Corrib Gas Project Project Monitoring Committee,
Newsletter for Local Residents by Community Representatives
(Updated April 2007)
In the light of feedback from Mr Peter Cassels in his 2006 report that more should be done to get information out to the local community regarding the work taking place on the Project Monitoring Committee this newsletter is being written by both Gerard Mc Donnell and Nicholas Whyte, Community Representatives on the Committee with the aim of passing on as much information as possible to local people living in the area of the Corrib Gas Project. It is intended to do such a newsletter once every quarter from now on. It is being sent out to all residents in the area to ensure that as many people as possible receive it.
Background to the Project Monitoring Committee The Project Monitoring Committee was established to make sure that effective monitoring takes place of the Corrib Gas Project during construction of the terminal in the interest of proper planning and sustainable development of the area. The Committee monitors work on the site of the terminal, the haulage route and the Shramore site where peat is to be deposited. The Committee’s aim is to monitor the project as it is being constructed and deal with issues such as surface water run-off, drainage control, traffic management, road maintenance, implementation of the landscape plan and other environmental issues. The Community representatives Gerard Mc Donnell and Nicholas Whyte raise issues at the meeting relating to the local community. They bring in concerns and worries from the local people and give feedback to the developer Shell E&P Ireland Limited.
The Committee is chaired by the County Manager of Mayo Co. Council and meets once a month. Its members comprise the following: 3 members from Shell E&P Ireland Ltd., one member of the North West Regional Fisheries Board, one member representing Bord na Móna, two members of the staff of Mayo Co. Council, two members of the staff of the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, one member of An Garda Síochana, one member of the National Parks and Wildlife Service and two members representing the local community (Gerard Mc Donnell and Nicholas Whyte).
Issues We Have Raised and Discussed at Recent Meetings Cold Venting and Emissions: We have requested that the developer (SEPIL) do more to explain cold venting to the local people of the community of Erris. We have fed back to Shell that there are many people in the area who are worried about emissions from the terminal when it is up and operating and more work needs to be done to explain this important issue to all people in the villages surrounding the terminal site. The developer has undertaken to do so.
Water Treatment on the Terminal Site: The existing single unit Axonics plant was taken out of commission and has been be installed within the new Axionics plant building. The newly expanded 5-unit Axonics plant is up and running and all units are in operation at 100% capacity on a 24-hour basis. All water, which has been building up and contained in pools on the site is now being pumped through this Axionics system to be cleaned. The so-called south pool is now substantially emptied and the west pool has been fully emptied. The middle pool has also been emptied. Constant testing is taking place of the water that goes through the Axionics system to make sure it is safe before being released out of site and into the local river. Water in Carrowmore Lake: Water in the Ballinaboy River and Carrowmore Lake is regularly tested by Mayo Co. Council. The Health Service Executive also carries out regular testing of drinking water supplied to the local water schemes from the Erris Regional Water Treatment Plant at Carrowmore. The results of these tests are available on computer at Mayo Co. Council Offices in the Civic Centre, Belmullet once they are scanned. Paper copies are made available as soon as results come in.
Jobs in the Terminal Construction: We have raised the point at all recent meetings and in one-to-one discussions with the developer that there are local people who are looking to gain employment on the project. We have also relayed that this is a key point where many locals have been concerned has been lacking in the past. Currently there are around 200 people working on the project in Ballinaboy with a substantial number of them from Erris. Social Investment: We have pressed the Developer on the need to launch a social fund soon in order to address local concerns raised with us that too little is being done in this regard in the community. Shell has stated that it is working on this issue at the moment and will be bringing proposals to the community shortly.
Peat Haulage - Traffic Management: Peat haulage has been resumed since the beginning of April and we have reminded the developer that adequate information and notification has to be given to all people in the village of Ballinaboy and all other villages along the haulage route up to and including Shramore as haulage continues. We also reminded the developer that the highest standards of lorry driver safety be adhered to and that each driver be given, once again, the Advanced Training they received when previously transporting peat. This training was completed. This is to ensure that safety towards local residents and other traffic users on the road is a top priority among all lorry drivers.
Peat Haulage - School Wardens: We have stressed the need once again for school wardens during peat haulage. The developer has confirmed that school wardens have been appointed to help transport local school children to school every morning and afternoon during this time.
Enhanced Community Representation: The Project Monitoring Committee (on the advice of Peter Cassels last summer) has decided to increase the number of community representatives on the committee to three (to join Gerard Mc Donnell and Nicholas Whyte). We look forward to another representative on the committee to share the work in monitoring, giving feedback to the Committee and making sure that the developer is doing its job to the highest standards possible. Mayo County Council Community and Enterprise Department are helping in the selection process of a new committee member.
Bord na M贸na Shramore Deposition Site: Dr. Catherine Farrell, Bord na M贸na, joined the January meeting to give a presentation on the Srahmore Peat Rehabilitation Plan and show how the peat deposited there from Ballinaboy in 2005 (approx 100,000 cubic metres) is settling in well on the site. She reported that this is one of the largest such projects in Europe and indicated that Bord na M贸na was very satisfied with the rehabilitation results. Plans are being discussed to make similar presentations to local schools and possibly the local community and also to present to the Local Area Meeting in Belmullet of Mayo Co. Council shortly. (This was actually done in January). The North West Regional Fisheries Board stated in the December PMC meeting that it was satisfied with the monitoring of the peat deposition by Bord na M贸na.
Roadworks/Transportation: Rehabilitation works took place on the haulage road between Ballinaboy and Shramore before peat transportation began by Mayo County Council staff. EPA IPPC Licence to Shell E&P Ireland Limited: At the time of updating this newsletter an Oral Hearing has begun in the Broadhaven Bay Hotel, Belmullet organized by the EPA on the basis of the submissions and objections received. Members of the public are welcome to attend the event each day and with the permission of the Chairman may make submissions to the Hearing.
Contact Information
E-Mail Address: An e-mail address specifically for the PMC was recently set up. You can raise issues, give feedback and ask questions for all PMC members by using this address. Your points will then be raised at the following PMC Meeting. The address is No replies will be made to your e-mail but you will see your points of view discussed and included in the minutes of the meeting. Alternatively you can also contact both Gerard and Nicholas by e-mail ( or in writing (Gerard Mc Donnell Glengad, Pullathomas, Ballina and Nicholas Whyte, Carrowmore, Barnatra, Ballina).
We hope that this newsletter has given you an overview of the issues that have been discussed and dealt with at recent Project Monitoring Committee Meetings. We would ask you to please pass around copies to family, friends and neighbours in the area. We plan to issue this newsletter once every quarter. We would like to acknowledge the help of the Community and Enterprise Section of Mayo Co. Council for their assistance in sending out this newsletter to local residents. Gerard Mc Donnell and Nicholas Whyte Community Representatives Project Monitoring Committee
Cashin Print, Castlebar. 094 9026622