The ultimate protection against seedling blackleg, rhizoctonia and pythium in canola. Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2-4 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. TM Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2022 Syngenta. AD 22-068

Molly credits the Graduate Agronomy Program with helping her to pursue her

“My first thoughts were ‘wow, this is such a challenge, I love this!’” She quickly realised her career would likely look a little different to how she’d imagined. Molly is now a horticultural agronomist at Elders Robinvale in Victoria working alongside growers to boost the productivity of table grape, citrus, and avocado crops.

Molly EldersAgronomistBlack,Robinvale

“The best part of the job is working closely with growers, and seeing their whole year through,” Molly said.

Molly has had the opportunity to help mentor one of the new agronomy graduates which she says has been a great challenge and very rewarding.

“It’s been great to be able to provide a new agronomist with that experience and mentorship based on the experiences that I have gained in the Participantsindustry.” in Elders’ Graduate Agronomy Program can learn their trade alongside some of the industry’s leading experts. Graduates go through two six-month rotations in the first year, focused on building a foundational understanding of crop segments and the fundamentals of being an agronomist at Elders. This is followed by one 12-month rotation in the second year where graduates can specialise in a crop segment of their choice.


The best part of the job is

Molly says the program began to strengthen her love for broadacre “Icropping.didsix months’ work with broadacre under the program, and really loved it,” she “Everythingsaid. was clicking, and I was sure I would work in broadacre agronomy.”

Coming from a pasture background, Molly Black thought her agronomy career was destined for broadacre Shecropping.started out in 2016, having been selected for the second-ever intake of the Elders Graduate Agronomy Program.


“Ipassion.thinkthat is one of the major benefits of the program, is gaining exposure to the different industries,” she said.

“You just feel so proud.”

Molly was hesitant to step away from broadacre for her next rotation but got quite a surprise when she began working in horticulture.

18 News

“I would never have had the exposure to horticulture without the program or considered horticultural agronomy as a career path – and look at where I am Recentlynow.”

“Seeing the product at the end of the year is the best feeling.

“You can’t just learn agronomy out of a textbook, you have to see the challenges in real time and solve the problem yourself,” she said.

sure you’re protected at all times with anonymity and secure settlement! WHY CGX?

Value – Growers set the price for their grain. Create your price rather than accepting a Independenceprice.– CGX is not a buyer, seller, or agent. CGX operates an independent exchange.

This harvest there are even more options for growers to manage their listings, including the Lapsed Offers feature on the My Grain page, which lets you quickly and easily re-list expired offers.

Matt Gulin, Branch Manager Elders Jamestown pictured with grain grower and CGX user Jeff Burgess of Gulnare.

19 Financial Services


Often there are many more buyers than you may realise that want to try and buy your grain, we just need to make it easier for them to do so.

CGX – easy to use, easy to offer, easy to trade. To find out more or register today call 1800 000 410 or click here. At CGX we aim to improve farm gate returns by creating a more efficient. Our independence is vitally important to ensure the market operates efficiently, without bias, to encourage more buyers to try and buy Australian grain. We’re not a buyer, seller or advisor of grain. We’re a technology business that operates an independent and secure exchange.

Grain trading on CGX is consistently above the best prices advertised by merchants. This is because when you offer grain for sale on CGX all buyers can see it and try to buy it.

With CGX, growers can: > offer their grain for sale at the price they want to all buyer > enjoy payment security, as they retain title of their grain until payment is made > receive proceeds within seven business days of selling their grain > delay receipt of sale proceeds to a time that suits their business CGX is easy use and it’s free to register and offer grain at any time. Grain grower and CGX user Jeff Burgess of Gulnare, South Australia explains, “The best thing about CGX is you set your own price. I sell wheat and barley through CGX and usually achieve above the market value as advertised in the current market”.

Security – Growers retain title of grain until they are paid (within 7 business days of a transaction).

Through our investment in CGX, Elders is pleased to offer growers an opportunity to be in complete control of their grain marketing and sales, on a safe, secure, and independent grain exchange.

WA 42 SA Let’sQLDNSWVIC28546320get as many buyers as possible trying to buy your grain while making

Just this past season 96 different buyers have purchased grain through CGX with more searching for grain offered for sale – see below number of buyers by state.

Listing online is easy and the CGX team is available over phone to help at any time. Jeff notes that CGX customer service is what ensures the process is quick and easy, “…the team are fantastic. I just ring up and they do the listings for me. We review any outstanding offers about once a week,” said Jeff.

MILDEW MANAGER for ultimate mildew protectionForfurtherinformationcontact your local Syngenta representative or visit ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2022 Syngenta. AD22-213 Mildew Manager is a co-pack containing 1 x 5 L MIRAVIS® fungide + 3 x 5 L REVUS® fungide The use of MIRAVIS® fungide and REVUS® fungide builds on the complementary strengths of these two powerful fungicides for the control of powdery and downy mildew in grapes. The Mildew Manager pack offers:  A best-in-class, noticeably superior fungicide combination, for the management of powdery and downy mildew  Rainfastness within 1 hour, providing peace of mind and flexibility in all conditions  Long lasting disease protection, giving growers confidence to extend the application window  Up to 21 days of residual protection, less spraying saves both time and money DOWNY MILDEW • Strong protectant chemistry • Reliability of complete rainfastness • Persistent protection in all conditions POWDERY MILDEW • Powerful and dependable control • Long lasting protection up to 21 days • Maximises yield potential At a dilute application volume of 800 L of water/ha, the Mildew Manager pack will treat 31.25 ha, providing you with a potential saving of over $6/ha.

“The use of those two products gave me a three-week break in the spray program and that meant I could slip in and do a weed spray in that time too, so it bought me a bit of time, which is good. People talk about it being an expensive product but it has saved me two, maybe three, sulphur runs. When you factor that in, I reckon you’re in front. Using MIRAVIS® you’ve got clean fruit at the Steveend.”

One such model of grower proficiency is Tim Petch, a third-generation wine grape grower in Loxton. In three generations the farm has increased from a 25-hectare soldier settler grant to the current 250ha, through hard graft and increased efficiencies.

Lehmann at Elders, Loxton, is Tim’s agronomist and a great promoter of the “We’reRiverland.probably the underdogs of growing grapes in Australia because we’re not that niche market and we’re not Coonawarra, Barossa, McLaren Vale – areas that everyone will know, Australia-wide,” says Steve.

21 Crop Protection

“It’s always a bit nerve wracking when you use a product for the first time; you’ve got to trust the science and it’s me that’s going to wear the financial effect if it doesn’t work,” says Tim. “I’m the boss, so if it doesn’t work, if there’s disease and the fruit is rejected, that affects me. We have so many different varieties that flower at different times and that’s where those products worked really well and that’s why I’ll continue to use Timthem.”aims to future-proof his spray program and has attended workshops

The fruits of Tim’s labour produce some of Steve’s favourite varieties.

“I’m a big fan of Tim’s Chardonnay. He does all varieties, he’s also got a beautiful little patch of pinot that comes off early, so it’s got to be clean fruit.

“With REVUS®, its ability to hang within the leaf tissue is probably for me the biggest tick. Where we’ve used it it’s definitely done a good job. When used at full rates MIRAVIS® and REVUS® will give you pretty long control – it can stretch it out to 21 days.”

to see for himself the results of trials.

Elders agronomist Steve Lehmann Tim and Carolyn Petch in their vineyard in Loxton

Using REVUS® we can sleep a bit better at night, knowing that we’re protected.”

this Riverland vineyard is able to achieve successful crops that are valued by winemakers, utilising quality fungicides for mildew protection. Located along the Murray River in South Australia and bordered by the desert outback, the Riverland’s climate is almost Mediterranean with warm, dry summers and relatively mild winters providing perfect conditions for viticulture. It generates more dollars per hectare than any Australian region and does it on the lowest national spend per hectare, thanks in part to its climate, a strong focus on sustainability and grower proficiency.

“In the last few years we’ve had a small amount of rain across flowering and had downy mildew events when it technically wasn’t within the parameters, so I thought it was important to protect them,” says Tim.


“REVUS® seemed to be pretty good, being a systemic product that would actually go into the bunch, whereas anything else would just stay on the outside. So if a grape hadn’t flowered yet the cap would fall off and you’d have an unprotected berry underneath.

Apart from added security, Tim’s new spray regime has saved time.

Steve has been a part of Tim Petch’s decision to trial Syngenta products on his vines.

“I think bang-for-buck both of those products (MIRAVIS® and REVUS®) are very good. There’re lots of different reasons to be using both,” says Steve.

The winemakers he delivers it to are pretty happy with it; they rate it as being very clean.”

With a focus on return-on-investment,

To achieve this growth, everything must work. Last year Tim trialled REVUS® fungicide and MIRAVIS® fungicide, which are available as the MILDEW MANAGER® fungicide pack.

You say the Riverland and they think, ‘I’m not quite sure what goes on there’. Yet we probably grow about 24% of Australia’s wine grapes out of this area.”


Canola varieties are routinely compared on the basis of trial results that measure a whole range of characteristics from their grain yield and oil content to flowering timings and average height. One key characteristic that hasn’t traditionally been scientifically measured is pod strength: the durability and shatter-resistance of the variety’s mature pods. Because harvesting canola is largely about risk management, the resilience of the crop’s mature pods is an important consideration. There’s usually been a trade-off between trying to harvest high yields without allowing the crop to fully mature, because every extra day it’s left standing increases multiple risks: that pods will be shattered by wind or hail and that they will be so fragile a much larger amount of seed than usual is lost as they are windrowed or harvested. With those risks in mind, growers generally accept that they will sacrifice a fair bit of potential yield to protect themselves against the possibility of considerable losses. If growers can factor in exceptionally durable pods, the whole balance shifts in their favour. They can confidently leave canola standing longer and reap a range of potential benefits:

farmersmart 22 Crop Health

> Reduced mechanical seed loss as the crop is windrowed or harvested.

> Higher yields because the whole paddock has reached 100% maturity and maximum pod-fill.

To learn more visit or contact your local branch.

> Minimal losses if the weather gets hot and windy or a storm hits.


> Cost savings because they opt for direct-heading and/or don’t need to spray the crop with a sealant.

