Elders Seasons Magazine - summer 21 edition

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Summer 2021










Keep ahead of



CEO Foreword This edition of Seasons magazine comes off the back of one of Elders’, and indeed agriculture’s, best years in recent times. Across the country we are seeing good seasonal conditions, record-high commodity prices, booming farmland values, low interest rates and an enormous increase in global demand for quality Australian agricultural products. This environment has created exceptional opportunities for Australian producers to make the most of encouraging conditions and use surplus capital to invest in technologies and practices that will allow them to make sustainable, long-term decisions that can future-proof them in the years ahead. Recently, Elders released its first stand-alone Sustainability Report, alongside the Annual Report. With our dedicated sustainability team, we have been working hard to identify opportunities to mitigate environmental impacts and take a leading position on sustainability within the agricultural industry. Through this lens, we intend to be a resource of great value for our customers who are looking to implement new innovations to increase productivity and sustainably grow their enterprises. I hope that my own feelings of optimism and excitement for our industry are shared by you, and with this positive outlook, am looking forward to the opportunities of 2022 and to another season working alongside (and for) you. Regards,

Mark Allison



Contents New insecticide already preferred against chewing pests


Summer drenching don’t let the worms burn you!


New tools on the way to keep ahead of evolving annual ryegrass resistance


Where does it end? Are we at the top? Can it keep going like this?


Significant advantages for Australian growers from new nematicide


Buffalo flies ramp up


New fungicide delivers flexible control of key almond diseases


Liberty grain sorghum brings satisfying results in the south


Old herbicide classification makes way for the future


The King Kong of tropical grasses: Mekong Briz™ antha brachiaria


Expert advice the key to business success



Fencing - a better ROI with Waratah!


Gallagher Animal Performance enters new territory, helping better track animal performance towards targets.

Making glyphosate go further


Improving results through planning


Begin the 2022 cropping season in the clear, with a clean boom sprayer


Philmac Ball Valves 40 Years Strong


Getting the most out of your crop stubbles


Companion The ultimate adjuvant for your Summer Spray program



Getting the job done with Rancona® Dimension


Multi Trans 7000, simply a smarter bin.. Need to store, carry, deliver or dish out feed, seed or fertiliser?


Mollusc mitigation – what risks do snails and slugs pose?


Cyclone Fence Droppers – Simple, Fast and Economical! Diesel essential portable ute packs


Quality has its own rewards

28 31

PLASSON: Engineered for rural pipe and rural life


Maximise Yield Even Before Seeding Elders invests in growing seed genetics division



The first choice for sheep summer drench programs


SIVANTO® prime is tough on key horticultural pests, with safety for beneficial species Yield Assessment and grazing management of Mainstar forage brassica



Crop Protection

NEW INSECTICIDE ALREADY PREFERRED AGAINST CHEWING PESTS It has taken little time for a new insecticide to become a preferred rotational partner against chewing pests in brassica as well as leafy and fruiting vegetable crops. Plemax®, from ADAMA Australia, has introduced a new mode of action in this segment, novaluron (Group 15), in combination with the trusted strength of indoxacarb (Group 22A). It is particularly helping to combat hard-to-control diamondback moth (DBM) and helicoverpa, whilst importantly extending the life of existing chemistry against these and other key chewing pests. Indoxacarb is a widely used knockdown insecticide and in combination with novaluron, a slower mode of action insect growth regulator (IGR), has improved treatment efficacy and reduced the risk of resistance developing. Both have similar residual activity and rainfastness, further increasing the likelihood of target pests ingesting the active ingredients. LOCAL FIELD TRIALS IMPRESS GROWERS Jake Sullivan, Commercial Manager in Southern and Far North Queensland for ADAMA Australia, said fantastic results with Plemax compared with other insecticides had made it the ideal option for DBM control and, in turn, also had significantly enhanced the company’s profile in the region. “During two in-field walks in brassica crops in 2020, the reduced shot-hole from the application of Plemax was clearly evident,’’ said Jake, who is based at Maleny on the Sunshine Coast and supports growers in the local area as well as through the Lockyer Valley, Bundaberg region and Northern Tablelands. Jake said Plemax was an excellent “rotational fit’’; it would assist management strategies against Group 28-resistant DBM populations; and, it was effective for integrated pest management (IPM) programs, based on crop monitoring, economic thresholds and beneficial insects. CAULIFLOWER ON THE MENU In Victoria, ADAMA Australia Market Development Manager Alistair Crawford, who also supports the industry in Tasmania, said brassica and leafy vegetable growers can face about four generations of multiple resistant DBM each year. In Tasmania, DBM from Victoria also can land there. “DBM is the main target for our broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and leafy ‘veg’ growers at Werribee, Cranbourne, to the north east and over to ‘Tassie’, and we do also get helicoverpa,’’ Alistair said. “There are mild forms of resistance to a number of actives and the dual mode of action knockdown and IGR with Plemax, and its residual, is becoming a key part of insecticide programs in rotation with other chemistry. Group 28 and 2B insecticides are coming under pressure.’’ Alistair said trials at Werribee in cauliflower had 4


shown excellent results alongside other benchmark insecticides. “You could see some of the standards weren’t working as well in comparison, showing some damage, crop losses and nonmarketable product. “The trials also highlighted some good sequencing of insecticides with Plemax in order to achieve the best results”, said Alistair. TWO MODES OF ATTACK ON HELICOVERPA Brett Hansen, who supports growers through Central Queensland and the Northern Territory as Commercial Manager with ADAMA Australia based from Proserpine, said Plemax was being used mainly to control helicoverpa in tomato, capsicum, chili and other fruiting vegetables, as well as hard-to-control DBM in some Asian vegetable crops. “Plemax is adding to the rotation of insecticide chemistry groups with its two modes of action attacking pests from two different directions, and with good residual activity, effectively taking the pressure off other groups, especially Group 28. “The novaluron controls younger instars of insects, but, as a coformulated knockdown and IGR containing two different actives, Plemax controls multiple pest populations at different life cycle stages”, Brett said. He said growers of Asian vegetables had enjoyed success against DBM after trialling the new insecticide. “There are a lot of resistant DBM up here. Growers have used Plemax once and they are now spraying it again – so that’s a sign. “It all comes back to marketable fruit and with other crops as well, like broccoli, you can see the difference with Plemax against key chewing pests compared with standard insecticides and untreated areas, where there can be bullet holes everywhere.’’ ADAMA Australia’s Queensland and NT Market Development Manager Jim O’Connor agreed that Plemax was an excellent rotational partner to help prolong the life of existing chemistry, especially considering its strength compared with other benchmark insecticides. Plemax is also supported in select areas by ADAMA Australia’s Trapview Predictive Pest Network. This insect monitoring system comprises a national network of more than 500 smart traps that provide real-time monitoring of populations to assist more effective and accurate applications.



For a good looking head.

Plemax is a highly effective insecticide that provides robust knockdown and residual control of key chewing pests in brassicas, leafy vegetables and fruiting vegetables.*

Scan here for more information

• Introducing a new mode of action (Group 15 / 22A) for improved efficacy and resistance management • Knockdown and residual control of key chewing pests, including Diamondback moth and Helicoverpa spp. • Protects yield and quality from chewing pests • Ideal for use with Trapview monitoring technology

INSECTICIDE *Excluding cucurbits. ®Registered trademark of an ADAMA Agricultural Solutions Company.





FOR MORE INFORMATION Visit matenocomplete.com.au or speak to your local reseller or agronomist *Contains a new mode of action herbicide for Australia. An application for the registration of Mateno® Complete has been made. At the time of publication Mateno Complete is not a registered product. Mateno® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group. © 2021 Bayer Group. Bayer CropScience Pty Ltd ABN 87 000 226 022. Level 1, 8 Redfern Road, Hawthorn East, Vic 3123. Technical enquiries: 1800 804 479 enquiries.australia@bayer.com

Crop Protection


Reports of the continued evolution of annual ryegrass herbicide resistance across the country’s major cropping regions has once again reinforced the push for growers to use every possible weed management tool in the proverbial toolbox – and fortunately more tools are coming. Recent herbicide resistance testing by the Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) across four states has indicated continued shifts in sensitivity to different herbicide modes of action and the ongoing requirement for robust management strategies to ensure mode of action groups are not lost to the industry. Using multiple herbicide modes of action has long been a key plank of the industry’s major measures to help growers delay the evolution of resistance. Rotating and mixing multiple herbicide modes of action improves weed control efficacy, particularly of important problem weeds and helps to increase the lifespan and number of effective applications of herbicides. TRIPLE MODE OF ACTION FOR 2022 The industry is ready to welcome a new three-way mode of action herbicide expected to be registered in time for the 2022 winter cereal season for growers. Mateno® Complete, from Bayer, contains a new herbicide mode of action for Australia, aclonifen (Group 32), in a complementary co-formulation with pyroxasulfone (Group 15) and diflufenican (Group 12) herbicides. It is set to be registered for annual ryegrass control in both incorporated by sowing (IBS) and early post-emergent (EPE) application timings in wheat at a rate range from 750 mL/ha up to 1 L/ha, and for IBS application in barley at 750 mL/ha. Aclonifen and diflufenican are taken up predominantly by plant shoots and leaves and so are particularly effective when supporting pyroxasulfone (predominantly taken up by plant roots) at the EPE timing. Applied IBS, Mateno Complete offers a higher level of control of annual ryegrass, barley grass, annual phalaris, silver grass and toad rush and suppression of wild oats, great brome and capeweed. Used EPE in wheat, it provides control of small silver grass, toad rush, wild radish, capeweed and prickly lettuce and suppression of annual ryegrass, barley grass and doublegee/spiny emex. STAYING AHEAD OF THE CURVE Craig White, Leader of Integrated Weed Management in Australia for Bayer, said the industry needed to keep finding new tools and Mateno Complete, with its complementary active ingredients and especially new aclonifen active ingredient, would need to be adopted in combination with other measures. “To keep ahead of evolving resistance, growers need to look at multiple modes of action and active ingredients that are

complementary and Mateno Complete has both of these in the one product. Used in a program that integrates other herbicides with different modes of action, it can be very powerful with what it offers,’’ Craig said. Trials over several years have shown Mateno Complete provides a slight improvement in annual ryegrass control compared with the industry benchmark herbicide, Sakura®, when applied IBS, and when applied EPE following an effective IBS pre-emergent herbicide, it takes weed control to a whole new level. With metabolic resistance in annual ryegrass a major concern for the industry, the EPE use pattern provides the dual benefits of increased weed control with the use of multiple herbicide modes of action within a season. “Weeds can escape IBS applications, particularly weeds emerging in the crop furrow, but with the EPE application, you can come back in and control them,’’ Craig said. “We haven’t had the opportunity to selectively target grasses postemergence in wheat with new chemistry, and thereby improve weed resistance management, for some time. But it has to be done in combination with other key measures because weeds won’t stop evolving and in another decades’ time, we will be facing a different situation that will demand new tactics.’’ BROADLEAF CONTROL He said the excellent control of other grass weeds as well as broadleaf weeds from the EPE application of Mateno Complete also could help preserve important broadleaf herbicide tools for use in rotation or elsewhere within weed management programs. “Mateno Complete controls key broadleaf weeds like wild radish and capeweed, and other important broadleaf weeds including volunteer canola, Indian hedge mustard and sowthistle are now under evaluation.’’ The EPE application provides growers with greater options to rotate post-emergent herbicides, or to use them in other parts of programs – and the ability to gain the biggest bang when they are deployed. “Achieving longer control of annual ryegrass and other grass weeds whilst at the same time controlling broadleaf weeds and allowing alternate use of other herbicides provides the opportunity to best limit weed seedset for growers,” Craig explains. An application for the registration of Mateno Complete has been made. At the time of publication, Mateno Complete is not a registered product. 7

Crop Protection

SIGNIFICANT ADVANTAGES FOR AUSTRALIAN GROWERS FROM NEW NEMATICIDE Corteva agriscience Australia is pleased to announce the first global registration of Salibro® Reklemel® active nematicide. Corteva agriscience Australia Regulatory & Policy Manager, Greg Mitchell said that the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA) did a great job in meeting the regulatory timelines. Australian growers will be the first in the world to access and use Salibro to protect their crops. Salibro is now approved for the control of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) in root and tuber, cucurbit and fruiting vegetable crops. Salibro offers growers significant advantages over existing options. A MORE SUSTAINABLE CONTROL OPTION Corteva agriscience Salibro product manager, Dan Cornally, said nematode control options in the past have typically been quite disruptive to beneficial fauna contained in the soil. “Nematode control can be very challenging, and many of the current options available to growers are not IPM friendly which results in significant disruption to soil beneficial organisms, they are also generally considered higher risk to growers and the environment. “Salibro is quite different, it is much lower risk to applicators and the environment. It is also a very effective nematicide that controls root-knot nematode and has negligible impact on the beneficial species that help suppress pests and diseases for healthier soil,” Dan explains. Salibro has a unique mode of action and can be used at relatively low rates. Salibro affects the co-ordination of the nematode, meaning they are unable to move, feed and infect plant roots within hours of treatment. Death will occur in a couple of days as nematodes cannot move or feed effectively. MODE OF ACTION In treated soils, parasitic nematodes hatch and juveniles are exposed to Salibro as they move in films of water within the soil in search of a host root. This exposure will result in control of these newly emerged juveniles. Soil temperature does not have any impact on the performance of Salibro and effective control is observed both at low and high soil temperatures, i.e. 4 to > 35 °C. 8


Salibro will typically provide root protection from 20 to 50 days so is an excellent option for growers needing effective robust control of root-knot nematodes. Mr Cornally said Salibro offers excellent flexibility in terms of application timing and methods. The approved use patterns are: > 1. At crop establishment through drip from three days before planting up to three days after transplanting depending on the crop. > 2. As a bed or furrow spray incorporated mechanically or with irrigation up to three days before planting. > 3. Split application through drip – applied at establishment and again 14 - 28 days after transplanting depending on the crop. > 4. Post plant drip as a top up treatment following another registered nematicide treatment. “Salibro has been extensively tested across Australia targeting important horticultural areas on a range of soil types since 2013 and there has been no crop injury or significant impact on crop vigour throughout those trials,” Mr Cornally said. One of the trials sites was in Bundaberg, Queensland, and included a planned trial of the new product in sweet potatoes, carrots and capsicums. “This was a particularly useful trial as there were very high rates of nematodes in the soil and Salibro was compared to untreated plots and those treated with current industry nematicides,” Mr Cornally said. “This trial demonstrated the excellent crop safety of Salibro and its ability to control nematodes to produce high yields of quality vegetables.”In the carrot trial at the site, the untreated section produced very small and deformed vegetables whereas the Salibro plot had large quality carrots. Mr Cornally said the advantages of Salibro over current nematicides were evident and would be welcomed by growers in the coming season. “This product has application flexibility and will help growers produce consistent, quality vegetables while looking after their soil.” To find out more contact your local Elders branch.

