Emerging trends, which have a direct impact on the dynamics of the electric transmission and distribution equipment industry, include growing implementation of smart grid technology, implementation of advanced metering infrastructure, and transition from conventional to modular switchgears.
The analyst forecasts that the wire and cable segment will remain the largest segment due to increasing electricity access to residential and commercial buildings. We hope that the valuable content contained in our magazine will assist you in gaining an understanding of themes related to the power and electrical business, such as wires and cables, automation, transmission and distribution, led & road lightning protection, and power factor correction among others. Reading...
EDITOR’S DESK Editor MarketingEmail:NationalDesignShipranshuRoopalMs.EditorAlkaPuriSubEditorChaurasiaMonikaChaharPandey&ProductionArvindKumarKashyapBusinessHeadSubhashChandras.chandra@electricalmirror.netHead-West&SouthYasmeenKaziEmail:Yasmeen@electricalmirror.netSr.ManagerSalesNehaChauhanneha@electricalmirror.netBusinessDevelopmentManagerSunilRShirsatsunil@electricalmirror.netSales&MarketingHemantChauhanSmitaGaurDineshKumarManager-SubscriptionPraveenKumarEmail:subscribe@electricalmirror.net All rights reserved by all events are made to ensure that the information published is correct; Electrical Mirror holds no responsibility any unlikely errors that might occur. Printed, published and owned by Usha, Published from 13/455, Block No. 13, Trilok Puri, Delhi110091 and printed at Bright Tree, C-40, Gate No.-4, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi-110020. e-mail: brighttreesolutions@gmail.com Editor : Ms. Alka Puri
In this market, utilities are the largest end use market, whereas the wire and cable segment is the largest market by product type.
The global electric transmission and distribution equipment market is expected to reach an estimated $381 billion by 2027 with a CAGR of 5.4% from 2021 to The2027.future of the electric transmission and distribution equipment market looks promising with opportunities in the power utilities, residential, commercial, and industrial sectors. The major drivers for this market are increasing demand for electricity, new power generation capacity additions, and the expansion of transmission and distribution infrastructure.
Dear Readers, Indian power sector is undergoing a significant change that has redefined the industry outlook. The power industry's future in India is bright, and sustained economic growth continues to drive electricity demand in India. The Government of India’s focus on attaining ‘Power for all’ has accelerated capacity addition in the country.
Please keep giving us your invaluable feedback at editor@electricalmirror.net more details check out our website: www.electricalmirror.net

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26 Concept of bonding/earthing of power cables Cover Story 1 - Wire & Cables 44 Automation, similarly is expected to create a new benchmark industry Cover Story 2 - Automation 36 Various case studies On operation and control schemes for grid sub-station contd…. Case Study of the Month 60 The current transmission system is being installed in India to suit both firm transmission demands and Open Access regulations T&DTheme: Importance And Benefits Feature:PowerFactor Correction72 INTERVIEW 40 mr. deepak singh thakur delta electronics india pvt. ltd. Business head - india & saarc region, cisBu - mcis INTERVIEW 42 mr. shailesh mehta mehta cad cam systems pvt. ltd direcTor Press QuoteProductGuestReleaseArticleInfo Advertisement 94 Event Diary 96 APAR 10 NTPC 12, 16 PFC 14, 25 SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC 18 HITACHI 20 IEEMA 24 K-LITE 80 PEPPERL+FUCHS 81 SONEL 84 KUSAM MECO 90 FLIR 93 HITACHI ENERGY 22 52 Overview and new trends LEDFocus:Lighting

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He further added, "APAR is beyond grateful for the opportunity to serve the nation. We have always placed equal importance on ESG and CSR, modestly contributing to raise the Indian flag across the globe as a carbon neutral and self-reliant country."
Some of APAR’s achievements in its businesses are: Conductors, Cables Solutions, Speciality Oils & Lubricants. EM
APAR’s 6-decades of service in supporting an Aatmanirbhar Bharat
Mr. Kushal N Desai, Chairman and Managing Director of the company said, "With our moto of delivering Tomorrow's Solutions Today, we are focused on serving and powering various Business, Industries and Government institutions. With our range of cutting edge house wires (APAR Anushakti), batteries (ARKOS) and auto-lubricants (Eni), we are further expanding the horizon and bringing innovative solutions to every consumer. These products are custom made for powering every Indian and every house with exceptional quality products and services launched for the 1st time in the country."
As India commemorates 75 years of Independence with a grand celebration of 'Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav', APAR Industries Limited is proud to be a significant contributor and building block to the power sector of India. From the very first day of inception, the founder and company have firmly stood by the vision of an Aatmanirbhar Bharat (self-reliant India) and making India as an export powerhouse.
Shri Dharmsinh’s belief of contributing to the country has been deep-rooted and was passed on to the 2nd generation to Dr. Narendra Desai who joined APAR in 1964. He ventured into the manufacturing of transformer oil business which is one of the most critical components in a power generation, transmission and distribution system by supporting a transformer function at an optimum condition. He served the country and APAR until his last breath. Today with the reins of the company in the hands of the 3rd generation, they have further diversified and expanded the business, serving different verticals which include speciality cables, lubricants, speciality automotive and polymers. With the new entrance of the 4th generation, the Millennials are taking the company to international markets with the support of digital and strategic initiatives.
10 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR
Commenting on the occasion Mr. Chaitanya N Desai, Managing Director of APAR Industries said, "Since 1958 APAR has been relentlessly contributing to the power sector by manufacturing and supplying quality conductors to enhance transmission and distribution of electricity in India. APAR started with humble beginnings 11 years after independence by Shri Dharmsinh Dadubhai Desai a visionary entrepreneur, freedom fighter, and servant of the nation. He envisioned significant growth in the power sector for the betterment of the nation and thus embarked on the journey to build APAR Industries."
Marked by significant milestones and reforms throughout the journey of 64 years, the company has brought India numerous recognitions on a global platform in each and every vertical the company is present in.
APAR is recognised for developing, innovating and manufacturing many first-in-India products and technologies, which were predominantly imported. In the search of creating an Aatmanirbhar Bharat, the company has grown to become the world’s largest aluminium and alloy conductor manufacturer, the 3rd largest transformer oil manufacturer and offers the largest range of speciality & renewable cables. Consistent growth in these diversified verticals has propelled the company to become a billion-dollar conglomerate with a strong presence in over 140 Sharingcountries.hisvision

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The workshop has been organised in an area where a lot of potential is there and to discuss with concerned stakeholders to resolve the issues towards expanding Biomass aggregation & Pellet manufacturing.
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Kutty, Chairperson, Commission for Air Quality Management inaugurated the workshop alongwith Shri Ramesh Babu, Director(Operations), NTPC Ltd., Sh Arvind Nautiyal, MemberSecretary(CAQM), Sh. S. Narayanan, Member Secretary(Haryana State Pollution Control Board), Sh. Krunesh Garg, Member Secretary(Punjab Pollution Control Board), Shri Sudip Nag (Mission Director, National Mission on Use of Biomass in Thermal Power Plants & Executive Director, NTPC Ltd) and senior Government officials from Punjab and Haryana.
Dr. M.M. Kutty, Chairperson, CAQM addressed regarding the burning issue of air pollution particularly in NCR region & challenges. He explained about different possible uses of Biomass, National policy for management of crop residue, Central Scheme for agricultural mechanization, Policy for Biomass utilisation for power generation through co-firing in Thermal power plants & also guided how agricultural sector can come forward & contribute to control the pollution by converting Stubble waste to wealth applying Scientific & Technological solutions. 09 number of exhibition stalls were also installed in the workshop venue to demonstrate different technical and financial aspects by Entrepreneurs, Financial Institutions, OEMs and SAMARTH Mission. The exhibition stalls were well appreciated by all the senior officials present in the workshop.
The Workshop started with welcome note by Shri Sudip Nag (Mission Director, National Mission on Use of Biomass in Thermal Power Plants & Executive Director, NTPC Ltd) describing the importance of Biomass in attaining India’s fuel energy security.
With more than 250 registered participants coming from Government, Ministries, CAQM, MoEFCC, MoA&FW, MNRE, senior Government officials from Punjab and Haryana, NTPC Ltd, all GENCOs from NCR region, Financial Institutions, Pellet manufacturers, Entrepreneurs, Industries associations, OEMs, Agriculture universities, KVKs, FPOs, CBBOs and Farmer organizations the Workshop on Ex-situ utilization of agricultural residue in Thermal Power Plants on 14th July 2022, was one of the biggest bioenergy gatherings ever. Many Companies/budding entrepreneurs/Farmers came to Workshop to understand & explore new business opportunities. The workshop not only addressed the issue of stubble burning but also provided an ideal platform for all the stakeholders to share their knowledge and experience for the purposeful use of agri-residue and earning potential. CM
The Government, Ministries, CAQM, MoEFCC, Ministry of Agriculture & farmer welfare, MNRE, Department of Environment & Climate ChangePunjab, Department of Power-Punjab, Department of AgriculturePunjab, Department of Science & Technology-Punjab, Department of Environment & Climate Change-Haryana, Department of AgricultureHaryana, Department of Energy-Haryana, SAMARTH Mission, NTPC Ltd, all GENCOs from NCR region, Financial Institutions, Pellet manufacturers, Entrepreneurs, Industries associations, OEMs, Agriculture universities, KVKs, FPOs, CBBOs and Farmer organizations participated in the Theworkshop.aimof the one-day workshop was to promote and facilitate ex-situ utilization of agri-residue in various applications, with a focus on developing an eco-system for aggregation, transportation, manufacturing, supply, and co-firing of biomass in thermal power plants.
SAMARTH in collaboration with NTPC organizes workshop on Biomass use in thermal power plantsgram with Government Polytechnic College, Cheyyar National Mission on the use of Biomass in Thermal Power Plants (SAMARTH) collaborated with NTPC and organized a one-day workshop in Chandigarh, on ex-Situ utilization of agricultural residue for co-firing in thermal power Dr.plants.M.M.
Shri Ramesh Babu, Director(Operations), NTPC Ltd. Highlighted the potential of Biomass as untapped resource, additional source of income, high scale of demand & favourable govt. policies. He also informed about various initiatives taken by NTPC for Biomass utilisation in TPPs & mentioned that 14 Plants of NTPC has already started co-firing & approx.. 77000 Tons of Biomass has been co-fired till date.

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 13

EM Shri R.K. Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy releasing the “Ranking & 10th Integrated Rating of State Distribution Utilities” in New Delhi in presence of Shri Alok Kumar, Secretary (Power), Shri Indu Shekhar Chaturvedi, Secretary (MNRE), Shri R.S. Dhillon, CMD, PFC and other senior officers of Ministry of Power.
Hon’ble Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy, Shri R.K. Singh released the “10th Integrated Rating & Ranking of Power Distribution Utilities”. Since 2012, Integrated Rating Exercise is being carried out under the framework approved by the Ministry of Power annually with the aim of evaluating performance of utilities on a range of parameters covering financial sustainability, performance excellence and external environment and their ability to sustain improvements year over year.
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Shri R.K. Singh, Hon’ble Union Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy releases “10th Integrated Rating & Ranking of Power Distribution Utilities” Report and Discom Rating Dashboard Portal “Urjadrishti.com”
Ministry of Power (MoP) has mandated Power Finance Corporation (PFC) to co-ordinate the rating exercise and so far, 9 Integrated Ratings were carried out covering state distribution utilities.
Further, Hon’ble Minister also unveiled the online dashboard called urjadrishti.com to bring transparency and strengthen Discoms.

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 15 THE 360° SOLUTION UNDEREVERYTHING’SCONTROL The world’s largest independent producer of alternators 1 – 5,000kVA FOR FURTHER INFORMATION VISIT WWW.MECCALTE.COM Anyone who knows gensets, knows that Mecc Alte is unrivalled for our knowledge and expertise worldwide. From alternators to controllers, we are the Power from Within, giving you the ultimate choice of kit that you need, all backed up by the support and impartial advice you only get from the world’s leading independent alternator specialists. Take 360° control. Talk to Mecc Alte. C: Sameer Wagh, Chief GM Commercial E: sameer.wagh@meccalte.in P: +91 2137 673200 Mecc Alte India Private Limited Plot No.1, Talegaon Dhamdhere, S.O. Tal. Shirur, Dist. Pune - 412208, Maharashtra, India

The RE mix will include Solar PV, Wind, Energy Storage and Green Hydrogen including mobility.
Shri Jaikumar Srinivasan joins today as a Director (Finance) at the India's largest Power generator, NTPC Ltd. Prior to this, Shri Srinivasan served as Director (Finance), in NLC India a fossil fuel mining and thermal power generating company. Before his service in NCL India Ltd, he had served as Director (Finance) at Maharashtra State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (MSEDCL) and Director (Finance) in the MSEB Holding Company Limited in August 2017. He has more than 30 years’ of experience in the Power and Mining sector in State and Central PSUs in the areas of Finance, Accounts, Taxation, Commercial, Electricity regulation, Renewables, IT, and Project development including 8 years of experience as a Board member.
Shri Jaikumar Srinivasan joins as Director (Finance) at NTPC
The renewable projects will further reinforce government’s commitment towards achieving the target of 500 GW of renewable capacity by 2030. NTPC has been expanding its green footprints by powering renewable energy projects and aims to achieve over 60 GW Renewable Energy capacity by 2032 accounting for 50% of its overall generation capacity.
NTPC’s capacity addition program is in line with India’s commitment to UN Climate Change Conference at Glasgow at COP-26. The power major’s goal is to achieve non-fossil energy capacity of 500 GW by 2030 as part of NTPC’s UN Global compact commitment.
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Prime Minister Modi in presence of Shri R. K. Singh Hon’ble Minister of Power, New & Renewable Energy will dedicate two of NTPC’s renewable energy projects to the nation namely Ramagundam Floating Solar Project (100 MW), Telangana; Kayamkulam Floating Solar Project (92 MW), Kerala. Also the Foundation stone laying will be done by Prime Minister for three NTPC’s renewable projects namely Nokh Solar Project (735 MW), Rajasthan; Green Hydrogen Mobility Project, Ladakh; and Green Hydrogen -Natural Gas Blending Project, Gujarat.
Shri Srinivasan has also worked as a part-time Director in Mahuguj Colliery Company Limited, UCM Coal Company Ltd both subsidiary companies of MAHAGENCO, and was one of the Board members of Neyveli Tamilnadu Power Limited and Neyveli Uttar Pradesh Power Company Ltd, both subsidiaries of NLCIL. He has undergone study on best practices in the Power Sector at SDA Bocconi University in Milan and ESCP Business School in Paris.
Shri Narendra Modi to dedicate NTPC’s Renewable Projects to the Nation
Hon’ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi will dedicate five Renewable energy projects of India’s largest integrated energy producer, NTPC ltd to the nation on 30th July 2022 through a virtual platform.
Shri Srinivasan is a Commerce graduate from the University of Nagpur and a member of the Nagpur chapter of Institute of Cost and Work Accountants of India (ICWA).
NTPC has commissioned two of the country’s largest floating solar projects at reservoirs of its plants at NTPC Ramagundam (100 MW) and NTPC Kayamkulam (92 MW). The floating solar projects have contributed to saving land and water. As a step toward the country’s de-carbonization commitments and Carbon Neutral Ladhakh (CNL), NTPC has taken up India’s first Green hydrogen mobility project with Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle at Leh. NTPC is also implementing Green hydrogen blending with Natural gas at NTPC Kawas in Gujarat, first of its kind in India. Further, NTPC is developing 735 MW Solar PV Project in Nokh in Rajasthan. This is India’s largest Domestic Content Requirement (DCR) based Solar project with 1000 MWp at a single location deploying high-wattage bifacial PV Modules with a tracker system.

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 17 FEATURES : — Rods : Single Rod (1 Phase); 3Nos. Rod (3Phase) — Material : FRP Pultruded. — Process : Automatic Pultrusion Plant. — Surface : Smooth and Glossy — Design : Telescopic Type. — Locking : Push Button type Locking System. — Total Section : 03 Section — Assembled Length : 15 feet Length. (11KV, 11-33KV) 16 feet Length (33-66KV) 18 feet Length (66-132KV, 400KV) 21 feet Length (220KV-400KV) — H.V.Test : 110 KV , 400 KV(132-220KV) — Glass Content : 65 %. — Top Section Dia : 25 mm. — Bottom Section Dia : 45 mm. SINGLE PHASE THREE PHASE — Earthing : Die cast Alu. Earthing instrument for 30mm Dia (11KV, 11-33KV) Die cast Alu. Earthing instrument for 50mm Dia (33-66KV, 66-132KV, 132-220KV) — Cable : 4sq. mm copper cable 06 mtr. long. (11KV) 6sq. mm copper cable 06 mtr. long. (11-33KV) 10sq. mm copper cable 07 mtr. long. (33-66KV) 16sq. mm copper cable 08 mtr. long. (66-132KV) 25sq. mm copper cable 10 mtr. long. (132-220KV) 16sq. mm copper cable 10 mtr. long. (220KV) 35sq. mm copper cable 10 mtr. long. (400KV) — Clamp : Crocodile grounding clamp.(11KV, 11-33KV) Aluminium “C ” grounding clamp. (33-66KV, 66-132KV, 132-220KV, 220KV, 400KV) — Cover : including. An ISO 9001:2015 Company SINGLE PHASE / THREE PHASE HIGHLY INSULATED FRP EARTH / DISCHARGE ROD MODEL - 11KV / 33KV / 66KV / 132KV / 220KV / 400KV They are used to discharge Electrical Systems having limited fault levels. THINK SAFETY THINK “KUSAM-MECO” has introduced Single Phase or Three Phase Fibre Glass Discharge / Earth Rod. They are supplied in a wide range of ratings 11 / 33 / 66 / 132 / 220 / 400KV Shop No.18, 1st Floor, CIDCO Shopping Complex, Plot # 9, Sector-7, Rajiv Gandhi Marg, Sanpada, Navi Mumbai-705. Tel : (022) 27754546, 27750662, 27750292 E-mail : sales@kusam-meco.co.in ® An ISO 9001:2015 Company TO VIEW THE FULL AILS OF EACH PRODUCT VISIT : www.kusamelectrical.com HIGH VOLTAGE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS MULTI PURPOSE DIGITAL HIGH VOLTAGE PHASING METER MODEL KM MPS 50K 36KV / 81.5KV HIGH VOLTAGE DETECTOR (NCV) MODEL230HD / 29 275KV / 500KV HIGH VOLTAGE PROXIMITY DETECTOR (NCV) P / 5 11 4 KV / 22 8 KV PERSONAL SAFETY DETECTOR MODEL - 286SVD / 287SVD 50 KV / 69 KV PERSONAL SAFETY DETECTOR MODEL - 288SVD / 388SVD HIGH VOLTAGE MULTIFUNCTIONPHASINGSTICKSPCSERIES11/22/33/44KV 1 5KV ~ 13 VOLTAG DETECTOR ( MODEL - 27 H.NON-CONTACTV.DETECTOR LOW: 50V ~ 1.5kV HIGH : 1.5kV ~ 132kV MODEL2TE277HPTYPESTED75KV/500KVHIGHVOLTAGEROXIMITY DETECTOR (NCV) MODEL - 278HP CAPACITIVE HIGH VOLTAGE DETECTOR (CONTACT) MODEL - 213HVD IP65 IP66 IP68 IP65 IP65 IP65 IP66

Aligned to the Ministry of Jal Shakti’s vision of efficient and sustainable water management, Schneider Electric, the global leader in digital transformation of energy automation and management has brought its pan-India roadshow-Green Yodha Yatra to Bengaluru. Creating awareness on the need to ensure sustainability in the water segment, the initiative will serve as a discussion forum to talk about the need to adopt digital technologies for reducing carbon emissions.
Schneider Electric brings Green Yodha Yatra to Bengaluru; demystifies sustainability in Water and Wastewater segment
Water utilities today are stressed due to the unavailability of fresh water. This impacts not just industries, but the common man’s access to clean water, which is key to both life and health.
Launching the Green Yodha Yatra in Bengaluru, Shri. Rakesh Singh, IAS, Additional Chief Secretary, Urban Development and Water Resources & Irrigation, Govt of Karnataka said, “In a state like Karnataka or a city like Bengaluru, water management becomes even more important and relevant compared to other parts of the country as the state is the second most arid area after Rajasthan and at the same time some parts face severe rainfall. There are still parts of Karnataka where people have to walk to get access to drinking water. There is no dearth of money to implement projects, the need of the hour is to have a vision for effective water management. Let us all work together to make it happen.”
Join The Good Fight! EM • Aims to create awareness around sustainability in Water and Wastewater segment aligned to the goals of Ministry of Jal Shakti • Provide hands-on experience of the IoT-enabled technologies and software for the WWW segment
18 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR
Through this, the company aims to demystify sustainability in the water and wastewater sectors by providing hands-on experience on the IoT-enabled software and technology- EcoStruxure Automation Expert, word’s first universal automation platform.
Emphasizing on the criticality of digitization and sustainability in water management, Senthil Kumar V, Vice President, Industrial Automation, Schneider Electric India said, "At Schneider Electric, sustainability is at the core of our purpose, culture and business as we continue walking on the path of building an inclusive and sustainable world. The Green Yodha initiative has enabled us to raise awareness and encourage the use of sustainable alternatives across segments. We believe that digitisation has the potential to transform industries. The time is now for the WWW segment to leverage this and make impactful decisions to conserve and protect the most precious resource available to humankind. We are honoured to support the Ministry of Jal Shakti's mission of achieving sustainable water management through our IoT enabled EcoStruxure Automation Expert platform that ensures efficiency, sustainability & resilience in water sector. Our aim is to bridge the gap between different water processes and digitization to make WWW facilities sustainable and efficient. Further, the comprehensive curriculum will provide first-hand experience on software and technologies related to water governance and conservation; efficient operation and management of water and wastewater treatment plants; and efficient desalination processes using digitisation.”
EcoStruxure Automation Expert helps water and wastewater plants overcome efficiency roadblocks by combining complete lifecycle management, seamless IT and OT integration, and improved automation system diagnostics that can future-proof operations across the WWW segment. It can also enable WWW operators to cost-effectively modernize rigid and outdated operations without regard to brand.
Schneider Electric’s Green Yodha initiative was launched in conjunction with the vision of building a community of Eco- Warriors that unite conscious citizens, businesses, and institutions to take collective action to adopt energy efficiency, renewables and solar, automation, digitalization, and a new world of electricity to meet both individual and corporate sustainability goals.
Addressing these challenges, the Ministry of Jal Shakti has initiated a sustainable and efficient water management practice for ensuring the availability of safe, reliable, and affordable water. To drive this vision, Schneider Electric, along with APAC, has initiated the Green Yodha Yatra with an aim to reach out directly to water and wastewater organizations in Bengaluru.
Become a #GreenYodha today by visiting us here.

