eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
eILP System Manual for Pilot Electronic Individual Learning Plan. 2009/2010 Stafford College E‐Learning Team
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
Welcome to Stafford College’s electronic Individual Learning Plan (eILP) system. The system allows personal tutors, lecturers and learners to create, edit and review individual learning plans online. This manual is broken up into sections for individuals to assist them when creating ILP’s. How to Login 1. Go to the College Intranet, you can do this by clicking on Internet Explorer. If you cannot see the Stafford College Student Intranet then type http://intranet/ in the address bar. 2. Click on the eILP link on the right‐hand side of the page. (See image below). 3. Login using your network login. (See image below). E.g. Username: 999.j.bloggs Password: ******* Page | 2
eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
How to create ILP’s for Lecturers 1. Once logged in select Open ILP. (See image below).
2. You will be presented with a list of courses and associated learners names. (See image below.) NB This information is linked from your Moodle Course(s) it is therefore vital that each of your learners are enrolled onto your Moodle Course(s). 3. Navigate to a particular course and learner, selecting the “See ILP” link. You will be presented with the ILP for the individual learner. (See image below).
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
4. Add “Target Grade” and “Estimated Grade”, followed by your “Learner Target”. Continue to edit all relevant fields and then save. (See image below).
5. You can now add extra “Steps planned to meet the target” or create a new “Learner Target”. (See image below).
6. Should you wish to add a “Learner Target” for all of your learners on a particular course, simultaneously? This can be done by selecting “ILP”, at the top of the page. Then navigate to “Add a course target”. Enter the “Target” and “Due Date”, and then select “Assign Target”. (See image below).
You will be asked if you are sure that you want to assign this target, select “OK”.
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team The Tutor’s Role
1. Once logged in select “Tutorial Review”. (See image below). 2. Type in learner(s) ID number, e.g. 123456 and select “Add Student”. (See image below).
3. Select Review Number. (See image below). 4. You will be presented with the screen below. Page | 5
eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
5. In the “Tutorial Review”, the first section will be automatically populated; you will only be required to complete the “Financial Support” section. (See image below).
The “Initial Assessment Results” are to be added by the Personal Tutor. (See image below).
The “Additional Learner Support” information is discussed with the Learner and potential barriers are identified, together with strategies to overcome them. (See image below).
The “Attendance” is automatically populated from class registers, and a percentage identified. To view “Attendance” register please select the percentage link. (See image below).
After viewing the “Attendance” select the “Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory/Excellent” for “Punctuality/Commitment”. (See image above).
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
The “Attendance record for STUDENT” is displayed as below, by week number and session. When you hover over each cell, status details will be presented.
The “Disciplinary Action” section should be completed as appropriate. (See image below).
The “Learning Plans” are listed when completed by the Individual Lecturers. The Personal Tutor will complete necessary fields. (See image below).
To view each ILP select “Click here to view this ILP”. You will be presented with the image below, detailing the Learners Progress. (See image below).
On completion of the “Tutorial Review” select the “Completed” button. Page | 7
eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
The Learners Role 1. Login using your network login. E.g. Username 123456(student ID number). Password ******* (student ID number plus first four digits of date of birth 1234560202=2nd February). 2. When logged in click Open ILP. (See image below). 3. You will be presented with a list of Individual Learning Plans (ILP’s) from each Lecturer plus Tutorial Reviews from your Personal Tutor. (See image below).
4. Select “See ILP” to view your ILP. (See image above). 5. You will be presented with “Learner Targets” and “Steps planned to meet the target”, which have been set by your Lecturer. You can edit “Steps planned to meet the target”, “Due Date” and whether you have “Achieved” this Step. As well as including additional “Steps planned to meet the target”. (See image below).
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
6. Select “Date” link. (See image below). 7. You will be presented with your “Review” from your Personal Tutor. (See image below). 8.
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eILP Pilot
E-Learning Team
FAQ’s 1. Can my Learners add their own targets? No, only Lecturers can add targets to an ILP. 2. Can my Learners delete their targets? No, no‐one can delete a target; however Lecturers can change the “Due Date” and make comment on why changes have been made. 3. Can my Learners add “Steps planned to meet their target”? Yes, they can. Learners can also edit any “Steps planned to meet their target” that the Lecturer has set, as well as the “Due Date” and the “Achieved” status. 4. Can my Learners edit “Lecturer Comment”? No, only the Lecturer can edit comments. 5. Can Lecturers see other Lecturers ILP’s? No, Lecturers can only see their own learners’ ILP’s. 6. Can Learners see other Learners ILP’s? No, Learners can only see their own ILP, which has been previously set. 7. My Learner has logged in and cannot see their ILP or Review. Learners will only see ILP’s or Reviews once the Lecturer/Tutor has created one. 8. I cannot see my Learner or Course This is because you may not have created a Moodle Course and assigned your learners correctly. For more information on doing this please contact Cheryl Howells on ext. 3233 or Sarah Ashley on ext. 3210. 9. Can I access the eILP from Home? No, for the duration of the Pilot (academic year 2009/10) the system will be accessed whilst in College. 10. Who Can I contact if there is a Problem? Please contact, Jamie Sutherland on ext.3224. Direct Dial (01785) 275498. Email: j.sutherland@staffordcoll.ac.uk. Page | 10