Whether you are looking for innovation, aim to develop and extend your business, need to understand the latest market forecasts, or want to improve your productivity, the Elders Smart Farmer program can help increase the potential of your farming operation.

One key characteristic that hasn’t traditionally been scientifically measured is pod strength: the durability and shatterresistance of the variety’s mature pods.

The results so far have confirmed scientific logic and previous observations: BASF’s InVigor ® varieties with the PodGuard® trait are far more resilient than varieties without that genetic “PodGuardadvantage.isagenetic trait that is used to strengthen the dehiscence zone of canola pods, which is the seam of the pod that typically splits to cause shattering,” explains David Pike, the Canola Breeder at BASF.

The results so far have confirmed scientific logic and previous observations: BASF’s InVigor® varieties with the PodGuard® trait are far more resilient than varieties without that genetic “PodGuardadvantage.isagenetic trait that is used to strengthen the dehiscence zone of canola pods, which is the seam of the pod that typically splits to cause shattering,” explains David Pike, the Canola Breeder at BASF. “The trait has been developed to strike the right balance between pod strength and harvestability, so we knew PodGuard varieties would have stronger pods than other varieties.”

David says he hopes an immediate benefit of the testing will be that farmers growing PodGuard varieties will gain extra confidence in direct-heading or windrowing later. “The latest research finding from a collaborative project between NSW DPI, CSIRO and GRDC has demonstrated that yield and oil is optimised when windrowing is conducted between 60 and 80% colour change,” he says.

> The opportunity to harvest more time-critical crops first and maximise the return on them as well as their canola. The relative resilience of different canola varieties, and the value of sealant sprays, has been the subject of research for years. However there has not been an objective system of comparing the pod strength of varieties.


23 Crop Health

• Minimal losses if the weather gets hot and windy or a storm hits.


The relative resilience of different canola varieties, and the value of sealant sprays, has been the subject of research for years.

Each random impact test bounces 20 ripe pods against ball bearings in a container vibrating at 5 hertz for 90 seconds. Multiple tests are conducted for each variety to ensure statistical integrity. Each variety earns a score out of 20 based on the average number of pods that remain undamaged across the repeated tests.

If growers can factor in exceptionally durable pods, the whole balance shifts in their favour. They can confidently leave canola standing longer and reap a range of potential benefits:

“The trait has been developed to strike the right balance between pod strength and harvestability, so we knew PodGuard varieties would have stronger pods than other varieties.”

David says he hopes an immediate benefit of the testing will be that farmers growing PodGuard varieties will gain extra confidence in directheading or windrowing later. “The latest research finding from a collaborative project between NSW DPI, CSIRO and GRDC has demonstrated that yield and oil is optimised when windrowing is conducted between 60 and 80% colour change,” he says. “We hope our customers will take advantage of their opportunities with PodGuard varieties by choosing to direct-head or wait that little bit longer to windrow when crops have reached full maturity across the paddock.”

• The opportunity to harvest more time-critical crops first and maximise the return on them as well as their canola.

Canola varieties are routinely compared on the basis of trial results that measure a whole range of characteristics from their grain yield and oil content to flowering timings and average height.

“We hope our customers will take advantage of their opportunities with PodGuard varieties by choosing to direct-head or wait that little bit longer to windrow when crops have reached full maturity across the paddock.”

Each variety earns a score out of 20 based on the average number of pods that remain undamaged across the repeated tests.


Because harvesting canola is largely about risk management, the resilience of the crop’s mature pods is an important consideration.

Now BASF have developed a testing protocol that allows the first objective comparisons to be made. Each random impact test bounces 20 ripe pods against ball bearings in a container vibrating at 5 hertz for 90 seconds. Multiple tests are conducted for each variety to ensure statistical integrity.

• Reduced mechanical seed loss as the crop is windrowed or harvested.

• Cost savings because they opt for directheading and/or don’t need to spray the crop with a sealant.

...growers generally accept that they will sacrifice a fair bit of potential yield to protect themselves against the possibility of considerable losses.

With those risks in mind, growers generally accept that they will sacrifice a fair bit of potential yield to protect themselves against the possibility of considerable losses.

There’s usually been a trade-off between trying to harvest high yields without allowing the crop to fully mature, because every extra day it’s left standing increases multiple risks: that pods will be shattered by wind or hail and that they will be so fragile a much larger amount of seed than usual is lost as they are windrowed or harvested.

• Higher yields because the whole paddock has reached 100% maturity and maximum pod-fill.

IMPACT ON YIELD ALWAYS READ AND FOLLOW LABEL DIRECTIONS. © BASF 2022 ® InVigor is a registered trademark of BASF. * Registered trademark. 212056 07.2022 Combine outstanding pod strength with excellent NVT results. Find out more by scanning this QR code or call 1800 558 399 ® ADVERTISEMENT 2430156789podsedunshatterofNo. Sample Pod Strength Test Results 10 RInVigor®4520P RInVigor4022P 410XHyola*X 45Y28 RR* Condor* TF Raptor* TFLTInVigor4530P Random impact testing, Longerenong 2021. No of unshattered pods out of 20 after 90 seconds @5 Hz. LSD = 1.9 ® ®


However there has not been an objective system of comparing the pod strength of varieties. Now BASF have developed a testing protocol that allows the first objective comparisons to be made.

Discover more at The wireless weigh. Eliminate the most common failure point of traditional Loadbars – the cables. Send weights straight to your Gallagher TW Weigh Scale or Animal Performance mobile app with Bluetooth connectivity. Scan to view more information. Wireless Loadbars

“Before our Gallagher set-up we had been selling off weaners and guessing their weights. We found we’d get them to the sale yards and find out their weights weren’t what we thought they were,” says Chris.

“We kept going for as long as we could just hoping it would rain and things would come right, but eventually all our stock had to go. It was one of the most depressing things we’ve ever faced,” says Chris. The rain did eventually come, and the couple are now in rebuilding mode.

Ag Tech


“When we do, that’s where the scales will really come into their own,” says Chris. “We generally have a target weight of around 250kgs for weaners, but the price varies so the scales will help us get the best margins.”

From owning an aluminium glazing business to running a 2,225ha beef operation at the height of the worst drought in northern New South Wales’ history, Chris and Anita Houston have faced a few challenges in their time. The Houston’s moved onto Chris’ family farm at Bingara, seven years ago, but Chris says it’s been far from the slower pace of life the couple had hoped for. “We had owned an aluminium framing and glazing business for 28 years and we were ready for a change. We moved on to the farm and about a year later the drought arrived,” says Chris. As the earth became parched and images of farmers from the region circulated in the media showing them on their knees praying for rain, Chris and Anita were eventually forced to sell off their entire breeding herd.

“It keeps them calmer because you’re just running them through. It’s a clean and simple process.

As they rebuild their farm business, having accurate data means they can be sure they are not losing valuable income by selling animals that are either underweight or overweight.


Anita says they are slowly looking to collect more data during their weighing sessions, with the ultimate end-game to be recording everything about the animal’s health from the treatments it has received to the rotation of paddocks they’ve been on. “We eventually want to develop the whole system and continue to grow,” says Chris.

Their goal is to get back to more beef trading, but they’re not quite there yet.

“But for now, we’re just consolidating and taking time to rebuild ourselves after some challenging years.”

Chris says having the scales set up permanently with the crush has also been a better system for the cattle.

“The Wireless Loadbars make the process so clean and easy. There’s no messing around with cables. Now we can run weaners through there and keep track of what weight every animal is,” says Chris.

“It’s giving us an accurate picture of what we’re doing. When you’re farming on land like ours and when feed is at a premium, you don’t want to be holding cattle for a day longer than you need to,” says Chris.

After slowly buying in animals over the past 18 months they currently have 400 Droughtmaster/Angus breeding cows and 10 bulls. Chris says a key part of their rebuilding process has been improving their weighing technology using Gallagher’s Wireless Loadbars to better manage their herd. Anita says the couple attended the Beef Week event in Rockhampton to learn about new technology available and the best systems to use. After that Chris bought a new cattle crush and purchased Gallagher’s Wireless Loadbars and TW-1 weigh scale, which they had also seen at Beef Week.

Chris and Anita Houston at Bingara

> No known impact on dung beetles1

Most combination drenches available lack persistent activity, allowing worm infestations to re-establish quickly and therefore risk the health and productivity of cattle. Cydectin Platinum is the only combination cattle drench with persistent activity against key cattle worms providing cleaner pastures for up to 35 days1

> Only combination drench with persistency - prevents pasture contamination for up to 35 days1

2. NSW DPI (2020) Duck Creek Endoparasite Trial - Virbac Data on File.


7. Rendell et al (2014), Anthelmintic resistance in cattle nematodes on 36 Victorian properties, Proceedings of the 28th World Buiatrics Congress 231–244.

For producers who used single active drenches from late Summer to Autumn, Cydectin Platinum is the ideal next drench. Don’t leave anything on the table for resistant parasites with Cydectin Platinum. This Spring, use a highly effective and persistent drench to clean out cattle of all worms, kill incoming worm larvae for longer, reduce the overall paddock contamination and protect the growth of your cattle on pasture.

Cydectin Platinum delivers:

12. Pritchard & Geary (2019) Perspectives on utility of moxidectin for the control of parasitic nematodes in the face of developing anthelmintic resistance, International Journal for Parasitology- , 10:69-83.

1. Canton et al (2019) Impact on beef cattle productivity of infection with anthelmintic-resistant nematodes, NZ Veterinary Journal, 68: 187-192.

Young growing cattle, under nutritional challenges and facing a rising worm burden on pasture, can easily fail to reach their growth potential if an effective drench is not used strategically.

6. Sutherland and Leathwick (2011) Anthelmintic resistance in nematode parasites of cattle: a global issue? Trends Parasitol. 27(4):176-81.

9. Lyndal-Murphy et al (2010) Reduced efficacy of ML treatments in controlling gastrointestinal nematode infections of weaner dairy calves in subtropical eastern Australia. Vet Parasitology. 168:146-150.