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In the quarter, profit before tax was at INR 2.1 crore, profit after tax at INR 1.3 crore, while Operational EBITA stood at INR 15.3 crore. The quarter witnessed rising cost of commodities
HVDC link order to increase power inflow to Mumbai by 50%
TheOrderscompany booked orders worth INR 3,054.6 crore, up 309.7 percent YoY, mainly driven by utilities as energy transition gathers pace. Rail orders continued and industrial customers ordered products like digital transformers to improve efficiencies. Service orders included automation of transmission infrastructure, HVDC asset management solutions and spare parts supplies. Products for grid infrastructure and power quality technologies continued to boost exports that contributed more than 20 percent to the order intake.
20 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR sRssREPELEAE Hitachi Energy India Limited announces Q1FY23 results: Significant order wins in challenging markets • Strong growth in orders, up 300% YoY • Revenue up 24% YoY • HVDC link to increase Mumbai power inflow by 50% • Rising commodity prices and supply chain constraints impact margin • Published first Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report as industry best practice Hitachi Energy India Ltd. announced its results for the financial period from April to June 2022. (INR crore) April - June 2022 April – June 2021 Jan – March 2022 Orders 3054.6 745.6 1043.6 Revenue 991.3 796.8 1142.1 PBT 2.1 21.6 70.7 PBT % 0.2% 2.7% 6.2% PAT 1.3 16.3 51.7 PAT % 0.1% 2.0% 4.5% Op EBITA** 15.3 46.0 77.1 Op EBITA % 1.5% 5.8% 6.8% **The company evaluates the profitability based on Operational EBITA. Operational EBITA represents income from operations excluding: (i) amortization expense on intangibles, (ii) restructuring and restructuring-related expenses, (iii) non-operational pension cost, (iv) gains and losses from sale of businesses, acquisition-related expenses and certain non-operational items, as well as (v) foreign exchange/commodity timing differences in income from operations consisting of: (a) unrealized gains and losses on derivatives (foreign exchange, commodities, embedded derivatives), (b) unrealized foreign exchange movements on receivables/payables (and related assets/liabilities).
The company won a major order from Adani Mumbai Electric Infrastructure to provide a high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission system linking Kudus to Mumbai.
RevenuesRevenue rose 24.4 percent YoY reaching INR 991.3 crore for the quarter ended June 30, 2022. Supported by worldclass project management, the company commissioned several substation and switchyard projects for utilities, industries and infrastructure sectors.
Profit and operations
“The Kudus-Mumbai HVDC order reiterates confidence in our technology expertise and execution capabilities, and supports the country’s commitment to energy transition,” said N Venu, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Hitachi Energy India Ltd. “Even as we see continued top-line momentum, we face tailwinds from rising commodity costs and supply chain constraints, impacting profitability. We are implementing multiple measures to address this turbulence,” he added.
Hitachi Energy’s 80-kilometer, 1,000 MW HVDC link will help increase supply of power to the city by almost 50 percent with minimal losses. The HVDC connection will strengthen the existing AC transmission infrastructure, and support Mumbai’s Climate Action Plan.
Mumbai is experiencing a rapid increase in electricity consumption, seeing peak demand increasing to 3,850 megawatts (MW) in 2022. Utilities are therefore ramping up to meet rising demand for reliable power supplies with minimum environmental impact.
The 50-kilometer underground stretch of the link will save almost 2.3 square kilometers of space – equivalent to twice the area of Shivaji Park, Mumbai.
The order backlog at the end of the quarter witnessed a robust growth to INR 6,777.2 crore, the highest in three years, providing revenue visibility for coming quarters.

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A successful green energy transition is critically dependent on healthy DISCOMs as they are the demand drivers. The Revamped Power Sector’s Revamped Distribution Sector Scheme is aimed at improving the operational efficiencies and financial sustainability of DISCOMs and Power Department. This scheme can provide the necessary impetus for DISCOMs to reduce their losses upgrading their network. Digitalization of power infrastructures ensures safer, more reliable electricity transmission across the country, contributing to decarbonization of electricity network. Profitable DISCOMS will be able to bring to consumers a competitive offering as consumption patterns migrate towards a larger mix of electricity in the energy mix. With these progressive steps taken today through reformative policies, we look forward to a greener future. Mr. N Venu MD & CEO – India & South Asia, Hitachi Energy and supply chain bottlenecks, creating a drag on margins. Various measures are being adopted to reduce the impact, with a special focus on semi-conductors.
Living BringingsustainabilityourSustainability 2030 vision into practice, Hitachi Energy India operations shifted to 100 percent fossil free electricity in December 2021. The company also engineered a solution to power its own project sites with solar power. Freshwater consumption at factories was reduced and a new eco-efficient offering under the EconiQ™ portfolio are further examples of the company’s commitment to climate change mitigation, finding pride of place in our first Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report, a proactive non-financial disclosure done for the last financial period. EM
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|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 23 NEW TS0514-1802 ESTAspring-20180224-1.indd 6 2018/2/27 星期二 9:59:54

He further adds, “Steel and oil prices have seen constant rise with naphthenic base oil availability has been an issue since it is imported with few sources. All these price escalations have caused the material costs of transformers to rise anywhere from 40 % to 50%. In addition to that rupee devaluation against USD by more than 20% has made things worse as more than 50% material is having imported base. Since a lot of contracts had FIRM pricing clause, manufacturers executed such orders at negative margins with material cost going significantly beyond the sales price. To make matters worse, CRGO has seen not only price escalation but also severe scarcity which resulted in dual hit for the manufacturers in terms of negative margins and also LD due to delayed delivery caused by scarcity of materials.”
Inflation in raw materials hurting businesses; Impacts supply chain
24 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR articleguest
In view of the volatile trend of prices for input materials, it is important that all contracts have price variation clauses which are to full extent accepted by customers
Larsen & Toubro Limited informed, “ In FY 2021-22, we saw huge surge in raw material prices, especially talking about our T&D Industry, the main components like steel, copper, aluminum and zinc witnessed around 35% increase in prices also there were shortage of raw materials which had huge impacts on projects.
Steel 40% Aluminum 160% Copper 25% Zinc 45% Polymer-HDPE 60% Fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG), consumer durables, cars, two-wheelers, fuel, fertilizers, steel, nickel, semi-conductors and many other finished products, as well as raw materials, have witnessed a steep price hike in the last few months. Inflation is really hurting the businesses. It has impacted the discretionary buying capacity of the consumers. These supply-side dynamics including the extraordinary price rise is beyond the control of the supplier and buyer. The risk associated with such extreme price volatility cannot be borne by the industry that is already witnessing extreme pressure on its metal (purchase)
Kaushal, Head – Business Development (North)
Mr. Neeraj Goyal, General Manager – Design & Technology CG Power and Industrial Systems Limited (CGPISL) and Chairman IEEMA Power Transformer Division articulated, "As we are aware the prices of key materials such as CRGO, oil etc have seen an acute price rise as well as scarcity in the past 2 years caused due to capacity diversion to other sectors, operational impact caused due to COVID, capacity reduction, increase in logistics cost and increased local demand in other countries/regions. Rising prices of key raw materials has been a key issue for power transformer industry. Copper & CRGO which constitute for about 55% of total material content in power transformers, have seen a never seen before kind of price escalation. In past two years post COVID, the copper prices have seen an average rise of about 65% whereas CRGO on an average has witnessed a staggering 110% rise.”
Supply of edible oil is severely impacted.
Ukraine on the other hand is among the largest exporters of food grains. The war and resultant closure of maritime route has severely impacted the supply side, with food grains experiencing acute price increases. The economies around the world that were just recovering from the aftermath of COVID19 were ill equipped to handle another shock.
Raw Materials Increase in price (March 2021 vs March 2022)
Industries around the world are facing difficult times due to the repercussions of global events. Prices of diesel and petrol are already on its peak. Commodities in India are highly influenced by petrol and diesel prices. Transportation and logistics cost shoots up with the rise in fuel price, leading to increase in the fare of international and domestic commodities. Indian industries including the electrical and power sector are facing the same heat due to supply-side challenges in availability, cost, and logistics.
Closer home, India has seen inflationary pressures building up with CPI inflation hovering above 7.5%. With the rise in inflation, the cost of raw materials has gone up. Similarly, the commodity prices have also seen a quantum jump with short and medium-term outlook looking grim. Russia and Ukraine combine to around 7.5% of the global steel exports. Russia makes up for around 6% of aluminum production. With strict sanctions against Russia and damaged infrastructure in Ukraine, the prices are expected to remain high and volatile in near future.
Starting FY 2021-22 the situation is seen to be improving, still there is 10-15% impact of the industry but we are sure that it
The cost of raw materials had been on the rise since the onset of COVID-19 about two years back. Though the pandemic has subdued, there is Russia-Ukraine war now. The war in Europe – between Russia and Ukraine, has affected almost the entire world due to the interconnected economies. The sanctions imposed on Russia has sent the prices of petroleum products skyrocketing, with Brent crude oil hovering consistently above USD 100 per barrel, sometimes even touching USD 130 per barrel. Because of this, India will have an adverse impact as India imports around 80% of its oil needs amounting to $205 Billion worth of oils & minerals, $832 Million worth of precious stones, $609 Million worth of fertilizers from Russia, so increase in the prices of such commodities may lead to considerable inflation in the country. India buys palm oil mainly from Indonesia and Malaysia, with soy oil mostly imported from Argentina and Brazil, and sunflower oil from Russia and Ukraine.

Given the unprecedented scenario of volatility and price increases, it has become difficult to execute the contracts with fixed price or having restriction variation (PV) since the cost hikes may not be adequately covered by the profit margins. Hence IEEMA recommends a constructive dialogue between the contracting parties where a shift (albeit temporary), may be made in favour of a variable contract where the cost escalation may be allowed to be passed over to the buyer. The variable contracts may be able to create a win-win situation in the current scenario • It reduces the risk of default or project slowing down due to resource constraints • In case of price reductions of raw materials in future, the same will be passed on to the buyers
• Contractors will be able to offer a lower bid value since they may not be required to build-in future cost escalations
Key achievements like: Increase in generation capacity from 2,48,554 MW in 2014 to 4,00,000 MW today, strengthening of the distribution infrastructure in past five years by building 2,921 new sub-stations, augmentation of 3,926 sub-stations, installing 6,04,465 ckm LT lines, installing 2,68,838 11 KV HT lines, Feeder segregation of 1,22,123 ckm agricultural feeders and installing, etc. were highlighted during the event in all the 3 districts by the respective District Magistrates. More than 1200 people from nearby areas participated in the program. The events also witnessed several beneficiaries sharing their experiences. The benefits of electricity and the unprecedented growth witnessed in the power sector over the past few years was demonstrated through nukkad nataks and screening of short films on the power sector. To engage with the visitors, a cultural programme was also organized. Given the size of the gathering, it was ensured that all Covid safety protocols such as social distancing and wearing of masks were adhered to.
The energy demand in H1 FY2022 remained higher by 2.9% against the same in H1 FY2020 (pre-COVID), led by relatively sharper recovery in the energy demand as reflected by 8.4% growth in Q2 FY2022 against Q2 FY2020 .
• Contractors /Suppliers will be able to focus on project execution rather than channelizing their energies on timing the raw material purchases to gain from market movements.
The price hikes could potentially squeeze margins however, a big theme this year common to all the players in the industry is how much cost burden we would be able to convince buyers to share with contractors.
‘Bijli Mahotsav’ organized by PFC with full zeal in various parts of Delhi
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As part of ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’ – to celebrate 75 years of India’s Independence, The Ministry of Power and PFC in association with Government of NCT of Delhi organized a ‘Bijli Mahotsav’ at three locations in Shahdara, South-WestDelhi and New-Delhi districts today. The Bijli Mahotsav was used as a platform to celebrate the collaboration between the State and the Central Governments and to highlight the key achievements of the power sector.
The Bijli Mahotsavs are being celebrated all over the country under the umbrella of Ujjwal Bharat Ujjwal Bhavishya – Power @2047 for more public participation and getting across the developments in the power sector to the citizens at large.

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Key words and Acronyms: XLPE Cable (Cross linked Polyethylenecable), SVL (Surge Voltage Limiter), Cross bonding, Co-axial cable.
ABSTRACT:Inthepresent era power-system growth highly depends on the network laid for power cables as it has become difficult for utilities to find ROW for overhead transmission lines especially in metro cities. The most popular cable being used is XLPE cable. The XLPE is the acronym of “Cross linked Polyethylene” insulation material. To safeguard the cables, earthing/ bonding of metallic sheaths is essential. Unlike multicore cables, wherein two-point earthing is exercised, in the single core cable single point earthing is provided at the sending end and with SVL (Sheath Voltage Limiter) at the receiving end up to a short length say 3-4 km, however, if the route length is several km long and having unequal cable sections, cross bonding scheme is adopted. The selection of SVL and accurate earthing become very crucial so far power cable network design is Theconcerned.authors have written this paper highlighting the pros and cons of cross bonding scheme of sheaths with Co-axial cables against the conventional single core cables for transmission of Power to long distances having unequal cable section.
1.0 PriorIntroduction:toyear2018, XLPE Underground cables have assumed greater importance in the present-day scenario though, they are much costlier than the OH Transmission lines, on the following counts;

b. They do not require ROW (Right of Way), unlike OH transmission lines.
f. Dielectric-Loss factor of XLPE cables is also less as compared to paper insulated and PVC insulated cables.
Figure.2: XLPE Cable with corrugated sheath.
g. Current carrying capability: It has capability of carrying large currents under normal(90oC), emergency (130o C) or short circuit (250o C) conditions.
I.NoteConductor can be Milliken conductor or circular conductor of Aluminum or copper.
c) Free from Height Limitation and Maintenance
Fig.3: XLPE Cable with copper wire screen and Lead alloy sheath.
b) Ease of Installation: XLPE cable withstands smaller radius bending and is lighter in weight, allowing for easy and reliable installation.
28 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR cables&wire
h. Last but not the least, it is most important component in the indoor GIS (Gas insulated Sub-stations) which are installed where space is the constraints.
For the EHV application XLPE (Cross linked Poly Ethylene) cables are being extensively used because of their superiority over other underground cables. They are generally single core cables.
Further, more, the splicing and terminating methods for XLPE cable are simpler in comparison with other kinds of cables.
I.Note:Unlike Aluminum sheath Lead sheath is not capable of carrying high earth fault currents due to high fault levels therefore Copper-wire screen is provided.
e. Hazard to wildlife: Underground cables generally pose no hazard to wildlife as compared to overhead network. [1]
a) Excellent Electrical and Physical Properties: Capability of carrying large currents. It has excellent resistance to thermal deformation and excellent aging process permit it to carry large current under normal(90OC), emergency (130o C) or short circuit (250o C).
d. Unlike Transmission lines, Underground cables are not exposed to air/atmosphere, thus negligible susceptibility for outages due to various atmospheric conditions like lightening, hurricane/cyclones/typhoons etc.
II. Corrugated Aluminum sheath (shown in item no.6) facilitates sharp bending of the cable as well as can carry heavy Earth fault currents.
a. Aesthetic sense; As UG cables are not visible from outside, these provide a clean and aesthetic view of the city / town where UG cables are laid. Clean India.
1.1 Brief description of the XLPE cables; XLPE is an abbreviation of “Cross linked Polyethylene”. Following is the chemical formula; Fig.1: Chemical Formula of molecules forming XLPE bonding.
2.0 Salient Features of XLPE cables:
c. UG cables can be laid in the densely populated residential areas.

2.1 Short - circuit current capacity of conductors.
2.2 Life expectancy and general practice: Life expectancy of XLPE cable is > 40 years. Looking to expected load growth/demand and to avoid need for augmenting the cables from time to time, it is a general practice by the utilities to use higher conductor size.
Fig. 4 : Development of Induced voltage in the neighbouring cable screen/ sheath. Induced voltage; Where,=Xm.I.L Xm=Ω.M(Ω/km), Mutual inductivebetweenreactancecoreand the sheath. I= in Amp ,current in the cable conductor, L= length of cable section in kms. 5: Magnetic fields of neighboring 3 cables encompassing each other. cable layout Fig.6. flat cable layout
Table1: Admissible short circuit currents. [2]
The table 1, contains the maximum admissible short-circuit currents Ik,1s for conductors acc. to IEC 60949 with a duration of 1 second for the Copper and Aluminum conductors and insulation types-XLPE Vs Oil.[3]
Figure 7: Trefoil cable layout
3.0 Induced voltages on cable screens; 3.1 Electro magnetic voltage Induction; The curreent flow in the inner conductor of the cable creates a magnetioc field which induces voltage on to the own cable screen as well as on to the screen of neighbouring/ surrounding Ifcables.cable screens are connected forming a loop, by applying Ohm’s law a current flows in that loop as a result of induced voltage and the resistivity of the cable-screen material, thus produces additional power losses.
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30 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 3.4 Dependence of Induced voltages; • Cable dimensions and cable lay-out ¾ Axial spacing between conductors(S). ¾ Cable sheath diameter(D). • Length of the cable section(L). • Network frequency ( ω=2πf). • Short circuit current (worst case) • -Failure mode (Single phase, three phase). 3 .5 Graphical representation of dependance of induced voltages:Induced Voltages depend on ; • Cable length, • Frequency, • Conductor current, • Sheath diameter & • Axial spacing. Fig8: Graphical representation of dependance of Sheath voltage on cable length,System frequency,Conductor current,Sheath diameter and axial spacing 3.6 Maximum Value of induced voltage ; • Limited by Electrical properties of outer sheath. • Withstanding voltage 10kV DC for 1 min as per IEC, • Over voltage due to short circuits must be below this value. • Higher values to be limited by SVL. • Typical SLVs are of 3kV and 6kV nominal values Note: ¾ Overload factor 1.36. ¾ Tolerance factor approx 1.1 ¾ Residual voltage = approx 3 x nominal voltage of SVL. 4.0 Earthing/Bonding methods and Induced voltages: 4.1 Both end Bonding: Both ends of the cable sheath are connected to the system Earth. Advantage:i.• With this method no induced voltages occur at the cable ends, which makes it most secure regarding safety Disadvantages;aspects. • Circulating currents would flow in the sheath as the loop between the two earthing points if closed through the ground. • These circulating currents are proportional to the conductor currents resulting into reduction of the ampacity of the cable. cables&wire

• To avoid/ minimize different earth potentials at both ends of the cable.
• To ensure correct operation of SVL s. Requirements;
Fig 11A :3 HV cables in Trefoil formation directly earthed at sending end and SVL at receiving end with ECC.[3]
Fig 10: Single Ended Bonding.[2] 4.3 ECC (Earth Continuity Cable);
• In order to avoid potential raise in case of a failure, both earth points have to be connected additionally with an earth continuity cable.
• Ability to carry the single-phase short circuit current;
Fig 11B: Single End bonding with ECC Transposed at central cable at the middle of length to cancel out induced voltage.[3]
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The SVLs are basically a metal oxide varistors (MOVs) surge arrester which deflect switching and atmospheric surges but must not trigger in the short circuits.
• Must be placed in an induction-free manner to avoid difference in potential/circulating currents.
Fig 9A: Both end bonding. [2] Fig 9B: Both ends Bonding. [3] 4.2 Single-end bonding: Sending end of the cable sheath is connected to the system earth. The other end is open thus standing voltage shall appear which is induced linearly along the cable length. In order to ensure safety requirements, the open end of the cable sheath has to be protected with surge arrester (Sheath Voltage Limiter).