Elevate your soil.

Elevate your harvest.

Start at the roots to protect the future of your farm. Salibro® Reklemel® active helps grow your yield by working to protect your crop from root-knot nematodes. Salibro stands out for its excellent environmental profile and compatibility with beneficial organisms, promoting healthy, productive soils over time.

Get the best of both worlds with Reklemel.

Visit us at corteva.com ®™ Trademarks of Corteva Agriscience and its affiliated companies or respective owners. Copyright © 2021 Corteva Agriscience.

Crop Protection


Orchardists can now manage all key almond diseases while being better able to adjust fungicide programs to their needs, thanks to the registration of SEGURIS® Flexi. “When it comes to SDHI fungicides, SEGURIS® Flexi (Group 7) comes out ahead in almonds, with protection against rust, hull rot, blossom blight, brown rot, among other diseases including anthracnose and shot hole,” Syngenta Technical Services Lead Dr Brandy Rawnsley said. “Being a powerful, single mode of action fungicide means many in the almond industry stand to benefit from moving to SEGURIS® Flexi, by giving growers greater flexibility when it comes to tailoring a fungicide program that not only controls disease but supports a strong return on investment and won’t jeopardise export markets.” WHAT THE TRIALS SAY Numerous trials have demonstrated that SEGURIS® Flexi has strong efficacy on a wide range of diseases. The APVMA has approved SEGURIS® Flexi for control against blossom blight, brown rot, rust, shot hole, and scab (freckle), as well as suppression of hull rot and anthracnose. Within two hours of application SEGURIS® Flexi is absorbed into the wax layer of the plant, forming a protective barrier to fungal infection, for up to 21 days of residual control. The active ingredient isopyrazam not only binds to the leaf, it also binds to the fungus within the mitochondria, inhibiting its ability to create the energy it needs for growth and development and causing the fungi to die. “It’s this double-binding activity that makes SEGURIS® Flexi such a potent fungicide, particularly when it’s rainfast within two hours,” Dr Rawnsley said. SEGURIS® Flexi is registered for use at those key times that disease can strike. For blossom blight, shoot blight and shot hole, a preventative spray application at pink bud/early blossom is recommended. With other diseases, monitor conditions and apply ahead of symptom development. For suppression of hull rot, make an application of SEGURIS® Flexi at 5-10% hull-split. UNDERSTANDING THE RESTRICTIONS The use of fungicides in almonds is subject to CropLife restrictions. Syngenta Portfolio Lead for Fruit and Viticulture, Scott Mathew said, the arrival of SEGURIS® Flexi would help in this regard. 10


“The use of co-formulations containing Group 11 + 7 modes of action reduces the total number of Group 7 and Group 11 fungicide applications that can be made during a season. So, a single mode of action allows you to rotate through more Group 7 and Group 11 sprays throughout the season to manage diseases, offering far more flexibility throughout the season,” he said. “In addition to SEGURIS® Flexi, Syngenta has gained registration of AMISTAR® 250SC in almonds, making this another cost-effective single mode of action fungicide for a wide number of diseases. Provided AMISTAR® 250SC isn’t used consecutively, orchardists can opt to use this Mode of Action group up to three times a season as part of a robust spray program.” SEGURIS® FLEXI APPLICATION DETAILS SEGURIS® Flexi supports flexibility in the management of key almond diseases with two rate ranges registered. No more than two applications are to be made per season. For rust and scab control, SEGURIS® Flexi is registered for use at 75-100mL /100L of water. For control of brown rot, blossom blight, shoot blight and shot hole, as well suppression of anthracnose and hull rot, use the registered rate of 100-125mL / 100L of water. No adjuvant is required. For dilute application calculations download the Syngenta Horticulture App from the Apple App Store, alternatively SEGURIS® Flexi can be used 3x concentrate. Do not apply SEGURIS® Flexi at more than 2.5 L/Ha per application. SEGURIS® Flexi is not toxic to bees and does not have any special restrictions on use on the label. It has a 14-day withholding period and users must not process produce into stock food for 14 days after application. For more information about SEGURIS® Flexi, please speak to your local Elders branch or a Syngenta representative or visit www.syngneta.com.au/seguris-flexi ®Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

SINGULARLY BRILLIANT SEGURIS® Flexi fungicide delivers excellent protection against key almond diseases with unmatched flexibility. In rotation with AMISTAR® 250SC fungicide, these solo formulations allow you to build the strongest, most flexible fungicide program that protects you for longer. For further information talk to your local Syngenta representative or visit syngenta.com.au/seguris-flexi



® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. © 2021 Syngenta. AD21-445

Crop Protection

OLD HERBICIDE CLASSIFICATION MAKES WAY FOR THE FUTURE Jason Sabeeney, Syngenta Technical Services Manager ANZ Resistance management whether it’s related to fungicides, insecticides or herbicides, is critical to the long-term sustainability of our industry. Australia is at the forefront of resistance management, being the first country to mandate Mode of Action classification labelling in 1992.

management strategies will largely remain the same. In broadacre, knockdown herbicide management will remain largely unchanged.

Several revisions to this system have been required to reflect current knowledge, however this year we begin a global alignment of the herbicide classification system.

GRAMOXONE® 360 PRO, SPRAY.SEED® (as well as REGLONE ®) have until now come under the Group L classification, these are now Group 22 herbicides.

ALIGNING UNDER A NEW SYSTEM You might have seen a numbering system emerge in recent weeks reflecting the mode of action on all new herbicide labels, and in communications.

Many of the pre-emergent herbicides will have a simple exchange of letter to number. BOXER GOLD ® with its complimentary active ingredients prosulfocarb and S-metolachlor was a Group J and K, and is now Group 15.

It is not a simple exchange of C=3 as an existing American system has been adopted, so the number system is not sequential.

Meanwhile REFLEX®, the new pre-emergent broadleaf herbicide for pulse crops, is now classified as a Group 14 (previously Group G).

Thankfully, there will be a three-year transition period so we can all adjust our manner of thinking.

For bread wheat and barley growers, it’s important to know that our recent broadleaf weed innovation CALLSITO® is no longer a Group H but a Group 27.

There are multiple reasons for this change: letters are self-limiting; alignment to other global systems; insecticides and fungicides are already using a number system. There will be some realignment of individual active ingredients, again, to reflect better understanding of how the chemical behaves; however, most resistance 12


And while TALINOR® was a Group H and C, it now has the dual classification of Group 27 and 6, it being a unique formulation of bicyclopyrone and bromoxynil for the incrop control of problem broadleaf weeds.

“Getting a weed management plan in play now will save you time and money later.”

THE NEED TO PLAN AHEAD Which brings us to a timely reminder to plan well ahead for next year’s winter crop with careful attention to these different modes of action and how to manage these as part of an integrated approach to weed management. While TALINOR will remain a valuable tool for many, people are now realising the tremendous value of using CALLISTO (also Group 27) as a specially formulated herbicide to achieve up-front control of problem broadleaves in a pre-emergent use pattern. It’s important to note that both can’t be used in the same crop. Getting a weed management plan in play now will save you time and money later. And with the price of BOXER GOLD® now starting under $25/ha, it makes a great alternative to trifluralin and trifluralin-triallate mixes for annual ryegrass control, especially when it comes to flexibility, and consistent performance under variable conditions. Speak to your local Elders agronomist for more details.

Jason Sabeeney Syngenta Technical Services Manager ANZ



Residual Insect Control Only available at Elders Sugarcane: Titan Confide controls various canegrubs in sugarcane. Used as a residual soil-applied insecticide, Confide is absorbed by the sugarcane roots and has the ability to travel within the plant through the xylem. Also suitable for use in controlling various insect pests in peanuts, apples, citrus, various vegetable crops. Active: Imidacloprid 350g/L. Formulation: Suspension Concentrate (SC)


Crop Health


Sam Chapman and his extended family run Murray Eden Avocados near Barham in southern New South Wales. The area around Barham is perhaps better known for dairies and irrigated crops, utilizing irrigation from the Murray River. Dairy is still a large part of the Murray Eden business, but for the past five-years property owners Phil and Brendan O’Neill have been planting and harvesting avocados. The decision to plant 30 hectares or 8,500 avocado trees centered around diversifying income streams after a difficult period for dairy farming. Sam admits he didn’t know anything about avocado trees when he returned to the farm after working as a diesel mechanic. “I relied heavily on advice from our agronomist early on, I had to learn everything from scratch,” he said. Two years ago, Sam was introduced to horticulture consultant and avocado expert, Roop Sandhu of Thomas Elder Consulting (TEC). “Roop is an expert in his field, he is a very patient person who takes the time to explain his thought process to me. Early on, I’d call Roop once or twice a week and he was always happy to help. Roop still visits the farm once a month and is a great resource for new ideas.” EXCEEDING EXPECTATIONS The orchard is currently at 30 per cent production and yield has exceeded expectation. “We have just harvested our three-year-old trees and I estimate we’ve averaged around 3.2 trays per tree which we were very happy with.” Sam said.

“We are only just moving into our five-year-old trees which have reached production maturity. These trees look very good and I expect we’ll achieve around 300 bins which is well above our initial budget,” he explained, referring to the original 200 bin budget. Sam credits several variables to the successful crop this year, especially Roop and his forward thinking. “Roop is really proactive, he doesn’t wait to ask me if I’ve done something in the orchard, he reminds me what’s coming up and makes sure I understand,” “This puts the orchard in the best possible position to make the most out of the season.” THIS SEASON AND BEYOND Avocado prices are well down on last year, which is a combination of supply and demand factors. Sam explained that by managing to increase their level of production they were able to offset the lower prices. “It all starts with making the most out of the soil and the inputs, getting that right has improved yield and cost of production,” he said. Murray Eden avocados has an exciting future and will be aided by Roop and Thomas Elder Consulting, helping to bring a proven system of continuous improvement and expert advice. Sam concluded, “we are always looking for new ideas to differentiate our business and Roop is very much a part of that conversation, often pitching ideas of his own, we look forward to continuing to work together.”

Thomas Elder Consultants helping grow your business. Industry-leading consultants available Australia-wide. Find the TEC Consultant for you. thomaselderconsulting.com.au



When you mention the word ‘fencing’, most people immediately think, ‘significant upfront cost & no longterm benefit’. Good planning and smart product choices can turn that pain into Return On Investment (ROI). If you’re finding an increase in wild animals inundating your property this harvest season, you’re not alone. Before contacting Waratah, Grenfell cropping farmers Simon Nowlan and Robert Grimm were facing serious losses with kangaroos eating up to 50-60 hectares of crop per year. Robert stating “The (kangaroo) populations were getting out of hand. We were seeing mobs of 200-300 kangaroos at a time.” Both Simon and Robert knew they couldn’t continue like this any longer, deciding to upgrade their farming operations by getting in contact with Waratah for strong and reliable exclusion fencing solutions. Simon’s fence was installed using Waratah’s 12/115/15 Stocksafe-T® Longlife Blue® wire with apron, 3 lines of 2.00mm high tensile barbed wire and 210cm JiO ® Star ® and 24cm JiO® MaxY® posts. Whilst Robert went with Waratah’s 15/150/15 Stocksafe-T® Longlife Blue® wire with apron, 3 lines of 2.00mm High tensile barb, using 210cm JiO® Star® and 240cm JiO ® MaxY® posts. Both fence designs proved to be an effective defence not only against kangaroos from jumping the fence, but also from other feral animals who, with the added apron, could no longer burrow under the fence.



Within the first year of having the fence erected it was showing significant growth in both productivity and ROI. Simon stating that “we got the fence up last year and have already had success, saving an extra 100 tonne of wheat and barley. Giving us approx. $71,000 in extra income since installing the fence.” Advice from Simon & Robert, “If you want something to last and have longevity, Waratah is the only way to go.” See what Waratah can do for you, contact your local Elders branch or Waratah representative today or visit - www.waratahfencing.com.au. Scan the QR code to find out more on Simon & Roberts story.