3. Virbac (2016) Weaner Productivity Trials - Data on File

Unfortunately, many drenches are no longer effective enough against all key cattle worms5-10. A scientific article in the Australian Cattle Veterinarians (ACV) journal highlighted widespread drench resistance in Australia5. Overall mean efficacy of single active drenches was estimated at only 72%. Drenches need to be working at 95% or better. The study also showed that Cydectin Platinum had very high efficacy (99100%) against all key worms1,5. It is now a popular and convenient choice in Spring to “clean up” cattle. Combination drenches are now the new standard in cattle. They ensure effective control of key cattle worms, including resistant strains, because they contain two actives with different modes of action targeting the same worm species. Make sure you choose a combination drench this Spring, especially if you used a single active drench in Autumn. EFFICACY IS IMPORTANT, BUT WEIGHT GAIN IS CRITICAL Increasing the efficacy of your drench program by using a combination will increase productivity. Multiple studies have proven that using a combination drench compared to a single active drench will increase the growth rate of your cattle2-5.

10. Bullen et al (2016), Anthelmintic resistance in gastrointestinal nematodes of dairy cattle in the Macalister District of Victoria, AVJ 94, 35-41.


Cattle producers recognise how important the persistent activity of a drench is and know the largest portion of the worm population is usually present in the paddock as larvae and Theyeggs. also know that successful control is not just about removing worms from the animal but also reducing exposure of animals to new worm burdens. For this reason, it is important to also choose a combination drench with persistent activity.


For example, in a recent study, Cydectin Platinum over 2 months led to 8 kg additional weight gain compared to a doramectin pour-on3

4. Eppleston & Watt (2016) Post Weaning Growth of beef heifers drenched with long and short-acting anthelmintics, AVJ, 94:341-346.



26 Animal Health

5. The Australian Society for Parasitology (2014) Australasian Animal Parasites Inside Out. E-Textbook.

For more information contact your local Elders branch or visit

13. Ball and Gibbison (2021), Resistance Patterns to Avermectins and Milbemycins in Australian Cattle Nematodes, ACV Journal Dec 2021.

Over eight weeks, the failure to effectively remove worm burdens in growing cattle can mean a potential loss of 8 to 12 kg2-5. While many cattle producers can visually identify a difference of 30 to 50 kg, it is difficult to identify a productivity loss of 8 to 12 kg. An effective “coming out of winter” spring treatment will protect the productivity of your cattle.

> Unrivalled worm control (99100%), highly effective against single and dual-resistant worms1

> Short 7-day withholding period, short 20-day ESI1

| 1800 242 100

8. Cotter et al (2015), Anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of beef cattle in south-west WA, Veterinary Parasitology 207, 276-284.

11. George M et al (2020) Production impacts and resistance of gastrointestinal parasites in feedlot cattle, MLA: B.FLT.3002.

gle active D s® in te o rdctomae ompax hencPour *WOn. ®* NSW DPI (2020) Duck Creek Endoparasite Trial (data on file)'. ''Weight gain'' is not a registered claim of Cydectin Platinum. 1. Refer to registered label


South Australian farmer Charlie Crozier has two main reasons for using the Tru-Test Fence Monitoring system on his 840-hectare property in the state’s southeast – for peace of mind and to save time.

ROBUST SYSTEM, EASY TO INSTALL “We’re running about 300-odd km of single wire electric fence. The nodes can’t be more than 500m apart, probably the optimal is 3-400m apart, and within reason the more nodes you can put in the more useful it is,” Charlie “It’ssaid. a very robust system. The nodes are just a little solar panel with an aerial on it and screw-on connections, one to earth, one to the hot wire, screwed to wooden posts or droppers, or whatever we’ve needed to.”

“In farming, time is money”, Charlie said, and since the system was installed six months ago, Tru-Test Fence Monitoring had proven to be a valuable “Weinvestment.runanextensive amount of electric fencing for rotational grazing and prior to installing the Tru-Test system and mobile app, we spent half an hour every few days checking fences. Now we have nine nodes set up across the farm monitoring one or two paddocks at a time 24/7,” he explained.


As sole operator of the property, with occasional help from daughters, Poppy and Edwina, the oversight provided from the Fence Monitoring system is “Ifinvaluable.there’s a drop in performance and output of the fence it notifies us on the phone, then we know we need to do something about it. So, peace of mind has been the main reason for adopting the system, and the fact that wherever we are in the world, we can monitor what’s happening at home”, said ConnectivityCharlie.

South Australian farmer Charlie Crozier uses Tru-Test Fence Monitoring system on his 840-hectare property for peace of mind and to save time. Tru-Test Fence Monitoring system at work on Narree Downs.

Charlie has satellite NBN but uses wireless internet and the Telstra 3G system for the Datamars Livestock app. He commissioned a local company, In2IT Information Technology based at nearby Naracoorte, to set up a strong Wi-Fi system around the Narree Downs homestead, workshop and shearing Itshed.took about half a day working with Datamars Livestock regional representative, Jimmy Ellis, to set up the plug and play system. The two worked together to plan out where to position the nodes, so they were in line of sight of each other and monitoring as few paddocks as possible, to make it quicker to pinpoint problems.

Monitoring, Charlie would manually test the electric fencing three times a week as he moved around the farm, to detect any weaknesses. On average, once a week a tape gate would break, or a kangaroo might damage a hot wire on a conventional fence.

Prior to installing Tru-Test Fence

“With this Tru-Test app I could be anywhere in the world and switch off the fence and monitor its outputs,”

Charlie said.

Ag Tech



is integral to the system.


ALERT TRIGGERED WHEN OUTPUT DROPS Now Charlie merely needs to check the app, which shows a map of the farm and nodes, and lights up a fault in red. The system can handle many shorts at a time, and Charlie has predetermined what level of output should trigger an “Mostalarm. of the time the fence is averaging 8kv. Once ours drops below 5kv, the phone will alert us. Another bonus is that Tru-Test reads throughout the system rather than at the end of the line,” he said.

The Croziers have lived at Narree Downs, about 20km east of Keith, since the 1950s and Charlie runs a self-replacing flock of 2,000 Dorper ewes with three lambings every two years. A third of the farm is set aside for cropping, silage and hay production, consisting of predominantly barley and vetch for sheep feed. The other two thirds of the farm is sown to pasture comprising of lucerne, sub clovers, balansa clover and rye grasses.

To find out more visit your local Elders branch.

“We’remix. only just on the launch pad for technology in ag. Remote monitoring means the world is our oyster, that’s where the opportunity and excitement is to improve our farm’s profitability, productivity, and sustainability. Using Tru-Test is a no-brainer for me.”

“And a really big selling point is that it works with many different fencing systems, not only Datamars Livestock brands. I’m very conscious of having ag tech that integrates into our Wi-Fi system, so that I don’t need to put my hand in my pocket to pay for connectivity every time I add a new technology to the

“Our objective is to help growers get the very best results from their investment in quality crop nutrition solutions,” Paul Tosays.find out more about YaraMila COMPLEX visit your local Elders branch.

“As a quality prill formulation, the nutritional composition in YaraMila COMPLEX cannot be segregated during “Itstransport.high particle strength and bulk density ensures even spreading.

“Its small prill size relative to other granular fertilisers means more particles are spread per square metre, further improving nutrient distribution.

Nitrate N is extremely beneficial for N uptake in Spring when soils are cooler and also helps the uptake of Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium cations.

CHOOSING a quality NPK fertiliser will deliver a range of benefits far beyond its chemical composition, including improved distribution, uptake and nutritional efficiency.



“YaraMila COMPLEX delivers a balanced source of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen. An immediate response in terms of growth and greening can be observed from nitrate after application while ammonium nitrogen is beneficial for sustained delivery. This is a very efficient and reliable way of delivering nitrogen to a wide range of agricultural crops,” Paul says. “Compared to urea or straight ammonium based products, nitrate is more quickly absorbed by the plants roots, facilitating faster plant uptake.”

“Likewise, fruit crops need a ready source of nutrients for improved fruit set, growth and quality.

Volatilisation losses can also be high when surface applying urea or sulphate of ammonia in the wrong conditions. These losses cost the growers through the need for higher rates of nitrogen and the negative impact on the environment. The phosphorus content in YaraMila COMPLEX is presented in three different forms for immediate and lasting availability, while the provision of potassium as sulphate of potash (SOP) is particularly important for crops with a low tolerance to chloride.

Yara Crop Nutrition Commercial Manager, Paul Eitzen, says YaraMila COMPLEX is an ideal fertiliser for use in a wide range of horticultural crops. It contains a balanced blend of plantavailable nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (12-5-15), with sulphur, calcium and magnesium along with trace amounts of zinc, manganese, iron and “Deliveringboron. a correct balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and the other nutrients is essential for optimum growth and ultimate crop yield and quality,”

YaraMila COMPLEX complements the rest of the Yara range, including YaraTera specialty fertigation fertilisers, YaraVita foliar fertilisers, YaraLiva calcium nitrate fertilisers, YaraRega soluble NPK compound fertilisers and Yara Liquids bulk liquid fertilisers. Yara fertilisers are supported by range of innovative decision-making tools to provide a complete crop nutrition solution for all production systems.

ONLY THE HIGHEST QUALITY WILL DO Yara utilises the highest quality raw materials and stringent production procedures in its manufacturing processes. YaraMila COMPLEX is very low in impurities, in fact YaraMila COMPLEX has one of the lowest Cadmium levels when comparing to any other phosphate fertilisers.

“And finally, YaraMila COMPLEX is highly soluble, allowing the fast incorporation of nutrients into the soil profile after spreading via moisture, rainfall or an irrigation event.”

“Balanced nutrient concentrations support fast establishment, root development and shoot growth, which is particularly important with fastgrowing vegetable crops.

30 Fertiliser

Improving productivity needn’t cost the earth. Quality nitrate fertilisers from Yara can optimise the yield and quality of crops without costing the earth. We’ve already reduced the carbon footprint of our nitrate fertiliser production by 40% by making our production plants and processes among the most energy-efficient in the world. Our ongoing development of ‘green’ ammonia technology and climate-smart agricultural practices means we’re on track to reduce emissions by another 30% within a decade and carbon neutral by 2050. Contact Yara and find out how our integrated crop nutrition programs can deliver better agronomic, business and environmental outcomes for your farming business.

1800 684 266 @yara_australia © 2022 Yara YAR21400

Director and Chief Executive Officer Mark Allison says that the new business will revolutionise wool handling.