3.4 Single end bonding at a glance; subjectsAspects/ Advantages Disadvantages Safety Potentially dangerous as induced voltage occurs proportional to length of the cable section, frequency, conductor current with the length of the cable. Protection against accidental contact essential Circulating current No circulating currents possible as there will not be an earth-loop and thus Ampacity of the cable is not impaired. Losses Since no circulating currents, thus additional losses will be minimal (eddy currents only). Length limit Length of the cable section is limited as induced voltages have to be limited to certain values Cost economics Laying of an earth continuity cable alongside the Power cables for ensuring correct functioning of SVLs. Application Typically for short HV connections but also for LV and MV In case of large phase distances.Table-2
Please refer to figure 12A;
• The ECC has to be insulated.
Placement: between the power cables ,70% of cable axial distance apart from Center cable.
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4.0 Cross bonding of sheaths of cables: 4.1.1 Cross bonding of sheaths with SVL at Bonding
Location;Figure12A: Cross bonding methodology; development of induced voltages shown section-wise.[3]
Please refer to figure 12B; (i) For very long cables lengths or parallel circuits, in addition to cross bonding of the sheaths, the conductor of each phase may also be transposed as shown in the figure 12 B.
4.1.2 Transposing of cables and Cross bonding of sheaths thereof;Figure 12 B; Cables transposed at each bonding point.[3]
• Generally used for long distance transfer of Power.
• As could be seen from the figure 12A that there are 3 equal sections of the cables. The sheath of the cables of all the 3 phases are connected with each other in the cross-bonding system.
• Generally equal length of cables is cross bonded.
Transposition: ECC is transposed to the other side in the middle of the cable system to cancel out induced voltage.
• The sheaths of the cable of L1, L2 & L3 are earthed at the starting point of section 1and at the end of the 3rd section they are again earthed.
• Minimum section of cables has to be 3 equal lengths.

5.0 Cross bonding of sheaths of long cables lengths- Coaxial cable Vs Single core Cables; One of the FAQs by the customers to the executors of the Underground cables laying projects/ proposers is; “Why do you prefer using coaxial cables over single core cables for cross-bonding purposes of HV/EHV power cables.”
(ii) Graphical representation effect due to unequal cable section lengths;Fig14:
(i) As could be seen from the table of Cross Bonding Length Ratio, against 2 in figure 14 Cable section “c” is longer than the section a & b, (ii) The ratio of all the cable sections should be 1:1. (iii) If the ratio of the cable section is not 1:1 there will be unequal induced voltages which will give rise to some circulating (iv)current.Due to the circulating current as explained in Sr. No.(iii), the Ampacity of the cable shall reduce. Such cases are generally found in the metro-cities. bonding box.; It can be used for installation in the floor or can be mounted on the walls as the case may be. (fig;13B) Fig 13B: Cross bonding box.
As already explained the importance and advantages of equal cable sections of all the three phases, however, the graph and the table shown in the figure 14 is explained below;
Crossboxes;bonding of sheaths done at the location of cable Jointing box through coaxial cable from each of the phase of the cables through coaxial cables through links with SVLs in the CB box as shown in the Figure 13A. Fig 13A: Cross bonding of the sheaths of the individual phase cable.
Limiting length of the cable For long distance For short distance Limiting of cable voltage above 132kV Up to 100kV Cable section Cable sections 3 nos, in series of equal lengths to long distance Cable sections 3 nos. of equal lengths in series for short distance. Un-equality of cables section Can be used as in equal 3 sections till the last span may be longer than the previous series of sections. Not possible.
The relevant explanation to this effect is being mentioned
5.1 Cross bonding of Sheaths; Advantages of Coaxial cable over single core cable.
4.2.1Cross bonding of the sheaths at the cable junction
Graphical representation of Ampacity & screen losses due to unequal cable section.
Therehere-under;isno restriction for extending power supply through Underground cables of lead length beyond 1500 meters as cross bonding of sheaths are in series.
(v) In such cases due engineering is done, losses due to less Ampacity are taken into account and benefit thereof is passed on to the proposed consumer.
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(i) It has been already mentioned that when all the 3-sections of cables have to be equal in length, there will be neither any induced voltages nor circulating current however, if all 3 sections are not equal then there will be circulating current due to development of induced voltages.
5.2 Comparison between cross bonding with Coaxial cable and Single core cable;Co-axial cable Cross bonding Single core Cross bonding

(i) Since, it is a coaxial cable the reactance will be low and the Impedance too will be low, However, if single core cable is used the impedance of the cable is higher than Coaxial cable.
d) The residual voltage Ures of SVL must be lower than the impulse withstand- voltage of the cable outer jacket and joint outer protections, typically considering the recommended15-20% safety margin.
b) The surge voltage limiter must be designed to dissipate the energy associated with the transient over voltages impressed upon.[4]
6.0 Short circuit considerations.Fig15:Co-axial cable
Ratio of Cable sections If more than 1:1, due to difference in induced voltages circulating current shall be produced resulting into lowering down of ampacity. Has to be 1:1 only Reactance/ Impedance Reactance low Reactance high
8.0 Conclusion; It should be strictly borne in mind that Power transfer through cables is many folds costlier than the overhead transmission lines, therefore all the following necessary precautions should be followed scrupulously; (i) Detailed DPR should be prepared visiting the site. (ii) Cable size should be proposed taking care for any expected augmentation of load in that area. (iii) Type of sheath bonding to be required. (iv) In case of long cable lengths, whether only cross bonding shall serve the purpose or transposing of cables is also required along with the cross bonding. (v) Whether cross bonding shall be done with single core cables or with the co-axial cables. (vi) Cross bonding at a glance;
a) The limiter should be suitable for continuous operation with an applied voltage equal to the shield/sheath standing voltage under either normal or emergency loads.[4]
(ii) In case of short circuits heavy current shall flow and thus the Transient voltage developed shall be low in the Co-axial cable as compared to the single core cable. (iii) Due to low transient voltages the possibility of damage to the cable /cable -sheath is over ruled. (iv) As per standards it should not be more than 10 meters. (v) If more than 10 meters then complete engineering is to be done for reducing the Impedance of the Co-axial cable.
7.0 Selection of proper SVL; The SVLs are very important equipment used in single end bonding of screen/sheath as well as in the cross-bonding schemes. Once the over voltages are known on each cable section in power frequency mode (normal operation and short circuit) then appropriate SLV is selected as follows;
Note: It is recommended to use 3kV SVL for 66kV cables and 6kV SVL for 132 and above. For example, if the Uc is say 4kV then SVL to be used should be of 6kV.[2]
Effect of short circuit heavy current fault Transient voltage developed is lower therefore damage to cable insulation is overruled. Transient voltages shall be higher and may damage the cable insulation.
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Note: The function of SVL is to protect the cable outer jacket if residual voltage of SVL is more than the cable outer jacket, the outer jacket will fail in case of the fault.
c) The maximum Continuous operating voltage Uc of the SVL must always be higher than the maximum induced voltage at the cable section during short circuit (this is extremely important failing which SVL will be destroyed).

1.References:CEA’sGuidelines for use of under-ground cable system and Overhead conductor system along with cost benefit analysis.
2. Brugg Cables; High Voltage XLPE Cable Systems Technical User Guide. 3. Hitachi- ABB; Cable sheaths over voltage protectionApplication note 3.1. 4. IEEE Std.575-2014; IEEE guide for bonding shields and sheaths of single conductor Power cables through 5kV through 500kV.
EM – Author –Er. K.K. Murty K.K. Murthy holds a degree of B.E. (Hons) in Electrical Engineering obtained from the University of Jabalpur in the year 1968. He was a former Chief Engineer and Head of Department (Testing & Commun.) in M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd. Jabalpur (India)., he was a member of the panel of Expert Professionals at the Central Power Research Institute (CPRI), Bangalore, from 2008 to 2012. Prior to this, he worked as an Advisor (Testing) at SOUTHCO, a DISCOM in the State of Odisha, a metering consultant to M.P. Electricity Regulatory Commission and a Course Director for the Graduate Electrical Engineering Trainees at the Training Institute of M.P. Power Transmission Co. Ltd., Jabalpur. He has published many technical articles in the national and international journals and presented technical papers at various national and international conferences pertaining to the Power Transformers and other equipment of power sector. He is a member of India’s Society of Power Engineers (MSPE), a Fellow of Institution of Engineers, India (FIE), a Chartered Engineer (CE) and a Member CIGRE’ India. He had been awarded a plaque by the Institution of Engineers (India), Kolkata, in Oct. 2015, in recognition of his eminence and contribution to the profession of Electrical Engineering at the National level.
||www.electricalmirror.net|| 35 www.electricalmirror.net (vii) Appropriate kV rating of SVLs to be used. (viii) Scrupulous supervision of cable laying is very essential. (ix) Last but not the least it is essential to grout cable markers to identify the route of the cable.

3. Hence, on the similar practice, this LA was undergone with LCM (Leakage Current Monitoring) and wattloss measurement with periodic interval. The results were found as follows. result was found with only one and other found with normal
36 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR Er. P.K.Pattanaik, is presently working with OPTCL as General Manager, EHT (O&M) Circle Bhubaneswar - Odisha and associated with the Protection and Control schemes of Electrical systems. Having 29 years of technical experience on various HT and EHT voltage level in the field of transmission sector. Specialization on the development technoeconomical design of protection control schemes for system development and planning. At present involved with various on-going projects on GIS, SAS and updated Remote SCADA control stations of OPTCL.
2.1. Replacement of 400 KV LA: At 400/220/132KV Grid Sub-Station, it was found with objectionable value third harmonic resistive current. So the LA was replaced before causing any Observationsfailure.1.Onroutinecheckup, this station is used with condition monitoring of system equipment.
2. For the LA monitoring, LCM and wattloss component measurement was the periodic testing for the system.
Sl No Month Results Trend 3rd Har Res Current in amperemicro incomponentWattlossmwatt 1 1st 236.6 4737.98 Both 3rd Har Res Current and trend.valuecomponentWattlossinrising 2 4th 287.3 5623.98 3 7th 368.5 8754.31 4 11th 501.2 10121.22 Note: This
stacks were
value and results within limit
1. Introduction: For the last few months, the response of the readers to the case studies on various incidents is overwhelming. Hence this month we are again choosing the write up on similar kind of studies for developing the synchronization of practical observation to the theoretical concepts. The analysis of each incident being supported by actual observations had been described during the situation to add awareness amongst the operation, testing and commissioning engineers to know the cause of problems and be helpful for easy rectification of the problems. This can also help to develop economic schemes for the smooth running of the operation and control system in the Grid Sub-Station.
Published 105 technical papers in National and International arena and is a regular contributor to the National journals like Electrical Mirror, Electrical India, CBIP journal and IEEMA journal and author of many technical books. Also Awarded in various arena on National level. He is also the coordinator of a Nationwide Power Engineers’ Technical Group named “SPARK- Ignited to share” consisting of Senior Electrical Engineers from different parts of the country. ele.pkpattanaik@optcl.co.in CONTROL

2. On dumping from one side of the hill and lowering down to the bottom was causing clearance nearer to R phase conductor as like shown in figure 2.2
19. The fire brigade on request of the municipality team was also on the job for extinguishing of the fire.
2. This line was provided with Automatic closure system with DEAD TIME BEING 3 Secs and reclaim time being 25Sec.
Action Taken:
1. On finding the busting of the other similar trend LA insulator stack, immediately this LA was replaced.
9. But this time, it was decided to hand trip the line from both end before to cause such repeated closure.
1. Practically the dumping yard was of bit big in comparison.
4. R phase on one side of the SC line.
7. Similar incident repeated once again after few sec on the same phase of R phase to ground, but reclosed after its dead time of 3 sec.
12. Moment the conductor coming the arching zone, resulting with tripping of the line and reclosing after 3 sec of dead time. Similar incident for the three instances of tripping and reclose.
20. The Electrical wing on arriving at the site inquired about any sound/incident to the fire brigade gang engaged at site.
2.2. Multi-Tripping of 132 KV Circuit Breaker: 132 KV Transmission line tripped 3 times before to allow hand trip of the Observations:system.1.Thisline was connected between two inter-connected stations with sources at both end.
23. The Fire brigade was counselled to extinguish the fire under the line at the earliest for revival of the line.
17. But it was well within the allowable zone of around 6 mtrs.
24. The extinguish action completed within two days and then line was energized successfully.
8. Similar incident again repeated and reclosed again.
FromRecommendations:thistypeofobservation and experience, it was decided that LA stack should be replaced once the trend goes beyond 250 micro ampere and happens to be in rising trend.
Technical Analysis:
5. Similar pattern of rising trend with 3rd harmonic res current incident was also observed with another stack of another LA.
5. There was phase to ground fault on R phase.
11. It was suspected regarding the issue of suspension insulator string snapping, resulting with lowering of the conductor to ground and causing arcing due to swing.
4. So the Ph-ground fault was resulting with Tripping of the line.
14. But it was reported with the case of dump yard burning and smokes evolution under the R phase conductor part.
13. The patrolling team patrolled the full line, but found with no such insulator snapping or no any conductor lowering cases.
16. Because of such dumping the clearance to the single side R phase conductor was becoming less.
15. This dumping yard is of hill shape and waste dump yard vehicles were dumping from top of the hill causing heaping of the wastage down yard.
6. But due to circuit exigency and system requirement, necessary shutdown could not be availed. But this LA busted before replacement.
6. On first instance, it was found with single phase to ground fault for R phase, so the gang operated breaker tripped, but closed after its dead time of 3 secs.
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10. The patrolling team was asked for physical inspection of the total line.
22. So, it was confirmed that the case of tripping was due to smoke evolution and on counselling with the team, the line was kept under shutdown.
3. On the day or before, when fire resulted with smoke due to burning waste dumping, the bloom of smoke with residues caused the path of ionized path to the voltage to appear for tracking of current.
21. It was reported regarding some intermittent sound and arching on the line far away from the place of their work extinguish site.
2. Initially it was planned for replacement of the suspected LA stack, but considering the importance of the system disturbance due to the failed LA because of non-replacement, the total stacks were replaced.
5. After DEAD time of 3 secs, this smoke was not of that dense, for which the auto-reclose function was allowing to reclose of the system.
3. This line was SC (Single circuit Line) with triangular disposition R, Y and B phase.
18. On the day of incident or before, there had been smoke fire on this dumping yard by someone, which was causing with smoke evolution and during time of patrolling also it was with smoke under the line.
1. This line was of DC (Double Circuit) 120 Km, and this feeder was under shutdown with other circuit in service.
2. To avoid induction on the system, Earth switch on both end of the line was closed.
3. The weather was of drizzle type.
The concerned maintenance engineer was advised to open the isolator on either side of the breaker on equi-potential concept. Explain the procedure for the emergency operation.
6. Till to the period of 25sec or above as provided for RECLAIM time, this smoke cluster might not be in sufficient for developing the arcing path.
In general, Transmission Line being surrounded by other TL result with Induction in the system. So while tagging the IR value this induction effect does not allow the reading to obtain correctly and after continuous rotation, this may overcome and show the reading of the IR value.
3. Now the isolator 89M could be opened without resulting any interruption and problem on the operation. After opening of this isolator 89M the system can be operated through Bus coupler breaker.
7. So after the elapse of 25 sec and sufficient accumulation rise of smoke cluster was causing tripping again.
1. The IR value was shown as 0 Ohm on R Phase 2. The Y and B Phase value showing 1000 MOhm.
Note: Such kind of operation should not be attended with Local condition. Because during the operation of equipotential, if fault would be resulted, then the faulty breaker shall not trip and tripping of Bus coupler breaker shall cause opening of the isolator on load with severe spark and damage to the system. So, Local operation may cause safety to the operator concerned. In practice this operation to be avoided and if so required so emergency then attempt should be made on remote electrical operation only.
4. If motorized, allow the motor to run at least for 1 Minute to overcome the induction effect and time constant of the Transmission line.
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Procedure suggested:
2. By doing so, the terminal A and B on either side of 89M isolator of the main feeder bay can be developed with point of equi-potential. Point B gets the potential from point C through the path containing Bus-coupler Breaker and Point A gets its potential through its own breaker path.
4. On observation of CT secondary resistance, it was found with OPEN.
5. If Hand operated, then allow to rotate the crank continuously for 1 Minute.
2. Choose Scale –I (Minimum range starting scale) on the megger.
Observations:On receiving the information from the LINE JE, the IR value was measured and found with ZERO on Scale II. So it was decided to check the value on scale –I, that starts from minimum range. This time the pointer also deflects towards ZERO, but after few seconds, the value picks up and shown with value of approximately of 200 MOhm. So it was advised to do the followings while to take IR value of long TL 1. Put TL conductor (Lead) used for meggering on EARTH connection till to start of taking the meggring value.
Explanation: This feeder was connected as the main incomer to this station from a remote station. On actual incident, SF6 leakage alarm was annunciated in the window before attaining the lock out situation. But due to improper planning and non-availability of SF6 gas in the station, the in-time filling of gas could not be attended. So finally the situation of SF6 LOCK OUT resulted.
6. After elapse of 1 minute, the required reading may come and record the same.
4. Then the other side isolator (89L) of the affected breaker could be easily opened for the maintenance shutdown of the affected breaker.
5. This line was in charged condition with this CT.
7. If the value still comes as ZERO then the line might have been in problem.
3. Remove the Earth connected TL lead just before taking the IR value.
2.3. Case for ZERO megger value of Transmission Line: It was reported by LINE JE ( Junior Engineer) followings while meggering ( taking Insulation resistance) of a long TL Line
Technical Analysis:
Actual observation:
8. Operator on finding such and on consulting the station head hand tripped the line from both stations.
1. Develop on-line parallel path for this feeder, by closing the Bus-coupler Breaker and its isolators.
2.5. No continuity of CT secondary: At one of the 400/220KV Grid Sub-station, one 220 KV CT of an outgoing feeder was taken shutdown for change of the CT ratio. On checking of the CT secondary, the resistance of the terminals was found OPEN.
2.4. Rectification of Breaker Problem: For the interconnected important 132KV line, it was observed with leakage of SF6 Gas and final lock out of the tripping circuit of the breaker.
2. One day a MONKEY fault occurred at the 33 KV bus of Station Transformer on B Phase inside the switchyard.
2.6. Blowing out of PT secondary fuses: At one of the 132/33 KV Grid Sub-station, during the situation of MONKEY fault on 33 KV side, it was observed with blowing out of R and Y phase fuse at the 132 KV PT secondary box.
4. After clearance of the fault, the system was availed, but it was found with erratic supply on the secondary side of the 132 KV PT supply.
2. Similarly the same has to be reflected on the upper side (132 KV side) of the system. The development of high voltage depends upon the common earthing of the system.
3. In this condition the 132 KV side Primary earthing was not proper, for which healthy R Phase and Y phase might have resulted the rise of voltage.
6. On detail checking of the circuit, it was found with the Neutral of both the CORES (Protection and metering) was of single wire.
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6. The availability of induction voltage on the secondary circuit of the CT was due to the induction on the primary side of the CT.
2. The other circuit was live with availability of power flow.
5. Hence during measurement of resistance by the multimeter on resistance mode, the value was of indicative as OPEN due to availability of voltage on the terminals.
4. Though the line was earthed at both end, but the induction on the system did not subside and resulted with the flow of ionization current on this line.
Observations:1.Thisstation was installed with 3 Nos of 63MVA 132/33 KV Transformers catering the approximate loads of 80MVA to the downstream.
3. Suddenly the concerned feeder was tripped on earth field.
3. So the induction on this line was of active in nature.
3. The blown out fuses were replaced by the correct rating fuses and graded with the fuses at panel end.
4. Same time the secondary earthing of PT supply( 110 Volt end) was also not at same potential of the primary. So rise of corresponding voltage causes the blowing out of
ItRecommendations:fuses.isrecommendedto provide proper earthing in the system and for the case of PT supply, The star point earthing should be connected to Earth Mat of the Grid Station. EM electrical Mirror Follow us on: www.electricalmirror.net
1. Another 4 core cable was laid for metering core and common neutral wire was taken separately and metering core was ferruled as (E111, E131, E151 and E171).
8. This was connected with a 7 core cable with E71 being the one wire and common to both Cores. The earthing of the cable was done at Panel end.
6. The secondary terminal voltage was checked and found with induction of around 515Volt as measured by
5. So shutdown was availed and found with blowing out of fuses at PT secondary box on the metering core.
7. Technically the wires have run from PT Console box to CRP (Control and Relay Panel) as Protection core (E11, E31, E51, E71) and Metering core as (E111, E131, E151 and E71).
Analysis:1.Practically the fault has occurred at 33 KV end on B phases So it happens to be reduced voltage on this phase with rise of voltage on the other two healthy phases on the system.
2. The earthing at Panel end was again connected to EARTH MAT, considering primary and secondary as the same potential.
Recommendation: For working on the secondary side of the HT CT on the long line, earthing must be done at both end of the line with local earthing also to avoid electrocution to the operator.
Analysis:Voltmeter.1.Astheweather was of drizzle and moist in atmosphere.
9. On checking it was observed with Panel end earthing not connected to Grid Mat. Actions taken:

Mr. Deepak Singh Thakur Business head - india & saarc region, cisBu - mcis DelTa elecTronicS inDia privaTe liMiTeD
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Delta is a global innovative provider of switching power supplies and DC brushless fans, as well as a major source for power management solutions, components, visual displays, industrial automation, networking products, and renewable energy solutions. Delta Group has sales offices worldwide and manufacturing plants in Taiwan, China, Thailand, Mexico, India and Europe. As a global innovator in power electronics, Delta's mission is, "To provide innovative, clean and efficient energy solutions for a better tomorrow." Delta is committed to environmental protection and has implemented green, lead-free production and waste management programs for many years.