“Fencing has improved our pasture utilisation and quality, resulting in increased stocking rates and higher animal turnoff. We achieved gross margin growth of 14% over a 5 year period.”




Crop Protection

MAKING GLYPHOSATE GO FURTHER Jock Leys (Sumitomo Business Development Manager)

With the glyphosate market experiencing turmoil this summer Sumitomo highlight the value of Valor residual herbicide as a valuable tool for fallow weed control. Valor herbicide can potentially replace 2 to 3 glyphosate sprays in fallow. The now standard practice of controlling weeds in summer fallows primarily with glyphosate will shift slightly this summer with many growers now looking to reduce their overall reliance on glyphosate and considering other viable alternatives. Significant glyphosate price increases combined with some uncertainty of supply has brought into focus options like Valor residual herbicide that can offer a strong and cost-effective alternative to repeated glyphosate applications. VALOR FOR FALLOW WEED TREATMENT Sumitomo have been advocating for some time the strength of Valor herbicide in fallow weed management. Valor’s long-lasting pre-emergence control of some of the biggest problem weeds, including Feathertop Rhodes grass, fleabane, barnyard grass, wild radish and milk thistle – even glyphosate resistant strains, make it an obvious choice for sustainable, cost-effective control. Valor is a Group 14 (previously Group G) herbicide that can provide long residual control of fallow weeds for up to 2-3 months at its higher rates. REDUCING THE NUMBER OF APPLICATIONS When you consider the number of glyphosate or glyphosate tank mixture sprays that may be needed over a wet summer it’s easy to see why applying a single Valor herbicide application off the header at the commencement of the fallow period is an attractive alternative.

news is that these are very short for most crops. Ranging from zero Planting Interval requirement for crops like faba beans and soybeans and only 1, 2 or 3 months for other key crops. Valor can provide several months of valuable weed control ahead of your next planting. Canola is more sensitive to flumioxazin than other crops and a 9-month plant back interval must be observed. This flexibility makes Valor an ideal option to apply straight after the header in fields where canola is not likely to be grown the following winter, giving growers the peace of mind they won’t be needing to keep coming back with glyphosate applications after each summer rainfall event. Valor requires good even soil coverage to give best results, off header applications should take into account the potential for shadowing under chaff rows. Talk to your local Elders agronomist or Sumitomo representative for advice on how Valor can help you manage fallow weeds this summer. Caption for main photos. Applying Valor herbicide in fallow can reduce the need to apply multiple glyphosate sprays.

Valor herbicide can potentially replace 2 to 3 glyphosate sprays in fallow. Given Valor herbicide has an extended residual action acting on weeds prior to emergence, it does have plant back periods that need to be observed, but the good 19

Crop Protection

BEGIN THE 2022 CROPPING SEASON IN THE CLEAR, WITH A CLEAN BOOM SPRAYER Great time and financial loss can be contributed to boom sprayer contamination and so farmers should begin their spraying program with All Clear DS. AgNova is conducting a major education program to protect crops from damage due to contamination of boom sprayers and export markets from MRL breaches.

with this process and understand all the capture points such as the nozzle bodies, filters, the granni pot (venturi mixers) and the tank itself.

We have developed high quality boom sprayer tank stickers to supply to farmers. The sticker has a QR code to take the farmer to the All Clear DS webpage where they can access resources including the label, SDS and the list of chemicals removed by All Clear DS.

“Another reason to completely decontaminate the spray rig is to protect Australia’s agricultural markets from chemical residues breaching MRLs. Just one detection of chemical residues in food could devastate a whole market ¬¬–¬ that makes it imperative to get cleanout right.

But most importantly, there is a 10-minute instructional video on the complete procedure of boom sprayer cleaning and decontamination. Mr Craig Day of Spray Safe and Save says, “In preparation for spraying, farmers need to understand all the aspects of the operation. These include droplet size, temperature, humidity, Delta T, spray release height to name a few. “But the whole operation must begin with boom sprayer inspection, maintenance and most importantly, full decontamination. The farmer must become proficient



“From a spray contractor’s point of view, this has a label specifically for cleaning a boom sprayer, giving them extra confidence and protection. All Clear DS is a very effective formulation for spray boom decontamination.” In tests, All Clear DS was the most consistent tank cleaner for the widest range crop protection products. Keep it simple - you only need to recommend one tank and boom cleaner for a range of products, and that’s All Clear DS. Craig Day of Spray Safe & Save, Australia’s leading advocate of best practice spray application for over 25 years.

Suction filter cleaned with All Clear DS.

Suction filter washed with water.

You’ll stick with Because little else does! When it comes to removing damaging residues from your boom sprayer, All Clear DS outperforms other tank cleaners on the widest range of products. Feature


Single dilution rate

Convenient and simple to use

Not a Dangerous Good

Safety in handling and mixing


No equipment damage

Low foam

Easy to empty spray tank

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Carry over season to season



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Significantly enhances the performance of many pesticide sprays by acidifying spray water, reducing spray drift and improving penetration and plant uptake.

SST Australia Pty Ltd Ph +61 3 9720 6306 www.sstaustralia.com

SST New Zealand Ph +64 9259 3777 www.sstnewzealand.co.nz

Crop Protection

COMPANION THE ULTIMATE ADJUVANT FOR YOUR SUMMER SPRAY PROGRAM SST’s Companion has been used by farmers for nearly 25 years and it has truly stood the test of time for performance, reliability, quality and availability. Companion significantly enhances the performance of many pesticide sprays by: > Acidification of the spray water. > Reduces alkaline hydrolysis (breakdown by water) > Pesticide breakdown will be reduced > Extends tank life of sensitive chemicals (OP’s) > Adjusts and buffers the PH to 4-5. > Reduction in fine and driftable spray droplets. > Reduces the percentage of fine droplets > Enhancing spray coverage, penetration and plant uptake. > Beneficial for herbicides affected by hard water – Glyphosate, 2,4D salts, MCPA, Dicamba > Enhances deposition and retention > Improved pesticide efficiency. > Reduces droplet evaporation when spraying in high Delta T conditions > Stable formulation – does not fractionate in the drum.

Quality raw materials and good manufacturing practises are standards that SST undertake to ensure quality isn’t compromised. Companion is an all-year round multipurpose adjuvant. Summer knockdown sprays, pre-emergence knockdown sprays and assists with some foliar fertilisers. Speak to your local Elders branch or your local SST representative for information on Companion.

“ Significantly enhances the performance of many pesticides spray by acidifying spray water, reducing spray drift, improving penetration and plant uptake.”


KEEP YOUR COOL this summer with the easy-to-use seed treatment Purchase Rancona Dimension between 1 NOV 2021 – 1 MAR 2022 & enter to win an Original 52L Bushman Fridge*. RRP $1495 Visit ranconadimension.com.au

Made to flow



Crown Rot Rhizoctonia 320

*Loose Smut Pythium



Smuts Bunt


The Seed Protection Specialists 1800 078 007 www.upl-ltd.com/au *Loose smut in Barley rate range is 80-200 mL/100 kg seed, higher rate is recommended for susceptible varieties. ® Rancona is a registered trademark of UPL Australia Pty Ltd

Crop Protection


When you have a problem, you just need to find something that will get the job done. In the case of Ryan and Sarah Kluska, that meant adopting Rancona® Dimension seed treatment in their cereal crop program when they noticed signs of disease. The Kluskas operate Kiandra Poll Merino Stud just north of Bordertown in South Australia, breeding easy-care, large bodied quality merino rams for private sale and auction onsite. Their farming enterprise is equal parts sheep to cropping, with approximately 1,300 hectares sown annually to cereals, beans and grazing crops, whilst also producing export hay and maintaining a small area of permanent pasture. COUNTERING ROOT DISEASE IN CEREALS Ryan chose to use Rancona Dimension seed treatment to counter root diseases such as pythium and rhizoctonia in his cereals, and to control loose smut in his barley. “I haven’t seen any diseases in my crops since using Rancona Dimension and I’ve really noticed that there is basically no dust when handling the seed. “The treated seed flows really well through my equipment,” he added. A unique micro-emulsion (ME) formulation provides the extremely low dust-off with Rancona Dimension at application, as well as easy clean down of machinery compared with other products. It also provides for better distribution of the fungicide and contact with pathogens. Comprising two powerful active ingredients, ipconazole and metalaxyl, Rancona Dimension offers premium protection against crown rot and rhizoctonia root rot, as well as control of smuts, pythium and bunt in wheat, barley and oats.

emergence, ideal seedling establishment and healthier and more vigorous plants. IMPROVED PLANT VIGOUR In conjunction with Rancona Dimension the Kluskas also use Zincflo® Plus seed treatment. Zinc is an essential micronutrient that enhances disease resistance and improves plant vigour. “I have been very happy with the results achieved from applying Rancona Dimension along with the Zincflo Plus to assist early root development of the plant,” said Ryan. “I would definitely recommend Rancona Dimension and Zincflo Plus based on the results I’ve experienced firsthand.” Rancona Dimension and Zincflo Plus start working the moment your cereal seed is planted, protecting the seedling during the vulnerable establishment stage. They combine to give faster emergence, excellent seedling establishment, and healthier and more vigorous plants for maximum yield potential. Both seed treatments are also easy-to-apply, low dust formulations for minimal dust-off during application and handling, and easier clean down. For more information on Rancona Dimension and Zincflo Plus contact your local Elders branch or visit www. upl-ltd.com/au

Combined with excellent seed safety, it allows faster



METAREX INOV All Weather Slug & Snail Bait developed from science & nature providing superior control based on unique technology for enhanced delivery

Maximum Attractiveness Enhanced Palatability Faster Efficient Kill Persistent Control

Innovation. Quality. Solutions. Inov and Colzactive are registered ® Metarex trademarks of De Sangosse SA. 201029

Crop Protection

MOLLUSC MITIGATION – WHAT RISKS DO SNAILS AND SLUGS POSE? “If you have to clean snails out at harvest, you have not done your job properly at the start of the season.” Control of snails and slugs requires timely application of baits, based on understanding when and where the greatest threats exist. Snails and slugs are adapted to the variable Australian climate “lottery”, with numbers fluctuating between seasons. Recent GRDC research highlighted the interaction between climatic conditions and snail and slug numbers, with available moisture being the main factor. Good growing seasons equal larger snail and slug populations, hence greater risk to crops. Wet conditions continuing into 2021 across most of eastern and southern Australia have been ideal for snail and slug breeding. IDEAL SEASONAL CONDITIONS Following two dry seasons, small numbers of snails were observed in the autumn of 2020 across most vineyards, so bait was not applied. By spring, large numbers of snails were observed, with baiting required to protect new growth. Applications of an attractive product, Metarex Inov, resulted in excellent control. Italian snails from vineyards in the South East of South Australia on average were 5-7 mm larger than previous years, indicating 2020 was an excellent year for numbers to build up. Larger adults produce more eggs. Autumn applications of Metarex Inov, before eggs are laid, will provide the best reduction of snails. A recent trial on garden snails in citrus orchards indicated a doubling of efficacy when Metarex Inov was applied in March compared to winter. Similar results have been observed across broadacre crops.

This season, in early March, a 100 per cent kill was achieved on Italian round snails using Metarex Inov under ideal conditions: dewy mornings followed by dry, warm days with snails being active after mating. Last year also favoured the build-up of slug populations, with breeding continuing all year in some areas due to good soil moisture (>30% v/v). Monitoring from South West Victoria supports observations that there are massive populations of grey field slugs awaiting canola to emerge. Application of Metarex Inov at sowing, after rolling, will protect seed and seedlings. Follow-up monitoring is required to ensure bait remains, hence continuing to protect seedlings. Follow-up applications of Metarex Inov may be required this year, with the confidence that juvenile slugs will be controlled as was observed last spring in poppies. This is not the year to short-change the insurance policy for slug protection. Proactive baiting using an attractive, palatable, persistent product that delivers a lethal dose, integrated with cultural practices and conservation of natural enemies, will protect crops and eliminate contamination of produce. For more information contact your local Elders branch.




