STATISTICS AND STRUCTURE Facts and Figures for the local suburbs and districts W hy i t ’s im p o rt a nt t o s ep ar at e y our f e e l in gs fr om y ou r f ac ts
SOUTH SIDE The boom of the South – a heritage and cultural heritage metropolis
CITY LIFEBLOOD The Shannon Creek Dam
OLD GYM BOOTS KP dons her high tops and revisits ‘80s W estlawn
With a BRAND NEW KITCHEN, BRAND NEW WALL COVERINGS, BRAND NEW TILES IN THE BATHROOM AND LAUNDRY you are looking at the perfect rental property or home. Located on the brink of South Grafton only minutes from shops and schools. A large combined open living and dining area, flows into a small hallway that branches into the fresh tiled bathroom and tidy two bedrooms one featuring a built in robe.
Dave Dart
109 Armidale Street SOUTH GRAFTON
The new kitchen is a delight with plentiful bench space brand new appliances and a neutral palate. Further through is the third bedroom and internal laundry with separate toilet. The fully landscaped garden is beautiful and has a very low maintenance but great aesthetic appeal. If you have missed out on properties in the hype of the market please don’t miss this one! Tell us what you would pay today and we will pass it along.
Fastrak in a fast market with hot return on investment, the owner of this renovated gem wants you to tell them what it is worth Sales Professional E l d440 e r s808 G r a f t o n – M o n t hthey l y are D i ggiving e s t it | to 2 the market to dictate the price. 0427
ISSUE SEVEN 2016 N u mb er s an d b ori n g f ig u re s ar e th e la st th in g y ou wa n t t o lo ok a t wh en you ’ re wr ap p ed u p in t h e e xc it e m en t o f b u yin g a h om e. I kn o w t h i s. Y ou kn o w t h i s. So, I ’ ve d on e y o u a so lid – y ou d on ’ t e ve n n e ed t o th an k m e - an d cr eat ed s om e e asy , gra p h ic al ae s th eti c s for y ou to p e ru s e at you r l e i su r e.
To kn o w wh er e w e ’ re go in g, w e r eal ly n e ed to lo ok a t wh er e w e ’ v e co m e fro m. Th is i s su e w e ta ke a b ri e f tr aip s e b a ck th rou gh th e fo r e st s an d v era n d a h ’d p r ec in c t of Sou th Gra ft on . We al so w alk (o r sh ou ld I say r id e) th e st re et s o f W e st la wn th r ou gh th e g ro wi n g -u p yea rs o f K yli e P ear so n . If I c ou ld s u g ge s t on e t h in g to h el p you s e e Gr af ton t h rou gh n e w (o l d ) ey es – lo ok u p .
2460 – Clarence Valley Property Guide | 3
FACTS & FIGURES DO YOUR RESEARCH There are so many reasons to stay informed about property statistics. They not only give you a better understanding of the market and current market trends, but also show us previous trends and how th e market has changed. This can help predict trends, and might even sway you between buying in one suburb to the next. Don’t be fooled – statistics aren’t just for those looking to buy. Sellers should be aware of what is currently being seen in their area a nd property ty pe bracket.
Something really impo rtant to note [Future Sellers – we’re looking at you] is the ‘House / Unit / Land Sale by Price’ data for the suburb and area that your property falls in to. Let’s take a look 80 60 40 20 0
Number of House Sales (12 months) Grafton
We provide this data to buyers and sellers to help them make an informed decision about buying and selling.
Over the last twelve months, in the area designated as ‘Grafton’, 63 pro perties have sold with a price of between $251,000.00 and $300,000.00. To look at a comparison, only 1 property was sold with a price between $501,000.00 and $600,000.00.
Looking at stat istics is a good way to rule out subjectivity. You may have ideas of a certain area or suburb with having an implied median property value, or know of coming changes to infrastructure that will sway your emotional value to the area. Looking at statistics m eans we can ‘quantify’ the potential of a location. We can easily compare differences between areas – if suburb ‘A’ has a yield of 4.25% and suburb ‘B’ has a yield of 4.35% we can’t assum e too much about their differences as they’re both very similar.