India is one of the sub regions of Delta, which is a huge focus area that exhibits the global management’s optimism about India as a potential market. The reason why the company is coming up with an R&D centre at Bengaluru for strengthening its capability within India. We are also manufacturing in India that makes it viable to have an R&D facility within India. Delta is seeking to invest more than Rs 500 million in India in terms of new factories such as the upcoming global manufacturing unit in Krishnagarhi on the outskirts of Bengaluru, which once completed will have the capacity to not only cater to a huge captive market in India, but to rest of the world as well. The company also has manufacturing facilities in Rudrapur, Uttarakhand, Bengaluru and Gurugram for different products for each business unit. Intelligence gathering at Delta is done in-house as well as from global initiatives where we work closely with research organizations exploring market trends and studying those reports. Attending various events and workshops also helps and most importantly is the feedback of our customers by engaging closely with them which enables us to align our business accordingly. Manufacturing is also set to boom with ‘Make in India’ of the Indian government giving a boost to our industry. EM
Q. When it comes to Cloud, how does Delta see itself as a major player? Cloud is another space that India has potential to grow exponentially. Many hyper-scaler companies are going to invest in India and top players are in some way established in India either directly or through collaborative partner. In fact, in the next 5-6 years we will see a huge boom of data centres where the current installed capacity of 500-600 MW data centres will have add on five times the current capacity each year. There will be projects of more than 300 MW and Delta is already in discussions with some investors. Cloud will have increasing impact on business models such as e-retail shops, banking etc. In fact, top 4-5 collo-players in all the segments including government and private is where Delta has significant presence.
Q. Please give us a brief of Delta’s vision in India?
In the last two years of the Covid pandemic we have witnessed relationships of companies- viz-customers being impacted across industries. Lockdowns and drastic curtailing of movement posed the gravest challenges compelling industries to explore innovative ways to engage with their customers. Delta promptly switched to online interactions with key accounts who readily adapted to the new mode of communication realising that it is the only way forward. A perceptible impact on the supply chain, logistics and price hike were other areas of concern. We also learnt lessons on cost saving, how to optimise procurement and plan travel strategy, and the fact that we could still function on reduced budgets i.e., without being expensive we can still deliver. Pruning superfluous expenses, which were conventionally thought to be necessary or indispensable, was another big change.
Q. What is the major factor that gives Delta an edge in the market? The biggest edge is that Delta is a strongly R&D driven organization with 6-8 percent of its global sales revenue allocated to research and product innovation. We are also the largest ODM and OEM manufacturers of critical components that go into the making of a data centre. Another advantage is our exceptionally competent team that has enriched our knowledge pool, besides the strong service network backup that we have across the country. The biggest strength, however, are our key customers, who are growing in this segment. Presently, we are focused on addressing further demands of our existing customers rather than scouting the market to fetch new clients. We have also deployed a lot of modular architecture with product offerings that are the most compact in the industry that actually allow the customers to grow as the business grows with them, that is much appreciated by our customers. We see ourselves enhancing the modularity and scalability of our pre-fabricated data centres to further enhance our business.
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Q. What are the takeaways of the Delta from the outbreak of the pandemic and how Delta has survived the challenges?
Q. What are the kind of data centres that Delta provides uniquely than other brands?
Q. As the digital interface rapidly increasing, what future holds for the data centres? Digitization followed by the 5G technology in communication will actually give a huge momentum to digitized business. India is still in 4G stage with a lot of digitization yet to happen, but the moment 5G comes into play most businesses would start adopting far more digitized models. Even as it will majorly impact the existing mega collaborative hyper data centers, 5G would move the market to edge computing, meaning every business will have to store some critical data near to the user or near to their functions. We see ourselves playing a major role in this space.
Delta caters to two kinds of segments, the traditional data centres where infrastructure needs i.e., the UPS, batteries and distribution units, which is the component portion, is provided and the other is engineered-to- order solution where we have skilled architectures in our data centres and have power containers that will be further enhanced with advent of edge computing. Once the edge computing system comes into play then pre-fabricated data centre concept will follow. Delta is gearing up to develop infrastructure to test and manufacture those in India and is in discussions with many customers who are working closely with Delta at the conceptual stage to address their respective demands. Pre-fabricated segment is something that we are already addressing in the smaller edge which is basically of one to six rack data solution centres. Delta is also working on moving from 1 MW pre-fabricated units to multiple MWs.
Mehta Cad Cam Systems Private Limited an ISO 9001:2015, Lean Sigma, and CE certificates company is in business since 1989. Constant innovation and progressive investments over years made Mehta Cad Cam one of the largest manufacturer of fiber laser, Co2 laser, CNC, and digital printing machines in India. Quality of products, customer satisfaction and after sales service are the three pillars that makes Mehta Cad Cam Systems a market leader. With our 4 state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities based at Ahmedabad and strong R&D department, we believe in creating machines that solve problems that people in various industries faces.
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Mr. ShaileSh MehTa director MehTa caD caM SySTeMS pvT. lTD

Q. What will be the industry's outlook for coming years?
Of course, our company is focusing on the international market, and our exports are also growing day by day. It definitely helps us as well as our nation to get US dollars, which is one of the major requirement for a 5 trillion-dollar economy like India. We are proud to say that we are a part of the nation's 'Atmanirbhar Bharat Mission’ and are rapidly moving towards making our machines completely indigenously.
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We at Mehta stand on the principal of providing the best quality to our customers, and we have never had and will never compromise on quality. Rather, we work on our profitability to provide the best at the most affordable price.
As you all know, Mehta Cad Cad Systems has been in business for more than three decades now. We have come so far from being an importer who imports machines and sells them to being India’s leading manufacturer of Fiber Laser, Co2 Laser, CNC, and digital printing machines in India as well as many parts of the world.
India is becoming a manufacturing hub of the world; this is also generating opportunities for various industries to grow. India, being one of the biggest markets, is now seen as the world's manufacturing hub. The world, including India, is moving towards digitalization and automation. It is a great opportunity for all Indian manufacturers to spread their wings in India and countries across the world and strengthen themselves for future opportunities and challenges. India has the capacity to satisfy the needs of the world market. Those who will capture this opportunity will definitely grow. EM
Q. As quality comes with a price, how do you balance quality with affordability?
Q. What are your plans for capacity expansion and for growing your basket of value-added products?
In order to reduce our dependency on Chinese component manufacturers, we are replacing them with Indian component manufacturers. This will provide us with a more competitive price. Moreover, we are now replacing outsourced components with our own manufactured components. This way, we are able to control quality as well as cost, making our machines more advanced at the most affordable rates.
Recently, Mehta is focusing on capacity expansion along with focusing on quality and service and has procured a land area of 40,000 sq. meters to increase the production capacity of the new growing Indian market and satisfy the growing demand for Mehta’s machines worldwide. We have a wide range of product categories; Fiber Laser, Co2 Laser, CNC, Digital Printing Machines, and each product has an equally wide range of applications.
Our research and development team has developed and is continually working to design machines according to industry specific requirements.
Q. How has Mehta Cad Cam geared up to support the government’s missions?
Q. What are the market’s challenges, particularly in terms of cost, technical advancement, and getting raw materials? Our major competitors in the line of manufacturing when it comes to the Indian market and the markets outside India are the Chinese manufacturers. At the same time, we are also dependent on China for some of our key components. There are times when it becomes difficult to compete with them in terms of price and we have to compromise on profit.
Q. Which are the most significant projects in India that currently you are working on? Our product line has many products with applications in various industries. We are working with many government organizations like space and defence organizations like ISRO, DRDO, HAL, etc. for many projects.
How is Mehta’s business shaping up in India?
As said, new innovation from time to time is the core competency of Mehta Cad Cam Systems, and we always have the intention of developing new applications and new equipment first. Here at Mehta, we always focus on innovation to increase the productivity of production for our clients. We have developed many different laser technologies for marking on various materials of cables. Also, customization for marking on different electrical components like LED bulbs, electrical sockets, MCBs, housings, chargers, etc. at higher and higher speed is always a center of innovation.
Q. Our company invest huge amount of money in advance technology in the field of Laser, CNC and Digital Printers.
Q. Which are the new technological innovation and digital efforts that Mehta Cad Cam is successfully focused on?
Our research and development department is working in each category to develop new and better products to satisfy the needs of more applications.
Q. What are your most advanced solutions to optimize the generation assets?
As stated earlier, we are India’s leading manufacturer of fiber laser marking, cutting, and cleaning machines. We specialize in online marking solutions designed for clear and fast marking on cables and electrical components. We have solution to cut all grades of MS, SS, Al, brass up to 40 mm thick. For complete automation, we also have robotic solutions. We also have fiber laser cleaning solutions.
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Automation is a reality now. There is no point resisting automation at the workplace. You as a company and as employees have to save your tomorrow and prepare for day-after tomorrow.
“The face of labour will change, and automation, adoption of robots has started making repetitive and assembly line kind of jobs redundant," he said, adding that he was working with his team to develop technology that would equip employees to improve productivity. His technology coding firm works in areas such as healthcare, aerospace and heavy engineering.Notjustthe services sector, but even manufacturing in India is adopting automation. Leading car manufacturer Maruti Suzuki India Ltd now has one robot for almost every four workers —it deploys some 5,000 robots at their Manesar and Gurgaon plants.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) said in research paper new jobs will appear, but they may require skills that workers do not possess. “These developments have
World Bank president Jim Yong Kim in October 2016 said that research based on World Bank data predicted that the proportion of jobs threatened by automation in India is 69% year-on-year. This means that in a year, seven out of 10 jobs will face the heat of automation —effectively changing the face of the labour market. World Bank predicted that 77% of Chinese employees too would face the pinch.
“But companies don’t say it in as many words while retrenching people, they take help of the appraisal season to sack workers and adopt high-level technology. It cuts their cost," she argued.
“Low- and mid-level jobs are at stake… while low=skilled junior level jobs are getting automated, the mid-level process and project management jobs are at risk too," Parimala said.
“There is a gradual adoption of robots and automation in sectors like automobiles, pharma, IT and ITES, financials…the labour force is changing and it will continue in India for the next several years. You will find demand for new skills…the workers and the management will have to change or help in the transition," said Rakhi Sehgal, a labour expert who works with unions and academia on labour Duringissues. this transition phase you will see job losses, said Parimala, an ex-IT worker from Tamil Nadu who turned to activism after she lost her job. She claimed her job loss is “not because of automation"—but she relates to the situation and has formed a forum for aggrieved IT employees in the southern state.
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But some experts believe that while some will lose jobs, more jobs will be created for well-skilled personnel and here all stakeholders —the government, companies, educational institutions and workers—has a role to play.
“When computer replaced typewriters in India, it created a multi-billion dollar industry. The automation similarly is expected to create an Rs350 billion industry. No matter what your job is, it’s likely that a machine will someday do it better. And, for many American workers, that day may come sooner than later.
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Historical Development of Automation
The technology of automation has evolved from the related field of mechanization, which had its beginnings in the Industrial Revolution. Mechanization refers to the replacement of human (or animal) power with mechanical power of some form. The driving force behind mechanization has been humankind’s propensity to create tools and mechanical devices. Some of the important historical developments in mechanization and automation leading to modern automated systems are described
raised concern that automation could cause widespread job loss, slow wage growth, and worsen income inequality in developed and developing economies alike".
Thehere.first tools made of stone represented prehistoric man’s attempts to direct his own physical strength under the control of human intelligence. Thousands of years were undoubtedly required for the development of simple mechanical devices and machines such as the wheel, the lever, and the pulley, by which the power of human muscle could be magnified. The next extension was the development of powered machines that did not require human strength to operate. Examples of these machines include waterwheels, windmills, and simple steamdriven devices. More than 2,000 years ago the Chinese developed trip-hammers powered by flowing water and waterwheels.
According to a paper published by researchers at Ball State University, roughly half of the jobs American workers perform could be automated in the near future; the study also found low-income work as the category most susceptible to automation.
While change is inevitable in the more physical professions, it’s increasingly apparent that knowledge-based jobs- those requiring some special skills or expertise -- are equally at risk. In fact, some of those positions are already being replaced.
The early Greeks experimented with simple reaction motors

of the electronic digital computer (the ENIAC [Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer] in 1946 and UNIVAC I [Universal Automatic Computer] in 1951) has permitted the control function in automation to become much more sophisticated and the associated calculations to be executed much faster than previously possible. The development of integrated circuits in the 1960s propelled a trend toward miniaturization in computer technology that has led to machines that are much smaller and less expensive than their predecessors yet are
powered by steam. The mechanical clock, representing a rather complex assembly with its own built-in power source (a weight), was developed about 1335 in Europe. Windmills, with mechanisms for automatically turning the sails, were developed during the middle Ages in Europe and the Middle East. The steam engine represented a major advance in the development of powered machines and marked the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. During the two centuries since the introduction of the Watt steam engine, powered engines and machines have been devised that obtain their energy from steam, electricity, and chemical, mechanical, and nuclear sources.
The flying-ball governor remains an elegant early example of a negative feedback control system, in which the increasing output of the system is used to decrease the activity of the system. Negative feedback is widely used as a means of automatic control to achieve a constant operating level for a system. A common example of a feedback control system is the thermostat used in modern buildings to control room temperature. In this device, a decrease in room temperature causes an electrical switch to close, thus turning on the heating unit. As room temperature rises, the switch opens and the heat supply is turned off. The thermostat can be set to turn on the heating unit at any particular set point.
Each new development in the history of powered machines has brought with it an increased requirement for control devices to harness the power of the machine. The earliest steam engines required a person to open and close the valves, first to admit steam into the piston chamber and then to exhaust it. Later a slide valve mechanism was devised to automatically accomplish these functions. The only need of the human operator was then to regulate the amount of steam that controlled the engine’s speed and power. This requirement for human attention in the operation of the steam engine was eliminated by the flying-ball governor. As the rotational speed of the shaft increased, centrifugal force caused the weighted ball to be moved outward. This motion controlled a valve that reduced the steam being fed to the engine, thus slowing the engine.
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Another important development in the history of automation was the Jacquard loom (see photograph), which demonstrated the concept of a programmable machine. About 1801 the French inventor Joseph-Marie Jacquard devised an automatic loom capable of producing complex patterns in textiles by controlling the motions of many shuttles of different coloured threads. The selection of the different patterns was determined by a program contained in steel cards in which holes were punched. These cards were the ancestors of the paper cards and tapes that control modern automatic machines. The concept of programming a machine was further developed later in the 19th century when Charles Babbage, an English mathematician, proposed a complex, mechanical “analytical engine” that could perform arithmetic and data processing. Although Babbage was never able to complete it, this device was the precursor of the modern digital computer. See computers, history of. Modern developments
A number of significant developments in various fields have occurred during the 20th century: the digital computer, improvements in data-storage technology and software to write computer programs, advances in sensor technology, and the derivation of a mathematical control theory. All these developments have contributed to progress in automation Developmenttechnology.

capable of performing calculations at much greater speeds. This trend is represented today by the microprocessor, a miniature multi-circuit device capable of performing all the logic and arithmetic functions of a large digital computer.
Artificial intelligence is an advanced field of computer science in which the computer is programmed to exhibit characteristics
Finally, there has evolved since World War II a highly advanced mathematical theory of control systems. The theory includes traditional negative feedback control, optimal control, adaptive control, and artificial intelligence. Traditional feedback control theory makes use of linear ordinary differential equations to analyze problems, as in Watt’s flying-ball governor. Although most processes are more complex than the flying-ball governor, they still obey the same laws of physics that are described by differential equations. Optimal control theory and adaptive control theory are concerned with the problem of defining an appropriate index of performance for the process of interest and then operating it in such a manner as to optimize its performance. The difference between optimal and adaptive control is that the latter must be implemented under conditions of a continuously changing and unpredictable environment; it therefore requires sensor measurements of the environment to implement the control strategy.
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Along with the advances in computer technology, there have been parallel improvements in program storage technology for containing the programming commands. Modern storage media include magnetic tapes and disks, magnetic bubble memories, optical data storage read by lasers, videodisks, and electron beam-addressable memory systems. In addition, improvements have been made in the methods of programming computers (and other programmable machines). Modern programming languages are easier to use and are more powerful in their data-processing and logic capabilities.
Advances in sensor technology have provided a vast array of measuring devices that can be used as components in automatic feedback control systems. These devices include highly sensitive electromechanical probes, scanning laser beams, electrical field techniques, and machine vision. Some of these sensor systems require computer technology for their implementation. Machine vision, for example, requires the processing of enormous amounts of data that can be accomplished only by high-speed digital computers. This technology is proving to be a versatile sensory capability for various industrial tasks, such as part identification, quality inspection, and robot guidance.

