2460 - December 2015 Monthly Digest - Elders Real Estate Grafton

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WHAT’S HOT In the Valley this Summer

FASTRAK – THE COMPLETE RUNDOWN How to make selling fast and efficient

HARVEST SEASON When to hold on and when to sell sell sell



11 Jade Crescent

4 x B ed ro om s


2 x Bath roo m

145 Rogan Bridge Road

4 x Ca r

Lan d Are s 6 5 91. 0 0 m 2


Elders Grafton – Monthly Digest | 2


MONTH DECEMBER 2015 It’ s h er e. D ec e mb er . Th e l on g e st F rid ay o f th e y ea r. Bu t wh a t a fan ta st ic ti m e t o sta rt ear ly an d s et t h e w h e e l s in m oti o n of y ou r Ne w Ye ar’ s re so lu t ion s a n d g oal s . We’ v e lo v ed s e ein g fr e s h fa c e s c o min g in th rou gh ou r d o or s w ith b ri gh t p lan s fo r b u yin g an d s el li n g in 20 16, an d w e’r e m or e ex ci ted th an e v er to g et st art ed .

Th e h u st l e an d b u stl e of Ch r i st ma s ti m e can ge t a b it ov e r wh e l min g, so w e’ re h er e to h el p . In th i s i s su e o f 24 60 , w e ’v e in c lu d ed a ru n d o wn of F AS T RA K – t h e fa st e st w ay to s el l, a s w el l a s n e w l eg i sl ati v e ch an g e s an d u p d at e s. Wi sh i n g y ou a s af e Hol i d ay se a son -

2460 – Clarence Valley Property Guide | 3

WE TAKE A LOOK AT SOME OF THIS SEASON’S MUST HAVE PROPERTIES 3 Riverside Drive, SOUTH GRAFTON Most profound at night is the Historic Clarence River Bridge, alight in all her glory, beaming her reflection on the waters still.

38 Riverdale Court, GRAFTON The resort style pool is the focal point for alfresco entertaining on those lazy summer days. Executive living in a prime location.

8 Dovedale Street, GRAFTON With absolute river frontage, watch the sun rise and set from the comfort of your waterfront abode.

G rr aa ff tt oo nn –– M M oo nn tt hh ll yy DD ii gg ee ss tt | 4 EE ll dd ee rr ss G


2/109 Ellem Lane, THE WHITEMAN The perfect property to run horses and cattle, this character filled homestead is one for the lover of old world charm.


629 Armidale Road, ELLAND Located on 37 acres, this property would suit the self-sufficient lifestyle, with plenty of room for a few head of cattle and your veg ie gardens too.

IMMACULATE LINES 15 Greenfields Drive, JUNCTION HILL Alfresco and outdoor dining is a major focal point of the home, with partial verandas around the front, right hand side of the home and undercover dining out the back.

2 4 6 0 – CCl laarreennccee VVaal ll leeyy PPr rooppeer rt tyy GGuui iddee || 5 5

RURAL FREEDOM WITH SUBURBAN CONV Looking for your next home? You’ve found it. 26 Fairway Drive, SOUTH GRAFTON. A rural escape, only 10 minutes from central Grafton.

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R ya n C re ed


RC. 0423 865 329 www.eldersgrafton.com.au

2460 – Clarence Valley Property Guide | 7

HARVEST SEASON The best time to hold is often the best time to sell Words by Elders Rural Specialist JoJo Newby

18 NOV 2015

There's no doubt that confidence in the rural market is booming - and why wouldn't it be!? Cattle prices are as strong as they've ever been, we've had good rain, and bank interest rates are low. And because of this confidence, competition in the rural property market is strong. At the moment my best advice to both buyers and sellers is do your research. Sellers, ask around. Ensure you are employing an agent who has your best interests at heart, knows their stuff, and will work hard to achieve you a result. If you're looking to buy, ensure you have preapproved finance from your bank, and do your comparisons between properties. You want to be confident that when you find the property, you are in a position to move quickly and secure it. In today's market, it isn't unusual to have competition between buyers for rural properties. - JoJo Newby, El ders Rural Specialist

“The property you looked at today and intend to purchase tomorrow, is the property someone looked at yesterday and will purchase today.”

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FASTRAK SELLING - THE COMPLETE RUNDOWN Words by Elders Sales Professional Terry Deefholts

18 NOV 2015 Elders began implementing the Fastrak method of sale in early 2015 after learning of the sale successes of our sister branch in Darwin. Without a doubt it has proven a fresh approach to selling rewarding our vendors with higher than expected final sale prices and in a swift manner. Fastrak is essentially NO PRICE MARKETING whereby the onus is on the buyer to tell us what they think a property is worth. In this way, it is similar to auction, but unlike bids at auction, Fastrak offers can be made subject to the conditions the buyer requires – e.g. Pest and Building Inspections or Formal Finance approval. Depending on the agent’s approach there may be a price guide given to interested parties. For the buyer, it is very simple – just put forward your offers and they will be submitted and considered by the seller. We all know cases where properties have sold well above or well below asking price. Fastrak avoids the complexities and realities of incorrect property pricing and is great for those who object to the sale process of public auction.