Elders Grafton – Monthly Digest | 4
There is definitely still a pla ce for ‘fundies’ or the fundamental drivers of an area, as well as non-quantifiable figures like subjective elements and bias – as long as we view them with the understanding of what they are. We can’t know for sure the effects of certain things - such as a lack of development in suburb ‘B’ and how it will affect suburb ‘A’ – this is where the balance of all of our gathered informatio n comes in to play.
Before making a decision to buy or sell real estate, consumers should be familiar with the market statistics that are specific to the area in which they are considering buying or selling.
For this article however, statistics are our focus.
An o v er v i ew o f an ar ea, in c lu d in g s t ati st i cs an d in f or mat ion ga th e r ed fr om th e la s t t wo c en su s rep ort s fo r co mp ar i son s an d c u rr en t in fo r mat io n .
Th e ‘a v e rag e’ or m id d l e p ri ce o f al l p rop ert i e s s old wi th in an a re a – a cq u i r e d b y ad d in g al l sal e p ri c e s ov er a d e fin ed p e rio d a n d d i vi d in g th e t ota l b y th e ov er al l n u mb er of sal e s.
Th e t ota l n u mb er of s al e s ‘p er an n u m’ or o v e r t h e p er iod of a y ea r.
Th e t ota l n u mb er of s al e s g rou p ed b y d e fin ed p ric e b rac ke t s.
Cap ita l Gro wt h c an b e d e fin ed a s th e p er c en ta g e in c re a se in th e p r ic e o f an a s se t o v er ti m e .
Hou se h old s p e ci f ic in for mat i v e o v er v i ew o f an a rea , in c lu d in g st ati st i cs an d i n fo rm ati on gath er ed f ro m th e la st t wo ce n s u s r ep ort s for co m p ar i son s an d cu rr en t in fo r mat ion .
Th e ‘a v e rag e’ or m id d l e p ri ce o f al l r en tal p r ic e s wi th in an a re a – a cq u i r e d b y ad d in g al l sal e p ri c e s ov er a d e fin ed p e rio d a n d d i vi d in g th e t ota l b y th e ov er al l n u mb er of r en ta l p ro p e rti e s .
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OVERVIEW – HOUSES IN GRAFTON GRAFTON AREA PROFILE Th e si ze o f Gra ft on i s ap p rox i mat ely 1 2 sq u a r e k ilo m et re s . It h a s 11 p ar ks co v er in g n ear ly 7 % o f to ta l ar e a. Th e p op u lat ion o f Gra fto n in 20 06 wa s 9,2 06 p eo p le . By 20 11 th e p op u lat ion wa s 1 0,1 99 sh o w in g a p op u l a tio n gro wt h o f 1 0 % in th e a r ea d u rin g t h at t i m e.
MEDI AN S ALE PRICE $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 $0 Jan
Th e ci ty of Gr af ton i s th e s ea t of l oca l go v er n me n t, th e F ed e ral an d Stat e go v er n m en t a d m in is tr ati v e c en tr e, an d th e co m me rc ia l h u b of th e Cla re n c e Ri v er V all ey. It i s lo cat ed ap p ro xi mat ely 63 0 ki lo m etr e s n o rth of th e Ne w Sou th Wal e s Stat e c ap it al, Syd n ey, 3 40 k m sou th of Br i sb an e, Qu ee n s lan d an d ap p rox i mat e ly 3 5 k m w e st o f th e Pa ci f ic Oc ean coa s t.
2016 0
Unit Sales Per Annum
50 Grafton Median Price
Elders Grafton – Monthly Digest | 6
Clarence Valley LGA Median Price
$ 700,000 72.4%
$ 520,000
$ 225,000 2014 + 2015 + 2016 current median price In 2006, 70.9% of the homes in Wooli were owner-occupied compared with 72.4% in 2011.