“Elders is committed to providing exceptional customer service and contributing to the future success of our growers and the wool industry. We are demonstrating this commitment by continual investment in supply chain optimisation, including the logistics, sampling, sales and storage of wool through automated warehouse operations,” Mr Allison says.

Elders is establishing a world-first, automated wool handling business, to be launched in July 2023. The business will complement Elders’ existing wool offering, providing a full end-to-end service that will improve efficiency and outcomes for clients. The wool handling operation will be based around two centralised hubs (Melbourne and Perth) that will be supported by an extensive network of receival centres. Its existing three selling centres in Yennora, Brooklyn and Spearwood will remain in operation.

“The long-term sustainability of the wool industry and improved outcomes for our clients is our key priority.”

Elders is also developing its own industry-leading software to deliver a more efficient end-to-end selling process for its clients. Elders will be investing $25 million in this long-term commitment to the Eldersindustry.Managing

“Elders is an integral part of the fabric of regional communities and has played a key role in the Australian wool industry for over 180 years – indeed Elders began wool handling and financing in the “Eldersmid-1800’s.recognises

“To this end, in making the largest single supply chain investment in the Australian wool industry this century, we stand with our customers to deliver the best sustainable wool supply globally.”

With environmental sustainability a key objective, Elders is aiming to minimise greenhouse gas emissions from its hubs through the use of solar power, LED lighting and energy efficient equipment.

“This business is a result of Elders constantly looking at ways to improve outcomes for our clients, the environment, our shareholders and communities. We want to ensure we deliver the best results for the next generation of wool growers across Australia,” said Mr Allison.

32 News

Elders’ expert wool network has partnered with global companies to design and structure this new business and is consulting closely with industry, associations and buying partners to ensure the best customer service outcomes.Elderscurrently provides a range of selling tools and options for wool growers, including auction, auction forward, Wooltrade, and AuctionsPlus Wool. Elders handled approximately 350,000 wool bales in FY22.


The two hubs will offer industry-leading innovations and improve sustainability outcomes within the supply chain.

The first in the world, the Melbourne warehouse will move wool bales using Autonomous Guided Vehicles (AGVs). The AGVs and supply chain optimisation will provide significant long-term operational and safety benefits for both Elders and its clients.

that the landscape of the Australian wool industry has changed dramatically in the last three decades and it is critical to adapt and change for Australian fibre to remain some of the best in the world.

The Melbourne greenfield facility is strategically placed one turn off the Western freeway at Ravenhall, Melbourne. This location creates the link from key regional growing areas to Australia’s largest concentration of buyers and access to the port through which over 75% of Australia’s wool on the east coast ships to global markets.

EXCLUSIVELY AVAILABLE For more information, visit Suitable for all breeds and any length of wool SEASON-LONG PROTECTION! FOR UP TO 24 WEEKS BLOCK THE STRIKE

Rapid protection from BRD caused by Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) Protects for at least 17 weeks The only true one-shot MH vaccine Rapid onset: immunity within 7 days so the benefit is seen on farm Saves handling cattle twice and the added cost of a second Protectiondoseat time of challenge on farm or at feedlot entry YOU NEEDONLYONE For more information visit BUY 2 X 100MLAND GET 1 X FREE20ML


TECHNICAL INFORMATION UPDATE The impact of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD) on young, pastured cattle 35

2.141.Blakebrough-Hall C., et al., J An Sci (2020)1-113.

Respiratory disease is a problem that is commonly identified in young, growing cattle (including non-feedlot cattle). In calves it is not caused by a single pathogen, but is instead a complex disease resulting from a combination of external stressors which typically include weaning, mixing and handling which may precipitate disease in the presence of several different viral and bacterial agents that are common on most farms. When young, growing animals suffer from subclinical disease, i.e. they show evidence of lung pathology at processing with no history of illness or treatment, the impact on the average daily gain has been shown to be a loss of between 100 and 200 grams per day.1,2 When clinical respiratory disease is evident, the impact on production has been shown to go up to around 400 grams per day. Of course, the most impactful result of cases of BRD in young cattle is when they are unable to overcome the disease and the outcome is mortality.

3. Hay et al., Prev Vet Med (2016) 127;121-1335.

1. Griffin D., An Health Research Reviews (2014) 15(2)138-

Control of respiratory disease involves both changes to management and the use of effective vaccines Evaluating what stressors are being placed on the animals is important; some of these will be outside your control such as inclement weather and the stress of weaning itself, but some stressors can be modified. Good planning is important; only weaning calves that are hitting an optimum weight, ensuring adequate clean space is available with good access to high quality feed and water, ensuring calves are not overstocked in pens, good parasite management and carefully choosing the dates of when to wean based on forecasted weather conditions, all contribute to the reduction of stress on weaner calves. Once the stressors have been addressed, implementation of a vaccination program can be considered to reduce the risk of infectious agents complicating the weaning process.

Vaccinating calves with a single dose Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) vaccine will provide rapid protection, within 7 days, against respiratory disease in calves involving MH. Vaccines do not exist for all the infectious agents implicated in the BRD complex, but studies have shown that the incidence of disease is increased when there are multiple pathogens present at once. Controlling some of the pathogens present can reduce both the disease risk and the overall incidence of disease. Single dose vaccines have an important role to play here as there often isn’t time to implement a twodose vaccination program to prevent BRD prior to the weaning risk period.


4. Zoetis data on file. Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd. ABN 94 156 476 425. Level 6, 5 Rider Boulevard, Rhodes NSW 2138. © 2021 Zoetis Inc. All rights reserved. July 2021. ZL1431.

Animal Health


A combination of a well-planned weaning process where conscious decisions are made to assess and remove stressors on young cattle and the use of highly effective single dose vaccines will have a significant impact on the risk of a respiratory disease outbreak in young cattle.

By weaning age, most calves will carry the dormant form of the bacteria Mannheimia haemolytica (MH) in their throat. When the animal is placed under stress and/or encounters other viral respiratory pathogens, the MH in the throat become activated and cause a bacterial Bovi-Shieldpneumonia.MH-Oneis the only vaccine that provides on-farm protection from one injection. The patented technology uses a high potency freeze-dried antigen and unique proprietary adjuvant that are simply mixed on farm prior to use. Bovi-Shield MH-One works fast, providing protection in 7 days which makes it a highly convenient product when a rapid onset of protection is Ifrequired.youhave further questions please contact your local Elders branch.

THE RESULTS By December 22, Mr. Wheelers’ Chomper was ready for its first cut. The district saw an enormous summer rain, so he decided to make silage. The resulting first cut yielded 28 round silage bales to the “Previoushectare.experience with other forage sorghums had left a bad taste in my mouth as they often look good from the road but are all big thick stems with no leaf. This was not the case with Chomper.” Daniel said. Chomper is known for its high leaf to stem ratio and fine stems when planted and managed correctly. After the first cut, Daniel applied 90 kilograms per hectare of SOA to help maintain the quality of the forage produced and the speed to the next cut. Chomper has a rapid regrowth time after cutting or grazing, so Daniel was able to grab a second cut on February 9, which yielded 23 round silage bales to the Danielhectare.noted,


“The second cut looked to be leafier and finer than the first.” Attributed to Chomper’s strong tillering Afternature.the cut in February, Daniel thought he would be able to get a third cut, but the weather had other plans, so Daniel decided to graze the Chomper in the

“Herepaddock.we are in the middle of April, and I’ve still got cattle on it. It’s fine stemmed, and the bulls just love it.”

Daniel Wheeler

“I had grown a lot of millet in the past but found it didn’t handle the heat very well over the last few years and struggled to produce the bulk I was chasing.” Daniel Afterreflected.consultation with his local rural store, Daniel decided on Chomper. In late October, Daniel planted Chomper with 100 kilograms of DAP into a paddock where he predrilled 100 kilograms per hectare of urea. Chomper has a large seed size, which translates to good emergence and seedling vigour. This speed out of the ground and vigorous seedling growth makes Chomper quick to first cut or grazing.

Daniel Wheeler, along with his daughter Rach, runs RDM Angus stud, which focuses on breeding premium stud stock based on Canadian Angus Genetics. In the Wheelers’ operation, it is essential to have year-round quality feed to keep young bulls and breeding cows looking and performing at their best. RDM Angus stud is based in Wellington, NSW, where the cooler months and frosty winters often lead to winter feed Danielgaps.saw to shore up his fodder reserves for winter with the introduction of S&W Seed Company Chomper Forage Sorghum to his rotation.

36 Seed

ƒ Very quick to first grazing ƒ Good cool soil tolerance ƒ Excellent tillering and regrowth post grazing ƒ Cost effective dry matter with drought tolerance ƒ Ultra late flowering ƒ Grazing flexibility and hay production ƒ 12 gene BMR ƒ Highly digestible forage ƒ Excellent yield potential ƒ Increased livestock weight gain ƒ High quality dry matter ƒ Large seed size ƒ Late maturing ƒ High sugar content ForageBountySorghum ® DEDICATED GLOBAL FORAGE PRODUCTSOLUTIONPRODUCTSMARKETPROGRAMBREEDINGLEADINGBASEDDESIGN FlexiGraze™ Forage Sorghum Calibre BMR Forage Sorghum Sweet As Forage Sorghum ® FORAGE SORGHUM Planting Guide Your partner in the paddock. SW0310 Chomper Forage Sorghum EarlyDigestibilityseedling vigour Carry over RoundDairyHayStandabilityPitCattleSheepPalatabilityfeedgrazinggrazingsilagebalesilage 6 8877777 99 Rating scale: 1-9 1 - not recommended 9 - excellent 8 Chomper Forage Sorghum Sorghum x Sudan grass hybrid Mid-maturing sorghum x sudan forage Seeding Rate kg/ha Dryland 4-8 High Rainfall/Irrigation 15-20 Seed Treatment Enhanced or Standard Usage Grazing, hay, haylage and greenchop Features & Benefits Large seed size Good early season vigour Quick regrowth after cutting or grazing High leaf to stem ratio


“BM Start is a complete foliar product to reduce sensitivity of crops to climatic constraints and adaptability needs of crops to better achieve quality flowering and fruit set, faster fruit development, higher average fruit weight, more grouped maturity, a more homogenous harvest and excellent fruit quality,” added Mr PollinusInnes. will be available for this flowering season and BM Start is available now.

