1 minute read

Act Seven - The Epilogue VII. I - Multi-generational Moments

Studying from Home

Students are able to stay at home in the annex units and commute to university, reducing their debt while maintaining privacy & independence


Mum - Daughter Playdates

Parents have extra time to play with the kids due to sharing chores & responsibilities with the larger household

Son-in-law shopping days

Families are able to support and look after older relatives without travelling far and interrupting their routine

Preparing & Sharing Meals

Living in larger units allows families to share cooking duties and enjoy meals together in the shared dining room

Additional Rental Income

Families can rent out the annex units to provide additional income which make the larger units financially viable

Studying Together

Younger siblings are able to grow up with the support of their older siblings

Sharing Parental Duties

Divorced families are able to share parental roles remaining close to the children but able to live independently

A Place to grow into Young families are able to grow into the home expanding into the annex units when they need to


& Adaptability

The annexes allow the units to be adapted to suit any household type including work/live arrangements, granny pads and live in care

A space to meet & connect

Neighbours share the communal space and can meet and form friendships and bonds. The communal space also allows households to gather with their extended family Community Values

A sense of identity

The foyer and communal space allows individual residents to gather and feel a sense of community and inclusion

Sharing Advice & Support

Young families can learn from older families and households and both benefit from support such as shared childcare, security and friendship. Granddad watches the children after school

The community forms cemented roots over time with the units remaining within one family for decades

Childcare & Family Moments

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