Choosing a quality NPK fertiliser will deliver a range of benefits far beyond its chemical composition, including improved distribution, uptake and nutritional efficiency. Yara Crop Nutrition Commercial Manager, Paul Eitzen, says YaraMila COMPLEX is an ideal ‘base’ fertiliser for use in a wide range of horticultural crops. It contains a balanced blend of plant-available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (12-5-15), with sulphur, calcium and magnesium along with trace amounts of zinc, manganese, iron and boron. “Delivering a correct balance of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and the other nutrients is essential for optimum growth and ultimately, crop yield and quality,” Paul says. “Balanced nutrient concentrations support fast establishment, root development and shoot growth, which is particularly important with fast-growing vegetable crops. “Likewise, fruit crops need a ready source of nutrients for improved fruit set, growth and quality.” As a quality prill formulation, the nutritional composition in YaraMila COMPLEX cannot be segregated during transport. Its high particle strength and bulk density ensures even spreading. “Its small prill size relative to other granular fertilisers means more particles are spread per square metre, further improving nutrient distribution. “And finally, YaraMila COMPLEX is highly soluble, allowing the fast incorporation of nutrients into the soil profile after spreading via moisture, rainfall or an irrigation event,” said Paul. EFFICIENT NITROGEN DELIVERY Yara utilises the highest quality raw materials and stringent production procedures in its manufacturing processes. “YaraMila COMPLEX delivers a balanced source of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen. An immediate response in terms of growth and greening can be observed from nitrate after application while ammonium nitrogen is beneficial for sustained delivery. This is a very efficient and reliable way of delivering nitrogen to a wide range of agricultural crops,” Paul says. “Compared to urea or straight ammonium based products, nitrate is more quickly absorbed by the plants roots, facilitating faster plant uptake.” Volatilisation losses can also be high when surface applying urea or sulphate of ammonia in the wrong conditions. These losses cost the growers through the need for higher rates of nitrogen and the negative impact on the environment. 28


The phosphorus content in YaraMila COMPLEX is presented in three different forms for immediate and lasting availability, while the provision of potassium as sulphate of potash (SOP) is particularly important for crops with a low tolerance to chloride. CARBON NEUTRAL COMMITMENT As one of the world’s leading producers of nitrate fertilisers, Yara is committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2050. “Yara has already reduced the carbon footprint of its nitrate fertiliser production by 40 per cent by making its production plants and processes among the most energy-efficient in the world,” Paul says. “Yara has shared this technology, which is considered best practice by the EU, with the rest of the industry, which has helped to significantly reduce the carbon footprint of nitrate and urea production in Europe compared to other countries.1,2 “Yara’s ongoing development of ‘green’ ammonia technology and climate-smart agricultural practices means we’re on track to reduce emissions by another 30 percent within a decade.” ‘Green’ ammonia technology uses renewable hydrogen sources to produce ammonia instead of fossil fuels. Yara is constructing one of the world’s first industrialscale renewable hydrogen plants in the Pilbara region of Western Australia in partnership with ENGIE, a global low-carbon energy and services group. Yara is committed to the development and adoption of integrated crop nutrition solutions, innovative decision-making tools and climate-smart agricultural practices that maximise the efficiency of fertiliser application. For more information on the Yara range of products contact your local Elders branch. References 1. Brentrup, F., et al. (2018). Updated carbon footprint values for mineral fertilizer from different world regions. 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food) 1719 October 2018, Bangkok, Thailand. 2. Hoxha, A. & Christensen, B. (2018). The carbon footprint of fertiliser production: Regional reference values. Proceedings 805. International Fertiliser Society Conference 8 May 2018, Prague, Czech Republic.

Delivering effective crop nutrition YaraMila COMPLEX is an ideal basal fertiliser for a wide range of fruit, vegetable and viticultural crops. It contains the desired balance of plant-available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (12-5-15), along with useful amounts of boron, iron, magnesium, manganese, sulphur and zinc, for optimal early growth and establishing yield potential. The uniform prill size and strength ensures that YaraMila COMPLEX is easy to handle and apply, while still being highly soluble for rapid nutrient availability. Contact Yara and find out how YaraMila COMPLEX delivers a precise balance.

Scan here to view YaraMila video.

© 2021 Yara YAR21587

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Stoller is a global company celebrating 50 years throughout the world and 25 years in Australia. Our products are based on an in depth knowledge of Plant Physiology and nutrient interaction for a variety of broadacre, horticulture, tree and vine crops. Our Australian team undertake trials and demonstrations throughout the country to deeply understand the way our products impact plant potential in a variety of conditions. Stoller employ skilled representatives that work nationwide with growers, agronomists and distributors. Our products are made in Australia and manufactured throughout the country.

Product Focus n Protects crops during stress n Restores nutrient status and normal plant growth

n Quickens recovery from plant stresses n Increases the natural vigorous growth of young plants

Refer to our website for Bio-Forge & Stoller Solutions.

Stoller will help your crops reach their full potential. Ask us how today. Contact Stoller on FREECALL 1800 337 845 or info@stoller.com.au

Fer tiliser


One of the biggest factors limiting crop growth and yield is nutrition. Plants only need small amounts of trace elements, but they have a huge influence on plant growth and productivity. Trace elements are vital because they: > Promote healthy root growth and support major plant processes like photosynthesis. > Help plants use macronutrients like nitrogen more effectively – even if high levels of nitrogen are applied, it can’t be utilised well without a good balance of trace elements.

Producing favourable results across tree and vine, field and greenhouse, and broadacre, Bio-Forge is proving to reduce the effects of stress on a large range of crops. Using Bio-Forge in conjunction with an optimum nutritionally based program will assist in maximizing the genetic potential of the crop, resulting in increased yield and profit.

Although trace elements are in the soil, they can be unavailable to plants. Trace element deficiencies are often difficult to diagnose unless tested and often yield potential is already lost once symptoms appear in the crop. From day one you need fertilisers that are plantavailable and cost-effective.

A SUMMARY OF BIO-FORGE TRIAL RESULTS BIO-FORGE CANOLA > Canola seed treated with Bio-Forge produced a 4 per cent (pc) increase in yield. > The application of Bio-Forge led to a $3.8:1 per hectare return on investment. > Bio-Forge seed treated canola showed an increase in biomass of 7pc. > Bio-Forge on Cotton > Cotton treated with Bio-Forge produced a 9pc increase on yield. > Bio-Forge* applications resulted in 3.94 more bales per ha. > The application of Bio-Forge led to a $4:1 per hectare return on investment. > Bio-Forge on Sorghum > Bio-Forge when used as a seed treatment on sorghum crops generated a 5.2pc increase in yield. > The root systems showed better development than the grower control, supporting improved germination and establishment.

Stoller Australia deliver a full range of chelated trace elements that are made using a specific process unique to Stoller. BIO-FORGE SEED TREATMENT Stoller Australia’s seed treatment products for winter crops include Bio-Forge – a unique combination of key nutrients that can help crops emerge quicker and improve early plant growth, root development, nutrient uptake, and stress tolerance. Seed treatment with Stoller’s Bio-Forge helps increase crop vigour and maximise yield potential. Healthy and more vigorous crops mean you can apply herbicides earlier to tackle those hard to kill weeds. Stoller Australia’s Technical Manager, Domenic Cavallaro, has conducted numerous trials on Stoller’s Bio-Forge, which works to maintain the genetic potential of plants, improve growth, and increase yield in a variety of crops. “Bio-Forge has demonstrated again and again the improvement that it can have on yield across a variety of crops, which is really exciting. This is helping farmers across the country to get the most out of their crop’s genetic potential,” said Domenic.

For more information on Stoller’s Bio-Forge trials and rates of application, please contact Stoller Australia, info@stoller.com.au or FREECALL 1800 337 845. To view the range of Stoller products visit your local Elders branch. *In conjunction with Stoller’s ClearStart22KZ.




Elders is investing in the expansion of its growing seed genetics business, EPG Seeds. EPG Seeds will distribute the company’s expanding range of wheat, barley, oats and forage sorghum varieties including its latest releases, EG Titanium and LG Gold wheat and LG Alestar barley. Elders CEO and Managing Director Mark Allison says the company has been involved in plant breeding and introducing crop genetics to Australian farmers for decades.

“Two large Australian maltsters are contracting LG Alestar crops for 2022, while several buyers are setting up segregations in South Australia, southern NSW and Victoria,” he said.

“These added investments will take these operations to a new level and expand the distribution of innovative grain and forage varieties to new customers, with the backing of Elders,” Mr Allison said.

“There is also growing demand for LG Alestar malt from Coopers Brewery Ltd based in South Australia and the domestic brewing industry across the country.

EPG Seeds is investing in new distribution channels so its products will be more readily available beyond the Elders branch network through rural supplies wholesaler, AIRR and all national reseller networks.

“This variety demonstrates the value of identifying market traits and developing varieties to suit the needs of end users.”

Chris Willis, Elders Category Manager, said a new website and brand identity and more people for EPG Seeds will give growers better access to the very best in seed genetics bred in Australia and overseas. EPG Seeds has an impressive range of current and new varieties in the pipeline. “Our latest wheat variety for the south, EG Titanium, is a full season, robust, high yielding Australian Hard (AH) variety which provides a good planting option to spread seasonal risk. Best suited to medium to high rainfall zones, it performs well in Tasmania, southern Victoria and the higher rainfall regions of South Australia,” Mr Willis said. “Growers in northern NSW and the Darling Downs should consider LG Gold in their 2022 cropping program, another high performing AH quality wheat variety that is well suited to late planting and has superior yield maturity, an excellent disease profile, consistently high protein and very low screenings all in one package.” Mr Willis said the newly malt accredited LG Alestar barley consistently produces high quality malt, so it is sought after by local maltsters and brewers and attracting interest from Japanese beverage makers.

In the latest developments, Mr Willis said EPG Seeds is conducting advanced trials with wheat lines showing resistance to Russian wheat aphid and crown rot, as well as collaborating in a high protein gene breeding program. “We are also looking into an awnless winter wheat from the United Kingdom crossed with an Australian spring wheat which is showing good yield potential and dry tolerance,” he said. “While we are still monitoring its performance and it has yet to be classified for quality, this line is showing promise as a graze and grain type for southern Australia. “Developments like these will build on the success of current releases from Elders such as Banker and Lantern forage sorghum and Graza 85, Graza 53 and Boss forage oats.” Mr Willis added EPG Seeds varieties will continue to benefit from the experience and insights of Elders agronomists and technical services team members in assessing and selecting varieties for release. The most promising performers will continue to be showcased each year at Elders technology and demonstration sites around the country, allowing growers and agronomists to assess them first-hand before release.

Image (Top) - Elders is expanding its seed genetics business with high performing varieties such as LG Alestar barley, shown here by Chris Willis, Elders category manager. 32


It’s the smallest thing that makes the biggest difference. It’s where success starts. EPG Seeds has been developing new varieties to help Australian farmers increase productivity for more than 15 years. We’re proud to offer some of the best seed genetics available today, with the promise of more to come. Every variety has been developed with grower feedback and designed to thrive in our unique conditions, delivering high quality and high yield crops across the country.

Available nationally, our portfolio of productive wheat, barley, oats and forage sorghum is now on sale. To learn more about EPG Seeds and our full range of seed varieties visit EPGseeds.com.au. EPG Seeds. It’s where success starts.


21 D AY E SI

THE FIRST CHOICE RECOMMENDATION FOR WEANING AND SUMMER DRENCH Your customers’ sheep need the best protection against worms for optimal health and performance. Zolvix Plus is the only combination drench that delivers the power of monepantel. Its unique mode of action provides >99.9% efficacy against a broad spectrum of internal parasites, including single, double and triple resistant strains.1,2 Its new 21-day Export Slaughter Interval is the lowest of any combination drench containing abamectin, making Zolvix Plus the first choice weaning and summer drench. Always read and follow the label directions.

elanco.com.au 1800 226 324

1. Refer to registered label. 2. Hosking, B.C. et al. (2010). A pooled analysis of the efficacy of monepantel, an amino-acetonitrile derivative against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep. Parasitol Res 106:529-532. Zolvix Plus contains 25 g/L monepantel and 2 g/L abamectin. For full product details, contact Elanco Customer Service on 1800 226 324 between 8 am and 5 pm EST Monday to Friday. Elanco, Zolvix™ and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2021 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-AU-21-0827. EAH21606

Animal Health


Kathryn Humphries, Senior Brand Manager Elanco As the only combination drench containing monepantel, which delivers high efficacy against a broad spectrum of internal parasites, and with a new Export Slaughter Interval of just 21 days, Zolvix™ Plus is the first choice for weaning and summer drenching programs. Elanco Senior Brand Manager – Sheep, Dr Kathryn Humphries, says lambs, weaners and ewes need the best protection against worms for optimal health and performance.

feed costs),4 it is estimated that a 15pc reduction in drench efficacy costs more than $3/ewe in lost production, while a 5pc reduction in drench efficacy costs more than $15/ewe in lost production.

“Weaners are particularly susceptible to disease and parasites,” she says. “Lambs reared in moderate to high rainfall regions should always be drenched at weaning and then again at the first summer drench.1 For those born later in the season, the weaning drench may coincide with the first summer drench, which is the cornerstone of strategic worm control in south-eastern Australia.

“Viewed another way, the hidden cost of reduced drench efficacy is often more than the total cost of the annual drenching program – and that’s before labour is considered,” she says. “Paying a few cents per head more for a drench that is known to be ‘fully effective’ is a sound investment.”