"It is estimated that over one third of our food crops worldwide rely on pollination by insects, with bees providing seventy percent of this.”

“BM Start is a physiological activator for improving fruit set. It activates the plant’s ability to utilise nutrients and polyamines synthesis (flowering hormones) essential in fruit set and early development of the fruit. Young fruit develop more quickly and have improved homogenous sizing at maturity.”“Thistechnology is the result of decades of research by Goëmar Laboratories in France (a UPL subsidiary) and has proven results across the globe since its inception in the early 1980’s,” said Mr Innes.

“What Pollinus will do is to attract the bees that are active into the treated crop. It is particularly beneficial in cooler conditions or where there are alternative, more attractive pollen sources, as it encourages bees to pollen forage in the applied orchard." The social life of bees is ruled and

"The list of crops that could benefit from better pollination is extensive. On the tree crop side, the list includes almonds, apples, avocadoes, berries, cherries, macadamias, and plums. Both field and protected crops can benefit." He explains that pollination by bees is an essential crop management practice in many crops.

Tree crops with one hundred percent dependence on honeybees and insects for pollination (as a percent of yield) include almonds, apples, avocadoes, blueberries and some pear varieties.

"Pollinus is formulated as a 450 g/L liquid formulation containing four natural plant derived pheromones.

39 Crop Health

A novel honeybee attractant that enhances and improves the performance of bees as crop pollinators is now available from UPL Australia.

Based on a blend of four attractant pheromones, Pollinus both attracts foraging bees and maintains pollen gathering bees within the sprayed area. Targeted application at flowering attracts honeybees into the orchard to dramatically improve pollination, essential for seed and fruit set in many high value fruit and nut crops.

We recommend two applications of Pollinus at a one litre per hectare rate, with a minimum water volume of 600 litres in orchards and 400 litres in field horticulture, using a high-pressure sprayer but not exceeding the point-ofAlthoughrunoff.”

"Pollinus will help make the most of bee performance as pollinators and its launch is great news for Australian growers and Beekeepers alike,” said Neil Innes, UPL Australia BioSolutions Mrmanager.Innespoints out that Pollinus can be beneficial to growers of a wide range of crops that require pollination by bees.


new to Australia, Pollinus has been used successfully in the UK and Europe. Manufactured and developed in France by a wholly owned subsidiary of UPL Limited, the product has shown consistent benefits to growers over a wide range of pollination sensitive Withcrops. increased pollination, its then important to retain and maintain this extra fruit, and for this Mr Innes recommends using BM Start, a new Biostimulant from UPL.

regulated by pheromones and bee activity is influenced by these pheromones as well as other visual, olfactory and gustatory stimuli. The pollen gathering bees are governed on one hand by dances and on the other hand by scents or trace pheromones produced or conveyed by the exploring bees. Pollinus reproduces as exactly as possible these scents, thus attracting the exploring bees and pollen gathering bees that could otherwise be attracted to other crops with more attractive Henectar.explains that growers apply Pollinus to their crops at the beginning of flowering (ten percent of flowers open), normally when hives are introduced into the crop and preferably during the mornings, with a second spray when ninety percent of flowers have opened.


> The onset of reproduction can vary greatly from year to year and is largely dependent on rainfall. A wet start can lead to earlier snail reproduction.

Figure 2. Bait consumption and mortality of Italian snails collected from a non-vineyard site and placed on Metarex Inov at constant 22°C & 100% RH, over time. Five replicates of ten individuals were placed on approximately 200 mg of Metarex Inov for 3 days, then scored 7 days later. Note dotted line represents mg / snail applied not the total amount applied to each arena that contained 10 snails.

Snail baits appear to kill snails more efficiently during times of the year coinciding with snail reproduction.


> Snails ‘shut down’ their breeding activities between August to October depending on the finish to the season. Research conducted by AgNova, in partnership with industry, over a number of years and sites has found slightly different results regarding bait efficacy with Italian snails, which are commonly found in vineyards. However, results are variable between seasons: behaviour does not always fit generalised recommendations. Data from two sites are presented to highlight differences in efficacy due to the “state of snails” at different times at the different locations (Fig. 1 & 2). Note that baiting in March/ April at the non-vineyard site (Fig. 2) in 2021 did not result in the best efficacy. Opportunities to bait and gain good control, either earlier or later than recommended, do exist depending on seasonal conditions, which is not always related to rainfall. When garden snails reproduce, it is not the same as other snail species. Collecting and dissecting snails from different vineyards highlights each snail species life history is different. Even within a species, different populations mate, move and lay eggs at different times. For example, in WA garden snails have been inactive over summer, yet in SA some populations have already laid eggs with neonates already observed in early autumn 2022. With continued mating all year round resulting in garden snails of all age classes, multiple bait applications with a long-lasting product is essential. One simple way to monitor if snails are feeding on bait is to apply a test strip of metaldehyde-based product, then check the following morning (see returnareThatsnailItcom/watch?v=c1-MOmzToco)immediatelysnails(andnotaAwatch?v=0E306BteGGs).,itisreadytofeed;ifthesquashedsnailyourfingers)arewet,thenthearereadytofeedonbait,soapply(see,knowthecontextinwhichbaitsbeingappliedtoachievethebestoninvestment.

> For common white snails in SA and WA, reproduction generally occurs from April to mid-spring.

Snails can be difficult to control. Despite large numbers being observed, individual snails are not always actively feeding or mating, hence they are unlikely to encounter nor consume a lethal dose of molluscicide. The best time to apply snail bait is when snails are active and feeding before they lay eggs, which is when individuals are moist and their yolk, or albumen gland, is developed. For some species, such as the common white snails that originated from Mediterranean climates, this generally coincides with autumn, once mornings are cooler and heavy dews are noticed. Outcomes from grains industry research conducted over three years using metaldehyde-based products suggest:

Plate 1 Garden Snails mating Dec 2021 Plate 2. Juvenile Garden Snail on apple calyx Mar 2022 40 Crop Protection

Figure 1. Bait consumption and mortality of Italian snails collected from a vineyard and placed on Metarex Inov at constant 22°C & 100% RH, over time. Ten replicates of five individuals were placed on 8 pellets for 3 days, then scored 7 days later.

Innovation. Quality. Solutions. ®Metarex Inov and Colzactive are registered trademarks of De Sangosse SA. 220428 Maximum Attractiveness Enhanced Palatability Faster Efficient Kill Persistent SLUGSControl& SNAILS LOVE IT TO METAREX INOV All Weather Slug & Snail Bait is developed from science & nature to provide superior control based on unique technology for enhanced delivery.

WETOUT® A new generation 100% Non-ionic surfactant SST Australia Pty Ltd Ph +61 3 9720 www.sstaustralia.com6306 SST New Zealand Ph +64 9259 The benefits of using WETOUT ® • SUPERIOR SPREADING – Better coverage • BETTER DEPOSITION – More product on the target • LESS DRIFT – Less loss and better compliance • INCREASED EFFICACY – Less weeds • INCREASED VERSATILITY – Less products needed • LOW USER RATES – Less handling and storage, very cost effective • ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY –SPREADINGBiodegradable Wetout ® reaches levels of spreading that were previously only possible by using very expensive organosilicones. Wetout ® retains a long drying and humectancy period, important for uptake of glyphosate products. Hairy surface, 0.1mL droplets: Left: BS1000 at 100mL/100L; Middle: Wetout ® at 100mL/100L; Right: No surfactant, water only.

DKSH’s Sustainability Framework focuses on three elements: People, Partners, and Planet, allowing the merger with SST Australia and SACOA to have a common goal that focuses on developing a people-driven organization, delivers growth for companies in new or existing markets, and leaves a positive social and environmental footprint.

43 News



SST Australia markets more than 70 products for various applications, including broadacre, brush control and pasture, horticulture and viticulture, turf and recreation, and equipment maintenance. Some of its leading brand names include Spreadwet 1000, Spreadwet 600, Companion, Kwickin, Tribute, Brushwet, Envirodye Red, Envirodye Blue, Viti-Wet and Bi-Agra.

Sustainable farming gets a boost with the historic merger of SACOA and SST, which together bring over 30 years of knowledge, products, and services to local farmers.

Over the past year, the alliance has delivered the largest and most comprehensive adjuvant product range and services to Australian farmers as well as to the Elders network.

When DKSH, the parent company of SST Australia, acquired SACOA in May 2021, the leading market expansion services provider made a commitment to further enhance sustainable farming across Australia and New Zealand. SACOA formulates premium agricultural crop protection adjuvants for the broadacre, cotton, and horticulture markets, plus leading products for the turf industry. SACOA is well known in the Australian market for its leading brands such as SE14™, Enhance, Bio-pest, Lure H2O™, Antievap, and Plantocrop.

Together, with over 30 years of service in the industry, SST and SACOA bring comprehensive research and development programs designed to provide environmentally friendly solutions for Australia’s agricultural needs. Their in-house laboratory services and dedicated research and development teams located at Monash University ensure their products are manufactured to meet and protect the unique environmental conditions across the continent. The merger of both agricultural powerhouses gives enhanced local support to Australian farmers while improving sustainable farming methods and access to a national sales force, R&D expertise, and local manufacturing resources across Australia and New Zealand.

These are just some of the costly issues arising from herbicide residues remaining in boom sprayers. Each year, poor boom sprayer hygiene causes significant, yet avoidable, financial losses to growers. The entire spraying system, including filters and lines as well as the main tank, require effective cleaning. Otherwise, growers could spend valuable time dealing with blocked filters and lines, equipment corrosion, uneven spray applications or worse still, crop damage.

Alltogether.ClearDS is the perfect choice for rural retailers and growers, being effective, convenient, safe to use, not restricted by a short shelf life and still active from one season to the next. So, growers should be cleaning their booms now and when they come in to buy their post-emergent herbicides, they should also grab a pack of All Clear KeepDS. it simple - you only need to recommend one tank and boom cleaner for a range of products, and that’s All Clear DS. Stick with All Clear DS – because little else does! For more information visit your local Elders branch.

> Significant damage, delayed maturity and yield loss in winter crops


Not only will All Clear DS perform as well as the cleaning agent recommended on the labels of numerous products, but laboratory data shows that All Clear DS will often do a better job.

