St. Anthony's School

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St. Anthony’s School Come a nd see what makes our school special!

Humbert Way, Castlebar, Co. Mayo. Roll No: 19248R

Contact details: Tel: 094 9022661 Fax: 094 9026616 Email: Website:

Message from the Principal I am delighted to welcome you and your child to St. Anthony’s School. I hope that this booklet will answer some of the questions you may have about our school and give you an insight into the many curricular and extracurricular innovations that have enabled so many of our students to be able to live full and active lives in their local communities. As Principal, I would view my most important responsibility as ensuring that all students can come to St. Anthony’s and experience excellent teaching and learning opportunities with the aim of reaching their potential in a safe, secure environment. St. Anthony’s School certainly offers a warm, secure and welcoming atmosphere with the aim of developing each child to his or her full potential. We firmly believe that each child deserves a progressive academic and holistic educational experience that meets their individual needs and prepares them for their future adult lives. The extensive range of resources and activities alongside the excellent teaching on offer in St. Anthony’s School promote the overall development of our students. We also believe in and encourage strong and positive relationships between the school and the parents. Parents are the primary educators and know their child best. When we all work together for the benefit of the child wondrous achievements can take place. I invite you to visit our school, engage with the staff and students here and see for yourself what St. Anthony’s has to offer you and your child, and what makes our school a very Special School indeed! I look forward to meeting you. Fiona Byrnes. Principal.

Welcome to St. Anthony’s School This booklet will provide you with some general information about our school and the activities that

St. Anthony’s Mission Statement: “The school strives to provide a wellordered, caring, happy and secure atmosphere where the intellectual, spiritual, physical, moral, and cultural needs of the students are identified and addressed in accordance with each pupil’s level of development and ability.”

happen daily.

General Information St. Anthony’s is a co-educational, multi-denominational Special School catering for children from 4-18 years who have been assessed as having a Mild General Learning Difficulty. (Refer to Schools Enrolment Policy) The school is funded by and subject to the rules and guidelines of the Department of Education and

Our Vision Statement: “Our school strives to enable students and staff to develop a sense of dignity and self worth in a happy and safe environment.”

Skills. Our Patron is Western Care Association, a voluntary charitable organisation who are based in Castlebar and who established the school in 1967.


(In alphabetical order)

Attendance...............................................................03 Board Of Management.........................................03 Child Protection......................................................03 Class Organisation.................................................03 Curriculum................................................................04 Home-Economics...................................................05 Homework................................................................06 ICT & Internet...........................................................06 Mobile Phones.........................................................07 Nurse & Medical Area............................................07 Parents........................................................................07 P.E.................................................................................07 Policies.......................................................................08 School Day Timetable...........................................08 School Meals............................................................08 School Milk Scheme..............................................08 Sensory Garden.......................................................09 Sensory Room.........................................................09 Social Skills & Life Skills........................................09 Staffing.......................................................................10 Therapy Services & Supports.............................10 Transport...................................................................10 Uniform......................................................................10 Visits out-of-school................................................11 Woodwork ...............................................................11


Attendance: Every child is obliged by law to attend school every day on which the school is in operation. The school authorities are obliged to notify the National Educational Welfare Board (NEWB) when a child is absent for more than 20 days in any school year. It is a requirement of NEWB and St. Anthony’s that parents send a written explanation to the school when their child is absent, even if only for a day.

Board of Management: St. Anthony’s is very fortunate to have a very active Board of Management (BOM). The Board meets regularly and is comprised of eight members, two of whom are elected by the parent body of the school: one mother and one father.

Books: Parents are asked to contribute towards the cost of books, art materials and photocopying at the start of each school year. A list is sent home with all students at the beginning of every year. Students should have their own writing pencils/pens, ruler, colours and schoolbag. The school operates a Book Rental scheme for reading books/ class textbooks but individual pupil workbooks must be bought by parents.

Child Protection: St. Anthony’s School has adopted the “Children First” Guidelines of the Department of Children & Youth Affairs 2011 and the “Child Protection Guidelines & Procedures” of the Department of Education & Science 2011. Our aim is to ensure the safety and good welfare of all students and staff in the school. Please see the schools Child Protection Policy for further details.

