1 minute read

Act Six - Behind the Scenes

Site Strategy +12.8m [level 4]

Automatic vents are provided to all kitchens and bathrooms in accordance with Part F


Fire-fighting stairway/lift NOT required as top floor level is <18m

60min Fire Resistance SIPS 3 Dry riser pump Emergency Exit from protected core Individual Final Exits to Courtyard Emergency Vehicle Bay Emergency Vehicle Bay *Externally Mounted Wet Riser to Serve Top Units Access Road 3.7m + <20m reversing path to turning head

Emergency Vehicle Bay

The site strategy is designed in accordance with Approved Document B . The townhouse units have individual means of escape alongside the ground floor annex units. In these unit protected stairways are used and all room are within 9m of the stairway which is <9m from the final exit door. The upper floor units use external access decks and protected cores. There is advised maximum travel distance for escape via external decks, the maximum in the scheme is 27m. All dry and wet risers are within 18m of emergency vehicle bays.

Fire Resistance

E scape route along external decks [<27m (no max)]

Dry Risers [<45m from riser to units]

Dry Riser Pumps

Temporary Emergency Vehicle Bay [<18m to risers]

Turning Circle

Location of Final Exit Doors [at Grade]

60min requirement

<2m wide to prevent smoke building + >1.5m wide for wheelchair access

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