For example, the ability of All Clear DS to remove residues of Logran B-Power was tested. The Logran B-Power label recommends using a solution of household cleaning bleach containing 4pc Waterchlorine.rinsing alone removed 60pc of the residue. Following the chlorine recommendation on the label removed little more, resulting in a 69pc clean. But water rinsing followed by All Clear DS resulted in an effective 97pc clean.

> Damaging breaches of MRLs

> Equipment corrosion

Similarly, in tests to remove Hammer and Roundup residues, All Clear DS removed 22pc more than OMO, the cleaning agent recommended on the product labels. All Clear DS also showed great results on Tigrex, Spinnaker, Sakura, Boxer Gold, 2,4-D Ester 800, Glean, Lontrel, Broadstrike and Valor. In all AgNova tests, All Clear DS was the most consistent tank cleaner, giving either a similar or better clean than other commercial cleaners tested, irrespective of the type of herbicide.

44 Crop Protection


With crops bringing very high returns this year, you don’t want to risk damaging them.

Previously, to remove damaging residues from boom sprayers, growers needed to use many different decontamination products, depending on the situation. This was confusing and costly. But All Clear DS makes the choice of tank cleaner simple because it works on a wide range of crop protection chemicals.

A dirty sprayer can mean:

> Blocked lines and filters

All Clear DS is ideal for cleaning out tank mixes where one product’s label recommends a chlorine cleaner and the other product’s label recommends an alkaline cleaner. But chlorine and alkaline cleaners cannot be used

Suction filter washed with water. Suction filter cleaned with All Clear DS. You’ll stick with Because little else does! When it comes to removing damaging residues from your boom sprayer, All Clear DS outperforms other tank cleaners on the widest range of products. ®Registered trademark of AgNova Technologies Pty Ltd 220429 Innovation. Quality. Solutions. Feature Benefit Single dilution rate Convenient and simple to use Non-corrosive No equipment damage Low foam Easy to empty spray tank Long shelf life Carry over season to season SEQUESTRANTS To lock andmoleculesupimproverinseout + + DETERGENTS To downandsolubilisebreakresidues SURFACTANTS To removephysicallyresiduesandstopre-sticking

See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ®EPRINEX is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. AUS/IVEP-181003

The only combined Trace Minerals and Vitamin B12 injectable for cattle in Australia, in a convenient single dose. Available at your local rural store. For more information visit or call Boehringer Ingelheim Customer Care on 1800 808 691.

Eprinex provides sustained activity to kill more species of worms for longer than any other pour-on. Eprinex is completely weather proof, not just rainfast - and has no milk or meat withholding period and no ESI. For more information, call 1800 808 691 or visit your local THEEPRINEX® TO PRODUCE YOUR BEST. *See product label for full claim details and directions for use. Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health Australia Pty. Ltd., Level 1, 78 Waterloo Road, North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia. ABN 53 071 187 285. Marks-Min® is a registered trademark of the Boehringer Ingelheim Group. ©2022 all rights reserved. AU-CAT-0006-2021

IMMUNE DEFENCE Marks-Min provides elements that support immune defence by aiding function of the immune system and white blood cells that help resist establishment of infection

ENERGY Vitamin B12 plays a key role for the production of energy in livestock. Energy is required for all body processes and it is the backbone of all production. For more information contact your local Elders branch.

WHY ARE TRACE MINERALS IMPORTANT? Trace minerals are essential to body function, but are only required in very small amounts per day. These minerals may make up only a small portion of an animals diet; but play an important role in everyday life, especially for the key functions of growth, reproduction and immune defence.


REPRODUCTION Marks-Min provides elements that support reproduction by aiding the development of male and female reproductive systems, the process of fertilization and also the maintenance of pregnancy (Cu, Mn, Zn, Se)


47 Animal Health

Vitamin B12 is important for energy production in ruminants. Ruminants cannot directly utilise energy from their diet and so, need to make their own. Vitamin B12 is an important part of this process. Ruminants also cannot utilise B12 directly from their diet. They must first take up cobalt through the diet, where it is then converted by rumen microorganism to B12. If cobalt levels are low in pasture, B12 levels can fall and this can limit energy available for body processes.

GROWTH Marks-Min provides elements that support growth by aiding bone, joint and muscle development and function (Copper (Cu), Manganese (Mn), Zinc (Zn), Selenium (Se)) and energy metabolism (Vitamin B12)

Marks-Min is a trace mineral injection for cattle that contains the trace minerals copper, manganese, zinc and selenium along with vitamin B12, which are required for optimal health, production and fertility. Optimising trace mineral and vitamin B12 levels at critical times, like calving, mating and drying off, can have a positive impact on health, immune status and reproductive capacity of livestock. Marks-Min provides trace minerals and vitamin B12 in one convenient rapidly absorbed injection, ensuring essential trace minerals for optimal health are available together with energy provided by vitamin B12 to help support the best response to trace mineral supplementation.



The key processes of growth, reproduction and immune defence require large amount of energy to function well. Providing trace minerals and vitamin B12 together ensures the trace mineral building blocks for optimal health are available along with energy from vitamin B12 to help support the best response to trace mineral supplementation.

Dicyclanil based products will continue to provide trusted and reliable protection against flystrike for the vast majority of sheep producers, provided they are applied in accordance with the label Likewise,directions.bestpractice guidelines for worm control should be considered when recommending a pour-on lousicide containing abamectin. There is widespread resistance to all older active ingredients found in sheep drenches, including macrocyclic Industrylactones.

48 Animal Health


Spring is a busy time in the sheep and wool industry’s calendar, with many producers shearing, crutching and applying treatments for the prevention or control of lice, blowfly strike and worms.

guidelines recommend conducting a Worm Egg Count to determine worm burdens before drenching. If the worm burden doesn’t warrant drenching, then don’t! If drenching is required, it is recommended to use a ‘fully effective’ drench and ideally, as part of a combination drench. Regardless of which products you select, good application technique is essential to achieve effective prevention or control of parasites. Remember to always read and follow the label directions and to visit paraboss. for industry recommendations for effective lice, fly and worm Formanagement.moreinformation, please contact your Elders branch or an Elanco technical or sales 1800productsupportau@elancoah.comrepresentative,or995709

RESISTANCE CAN EMERGE OVER TIME Resistance may develop to any chemical if it is used continuously. Australian sheep and wool producers have relied upon neonicotinoids and spinosyns for the last decade as their ‘go-to’ pour-on Whilelousicides.there is no known resistance in Australian sheep lice populations to these two important modes of action, it’s important that we keep it that way. If you have been using imidacloprid or spinosad products for several years, it’s time to rotate to another effective mode of Theaction.mode of action selected for lice control will also affect treatment options for blowfly prevention and control. Lice are obligate parasites that remain on host sheep throughout their life cycle. This means that any lice present in the fleece will be exposed to any blowfly strike preventative or treatment applied later in the season. Industry guidelines discourage the consecutive use of lousicides with the same mode of action or the use of the same mode of action for lice control and flystrike prevention in the same season. Put simply, if a neonicotinoid or spinosyn is applied to control lice, the same mode of action should not be applied to prevent blowfly strike during the same wool growing season.

AN INDUSTRY WIDE PROBLEM The onset of widespread resistance to cyromazine and developing resistance to dicyclanil poses a serious concern to the industry. Whilst resistance to chemical treatment can result in a reduced period of protection, it is worth remembering other factors, such as incorrect application technique or adverse environmental conditions during or after application, also reduce the protection period.

Product stewardship is everyone’s responsibility and this is the perfect opportunity to encourage everyone to adopt best practice guidelines to ensure optimal results and to protect the efficacy of all available chemistry. It’s important to take a holistic approach when selecting lice, blowfly and worm control products. This is because many modes of action are used to control different target species. For example, neonicotinoids (e.g. imidacloprid), spinosyns (e.g. spinosad), macrocyclic lactones (e.g. ivermectin) and organophosphates (e.g. diazinon) are widely used to control sheep lice and to prevent or treat blowfly strike. Macrocyclic lactones –also widely referred to as ‘mectins’ or MLs – are used to control worms.

Annual product rotation is arguably less important when selecting a blowfly preventative. Unlike lice, blowflies are dormant over the winter months and are therefore not exposed to chemical treatments during the pupae stage of their life cycle.


• No wool WHP and 21 day ESI (off-shears and unshorn lambs)2

• Unique mode of action 3 with no known resistance

• User-friendly, water-based Ideal rotation partner 4 Call 1800 226 324 or visit and find out why it’s time to rotate to Extinosad Pour-On. Always read and follow the label directions. Good agricultural practice is essential for optimal lice control. *Terms and conditions apply. Visit

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References: 1. Levot, G. (2008). Speed of action and in vitro efficacy of spinosad against sheep body lice, Bovicola ovis, resistant to pyrethroid, organophosphate or insect growth regulator insecticides. Aust J Ent 47:251-255. 2. Refer to registered label. 3. Cisneros, J. et al. (2002). Toxic effects of spinosad on predatory insects. Biological Control. 23:156-163. 4. James, P. (2013). Preventing resistance in sheep lice, (AWI, Sheep CRC). 5. Visit or contact your rural store for terms and conditions. Extinosad™ Pour-On contains 20 g/L spinosad. Extinosad™, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2022 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-22-0482. EAH22368.

• Apply up to 7 days off-shears, to suckling lambs (unshorn) or to sheep with long wool (>6


to once again be partnering with AgriFutures evokeAG to deliver an event to a domestic and international audience. This will catalyse the next generation of innovations that will continue to spur Australian agriculture into the future.

evokeAG is the Asia Pacific’s premier agrifood tech event, aiming to bring together farmers, innovators, researchers, universities, corporates, government and investors to drive impact for farmers and the supplyElderschain.


AgriFutures Managing Director, John Harvey welcomed the partnership and thanked Elders for its continued investment in agrifood innovation.

Managing Director and CEO Mark Allison says the time is now to connect and collaborate with the agricultural innovation community, with evokeAG 2023 providing the perfect backdrop for these conversations.

evokeAG 2023 – renewing a partnership we’ve enjoyed since 2019.

Elders has renewed its commitment to Australian agrifood innovation, returning as the official Platinum Partner of AgriFutures evokeAG 2023 event.