Class Organisation: The school has general classes where students are grouped according to age. Pupil ages range from 4 to 18 years of age. Class groupings are reviewed annually to take into account new admissions and students’ individual needs.


Curriculum: Every effort is made at St. Anthony’s to provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum based on their individual needs and abilities. However the school aims not only to provide a high quality academic curriculum but equally a high quality personal development curriculum designed to help students become valued and contributing members of the wider community. Each student has an Individual Education Plan (IEP) which sets out the most significant 2-3-4 priority academic and/or social targets for the year. Parents are invited to formal meetings with the class teacher to discuss and contribute to their child’s IEP each year. The acquisition of literacy and numeracy skills is central to effective learning in every area of the curriculum and to the student’s social and community life outside school. Our aim is to develop in our students the ability to communicate effectively and gain confidence in using the skills needed to work and live in our society today and tomorrow. We follow the Primary Curriculum as well as the NCCA Curriculum for Students with General Learning Needs. Senior students also access ASDAN modules. All students follow curriculum subjects in these areas:


} Literacy skills, Oral Language, Communication, Reading, Writing


} Numeracy skills taught through practical experiences, books, interactive activities and group work.


Social, Environmental & Scientific Education comprising } History - understanding people, events and developments in our past at local, national and international levels } Geography - understanding our surroundings and the wider world } Science - experiencing and understanding how the world works through experimentation, observation and comparison


} Social, Personal & Health Education that enables students to develop knowledge, skills and understanding necessary for personal and social responsibility, thereby also enhancing self-confidence and self-esteem. This area includes RSE (Relationships & Sexuality Education), the Stay Safe Programme (developing personal safety skills) and the Walk Tall Programme (substance misuse prevention education)

Visual Arts

} experiencing opportunities to create and design using Paint, Drawing, Printing, Collage, Fabric & Textiles as well as art appreciation studies and workshops with local and national artists.


} composing, performing, listening and appraising a variety of musical experiences. Every class has at least one class a week with the specialist music teacher, and every student has the opportunity to learn an instrument - usually the Tin Whistle.



} used throughout the curriculum to enhance student’s learning experiences through Role Plays, exploration of issues, conflicts, consequences, attitudes, emotions and concerns. All students have the opportunity to participate in school drama productions.


} used as a cross-curricular tool to enhance the curriculum and motivate students.

• Other subjects include PE, Woodwork and Home Economics which are provided for by subject specialist teachers - please see specific headings for more details on these subject areas. Other alternative accredited programmes include ASDAN and/or FETAC Level 2 modules for senior students.

Home-Economics: St. Anthony’s has a specialist teacher for Home Economics for 10 hours each week. Students who are post-primary age (i.e. 12years +) attend classes and are taught to: • Follow instructions and recipes • Develop a range of practical skills - grating, mixing, stirring, measuring etc • Prepare and cook a range of foods • Use appliances safely - cooker, oven, microwave, food processor etc • Understand the importance of Health & Safety practices in the kitchen • Understand the importance of a balanced diet.


Homework: Homework is meant to be a reinforcement or continuation of work done in class. It is set on an individual basis by each class teacher. Parents are encouraged to take an interest in their child’s homework and to provide them with a suitable time and place to complete their work. If there is any problem with the amount or type of homework set parents are encouraged to contact their child’s teacher to discuss it. Homework is counterproductive if it causes stress or tension in the home, or if it takes too long to complete. Parents are asked not to do homework FOR their child as this does not benefit the child. A genuine effort at homework is always the best way - and true improvement will merit justified praise.

ICT & Internet: Every classroom has designated computer areas with high speed internet access and a range of software to support learning in all curriculum areas. Each classroom also has an Interactive Whiteboard, Data Projector, Visualiser, Digital Camera and Flip VideoCam which enables teachers to bring learning to life for the students as well as enable teachers to record students’ learning and display it digitally. Students also have access to iPads for class use to support learning. St. Anthony’s School has an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for all ICT equipment used by staff and students and which parents and students must agree to for the safety of all when using the Internet or World Wide Web. Students work is often displayed on our school website which is monitored by staff. No identifying details about students are ever posted on the website. See AUP for more details.