The size of Wooli is approximately 32km 2
Wooli is a sleepy little village that comes alive at holiday time! If you are looking for quiet beaches or a riv er system that is fantastic for all ages , then Wooli is a must to explore. Surrounded by the Yuraygir Natio nal Park , Wooli is the perfect blend of bush, river & beach to rejuvenate the senses.
Clarence Valley LGA %
A bio-diversity hotspot; Pillar Valley is the coastal hinterland of the beaches of Wooli, Minnie Water and Diggers Camp. The Pillar Rock is an iconic landmark that takes pride of positio n as you drive through the winding roads and valleys of the picturesque landscape.
Pillar Valley %
180k+ 130-180k 78-130k 52-78k 31-52k 15-31k 0-15k
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SOUTH GRAFTON SALES PER ANNUM – HOUSE SALES On the banks of the majestic Clarence River, South Grafton offers diversity in regards to its architecture an d offers a wealth of culture to locals and visitors alike.
155 143
Ryan Creed o f Elders Real Estate Grafto n has extended his love of South Grafton with a personalised article o n page 13 - so make sure you skip ahead!
92 83 70
Minnie Waters is one of our best kept secrets and, with limited beds available at holiday time , it’s a location for return visitors who raise memories here every year.
3 2 2016
Shhhh! Great beaches, a friendly close -knit village and a lifesty le that many a local would never trade.
Elders Grafton – Monthly Digest | 8
TUCABIA HOUSEHOLD STRUCTURE Central to Grafton and Beaches, Tucabia is a relaxed, country inspired village surrounded by alluv ial flats with the beautiful Coldstream River blessing its banks. With museums, markets, a general store and a school service , this is a country town with streetscapes of federation & newly built homes.
2% 9.80%
29.80% Childless Couples
Couples with Children Single Parents Lone Households Other Group Households 20% 24.40%
The size of Ul marra is approximately 60km 2
ULMARRA AREA PROFILE The population of Ulmarra in 2006 was 445 people. By 2011 the population was 784 showing a population growth of 76% in the area during that time.
$ 416,000 69.5%
$ 378,000 $ 151,000
In 2006, 65.0% of the homes in Ulmarra were owner-occupied compared with 69.5% in 2011.
2014 + 2015 + 2016 current median price
27 .2 %
Single households
71 .0 %
Family households
01 .7 %
Group households
2460 – Clarence Valley Property Guide | 9
Mountain View has clearly earnt its name, and is a rural locality that boasts the ideal climate, soil and temperature for viticultural pursui ts.
Other 5%
Lone Households 9% Single Parents 8%
Couples with Children 57%
Childless Couples 21%
From large residential blocks to expansive riverfront acreages , the diversity and convenience of this location is a must to be explored.
90 80 78.9 70 60 50 40 30 20 10
12.2 7.5
0 Separate House
Semi-detached, row or terrace house, townhouse
Flat, unit or apartment
Other dwelling
GRAFTON DWELLING STRUCTURE E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 10
Junction Hill has always been highly regarded as a flood free locatio n on th e border of Grafto n’s township.
Junction Hill offers walking tracks, sporting fields, watering holes, great pizza and a well renowned nursery where many frequent on weekends for their on-going garden therapy.
GLENUGIE HOUSEHOLD INCOME Without a doubt , Glenugie is a well sought location for the buyer who wants acres close to town.
Bordering Grafto n and Pillar Valley , just a few miles from South Grafton, the rolling hills and flats of Glenugie have sparked recent interest in horticultural pursuits.
Giddy Up in Glenugie! 0 0-15k
31-52k Glenugie %
180k +
Clarence Valley LGA %
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16 Challinor Street GRAFTON Whether you are an investor looking for a low maintenance renter (estimated rental return of approx. $340 per week), a first home buyer ready to take the plunge or a larger family looking for that extra space; 16 Challinor is a property package sure to appeal to the wider market.
