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Act Six - Behind the Scenes
VI.VI Servicing & Access Strategy
Accessibility P edestrian, Vehicle, Cyclist
In accordance with Document M level access is provided to all units and annex units. 3no. circulation cores are connected by a series of access decks allowing level access at upper floors, while the alleyways and mews streets are designed at accessible gradients (<1:20 ratio) creates level access throughout the sloping site. The scheme encourages sustainable travel providing a secure cycle store with 24no. spaces and 10no. visitor spaces in accordance with the Preston SPD. Secure parking is accessed at Syke Street, with 19no. spaces, of which 4no. are EV charging spaces exceeding the guidance of 10% in the SPD & Document S. 2no. spaces are DDA in accordance with the SPD.

In accordance with Document H , and Preston SPD the maximum distance from any residence to the closest bin store is <30m. There are 2no. bin stores, 1no. main store with extensive recycling bins which serves the crescent block and lower 2no. mews streets and a smaller block which serves the top 2no. mews and individual apartments. Waste collection points at the north and south of the site are under 8m from the pull-in spaces for waste collection vehicles in accordance with the SPD and Document H . The plant room meets the minimum space requirements for the 19no. units including a sprinkler and tank room. A designated space is reserved for occasional maintenance vehicles.
In accordance with Approved Document Q , the site is accessed only by secure fob-entry doors or external gates. Each of the mews streets has separate fob-entry gates and at Fishergate the site is accessed via fob-entry lobby space. At Syke Street the crescent block and courtyard are all secure access. The car park has operable shutters and each internal room linking to the site requires fobentry. Following Document B guidance, emergency vehicle bays are provided to the north/south and courtyard entrance with an appropriate turning point provided at courtyard entrance. Fire strategy will be highlighted further overleaf.