Mobile Phones & other electronic devices: Refer to Mobile Phone Policy: mobile phones and/or other electronic devices such as iPods/MP3 players etc may be brought to school but must be handed into the office during the day. The school is NOT responsible for any loss or damage to items which are not handed into the office for safekeeping during the school day. Pupils may not record or take photos of any school activity or person on any mobile device.

Nurse: St. Anthony’s is fortunate to have a School Nurse and Paramedical Area dedicated to the medical needs of students. Parents are asked to inform the Nurse of any medications or illnesses their child may have. The Paramedical Area has a ceiling hoist, mobile hoist and changing table for use with children who have physical disabilities and need help transferring to and from wheelchairs or with personal hygiene needs.

Parents: We in St. Anthony’s very much acknowledge the important role parents play in the life of the school and we aim to involve parents in as many aspects of school life as possible. Parents should feel that they are welcome in the school, their opinions and views are valued and given due consideration, and that their input is invaluable in the education of their child. All parents are encouraged to take an active role in the school by joining or helping the Parents Association, the Friends of St. Anthony’s Fund Raising Committee or by joining the Board of Management.

Physical Education: PE for all students is very important throughout the school and we include all students in all areas of the PE programme up to their level of ability. • We have a specialist teacher for 2 hours a week who takes the 12years+ students for classes. • All students attend aquatics or swimming lessons every year. • Each class group goes bowling once a week. • We are involved with Special Olympics and the Irish Special Schools Sports Council and they hold various events over the school year in Basketball, Swimming, Table Tennis, Badminton, Football and Athletics. • Students from St. Anthony’s have represented Ireland at National, European and World Games in recent years. • In 2012 we were awarded the Active Schools Flag for excellence in PE.


Religion: St. Anthony’s is a multi-denominational school although the majority of our students are Catholic. We do provide for a Catholic faith education through timetabled lessons but students are also taught about other faiths. Catholic students are prepared for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Confirmation and we celebrate Christmas and Easter with a school mass or prayer service. The Annual School Leavers Graduation Ceremony is organised alongside a mass to celebrate the achievements of all the students.

School Day: St. Anthony’s School opens from 9.20am until 3.00pm. Morning break for all students is from 11.10am to 11.20pm Lunch break for all students is from 12.30pm to 1.00pm.

School Meals: St. Anthony’s School provides a hot freshly prepared school lunch every day for all students. Students may bring in their own morning snack subject to the Healthy Eating Policy which states that fizzy drinks, sweets, chocolate or crisps are not consumed in the school. No chewing gum is allowed. However all classes celebrate birthdays of their friends in the class and parents may send in a cake or sweets for the party if they wish to do so. There are also school parties for Hallowe’en, Christmas and Easter where treats are allowed. A dessert is also on the menu on Fridays. Students are taught the value of a balanced and varied diet for healthy living. Specialist diets may be catered for, please discuss with the Principal.

School Milk Scheme: The EU Milk Scheme is in operation in the school. Details are issued to parents at the start of each term. This is a separate cost which is entirely optional.


Sensory Garden: Our new Sensory Garden is designed to accommodate all students and has two areas which can be used as outdoor classrooms (weather permitting). All students will be given opportunities to learn how to grow fruit, vegetables and flowers, and use simple garden tools to look after the garden.

Sensory Room: St. Anthony’s has a small sensory room which has various types of equipment to stimulate or relax the senses: sight, hearing, touch, smell. We find it very useful to promote oral language development and to motivate students.

Social Skills (Life Development Skills) The development of appropriate social and life skills is an integral part of all curriculum areas at St. Anthony’s School. There is an emphasis on SPHE (Social, Personal & Health Education) in every class. Students are encouraged and taught to: • Accept and adopt different roles appropriate to various settings • Develop an awareness and tolerance of others • Develop awareness and empathy with the feelings of others • Recognise and follow the rules and conventions of different groups in formal and informal settings • Recognise personal achievement and identify their own strengths and weaknesses • Work with others for a common purpose • Take responsibility for their personal hygiene and grooming • Behave appropriately in a variety of settings.