You literally have 3-4 bedrooms upstairs plus 2 living areas and ample space downstairs for the teenager, home gym, workshop plus the cars with a laundry, second shower & toilet. BBQ’s and family gatherings are sure to be on the menu with a full length undercover entertainment area overlooking the pool and yard.
The double storey brick and tile residence is in a quiet, yet incredibly convenient position. Driveby traffic is rarely other than that of the neighbours and if privacy is your forte you will love the outlook (unobstructed by people) of farmland and currently just a few horses. E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 12
Kylie Pearson Sales Professional 0488 161 621 Our seller has bought elsewhere and is enthused to sell under the hammer before the end of July. The commitment to sell calls for no-nonsense buying and we encourage inspection from all serious contenders.
I’d first like to acknowledge the Gumbaynggirr People, the traditional custodians of this area. I’ve lived in Grafton for my entire life I have grown up with the North vs South mentality, and have experienced living on both sides of the bridge. I for one believe that the South has an even richer history than the North, is more culturally diverse and has far more personality. I wanted to share some history of the South with you to help share my love of this district. The landscape of the area that South Grafton now sits was once filled with dense rainforest and cedar bush, with salt marsh and swamps on waterlogged areas. The desirable geographical location of South Grafton and Grafton had created and contained multiple food sources, an abundance of cedar and accessible ports. The Clarence Valley has three Aboriginal Nations that all meet on the Clarence – Bundjalung, Yaegl and Gumbaynggirr. By the 1880s, South Grafton was developing momentum. The list of businesses and buildings in South Grafton already included three wharfs with stores, one standalone wharf, nine hotels, sixteen shops, six stores, one bank, four smithies, one bakehouse and a telegraph office. There are several key names in the construction of the South Grafton we see today - physically, industrially and socially – McKittrick, Schafer and Hawthorne being three of these. You will see these names on McKittrick Park, The New School of Arts and Hawthorne Park. The change in terminal location for the new Railway system from South Grafton to North Grafton didn’t seem to dampen the bright future beckoning at the time, with many new businesses opening and residential construction across the municipality. The Grafton station went ahead, and it wasn’t until the 1st of October 1976 that South Grafton became the city's main railway station, and it wasn’t until 2005 that the South Grafton station has been known again as Grafton Station.
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BRIDGING THE GAP After a fire destroyed South Grafton’s iconic ‘City Stores’ in 1899, J T McKittrick rebuilt to the design of F W C Schaeffer, and this new store which still stands today was claimed to have been the first building in Grafton to be lit by electric incandescent lamps. This main ‘City Stores’ was flanked with a branch in Prince Street, as well branch stores in Coffs Harbour, Coramba and Bucca Creek. The main two blocks of Skinner Street today boasts 19 of its some 42 buildings as heritage listings, which is a stand out 55% listed as heritage status.
The heritage listings in South Grafton not only pertain to those buildings with a historical significance, but also some trees and structures within the main streets and surrounds. Bent Street to Ryan Street to Minden Street is currently listed as a ‘Conservation Area’ on the Clarence Valley Council heritage map.
South Grafton is of high cultural importance to the Aboriginal community living on the south of the river, and has many significant Cultural Heritage areas.
This Urban Conservation Area includes the river banks within the boundary, as well as commercial Skinner Street. With a paced growth rate within the area, South Grafton has retained its spacious low scale form of development. In July 1897, the Sydney Botanic Gardens sent 100 trees and 100 shrubs dispatched in August 1898 to South Grafton Council. In May 1905, the Council received 20 camphor laurel and 10 E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 14 pepper trees from the Sydney Botanic Gardens for planting in streets and parks.