What do we do with multiple offers? If you happen to discover your dream home at the same time as someone else and an offer is pending, you will be informed by the agent. In most cases the agent may ask all buyers to present their best and fin al offer in writing to present to the seller. In the case of multiple buyers we may employ the process of all offers being submitted by sealed envelope for consideration.

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RECENT RENTALS 204 Pound Street, Grafton


249 Arthur Street, Grafton


201 Arthur Street, Grafton


6 Ford Street, Grafton


70 Cambridge St, Sth Grafton $280pw 178 Villiers Street, Grafton


I N V E S TO R S N OT E The rental proper ty with the highest rental demand at present is the 3 -4 bedroom home in either Dovedale or Westlawn. A pet friendly and fully fenced yard is ideal for the family. If you are looking for a fresh approach to proper ty management, give our team a call.

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SWIMMING POOLS Safety Guidelines for Consumers Words taken from NSW Government Department of Fair Trading

18 NOV 2015 New laws for properties with swimming pools and spa pools T he O f f ic e of Loc a l G o v er nm e nt ( O L G ) is res po ns i bl e f or t he S wim m ing P o o ls Am en dm ent Ac t 2 0 12 . If yo u h a ve an y q u es t i ons ab o ut t he inf orm at i on pr o v i de d be l o w, p l eas e c o nt ac t yo ur loc a l c o u nc i l . From 2 9 A pr i l 20 1 6 a l l pr o per t ies in N SW wi t h a s wim m ing po o l or s pa po o l c a nn ot be s o ld or l eas e d wi t ho ut a v a l id c e r t if ic at e of c om pl i anc e or re l e v a n t oc c u p at i on c ert if ic a te . L oc a l c o u n c i ls a nd ac c r e d it e d pr i v at e c er tif ie rs c an pro v i de inf o rm ati o n o n ho w t o ob t ai n a c e r t if i c at e.

Do these changes apply to me? These changes apply to you if you are the owner of a property with a swimming pool or spa pool. A swimming pool is defined in the law as an excavation, structure or vessel that is capable of being filled with water to a depth greater than 30cm and is used for swimming, wading, paddling or any other human aquatic activity.

Leasing a property with a swimming pool or spa pool Landlords and real estate agents must ensure that any residential tenancy agreement entered on or after 29 April 2016 for any property with a swimming pool or spa pool: -

has a valid swimming pool certificate of compliance or a relevant occupation certificate, and a copy of the certificate of compliance is provided to the tenant.

Selling a property with a swimming pool or spa pool If you are selling any property with a swimming pool or spa pool on and after 29 April 2016 you must ensure the contract for sale includes: -

a valid swimming pool certificate of compliance or a relevant occupation certificate issued within the last three years, and a certificate of registration.

Failure to attach the certificates may allow the purchaser to rescind the contract within 14 days of exchange, unless settlement has already occurred.

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How do I register my swimming pool? Pool owners are required to register their pools online on the NSW Government's Swimming Pool Register. Once registered a certificate of registration will be issued to the pool owner. To check that your pool has been registered, go to the NSW Government's Swimming Pool Register website at ww w.s wim m ing p oo lr e g is t er .ns w. g o v. a u

How can I organise an inspection and obtain a certificate of compliance? Local councils, and accredited certifiers registered with the Building Professionals Board, can carry out a swimming pool barrier inspection and issue a certificate of compliance if the swimming pool or spa pool meets all the safety requirements (accredited certifiers are those holding category A1, category A2 or category A3 or category E1 accreditation under the Building Professional Act 2005). Pool owners should contact their local council or private certifier early to organise a compliance inspection and ensure their pool/spa is compliant by 29 April 2016.

When is an occupation certificate adequate? A relevant occupation certificate may be used instead of a swimming pool certificate of compliance if it is less than three years old and authorises the use of the swimming pool. If an occupation certificate is used, evidence that the swimming pool is registered must also be provided with the sales contract.

For more information visit

www.fairtrading.nsw.gov.au E l d e r s G r a f t o n – M o n t h l y D i g e s t | 12

REAL ESTATE UPDATES UNDERQUOTING REFORMS Words taken from NSW Government Department of Fair Trading

18 NOV 2015

The NSW Government has passed changes to underquoting laws that start 1st January 2016. The underquoting reforms will ensure any estimated price communicated to vendors and prospective buyers represents what an agent actually expects a property to sell for. Underquoting describes when an agent understates the estimated selling price of a property. This can cause interested buyers to waste time and money on inspecting properties, getting reports and attending auctions based on misleading estimates of the selling price.

Under the reforms, an agent must: - Include their true estimate of a property’s likely selling price in the agency agreement (also called sales agreement). - Record the evidence that informed this estimate and provide it to the vendor in writing. - Ensure a price range is no greater than 10% of the bottom figure (eg. $500,000 - $550,000). - Record all price estimates (quotes) provided while a property is marketed. - Ensure their price estimate remains realistic by updating it and advertising the vendor in a timely manner if they are aware – or should reasonably be aware – of evidence or circumstances that changes it. The agent must advise the vendor of their revised selling rice estimate and the evidence on which it is based in writing (eg. Email) and amend the agency agreement. They must also update, as soon as feasible or practical, any marketing of the property that reflected the old estimate with the new selling price estimate.

