Adam and Eve - Trend Forecasting Book

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Eleanor O’Brien J85108 Fashion Marketing and Communication L5 AD5605 Trend Book 4000 Words Equivalent








DIGITAL FASHION/ beauty 16-19






TREND 20X20 28-57 references 58-59




trend report.



Life On Mars introduction What if it is too late to fix the current

climate change crisis? Perhaps it’s time we consider a plan B. The fashion industry causes devastating effects to our environment. It’s the second most polluting industry in the world, with 150 billion items of clothing ending up in landfill every year (fast fashion: The second largest polluter in the world, 2021). Is it too late to fix the damage that we have caused our home, Earth? Mars colonisation could be our only hope in the future, forcing us to change old habits within the in

dustry, living on a different planet in 2040 without the luxury of fast fashion. Why Mars? Elon Musk’s SpaceX mission is already developing a plan to take humans to Mars. Mars is one of our closest habitable neighbours and the atmosphere has traces of elements that would mean we could grow plants on Mars. “It’s about believing in the future and thinking that the future will be better than the past. And I can’t think of anything more exciting than going out there and being among the stars.” – Elon Musk (Mars& Beyond, 2021).


To start off my summer research and

get an understanding of what others have predicted the future to look like, I researched the Film ‘2001: A Space Odyssey’ written by Arthur C. Clark and Kubrick Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer in 1968. In the film they made predictions about the future for man regrading technology. It is said A Space Odyssey predicted the iPad, during one scene characters are seen using an electronic tablet that looks similar in appearance to Apple’s iPad. Robots have become reality in manufacturing for many years but not until after the film was released in 1981 did NASA use the first robotic arm in space (Smith, 2018).

I then went onto researching the current ongoing TV series Black Mirror. The series is set in a world that could pass as our own, potentially warning us of the unnatural way we are living due to technology/social media. Each episode shows a different scenario conveying the sinister impact technology has on a person’s mind. The series has predicted us rating each other on social networking sites, something ‘Uber’ have introduced in recent years on their app (Hoffman, 2017).



I further researched space age French

fashion designers Pierre Cardin and André Courrèges to understand how fashion designers have predicted garments to look like in the future. Pierre Cardin was fascinated with space, even before the Apollo 11 mission he was imagining what life in space would look like. During his space age era he created a space suit for NASA in 1969. Cardin’s use of vinyl, goggles and helmets are what brought the space age look to life and can be


seen on most of his models. “My favourite garment is the one I invent for a life that does not yet exist” – Pierre Cardin. (Harrington, 2020) Pierre Cardin was fascinated by geometric shapes he designed his Bubble House and later went onto designing his famous bubble dress which became an international success, inspired by his stay in Japan. (Pierre Cardin, Fetish for the bubble, 2015).

André Courrèges was one of the first designers to encourage ready-to-wear fashion. He recognised the freedom we have, to move in everyday life and believed in progress and that clothes should move to; he was always one step ahead. Courrèges was one of the first fashion designers to use PVC and plastic in his designs. Most of his work was inspired by astronauts, he also portrayed his interest in architecture and technology in his work. (André Courrèges: space age couturier,2016).


Digital Fashion Continuing my summer research, I discovered

digital fashion. Digital fashion could be the future of the fashion industry. The concept is to buy a digital item of clothing online and have it edited to a picture of yourself for social media use. Over the recent years it has become increasingly popular to wear an item of clothing once and then throw it away, this is something influencers are guilty for. Digital fashion through my research could be a great alternative for the influencer industry and positively change the environmental factors of the industry. The fashion industry, as we know, contributes high levels of pollution each year destroying our planet. More and more people are becoming aware of this when buying their clothing, taking into consideration the environmental impact. During my research I discovered digital fashion has zero impact on the environment and


is becoming more popular (Semic, 2019). Following my research into digital fashion I came across the brand ‘The Fabricant’. It is the world’s first digital fashion house. Their intention is to simply cut down the waste and create a more sustainable fashion industry. Their belief is “Fashion should waste nothing but data and exploit nothing but the imagination”. The Fabricant is hoping to reduce the carbon footprint of the fashion industry, with studies showing that their digital samples of their designs are reducing the brands carbon footprint by 30% (Making facts fashionable again,2020). The only issue with digital fashion is that its target audience is influencers and isn’t accessible for everyone, the pricing is high and only has a one-time use and is the reason I won’t be taking this idea further in my trend forecast.