“We’re particularly excited to bring evokeAG 2023 to Elders’ birthplace of South Australia. South Australia has a real and vital part to play in helping our sectors growth ambitions through the development, commercialisation and adoption of agrifood tech innovation supporting farmers to be more productive, efficient and sustainable.”

“We’re privileged to have Elders join us again as the Platinum Partner for

“Elders has a 183-year legacy in enhancing on-farm innovation and supporting the growth of Australian agriculture. It is fitting, that the theme for evokeAG 2023 is Down to Earth, where we’ll create the conversations and connections that’ll help drive innovation and growth on our farms,” said Mr Harvey.

Set to be held at the Adelaide Convention Centre on 21 to 22 February, evokeAG 2023 Down to Earth will bring together the the agrifood tech community to discuss how global agrifood innovation and tech collide, intersect, connect, translate, complement, and challenge our most important assets – our people, our farms, our soil, our water and our Earth.

“It’s an opportune time for Australian agriculture. The demand for safe, quality, Australian product is at an alltime high, and as a sector we’re well positioned for exponential growth as Australia’s neighbouring populations continue to grow and prosper,” said Mr “We’reAllison.proud

Early bird tickets for evokeAG 2023 are on sale now. Visit the evokeAG website at to purchase yours.

50 News

EVOKEAGFORIN2023 for Australian


Many disinfectants only have 1 or 2 APVMA approved applications so you need multiple products to fulfill all the applications you need to keep your business safe.

Most important is Independently Proven Effective for porous surfaces, with hard water, low temperatures and most importantly, in the presence of organic challenge. Global acceptability by governments and agencies is a good guide. Seek independent verification from internationally recognised laboratories, government web sites and University papers. Look for Environmentally Sustainable Products with an Exceptional Safety Profile - chlorine and chlorine-based products do not fit this profile. Safety in use for the environment, animals and personnel will be one less risk during the challenges an EAD outbreak causes.

As well, the sudden demand for extra staff today will lead to inexperienced staff being deployed in these situations and with all the training and education needs, keeping things safe and simple will help enormously.2 Finally, your product of choice should be Cost Effective. It isn’t cost effective if it doesn’t fit the above criteria as well as looking at the dilution rates and application rates, not the drum costs. You will be surprised to find that some cheap disinfectants aren’t really that

Askcheap! your Procurement, Quality Assurance, Health and Safety and Environmental teams or if you’re a small business ask yourself. What products are you using for disinfection? List them. What are the disease pathogens of concern for your business? List them. Do the products we are using kill the disease pathogens of business Ifconcern?theydon’t, you are wasting your money and risking your business using inadequate products. Look to a business that can support you with staff training in chemical handling and safety, diagrammatic mixing and application, including what to wear and how to wear PPE posters and complete biosecurity programs.

1. Low Temperature Performance of Disinfectants by Ludmila Starostina 29 February 2016 2. Virkon is the only registered disinfectant with AOC Australian Certified Organic EMERGENCY ANIMAL



warm - aldehydes do not work well in cold conditions.1 Quality disinfectants can deal with some EAD pathogens in Yourminutes.product of choice should be versatile so it can be used in many applications (disinfecting surfaces, equipment, vehicle, foot dip, water systems, and aerial disinfection).

52 Animal Health

With pathogens on our doorstep, such as Foot and Mouth Disease, African Swine Fever and Avian Influenza, it is vital businesses are prepared and know what to do in an outbreak, including having the materials and products on hand, ready to go as soon as an emergency is declared.

Whatever you use should be Fast Acting. Using a disinfectant that takes considerable time to inactivate pathogens of concern is not going to be effective as it may dry off or wash off before the pathogen has been killed. The disinfectant should be fast acting in cold climates as well as

Businesses should make a conscious effort to increase stocks and rotate them so if there is an Emergency Animal Disease (EAD) declared, the business has access to additional stocks for increased activity in disease prevention, as prevention would be far more economical than the cleanup costs, loss of industry and loss of international trade and reputation. When an EAD is declared, demand for suitable disinfectants, personal protective equipment (PPE) and other materials increases astronomically and a sudden demand increase may not be met once local supplies are exhausted, as supply chain delays in manufacturing and shipping currently run into several months, especially with the reluctance to ship as Dangerous Goods (DGs) if the carriers can avoid it. Further to this, there are very few non-DG disinfectants that can be airfreighted to speed up supply and with expensive air freight these days, expect those additional charges to be passed on.

Foot and Mouth Disease Prevention & Control Distributed by: 1800 649 231 S Powerful Broad Spectrum Virucidal Disinfectant

yourEnergisecrops Mega-Kel-Pwith®Mega-Kel-P® combines the biostimulation of Australian Bull Kelp with a tailored nutrient package for foliar application, specifically designed to improve plant health and productivity. Accelerates root growth Increases fruit retention Improves fruit sizing Improves resilience to environmental stress Increases crop yield ® Mega-Kel-P is a registered trademark of Omnia Specialities (Australia) Pty Ltd. EMGP0822

Biostimulants have gained much positive traction over the recent years with great results coming from their use. One of the key biostimulant categories is kelp extracts, and Omnia Specialities Australia has been operating in this category over 20 years. With a firm grip on how to incorporate biostimulants into mineral fertiliser programs, they provide a range of biostimulant and plant health products that are used globally to improve soil and crop health in a sustainable way, resulting in greater Theyields.leading foliar product in Omnia’s biostimulant range is Mega-Kel-P. It is based on extracts from Tasmanian Bull Kelp and formulated with optimized ratios of NPK, essential chelated trace elements, amino acids, and fulvates. When combined these minerals and organic extracts stimulate energy production and build stress resilience in crops.

“While Mega-Kel-P has been a favourite of growers for well over a decade, we decided to run performance trials in a number of crops during the last season to show again the productivity benefits of it”, said Andrew Doecke, Omnia’s Innovation and Development Manager in “TheAustralia.results have been impressive.

“A lot of these results are due to MegaKel-P’s ability to reduce stress in the plant, which in turn allows the crop to retain its fruit better. This is through influencing the hormonal system of the plant and fuelling the energy system. It also allows more resources to be available to grow and maintain a healthy root system, in turn leading to better nutrient and water uptake.”

Yields were up by 20pc in almonds, with better root growth and higher active carbon in the soil also measured. Wine grapes showed yield responses of 22pc and 16pc in cool and warm climates respectively, with as good or better fruit quality. Macadamia gross margins were increased by over $600 per hectare in a young orchard, and while we are waiting for the ginning data to come through due to the delayed harvest, the field weight from our Mega-Kel-P trial in cotton is up 17pc from the foliar treatment alone, or 33pc when Mega-Kel-P was combined with the soil application of Rhizovator™ and Bacstim® 100.”

“Mega-Kel-P has always been one of those products where growers report the crop looking better visually soon after application, and these results certainly affirm the economic value of this great biostimulant package. With gross margin increases recorded of up to $2500/ha this season, I would certainly recommend that all growers consider again how to incorporate this product into their spring programs”, Andrew concluded. If you are looking for solutions in biostimulants visit your local Elders Agronomist for Omnia’s solutions or visit or call 1800 4 OMNIA (66642).

Mega-Kel-P is unique because it is the only product available that can deliver foliar available phosphorus, fulvate, micronutrients and the biostimulant power of kelp at such a high concentration in one solution.

Wine grapes showed yield responses of 22pc and 16pc in cool and warm climates respectively, with as good or better fruit quality

55 Crop Health


Macadamia gross margins were increased by over $600 per hectare Yields were up by 20pc in almonds

> Nutrients in Bio-HOLD support the crop during poor weather conditions (rainfall and low temperatures). For broadacre crops, Stoller’s Action 10 can help to improve plant health by boosting crops during stressful periods. Action 10, used as part of a good nutritional program, provides an extra boost for building roots, thereby helping the plant overcome stress. Action 10 contains highly available calcium which builds strong cells and promotes healthy growth.



> Enhanced flowering and berry set. Once the flower has been pollinated, it is vital for fruit and nuts to then reach optimum fruit sizing. Bio-HOLD is formulated to aid in management of abiotic stress throughout flowering and early fruit sizing. Abiotic stress over this period can result in weak flowering and poor fruit set. Applied as a foliar spray over flowering and fruit sizing, Bio-HOLD can help to promote strong flowering and pollination in the face of adverse conditions. Bio-HOLD will provide plant nutrition to promote strong flowering, sizing and production.

> Later application at 80 -100pc flower and shuckfall can increase nut weight.

Oneearlier.of the best ways to improve flowering and give your crop the best chance at pollination is to increase the nutritional status of your crop.

> Increase in number of bunches per vine.

> Applications at first flower until 20pc flowering saw an estimated yield increase of 8pc per hectare.

> Reduced seed defects by 17pc.

56 Crop Health


> Applications two weeks prior to the beginning of flowering saw 17pc higher yield at harvest.



> Early applications at 5pc flower and then 80 -100pc flower is effective at increasing nut numbers.


SO HOW DO YOU GET HEALTHY FLOWERS? Flower strength mostly depends on the health of the crop. It can be affected by a variety of factors, including the environmental stresses mentioned

Once a seed is planted, environmental factors can start to reduce its full potential by up to 70 per cent (pc). These environmental stresses can include nutritional deficiencies, water stress, high or low temperatures, pests, weeds, and diseases. Crops can be impacted at various stages of growth with some crops experiencing the greatest loss early due to seedling death. Some will be affected later with flower bud failure, and others will be closer to harvest with grain abortion, fruit drop, or fruit damage. This reduction in yield impacts the grower’s bottom line and causes financial losses. Pollination is a vital part of the crop cycle. To pollinate, plants start their productive stage by creating reproductive buds, then flowers. For flowers to be pollinated, they need to stay strong long enough for this process to occur. If the crop is too weak then flower buds can abort. If the weak bud does produce a flower, these flowers can fall prematurely, and either never pollinate or only create small fruit which can fall quickly due to poor setting. These issues all lead to reduced Ayields.strong, healthy flower will stay viable for longer, increasing chances of Strengtheningpollination. flowers can decrease chances of bud abortion and weak flowers, and increase chances of pollination, therefore increasing quality and overall yield.