“The first summer drench helps to minimise pasture contamination, the carry-over of worm populations over summer and create ‘low risk’ pastures for the next lambing. Effective worm control in ewes during this time can also optimise post-weaning recovery.” In south-eastern Australia, the first summer drench is typically administered between mid-October and December. In Western Australia, weaners typically receive a summer drench, while ewes are recommended to be drenched in autumn (often described as ‘summer-autumn’ drenching). Dr Humphries says the timing of the first summer drench will vary depending on the local conditions. “For the second summer drench, worm egg count monitoring should be undertaken from about six weeks after the first summer drench,” she says. “Administer a second summer drench if egg counts have increased to 80–100 epg.1 If the WEC is below the threshold then monitor again four weeks later and drench if required.” Dr Humphries says it is vital for lamb and wool producers to use a drench that is known to be ‘fully effective’ (i.e. >98pc efficacy).1 “There is widespread single, double and triple resistance to all older active ingredients, including moxidectin2,” she says. “Any reduction in drench efficacy has a direct impact on the health and productivity of your sheep throughout the year. Even mild or moderate levels of drench resistance can reduce potential income by 2–10 per cent (pc).3.” INVESTING IN ANIMAL HEALTH Based on a conservative gross margin of $150/ewe (excluding

Zolvix Plus is a unique combination drench that contains monepantel, the only member of the amino-acetonitrile derivative or ‘orange’ class of anthelmintics, and abamectin. “As short-acting, broad spectrum drenches with different modes of action, monepantel and abamectin are ideal combination partners,” Dr Humphries says. “Monepantel’s unique mode of action provides >99.9pc efficacy against a broad spectrum of internal parasites, including single, double and triple resistant strains5,6, which means it is ideal for use if the resistance status is unknown. “Its new 21-day ESI is the lowest of any combination drench containing abamectin, which means you can provide your sheep with premium protection without impacting your management or marketing options.” Zolvix Plus controls all economically-important roundworm species, including AAD-sensitive immature (L4) stages of Haemonchus contortus and Teladorsagia circumcincta in sheep where a combination of a macrocyclic lactone and derquantel is less effective. 5 To find out more visit your local Elders branch. Always read and follow label directions. References: 1. wormboss.com.au. 2. Playford, M.C. et al. (2014). Prevalence and severity of anthelmintic resistance in ovine gastrointestinal nematodes in Australia (2009-2012). Aust Vet J 92(12):464–471. 3. Besier, R.B., et al. (1996). Drench resistance – a large economic cost. J. Agric. West. Aust. 37:60–63. 4. dpi.nsw.gov.au/agriculture/budgets/livestock 5. Refer to registered label. 6. Hosking, B.C. et al. (2010). A pooled analysis of the efficacy of monepantel, an amino-acetonitrile derivative against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep. Parasitol Res 106:529-532. Zolvix Plus contains 25 g/L monepantel and 2 g/L abamectin. Zolvix™, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. ©2021 Elanco or its affiliates. EAH21584 PM-AU-21-0443






POWER UP YOUR DRENCH “I was looking for a complete worm kill with a residual effect, particularly against barber’s pole worm. 30 days post drenching we had a 100% kill rate.” BRAD CROKER STONEQUARRY, NSW

Purchase Tridectin for your summer drench & receive a visa gift card reward!* 15 L Tridectin Pack

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*TERMS & CONDITIONS: * Purchase a minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) Tridectin 15L packs from any retailer during the purchasing period being 1/11/2021 9am AEDT to 11:59pm AEDT on 31/01/2022. Eligible for the first 500 packs only. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Entrant must complete application form online at www.au.virbac.com/ tridectinsummerpromo and submit proof of purchase. Not to be used in conjunction with any other offer. Authorised under NSW Authority No. TP/01370, ACT Permit No. TP 21/01730. For full terms & conditions please visit au.virbac.com/tridectinsummerpromo

Animal Health


Dr Tim Elliott is a large animal scientist with over 15 years’ experience. Tim has a particular interest in production animal parasitology and drug resistance. Tim’s work has been published in internationally renowned journals and has presented his work around Australia for scientific audiences and farmer groups. The summer drench is a strategic drench which aims to reduce the worm population using the dry summer heat. Summer drenching is well known by sheep producers in Australia, in particular in regions which have uniform or winter rainfall. The summer drench is very effective in lowering the amount of worms that are present in Autumn and Winter as the dry hot weather reduces the amount of worm eggs and larvae on the pasture. However, one of the issues that has arrived from this practice if not done correctly, is the selection for drench resistant worms. Any worms that survive the summer drench, can be carried by the sheep over the summer period into Autumn where they contaminate the pasture with drench resistant worm eggs that then develop into infective larvae. The timing of the summer drench is not a set date or management event like other strategic drenches such as the pre-lambing drench and the weaning drench. The timing of the first summer drench will depend on when the weather conditions are no longer suitable for worm egg development and larvae survival. This is when the days become consistently hotter, the humidity drops, and the pasture begins to hay off. The drench selection for a first summer drench will depend on a number of factors: > 1. Selecting a drench that is currently highly effective on the property (ideally with efficacy above 98%). > 2. Selecting a drench with a short withhold period (WHP) and export slaughter interval (ESI) if the animals are to be sold soon. > 3. Using combination drenches are recommended due to their ability to obtain higher efficacy than single active drenches and slow down the development of resistance.

pre-lambing and at weaning as ideally, they will be different drenches. RECOMMENDED FIRST SUMMER DRENCHES: 14 days after the first summer drench has been given, a faecal egg count (FEC) should be performed to confirm that all of the worms have been removed. SECOND SUMMER DRENCH: The need for a second summer drench is based on the season and on results of an FEC. If the summer has been hot with very little rainfall, then there is a good chance that the animals have not picked up many worms from the pasture over the summer period. It is important to have an FEC performed on the animals to determine if a second drench is required. On the other hand, if there has been some good summer rainfall or storms, this can cause a spike in worm numbers especially for the highly pathogenic barber’s pole worm. If a rainfall event of over 12 mm has occurred in a day, combined with warm weather, this can be enough to allow the worm eggs to hatch on the pasture and infect the animals. If this does occur, perform a FEC 4 weeks after the rainfall event to assess if the animals have become infected. Using an effective summer drench and monitoring your sheep via FECs during the summer and into the autumn will ensure that the pasture contamination from worms is lowered without any unnecessary drenching. Your advisor or local sales representative should be consulted to ensure that you implement a sustainable approach to worm control on your property.

It is recommended to use a highly effective combination drench as your first summer drench. The table below provides my preferred options. The choice of the first summer drench will be affected by the drenches that were used 37

Real Estate

WHERE DOES IT END? ARE WE AT THE TOP? CAN IT KEEP GOING LIKE THIS? Insights on farmland values from SA’s Grant Schubert

These are the questions that we are getting asked over and over… during on-farm inspections, on the phone during the hundredth call of the day or over a cold beer at the town local. We have heard the term ‘unprecedented’ thrown around a lot over the past couple of years in response to COVID-19, however our real estate market is no different. Over the past four to five years we have continued to see record-breaking sales all over the country, including in my patch of South Australia. As we all look toward the finish line of 2021, we reflect on the year that has been and where the market will head next. Whilst the rural market has remained extremely strong and continued record breaking prices, primarily thanks to low interest rates and high commodity prices, in my experience, a shift is in the air as we continue to manage a market with more buyers than sellers. Record breaking prices bring record breaking expectations. And rightly so. The market is no longer willing to pay record breaking prices if the presentation does not fit with the price tag – the expectation of presentation and seasonal handover is now as prevalent as ever. A sniff of the long-awaited buyer resistance may have just started. Well, for rural land anyway. Having said that, we are also seeing the ‘next generation’ of on-farm management and business minded primary producers who have become comfortable with the high commodity prices and with that, a level of acceptance of increased rural land prices. With industry leaders forecasting high commodity prices being here to stay (again, wouldn’t we all love a crystal ball?!) the younger generation is competitive, hungry for growth and expansion in their business. Whilst we are seeing the red meat industry drive record breaking prices and shape the landscape as the active buyers, the balance and



diversification of mixed farming enterprise is key – in a strong market across the board, they go from strength to strength and the rural land prices will reflect as such. Given the significant growth in land sale prices, rural leases are becoming even more highly sought after and as a result, rural lease values have finally started to Grant Schubert climb, with the Mid Rural Real Estate Specialist Mid-South East SA South East generally reflecting a 2.5% return on investment for leases over the past 12-18 months. We will likely see these lease opportunities continue to increase in both value and popularity as we move forward. And just like that, 2021 is in our rear vision mirror and we start to wonder what 2022 will bring… We can only hope it brings continued high commodity prices, low interest rates, above average rainfall and a strong real estate market across the board.


Talk to your local Elders team for more information.


Animal Health


Buffalo flies (Haematobia irritans exigua) increase with rising soil temperatures and frequent rainfall, stimulating young adult flies to emerge from their pupal stage in the soil and seek out their cattle hosts on which to live and feed. These small blood-sucking parasites bite cattle up to 40 times a day, causing considerable irritation and distress to their host. They can also spread diseases such as pinkeye and the Stephanofilaria sp. worm, which causes severe skin sores around the eyes and body of affected cattle. REDUCING CHEMICAL CONTROL Cattle of any age can be affected by buffalo flies, however cattle with dark coats and bulls tend to attract greater fly numbers, with bulls typically showing more signs of distress by their presence. Some cattle can also be hypersensitive to buffalo flies, causing exaggerated reactions (‘allergies’) to very few fly bites. Culling these hypersensitive cattle can be an effective management option to increase the threshold over which chemical treatment is required. Genetic selection, dung beetles and the use of fly traps are also possible non-chemical control methods that may reduce overall chemical use on farm. If cattle are showing signs of fly worry, or if there is prolonged and high fly pressure ie. 200 flies per head for beef cattle or 30 flies per head for dairy cattle, longacting control is recommended such as insecticidal ear tags. This will reduce the number of flies present and provide vital welfare benefits to cattle. As for any treatment method, it’s essential that insecticidal ear tags are used strategically to prolong the efficacy of the actives available. ROTATING ACTIVE CONTROLS Elanco endorses a buffalo fly control program which rotates actives both within-a-season and from seasonto-season. The active used in the shoulder fly seasons should be different to that used in the ear tag. For instance, if a macrocyclic lactone (ML) drench has been used at the start of the buffalo fly season for broad spectrum parasite control, then a different active group should be used for the ear tag used for the peak fly season. 40


This can be a synthetic pyrethroid (SP) ear tag such as Cylence ® Ultra or organophosphate (OP) ear tag such as Patriot® or Co-Ral® Plus. It’s vital tags are used correctly to ensure their continued performance as well. This means using the correct number of ear tags per head and removing tags at the end of their published efficacy period. Applying too few ear tags or leaving them in beyond their efficacy period may accelerate resistance development. LONG RANGE SPREAD With buffalo flies able to travel up to 10km in a day, they can readily spread between cattle, across properties and from introduced cattle. For this reason, it’s important to engage with your neighbours and community to formulate a control program together. This helps ensure the local buffalo fly populations are controlled by actives that are effective, regardless of where the flies travel. If you would like further product advice or information on our buffalo fly control programs, speak to your local Elders branch or visit growsolutions.elanco.com.

ALWAYS TAKE THE WEATHER WITH YOU. Visit today. eldersweather.com.au


LIBERT Y GRAIN SORGHUM BRINGS SATISF YING RESULTS IN THE SOUTH I’m a beef producer, not a crop irrigator. Such is the sentiment of beef producer Andy Watson, that any crops he does grow to feed his self-replacing Angus – Hereford herd need to be simple and cost effective. Andy’s operation is based on spring calving, followed by weaning between January and February, then fattening on feed rations from early autumn through to mid-winter as the seasons dictate. Situated on the Murray River near Albury Wodonga, the region is noted for its hot summers and ample supply of irrigation. Typical crops in the district include corn and forage sorghums for the summer, and southern temperate pasture for spring feed including ryegrass, Phalaris and cocksfoot. Going against the tradition of corn, Andy in consultation with his agronomist, looked for more cost and water efficient crops to provide silage and feed ration for the weaners to reach feedlot weight when the spring pasture is dormant. RISK AND REWARD They landed on Barenbrug’s Liberty white grain sorghum - an unusual choice given that it is predominantly grown in northern cropping zones. “For the past couple of years, we grew forage sorghum, like a lot of others in the region but the nutritional value is not there, it is better suited to roughage. “Trying Liberty grain sorghum was definitely a risk, but the results we saw from the feedlots up north suggested it was worth a go. Our biggest concern was whether we would have enough heat during the summer months to get a decent crop”, Andy said. The summer of 2020-2021 did provide the necessary heat units, plus a rare wet February, giving Andy a more than reasonable crop. TEAMING UP TO GET THE BEST RESULT Andy’s agronomist, Sheree Hamson, of Elders, Albury, said she was initially concerned that the Liberty sorghum may not be able to acquire enough heat increments for maturity in the region but felt it was worth trying for its improved feed quality and protein in order to meet the needs of Andy and Anna’s cattle enterprise. “The end result was extremely pleasing and it will be grown again this year. The Liberty sorghum was a higher protein source and required less supplementation than forage sorghum to meet the livestocks’ energy and protein needs”, Sheree explained. 42


Andy planted 30 hectares of Liberty at 20 kg/ha, treated with OptiCote Plus seed treatment under a centre irrigation pivot from bore water. The seed treatment provided protection against chewing insects such as wireworms, as well as giving the option to spray Dual Gold to control some grasses and broadleaf weeds. Andy commented that the OptiCote treatment enabled him to give the very best chance of success for the crop. The crop was planted in late November following the harvest of a Fuze ryegrass crop. Andy applied 15mm of water pre-sowing, then used a standard seeder at 6-inch spacings with a press wheel. A follow up watering a week later, and the crop was away. Fertiliser was applied at planting, 100kg/ha of DAP, plus a follow up of nitrogen (125kg/ha urea). At harvest at the end of March, the plants were in the order of 1.5m high, with the headage around 15-20cm. A standard corn front on the forage harvester was more than capable of cutting the crop. The crop yielded in the order of 11tDM/ha; analysis of the crop showed that the metabolisable energy (ME) was 11.9MJ/kg DM. QUALITY OVER QUANTITY “The use of Liberty grain sorghum is definitely not the norm in this region, but in essence Andy wanted a crop that was water efficient, would produce good yields and provide decent quality feed for his investment and labour,” said Allan Newman, Southern Breeding Manager, Barenbrug. “His comment about being a beef producer not a crop irrigator is true, so the labour and water intensive crops like corn were not a preferred option. “The tonnage of dry matter may not be as high, but the nutritional value of the silage and grain certainly counters that argument. It means for the weaner feed ration, he will only need to top up with a protein component, plus the spring ryegrass cut. And he has done it with basic tools. Taking the chance on Liberty grain sorghum this far south has definitely paid off.” To find out more about Barenburg Liberty grain sorghum contact your local Elders branch.