Market Overview
The Indian industrial automation market is segmented by type of solution (automated material handling solutions [conveyor/ sortation systems, automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/ RS), mobile robots (automated guided vehicles and autonomous mobile robots), and automatic identification and data capture (AIDC)] and software - warehouse management systems [WMS]/ warehouse control systems [WCS]), by factory automation solutions (industrial control systems [DCS, SCADA, PLC, and HMI], field devices [sensors and transmitters, electric AC drives, servo motors, computer numerical control (CNC) machines, inverters, and industrial robots], and software [manufacturing execution system (MES) and product lifecycle management (PLM)]), and by end user (automated material handling market [manufacturing and non-manufacturing (general merchandise, healthcare, and FMCG/non-durable goods)] and factory automation market [food and beverage, pharmaceutical, automotive, textiles, power, oil and gas, petrochemicals, and fertilizers]).
Scope of the Report
• Moreover, the adoption of e-commerce in India has brought a massive volume of business to the warehouse industry and several challenges. Delays in transportation and lack of skilled workforce, among others, drove the stakeholders to look beyond conventional approaches to adopting robotics-enabled automation systems. The warehousing industry is witnessing a quick makeover from mere brick-and-mortar shelters or godowns to highly sophisticated stockrooms. This factor makes the warehousing players regularly evaluate and adopt technology so that their organizations are thoroughly future-proofed and have the edge over the competition.
• The COVID-19 pandemic expedited and re-emphasized the need for automation worldwide. The adoption of bots for process discovery, intelligent data capture, and cloud-native bots across sectors is growing. In recent times, automation software companies reported sharp increases in their utilization rates from ~60% to 95–98%. Even in the pre-COVID-19 period, India was well placed to capitalize on the fast-growing robotic process automation (RPA) industry. There are more than 42,000 hyper intelligent automation (HIA) developers in the country, concentrated in Bengaluru (35%) and New Delhi (18%).
Industrial automation refers to utilizing control systems, including computers or robots, and information technologies to handle different processes and machinery in industry replacing human beings. Industrial automation marks the second step after mechanization in the direction of industrialization.
The Indian industrial automation market was valued at USD 10.72 billion in 2021, and it is expected to reach USD 23.09 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 14.26% over the forecast period (2022 - 2027).
• In India, the government is trying to create a conducive ecosystem for manufacturing and exporting electronics goods like TVs, closed-circuit TVs, and air conditioners with the help of the members of the Electronics and Computer Software Export Promotion Council. The manufacturing sector contributes 17% of the GDP, with the vision statement aiming to increase the share to 25% by this year-end.
|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 49 commonly associated with human intelligence. These characteristics include the capacity for learning, understanding language, reasoning, solving problems, rendering expert diagnoses, and similar mental capabilities. Developments in artificial intelligence are expected to provide robots and other “intelligent” machines with the ability to communicate with humans and to accept very high-level instructions rather than the detailed step-by-step programming statements typically required of today’s programmable machines. For example, a robot of the future endowed with artificial intelligence might be capable of accepting and executing the command “assemble the product.” Present-day industrial robots must be provided with a detailed set of instructions specifying the locations of the product’s components, the order in which they are to be assembled, and so forth.
• Further, the implementation of artificial intelligence, 5G, and 3D printing/additive manufacturing is also expected to provide more significant opportunities for market growth over the forecast period. In January 2022, Simple Energy, an India-based electric vehicle maker, partnered with the global technology leader Siemens to drive digital transformation in the electric vehicle (EV) space.
• India’s industrial automation sector has been revolutionized by combining digital and physical aspects of manufacturing to deliver optimum performance. Further, the focus on achieving zero waste production and a shorter time to reach the market has augmented the market’s growth.
• The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and the Industrial 4.0 are at the center of the new technological approaches for developing, producing, and managing the entire logistics chain, otherwise known as smart factory automation. They are dominating the trends in the industrial sector, with machinery and devices being connected via the internet.
• Automatic identification and data capture is an automated process used to identify and collect data for storage, classification, and analysis. There is no human involvement in the AIDC process, and it is generally integrated to systematically identify and track a multitude of items, inventory, tools, assets, and even workers. AIDC has been utilized for years in the form of barcode labels and barcode reader technologies in the warehouse sector of India. Some of the system's technologies are barcodes, RFID, biometrics, optical character recognition, magnetic strips, smartcards, and speech recognition.
The hardware comprises conveyor/sortation systems, mobile robots, automated storage and retrieval systems, and others. The software solutions include warehouse management systems or warehouse control systems, contributing to active management of inventory and warehouse maintenance.
• Furthermore, companies use automated automotive assembly lines to manufacture components such as motors, gearboxes, fuel systems, and pumps. Robotics and vision are best suited for creating ergonomic and efficient product lines that protect the human workforce from hazardous conditions while completing assembly quickly. Hence, the safety factor is also driving the automation in India's automotive industry.
• The Automotive Industry has the Fastest Growth in the Market
Moving inventory from long-term storage to forward picking locations ensures that adequate inventory is accessible to pickers, making the order picking process more efficient.
• Various industries in the Indian market are installing different conveyor systems to ease the processes and reduce manual operations. For instance, in November 2021, the Minister of Energy Department of Maharashtra, Nitin Raut, launched a 6-kilometer-long pipe conveyor system to transport coal from the Bhatalicoal mine to Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station (CSTPS). It is an INR 200 crore project with a coal-carrying capacity of 6,000 metric ton per day.
• The growing trend toward automation encouraged various market players to develop new and advanced automated storage and retrieval systems (AS/RS). For instance, in November 2021, Honeywell International Inc. launched a new AS/RS system that uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to allow warehouse and distribution center operators to keep up with the e-commerce growth. According to the company, the new system can help manage over 20,000 SKUs and increase throughput by 40%.
• The automotive industry is one of the prominent sectors to hold a significant worldwide automated manufacturing facility. It is worth noting that the production facilities of various automakers are automated to maintain accuracy and efficiency. Moreover, the growing trend of replacing conventional vehicles with EVs is expected to augment the automotive industry's demand further.
• The Indian manufacturing industry is constantly inviting newer robotics applications in its processes. For instance, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) offer secure, error-free delivery, short time to market, reduced costs, and end-to-end trackability. Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) differ from AGVs by their degree of autonomy. Robotics for distribution centers (DCs), such as AMRs and collaborative picking arms, are proliferating.
• An industry report by ASDC (Automotive Skill Development Council) 'Human Resource and Skills Requirements in the Automotive Sector (2026)' estimated that by 2026, 45.08 million people would be employed in the automotive sector of India. The current automotive workforce must be re-skilled and upgraded to meet future demand while being ready for the future. As legacy roles fade, new skills are required to be in automotive design, robotics, IoT,
• GST application forced the companies to consolidate their warehouses for tax benefits and business efficiency. This encouraged industries to deploy mobile automated vehicles (AGVs). AGVs are also used in outbound and inbound handling for replenishment and picking. For instance, AGVs transport inventory components from source to storage locations or from long-term storage locations to forward picking locations to replenish stocks.
• Warehouse management systems (WMS) vendors are working with end users to democratize automation further. The market is seeing even more creative financing opportunities increase for companies looking to infuse new technology into their warehouses. WMS vendors that sell automated equipment systems are now working more closely with their end users to help make it more affordable for a wider swath of customers.
50 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR Key Market Trends
Automated Material Handling Solutions are set to drive the Market in the Country Automated material handling solutions refer to the automated transport of materials or commodities within a manufacturing unit. This defines the manufacturing timeline and expenses for the manufacturing industry. The automated material handling solutions can be implemented through hardware and software.
The Indian industrial automation market is competitive due to multiple players, such as BHEL, ABB Limited, Grey Orange Pte Ltd, Kardex India Storage Solutions Pvt. Ltd, Mitsubishi Electric, and more. Players adopt strategies such as product innovations, partnerships, mergers, and acquisitions to increase their market shares and recyclability, further driving the market.
• April 2022 -Mitsubishi Electric launched a new campaign to highlight how the company is addressing India’s social challenges in the industry, infrastructure, life, and mobility. According to the firm, the first phase of the campaign will consist of two digital films of 120 seconds each created on the themes of infrastructure and industry, which will be launched and promoted in stages via digital media.
Competitive Landscape
|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 51 AI, mechatronics, 3D printing, machine learning, virtual collaboration, analytics, and computational thinking. This also increased the need for automation in the automotive sector in India.
• Several players are introducing new product lines and, to cater to that, are upgrading their production facilities. For instance, the Indian mobility solution provider Ola planned to utilize ABB's automation solutions in its factory's major manufacturing process lines, including its welding and painting lines. At the same time, the ABB robots would be deployed extensively for the motor and battery assembly lines. These include ABB's IRB 5500 paint and IRB 2600 Integrated Dressing robots in the company's painting and welding lines and IRB 6700 robots for assembly and material handling in the motor and battery assembly areas.
• March 2022 - H&M leveraged robotic fulfillment systems from warehouse automation provider GreyOrange. H&M based its selection of GreyOrangebased on previous successful implementations of its warehouse automation technology at other companies, resulting in continuously higher performance and greater efficiencies. In its warehouses, H&M leverages GreyOrangerobots to perform various tasks.
• April 2022 - Emerson Electric Company updated its machinery health platform to enable customers to migrate to the modern interface for conditioning monitoring. The company continuously evolves AMS Machine Works condition monitoring technologies for superior diagnostics at the industrial edge. AMS Asset Monitor provides automatic analytics utilizing patented PeakVue Technology for alerts.
• January 2022 - Fuji Electric Co. Ltd announced the establishment of a Plant Systems Center at its Tokyo Factory to strengthen plant system development and production system to expand the systems business. The new facility accounts for a total floor area of 13,030meter square.
Recent Developments
• April 2022 - Marico established a world-class production facility in Gujarat to increase the production capacity of cosmetic goods like hair oils, gels, and moisturizers. It had to ensure that the top node’s inventory was at its highest productivity. It collaborated with AddverbAdd to understand the manufacturing requirements and conducted substantial data mining with production and inventory data. The advanced material handling automation solutions consisting of ASRS, Mother-Child Shuttle system, Interflyingpacking, and others from Add helped. The company executed the integration of all these with the existing SAP and EWM.

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With growing urbanization, energy saving journey involves connecting light with the application; application with time & time with the user. There is a growing demand for better control of energy, reduced light pollution & wider compatibility with diverse digital systems. This can only be achieved when you understand the wider application. Globally, there is a trend to use LED & white light that is enabling us to both lower the energy required for lighting & lower the required lighting level. Research demonstrates that we simply see more efficiently in whiter light than under conventional light sources. This combined with LED challenges us to control&dim our street lighting, setting light in the right place & quantity, using Thorn systems/ by integrating your preferred controls. Changes in technology & legislation help us to support you with your carbon reduction targets, to control obtrusive light & to reduce energy, all moving you towards achieving tough environmental standards. Switching off is no longer your only choice, dimming positively impacts energy usage & keeps our roadsv & streets safe for all.Anothernotable trend is within outdoor lighting controls. Today, LED means controls are easily accessible to all, either by local presence detection, part night dimming, linked groups of fittings responding to a wider influence/ through digitally connected cities. The ability to interact with lighting, use data to fine tune the energy & performance profiles is enabling municipalities to react to the needs of the population, to lengthen the life of an installation & to plan for the future. Lighting more than ever can be efficient, respect our need for dark & yet stimulate a truly smart city. To achieve all these aims takes a team working with & that has experience, practice & a heritage of great projects.
The optical system of an outdoor luminaire has to be designed to satisfy a number of criteria. The main factors are the type of light distribution required & the choice of light source. Previously the main light sources were traditionally sodium, mercury, ceramic metal halide-based discharge&even CFL but these are now surpassed by LED. Size of light source influences the options open to the designer. The shape of CFL dictates a longer, narrower lantern with little scope for varying the light distribution in the plane of the lamp axis; compact metal halide lamps enable increased choices through moving lamp within reflector. LEDs because of their size&directionality grants themselves to a greater variety of optical arrangements resulting in distributions with excellent control. Thus, modern optical designs, materials&techniques can deliver more controlled light distributions&maximize performance. An intelligent electronic
LED LIGHTING: Overview & New trends
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Today’s LED luminaires are not limited by the traditional design constraints&with the use of digital technology enable the lighting to be adapted to suit the needs of the user.
Utilizing either power line/ radio frequency data transmission, it allows control of all the light points of a road network from a centralized/ decentralized point. CMS functions best with lamps optimized for use with digitally controlled electronic ballasts&LED drivers. Some of the benefits are:a facility to dim/ turn off luminaires at specific times based on pedestrian&traffic flows; Energy use optimization; Flexibility to incident adaptability; Monitor & report failures&streamline maintenance programs, CMS is a basic step in creating intelligent roads as it can integrate with renewable energy & smart grids.
LED can last longer compared to other conventional light sources with correct thermal management. When combined with lighting controls that dim&provide feedback as well as the longer life of LED light sources, impact on maintenance demands&costs can be notable, lessens the need for night-time scouting,&lessens need to change lamps. Lighting design software’s, helps calculate savings quickly&assess the life cycle cost of a project.Emphasis on sustainable practices is required, such as designing products to last longer, to use materials that can be recycled&easily dismantled at the end of life,&to minimize the use of toxic materials & packaging.
Comfort Lighting to suit modern transport routes is not just about delivering optimum levels of light for effective performance&energy saving. The right light can generate feelings of safety, reduce stress, increase focus&orientation, improve confidence&provide reassurance.
All outdoor lighting applications require a control mechanism to enhance energy savings&comfort levels. The most basic is provided by photocells/ time-controlled switches. The swift run-up times of modern light sources enables the user to trim annual burning hours. Many luminaires are now available with integral bi-power switches, a flexible device used in conjunction with the power reduction facilities offered by electronic ballasts&LED drivers. Bi-power enables light source power to be varied by switching between power levels controlled by a dedicated control line/ standalone device within the luminaire, /by mains bourne digital signals. Simplicity with which LED can respond to changes in power underlines their suitability to this form of control. A central management system (CMS) offers a different dimension.
Efficiency A luminaire design, including optics,&the right light source&gear combination, have a direct impact on energy consumption&maintenance costs. Miniature metal halide&LEDs in particular are sources renowned for high quality optical performance with low energy consumption in many applications. Electronic ballasts with high frequency possess the operational edge of better lamp efficacy&life, lowered energy consumption, with capacity for dimming/ power reduction&automatic control, in a lightweight one-piece housing. To maximize energy efficiency,LED drivers can take advantage of flexible drive currents. Used to their full potential in well-designed luminaires these technologies can achieve energy savings in excess of 80% on refurbishment projects. In addition, the S/P ratio properties of these white light sources enable lighting levels to be lowered in certain applications&countries, such as residential areas, thus saving further energy&emissions.
driver is required that dims pairs of LEDs in relation to each other&as a result tunes the light distribution of the lantern to the specific road conditions. The greater use of luminaires with “white light” sources (LED, metal halide&compact fluorescent) enhances visual performance due to the output spectrum being more suited to the eyes’ own response at low levels of illumination. It allows equivalent recognition at lower light levels.
Outdoor Lighting Controls

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 55 The new AGC 150 Hybrid controller features all the necessary functions for protection and control of a hybrid installation with PV and genset and can be used as a single unit for PV and up to 2 gensets for synchronising projects, in island or parallel to the mains modes. Read more about AGC 150 Hybrid www.deif.com/products/agc-150-hybrid AGC 150 HYBRID New hybrid controller from DEIF DEIF India Pvt. Ltd. 602, 6th Floor Town Center – II, Andheri Kurla Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai – 400 059 www.deif.com - india@deif.in - Ph.: +91 22 42452000 • Minimum Genset load requirement • Mains Power export / zero export control • Genset control (AVR & GOV, ECU Comm) Looking to get your Genset PV compatible or looking for an intelligent control for your small PV power plant? It’s just do easy with DEIF AGC 150 Hybrid controller. • PV Power Control • Maximising PV Penetration AGC 150 ad india 285x220.indd 1 19-05-2022 13:46:35

Road lighting should aidits user to travel to their destination safely&securely at high speed, dependant on the prevailing weather&traffic conditions. Any object at the road edge must be seen without excessive&obtrusive light encroaching on the immediate surroundings. It is of prime to select an energy efficient, easy to install&maintain luminaire&light source combination. The goal is to meet regulations&standards, that specify light levels with correct uniformity&glare control, relevant to the conditions&geography.
The Luminaires should offer a choice of body size, shallow/ flat glass enclosures, R-PEC LED optics, post-top/ side entry&numerous light sources&control options. This means that the luminaire must provide the best performance regardless of the road layout. Outcome is less spill-light away the road surface with better uniformity&savings in initial expenditure, less energy per meter of road&reduced future maintenance costs. Highways&motorways are designed for high speeds (>60km/h) where no pedestrians, cyclists/ slow vehicles are involved. There are no intersections&access is controlled.Traditional mounting heights are above 12m to correctly light a twin carriageway with 3/ 4 lanes, plus a hard shoulder at either side. Twin-arm brackets should be considered to optimize performance. Though conventionally, columns have been installed in a central reservation, an opposite installation with columns behind the hard shoulder can simplify maintenance operations&reduce traffic disruption. Glare is a major concern&an optimally designed optic and/or the use of flat glass enclosures are necessary. Luminaires mounted on column oughtbediscovered to reduceimpact risk, give visual guidance of the route ahead, for instance curves, junctions&other hazards, yet blend effortlessly with the surrounding landscape.
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Minor Roads A mix of traffic will be found on minor roads including: motor vehicles, cyclists&pedestrians, all of which should be moving at a slower pace. The lighting levels are generally set at lower levels than for major roads as road users should be more attentive&have a longer time to react. The requirements of pedestrians, who need to see&be seen, particularly at intersections&crossings, now becomelightingled
The essential difference between the lighting requirements for high speed roads&main roads is determined by the element of speed&the type of road users. Main roads have a wider variety of road users, increasing the need for visual clarity. Lighting is provided for reasons of safety, to aid navigation&orientation of the user on the road, albeit at a more moderate speed. Roads may not be separated by a central reservation.
Consideration also needs to be given to cost efficiency in terms of installation, energy use&maintenance through life and, from the perspective of the driver, the perception of safety through the correct levels of light, uniformity&low glare. Using highly engineered heat sinks integrated into the canopy&combinations of LED optics superior optical performance can be delivered for lighting classes up to ME3a, while providing comfort through good glare control as well as energy efficiency&maintenance cost savings. In most cases it is unsafe to simply switch off the lighting, unless there are times when the roads are completely empty. What is required is from full central control to group dimming,&individual mini-photocell&bipower options to ensure optimum energy management, which is rightly the major aim after safety. The main use of main roads is for vehicles at high speed (>60km/h) but pedestrians, cyclists/ slow vehicles may also be present on footpaths, cycle paths&slow lanes. Intersections can be present&need special attention. A common installation will use columns at around 8-12m high&in an opposite/ twin central configuration. Installations always need to be related to the road layout, the number of lanes involved&the lighting criteria. Catenary mounted solutions, where luminaires are mounted over the centre of the road, are popular options in some countries, especially in urban environments. Reducing the number of lighting columns should be balanced with the visual effect of additional suspension wires in architecturally sensitive areas.As for controls the use of dimming, suited in reaction speed to fast moving vehicles&also to smaller slower pedestrians, will either dim automatically when it is known there are less users, / will react directly to traffic density, time of day & daylight.
Main Roads

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vitally important&light will need to extend from the road across to cycle paths&footpaths. A good vertical element to the lighting distribution will help with facial recognition, reducing the fear of crime but also allowing drivers to read body language with another road users&predict what they are likely to do. White light is preferable, but use of high color temperatures should be avoided.
Residential Roads Generally residential roads should be lit with light levels&color rendering that enhances the neighborhood&encourages people to go out at night without the fear of crime. Luminaires should have a good spacing window to allow for the considerable number of junctions/ obstacles to column positioning. They should be easy to install, maintain&be resistant to potential vandalism. The luminaires should be energy efficient&reliable in function with lighting controls monitoring their performance,&when necessary bringing failures to the attention of maintenance teams. Care should be taken to ensure light nuisance is not caused to residential properties, but be aware some residents may be used to light spill providing access&security lighting to their dwelling. Luminaires that accept light guillotines may be necessary where the terrain will cause light through windows. These roads are normally used by low speed mixed traffic where parked vehicles are common&column heights of 6m/ less are frequently chosen. Single sided layouts may be used to reduce installation costs although layouts may vary due to multiple access points to private car parks/ properties. It is more common to light from back of path, allowing free movement to pedestrians, etc. The use of staggered layouts is common when parking lanes&wide footpaths are present. In applications where crime ratios are high&facial recognition is required, vertical&semicylindrical illuminance classes should be applied&the use of good color rendering lamps to improve perception is recommended. Low glare lanterns should be considered to reduce light trespass onto adjacent residential housing. Vandal&impact resistant luminaires may be required. Lanterns can be themed/ styled to suit the neighborhood road&architectural layout. Lighting controls should dim slowly&avoid nuisance switching.
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Remember that minor roads may sit within urban environments&light spill behind the luminaire should be limited to those surfaces required by the standards with less onto surrounding property. Where these roads pass though rural zones they may remain unlit except for safety. In this case linked detection&controls systems can be used to detect oncoming traffic&maximize energy saving while preserving darkness when the road is empty.Minor roads are normally medium to low speed roads with a large number of slow vehicles&pedestrians. Intersections are common. Regional roads&urban roads are mainly part of this group as well as commercial streets. Columns 6-8m high are commonly used in a single sided/ staggered layout, although in some commercial streets with wide footpaths an additional column&luminaire may be used to achieve high quality lighting&differentiate areas. Visual comfort is achieved with good uniformity, low glare&lamps with good color rendering which will promote a feeling of safety, particularly for pedestrians.
The luminaires&support systems, which must be carefully located to minimize potential impact, should be in harmony with their surroundings. This will include the impact of dimming/ switching of luminaires on surrounding domestic premises&their occupants.
Pedestrian Crossings
It is important to ensure that all pedestrian crossings are lit to provide a safe route to users across all traffic routes, whether they are routes with heavy volumes of traffic, / relatively rural areas where traffic density is much lower. Specific lighting is recommended to the crossing zone&pedestrian routes leading to the crossing as well as warning signals appropriate to the type of crossing. Lighting levels should generally be increased compared to those of the approach road. Dimming/ switching the crossing lighting may be inappropriate. Pedestrian crossings must be as safe in the dark as during the daytime. Safety can be provided by the use of additional signaling&the use of a separate lighting system. Lanterns are normally mounted between 5-6m&require an asymmetric light distribution spreading light from the direction of the approaching traffic over the marked crossing&surrounding area without leaving areas of shadow&dazzling drivers. Care should be taken where traffic can approach from multiple directions. Vertical illuminance should be generous – highlighting pedestrians on&around the crossing. By positioning lighting columns at a distance of 0.5-1.0 times the mounting height from each side of the pedestrian crossing, good positive contrast is achieved in the zone. This will help motorists quickly see pedestrians. Light sources with a different color temperature to the general road lighting will create additional alertness/ signaling effects.
The application performance, energy management&glare control requirements will all help in luminaire&controls selection&the aesthetic may have to tie into the surrounding architectural style&feel.

