SligoIT A4 PromoFlyer 19983.qxp
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I N S T I T U T E O F T E C H N O L O G Y, S L I G O I N S T I T I Ăš I D T E I C N E O L A Ă? O C H TA , S L I G E A C H
Currently the Institute of Technology Sligo provides a range of fulltime and part-time courses from certificate to post graduate qualification in Science, Engineering, Business & Humanities. Course content and structure incorporate industry requirement. All courses are modular in nature, i.e. one can study a single subject in a module of a particular course and this is credit rated and certificate awarded. This is a very important feature for creating specialized training programmes and ITS in partnership with employers can create a cross functional course containing modules from different courses or indeed departments that will be tailored made and specific to your (our customer) requirements.
Track Record
We have a proven track record in the field of creating tailor-made programmes. We are working with a range of industries, businesses and government agencies in many sectors both national and international. As a result of our constant exposure and partnerships with employers I.T. Sligo is very aware of the factors affecting employers in Ireland and indeed the international arena, e.g. cost of labor, increasing levels of compliance, etc. I.T. Sligo can help influence such factors and can help you achieve higher levels of efficiency through specialized intensive training (including Requalification and Up-Skilling).
Partnership We believe the key to success is that we work in partnership with our client to design, create and deliver tailored training programs for areas that the employer wish to utilize to take their people to a more efficient level.
What do you require? We have the capabilities to offer a number of packages for example: We can audit your systems thereby highlighting areas that may require attention. We can develop a programme that targets the area(s) that are deemed to require attention or corrective action. We can initiate and deliver training programme(s). We can offer support on site to ensure full integration of the programme and also monitor ongoing progress through tracking key performance indicators. We can offer total integration which would entail all of the above.
}}} Institute of Technology Sligo (ITS),
working with business,
together we succeed.
SligoIT A4 PromoFlyer 19983.qxp
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Customers: Coca Cola: Participant on course: “This was truly a rewarding professional experience and an excellent developmental opportunity”
Health Board Executive: “This is an innovative approach to partnership working between HSE & ITS. The opportunity to qualify staff working in the social sector while in service is very innovative”
Course Accreditation Course Completion would normally be based on Assessments and would have a high element of competency determination to ensure the success of the training activity. Assessments are generally a combination of continuous, practical competence and final exam. Course Accreditation is in the National Qualifications Framework; level of accreditation depends on course design. I.T. Sligo has been approved to make level 8 & 9 awards.
Delivery Methods We can deliver on site in the institute, on site in your business, in reach out centres strategically located throughout Ireland, we can also deliver remotely nationally and internationally such as; live online classes / lectures / tutorials including online delivery of previously recorded live events. Online courses blended with faceto-face contact and /or live online classes. We can offer rapid development of educational multimedia materials. All web-based deliveries can also include online assessment, tutor support, learning communities, collaborative learning and management of educational multimedia development projects.
For more information contact: Peter Gavican, Commercial Projects Manager, Ballinode, Sligo. Phone: 35371 9155410 E-mail: Alternatively visit:
}}} Institute of Technology Sligo (ITS)
working with business,
together we succeed.
design and print: Cashin Print, Castlebar. 094 9026622
Institute of Technology Sligo,