Uses Beef





Sowing Rate 5-25kg/ha

The Stamina® range. Premium quality hay and TRUE grazing tolerance



Stamina GT5


90-120 days

Rainfall / Irrigation


Torrens GT8

Ready to Graze

Minimum 350mm p.a

Stamina GT6





Torrens GT8 is the first grazing tolerant, highly winter active lucerne to be released to the Australian market*. This product was selected from highly winter active survivors in grazing tolerance trials at Leigh Creek (Victoria) and Gundagai (New South Wales). With a high leaf to stem ratio and fine stems it produces high quality forage for premium hay production or grazing.

Stamina GT5 is a high performing lucerne variety that will produce quality hay and grazing opportunities for seven to ten years. While grazing for lamb finishing should be rotational grazing, Stamina GT5 is a true grazing tolerant lucerne which has been trialled over many years under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucernes.

Stamina GT6 combines useful winter growth, great persistence and the ability to tolerate set stocking of sheep (though not recommended for lamb finishing). It provides excellent yield and quality during warmer growing months. Stamina GT6 was the first lucerne released for Australian farmers trialled under the internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucernes.

NEW VARIETY: LIMITED QUANTITIES AVAILABLE * Torrens GT8 is the first highly winter active, grazing tolerant lucerne to be released to the Australian market that has been tested under the Internationally recognised Standard Test Protocol for grazing tolerant lucerne.

Follow us on Facebook for more information on the Stamina lucerne range, and other PGG Wrightson Seeds varieties. Contact us today by visiting pggwrightsonseeds.com.au or by calling us on 1800 619 910.



Mekong Briz™antha brachiaria is a highly productive, long term pasture option for central, coastal and Northern Queensland; providing growers with weed suppression, outstanding dry matter production and 8 to 9 months of vegetative growth throughout the year. Gerry Dogao, PGG Wrightson Seeds Sales Agronomist for central and northern Queensland says, “Cows love it. It can handle an intense grazing system and will produce feed for 8 to 9 months of the year as it only flowers once a year, which is a real plus.” PASTURE AND WEED SUPPRESSION Mekong persists well as a standalone pasture and as part of a mix producing dry matter yields that range from 8-20 tDM/ha/year (sole pasture) if fertilised well. “Mekong makes a great companion plant especially in a blend of grasses and legumes. Mix with a Rhodes grass and V8 Stylo for a highly productive mix with good weed suppression” says Gerry. Nathan Surawski, PGG Wrightson Seeds Northern Region Sales Manager and south eastern Queensland/Northern Rivers Sales Agronomist also recommends Mekong as a strong option for weed suppression. “My kids call it the King Kong of tropical grasses, and I tend to agree as Mekong is a fantastic option for South Eastern Queensland. The PGG Wrightson Seeds team have even begun to see increased success when sown further south where there is a cooler climate. Mekong is great for suppressing weeds due to its aggressive growth characteristics.” ON-FARM SUCCESS Shane Strazzeri, owner/operator of Barronessa Farming in the Atherton Tablelands is impressed with Mekong’s on farm performance stating, “I have been really impressed with my Envirogro treated Mekong pasture in the Atherton Tablelands. I am amazed at how fast it

grows and how well it keeps the woody weeds out. It must be tasty as my cattle (Brangus charolais) love it and don’t look for other grasses to graze. “I think it has the potential to be used to push out sedge, and its root system brings up nutrients and has great ground cover. I will definitely be sowing another Mekong pasture after seeing how well it is performing in my top end paddock.” Mekong is a fantastic option for Northern Australia and will suit a wide variety of climatic conditions and soil types. This highly adaptable plant grows on a wide range of soils (well drained – heavy) with a pH of 4–8 and can tolerate high aluminium concentrations found on soils below pH 5.5. Mekong can also withstand dry periods of 3–6 months (during which the leaf may remain green when other tropical species have browned off ), and short-term flooding of up to one month. Typically, Mekong is suitable for areas with 500mm of annual rainfall however, “Due to its deep root system, Mekong can access soil moisture during the drier times and may be suitable in lower rainfall areas so I recommend farmers seeking a consultation with myself or Nathan” exclaims Gerry. For more information on Mekong contact your local Elders branch or contact Gerry on 0407 113 719 or Nathan on 0429 637 034 or, visit pggwrightsonseeds.com.au/seeds/tropical/brachiaria/mekong-brizantha

Image (Top) - Studs grazing Mekong Shane Strazzeri, of Barronessa Farming.jpg 45

With S&W forage cereals, the winter feed gap is filled Forage cereals play a major role in filling the ‘winter feed gap’ when the growth of summer pasture slows in the north, during the cooler months on tablelands and slopes, and prior to spring pasture growth in the south. S&W Seed Company Australia offers a wide range of forage cereals, including the newly released Severn Forage Wheat, an awnless winter wheat. Graziers can plant Severn in early autumn, switch to Overland Oats or Bronco Forage Oats, then plant Kraken Forage Barley in early winter, depending on their location. In 2022, S&W Seed Company Australia Overland Forage Oats will replace Outback Forage Oats. Overland has improved tiller production and a wide leaf, with the same mid-to-late maturity as its predecessor. Bronco Forage Oats has consistently demonstrated high performance and rust resistance after several years of testing. Bronco is a mid to late maturity forage oat suitable for northern NSW and throughout Queensland. Bronco has shown good emergence under warmer soil conditions, and is quick to first graze with good recovery, making it suitable for multiple grazings throughout the season. In the later part of the growing season, when some earlier varieties had already set seed, Bronco can continue to produce excellent tiller numbers to provide grazing and hay options. Forage barley will provide a faster to graze or later sowing option for grazing enterprises, complimenting forage oats and winter wheat. Kraken is a 2-row awnless forage barley with a better leaf disease package and a later flowering schedule than Moby Forage Barley. Kraken Forage Barley matures much quicker than oats or wheat, so it can be planted in late autumn to obtain multiple grazings or in late winter or early spring for hay or silage only. Rob Verrall, a hay

producer in Warrill View, Queensland, trialled Kraken in 2020. Rob reported that “Kraken had green leaves to the bottom of the plant,” providing “consistent hay in the bale.” Vernalization is required for winter wheat to become reproductive and produce a grain head. Severn Forage Wheat is a tall awnless winter wheat that exhibits a dense tillering habit early, making it ideal for grazing, hay and silage. Depending on the sowing time and the season, Severn can be grazed multiple times before terminating the crop at the end of spring. If the situation changes, stock can be removed sooner with the option of cutting for hay or silage at the end of the season. Severn’s sowing time, growth habit, and disease resistance, which includes resistance to the new Eastern Stripe Rust pathotype affecting other varieties, make it an excellent choice for grazing, hay, and silage. A 28 hectare paddock of Severn was sown on March 31 by Klori Pastoral Company under the guidance of Tony Stewart

Senior Agronomist Elders Tamworth. 600 ewes and lamb were introduced on the 1st of June, and continually grazed the block until they were removed on the 14th of August. “We’re pretty happy with it. We planted it early, ran the ewes & lambs on it and it looks like it’s going to return a good grain yield”, reported Mr Stewart. Discover how Severn Forage Wheat, Bronco Forage Oats, Overland Forage Oats and Kraken Forage Barley can help you fill your winter feed gap and provide quality fodder for a productive enterprise. Your local S&W Territory Manager or rural retailer can provide assistance with developing your winter cereal program for next season.

Top photo: Tony Stewart Senior Agronomist Elders Tamworth inspecting the Severn after grazing. “The paddock was previously an old lucerne stand.” commented Mr Stewart.

Millie Moore Territory Manager, inspecting the new S&W Overland production seed paddock at Ivan Schulz farm in Bordertown, SA.


> Plant Late Autumn

> Plant Autumn/Winter


SEVERN Forage Wheat

S&W OVERLAND™ Forage Oats

BRONCO Forage Oats

KRAKEN Forage Barley

Features Good disease resistance package Strong straw strength with excellent standability Dense tillering Grain quality is classified as feed Benefits Excellent forage yields Can be planted early Improved weed control options compared to oats

Features Mid-late maturity High yielding variety High tiller density Benefits Excellent recovery from grazing Suitable to grazing or hay production Wide leaf, true forage oat

Features Crown rust resistant Long season of production Excellent warm soil emergence Benefits Can be grazed early and continuously High forage yield potential Flexible option when season extends

Features White seeded, awnless Early vigour and excellent winter growth Better disease resistance and slightly later than Moby Benefits Extended season of production compared with Moby Sow late and graze early Fast to establish, very quick feed grown on farm and excellent hay option

Plant with confidence swseedco.com.au


Your partner in the paddock


GALLAGHER ANIMAL PERFORMANCE ENTERS NEW TERRITORY, HELPING BETTER TRACK ANIMAL PERFORMANCE TOWARDS TARGETS. In January, Gallagher released the latest addition to their growing suite of technology solutions – Gallagher Animal Performance. Designed to provide customers with meaningful animal performance insights, the web and mobile app allows farmers to make more informed business decisions with an aim of improving on-farm productivity. Gallagher Animal Performance gives users access to the same animal data stored on the cloud-based software from in the yards using their Weighing and EID hardware, anywhere on or off farm using a smartphone or in the office on a computer. Weighing and EID Business Development Manager Mike Hemsley said, “Gallagher Animal Performance is cloud-based, so the beauty of it is that you can synchronise between the mobile app, your Weigh Scale or EID Tag Reader and the web app.

“It can help you get your stock to the right weight for breeding, transition them to weaning or manage animal health. The system can also help you record animal traits you might want to breed into your herd over time.

“It means that wherever you are you can view your animal performance data, allowing you to make quick and accurate management decisions.”

Gallagher Animal Performance Everyday remains a powerful tool that farmers can download and use for free. They can easily access this fully connected experience, so they can take their data and easily load it into the cloud. The introduction of Animal Performance Plus offers customers wanting to drill down into their data the opportunity to get the full benefit of the total weighing and EID system for a reasonable monthly cost. Customers can subscribe to Animal Performance Plus online or purchase a 12-month subscription in store when they purchase their Weighing and EID hardware.

MORE OPTIONS FOR ANIMAL PERFORMANCE This month, Gallagher released a second version of Animal Performance. The existing version, ‘Animal Performance Everyday’ is free and continues to allow customers to upload animal weighing and recording sessions to the cloud and access them from either the computer or phone app. Adding depth to the mobile and web app offering, is Animal Performance Plus ($25/month). This version gives customers more in-depth analysis to help track performance towards targets. For customers wanting to do more than just make good buying, selling and culling decisions, Animal Performance Plus gives farmers the additional ability to create groups, mobs or draft lists, to track the outcomes of management decisions on performance. They can also monitor mob progress and implement animal management activities on the farm, such as creating mating groups or delivering the right animal back to the right owner. A HEALTH RECORD FOR LIVESTOCK “The tool is much more than a weighing system,” says Gallagher Animal Management Product Manager Apps and Software, Keinen Wyatt. “It’s helping farmers make more accurate assessments about a whole range of key factors that can influence the way they run their farm. At the end of the day, if you don’t measure it, you can’t manage it. 48


“Farmers can also measure their animals’ performance on different feeds or pasture, which over time will help make decisions about what feed they will need to buy in or what forage varieties work best in their environment”, explains Keinen.

THE FUTURE OF ANIMAL PERFORMANCE “This is really just the tip of iceberg regarding how our software applications will work within the Gallagher ecosystem. As customers become more familiar with the real farm management benefits available to them through using one app, I think our reseller partners will see them seeking out a wider range of Gallagher solutions, all of which will be enhanced by our software,” said Mr Wyatt. Importantly, the software can be continually updated as more features become available. The Gallagher Animal Performance web app updates automatically, and users can set up reminders on their smartphone to update the mobile app when needed. Additionally, users will receive reminders to update the software on their hardware, ensuring that they are always working with the most up to date version. Customers can get started by downloading Gallagher Animal Performance from the App Store or Google Play. For help or support, customers can speak to the Gallagher team on 1800 425 524.

A better view of your animals.


Animal Performance Web & mobile app

Take control of animal production with an all-in-one hardware and software solution that allows you to track livestock performance, make better decisions and grow your profit.

Discover more at am.gallagher.com

Learn more

Improving results through planning

“I think it’s important to use tools like Agworld to

influence what we can, in this case our input costs, and optimise our profitability as much as we can.”