Car Parks
Roundabouts At roundabouts vehicles converge from many directions. Lighting therefore has to increase awareness&provide guidance to drivers, cyclists&motorcyclists in relation to the geometry of the area&the position of oncoming users. Strategic positioning of luminaires will increase visual guidance as well as safety&highlight upcoming changes in road layout in time for traffic to slow down&navigate the turns safely. Positioning&height should minimize glare, whilst an increase in lighting level, mounting height, a change in light source/ color temperature, can aid early awareness of a change in road layout. The highest applicable CE class should be used on roundabouts, based upon the highest class of the incoming roads. Access&exit lanes should be highlighted, including a short section of these lanes away from the roundabout. This is to ensure that any obstacles&approaching vehicles are visible. A common technique is to place columns&luminaires around the outside of the roundabout, at spacing no greater to that used for the approaches. Columns can also give guidance to the geometry of the area. For instance, different heights of columns&increased light levels can provide advanced notice for those approaching the area. Lanterns should be easy to install, maintain&clean. They should also be well sealed to maximize their effective life.
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Bridges Bridge lighting may impact the surrounding area/ traffic underneath the bridge widely, depending on what the bridge crosses. The lighting should highlight the direction&form of the bridge&clearly identify the limits of width/ any height restrictions. Where the bridge is historical in nature care should be taken to choose a sympathetically designed lantern, but this should still contain a light source&optics suited to the road deck&traffic type. Particular problems may be encountered with wind loading&the strength of the mounting positions. This coupled with often increased risk for maintenance workers may call for low mounted solutions to be used, typically at less than 0.8m above the deck level to avoid glare to drivers. Entrance roads leading to the bridge itself should be lit accordingly for some distance to enable drivers to see any hazards/ restrictions&safely navigate across. Where pedestrian access is mixed with vehicles, care should be taken to light the pathway but also to provide sufficient light to head height for drivers to predict movement onto/ across the road.The main objective is to provide a safe environment for traffic and/or pedestrians. At the design stage consideration should be given to the structure of the bridge&the surrounding area, especially landscaped features, approach routes&the proximity of other forms of transport. As the lighting equipment should be sympathetic to the structure the designer needs to consider the common viewing directions before selecting the most suitable system: columns, floodlighting, catenary/ low-level lighting. It is also important to recognize that lighting not only illuminates the task, but can contribute aesthetically. Color should be used with care, but can be effective. Luminaires should be suitable for the environmental conditions as well as the maintenance programmes employed&should be positioned to ease maintenance access. Fixing positions&environmental impact are also important considerations. Occasionally additional navigation&air obstruction lights are required. Lighting of the bridge should connect aesthetically with the surrounding area.
In terms of lighting design, car parks present a particularly challenging brief – finding the acceptable balance between safety issues, security, reduced energy consumption&obtrusive light. White light is generally preferred&specified by many safer car parking schemes. Care should be taken to provide lighting at an appropriate height&spacing to enable drivers to safely navigate congested routes/ tightly parked vehicles,&at the same time avoid glare. Lighting should be chosen carefully to work with CCTV&other security systems, to minimize dark areas, especially when obstructed by vehicles. It should highlight areas with particular driving hazards/ provide vertical emphasis, for example entrance areas, ramps, ticket machine&emergency exit routes. Particular care should be taken over obtrusive light where car parks are multi-storey/ in sensitive environmental zones. Lighting levels should be suited to vehicles as well as pedestrians&may need to be increased in areas designed for the disabled.The speed&direction of the movement of users within the space is an important consideration. A common approach is to use 6-12m lighting columns, either on the edge of the car park/ centrally mounted to provide a good level of horizontal&vertical illuminance at ground level. Care must be taken to avoid spill light onto adjacent housing/ transportation routes. Supplementary lighting at entrance barriers&exits can help aid color&perception. All lighting equipment should be IP&IK rated for environmental conditions&vandal resistance. Units should also utilize lighting controls to conserve energy. Mounting&maintenance access should be carefully considered where parking is multi-storey.

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Recent media reports suggest that Mumbai-headquartered Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd, T&D space, was keen on selling all its power transmission concessions. This development is in line with the trend, observed over the past two-three years, where developers are seen divesting stake in their power transmission assets. According to reports, Sekura Energy and CLP India are in independent discussions to acquire all the four power transmission assets of Kalpataru Power Transmission Ltd (KTPL). Sekura Energy is promoted by Edelweiss Infrastructure while CLP India is backed by Canadian pension fund CPDQ. The total investment involved is likely to be in the region of Rs. 3,200 crore, including Rs. 349 crore of equity. KTPL owns four transmission lines— two (Haryana and Madhya Pradesh) in operation and two (West Bengal and Bihar) are under construction. In Jhajjar KT Transco Ltd (See Box: Kalpataru Power:
In the traditional grid, the generation was centralized to large power plants such as coal, nuclear, and hydroelectric. With the advancement of technology, renewable energy resources such as wind, solar, and biomass are becoming more popular and widespread. Renewable energy resources are small in capacity compared to coal and nuclear plants but are spread in the transmission and distribution system and located closer to the load centers. The transmission system is used to transfer electrical energy from generation to load centers. This system consists of transmission lines and the substations with transformers and other components used to maintain the voltages as well as the active and reactive power flow. Transmission lines are characterized based on their line resistance, inductance, and shunt capacitance. The power flow analysis is used to analyze the active and reactive power flow in the power system from generation to load centers. This article discusses different types of generation in the power system. Transmission line characteristics and power flow analysis techniques are also presented with the different technologies used for reactive power control.
Electric power network is an interconnection of generation, transmission, and distribution systems.
Consolidation Phase for Private Power Transmission

Core EPC business Although Kalpataru Power officials were unavailable for comment, it strongly appears that the rationale behind the proposed sell-off was the company’s decision to stick to its core business of EPC contracting—not just in India but abroad as well. Cementing this proposition is the fact that in late March 2019, KTPL signed a definitive agreement to acquire 85 per cent equity stake in Linjemontage I Grastorp AB (LMG) for an enterprise value of $24 million. LMG is an EPC firm headquartered in Grastrop, Sweden. It specializes in power supply solutions and services for electricity networks within the voltage range of 0.4-400kV. LMG has an active presence in Sweden and Norway, and this acquisition will help KPTL to gain footprint in other Nordic countries like Finland and Denmark, as well as Western Europe. Selling power transmission assets to focus on core EPC business was also seen in the case of KEC International. In November 2018, the Mumbai-headquartered company signed a purchase agreement with Adani Transmission Ltd for selling its entire stake in KEC Bikaner Sikar Transmission Pvt Ltd (KBSTPL) at an enterprise value of around Rs.227.50 crore. KBSTPL owns an operational 400kV double-circuit transmission line of 344 ckm, running from Bikaner to Sikar, in Rajasthan, operational since December 2017. This sale was in line with KEC’s strategy to focus on its core EPC business.
While the aforementioned cases of KEC International and Kalpataru Power represent cases of sticking to core EPC business, selling of power transmission assets was seen for very different reasons also. For instance, there are at least two instances where infrastructure developers were seen exiting the power transmission space, so as to maintain their focus on other segments.
Assets under operation, at the end of the story), KPTL has a 51 per cent equity stake while in Kalpataru Satpura Transco Pvt Ltd, it owns 100 per equity.
In October 2018, Sekura Energy Ltd agreed to acquire two operating power transmission schemes owned by Essel Infra projects Ltd, the infrastructure arm of the Essel Group. The two assets are Darbhanga-Motihari Transmission Ltd and NRSS XXXI (B) Transmission Ltd. Sekura is also set to acquire Warora-Kurnool Transmission Ltd and NRSS XXXVI Transmission Ltd—the two under-construction assets. The stake in the two will be acquired post commissioning. According to a recent report by CEA, the NRSS XXXI (B) scheme and the Warora-Kurnool project are likely to be commissioned by December 2019. The total deal is estimated to be worth around Rs. 6,000 crore. According to reliable information, two transmission schemes (names unknown) of Essel have been acquired so far by Sekura Energy. Essel Group, according to reliable media reports, is facing financial difficulties and has planned to divest its assets in the fields of power transmission, renewable energy and roads.
KTPL has also won two interregional power transmission projects awarded under the tariff-based competitive bidding (TBCB) route. Both these projects are under construction. The first is Alipurduar Transmission Ltd that is building infrastructure to transfer power from Alipurduar in West Bengal to the Eastern Region Grid. This line is associated with importing electricity from upcoming hydropower projects in Bhutan, which are being developed with assistance from India. The second project, under construction, is Kohima-Mairani Transmission Ltd. This Rs.653-crore project involves strengthening of the 400kV network in the northeastern region. The anticipated project completion date is July 2020.
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Business Restructuring
Commenting on the development then, Vimal Kejriwal, MD & CEO, KEC International Ltd had noted, “We are happy to inform that in line with our strategy of being an asset light company focused on providing turnkey services to infrastructure sector, we have decided to sell our holding in KEC Bikaner Sikar Transmission Private Ltd to Adani Transmission Ltd.”

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Report by Crisil has rated the power T/R sector as the most attractive for infra ’invest’ in India. The success of inter-state T/R system PPP projects on the tariff-based competitive bidding model is testimony to the stoutness of the PPP model of the sector. In some cases, tariffs have reduced by 30%&project execution time by 40%. Besides, the Revised Tariff Policy of 2016 has suggested the competitive bidding model for intrastate projects. A big measure of success for the T/R grid is the formation of intra-state n/w’s that will bring electricity closer to the consumer.
GMR Group, over the years, has been divesting some of its assets in the power generation and transmission space, with a view to focusing on other businesses—principally airports. During 2014, GMR Energy had developed two transmission projects in Rajasthan State of India during FY 2014 awarded on a BOOM basis by Rajasthan Rajya Vidyut Prasaran Nigam Ltd, the state transmission utility. The first project, Maru Transmission Services Ltd, involved a 270-km network comprising 400kV and 220kV lines apart from associated substations. This system was commissioned in October 2013. The other project, Aravali Transmission Services Ltd, involving mainly the 400kV single-circuit Hinduan-Alwar transmission line (85 km) was commissioned in July 2014. Adani Transmission Ltd, part of the Adani Group, has since acquired controlling stake in these two projects.
A good time for T&D sector
The Indian economy is observing signs of restitution & so is the power sector. A shift in the GoI’s focus to reinforce the power T&D system opens profuse opportunities for the transformer market too. GoI is encouraging investments at the T&D level to boost access to reliable & continuous power supply through schemes such as DDUGJY which scheme aims to provide power for every village & hence provide power to all. This necessitates huge investments in the T&D sector including use of energy efficient transformers, besides renovation, modernization, restructuring, & upgradation of the sub-T&D infra. Major manufacturers have geared up their manufacturing facilities to meet the surge in demand. Bureau of Indian Standard & MoP are keenly working to ensure that quality products are procured by the electricity boards & have consequently fixed mandatory Level-II rating for DTs for DDUGJY scheme. As power is one of the most essential components of infrastructure vital for the economic growth, the existence & development of sufficient infrastructure is important for continual growth of the Indian economy. GoI has foreseen an invest’ plan of ` 2.6 lakh Cr. in T/R sector during the FY’17-22, of which estimated ` 1.3 lakh Cr. has been allocated for intra-state T/R capacity. Apart from this government focus is on railway electrification & providing last mile connectivity & electrifying villages so that it can accomplish the set target. Few years since, Indian power T&D sector has observed rise in activities, with government pushing programs such as electrifying villages, railway electrification & enhanced public pvt’ participation & electricity for all by 2019.GoI has introduced policy reforms to boost pvt’ participation that has activated a fresh thrust for buying & sales of transmission (T/R) assets. CoS having core business in EPC or power generation & won electric T/R projects are now ready to monetize such assets to follow new projects. Invest’ firms have also revealed interest & adding to this, there are some CoS, with core business in renewable, now eying T&D assets. With a huge buyer interest from T/R CoS & yield-based invest’ firms, industry experts say it may be a good time for T&D sector. Financial health of the discoms has enhanced due to lower T&D losses, tariff hikes & cost rationalization. Traditionally known to be the weakest link in the energy value chain, the hinge of discoms is also being driven by volume growth. Discoms have also gained from healthy tariff hikes allowed in most states b/w 2011-12&2015-16 apart from cost rationalization initiatives. Electricity regulator had lowered the incentive income available to thermal generators for the period b/w 2013-14&2018-19, which resulted in a dip in per unit costs. GoI also worked on coal linkage rationalization, which has led to lowering of fuel cost for some plants. Mode of development of T/R projects is as important as planning for the expansion of the future grid.

590,791 villages (98.8%) in India have been electrified. Free electricity connections provided to 2.5 Cr. BPL households (Out of total 4.27 Cr. connections sanctioned).
PSDF: To be utilized for the projects proposed by state utilities to create necessary T/R systems of strategic importance. Install shunt capacitors for improvement of voltage profile. Install standard& special protection schemes. Renovate & modernize T&D systems for relieving congestion, etc.
Green Energy corridors: Launched by the GoI in 2013; envisages grid connected n/w for the T/R of RE produced from various RE projects. Involves construction of the inter-state T/Rn/w for connecting 43 GW of RE capacity under Green Corridor-I. Green Corridors-II Program involves connectivity for 20 GW solar parks in different states including AP, MP, KA, RJ & GJ. Total expected invest’: ` 43,000 Cr’s in intra & inter-state T/R systems.
DSM & Energy efficiency: There is sig’ push for increased adoption of energy efficient products through schemes, directives/ regulations & policies. National LED program was launched on 5 Jan’15. DELP &SLNP have been initiated through which household lighting & street are being replaced with LEDs. Over 18.5 lakh LED tube lights distributed as of May’17. Over 20 lakh LED street lights installed under SLNP as of May’17.
Fuel supply: Coal usage flexibility / coal swapping from inefficient plants to efficient plants. Rationalization of coal linkages to optimize transportation cost & materialization of coal at thermal power plants. Introduction of a new & more Transparent Coal Allocation Policy for Power Sector, 2017 – SHAKTI scheme. GoI targets to produce 1 BT of domestic coal by 2019-20. 24x7 Power for ALL: Joint initiative by the GoI& the state governments, aiming to achieve 24x7 availability of reliable power to all households, industrial, commercial & all other electricity consuming entities by the end of FY’19. Preparation of state specific action plans for24x7 Power for All covering adequacy of generation, T/R capacity & distribution system. 24x7 Power for All documents have been signed for 35 States/UTs. All states have been onboarded. Total generation capacity by 2019: 389 GW. Total invest’ in system strengthening: ` 3,15,582 Cr’s. No of household to be provided access: 60.5 mn.
Power Sector – Government Initiatives
UDAY: MoP, GoI launched Ujwal DISCOM Assurance Yojana which was approved by the Union Cabinet on 5 Nov’15. Under UDAY schemes states will take over 75% of the DISCOM debt as on 30 Sep’15 (50% in FY’16&25% in FY’17), to give a fresh opportunity to debt trapped DISCOMS to transform. Till date, 32 states & UTs have joined this scheme for financial & operational turnaround. About 97% of total outstanding debt of all state Discoms has been covered under this scheme, paving the way for financial turnaround. Financial Turnaround of DISCOMs Operational improvement; Reduction in cost of generation of power; Development of RE; Energy efficiency & Conservation. IPDS: Aims at providing quality & reliable power to urban households. Financial assistance to strengthen urban infrastructure including sub-T & Dn/w’s in urban areas & metering of DTs/ feeders/ consumers. IT enablement of distribution sector & strengthening of distribution n/w component has been subsumed under IPDS. Projects worth ` 24,836 Cr. have been sanctioned for 3486 towns. Total outlay of ` 32,612 Cr. aimed at ensuring 24X7 powers for all.
SAUBHAGYA: Launched by the MoP to achieve universal household’s electrification by providing last mile connectivity & electricity connections to all households in rural & urban areas. Solar photovoltaic based standalone systems to be provided for remote &inaccessible villages. Total cost of ` 16,320 Cr’s including Gross Budgetary support of ` 12,320 Cr’s from the GoI.
Smart Grids / Automation: NSGM established for planning & monitoring of implementation of smart grid related activities.
DDUGJY: Launched in Dec’14 with a goal to provide continuous supply of electricity to rural India. Key areas include separation of agriculture& non-agriculture feeders, strengthening & augmentation of sub-T&D infrastructure including metering at DTs, feeders & consumers & rural household electrification.
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Transparency & Monitoring initiatives: GARV (Rural Electrification) App: Provides updates related to the electrification of villages & households in India. Ujala App: Provides real-time updates on the LED distribution. Vidyut Pravah: Gives real-time information on electricity price & availability. URJA App: Helps enhance consumer connect by showing DISCOM's performance in cities & gives data of the IPDS. TARANG (T/R System Monitoring) App: To monitor the progress of T/R System in India. UDAY: Gives the progress of the UDAY yojana. Urja Mitra APP: Enables consumers to access real time & historic outage information for DISCOMs. DEEP: e-Portal for short & medium-term power procurement through transparent bidding & e-reverse auction.
Provides capital subsidy support to larger implementation projects; 4 projects at bidding stage, 20+DPR shave been received for approval. Inclusion of Smart Grid / Smart Metering investments in IPDS, UDAY, other schemes & mandates of GoI are accelerating early adoption of new tech solutions.
Outlook 2025 Power transmission is an integral part of the power sector and is as vital as power generation; there is no value for generating power until the power reaches to the destination for final consumer. The huge amount of power generated in power station is to be transported over a long distance to the load centers to cater to the consumers with the help of transmission lines and transmission towers. Though India has adequate power generation capacity, it has a substantial proportion of population having limited access to electricity mostly because of lack of proper transmission infrastructure. In order to achieve target of affordable electricity for all by 2019 or even by 2022, India serious needs to have robust power transmission network. Evacuating power safely was the main focus of India's power transmission sector during the initial years. But as the need for electrification of more areas were realized for economic growth, the role of transmission sector changed a lot. As with the changing scenario, the transmission sector started to move towards integrated system planning because generation capacities are distributed unevenly in different regions. While thermal capacity is in the coal rich eastern region, hydro capacity is concentrated in the hilly regions of North and North-Eastern regions while renewable sources like wind or solar are concentrated in west and south regions. Building on massive power transmission sector thus addressed this issue and helped providing power to regions across the country. Thus power transmission in India is in the integrated
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66 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR system planning of power sector and in last one decade this sector has been getting substantial investments to scale up the infrastructure. Now power transmission is considered as important as power generation. India's power transmission sector is mostly controlled by government – both the central and various state governments and various institutions to work in the transmission sector. Till now, with respect to the size of the sector, presence of private sector is negligible though the private sector participation in power transmission is growing gradually with recent policy reforms. In the central sector, the central transmission utility (CTU), known as the Power Grid Corporation of India Ltd (PGCIL), is responsible for national and regional transmission planning while the state sectors have separate State Transmission Utilities (STU). Power transmission was opened up to the private sector in 2010 with the award of the western regional system strengthening to Reliance Infra and the east-north interconnection line to Sterlite Energy. The CERC in 2011 ruled power transmission projects should be awarded through competitive bidding like generation projects. Power Grid was the only company operating in this area till then. The recently amended National Tariff Policy requires projects apart from those of strategic importance, which are to be nominated to Power Grid, be auctioned. Till now, Tala Transmission Project has been the biggest entry of private sector in power transmission though based on publicprivate partnership.
Thedistribution.sectorhas started receiving greater attention and investment with the restructuring of the state electricity boards (SEBs). Several new initiatives have been introduced to reduce aggregate technical and commercial (AT&C) losses along with a definitive regulatory framework. Electricity Act 2003, National Electricity Policy 2005 and National Tariff Policy 2006 are important regulations governing the sector today with an aim to bring competition in the sector and improve the services to the end consumers.
Power distribution system is the last stage of electricity sector value chain as it provides power generated in the power generating plants to the final consumers. The main function of an electrical power distribution system is to provide power to individual consumer premises. Distribution of electric power to different consumers is done with much low voltage level. Power distribution in India has more presence of private sector than the transmission sector. Until some time back, the State Electricity Boards (SEBs) used to handle the distribution segment completely. But in last two decades power distribution in a few regions/ areas, particularly in large cities has been privatized, however the SEBs or the state DISCOMs are still handling a large part of power
India's transmission and distribution (T&D) losses in the power sector are "substantial" and are very high compared to peer nations, flagged the Economic Survey for 2020-21. The T&D losses represent electricity that is generated but does not reach intended customers.
The aim of these programs is to provide access of electricity to all and bring down the AT&C losses to a level of around 15% across the country. The various policies and regulations introduced by the government are set to increase competition and bring about commercial viability. Participation of private players into the Distribution Sector has also been encouraged through various models such as Public Private Participation as in case of Delhi and Orissa and more recently through input based distribution franchisee models in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
Indian government has also made heavy investments in the distribution sector through the Rajiv Gandhi Grameen Vidyutikaran Yojna (RGGVY) (now replaced by Deendayal Upadhyaya Gram Jyoti Yojana (DDUGJY) and Accelerated Power Development and Reforms Programme (APDRP) during the Tenth Plan and has continued to extend the same in the Eleventh Plan as well.
India's T&D losses have been over 20 per cent of generation, which is more than twice the world average. The ideal level of T&D losses ranges between six to eight per cent.

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The observation assumes significance in view of the stressed power sector because of cash strapped discoms which are finding it difficult to make timely payment for electricity supply by generation firms (gencos). India Power Transmission & Distribution market 2021- 2026
India Power Transmission Market Dynamics
Transmission of Electrical Power Systems engineering, in addition to distribution plan evaluation, arranging, and configuration, play an important role in the specialist administration, improvement, and acquisition of complicated power and vitality innovation systems.
In the past, India has been concerned about a shortage of energy transmission despite the fact that it was capable of supplying the requisite amounts of electricity to the country.
As a result, power transmission serves as an important linking and cumulative system in which power distribution and connectivity are formed as per the end user’s requirements, and a particular attention is given in order to achieve the needed step up and step-down requirements at the site.
The backbone transmission system in India consists primarily of a 400 kV AC network and a 765 KV AC network that spans a large area. The current transmission system is being installed in India to suit both firm transmission demands and Open Access Long-termregulations.Access (LTA) provides the necessary transmission system strengthening for future generation increases, while
Transmission lines transport electricity from producing units to demand network load centers. Various lines may have different maximum voltage ratings; for example, one line may be rated at 230 kilovolts, while another may be rated at 765 kilovolts.
In India, electricity is a concurrent issue, which means that both the national and state governments are responsible for its Thedevelopment.centralgeneration utilities include NTPC, NHPC, THDC, NEEPCO, SJVNL, NLC, and so on, whereas the central transmission utility is POWERGRID. At the state level, each state has its own GENCO and Transco.
AC power has the advantage of being easy to convert among voltages and of being able to be generated and utilized by brushless machinery.
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There have been different devices used to induce the requisite power voltage diversion; however, devices utilizing solid state technology are frequently more expensive than their traditional equivalents, therefore AC power continues in popular usage.
Historically, the costs of installing, operating, and maintaining the transmission and distribution system accounted for roughly two-thirds of the total costs of producing and delivering electricity to residential-commercial customers and more than one-third of the total costs of supplying electricity to large industrial Electriccustomers.power is transmitted and distributed from the point of generation to the point of ultimate consumption via the transmission and distribution system. It must have the capacity to fulfil the peak demand of the area it serves while also meeting local energy demand needs.
T&D technologies comprise components used to transfer and distribute power from generating sites to end customers.
The bulk transportation of electrical energy from a producing facility, such as a power station or power plant, to an electrical substation, where voltage is changed and transmitted to consumers or other substations, is referred to as electrical power transmission.
The interconnecting lines that allow the transportation of electrical energy are known as a transmission network, and they together comprise an electrical power transmission system, or the power grid as it is more frequently called. This step of main transmission entails the transfer of a considerable amount of Undergrounddata.cables are also employed in some nations when transmission takes place over a lesser distance.
The main reason for the absence was the lack of a sufficient degree of development plan being placed into effect for electric power transmission. Most refrigerators, air conditioners, pumps, and industrial gear in the country now utilise AC power, but most computers and digital devices use DC power.