Agents with not be able to: - Provide any price estimates less that what they have assessed a property is worth (as recorded in their agency agreement with the vendor). This applies whether the agent is advertising the property or in any communication with prospective buyers about the property’s likely selling price. - Advertise vague price information, including any statements such as “offers above” or “offers over” an amount, or “plus” a particular price (eg. $500,000+) which could misrepresent or obscure a property’s estimated value. Also an agent must never indicate a selling price estimate that does not match the agent’s true estimate.

The reforms will introduce stronger penalties to deter underquoting. This includes fining agents up to $22,000 if they breach the new requirements. Agents could also have to forfeit their commission and fees if found guilty of underquoting. These commissions and fee payments will go towards the Property Services Compensation Fund, which supports consumers who have experienced financial loss as a result of a property agent.

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436 Seelan ds H all Roa d SEELANDS Seeland stunner on 30 acres.

Walk ri gh t in - n oth in g i s n e ed ed (e xc ep t you r o f f er ). With an op en p lan ki tch en wi th two p a ck fin i sh an d ston e b en ch es , t wo li v in g ar ea s, d ec en t siz ed b r ick s h ed , in grou n d p oo l, a gr ic u ltu ra l h ot h ou s e ( s et u p f or fl o we r p rod u cti on ), 4 w at er t a n ks an d d am - r eal ly, t h i s i s th e on e an d you kn o w it. Situ at ed ab ou t 20 m in u t e s fro m Gr af ton , th e 3 0 a cr e s a r e lig h tly ti mb er ed an d g e n tly u n d u lat in g , wi th th e h ig h b u ild in g sit e o f f er in g p r iv acy fro m th e r oad . An e st i m ated 4- 5 a cr e s ar e c l ear ed .

PROPERTY INFORMATI ON 3x b ed roo m s 1x b ath ro o m s 6x ca r p a rks Lan d Area 30 .9a cre s Dou b le ga ra ge 4x ca r p o rt sw i m min g p o ol Air C on d i tion in g

For more information about this property, head to www.eldersgrafton.com or contact Terry Deefholts on + 0413 299 176 The Elders Grafton Office is located at 23 Prince Street, GRAFTON

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53 B rist ol Arms Road RAMORNIE Resort-style living… in paradise!

Th is mu d b r ic k h o m e i s a s e ri e s of Yu rt s, b eau ti fu lly con st ru ct ed an d ma in ta i n ed wi th s ep ar at e b u ild in g f or li vin g a n d sl e ep i n g . C lu s ter ed tog eth er on t h e h i llt op l ocat ion wi th 3 6 0 d eg re e v i e w s. Sp en d su m m er d ay s f i sh in g or s wi m m in g in t h e ri v e r o r in th e in - gr ou n d p ool . A ll s e as on s you can en j oy th e ex te n si v e el e va ted d eck s an d en t er tain m en t op p ortu n iti e s. Th er e a r e so m e cl ear ed are a s for h or s e s, tra il s cu t fo r b ik e rid i n g or wa lki n g an d sa n d y b ea ch e s at th e tr e e lin e d ri v er . We ch a ll en g e you to fin d a mo re u n iq u e, b eau t ifu l, p ri vat e an d r iv e rf ron t p ro p e rty ! Mak e th i s you r p ri vat e san ctu ary wi th 11 3 a cr e s o f n atu r e’ s b e st , in clu d in g a lon g fro n ta ge to th e d eep wa ter s o f th e Or ara Ri v e r.

PROPERTY INFORMATI ON 4x b ed roo m s 2x b ath ro o m s 2x ca r p a rks Lan d Area 45 .7 3 h ec tare s Dou b le ga ra ge

For more information about this property, head to www.eldersgrafton.com or contact JoJo Newby on + 0417 690 637 The Elders Grafton Office is located at 23 Prince Street, GRAFTON

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11/213-217 Prince Street

1 x B ed ro om s


1 x Bath roo m

28 Powell Street

3 x B ed ro om s


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1 x Bath roo m 1 x G ara ge


Elders Real Estate Grafton 23 Prince Street

Opening Hours


9.00 am - 5.00 pm 9.00 am - 12.00pm

Monday - Friday Saturday

Contact Us Phone Fax

(02) 6642 1122 (02) 6642 1321



Property Management Ben Holder Brooke Lancaster Karen Gorton

0427 368 669 0423 911 361 0437 867 243

Residential Sales Dave Dart Ryan Creed Terry Deefholts Sam Danvers Kylie Pearson

0427 0423 0413 0432 0488

440 865 299 623 161

808 329 176 244 621

Rural Sales JoJo Newby

0417 690 637

w ww .el d e r sg ra f to n .c o m .a u 2 4 6 0 – C l a r e n c e V a l l e y P r o p e r t y G u i d e | 19

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