Ashton Hood AT Hood and Co, Kojaneerup, WA


Ag Tech


Most growing regions in Australia had a stellar winter crop season, but a wet finish and harvest is now negatively impacting many growers’ profitability. Although it’s not possible to plan for a bumper crop, planning is an important tool to ensure that you maximise the results within the limits set by climatic conditions. But, instead of doing all agronomic and financial planning yourself, you are able to do this together with your Elders agronomist via Agworld. Elders agronomists use the Agworld platform to create plans for their growers and with their growers, as it is Agworld’s fundamental understanding that knowledge sharing between growers and agronomists is key to achieving successful outcomes. By having visibility into next year’s plan you will be able to ensure that your plans are as close to reality as possible, making it easier for both yourself and Elders to plan ahead for the 2022 crop. With fertiliser and glyphosate (and many other inputs) in short supply around the country, accurate planning has never been more important than now. Agworld offer a free subscription Did you know that, if you don’t have your own Agworld subscription yet, you can still log into Agworld for free to view your approved plan in detail on an interactive ‘maps page’ and that you’re also able to run planning reports and see the costs associated with the plans for the coming season? The Agworld service desk is able to help you have your Agworld account activated, so that you can retrospectively view all the data your agronomist has entered into Agworld in the past, as well as view the plans for 2022. Your Elders agronomist doesn’t only use Agworld to create plans however, but also to write the recommendations that you receive from them throughout the growing season.

Those growers that have their own Agworld subscription, are able to access all their agronomists’ data for their farm in Agworld at all times and turn recommendations into farm records. So, instead of writing a spray record down from A-Z in your notebook or spreadsheet, with Agworld you just convert your agronomist’s recommendation to a farm record with a simple click of the button. ELDERS CLIENT OFFER Good news for Elders clients that don’t have an Agworld subscription yet but are keen to start using Agworld and seeing the benefits for themselves - the Agworld - Elders grower special will be extended throughout 2022. What this means for you is that you will get your first year’s Agworld subscription with ‘Plus’ level user features (normal price $2,495) for the cost of a ‘basic’ level user subscription - which is only $1,495, so you get a $1,000 discount in the first year. Getting started with Agworld is easy because your Elders agronomist already uses Agworld, your farm maps, plans and recommendations are already created on the platform; all you have to do is start your subscription to get access to all this information. And rest assured, in the meantime nobody has access to your data except for the agronomist that has created this data for you; we never sell or use your data. If you would like to get started with Agworld, give us a call on 08 6230 2290 - we look forward to showing you the benefits of Agworld and how easy it is for you to get started. *Terms and conditions apply, contact Agworld to learn more.


40 years strong

first manufactured in 1981. still being made in adelaide today Others have tried to replicate it but there can only be one original.


PHILMAC BALL VALVES 40 YEARS STRONG Philmac ball valves are a bit like flies! Really? Well, they do look different, but like flies they are pretty much found everywhere in the Australian landscape. From cattle stations in Clermont to back yards in Brighton. You have probably seen that familiar blue handle somewhere, albeit that some of the handles are looking a little faded but the ball valve still works. And like flies there are lots of them out there, which is no surprise considering they were introduced to the market in 1981. That is 40 years and still going strong! WHY PHILMAC? So, why are these valves more popular than they have ever been? It can be put down to a simple, yet reliable action that suits what the market wants, turn the water on, turn the water off or just leave it on. As the handle is rotated it simply turns a ball located within the body of the valve. It features a positive on/off action so the handle can only be rotated through 900 to move from the on to the off position or vice versa. The design of the blue handle makes it easy to grip and also identifies whether the valve is open or closed. SO, HOW HAVE THESE VALVES WITHSTOOD THE TEST OF TIME? It is a combination of materials, a skilled workforce and design. The valves start with high quality injection moulded plastic bodies and components that are manufactured in Philmac’s Australian facility. Philmac’s own skilled workforce undertake the assembly before each valve is individually tested. Combine this with subtle upgrades and improvements in plastic technology since their launch 40 years ago and you have a valve that will provide many years of reliable operation. So much so that there is also an added benefit that the valve has a level of frost resistance. As for design, the option of female x female or male x female ends, and for installation flexibility the inlet can be on either end. To assist with installation Philmac have kept the range of valves compact in size to allow them to be more readily fitted in tight spaces. The good news is that this does

not impact on their performance. In fact, the valve was designed with performance in mind so that when a male threaded fitting such as a nipple or male end connector is screwed in there is no flow restriction. In other words, the diameter through the ball matches the inside diameter of the nipple or male end connector thus reducing turbulence and providing an even continuous flow of water. A RANGE OF USES So where can I use these valves? While they started life primarily as a rural valve, the design and materials are such that the valves are now suitable for operating pressures up to 1600 kPa or 232 psi. This means they can be used in plumbing applications on water supply lines, in horticulture to control sprinklers and drippers, for industrial applications such as airlines and of course in traditional farming application such as tanks and troughs. The valves need to comply with the WaterMark certification to ensure they are fit for purpose and appropriately authorised for use in plumbing installations. Philmac undertook thorough testing to ensure the valve meets the WaterMark certification WMTS-012:20181. In addition, to ensure a level of confidence for all applications, the valve also meets the StandardsMark AS 5830.2-20122, which demonstrates it has undergone a rigorous audit and testing program. After all, the Philmac poly ball valve is the only ball valve made in Australia and that means, it is the connection you can trust. To view the range contact your local Elders branch. 1. 2.

WMTS-012:2018 In-line Valves for use in plumbing water supply systems AS5830.2-2012: In-line ball valves for use in plumbing water supply systems, Part 2: Plastics-bodied



GETTING THE MOST OUT OF YOUR CROP STUBBLES Matt Bastian, Alltech Lienert Australia

At this point in 2021, cereal crops are looking the best they have for the last few years. Once the headers leave the paddock, mixed farming producers will need to start looking at what to do with stubble and how best to utilise this valuable feed source. ESTIMATING THE FEED VALUE While crop stubbles can be a valuable source of feed, not all stubbles are of equal value and stubble bulk does not necessarily translate into animal performance. A quick, easy way to get an idea of useful feed in the cereal crop is to count the number of grains and green shoots in a 0.1 metre square (32cm x 32cm) and use the below table (to get a more accurate result this should be replicated in different areas of the paddock). Table 1: Table taken from Grains research development and

Grain Quadrant – kilograms of grain/ha Grains counted Approx. quantity of grain (kg/ha) 6 20 13 40 20 60 26 80 33 100

Green Shoot Quadrant – kg DM/ha Green shoots Approx. quantity counted of DM (kg/ha) 7 20 14 40 21 60 28 80 35 100

development corporation - GRDC Research Code SFS00028

It is important to make an analysis of the stubble before moving livestock on. Large amounts of spilt or left-over grain in paddocks has the potential to cause acidosis if rapidly consumed in high amounts. In the unlikely scenario that paddocks do have high levels of spilt grain present, the animal’s rumen should be acclimatised and adjusted slowly beforehand by using grain and a suitable buffer pellet such as Blueprint Sheep 50 Concentrate Pellet. THE NEED TO SUPPLEMENT Stubble is generally low in protein and high in fibre, therefore the use of a supplementary protein source is beneficial to meet the animal’s production demands. Optisync™ is Alltech’s controlled release nitrogen technology designed to provide a concentrated source of rumen degradable protein. Optisync supports efficient rumen function and fibre digestion. The slow-release technology provides a safe and constant level of ammonia to the rumen environment, ensuring the rumen bacteria have continued access to 54


this excellent rumen degradable protein source. Without it, rumen bacteria can’t grow, which leads to poor digestibility of fibrous materials in the diet. HOW SHOULD OPTISYNC BE PRESENTED TO ANIMALS? Depending on the production system and facilities on farm, there are a couple of options for providing Optisync to livestock. Optisync can be mixed with cereal grain up to 2.5 per cent (pc) inclusion rate. In turn, lifting protein by 6pc, this extra protein in the diet will help improve feed conversion and ultimately liveweight gain. The recommended intakes of Optisync for sheep are between 20-40 grams per head per day and for cattle between 90 and 240 grams per head per day. If grain assisting in the paddock, suitable management practices should be adopted to ensure animals are not eating above their recommended intakes – for further information on recommended intakes please get in touch with your local Alltech Lienert representative. Grain protein levels should be analysed to ensure sufficient protein is being offered to stock, Alltech Lienert provides complementary grain protein testing and are happy to do this for any producer. Using a loose lick such as Blueprint Utilize, a granulated weather resistant loose mineral lick containing protein, a balance of essential vitamins and organic trace minerals. Blueprint Utilize contains 27.5pc crude protein from non-protein nitrogen sources (Optisync and urea). Feeding recommendations are as follows: > Sheep 15-30g/h/d > Cattle 80-100g/h/d For further information on how we can get the most out of this year’s stubble with optimised liveweight gains and performance, don’t hesitate to get in touch you’re your local Elders branch or speak to an Alltech Lienert representative.

Reduce the energy waste with


A consistent supply of non-protein nitrogen that effectively meets the needs of rumen microbes, leading to an increase in microbial protein and reduced nitrogen excretion. With Optisync, you can increase the liveweight gain and enhance the feed efficiency of cattle and sheep when grazing dry feed and stubbles.

What could your stock do with some extra energy?

Learn more today, call 1800 649 231 to be put through to your local Alltech Lienert production expert.

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MULTI TRANS 7000, SIMPLY A SMARTER BIN.. NEED TO STORE, CARRY, DELIVER OR DISH OUT FEED, SEED OR FERTILISER? Enmach has recently released a product that will revolutionise the way you operate in your daily tasks. Our new Multi Trans 7000 is a class leading bin that is opening options in transporting liquids and dry goods in many different industries. The Multi Trans 7000 is a truck mountable tank system that consists of one or two, 7,000 m3 poly tanks. That incorporate a total drain 30 degree plus base, integrated walkway and folding handrails for safety. Each tank is fully encased in a galvanised steel frame the same size as a 20foot shipping container and comes complete with container lock downs in each corner.

Sweating is greatly reduced or removed as the insulation properties of polyethylene keep your feed cooler resulting in reduced incidence of sweating. All silos heat up during the day and then on nightfall the outer steel skin of a steel silo cools rapidly. The feed stored inside retains a high temperature and causes condensation or sweating to form on the interior of the roof of the silo.

This enables the serious operator to multi – task a flat deck trailer into a 14m3 or 28m3 transport tanker, suitable for carrying liquid molasses, supplement feeds, liquid fertilisers, granular fertilisers, feed pellets, grain, seed, mineral supplements and many other products.

Poly silos are thicker than steel, 10 to 30 millimetres thick to be exact, and this thickness helps to keep your feed cooler during the day and then on nightfall, the temperature change is more gradual resulting in a slower dissipation of stored heat and less or no incidence of sweating.

The tank outlets can be optioned either with a liquid drain outlet with a 100mm pipe to the side of the frame fitted with a butterfly valve and a camlock fitting. This makes hose attachment a breeze or for dry goods transport a 150mm petrol driven break away auger, which can be fitted to enable easy transfer into seeders, troughs or smaller bins such as Enmach’s other great product the Stakka Bin.

Another issue with steel silos is rust, Poly silos give you peace of mind by removing the threat of degeneration through rusting. The poly silo bin sits in a galvanized steel frame with a stainless-steel knife gate at the outlet of the silo. Any bolts through the silo wall are all stainless steel to further enhance the no corrosion standard. To stand behind this, Enmach offers a 10-year warranty on their Poly Silos, you don’t get that on a steel silo.

STAKKA BIN Our Stakka Bin is a class leading product that is the largest size on the market, a full galvanised steel frame, extendable legs and a stainless-steel no-buckle outlet that will make feed and fertiliser storage and delivery a breeze. Cubing out at a massive 1.75m3 with a max storage capacity of 1.3 tonne the Stakka Bin will take anything you can throw into it, with a fully removable lid as standard and a bag splitter option, dispensing non-returnable bulk bags can now be a safe and simple operation. QUALITY MATERIALS Enmach has used polyethylene in a smart range of poly silos designed to meet storage needs ranging from one tonne to 46t. Reinventing products usually made of materials such as steel, aluminium and fiberglass extends the life of those everyday items. Enmach’s poly products are lighter, have one of the world’s best UV protection ratings, resist rust and have compounded colour that won’t fade or scratch off. Ultimately, Enmach has created the poly advantage – unbeatable durability. Enmach’s innovative poly silos’ have revolutionised feed, grain and fertiliser storage.

THE RANGE OF POLY SILOS The range of poly silos includes the 4.2m3 Multi Feeder which is a 3.5 tonne silo coupled with a 1,800mm diameter round trough and an all-weather shield, perfect for supplement feeding on the land. The poly silos then range from the 1,800-millimetre diameter round silos which hold from 3t to 10.5t, the 2700mm diameter round silos which hold from 5t to 25t, and the 3400mm diameter silos which holds from 28t and 46t, all in unbeatable Poly, made to last. Another great feature of the poly silos is the ability to configure the silos to store liquid. The flagship of the range is the 35,000-litre liquid storage silo. This silo will hold up to 50t of liquid supplement, great for storing feed for cattle in the dry times. Other products offered by Enmach include a range of water troughs, rainwater tanks from 1,000 litres to 29,500 litres, hay racks and many other poly items. ■ Visit your local Elders branch for more information. www.enmach.com.au or call 1800 502 267 today.