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It has been actively involved in increasing renewable energy compliance and improving integrated grid connection throughout the country EM
The Indian private sector has been the primary and new brand-marking participant in the Indian electrical power transmission business, since they have been able to bring the essential levels of technological advancements alongside the functioning public sectors.
Short-Term Open Access (STOA) enables enhanced real-time trading in power by exploiting the inherent margins allowed for required redundancies as per planning requirements.
Recent India Power Transmisssion Market Technological Trends
Compact towers, such as delta configurations and narrow-based towers, are utilised in particular regions to limit the space consumed by the tower base. In order to achieve this goal, a 765kV tower with a delta configuration was designed and erected, lowering the Rightof-Way demand of 765kV lines from 85m to 64m (approximately 33% less), resulting in forest and ecological conservation.
India Power Transmission Market Competitive Landscape
Private players have been involved in the development of different transmission lines around the nation on a largescale occupancy basis, working with public players.
The Power Transmission & Distribution (PT&D) business vertical of L&T is a strong player in both domestic and international markets, offering integrated solutions and end-to-end services ranging from design, manufacture, supply, and construction to commissioning in the field of overhead high – voltage transmission, substations, and distribution projects, including railway electricity and construction supply of electricity.
To address environmental and other capacitance concerns, high-capacity transmission corridors consisting of 765kV AC and 800kV 6000 MW HVDC systems, as well as 400kV AC and 500kV/600kV 2500Mw/6000MW, have been planned to facilitate power transfer from remotely located generation complexes to bulk load centres. This will also help to increase the National Grid’s capacity.
The maximum temperature limit of Aluminium Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR) conductors is around 100°C, and it may not be able to exceed this limit because galvanic corrosion of the wire would be tampering, and secondly, there may be creep in the conductor. In certain cases, however, we can utilize high temperature endurance conductors, such as Invar, which can resist temperatures of up to 230°C. This has greatly aided transmission lines around the country in recent days.
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The future of transmitting power in the country is critical, as it has been through a large-scale deployment in the power transmission lines, as well as a prospective upgrade in the conveyance used for transferring electric power from transmission Powerstagnations.companies have constructed and developed multi-circuit towers (4 circuits on one tower with twin conductors) in-house, which are used in many transmission networks that travel through forested and RoW-congested areas. This essentially decreased the ROW in half, resulting in less tree chopping and less environmental damage. Typically, for 400 kV Multi circuit lines, four(4) conductors per phase have been widely used in place of standard twins to enhance the power carrying capacity to two times through an increase in current. This approach has enormous promise in urban/city sub-transmission systems.
It recently implemented an automatic power factor adjustment system, which assisted in raising the power factor of the auxiliary supply system from 0.76 to unity.
ATL presently has over 17,200 km of transmission system and over 30,000 MVA of power transformation equipment in its portfolio.
The development of HSIL technology is gaining traction in order to boost the load capacity of lines. Surge impedance can be minimised by properly spacing the bundle conductor.
India is both the world’s third-largest producer and user of electricity. The national electric system in India has an installed capacity of 370.106 GW, with renewable power facilities, including big hydropower dams, constituting a Adaniconglomerate.Transmission is one of the major power transmission firms in the private sector, contributing to the sector’s progress and technical innovation.
ATL owns and operates high voltage AC transmission lines and substations with voltage levels of 132kV, 220kV, 400kV, and 765kV, as well as high voltage DC transmission lines and substations with voltage levels of +/- 500kV.

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The ratio of the actual power flowing to the load to the perceived power in the circuit is known as power factor.
Power factor correction designers now face a new challenge as a result of the emergence of contemporary loads with uncontrolled rectifiers, often known as non-linear loads (such as variable speed drives, uninterruptible power supplies, LED lights, computer power supplies, etc.). These devices extract harmonic currents from the supply, and if they are strong enough, they can change the waveforms of both the site current and voltage. These gadgets occasionally even display as leading kVAr. "Distortion power factor" refers to the kind of power factor that these loads produce. Any quantity of capacitance won't be able to fix the power factor distortion. The voltage waveform must be "reshaped" using an external device, such as an Active Harmonic Filter, to return to sinusoidal. Now, loads producing distortion power factor are commonplace. Just consider the electrical appliances.
Importance And Benefits correctionfactorpower
To keep the power factor in the proper range, power factor correction (PFC) devices are added at the main power input.
Essentially, it is the proportion of the Amps supplied by a utility or other source that your electrical system uses to perform work. Displacement is one of the causes of poor power factor corrections this happens when the voltage and current waves in a circuit are out of phase, which is typically brought on by the presence of reactive components like inductors or capacitors. Another cause of poor power factor corrections is Distortion, which is defined as the modification of a wave's initial shape, is typically brought on by nonlinear circuits like rectifiers. Due to the high harmonic content of these nonlinear waves, the grid's voltage is distorted.
At its most basic level, a PFC device is a stepped capacitor bank that will turn on the capacitors in response to the power factor in order to try and maintain a desired power factor during operation and reduce inefficiencies. This is done by rerouting reactive amps in resonance with the capacitor and the motor, which prevents them from flowing in the electrical wires and realigns the current and voltage phases. Reactive and harmonic amps are completely eliminated via power factor adjustment.

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Harmonic Currents are attracted to capacitors because of their low impedance, harmonic currents are high frequency currents that are based on multiples of the 50 Hz fundamental (for instance, the 5th harmonic is 250 Hz and the seventh harmonic is 350 Hz). These additional currents have the potential to overflow the capacitor and heat it up. The overload gets worse as the harmonic current level rises.
Blocking chokes are a common feature of conventional capacitor-based power factor units. These chokes are made with the intention of blocking one or two harmonic currents
Need for Power Factor Correction
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While there isn't a set standard for the power factor of commercial or industrial buildings that are connected to the grid in the US, certain utilities do make a minimum power factor a prerequisite for operation. Utilities may penalise or credit larger commercial and industrial customers in an effort to exert some control over system disturbances that could result in outages. Fortunately, there are tools available to rectify power factor.
Use of Capacitors As A Power Factor Has Its Weaknesses
Since StaticVar generators are inverter-based, harmonic currents have no effect on them at all. In fact, a single unit of technology from Sinexcel can be utilized to attenuate both harmonic and power factor currents.
Power Factor Standards
A series of circuits make up an AC/DC power supply, which converts an input AC voltage into a steady DC voltage at the output. The rectifier, which converts the AC power into a DC voltage, is the most crucial component of these circuits, but it is not sufficient to guarantee proper operation. Isolation, power factor correction (PFC), and voltage reduction are necessary for an AC/DC power supply to be effective and secure. Each of these components, which to some extent are integrated into all switching power supplies, safeguards the user, the grid, and any connected devices.
For big inductive motors, utilities have long established power factor performance requirements, and since it is their responsibility to supply extra current to fulfil the demand of inefficient systems, they can typically charge industrial customers for reactive power consumption. Despite the fact that utilities only charge residential users for actual energy used, they still need to inject power to the system to compensate for out-of-phase losses, and losses from a low power factor can quickly mount up.
Compared to basic capacitors, modern PFC solutions offer considerably more. There are bridgeless PFC methods that take into account power losses brought on by the front-end diode bridge. Other PFCs use interleaving operation, which replaces one converter with two or more paralleled converters that operate independently of one another. Less filtering is needed because the ripple current is cancelled as a PFCresult.elements aren't particularly complicated—they generally consist of an inductor, power switch, diode, and capacitor— but there are many different sorts of parts in this design that can help enhance power efficiency for particular applications. Your PFC may be affected by paying close attention to the inductor materials and keeping in mind the appropriate winding size for a certain inductor. The PFC diode is essential since it operates with a sizable current. This issue can be reduced by using ultrafast diodes as well as soft-recovery diodes. The alternatives for switch component selection have evolved as a result of recent developments in MOSFET technology. Switching losses will be reduced using low capacitance MOSFETs.
For many years, lagging (displacement power factor) has been successfully fixed by adding leading kVARs to an electrical system. However, the number of fires and failures of power factor correction capacitors has increased exponentially with the introduction of non-linear load types. Because of this, power factor management has had to be completely rethought, leading to the development of inverter-based power factor controllers like the StaticVar generator, or SVG.

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The cost of electricity will go down.
Keep Power Factor Penalties Away: Induction motors are widely employed in industrial processing buildings. All of these induction motors naturally reduce the facility's power factor. Due to lower power factor, many electrical companies impose a power factor penalty. The method of power factor adjustment is crucial and helpful in overcoming the decline in power factor. By adding a capacitor bank, the power factor penalty can be removed from the bill.
Enhanced Capabilities for Carrying More Load: Reactive power is required by every piece of machinery or equipment that uses it. By placing the power factor correction capacitors close to the inductive loads, each circuit's current consumption can be lowered. The decrease in current caused by the power factor correction enables the circuits to support additional loads. By using this method, network upgrade costs are avoided. Additionally, it saves any organisation millions of dollars by avoiding needless upgrade expenses when network distribution is necessary. Additionally, when less current flows through the circuit, there are less chances of current losses caused by resistance.
To ensure reliable operation, a capacitor with an appropriate voltage rating must be chosen.
Low power factor is mostly caused by inductive loads. Enormous industrial applications have large inductive loads; these loads demand both active power from the power grid (KW) and reactive power (KVAR) to maintain a magnetic field for proper functioning. The power factor decreases as reactive power increases. A low power factor indicates significant energy loss. A power factor of 0.7 indicates that
Causes of Low Power Factor and Its Drawbacks
76 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR (normally the fifth and the seventh). While the fifth and seventh harmonic currents from a non-linear load are blocked, other harmonic currents can be absorbed by the capacitors since harmonic currents from non-linear loads exist at infinite frequencies. The blocking choke's output voltage can be up to 10% greater than its input voltage, which is another aspect of power factor system design that is frequently disregarded.
Benefits of Power Factor Correction
Improved Voltage: Current flows through a given load more vigorously the lower the power factor. The voltage drop in the wires also rises as the line current does. Equipment using that current receives reduced voltage as a result of the voltage drop. The power factor correction can be used to quickly remedy this issue. The voltage fall in the circuit is lessened and the voltage for the equipment is improved after utilising the power factor correction.
The biggest no-no in any system is resonance. System resonance can happen when inductance and capacitance are equivalent at a particular frequency. This frequently leads to the system being exposed to excessively high voltages.
Lower Demand Charges: As is common knowledge, many electricity providers charge more for the highest metered use. The greatest recorded demand in kilowatts or occasionally in % of the highest registered demand in kilovolt ampere is used to determine the maximum metered demand. The proportion of the measured KVA increases significantly more than the KW demand in cases of poor power factor. In these situations, lowering the charge will result from increasing the power factor utilising the power factor adjustment approach.
Because you just need to analyse at 50Hz with linear loads, resonance is simple to design out. Due to the high voltages that are introduced to the entire network when non-linear loads and harmonic currents are present, system resonance can happen at a number of different frequencies and have disastrous Overheatingeffects.can have potentially hazardous effects on capacitors, especially new self-healing capacitors. Overheating can be caused by overload or by inadequate ventilation; in either case, it shortens the service life of the capacitor quickly and leads to failure. Even "runaway" failure, which occurs virtually instantaneously, is possible. Capacitors are highly vulnerable to over voltage incidents damaging them. When capacitors are switched in and out with contactors as power factor requirements change, which happens when they are only partially charged, large voltage transients occur at the capacitor terminal. Overvoltage is frequently mistakenly thought of as a transient that originates from the supply.


How can the power factor be increased?
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A fixed capacitor can be a useful option for you if you have one or more separate loads that need power factor correction.
Power factor correction capacitors are used to supply reactive power to inductive loads in order to boost power factor and boost power utilisation effectiveness. There are two types of power factor correcting capacitors: fixed and automated. The fixed capacitors are typically linked to specific loads to supply the load with the necessary amount of reactive power to raise its power factor. The automatic capacitors, sometimes referred to as switched capacitors, are connected in parallel with the incoming power source while the utility power factor value, or the quantity of reactive power, dictates when they should be turned on and off. A microprocessor controller is in charge of controlling them.
your business or industry uses 70% of the total power supplied, while the remaining 30% is lost in circuits and networks. Reactive power is the energy that is squandered. When your power factor is low, you are squandering a lot of energy. When your organisation or industry uses just 70% of the total power supplied, 30% is lost in circuits and networks, according to a power factor of 0.7. Reactive power is power that is not being used.
Adding capacitors in parallel with the load to the electrical system is the simplest technique to increase pf. Correction capacitors generate reactive power for a motor by acting as producers of reactive current. In other words, because the effects of capacitance are the exact reverse of those of motor inductance, capacitors increase power fator. A capacitor bank is a collection of capacitors that are used to increase pf and is linked in parallel with the load.
With linear loads, using capacitor banks is cost-effective.
While a huge industrial structure with several loads that change constantly would result in a fluctuating power factor, an automated capacitor bank would be preferable to fixed capacitors in this scenario.
Since loads are no longer linear and are used in a wider range, various methods other than capacitor banks must be used to increase power factor.

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articleguest Establised in 1977, Klite offers a vast collection of high quality Architectural luminaires and poles to suit variety of applications and design styles. With manufacturing units in Bhopal and Chennai, Klite places a lot of emphasis on designing and manufacturing sustainable and efficient LED luminaires. Our landscape products are exposed to environmental factors i.e Wind / Water / Direct Sunlight / Rain / Dust etc., All our outdoor products have high IP (ingress protection) / IK ratings. We ensure that our products are highly robust paired with elegant aesthetics. Making it well suited for landscape / outdoor applications. OUR LANDSCAPE RANGE INCLUDES : Linear Wall Washer, Up-Down Lighters, LED Strips/Neon flex, Promenade Lighting, Bollards, Under Water Lighting, Post top luminaires, Bulk Heads, Path finders, IP67 Linear Profiles, Polar lighting and newly added series of Facade Lighting. K-LITE INDUSTRIES D-10, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai – 600058 Tel : 044-26257710, 48581950 Mobile : 95000 79797, 95000 85511 E-mail : info@klite.in Website : www.klite.in AuguSt 2022 ||electrical Mir orr

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 81 AT A GLANCE : • Engineered solutions for electrical explosion protection • Standardized solutions for electrical explosion protection • Modular enclosure series • Remote I/O solutions • Explosion protection solutions for process automation • Ex e and Ex i enclosures Standardized and Engineered Remote I/O Solutions for Hazardous Areas in Zones 1/21 and 2/22
In-Depth Knowledge Provides the Basis for Optimal ideal solution is not always easy—but it is possible, provided the right consultation service is used. At the beginning of a project, often the only documentation available is a specification containing requirements and general conditions. This specification then is used to design a solution that fits the customer's needs. At this stage, having project experience is often a key advantage. Those who know the relevant industry well and that have seen and designed many applications are in the best position to evaluate which solution is most suitable for the customer's needs. The experienced product experts from Pepperl+Fuchs know your industry and its applications. The experts use your specifications to define the project requirements and choose a ready-to-connect remote I/O solution that fits perfectly with your application. The result is a remote I/O solution that connects analog and digital communication in process automation. Customers can rely on Pepperl+Fuchs remote I/O systems in its FB series (Zone 1/21) and LB series (Zone 2/22). These are used as a base for integrating field devices with analog interfaces, such as 4 mA ... 20 mA, NAMUR sensors, or solenoid valves, into the digital communication channels of the control system (DCS).
Figure 1: Pepperl+Fuchs remote I/O systems
An Enclosure Series Designed by Pepperl+Fuchs for a Wide Range of Applications
The remote I/O systems are also used to transfer diagnostic and configuration data to other systems, such as system management, enabling full access to the process control system. Customers also benefit from the fact that the system supports process optimizations and allows for maintenance concepts that do not impair process control. Both series were designed for use in the vicinity of sensors in Zone 1 and Zone 2 hazardous areas. The systems have a modular structure, so they can be used for a wide range of applications.
To use remote I/O technology in harsh ambient conditions, a four-component system (backplane, voltage supply, I/O module, and gateway) must be installed in a suitable enclosure. The enclosure should be specifically designed for such applications to ensure that all explosion protection requirements have been met. The space available in the enclosure should also be optimally utilized. In the finished enclosure solutions provided by Pepperl+Fuchs, the modules can be simply plugged into the integrated backplane, allowing the Ex e and Ex i signals to be combined effortlessly and reliably. For these solutions, Pepperl+Fuchs offers two enclosure series that have been specifically developed for use in harsh ambient environments. The highly flexible enclosures in the GR (glass-fiber reinforced plastic) and SR (stainless steel) series are certified for use in increased safety (Ex e) and intrinsic safety (Ex i) types of protection in Zone 1/21 and Zone 2/22 hazardous areas.
Using electrical components in hazardous areas requires solutions that provide reliable protection and all of the relevant certifications. Pepperl+Fuchs has decades of experience in this field, so its remote I/O solutions have been proven to meet the strict requirements. Due to an outstanding level of expertise and high-quality components, both standardized and engineered Pepperl+Fuchs solutions are ready for use quickly and can be integrated into a wide range of applications.
For example, the enclosures have very rugged hinges that do not buckle, even when the heavier covers of the larger enclosure sizes are opened frequently. This ensures that the foamed silicone seal on the cover is always seated in the intended position when the cover is closed, which ensures the long-term integrity of both IP66 degree of protection and explosion protection.
Figure 2: SR enclosure: exploded view Standardized and Engineered Enclosure Solutions
Not every remote I/O solution is designed for just one specific application, and not every solution requires customer-specific engineering. Experience shows that the same framework conditions are often required for a wide range of applications. This is why Pepperl+Fuchs distinguishes between two different types of solution. For applications in which the specification depends on the modules used, the engineers at Pepperl+Fuchs have designed a series of standardized and fully certified packaged solutions. Customers can choose a suitable enclosure from this range, including a backplane, terminals, grounding bar, and cable glands. The size of enclosure the customer opts for then depends on the number of slots required for the modules and any optional redundancy requirements. As no engineering or calibration efforts are required, the solutions are quickly ready for use and are suitable for a variety of applications.
The second type of solution is engineered solutions. In this case, it is important to be involved in customer projects and to take the challenges and requirements of the operating location into account. For this type of enclosure, the Pepperl+Fuchs Solution Engineering Centers (SEC) are on hand to support plant operators and provide solutions tailored to their individual requirements. This approach does not just guarantee that the customer benefits from first-hand expertise and experience. It also significantly reduces the costs of engineering, installation, and configuration on-site.
When developing the GR series, enclosure sizes were specifically designed to meet the requirements described above so that they could be used for remote I/O systems. In addition to the choice of sizes, this enclosure series offers many other useful features.
82 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR
The SR stainless-steel enclosure series also offers many benefits when used as a remote I/O enclosure solution. It boasts a level of modularity that is hard to surpass. This allows customers to work together with sales specialists to design a specific solution using the modular system. For example, the flexible mounting options for hinges and mounting brackets allow the enclosures to be installed either horizontally or vertically. The customer can choose the positioning of the cable glands. The glands can either be placed directly in the individual enclosure sides, or customers can opt for a solution with gland plates that can be equipped as desired. In this case, both sides of the enclosure can be equipped with a gland plate. Optional safety locks and deadbolts can be fitted to provide solutions with access restrictions.
Figure 3: Standardized remote I/O solution in GR enclosure
Pepperl+Fuchs remote I/O systems
Key Electricalwords:components and systems in explosion protection; remote I/O field solutions; electrical explosion protection; Ex e; customized solutions; modular enclosure series; stainless steel enclosure; enclosure solutions
Global Support from Solution Engineering Centers Located
TheWorldwidegreatbenefit of the Pepperl+Fuchs Solution Engineering Centers is their global presence. Located all over the world, the Centers are familiar with local requirements and know the specific needs of the process industry. The services provided are based on in-depth insider knowledge, which allows customers to outsource their responsibilities. As a result, customers receive much more than components for upgrading systems and bridging different generations of technology. They receive a certified turnkey solution that can be seamlessly integrated into the existing process control system, resulting in more control and increased system transparency. Choose remote I/O solutions from FigurePepperl+Fuchs.4:Exampleof an engineered remote I/O solution in an SR stainless-steel enclosure
SR enclosure: exploded view Example standardized remote I/O system solution for Zone 1, in a GR enclosure
AlexanderAuthor: Aust EM articleguest

