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Cassandra Mitchell, And The Sun Hung

And the Sun Hung Cassandra Mitchell

I sat on the beach and the sun hung innocent above us The sky baby blue and the clouds cotton But I saw the storm far out at sea The barest dark smudge on the horizon I turned and asked, Do you see? But they shook their heads, smiling, You are no prophet, child. So don’t worry. Today we are happy.

So I sat on the beach and the sun hung watchful above us The clouds blackened and the waves rose I stood and yelled, DO YOU SEE? But they turned their backs to me. You are no prophet, child. So don’t worry. Today we are busy.

So I sat back down on the beach and the sun hung drowning above us The waves closer now Roaring and ripping at the sky Enraged Cannibal waves I screamed and pointed and leaped and stomped, It’s coming! It’s coming! But they shook me scoldingly and said, Can’t you feel the breeze? Can’t you feel the sun? You are no prophet, child. Today we are safe.

I see the ocean pulling away from the land The storm inhaling Foam wave reaches the sky And the sun hangs dead above us So I run, Leaving them behind.

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