Cyclone continue to be a trusted, recognised and respected name in rural Australia, providing customers with quality, affordable steel products. Cyclone fence droppers are no exception to this – fence droppers are a formed steel profile & clip solution that can be easily attached to plain or barbed fence wires that help keep wires evenly spaced and can disperse livestock pressure across all wires in the fence. The high tensile heavy galvanised steel strip has evenly spaced, pre-punched slots along the length of the profile to suit almost any fence line wire spacing application – 3, 6, 10 (or almost any number in between) line wire fences can use a Cyclone fence dropper. Unlike timber fence droppers, Cyclone steel fence droppers are light weight to reduce transport costs & easier to carry along the fence. Steel droppers are also resistant to most grass fires – try that with timber or plastic droppers!



Installation is also a breeze with galvanised wire R clips (included with each pack of 25 droppers) used to secure the dropper to the fence wire and the clips are easily removed, so the dropper can be reused if needed. Suitable for all 2.5mm diameter wires, in packs of 25 & available in these lengths – 63cm, 81cm, 94cm, 107cm & 117cm. Additional fence dropper clips can be purchased seperately if required. Contact the Cyclone customer service team or regional sales manager today to order Cyclone fence droppers. Phone: 1800 199 450 www. cycloneproducts.com.au


Cyclone’s gate stop is designed to keep your gate open while driving through with your vehicle, tractor or herding stock. • Designed to fit all 25NB Cyclone gates (including 5 bar gates) • Simple and easy to use and install • Galvanised for corrosion protection • No need to cut any wires. Simply follow the instructions on the label or view our gate stop video on the Cyclone website now!

CLICK HERE TO CHECK OUT THE GATE STOP IN ACTION ON OUR WEBSITE NOW W: www.cycloneproducts.com.au P: 1800 199 450


DIESEL ESSENTIAL PORTABLE UTE PACKS A versatile and robust ute pack designed and manufactured in Australia to safely store and dispense your diesel. These tanks are strong and manufactured to withstand the treatment in the back of the ute. A strong, reliable Italian designed pump will deliver the diesel every time, with an auto-shutoff nozzle to ensure you don’t overfill. Ranging from 100ltr to 800ltr, these units are all equipped with Piusi designed pumps and are perfect for the back of the ute. The ‘Cube-style’ sits perfectly in the tub of a dual cab and can be fitted with a secondary bund for added security. Includes: > Up to 50LPM Piusi Diesel Pump > 5-year warranty > Lockable lid – protects all components > UV protected > Earth strap > Auto trigger nozzle > 4mtr Diesel-grade hose > Isolation switch > Alligator clips



From February we are including a FREE pair of ProFit Non-Slip Work Gloves with every purchase of a Diesel Essential Ute Pack. These gloves are breathable, abrasion resistant, have reinforced palms and are made for comfort, they are the ideal glove you need when handling Diesel. To get your hands on the Essential Ute Pack from Polymaster Diesel Tanks, simply drop into your local Elders store or jump onto the Polymaster website for more information – polymaster.com.au. The Polymaster customer service team are also a helpful bunch and more than happy to sort out any of your questions on 1300 062 064

1300 752 776

PLASSON Australia Pty Ltd Sydney: PO BOX 6163, Alexandria NSW 2015 Brisbane: 49 Distribution Street, Larapinta QLD 4110 P: 1300 752 776 - F: 1300 248 027 - sales@plasson.com.au


PLASSON: ENGINEERED FOR RURAL PIPE AND RURAL LIFE Beating the world’s toughest conditions was only the starting point for Plasson!

With over 40 years of installed history in the harshest of Australian conditions, the Plasson range of Rural Compression Fittings is the most challenging, most reliable and easiest to install of all poly pipe fittings available. Plasson Rural Compression Fittings are based on Plasson’s unique “captive O-ring” technology. The Plasson captive O-ring fits into a machined groove inside the body of the fitting. The Plasson captive O-ring: > Will not fall out or become dislodged. > Protected from contaminants and intrusive foreign matter. > Creates a complete water-tight seal when the red Rural insert is pushed past the O-ring eliminating the need for excessive tightening. This means that all you need to do is hand-tighten the Plasson nut for a completely leak-free system. The red barb insert on each end of our rural fittings allows installation on all standard rural pipes and a range of pipe diameters. There are no special tools needed to install PLASSON rural compression fittings – just your hands. Just put the fitting on the pipe, do it up hand-tight and the job is done.

PLASSON fittings are of the highest quality and meet the following standards: > AS/NZS4129- fittings for polyethylene pressure pipe systems > ISO14236 – fittings for polyethylene pressure pipe systems > AS/NZS 4020 – products used in contact with water for human consumption INNOVATIVE RURAL SOLUTIONS The captive O-ring design is only one of PLASSON’s intelligent solutions! PLASSON has convenient conversion kits to make switching between metric, rural, copper and PVC pipe without changing the whole fitting. It is also easy to adapt PLASSON fittings for different pipe materials and pipe sizes and work as a threaded connection. To view the range visit your local Elders branch.

PLASSON Australia Pty Ltd Sydney: PO BOX 6163, Alexandria NSW 2015 Brisbane: 49 Distribution Street, Larapinta QLD 4110 P: 1300 752 776 - F: 1300 248 027 - sales@plasson.com.au


Crop Protection

SIVANTO ® PRIME IS TOUGH ON KEY HORTICULTURAL PESTS, WITH SAFET Y FOR BENEFICIAL SPECIES The Australian fruit and vegetable industry is set to benefit from stronger and more sustainable pest control, with the launch of SIVANTO® prime, a new insecticide from Bayer. Having been developed globally in a wide variety of fruit and vegetable crops, SIVANTO prime has shown excellent performance on a broad spectrum of damaging sucking pests. Importantly, the product introduces a new chemical class butenolide (Group 4D) - into key pest management programs, such as for fruit spotting bug and silverleaf whitefly. Introducing innovative and selective insecticide classes such as this is critical for sustainable pest management. SIVANTO prime offers advantages over existing management options by offering rapid protection, flexibility for use over flowering and a good level of beneficial species safety. BACKED BY FIELD RESEARCH Bayer Grower Marketing Lead: Horticulture, Anthony De Monte, says it is exciting to be bringing such an innovative insecticide to market, after it has been proven by over a decade of field research in Australia. “SIVANTO prime will be a welcome addition to the crop protection programs for growers needing new options for whitefly and aphid control in a range of vegetable crops,” Anthony says. “With the registration of SIVANTO prime in avocados, mangoes and papaya for control of fruit spotting 64


bugs and planthoppers, growers will have an innovative and selective insecticide class to support sustainable pest management.” After being proven through extensive field research in Australia, SIVANTO prime has shown excellent performance on a wide spectrum of damaging sucking pests, including; fruit spotting bugs, banana spotting bugs, lace bugs, aphids, whiteflies, planthoppers and for the suppression of scirtothrips. “The product acts fast and selectively, meeting the needs in most cases of a beneficial species-safe insecticide and diverse environmental safety requirements in a range of crops,” Anthony says. TARGETED CONTROL Business Development Manager for Bayer in Queensland, Tim O’Grady, believes SIVANTO prime is a game-changer in orchard pest management, with its ability to work fast, but in a targeted way, which he agrees is good news for beneficial insects. “Fruit spotting bugs are controlled quickly by direct contact, however the majority of important beneficial insects like predatory mites, lacewings, hoverflies, parasitoids and lady bird beetles remain untouched,” Tim explains.

“With the registration of SIVANTO prime in avocados, mangoes and papaya for control of fruit spotting bugs and planthoppers, growers will have an innovative and selective insecticide class to support sustainable pest management.”

“This makes the product ideal for use early in the season, especially given the unique level of safety to European honey bees and Australian native bees. It also helps meet the demand for a quality pack-out, without disrupting the whole orchard system.”

“The product rapidly prevents sap feeding and honeydew secretion for both silverleaf whitefly and aphids, with the cessation of feeding happening within minutes, not hours after application.”

SIVANTO prime shows low toxicity to Australian native stingless bees (Tetragonula spp. and Austroplebeia spp.) and European honeybees (Apis mellifera) when used as directed, and can be safely applied during the period of crop flowering. The use of SIVANTO prime may result in transient effects on bee behaviour, but is not expected to affect the performance of bee colonies or solitary bees. However, under good agricultural practice, it is recommended not to apply SIVANTO prime or any other insecticides at times when bees are actively foraging. The good level of safety for beneficial species SIVANTO prime provides is also critical in vegetable production, with the product matching the best standards for residual control of silverleaf whitefly, without being detrimental to the parasitoid wasp, Eretmocerus hayati.

NEW TOOL TO SUSTAINABLY MANAGE PESTS SIVANTO prime provides a much-needed new tool for sustainable management of these pests, and is already making an impact in the field for people such as Chris Monsour, from Prospect Agriculture in north Queensland. “It’s very important for us to have new chemistry like SIVANTO prime as an option to manage silverleaf whitefly,” he says. “It is not only important for managing the pest, but it also enables us to develop a strong, robust resistance management strategy, with the option of preserving beneficials. So, SIVANTO prime helps as part of an overall IPM strategy to manage this key pest.” SIVANTO prime is expected to be launched into macadamias, and other crop label extensions are expected to follow later in 2022.

“Trial work at the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Bowen Research Station has proven this complementary fit under high pest pressure,” Tim says. “Using SIVANTO prime early on a building pest population, where younger lifecycle stages are present, can help avoid large population peaks later in the season.

For more information, contact your local Elders branch or browse sivantoprime.com.au for a range of resources, including field guides and experiences from the paddock. SIVANTO® is a Registered Trademark of the Bayer Group.



YIELD ASSESSMENT AND GRAZING MANAGEMENT OF MAINSTAR FORAGE BRASSICA Mainstar is a highly palatable forage brassica, which has quickly increased in popularity over the last couple of years.

One key point of difference when compared to older forage brassica (rape) types, is its animal acceptance, which results in enhanced levels of utilisation. Mainstar has a high leaf to stem ratio and a softer, more grazable stem, which helps drive higher daily intakes and improved animal performance. To maximise the longevity and animal productivity from your Mainstar crop, the following tips to help graze and measure the crop have been developed. 1. YIELD ESTIMATION Yield estimation is essential to developing your Mainstar feeding programme, as it will tell you how many animals the crop can carry and how long these animals will have grazing. To do this, get a 3.55m length of poly-pipe and create a circle (this will be 1m2) and pick an area in the paddock at random. Place the pipe circle on the ground and cut the plants off at ground level. Put the plants into an old seed bag and weigh the fresh weight. Typical dry matter content of brassica can vary from 12-24 per cent (pc), so either dry down a sample yourself or send a sample away to be dried to help with the calculations, then use the following equation to work out how much feed is on offer: 1.1

(Fresh wet weight of crop in 1m2) x (dry matter %) x 10,000 = kgDM/ha.

NOTE: This step needs to be repeated 3 times per hectare to get an average that represents the whole paddock.

Once you have worked out how much feed is in the paddock, you want to work out how long the paddock will last. For example, if the 10ha Mainstar crop yield is 5,500 kgDM/ha and there are 500 lambs grazing the crop, how long will the crop last? 1.2 Lambs grow best when allocated 2-2.5kgDM/hd/ day, so using this number we can work out the following: 5,500 kgDM/ha x 10ha / (500 X 2.25) = 48 days. So, we know that this crop should last approximately 48 days. If we split this paddock into 4 equal sized breaks, the lambs should need to be shifted every 12 days. 66


By back-fencing this crop we are letting the grazed areas grow without disruption for an extra 36 days, meaning the regrowth will be stronger than if the paddock was set stocked for the 48-day period. By back-fencing gives more control of the quality of feed the lambs get over the whole grazing period. Set stocking loads the diet with high quality at the start and lower quality towards the end as lambs start getting into the stem. 2. GRAZING MANAGEMENT Maximising production from your Mainstar crop involves back fencing (or rotational grazing), adequate water supply and moving animals on to the next break before they have over grazed the current allocation. Mainstar’s palatability means stock can graze it to the ground. To maximise the opportunity for regrowth, you need to move stock on to their next break, or paddock before this occurs. The ideal grazing residual is when 10-15cm of the stem is remaining with all leaf and most of the petiole removed. Ideally you should set up your paddocks, so the lambs are being shifted onto fresh feed every 10-14 days. 3. AFTER GRAZING Once your Mainstar forage crop is coming to the end of its life, start thinking about how you want to get that paddock back into grass. Ideally it should be grazed off quite short, allowed to freshen, then sprayed out before planting. One option for autumn succession planting is Mohaka AR37. This new tetraploid hybrid ryegrass has similar winter activity to Italian ryegrass, but more longevity. Its late flowering date enables areas with early summer rainfall to carry high quality tetraploid feed through into early summer. Mohaka AR37 should last 2-4 years and is an ideal mix partner with herbs and legumes, such as Ecotain® environmental plantain, Choice chicory and Relish red clover. Talk to your local Elders agronomist or Auswest & Stephen Pasture Seeds representative for more information.

SUPERIOR COOL SEASON GROWTH AND PERSISTENCE A broad leaved, densely tillered tetraploid hybrid ryegrass, Mohaka has superior cool season productivity. Suiting a wide range of farming systems such as high performance dairy platforms and lamb and beef fattening enterprises. For high quality feed plant Mohaka today. • • •

High quality tetraploid ryegrass Better cool season growth than perennial ryegrass More persistence than an Italian ryegrass with AR37 endophyte

Available from your local Elders branch or contact AusWest Seeds and Stephen Pasture Seeds ausweststephenseeds.com.au



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