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| “Let’s Reconnect…AndRebound” IYER NARAYANAN M: +91 99673 53437 E: iyer.narayanan@informa.com JULIAN THOMAS M: +91 99404 59444 E: julian.thomas@informa.com AMITAVA SARKAR M: +91 93792 29397 E: amitava.sarkar@informa.com CONTACT FOR SPACE BOOKING & www.renewableenergyindiaexpo.comPARTNERSHIPHIGHLIGHTSCONFERENCE TRACKS WITH INDUSTRY EXPERTS PRODUCT SHOWCASE BY MARKET TRUSTED BRANDS CEO ROUNDTABLE WITH INDUSTRYCOUNTRYINFLUENCERSPAVILIONS&AWARDS PROFILED BUYER’S FROM C&I SEGMENT EV & INFRASTRUCTUREZONE Country Pavilions GERMAN PAVILION CANADA PAVILION

In the industrial sector, the most important function of lighting is to properly illuminate the workplace. By determining the criteria for selecting the right lighting system, we take into account not only the lighting parameters, the size of the space, access to daylight, the requirements of individual workplaces or the industry. The standards and regulations as well as the recommendations of the International Lighting Commission (CIE) are equally important, defining optimal conditions for lighting rooms depending on the way they are used. Choosing the right lighting system is therefore one of the most important decisions an enterprise owner must take.
the relationship between light intensity and color of light, and the performance of employee is confirmed by the results of scientific research. they show that by increasing the illuminance from 300 to 500 lx in many workplaces, you can achieve an efficiency increase of 8%, and increasing the lighting intensity to 2000 lux increases efficiency by up to 20%. However, the appropriate color of light positively affects the psyche, wellbeing and occupational safety. the article presents the qualities of good lighting for human work.
• Light parameters, i.e. color temperature, Ra color
Introduction The quality of work is very much dependent on the lighting we have. Well-chosen lighting can significantly increase the efficiency of operation, as much as bad lighting can reduce it very much. Over 80 percent of all information reaches the human brain through the eyes. Poor visual conditions are obviously an obstacle to work. They have a negative impact on our well-being, reduce productivity and lead to mistakes and accidents. An employee who sees well and feels comfortable in the room is more motivated, more focused and more effective.
84 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR
The best kind of lighting in the workplace is natural daylight. However, in the vast majority of latitudes, it is virtually never enough to properly illuminate the office. International standards and recommendations clearly determine the required light intensity depending on the workplace. Proper operation in office rooms is based on the selection of optimal lighting, which should be designed in an uncompromising and reasonable manner. Some important issues should be taken into account in the lighting design work, such as the size of the office space, the nature of the work (e.g. sitting at a computer) and the working mode (night or day). It is also very important to determine whether the office space is built on an open plan with a fairly large area, or rather is composed of smaller, intimate rooms with several work stations. Proper lighting at work should be tailored to the purpose of the space and the needs of its users. The lighting of a conference room or a large call center, or even a private office, will look slightly different. Good workplace lighting should properly combine natural light with an artificial one, meeting the requirements for quality and technical parameters, which include:
The quality of work increases, and the number of errors made measurably decreases. The risk of accidents is also reduced.
It is worth remembering and enforcing your rights from the employer, because the employer is obliged to provide proper lighting of the workplace to his employee. How to choose the right light for the workplace?

Particularly important in the choice of lighting are parameters: the value of lighting intensity, color rendering index and color temperature. Only light sources with a high color rendering index ensure good color reproduction and good color contrast. The color rendering index Ra has a maximum value of 100, and it is assumed that the good quality light used in rooms intended for work should have a coefficient on the minimum level Ra> 80, which is defined in EN 12464-1. No standards indicate what exactly should be the value of the right color temperature, which has a direct impact on our mood and the atmosphere prevailing in the illuminated room. Lighting, where hot-light sources are used, can cause drowsiness and relaxation, while those with a cold temperature stimulate the body to work. In order to properly match and determine the color of light, the color temperature measured in Kelvin is used. According to this measure, the following types of colors are distinguished
Operators should have an unlimited field of view, and employees should be aware of approaching vehicles. When designing warehouse lighting, the best solution to its specificity should be used. Consider mounting fixtures in the form of a quick assembly line. This solution allows good lighting of the side parts of the warehouses, improves the visibility of information boards mounted on the walls. Attention should also be paid to the value of the UGR glare evaluation indicator, as well as the Ra color rendering index, because the appearance of a particular object may change, depending on its lighting. Investing in the appropriate design and implementation of lighting in warehouses is important for the safety of people working in it, but also reduces financial losses caused by destruction or damage or even destruction of property.
Table 1. Examples of lighting requirements. No. Type of interior Ra 1 Circulation areas and corridors 100 40 2 Dispatch packing handling areas 300 60 3 Rest rooms 100 80 4 Welding 300 80 5 Rooms for medical attention 500 90 6 Preparation and baking 300 80 7 Bookshelves 200 80 8 Classrooms, tutorial rooms 300 80 9 Customs and passport control desks 500 80 10 Ticket and luggage offices and counters 300 80 11 Reception/cashier desk, porters desk 300 80 12 School canteens 200 80 13 Slab Store 50 20
86 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR rendering index, luminous flux and angle of incidence of light • Electrical parameters, i.e. power, supply voltage, power factor, protection class; • Operational parameters, i.e. IP protection, lifetime, energy efficiency.
Fig.(Fig.1):1.Color temperature of light Typically, daylight is used in the office space (5000-6500 K). This type of light has a positive effect on the mood and degree of concentration. This is particularly important in autumn and winter, when the dark falls earlier and we use artificial light sources for a longer time. The value of light intensity depends primarily on the amount of light emitted by sources such as lighting fixtures. Factors that can limit the value of intensity at workplaces are the type and condition of luminaires, the placement of objects in the place of work, the angle of incidence of luminous flux or soiling of the work surface and air pollution that occurs, for example, in woodwork shop or paint shops. Therefore, already at the time of designing workstations, critical points and factors that may influence the subsequent value of illuminance should be taken into account. Examples of interior lighting requirements (operating light value and color rendering index Ra) are summarized in table 1.
Men spend an average of 90% of his time in enclosed spaces, lit with artificial light. Therefore, it should be checked whether the sources and lighting fittings that we have at home, in the office, as well as those that are installed in schools, universities, offices and wherever we are, produce light that is safe for us. The installed sources and fittings in the facilities in which we are located may not meet the photobiological safety standard EN 62471 [2]. This standard indicates threats to the human eye and skin. These are hazards caused by UV radiation, blue light, infrared radiation, as well as thermal hazards of the skin and the retina of the eye. Caring for the safety of people, lighting designers should take care that the sources and fittings installed by them come from a reliable producer (with a confirmed declaration of conformity).
The influence of light on human safety
Inappropriate lighting, unmatched to the specificity of working conditions, is the most common cause of accidents. Insufficient visibility in the transport industry, in warehouses where, for example, forklifts are moving, it can cause very serious accidents.

FOCUS INDUSTRIES:Battery Management System Battery Storage SystemBattery Manufacturer iOT Devices & Software Raw Material Allied Products & Accessories Electric Vehicles Charging Infrastructure, Equipment & Solutions Auto Components E-CHARGE FORUM COP26 EV RALLY E-MOBILITY AWARDS EV pe CHARCHA CONCURRENT EVENTS Organizers Co-organizer EV INDIA 2022 An Electric Motor Vehicle Show In dia’s Biggest Elec tric Motor Vehicle Sh ow In A ssociation wi th India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, NCR, U.P., India th th07 -09 September, 2022 P resen ts INDIAN EXHIBITION SERVICES 8th Floor, Tower-B Noida One IT Park, B-820, Sushil Marg, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309 Tel: +91-120-2975517, Mob: +91- 8542927429, +91-9560592061, Email: event@ies-india.com, Web : www.ies-india.com, www.evindiaexpo.inDropSponsorDownSponsorLanyard PoleSponsorBuntingSupported by ContributorCorporate BoothRegistrationSponsor ,u ih Vh vkbZ izkoh.;a ijksio`fRr’pProgress through Research R

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Illumination measurement is performed using a luxmeter. The company SONEL S.A. specializes, among others, in the production of devices for measuring illumination. Sonel LXP series luxmeters meet the requirements for matching the spectral sensitivity of the human eye and thanks to the filters used they are characterized by a very small angular alignment error. The product family is divided into three models - Sonel LXP-2 for basic lighting measurements in workplaces, Sonel LXP-10B dedicated to emergency lighting contractors and Sonel LXP-10A meeting class A requirements, for everyone who wants the most accurate lighting measurements. All Sonel LXP series products are designed to work in difficult industrial conditions. Their casing has been made in two-component technology, where the care is durable ABS protecting against the effects of falling, coated with an elastomer, which ensures secure holding of the device in hand. The heart of the device is a measuring probe, which thanks to the technology used allows for long-term use of the device. Each meter is delivered in a transport case with full documentation and calibration certificate, which confirms that the customer receives a tested device that meets all services.andmeasurementscheduleprotocols,measurementperformthatFOTONthereofferdeclarations.manufacturer'sIntheofSONELS.A.isalsothe3softwareallowsyoutoconductaofworkinvoicing
Summary Good quality of light, i.e. reducesconcentration,improvesilluminance,adequateemployeethenumber of mistakes made by them, which provides work safety, quality and efficiency. In addition to the most important function, which is to provide work safety, lighting in the office, can also act as a signpost, for example indicating escape routes, or by dividing a large space into individual zones of different purpose. Furthermore, the light is an ideal decorative element, thanks to which we can easily emphasize the character of the interior, creating a friendly mood and atmosphere.
What to measure the intensity of lighting?

“KUSAM-MECO” has introduced for first time in India a Dual purpose Industrial Infrared Thermometer for Industrial Temperature Measurements and Human Body Temperature measuring function. Infrared Thermometer can be used in places where it is difficult for a normal temperature probe to reach or places where it is dangerous such as Heat Treatment Furnace, High Voltage Operating Plants, Kiln Temperature, Bearing Temperature, Energy Conservation, Research & Development, Air conditioning, Petrochemicals and Non-contact Human Body Temperature measurement. The Measuring distance for Human Body Temperature Measurement is 15cm. The Temperature display is in °C or °F. The instrument gives sound indication when it is ready to show, the temperature. The Distance to spot ratio is 12:1. The temperature range is 0-180°C with fixed emissivity 0.95. For Human body temperature measurement on forehead, temperature range 32°C to 42°C. It has Built-in laser pointer. It is supplied with user manual, 9 Volt Battery and Gift Box .
“KUSAM-MECO” TRMS DIGITAL FORK CLAMPMETER • NEW FORK CLAMP! AC-TRMS-200A! • HIGH SAFETY CAT-III 600V ! • 12mm SLIMMEST CLAMPS TO FIT IN • NARROW SPACES! • Rugged Fire Retarded Housing KUSAM-MECO presents its latest offering of Fork Clampmeter with only 12mm Slim-Probe open jaws for easy slide into tight wiring. It is packed with features not available in competition. Features include 6000 counts display dual sensitivities EF-Detection, 12.5mm ACA FORK Clamp, Backlight LCD Display, fully body, Crest, Max Min, IN-RUSH Currents, (5milli seconds) innovative Beeplit Diode Test, Records Max/ Min reading over time, Automatic APO disable feature, Relative Zero for convenient reading comparison, Data Hold, AC Voltage (LPF), DC Voltage, Capacitance, Resistance, Temperature (Type K-Thermocouple), DCmA for HVAC flame sensors testing, BeepLit Continuity Test. Non-Contact EF-Detection (NCV) with Hi / Lo selectable sensitivities. Direct LPF / ACV & LPF Hz for VFDS (signals upto 600V). MODEL KM 039 MODEL- IRL-180infoproduct

|| august 2022 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| ELECTRICAL MIR ORR 91

92 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR DIGITAL
KUSAM-MECO has recently added a new highly reliable Hotwire Anemometer to its existing range of Hotwire Anemometers. This Anemometer used highly advanced microprocessor for Air Velocity, Airflow, Temperature & Humidity measurements. It displays Air Velocity 0~25m/s and can be converted to km/hr, ft/min, MPH, Knots. The Air velocity measurements has compensation for atmospheric pressure. The Airflow is measured in CMM, CFM range 0~999900 m3/min (ft3/min). The Temperature range is -20°C to 60°C (-4°F ~ 140°F). The Humidity measurement range is 0-100% RH. The sensor is a Telescopic Hotwire probe with cable length 1890mm. The response is very fast (2times/sec). The display of the parameters is in a large LCD with backlight. It also shows MAX/ MIN/Avg function. It has USB interface & Data Hold function. The instrument has a Tilt stand & is supplied with battery, Manual & Carrying case.
secLCD/DMMS.isMultimeter.beforerangesfeatures,KM-869.MultimeternewhasKUSAM-MECO”introducedaDigitalTRMSModelIthasfunctions&neverseeninoneDigitalTrulyittheULTIMATEinIthas50,0005,00,000countslargedisplaywith5/updaterate.Itcan measure fundamental Voltage & frequency of most Variable Frequency Drives. It has CAT IV 1 KV High Safety transient protection. The DMM has unbeatable 100 KHz DC + AC Performance & VFD features. It has high basic accuracy of 0.02% (DCV) and Resolution 1µV DC. It has Auto & manual ranging functions. To provide clear reading of the displayed value in the dark, it has paper white backlight display. It measures Digital Logic Level Duty Cycle %, also measures Digital Logic level frequency upto 1 MHz. The Voltage measurement is upto 1000 V AC/ DC with high impedance, Also it can measure Noisy High Voltage AC Frequencies upto 200 KHz in dual display. It has dB function with 20 selectable reference impedance values. It has PC interface capability with optional purchase of USB Cable with Data recording software. It is protected against improper A-terminal plug in by audible & visible warning. It has 2 channels of Temperature measurements T1 & T2 & also it measures T1-T2. It has Diode Test, Data Hold, Max, Min. Avg. reading function. It can also read Conductance thereby virtually extending the Resistance measurement to the order of Gigaohms (very useful for leakage measurements). It can do continuity tests at very fast speed. For process control industry it displays the process parameter in range 0-100% for 4-20 mA Input. It has high speed Capacitance measurement function upto 25mF. It measures AC & DC Current upto 10 Amps. It has transient protection upto 12 KV (1.2/50µs) Providing excellent protections for those who are safety conscious. It comes with a protective Holster. It has fire retardant case. Optional magnetic hanger is also available.

©2020 FLIR
For many years utility companies have been performing partial discharge (PD) measurements on high-voltage electric equipment. PD is an indicator of insulation deterioration that can lead to equipment failures or even worse a catastrophic incident. With traditional ultrasonic solutions, the systems can be large and cumbersome and the inspection reports usually need to be analyzed by an acoustic engineer Given this, inspections can become less frequent, leaving equipment like motors, generators, switchgear and transformers vulnerable to PD related issues.
Acoustic imaging, or the ability to see ultrasonic sound, has emerged as an effective method utility organizations use to locate the existence of partial discharge (PD). It enables professionals to conduct more warning of impending electrical failure that could lead to downtime of critical systems. The FLIR Si124 industrial acoustic imaging camera senses, displays and records sound waves producing a precise acoustic image. The acoustic image is overlaid, in real time, onto a digital camera image all with an easy-to-use, ergonomic, one-handed camera solution weighing a little more than 2 pounds (980 grams).
US export
The Si124 helps speed up inspections by scanning large areas from a safe Locate Partial Discharge Within a High-Voltage Electrical System Equipment described herein is subject to regulations and may require a license prior to Diversion contrary to US law is prohibited. Systems,
With the FLIR Si124, professionals can safely detect problems from up to discharge, and discharge into air Knowing the type and severity of the discharge allows users to prioritize repairs. Image captures are quickly uploaded over Wi-Fi to the FLIR Acoustic Camera Viewer cloud service for the user to perform further in-depth analysis of the system generated PD patterns. Users can then create reports and easily share them with colleagues. The Si124 enables customers to perform more frequent inspections, For more information about the FLIR Si124 or to schedule a product demonstration, please call us at +91-11-4560 3555 or write to us at irindia@ ir.com.hk WITH
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Imagery for illustration purposes only For more details SCAN NASDAQ: FLIR
Inc. All rights reserved. Rev 0 9/18 / 20 20 10 61 INS A PPLI C ATI ON S POTLI G HT U tilitie s FLIRSi124TM www.teledyne ir.in

94 ||www.electricalmirror.net|||| august 2022 ||ELECTRICAL MIR ORR Altanova India Private Limited....................................... IBC Automation Expo ........................................................... 79 C & S Himoinsa Pvt. Ltd. .............................................. BC Deif India Pvt. Ltd. ....................................................... 55 Elecrama ........................................................................ 91 EV India ........................................................................ 87 FLIR Systems India Pvt. Ltd. ......................................... IFC Gloster Cables Limited .................................................. 21 Harting India Pvt. Ltd. .................................................. 19 H D Wire (P) Ltd. ......................................................... 11 IFSEC Virtual Expo 2022 ............................................... 71 Inter-Tech ....................................................................... 77 Jinko ............................................................................ P-01 Kusam Electrical Industries Ltd. .................................... 17 K-lite Industries ............................................................. 8-9 Mecc Alte India Pvt. Ltd. .............................................. 15 Next Gen Equipments Pvt. Ltd. ..................................... 95 OSH India Expo .............................................................. 85 PEPPERL + FUCHS ...................................................... P-03 Renewable Energy India Expo ...................................... 83 RR Kabel Limited .......................................................... P-05 Sonel Instruments India Pvt. Ltd. ................................. 98 The Smarter E India ..................................................... 73 Transfix India Pvt. Ltd. .................................................. 13 Testo India Pvt. Ltd. ...................................................... 89 Vishay Components India Pvt. Ltd. ............................... 23 Wire India Expo 2022 ................................................... 97 electrical Mirror Follow us on: www.electricalmirror.net

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India Expo Centre, Greater Noida EV India 2021 Expo is an International Electric Motor Vehicle Show will provides the opportunity and platform to electric vehicle manufacturers to showcase their latest Products , technology and equipment ,Smart and NextGen transport ,electric passengers cars , scooter , motorcycle , cycles , buses etc to meet and network with the trade industry as well as end users with the main aim to find out new business and protection of the environment .
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1st-3rd December 2022 Pragati Maidan, New https://www.ifsec.events/india/Delhi
This 3-day event in New Delhi, India provides pathways for power sector companies to transition their businesses by increasing their understanding of changing trends, strategies and technologies, while connecting buyers and sellers and is the leading force in delivering a platform for the power industry to meet and share information on the challenges facing the market and discuss solutions for advancing India's energy future.
23-25 Nov 2022 Mumbai, India Wire India aims in bringing the economic development of India to higher summit and its objective has increased the importance of the show in all over the world. The participants are availed with incredible business opportunities which aid the exhibitors to establish their brand and advertise it to the worldwide market. Advanced range of products are demonstrated which has pulled the attention and investment of the foreign delegates as well.
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IED Communications Ltd is not only the owner of Industrial Automation monthly, but is also the organiser of India’s biggest and Asia’s 2nd largest exhibition for the automation industry – Automation Expo (www.automationindiaexpo.com). Together with the magazine, the organisation has been in the business of promoting the automation industry in India for over nearly 4 decades now and has played a pivotal role in the evolution of the industry in India, first through the Industrial Automation magazine and later the exhibition.www.wire-india.com
Intersolar is the world’s leading exhibition & conference series for the solar industry. As part of this event series, Intersolar India in Gujarat is India’s most pioneering exhibition and conference for India’s solar industry. It takes place annually and has a focus on the areas of photovoltaics, PV production and solar thermal technologies. Since 2019, Intersolar India is held under the umbrella of The smarter E India – India’s innovation hub for the new energy world.
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Elektrotec 2022 is one of the largest Electrical and Industrial Electronics sector trade event in India. The show registers high overall visitor figures and facilitates smooth exchange of relevant business information among the Withparticipants.wideglobal participation, it is an ideal platform to launch new products, invite enquiries and generate potential leads across the globe.
https://www.oshindia.com/mumbai/ 24-25 Nov 2022 BOMBAY EXHIBITION CENTRE, GOREGAON(E)
The Smart Cities India expo is a reflection of India’s emerging modernization and development landscape. The expo is the ultimate platform to accelerate nation building, open key discourses on the growth of India’s digital economy and enable entrepreneurship as a driving force for socio-economic development. The event attracts a large turnout of qualified visitors & delegates from government departments as well as private organisations.

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