Adequate levels of calcium, boron, and zinc can improve overall nutrition and are essential for flower strength. These elements support the crops to mitigate adverse environmental factors. These nutrients can help with pollination, fruit set, retention, and uniformity however an agronomist can help to determine your specific tree crops’ needs. Stoller has a range of pollination and stress solutions for many crop types, including horticulture and broadacre. Stoller’s SETT Enhanced contains high levels of calcium and boron. SETT Enhanced optimises pollination and fruit retention for horticulture crops by strengthening flowers. The calcium and boron assist with pollen tube formation, fruit quality and can lead to higher yields, especially during cold night conditions.

> Return of investment of $6 to every $1 spent. For more information on Stoller’s nutrient solutions to improve pollination and yield, please visit your local Elders branch or contact us at or FREECALL 1800 337 845.

Stoller is a global company celebrating 50 years throughout the world and 25 years in Australia. Our products are based on an in depth knowledge of Plant Physiology and nutrient interaction for a variety of broadacre, horticulture, tree and vine crops. Australian team undertake trials and demonstrations throughout the country to deeply understand the way plant potential in a variety of conditions. Stoller employ skilled representatives that with growers, agronomists and distributors.

work nationwide


Our products are made in Australia and manufactured throughout the country. n Aids root growth n Improves pollination n Builds strong cells and promotes healthy growth n Creates plants that are less susceptible to pests, disease and physical failure Refer to our website for Action 10 & Stoller Solutions. Product Focus Stoller will help your crops reach their full potential. Ask us how today. Contact Stoller on FREECALL 1800 337 845 or

our products impact


> 5mm wire mesh thickness > Produced from Australian Standard 25NB hot dipped galvanised pipe both inside and outside the pipe for corrosion resistance, with a wall thickness of 2mm.

The N-Sure gate is the cornerstone of Cyclone’s comprehensive range of gates and its popularity as an allround gate for most farm applications continues to rise, with a hard-earned reputation and an extensive list of features to help deliver greater benefits on farms. These features have evolved over a number of years of careful innovation from listening to what farmers need when it comes to buying their gates. These features include:

59 Fencing


> Full notch weld construction for added strength. However, the feature that makes the N-Sure gate stand out from the rest is Cyclone’s patented steel plate gusset.

Forgusset!more information on Cyclone N-Sure gates, gate fittings or any other gate products in the range go to your local Elders branch or

One of the most prevailing issues that can occur to gates out in the field, especially longer gates, is failure on the hinged side of the gate. Cracking of welds, sagging, and twisting of the gate which can lead to weak points in your fence line. Some N-Braced gates on the market can be prone to these issues. Based in Newcastle with a couple of experienced farmers and engineers in the team - The Cyclone design team came together to build a better gate.

Using advanced engineering technology alongside practical “know-how” and many hours of testing the team developed the patented gate design turning the Standard N-brace gate into the Cyclone N-Sure gate that is known, used, and appreciated by farmers across Australia. When buying a gate make sure it has the mark of strength – the steel plate

> Welded mesh insert features bands of graduated mesh from 50mm to 32mm horizontal wire spacings in the bottom section of the gate delivering improved strength and security. This increased density of strands in the lower part of the gate helps prevent animals from breaching your gate.

> Welded collar attached at hinge end to increase compatibility with a broader range of gate hardware, including Brooker hinges.

You can always rely on a local In a world that’s becoming increasingly corporate, global and less personal, it’s good to know you can still talk to a local expert, face to face, about your insurance needs. Someone who actually lives and works in your community, and takes time to understand your situation. It’s how we’ve always done it and how we always will. Contact your local Agent today. 13 56 22 Elders Insurance Elders Insurance (Underwriting Agency) Pty Limited ABN 56 138 879 026 AFS Licence 340965 is the issuer of these insurance products. Elders Insurance is underwritten by QBE Insurance (Australia) Limited ABN 78 003 191035 AFSL 239545. Visit to consider the Product Disclosure Statement and any applicable Target Market Determination to decide if the product is right for you.

The station is set amongst mountain ranges and stunning gorges east of Derby along the famous Gibb River Road. With a customary 650mm of rain falling between November to April each year the remainder of the year consists of blue skies and temperatures around 30 degrees. The May River runs through the property and is a great place for staff to fish as well as being a popular holiday spot for campers. With such a large and varied landscape, each muster is managed by helicopters and assisted by the staff on horseback. When mustering, each staff member has up to four horses assigned to them to ensure the horses are fresh and not overworked. When the cattle are brought back to the mustering yards they are sorted and loaded onto road trains for sale to local meatworks or for export. Such a big operation requires a skilled team and water-tight teamwork.

Situated on the edge of one the world’s largest wilderness frontiers, the mighty Kimberley, Meda Station has a rich history in Australian agriculture. Occupying over 380,000 hectares and managing 25,000 head of Brahman cattle, the station is a part of Jumbuck Pastoral, Australia’s largest family-owned pastoral company.


Elders Livestock Manager for the Kimberley Kelvin Hancey says working with Troy and the team at Meda has been very rewarding. Kelvin has been with Elders for 42 years and has been working in the Kimberley for the past 16 years. With Elders Derby branch servicing arguably the largest area for any branch in the Elders branch network, Kelvin’s interaction with Troy and his team is weekly during the dry Workingseason. through logistics for drafting, coordinating road trains, planning upcoming sales and general merchandise requirements, it’s a relationship that Kelvin thoroughly “Whenenjoys. you work with quality people, who are known in the industry for producing quality product it makes your job that much more enjoyable,” said Kelvin.

Managed by Troy Haslet, his wife Monica and with their young children Marlee and Wade keen to help wherever they can, Meda has a staff of up to 20 during peak season when mustering takes priority. Only a few of those staff stay on year-round during the wet which is the time for maintenance and repairs.

61 General

When there’s mustering on and the cattle come into the yards for transport it’s all hands on deck with Kelvin and fellow Elders Kimberley livestock teammembers Carly Longmuir, Territory Sales Manager and Meredith Turner, Livestock Trainee, all lending a hand to ensure that the Elders team see the job through from start to finish. There is a magical change in the horizon when the cattle move around the yards causing the dust, as fine as talcum powder, to rise and create a mist like effect covering the landscape. The Kimberley is a beautiful yet rugged landscape. The terrain is unforgiving yet mystical and it is not the easiest place to produce cattle – but if you ask Troy and his staff, they wouldn’t have it any other the Kimberley is tough but the team at Meda do it very well.

“I enjoy my job and its never lost on me about how lucky we are to live and work in such a beautiful part of Australia”.

Elders would like to thank the organisers of a successful event and look forward to seeing everyone again in 2024.

future for cotton in Australia

Agronomist, Tom White, who recently started with Elders Katherine after studying a Bachelor of Sustainable Agriculture majoring in Agronomy at the University of Queensland, sees a great

Carbon farming remains topical, and increasingly of interest for growers.

“ and innovations we see in the industry are developing Youconstantly.justhave to look around here at this event and see the continuous investment into research by industry bodies and commitment to cotton by service providers like Elders and B&W Rural, to see that this is an industry committed to sustainability and growth.

The Elders and B&W Rural exhibitor site proved to be the place to be, with a constant stream of visitors and prospective clients enjoying their time networking over a coffee with the team.

This year Elders and B&W Rural reinforced their commitment to the sustainability of the cotton industry, with investment as an exhibitor at the 2022 Australian Cotton Conference.

Elders Technical Manager, Dr Thakur Bhattarai, spent the conference in discussion with clients and presenting on the potential of carbon markets.

“We addressed innovations towards achieving better outcomes for the dryland component of our cotton industry and I am pleased to contribute to the industry by leading such an important topic,” says Peter. Peter Birch from B&W Rural leading a panel session at this years conference on rain grown cotton.

The theme for this year’s event was “Here For Good” and confirms the Australian cotton industry’s ongoing commitment to a sustainable future.

“Looking into the future there is so much potential growth all around Australia,” says Tom.

With Cotton Australia celebrating its 50th year, the 2022 conference was a resounding success, attended by more than 2200 delegates, 150 presenters and panelists and 100 exhibitors in attendance.

Peter Birch needs no introduction to the cotton industry having been a leader in his field under the B&W Rural banner for decades. As part of this year’s conference, Peter led a panel session consisting of private consultants, CSIRO and industry technology providers where they discussed increasing productivity of rain grown cotton.

“The marketing options to utilise every bit of the plant provide endless opportunities for growers and the rest of the supply chain to succeed.”

agronomist, Tom White, made the 30+ hour drive down from Katherine for the week’s proceedings.

“Carbon farming is becoming an increasingly talked about topic of conversation amongst the agricultural industry, and the cotton industry is no exception,” says Dr Bhattarai.

“This week I have been meeting with many clients interested in introducing carbon farming practice to their Myorganisations.roleasa technical manager is to support our agronomy and livestock production services and work with clients to plan and implement their carbon farming project.”

Technical Manager, Dr Thakur Bhattarai, was kept very busy speaking with clients about their carbon farming programs during the week.

Tom commented that the sustainability of the Australian cotton industry is supported largely by technology and

Collectively, both businesses are committed to supporting the cotton industry and extending their services in existing and emerging prime cotton growing regions in the country.

It’s exciting to be a part of.”

Technical Manager, Dr Thakur Bhattarai, was kept very busy speaking with clients about their carbon farming programs during the week.

Elders agronomist, Tom White, made the 30+ hour drive down from Katherine for the week’s proceedings.


Tom has just made the move up to Katherine, NT where he will take up the first agronomy position for Elders in the budding horticulture and farming Eldersregion.

62 News

It’s the smallest thing that makes the biggest difference. It’s yielddeliveringthrivefeedbackdevelopedEverythegeneticstomorefarmersnewEPGsuccesswherestarts.SeedshasbeendevelopingvarietiestohelpAustralianincreaseproductivityforthan15years.We’reproudoffersomeofthebestseedavailabletoday,withpromiseofmoretocome.varietyhasbeenwithgroweranddesignedtoinouruniqueconditions,highqualityandhighcropsacrossthecountry.Availablenationally, our portfolio of productive wheat, barley, oats and forage sorghum is now on Tosale.learn more about EPG Seeds and our full range of seed varieties visit EPG Seeds. It’s where success starts.


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