Beauty During my summer research I also looked at

current beauty/ wellbeing trends. I did this to broaden my research to discover new beauty trends that could potentially develop and end up on Mars with us. I discovered different types of beauty accessories that are a natural alternative to plastic surgery/ filler. Face work outs have become increasingly popular, which is a concept taken from other countries, being Japan and China, to change their face shape and give their skin a natural contour. Face Gym is a popular gym studio aiming to work the muscles in your face with different types of tools such as a jade roller, Gua Sha and microneedling tools sculpt out your muscles and tighten them. Techno- facials are also popular, using tech such as LED therapy mask which is intended to naturally repair your skin cells (The Atelier, 2019). While researching beauty I found the more natural look becoming trendier, rather than extravagant makeup and influencers dissolving filler to enhance their natural beauty. I want to take this part of beauty into my trend for Mars, with the idea of natural becoming increasingly popular and incorporating this into fashion on Mars potentially being natural.


Fig 1



House Of Dagmar I discovered House of Dagmar, a contem-

porary Swedish fashion brand, founded by three sisters in 2005. The brand creates sustainable contemporary products that will last a longer period of time than fast fashion items. They launched their label “GOOD CHOICE” in 2019 to inform their customers which items in their collections are sustainable and always strive to be upfront with their consumers, guiding them to the products with the best environmentally friendly materials that they use, such as organic cotton, virgin wool, recycled polyester and many more. They launched their business with three pillars-based sustainability: high quality fabrics, high quality production process, and high quality designs. (Our way of sustainability, 2021). Their aesthetic is minimalist yet playful that won’t go out of style. Their intention is to encourage people to start thinking about the longevity of their wardrobe choices and have the goal to be completely carbon neutral and be an environmentally friendly business (Davis, 2021). I found it interesting how they make their collections minimalist but still playful, making it their mission to create sustainable products that won’t go out of fashion and making products to last.


spider diagrams on Pest, I did this to gather information on what is going on around the world that could influence my trend. I researched the Covid 19 pandemic that has shut the world down for the past year and disrupted everyone’s lives and how it’s not going to be the last of its kind. Scientists say pandemics are going to become more frequent in the future with different types of viruses being able to transfer from animals to humans more frequently due to the way we are currently living. Deforestation is one of the main causes, destroying wildlife habitats and discovering rare animals is going to lead us to self-destruction in our society (Gill, 2020). Overconsumption is a massive problem within the fashion industry, companies producing billions of cheap synthetic low-quality clothing is contributing to climate change and ruining the Earth. It’s not just fashion brands that are guilty of global warming it’s our own fault too. We as the public are also at fault since many people will throw out old clothes instead of recycling them, clothing is also being worn a lot less and buying into trends that don’t stick around for long. Around 3% of clothing from fashion brands goes straight to landfill that weren’t sold which could have been recycled or sent to people who need it most (Taylor,2021). Moving forward with my trend, I want to recognise the effects of overconsumption as this is something we won’t be able to take to Mars with us, leading to us starting from scratch on a new planet, learning from mistakes we made. Currently ‘Cop 26’ is being discussed with people protesting and showing their concerns on climate change. I think people are starting to become more aware of the damage we our causing Earth, but with the cost that it could be too late.



Progressing from my summer research I created




The Trend.
















Are we going to be living gender free on Mars? Genderless fashion is something

that more and more brands are becoming involved with and is becoming mainstream. Celebrities such as Harry Styles have been pushing the boundaries wearing what is deemed as women’s clothing at red carpets and on tour. He was also on the front cover of vogue wearing a Gucci dress not so long ago (see image to the left). Sam Smith is another wellknown artist who identifies as Nonbinary. Brands have been seen to use a wider variety of genders in their fashion shows as well as launching genderless collections showcasing their collection on both male and female models. Brands such as Stefano Pilati, Charles Jeffrey Loverboy and Dion Lee are amongst the brands creating genderless clothing lines. Fast fashion brands Zara and H&M have had their part in gender-fluid fashion creating their own collections targeted to everyone (Anyanwu, 2020) This is a topic that is becoming more and more talked

about, creating nonbinary fashion as the industry becomes a more inclusive and diverse, sticking to terms such as gender-fluid, gender less, androgynous and genderneutral. Brands such as Gucci have already been seen to cut out categories that is men’s and womenswear, blurring the lines between them and using only non-binary terms. Brands are becoming more aware of the possibilities and collections they can create with gender fluid clothing. (The rise of gender-neutral fashion, 2021). Genderless clothing appears to be the future of the fashion industry and something I will be taking further in my own forecast for Life on Mars, creating a capsule wardrobe for all genders, thinking about us starting from scratch and living life like ‘Adam and Eve’ on a new planet with only necessities.