SPORT Grafton Lifestyle Centre - Indoor Pool Hawthorne Park - Rugby Union, Campdraft, Cutting
McKittrick Park - Cricket, Rugby League
Rushforth Park - Soccer
J.J Lawrence Fields - Cricket
South Grafton Aero Club
STORE The Emporium – Café and hub of Environment Centre
Cats without Hats – Hattery
Clarence Valley Flying School
Dear Hazel – Dressmakers
Bentleg Market – Art supplies and Souvenirs Farmer Lou’s – Grocery Fruit+ Veg Grafton Textiles Clarence Valley Rural and Industrial Supplies
SEE The Naked bean - Open mic night Wednesday
The Pelican Playhouse – Music and theatre
Culture on the Clarence – Annual markets and festival
The commercial boom in South Grafton continued in to the 1900’s, and many of the buildings that create the historic patina of the commercial core we see today are the remnants of this time. With an eclectic mix of heritage and cultural heritage, there is so much on offer on the south side of the amazing Clarence River. South Grafton is where I call home. Let’s grab a coffee and chat. If you’re looking to sell or buy in the South Grafton area, let me tell you all the reasons why I love - and truly believe in - this area.
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I’m not sure whether it’s memories of yesteryear or the fact it’s a real estate hot spot, but Westlawn has definitely been an area I consider A1 when it comes to investing. As a child I didn’t actually live in Westlawn. My raising was in the strip between Westlawn and Dovedale that perhaps has no particular name. Bowtell Avenue was my childhood street - the medium strip between these well-defined area’s areas.
I’m very grateful for my memories of Westlawn, and the fact that my grandparents owned a humble 2 bedroom fibro home at the end of Oliver Street for the entirety of their married life. I remember walks in their gardens and Pa polishing his very best shoes for our small Sunday church gatherings held at the Westlawn Preschool.
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We would play in the park on the corner of Cranworth and Oliver Streets, and it would be exciting to watch the horses on those busy race days as we played.
As I grew, so did the memories of the area. Back in the day of no mobile phones, my friends and I would ride our bikes around Westlawn visiting the corner stores with whatever money we could accumulate for some sugar treats.
In fact, when I was very young, my mother worked at Peters’ Ice-cream factory at the end of Fry Street (right near the railway tracks) up until its closure in 1983.
The building is beautiful and has now been acknowledged by council for its historic significance.
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Years later (in my tweens) came the interest in sports, and whilst the ten pin bowling alley was (and still is) always loads of fun, my friends and I took great pleasure in the sport of basketball. On Friday nights we would be dropped off for a couple of hours to watch the Mighty Vikings run the court. My friends and I would spend many afternoons just shooting hoops out at Westlawn.
This was a time when Reeboks were huge – literally. The bulkier the shoe the better! Post tweens was all about the Big River Squash and Fitness Centre. Again, I would ride my push bike out to do classes – In fact I think this was around the time that step aerobics was born. I have many fond memories of squash games with my brother. He too was a lover of sport and I enjoyed watching him play football once or twice at Frank McGuren Park.
E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 18
Fast forward to today as a mother of 3 beautiful children, and my love of Westlawn continues. Whilst we have many fabulous schools in our region, Westlawn Public School’s ongoing positive reputation has always stood out to me, and given the fact that I have invested in the area, it was clearly the school of choice for my kids.
From the perspective of real estate, I believe Westlawn to be a fantastic place to invest - and many of my clients with multiple holdings will swear by the same.
Family friendly, affordable and obviously suited to the growing family; It’s an area with heart, history, and a trusted platform for memories to be made.
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Situated some 20 kilometres south west of Grafton the Shannon Creek Dam (pictured) is a major feature of the Clarence Valley/Coffs Harbour water supply strategy. Drawing its supply from the pristine Nymboida and Orara river systems, the 30 000 mega litre dam took two and a half years to build from 2006-2008. The project faced some environmental opposition on its way to construction and the Clarence Environment Centre remains concerned about the ongoing threat to species in the catchment. But from a water supply perspective the development has been described as a benchmark.