Staff: There are 6 class teachers and an administrative Principal, as well as 4 subject specialist teachers of Home Economics, Woodwork, PE and Music. The teachers are supported by 11 Special Needs assistants as well as the School Nurse, Secretary, Caretaker, Chef, kitchen assistant and school cleaner. There are also 16 Bus Escorts employed by the school to assist pupils travelling to and from school on school buses. Other staff personnel from the HSE may work in the school from time to time - see below for more information:

Therapy Services & Supports: St. Anthony’s School has worked with our Patron, Western Care Association, the National Educational Psychological Service (NEPS) and the HSE to facilitate the provision of a range of services that can be offered to students if they require them. Currently the support services which may be available include: • Speech & Language Therapy • Physiotherapy • Occupational Therapy • Psychology • Dietician • After School Service • Respite Service Students who already avail of some of these services are usually transferred to the therapist working in the school. New students are referred for services as needs arise. Please note that the school itself does not provide these services for pupils as they are subject to external support from the various agencies listed above.

Transport: Bus Eireann operate the school transport service on behalf of the Department of Education. A request for school transport is submitted by the school to the Special Educational Needs Organiser (SENO) when parents apply for enrolment of their child to school. Parents are asked to make sure their child is ready for collection on time and to inform the Bus Driver and school of any planned absences. A high standard of behaviour is expected from all the children who travel on buses and parents will be contacted immediately if their child’s behaviour places the safety of others at risk. It is also very important to inform the school immediately if a change of address is planned as this in effect necessitates a new application for transport which can take up to 6 weeks to process.

Uniform: St. Anthony’s School does not have a uniform but students who represent the school at sporting events are expected to wear the school tracksuit which is provided for them by the school. Parents are asked to dress their child in suitable comfortable clothes with suitable footwear. A change of clothes in case of accidents may be left with the School Nurse or Class Teacher. Dangly jewellery is discouraged due to the obvious safety risks while stud earrings are allowed. Hair should be kept neat and off the face as basic communication involves learning to interpret and understand facial expressions, especially for non-verbal students.


Visits & Other Activities: Throughout their time in St. Anthony’s School students are given many opportunities to visit a wide variety of places as part of their SESE (Social, Environmental & Scientific Education), PE and SPHE Curriculum Programmes. This ensures that learning takes place at both a theory and a practical level. Trips to date have included the swimming pool, local library, National Museum at Turlough, Bowling Alley, the Linen Hall Arts Centre, Foxford Woollen Mills, Achill Island, Clare Island, Westport, Ballinrobe, Claremorris, various Pet Farms, Forest Walks and sporting events in Sligo, Galway and Castlebar. Students have also visited exhibitions in Dublin and have met the Taoiseach Enda Kenny in the Dáil.

Woodwork: St. Anthony’s has a specialist teacher for woodwork for 8 hours each week. Students who are post-primary age i.e. 12 years + attend classes and are taught: • A range of practical skills - sawing, sanding etc • To follow instructions and diagrams • To use a range of simple hand tools • To practice simple DIY skills for use around the home • To experience a sense of achievement by completing a simple project each year.


Thank you for reading our information booklet we hope it has been of help to you. Please see our website for further information.










McHale Park










Mayo General Hospital















Train Station






St. Anthony’s School








Davitt House














The Mall



















LA Tesco















Location in Castlebar













If you are interested in enrolment in the school please contact the School Principal who will be delighted to meet with you to discuss it.

Unity I dreamed I stood in a studio And watched two sculptors there, The clay they used was a young child’s mind And they fashioned it with care. One was a teacher; the tools she used were books and music and art; The other, a parent with a guiding hand and a gentle loving heart. Day after day, the teacher toiled With a touch that was deft and sure. While the parent labored by her side, And polished and smoothed it o’er. And when at last their work was done They were proud of what they had wrought For the things they had worked into the child Could never be sold or bought. And each agreed they would have failed If they had worked alone For behind the parent stood the school, and behind the teacher the home. Author unknown

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