Fig 2

Biblical How is my trend influenced by the biblical story of Adam and Eve? When thinking about what

life on mars would look like I imagined it as a fresh start a chance to start over on a new planet, like Adam and Eve. As it is told in the bible, they are the first people to walk Earth, created by God. Earth was completely different to how we live now, surrounded by nothing but nature and trees and certainly no fast fashion, just a new world to start from scratch. The biblical story is that God gave both male and female the dominion over living things and gave them the ‘Garden of Eden’ where Adam was warned not to eat the fruit off the tree in which Eve did and Adam joined her. They were punished with the pain of child-

birth for the women and forcing the man to sweat and toil for a lifetime (Robindoux,2019). Taking inspiration from this my thoughts surrounded the idea of what their story would be like in the future, knowing all that we know now and how society is becoming more inclusive and the freedom of choosing what gender you are perhaps Adam and Eve would wear the same clothing and be treated equally without a divide.


Contemporary. How does my trend turn traditionalism into something contemporary?

Giving that my trend is influenced by Adam

and Eve, I wanted to take the traditionalism of the story and make it something contemporary. There have been many different art works and different imagery involving Adam and Eve, my next step was to think about how this would look on mars and how it can evolve into something new and futuristic. Taking different aspects of the story such as changing the forbidden fruit and thinking about what could be forbidden in the future such as Fast Fashion. perhaps mar’s version of Adam and Eve are forbidden to overconsume and take just what’s essential.


Fig 3


necessit 34

concious How does my trend focus on what’s essential to minimalize overconsumption?

Overconsumption is an ongoing problem globally

within the fashion industry. Landfills are starting to fill up meaning in the future we will run out of space to put our waste. Fast fashion is one of the biggest causing roots to the overconsumption problem, brands producing mass amounts of cheap low-quality clothing. (Taylor, 2021). With more people becoming aware of their spending habbits and focusing on what’s essential, with my trend forecast I predict through my research that people will start to cut down on items they don’t need focusing on what’s necessary and important to them. Thinking about my concept of the future version of Adam and Eve I believe they would only take necessities to learn from the mistakes we are currently making.

ties 35

Why have I chosen to predict what accessories Adam and Eve would take on mars?

While thinking about necessities I thought about

accessories such as a hat, comb, and a watch. I then decided to create a flat lay in my session shoot with Tony Green. I brought what I imagined Adam and Eve to have in their bags of belongings to take to Mars. I took pictures from a bird’s eye view of the items. I really enjoyed this session and was pleased with my outcome of images. I felt it helped bring my trend predictions to life, my next step was to think about the future of the accessories.





Futuristic How will my trend prediction appear in 2040 on mars?

After my shoot in Tony Greens session, I was

happy with the outcome but started to think about what these accessories might look like in the future, on Mars. I thought about shoes and how technology could evolve in 20 years’ time. I researched into different shoe technologies that are currently being adapted, I discovered Nike had released shoes that have self-lacing technology back in 2016. The HyperAdapt 1.0 were inspired by the shoes worn in Back to the future 2. (Vincent, 2016) I also thought about handbags but started to think about how often I currently use a bag since everything we need is already emerging on our phones. Apple have already introduced the wallet and Apple pay. So, what will the smart phone look like in the future? Apple and android have already made it possible to have a touchscreen smart watch on our wrists so what about a touch screen phone on our wrists? I discovered the Cicret Bracelet which brings full smartphone functionality to your arm. (Daugherty, 2016). This is something that could advance by the time ‘Adam and Eve’ arrive on Mars. I have also included a hat and thought about how this would evolve to suit life on Mars. I have reimagined an astronaut’s helmet and thought about how a face shield would come down from the hat to protect faces from debris in space.


How does a Capsule and Ageless wardrobe shape my trend forecast? After my ideas surrounding

necessities, I thought about Adam and eve having their own capsule wardrobe on mars. A capsule wardrobe involves keeping a limited number of items often featuring the most essential or influential pieces from a designer’s collection. They were popularised by Donna Karan in the 80s. (Morton, n, d). Capsule wardrobes can also be keeping ageless clothing which are garments that can be worn for each season so


no more A/W or S/S collections. For many the current pandemic that led the world into a complete lockdown was a time to rethink our impact on society and the earth, including creative director of Gucci, Alessandro Michele who released a series of his lockdown diaries discussing the matter. “our reckless actions have burned the house we live in “ Alessandro Michele. (Wallis, 2020)


Fig 4




Surreal Why is my trend surreal and ominous to imagine?