E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 20
The search for a reliable regional water source began in 1995 when the former Lower Clarence County Council, later trading as North Coast Water was expanded to become the regional water supply authority. The project brought together co-operation between local and state governing bodies. An 87 kilometre pipeline network was installed linking the region to the dam. 1.3 million cubic metres of compacted fill went into building the embankment wall which is 47 metres high and 400 metres wide. The $180 million project added significantly to the local economy with the nearby Coutts Crossing General Store and Coutts Tavern seeing a boost to the tills. The Nymboida River has supplied the Clarence Valley with water for nearly 100 years and when the Shannon Creek dam is at full capacity, extraction from the river will cease during dry periods so as to maintain environmental flows.
Editor’s Note: the Shannon Creek Dam is only accessible to the public from Thursday – Sunday, hence the photo of Terry at the front gate!
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326 DOBIE STREET, GRAFTON Kylie Pearson KP. 0488 161 621
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INVESTOR SPECIAL On a nice level allotment of approx. 610m2 in the Westlawn area of Grafton, here is an investor special sure to spike substantial interest. Whether you are an investor looking to grow your portfolio, a first home buyer seeking something affordable, a couple wanting to downsize from the country or even someone looking for a project; this one ticks a lot of boxes and with no price tag the onus is on you to tell us; what price would entice. The hardwood timber framed weatherboard cottage with polished floorboards throughout offers 2 good sized bedrooms, a study/smaller bedroom, an enclosed sunroom, enclosed veranda, bathroom, separate toilet, laundry and a living room alongside the kitchen. A massive bonus to the cottage is the clear and level access to the yard that offers a platform for additional shedding (STCA), off-street accommodation for vans & larger vehicles and the location favourable with schools within walking distance and a pre -school just down the road. Property managers have appraised this one as having an estimated rental return of at least $270pw in the current rental market and with some minor improvements up to $300pw.
GRAFTON Kylie Pearson
Sales Professional 0488 161 621
2 4 6 0 – C l a r e n c e V a l l e y P r o p e r t y G u i d e | 23
Wishing everyone a safe and happy
July Racing Carnival 2016 (HORSES INCLUDED)
E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 24
Lot 165 Orara Way LANITZA With enough water to re-float the Titanic - everything about this property is big - just like this opportunity. Nearly 2000 acres of mostly bushland (formerly a citrus farm), 2km of Orara River frontage, 3km of Quayarigo Creek dual frontage and a 320 megalitre dam and a large sand mine. There is enough water for just about any farming enterprise. Some 350 acres of this parcel was previously cleared land, all with an elevation of generally between 60 and 70 metres above sea level. Located nearly in the middle of two major centres Grafton and Coffs Harbour - on sealed road, the opportunity for a serious farm is massive. Or alternatively, the option to subdivide into five smaller blocks which has been conditionally approved by council may interest the keen buyer.
Past water licences have lapsed but has potential to be re-established. Power is at the sealed road frontage. Blueberry growers are encouraged to inspect.
Terry Deefholts Sales Professional 0413 299 176 Our owners have re-assessed their situation and have asked us to disregard any previous price expectation. We are wishing to hear from the market with any reasonable offer.
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Elders Real Estate Grafton 23 Prince Street
Opening Hours
9.00 am - 5.00 pm 9.00 am - 12.00pm
Monday - Friday Saturday
Contact Us Phone
(02) 6642 1122
(02) 6642 1321
Property Management Ben Holder Brooke Lancaster
0427 368 669 0423 911 361
Shelley Crapp Karen Gorton
0466 212 438 0437 867 243
Sales Professionals Kylie Pearson Dave Dart
0488 161 621 0427 440 808
Terry Deefholts Ryan Creed Sam Danvers Angus McDonald Lily Barry
0413 0423 0432 0488 0421
Creative Director – Jaz Grady
(02) 6642 1122
299 865 623 118 254
176 329 244 943 776
w ww .el d e r sg ra f to n .c o m .a u 2 4 6 0 – C l a r e n c e V a l l e y P r o p e r t y G u i d e | 27
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