When researching the idea of us moving to mars I

found it daunting to think the current mistakes we are making now within the industry could lead us to destroying our home, Earth. The idea of having to make a new colony on mars, sending out the new ‘Adam and Eve’ to repopulate and make a new civilisation from scratch, seems like a surreal and ominous future event that is possible could happen. Elon musk current developing SpaceX mission which he hopes to have ready by 2050 is what makes this trend forecast of moving to mars a potential reality and believable. “Earth is ~4.5B years old, but life is still not multiplanetary and it is extremely uncertain how much time is left to become so.” – Elon Musk (Cuthbertson, 2021).

ominous 43

Secondary images colour board


Fig 6


Neutral How does colour influence my trend? When thinking about colour I wanted the keep in mind that the

core of my trend is gender- fluidity. When researching genderless collections almost all of them consisted of neutral earthy tones, the same way Dion Lee stays away from feminine and masculine colours such as pink and blue colours. This is something I have incorporated into my trend forecast as I want it to be suitable for both ‘Adam and Eve’ with no division and the same colours in their capsule wardrobe. The earthy tones within my trend create a nostalgic and comforting memory of a past life on Earth. The neutrals and earth greens bring an element of our planet to Mars, since mars is known as the red planet. I predict in the future Adam and Eve would tell the story of a life that was once on Earth and would consist throughout the colours within the items they take to mars.


Primary images colour board



DION LEE How has Dion Lee influenced my trend?

Dion Lee is a contemporary Australi-

an fashion brand established in 2009. Dion lee has stated that his brand aesthetic is “technical with an intelligent sensuality”. Dion Lee’s target audience is Generation Z, explaining that they embrace who they are. One of his collections was called ‘let your imagination run wild’ inspiring us to step outside our boundaries and think about who we are and not what our gender expectations are. Lee avoids feminine shades such as pinks and purples and keeps to more earthy tones like sand colours, greens and


yellows. On their website each item of their genderless collection can be viewed either on a man or a women (Lloyd,2021) I also found it interesting how on their website they shown each item of garments on a male and female model to see how it looks on both genders which you can switch between by hovering over each image with the mouse


Durable Why is it important for my trend to be durable and timeless? I think it’s important that a capsule ward-

robe consist of items that will last for a long period of time. Items that are made to last and cost extra hold emotional value and are more reliable to last longer. Timeless clothing can be handed down through generations and be someone else’s treasure like heirloom pieces. Fashion is all about change and is constantly evolving which is what makes timeless pieces tricky as this by definition is a dimension of constant transition. However, when a piece becomes timeless it makes it more intriguing and holds emotional value.

timeless 50



Colonise + Adapt How will Adam and Eve Adapt to form a new colony on Mars?

My vision for ‘Adam and

Eve’ on Mars is for them to start a new colony of people. As we know Mars is further away from the sun and is a much colder planet than earth on average it is around – 125 degrees Celsius in winter so is extremely cold (Sharp, 2017). This would mean them having to wear protective winter clothing when arriving on mars.

Humans would be vulnerable on mars it’s a new planet not designed to have living organisms on. This would mean the new colony of people having to adapt to change of weather conditions by wearing suitable clothing and accessories.




RESET Will life on mars be a completely different life to what it is now?

With the matters of overconsumption, I in vision Life on Mars to be different. I think Adam and Eve would want to look after Mars and not ruin it like how we have ruined Earth. Mars also takes around 6 months to arrive. I predict from this information that only necessities would be taken to Mars as it would take too long to get there with limited space on a rocket such as Elon Musk Starship which he is inventing to be able to travel people to Mars. I also predict the new colony of ‘Adam and Eve’ would want elements of Earth on Mars to remind them of home. The idea of two people arriving on Mars to start a new colonisation appears deserted and lonely. Which is why I therefore predict them to feel nostalgia and bring elements of Earth like colouring and emotionally attached belongings.



My trend prediction isn’t specifically for one

generation. Its timeless pieces that are suited to everyone of all ages. Accessories that can be passed on through generations, which also means less consumption waste and a cleaner environment space. Today we often wear items once and throw them away which is what’s causing us to plan this move to Mars. My trend forecast focuses on what’s important and how we are evolving to make better choices. During the pandemic which has been going on for almost two years people have had to determine what is essential to balance budgets due to a lower income meaning people are becoming more aware of their spending habbits and understanding how items are important and what is just waste.






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